June 22, 2014


June 22, 2014
695 Smithson Avenue
Lawrence Park, Erie,
Pennsylvania 16511
Phone: 814-899-3000
Fax: 814-899-5212
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday
8:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m.
Sunday Eucharistic
Liturgy Schedule:
Sat. Evening: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning:
8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m.
Weekday Eucharistic
Liturgy Schedule:
7:30 a.m. in Our Lady’s Chapel
(Ward Center)
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Every Saturday beginning at 4:00 pm.
By appointment (call rectory)
Nursery: During 10:30 a.m. Sunday Liturgy
in the nursery off of Hilbert Hall.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word:
During 10:30 a.m. Sunday Liturgy 4 year olds
through 2nd graders.
Open to the Holy Spirit, we, the parish family of St.
Mark, are a sacramental community with the Eucharist
at our center. We exist to love God and one another, to
grow in our personal relationships in our Lord, and to
share our enthusiasm for our faith with our community.
We support one another, reach out to all, spread the
Gospel, and practice our faith in our daily lives.
JUNE 22, 2014
To contact us:
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Daniel Arnold, ext. 11
Senior Deacon: Frederick Weaver
Deacon Assistant: James Kaschalk
Director of Parish Operations: Pat Marshall, ext. 12
Maintenance: Kathy Crotty, ext.15
Music Director: Maripat Grant, ext. 14
Religious Ed. Facilitator, K-5: Geri Hadlock, ext. 17
Religious Ed. Coordinator, 6-12: Pat Marshall, ext.12
Youth Minister: Geri Hadlock, ext. 17
St. Mark Prayerline: Judy (899-1744) or Joyce (899-7900)
Bereavement Committee: Judy Stanczak (899-1744)
Wedding Committee: Kathy Spiegel (866-7263)
Eat Alone Dinner: Sandy Jordan (899-0984)
Emmaus Ministries: Kathy Spiegel (866-7263)
1st Friday Cakes: Dolly Cagnoli (899-5390)
3rd Wednesday Meat: Mary Beveridge (899-0792)
Finance Council: Gary Miller
Knights of Columbus: Jim Smith (899-3581)
Legion of Mary: Barbara Gainer (899-7296)
Liturgy Committee: Evy Seyboldt (899-8460)
Pastoral Council: Joe Newara (899-8106)
PAL: Judy Brieger (899-8545)
Baptisms: It is the custom at St. Mark to celebrate the Sacrament of
Baptism with the parish community at any of the weekend liturgies.
Parents are requested to attend a class prior to the baby’s baptism.
Godparents are encouraged to attend. Please contact the office to
make arrangements.
Marriages: Diocesan Common Policy requests six months advance
notification of the priest and attendance at Pre-Cana Instructions or
Engagement Encounter. Please contact the rectory to make
Anointing of the Sick: Anytime. A person need not be dying, but
simply sick from a serious illness or even weak due to old age.
Those wishing to be anointed, please contact the rectory.
Communion to the Sick: For visits and/or Communion calls to the sick,
shut-ins and those confined to hospitals, please notify the rectory.
Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday afternoon
Parish Membership: Please fill out the form on the back of the bulletin
and we will mail you a registration form. All those who are out of
high school should register individually. Parish membership is
required to be a sponsor for Baptism.
TUESDAYS AT 10 AM & 7:30 PM
There are still opportunities to form new groups on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
If interested please contact Kathy Spiegel at 866-7263
For information about a particular group contact:
Sunday (after 8 am Mass) Sandy Jordan 899-0984
Monday (7 pm) - Joe Kohler 897-9502
Tuesday (10 am) - Judy Stanczak 899-1744
(7:30 pm) - Greg & Ann Badach 899-5698
Thursday (7 pm) - Geri Hadlock 323-4188
Readings for the week
June 23-29
Mon. 2 Kings 17:5-8; Matthew 7:1-5
Tues. Isaiah49:1-6; Acts of the Apostles 13:22-26; Luke 1:57-66,80
Wed. 2 Kings 22:8-13; Matthew 7:15-20
Thurs. 2 Kings 24:8-17; Matthew 7:21-29
Deuteronomy 7:6-11; 1 John 4:7-16; Matthew 11:25-30
Lamentations 2:2,10-14,18-19; Luke 2:41-51
Sun. Acts of the Apostles 12:1-11; 2 Timothy 4:6-8,17-18; Matthew 16:13-19
Family Perspective
Parenting is a Eucharistic activity because from the first
moment of conception children receive life from us. If we
don’t sacrifice ourselves, our children would not have life.
This is the paschal mystery of parenting. Christ is present in
each self-sacrifice.
June 23 - 29
June 24 Legion of Mary 8:15 am
SCC 7:30 pm
June 26 Eat Alone Dinner
FA - Hilbert Hall
June 28 Cursillo Secretariat 9 am - 2 pm Rooms 1 & 2
2nd Collection - Peter’s Pence
Our Sanctuary Light burns this week
In Loving memory of
husband, Joe
Our prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of Rose Ann
Bartlett who has died. May Rose Ann rest in God’s eternal peace.
