Raise-the-roof_broch.. - The Congregational Church of Plainville


Raise-the-roof_broch.. - The Congregational Church of Plainville
Where We’ve Been
Kelsey Hall
Rear entrance/elevator
ADA bathrooms
Other rooms
Misc construction
Parking lot/driveway
Personal property
Where We Can Go
Sanctuary structural
Sanctuary roof
Sanctuary walls
Sanctuary wall trompe l'oeil
Sanctuary windows
Main furnace
Sanctuary exit door
Community Room
Parlor refurbishment
Parlor/Music Room windows
Admin office air conditioning
Music Room refurbishment
Admin offices refurbishment
Parlor/Music Room air conditioning
Basement Room refurbishment
Basement bathroom refurbishment
Teen Room
Historian Room
Capitol Campaign Members:
Donna Zapatka, Chair
Kelly Perrotti
Lauralee Colella
Mary Fuller
Russ Drachenberg
Matt Simone
Nicole and Steve Guglietta
Marianne Wright
Raegan Armata-Wazorko
Linda Valeri and Claire Bamberg
The Congregational
Church of Plainville
When given a precious family heirloom, people typically
cherish it, preserve it, use or display it with pride, and
hold in their hearts the thought that at some point they
will pass this on to a descendant who they believe will
do the same. That’s how heirlooms become heirlooms.
Our faith ancestors have done so for us. We, and all
those who have inherited both the tradition and the
structure of this beloved house of God, look at its 163
year history of faith and service with pride and gratitude.
It is now our turn to contemplate how best to provide for
the generations that will follow us, such that 163 years
from now, our legacy will be held precious by those to
whom we gift this faith tradition and this structure.
Come, be a part of making history! This historic capital
campaign will provide for structural supports for our
oldest parts of the building; it will allow for an increase in
use of the building for all people – such that the life within
these walls, lived in service to God, will be fruitful – and
multiply! Praise be to God!
C H E R I S H I T, P R E S E R V E I T
Ways to Give
There are a variety of ways to make your gift
for our rAise the roof capital campaign.
Kelsey Hall
1. Cash – paid immediately. If you wish and
are able, giving your “three-year pledge” all
at once at the beginning of our rAise the roof
capital campaign will help us begin various
projects immediately.
Rear entrance/elevator
ADA bathrooms
Other rooms
Misc construction
Parking lot/driveway
Personal property
Capital Campaign Goal
Funds from Other Sources
Planning Your Gift
Since we are asking for a significant contribution from
our members above and beyond their normal giving,
we ask that you fulfill your pledge over a three year
period. Please see the pledge card for further details.
Can you find yourself in one of these levels?
A FUNdrAiser With
The walkways around the church will need
rebuilding once the parking lots have been
Every capitol campaign pledge will be
recognized with an engraved brick on
the walkway.
As an additional fund-raising initiative, we
are offering the opportunity for customized
bricks to be purchased for $250/corporate
or $100/family. You can purchase a brick on
which a designated name will be engraved,
and used in one of our permanent walkways.
You can remember a loved one, honor an
event or person or request this as a part
of a larger gift to our FUNdrAising efforts.
A weekly
gift of
Two Years
Three Years
What We Have Accomplished
2. Cash – pledged and paid over three years.
Pledge payments may be scheduled according
to your needs and placed in the offering plate
or mailed to the church (write: “rAise the roof”
in memo line of check).
3. Electronic Funds Transfer – No computer
or technical skill is needed. Simply fill out
the Electronic Funds Transfer form included
in your rAise the roof capital campaign packet
to set up automatic contributions from your
checking or savings account. Monthly or
quarterly giving options are available.
4. Stock/Securities – You can fulfill all or part
of your Capital Campaign pledge with a gift of
stock. Simply have your broker or adviser
contact David Mangs, 860-677-7720 or
dmangs@mangsfinancial.com to arrange
the transfer of shares as a gift to the Church.
Please alert Donna Zapatka, our Campaign
chair at 860-747-1990 that the gift is coming.
5. Distributions from IRA’s – For individuals
aged 70-1/2 or older at the time of the gift, Capital
Campaign gifts may be made by arranging
tax-free distributions from IRA’s. This opportunity
exists only through December 31, 2013. You
must contact your IRA Plan Administrator and
have the funds transferred directly to the Church
from your IRA. A sample letter requesting a
‘transfer can be obtained in the Church office.
For additional help with IRA transfers, contact the:
Financial Development Ministry Team, United
Church of Christ, Cleveland, (800)846-6822.
Email: giving@ucc.org.