"Freedom for Ferrets"
Transcription "Freedom for Ferrets"
20l0 Calendar "Freedom for Ferrets" Thank you for supporting our efforts to legalize ferrets in California! © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 january 20 l0 facts about ferrets • # l The Massachusetts Colonial Navy, originally organized on December 29, 1775, was reactivated in 1967 and in 1986 proclaimed the ferret its official mascot. S U N DAY T U E S D AY M O N DAY W ED N E S DAY Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY I had my three ferrets– Snowball, Houdini and Bandit– for about 10 months when I accepted an internship in California that I couldn't pass up. I was heartbroken to leave my babies in Michigan. Thankfully, my mom is taking care of them. In Michigan, they can go outside without the fear of being reported or confiscated. I miss them so much. I consider moving back home so that I can have them once again. – Matt J. FRI DAY 1 S AT U R D AY 2 New Year’s Day 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 FIRST QUARTER 26 27 28 29 30 FULL MOON LAST QUARTER 8 9 NEW MOON 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Observed) 24/ 31 25 © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 february 20 l0 facts about ferrets • # 2 During the early 1900s, the town of New London, Ohio, was known as Ferretville because of the many large scale ferret breeders located there. S U N DAY T U E S D AY M O N DAY 1 2 W ED N E S DAY Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY FRI DAY 3 4 5 10 11 12 LAST QUARTER S AT U R D AY 6 Groundhog Day 7 8 9 13 NEW MOON Lincoln's Birthday 14 15 Valentine's Day Presidents' Day 21 22 FIRST QUARTER 16 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 Ash Wednesday 23 24 Washington's Birthday 28 FULL MOON Keeping your ferrets out of sight may not be enough to keep them safe in California. A thief burglarized my friend’s home. One of her ferrets got out. A neighbor returned the ferret but called the police because her front door was kicked in. My friend came home to find law enforcement officers taking her ferrets. She had her belongings stolen and property damaged, but the police called her a “criminal” because she had ferrets. – Beverly J. © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 march 20l0 facts about ferrets • # 3 If an unsterilized female ferret comes into heat, she will stay in heat indefinitely. During this period, her estrogen levels will remain high and be very toxic to her bone marrow. This can be fatal to her. S U N DAY 7 LAST QUARTER 14 T U E S D AY M O N DAY W ED N E S DAY Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY FRI DAY S AT U R D AY 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 15 NEW MOON Daylight Savings Time Begins St. Patrick's Day 21 22 28 29 Palm Sunday Passover Begins 23 FULL MOON 30 FIRST QUARTER 24 31 First Day of Spring 25 26 27 In 2006 I had to refuse a good job offer in San Rafael because I have two ferrets. I was sad having to make this decision but my ferrets are my joy and responsibility. Now I avoid searching all CA jobs due to the state’s ban on ferrets. – Diego C. (Pisa, Italy) © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 facts about ferrets • # 4 In 1889, First Lady Caroline Harrison used an army of ferrets to eliminate the rat problem in the White House. In the early 1900s, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture issued a farm bulletin advising farmers to use ferrets for rodent extermination in grain storage. S U N DAY april 20 l0 T U E S D AY M O N DAY W ED N E S DAY Originally from CA, I moved to Arizona two years ago. I discovered ferrets and bought two. I was homesick for CA so my boyfriend found a job in CA and we moved back. I was told by people at the pet stores you can’t buy ferrets in CA, but you can bring them here, so we moved them with us. After a dispute, our roommate threatened to turn our ferrets in. – Travie G. 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 LAST QUARTER 7 Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY 1 April Fool's Day FRI DAY 2 S AT U R D AY 3 Good Friday 8 9 10 15 16 17 FIRST QUARTER 22 23 24 FULL MOON 29 30 Easter Sunday NEW MOON © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 may 20 l0 facts about ferrets • # 5 Ferrets are the third most popular pet in the U.S.