Thought for the week…
Unless in the first waking moments of the day you learn to fling the
door wide back and let God in, you will work on the wrong level all
day; but swing the door wide open and pray to your Father in secret,
and every public thing will be stamped with the presence of God.
- Oswald Chambers
2014 Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebrations
Couples celebrating 25, 50, 60 or 60+ years of marriage in 2014 are invited to
attend the annual diocesan Anniversary Celebrations this summer. During the
liturgy couples will affirm their wedding vows and receive a scroll signed by
Bishop Persico. This year, the Anniversary Celebrations will be held in two
locations in the Erie Diocese:
Sunday, August 3, 2014, Our Lady of Peace Church, Erie at 1:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 10, 2014, St. Boniface Church, Kersey at 2:00 p.m.
*please note differences in times and locations*
Reservations are required to attend the event, or to only receive a scroll.
Reservation forms are available at the Parish Office.
Reservation Deadlines: Our Lady of Peace, Erie: *July 25th
St. Boniface, Kersey: *July 30th
*reservations received after these dates may not have their names printed in the program.
WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP – June 14/15, 2014
Offertory collection:
Budget Needs:
Last week: 411 envelopes issued 117 envelopes returned
995 parishioners
292 attended Mass
Thank you to all who give of their time, talent, and treasure
to St. Mark’s.
Liturgies for
the weekend
for theofweekend
June 28/29
of May
18/19 (Solemnity
of St. Peterofand
Time of
5:00 p.m. Joseph & Mary Raycher
June 28
John & Agnes Krisch
8:00 a.m.
Fran Krahe
June 29
10:30 a.m.
June 29
Altar Servers
Kim Kalie
Lizzie Hohman
Edie Testa
Jeff Badach
Cheryl LaBoda
Joe Kohler
Jeremy Grant
Mark DiVecchio
Barbara Gainer
Carol Gilmore
Dorothy Pamula
Michael Jaskiewicz
Jaskiewicz Marycatherine Kathy Thornton
Frank Wargo
Quincy Bidwell
Kori Curtis
Altar Aide: Kathy Lewis
MASS INTENTIONS: (Daily Masses are in Our Lady’s Chapel - Ward Center)
Mon. June 23 Weekday
7:30 a.m. Barby Brunner - Marge Bleil
Tues. June 24 Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
7:30 a.m. Oliver Finn - Jean Kidder
Wed. June 25 Weekday
7:30 a.m. Melanie Krahe Richter - Mark & Melinda Krahe
Thurs. June 26 Weekday
7:30 a.m. MaryAnn Hammers Wegener (BIRTH ANNIVERSARY) - Margie Hammers
June 27 Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
7:30 a.m. Charles Stanczak - Judy & Sons
June 9, 2014
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
We will take up the annual Peter’s Pence Collection in our parishes
on the weekend of June 28-29, 2014. That weekend the Church will
celebrate the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, the two Apostles who
shed their blood for Christ in Rome. The Peter’s Pence Collection
supports the charitable works of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, the
successor of St. Peter, as he responds to some of the most urgent
needs on earth, including relief to victims of natural disasters such as
earthquakes, floods, and drought. The Holy Father also supports
seminaries and religious houses, orphanages, AIDS treatment centers,
and other medical facilities in developing nations, as well as many
other charitable works.
From the beginning the Church has been there to help the most
needy of our brothers and sisters in the human family. Your prayers
and contributions will allow this important work to continue. Please
be as generous as you can.
Through our support of the Peter’s Pence Collection, all of us here
in the Diocese of Erie are also helping to strengthen the ties that bind
us together as one universal Church family. Please know of my
gratitude for your generosity.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Lawrence T. Persico
The Most Reverend Lawrence T. Persico, JCL
Bishop of Erie
Tom Kennedy
Connie Zinger
C Paul Zinger
Need 1 Volunteer
John &
C Jim Mullen
Gary R. Smith
Bob Titko
James D. Smith
Judi Krahe
C Jim Crotty
Tim Gunter
Walt LaPrice
Ed Peszel
Jeff Pierce
Jack Renshaw
Happy Birthday
June 23: Matthew Noonan, Adam Renshaw
June 24: Shirley Amendola, Timothy Burke, Noah Siverd,
Cameron Williamson
June 25: Eli Turner, Diane Voelker
June 26: Quincy Bidwell, Mary Holmes, Melanie Knight,
Kristin Lazzara, Devon O’Hern, Denise Zemanek
June 27: Debbie Miller, David Noonan, Craig Powers, Jacob Steen
June 28: Jaxon Abele, Cheryl LaBoda, Greg Luce
June 29: Linda Etter, Ely Main, Sarah Ragen
Happy Anniversary
June 24: Vincent & Lisa Blacksten, Rich & Terri Michael
June 26: Ed & Janet Krugger
June 27: John & Marion Armstrong, Tony & Gloria Ferritto,
Jim & Linda Kaschalk
June 28: Hal & Char Sheldon
June 29: Robert & Diane Grant, Greg & MaryAnn Osborne,
Fred & Lucille Sitzler
Mark your calendars now:
Sunday, July 13 beginning with 10:30 Mass
at Shades Beach (more info to follow in the coming weeks)
Items are needed for the Picnic Chinese Auction:
Baskets  Items to help create baskets  Gift Cards
 Gift Certificates
Donations may be dropped off in the Parish Office no later than July 7.
To volunteer to help assemble baskets or for any
questions please call:
Annette Hale: 899-5736
Noreen Brown: 899-3057
It is not our worthiness, but Jesus’
faithfulness that makes us worthy to come
to the altar of God. Hopefully you will
recall several times that I said from the
pulpit that sainthood is not our Church’s
declaration that one so recognized was a
perfect person. Saints are not perfect
people. They’re faithful people. The
Church recognizes saints as “those
members of the mystical body of Christ
who have lived and died, whose lives were
notable for holiness and virtues practiced,
and who have been officially declared
saints by the Church through the process
of beatification and canonization.” (The
Catholic Encyclopedia, © 1976) This is a
concept that is beyond society’s grasp
especially in this pluralistic age. Pluralism
is a society’s operative belief (ethos) that
the only absolute is that there are no other
absolutes: all reality is subjective. Faith,
therefore, is reduced to ethics based in
man made law and social convention. This
faith does not lead to the changed heart
that Jesus taught, but only to
righteousness rooted in self.
In a child’s spirituality, morality is limited
to choices that society, especially our
authority figures (parents, teachers, etc.),
defines as good or bad, right or wrong.
Very many people in American society
function at this level. The “authorities,”
those experts whom we allow to influence
us, and to whom we give our allegiance,
are our “moral compass.” These guides,
and their expertise are not “bad” in
themselves, but when there is no objective,
absolute authority, divinity gets crowded
with those we idealize as gods. Is it any
wonder why the first sin, according to our
current culture is getting caught not
practicing what we preach? In our pluralistic
society, the first commandment is love your
In a more mature spirituality, moral life is
not reduced to a matter of ethics. It’s a
matter of faith in the one true God. Our
relationship with God ceases to be simply a
matter of wrong or right doing, it is a matter
of right or wrong being. Justice is a first
virtue in a child’s morality (keep the law and
the law will keep you), but charity is a first
virtue of Christian morality. In the story of
the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32), the
morality of both sons is immature and is
based upon observance of the law as the
factor determining moral behavior. It is the
father in the story who exhibits charity as
the basis of each relationship he has with
his sons. It is only by making the leap of
faith to charity as the basis of our
relationship with the Father that we no
longer evaluate the correctness of our
action. Moral perfection has shifted from
doing to being.
This is liberating for people who see
themselves as members of the Body of
Christ. They find that it is energizing to
discover the face of a loving and merciful
God whose greeting to us is a warm heart
and not a wagging finger. Our moral
struggle is no longer reduced to
observance of a body of laws. Our life is
lived inside the house where love dwells,
where there are many rooms as Jesus
described it (John 14: 2), where
righteousness is received as gift instead of
chore, where everything the Father has is
offered to us (John 17: 10) so we can live
unafraid that everything we have can be
stolen or lost.
Our faithfulness, blended with Jesus’
own faithfulness, makes us worthy to come
to the altar of God where the Body of
Christ is received by the Body of Christ.
Fr. Dan
For Next week’s Readings
Questions for the Week:
Reflecting on the Word:
Because we are part of the Church, we are part of an institution.
When Peter acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah, he said a mouthful.
As institutional people, we have an important task, and that task
Remember that Jesus was in no way the sort of messiah the Jewish
is to point away from the institution toward God. If we’re spending
people had come to expect. He was not a national figure. He was no
all our time pointing to ourselves or to the institution, we run the
military leader. For Peter to say that Jesus was the Messiah, the anointed
deadly risk of seeing the Church as a closed kingdom, a selfone of God, then, was an acknowledgment of the first water. And that’s
sufficient empire. The Church is not for the Church. It’s for the
why Jesus knew that Peter’s recognition had sprung from faith. Peter’s
world. Its mission, ministry, and witness are all for the world. The
profession did more than concede a title to Jesus. It conceded that for
Church is not for being in charge of the world. It’s for pointing out
Peter and for all others, Jesus was the answer to prayer, the culmination of
to the world that it is the Lord who’s in charge here and
hope, the Son of God. Likewise, Jesus’ renaming of Peter did more than
everywhere, today and forever after.
confer a new title on him. It confirmed that the messianic work would
 Who do you say that Jesus is?
continue and that it would continue to be sparked by the power and
 In what ways are we who are baptized also rocks upon
governance of God. The question addressed by Jesus to Peter is
which the Church is built? How do we also bind and loose
addressed to each one of us. As he did with Peter (and Paul), Jesus
on earth and in heaven?
invites us to make a personal response of faith to who he is and who he is
 How well do you think the Church is carrying on the work of
for us. The way we respond makes all the difference in the world, to us
Peter and Paul?
and to all those who come after us.
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ST MARK EVANGELIST MEMBERSHIP FORM - 695 Smithson Ave., Erie, PA 16511 – phone: 899-3000
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