– behind cats and dogs which flip-flop between the No. 1 and No. 2 spots. S U N DAY T U E S D AY M O N DAY W ED N E S DAY Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY FRI DAY In the 1980’s I lived in an apartment with my two cats and wanted a more interactive animal. A few friends mentioned their ferrets so off I went to Arizona to get a ferret. What I got was the most intelligent, personable and little bit devilish creature ever made – my ferret Chester. It bothered me greatly that ferrets were banned so I sought out what I could do to legalize them. I can’t help but think how different my life would be if my first ferret wasn’t Chester but I would have saved tons on legal costs. – Pat W. 6 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23/ 30 24/ 31 25 26 27 LAST QUARTER NEW MOON S AT U R D AY 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 Mother’s Day Memorial Day FIRST QUARTER FULL MOON © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 june 20l0 facts about ferrets • # 6 Out of control adrenal glands are a common problem with American ferrets. Sex hormones and a hormone called melatonin help control the adrenal gland. Spaying and neutering dramatically alter sex hormones, making a supply of melatonin that much more important. S U N DAY T U E S D AY M O N DAY W ED N E S DAY Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY FRI DAY 1 2 3 4 LAST QUARTER S AT U R D AY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 I live in San Francisco. My girlfriend lives in Japan and has a ferret. I will marry her next January. We want to bring the ferret to California– how is a good way? She and I love the ferret. Therefore, we are terribly worried. – Yuki O. 12 FIRST QUARTER NEW MOON 19 Flag Day 20 21 Father’s Day First Day of Summer 27 28 26 FULL MOON © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 july 20 l0 facts about ferrets • # 7 Until 1985, the California Department of Fish and Game issued permits for neutered male ferrets. Ferrets are legal in 48 states; none of these states required an Environmental Impact Report prior to ferret legalization. S U N DAY T U E S D AY M O N DAY W ED N E S DAY My fiancé and I have nine "babies". The constant fear that they could be confiscated makes me sick to my stomach. We worry that our landlord will find out about them. Anytime someone knocks at the door, we have to make sure that they are well hidden. I see other people take their small pets with them to stores or on errands. IT’S JUST NOT FAIR! – Megan M. 4 LAST QUARTER Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY FRI DAY S AT U R D AY 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 Independence Day 11 NEW MOON 18 FIRST QUARTER 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 FULL MOON 26 27 28 29 30 31 © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 august 20 l0 facts about ferrets • # 8 Ferrets seldom cause allergic reactions. People who are allergic to cats and dogs usually do not have problems with ferrets. According to the Centers for Disease Control, only the guinea pig is a safer pet than ferrets. S U N DAY T U E S D AY M O N DAY FRI DAY S AT U R D AY 5 6 5 10 11 12 13 12 17 18 19 20 19 25 26 27 26 8 9 15 16 22 23 24 29 30 31 FIRST QUARTER T H U R S DAY 4 2 NEW MOON W ED N E S DAY Do it for the little guy! 3 1 LAST QUARTER FULL MOON I live in the Bay Area and love my two ferrets beyond words. I want the world to know how special and intelligent they are– but because of the ban I have to hide them. Let's show CA that ferrets ARE amazing and disprove the negative stereotypes. – Tiffany © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 facts about ferrets • # 9 Eighty percent of the ferrets sold in pet stores in Arizona, Nevada and Oregon are brought to California. The loss of sales tax revenue to the state of California is between $700,000 and $2,700,000 each year. S U N DAY september 20 l0 T U E S D AY M O N DAY I brought my elderly ferret, sick and dehydrated, to an emergency vet clinic. She nipped an inexperienced vet tech and was seized and quarantined in a concrete holding area at the County shelter for 10 days. Due to CA’s ban, plans were made to take her across the border. I was informed I would never see her again. – Jaya D. 5 6 7 Labor Day 12 13 W ED N E S DAY 1 8 LAST QUARTER NEW MOON FRI DAY S AT U R D AY 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 Rosh Hashanah Begins 14 15 FIRST QUARTER Yom Kippur Begins 20 21 22 23 FULL MOON First Day of Autumn 26 Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY Grandparents' Day 19 27 28 29 30 24 25 © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 october 20 l0 facts about ferrets • # l0 There is no good estimate of the number of ferrets in California, but according to the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC), the leading pet trade organization, Californians buy 27% of the nation’s ferret supplies. S U N DAY T U E S D AY M O N DAY W ED N E S DAY Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY While living in Ft. Belvoir, Virginia my husband got orders for Hawaii. Our two ferrets and cat are like our children. Our family lives in California, so it seemed impossible for any of them to take on our three kids. Adopting out or taking them to a shelter was out of the question– we wanted them back once our time in Hawaii was over. My sister and mother agreed to foster the kids. They are happy in their new home but the ban is still a burden, their existence has to be kept secret. – Carol R. 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 NEW MOON FIRST QUARTER FRI DAY S AT U R D AY 1 2 8 9 15 16 Columbus Day (Observed) 17 18 19 20 21 22 24/ 31 25 26 27 28 29 Halloween FULL MOON 23 30 LAST QUARTER © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 facts about ferrets • # l l Ferrets are thought to have been domesticated 2,500 years ago. A recent discovery in southwest Europe uncovered skeletons of ferrets dating back to 1600 B.C. – there were no rabbits then, so they must have used them to control mice. S U N DAY 7 november 20 l0 T U E S D AY M O N DAY W ED N E S DAY 21 FULL MOON 28 LAST QUARTER Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY FRI DAY S AT U R D AY 6 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 Daylight Savings Time Ends 14 NEW MOON FIRST QUARTER Veterans Day 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 Thanksgiving Day 29 30 On our move to Seattle from Nevada with our ferrets, we stopped in L.A. to see friends and family. In Sacramento, six motorcycle cops pulled in behind me and I thought, “We’re going to jail!” but they passed us. I was fearful driving through the state. At the Oregon border we were so relieved– we made it! – Kristina B. © 2009, Jamie L. Koraus – All rights reserved. l2 facts about ferrets • # l2 Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, Lady with an Ermine (1489), in fact depicts a ferret. Europeans of that era preferred white ferrets because of the ease of seeing the white animal in thick undergrowth. S U N DAY december 20l0 T U E S D AY M O N DAY Originally from CA, I came to Oregon for school. Our ferrets are part of our family and it saddens me to not have the freedom to take them home for a visit. I want to find a job in CA and move back but fear for the safety of our precious girls. Leaving them behind would be unthinkable and impossible. – Amanda B. 5 NEW MOON 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 FIRST QUARTER W ED N E S DAY 1 Do it for the little guy! T H U R S DAY FRI DAY 2 3 4 Hanukkah Begins 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 21 FULL MOON Christmas Day First Day of Winter Kwanzaa Begins LAST QUARTER S AT U R D AY 28 29 30 31 New Year's Eve A special thank you to all of our featured ferrets and their owners! january february "Creature" "Fausto" David D. and Nicole S. Stacey W. and Ben M. Pat W. Margot june july august Jamie K. Eglantina G. "Calvin" may "Rooney" "Bear" march "Oliver, Whittles & Benny" april "Daisy" "Uno" Yvonne R. Yvonne R. september october november december Stacey W. and Ben M. Margot Yvonne R. Jamie K. "Creature" "Festus" "Nori" "Whittles" For the past 15 years or so, most years began with a hope, “this could be it, the year ferrets become legal in California.” 2010 is not likely to be the year, but it is the year that California ferret lovers achieved the lofty goal of complying with the Environmental Impact Report as demanded by both the California Fish and Game Commission and Governor Schwarzenegger. We have no fear that if properly done, an EIR will show no environmental impact will occur by legalizing ferrets. Thank you for supporting our efforts. By purchasing this calendar you have helped fund the report. We always have the fear that the report, regardless of how it turns out, will be ignored. We can’t let that happen. Please join the 3000 Club or sign up for CLIFFNotes (email Our grass roots efforts have grown extensively over the past four years. Working together, we can make sure the California ferrets get a fair deal. Pat Wright Founder, 619-303-0645 Calendar Credits:* Jamie L. Koraus– Photographer John R. Hemminger– Technical Director Katie J. Northey– Photographer's Assistant Heidi Ames/Hiho Design– Graphic Design Printed in U.S.A. by Copy Craft Printers ©GK Hart/Vikki Hart/Photodisc/Getty Images. * We would also like to thank all those who contributed the stories and photos for our monthly testimonials. © 2009, All Rights Reserved. What is the 3,000 Club? Back in 2005 when we started we considered a ballot measure to legalize ferrets. To see if we had enough support we decided if enough people agreed to pay $10 and collect 100 signatures when the time came, we’d file the initiative. The idea was not without controversy and the political timing was not in our favor. But the 3000 Club lived on as a tangible way for people to say “count me in.” 2010 Calendar featuring 12 fun ferret facts and personal accounts of how the California ban affects real people and their ferrets. Photography by Jamie L. Koraus. As the EIR nears completion and we have to face the hearings and other scrutinizes we’re going to need to count on a lot of people. Can we count on you? © 2009, All Rights Reserved.
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