“The Truth We Both Know”: Readerly Desire and Heteronarrative in
“The Truth We Both Know”: Readerly Desire and Heteronarrative in
Robin Silbergleid ooThe Truth We Both Know": Readerly Desire and Heteronarrative in The X-Files ln the final moments of "Existence," the Season Eight Ftnale of The fans, the end of the series itself--Mulder and Scully, at long last, shared apassionate kiss. Set in the intimate scene of Scully's bedroom, with a bassinet and mobile tucked in the background and newbom son cradled between them, this kiss confirmed what many fans, known onJine as "shippers," had believed for a long time. Mulder and Scully had sex. Beyond offering new insight into the personal lives of the paranormal protagonists, this scene from "Existence," coupled with earlier images of intimacy (including Mulder touching Scully's pregnant belly and a baby shower held in Scully's living room), is stikingly reminiscent ofscenarios depicted nX-Files fan fiction. What's interesting is the X-Files-and, for many timing. For years, series creator Chris Carter declared that Mulder and Scully would never become romantically involved. For years, the series teased shippers and other fans with near-kisses, undercover mariages, and intimate gestures. And, foryears, fans have been writing stories in which such moments served as evidence ofthe Mulder/Scully romance (MSR). While these early pieces of fan fiction undoubtedly reveal more about the viewers' desires than those ofthe characters-as they clearly go against the grain of Carter's canon-in the wake of Scully's miracu- s{ervr }erl^r susJ leqlll uorlcg q sr anqn) )Dlndod w saryrus epe^lo^ur {llecr}ueuror,,([ncs pue roplnry ees o] errsop I€rntlnc eleurlrEel e8els ol eceds e sepnord fq16 'srs,(1eue ue3: 'ueql 'peldnoc ,(1yncg pue repln14l oes ol errsep snouecrl ro 'A\oqs eq] ut petruessrd ppom eqt uo slcsger ',(urrr c4srmafo,r e ueql eJoI [ sql ul 'pue uouec eqlgo spedse 3u11qno4 6oru oq] JoJ tellno ue sepr,r.o;d ernleJolr1 peseq-ueJ ur smcco ]eq1Surlu,ler eqJ 'sersslueJ ssoql sSlnpur o] sI uo4cg ueJgo esod-rnd f.rel eql ..'serselueg pezqereueS,, se sequcsep uelde; uuy'g lurllvr ol selnqr"r1uoc s,(emye erntlnc r€lndod epq16 'srye1 ,fieuud eqt ol sasuodser ueJ ur se11 sruecuoc esoql eleE4selur o] senuele lseq equo ouo 'suJecuoo puu sgerleq,{,rerodrueluoc slceger pue sedeqs qloq'lc€Jrue leJnllnc e se 'uorsrzroletr leql ldecce eaJI 'sezleuelqord pue spuno.6erog,(11ecr1eus1s,ft uouuc salll-X a2lleql sarSolouqcel elrl -cnporder pue "repue8 lnoqe serlerxtre IeJnllnc eleqo8eu ol ldruege ue qlr,l op 01qcnul s€q eql elrJ^reJ o1 sceds e sB uorlcg ueJ esn o1r(cuep USru -uol eql lseues oql ur le fpee,rlu ,fiopeie4 e,lrlarreue Eulpuelsrepun lro,& Jeprsuoc o] ]uea I teqler ieu6 uoseag Iepou e sJeJJo Suppm ueg JoJ ecurs,treurEelur IeJnInc ^\or.I salt*X aTL peruerr.o8 o^Bq leql uopcnpordergo se8eurt eq] ecer1 olJouuoqcg ueJJo uo4cuqs luroos-oqcfsd eqlgo uorleE -pso^u qEnoroqte eprrro"rd olreqlreu sr srsfleue sIIUo esodmdeql ' el€qep Iernllnc Jo sncol prre-le1rl e sB uopcg rreJgo ecuecgn6ls eq1 serocsrepun,(1ue1 -perepueE -[urs sTql'qnsere sV 'ser]rTrqrssod eura4xe sIJo lepuelod erusJelqns eql tn€luoc olrepro ur uoqecrlsotuopyo set3ep4s eruus oql ezrlrqotu olue8eq Jleslr .uoqs eql'uru uorsrlelel uoseas-euru slrJo pue eql peJeou saqi-X aqJ se 'puy 'sel3olouqcol elrlcnporder puu'dlqenxesoreleq tepueE 3ur -punorms serlerxue-uoeJcs uo pesserddns,(pusnbeg 1er( lusse;d,(11us1 \ seq uopcg uBJJo uc.4s luecgnfrs -srsuoc se4erxuu qy,Lr e1dde6 o] e tyluegodurl eJoI pe{ro I ,ftrrre pessed,(l1uecer peq oqa ueJ uuel-8uo1 u rege 'uosu:e11ey,(e11ue8y telceJeqc e eureu ol se JBJ os 1ue,r 66ouolv,, epos -tdo uosess qlq8re eql'peoput iss4rzrrlcu pu€ slsoJelul u€J ol sseuelrluel -1e Surseercur s6ueeurrll uel ,tueduoc uo4cnpord o1 slurod,(1ue1gu1s stry '1e,rs1 euo ug 'sffilu ,(epuns uo sueoJcs uorsrlolel mo uo peueddeq pq,^A sruedde uorlcg ueJ U9141 .,bueu8erd snol lcrpe4uoc uuql reqler prperd o1 prelSreqlrg 6g Desire and Heteronarrative in The X-Files 57 does this desire respond to the issues presented in the series itself? Like Henry Jenkins, whose kxtual Poachers offers a foundational discussion of fan culture and fan art, I come at this project as both a critic and a fan. Because fan fiction is so fast-growing and wide-ranging-to date there are over 30,000 stories archived at The Gossamer Project, an online archive devoted exclusively to X-Files fiction-my discussion is necessarily limited and speculative. Given the undeniable emphasis on the heterosexual romance plot--or heteronarrative-that emerges in "Existence," however, it makes sense to isolate a group of texts that best offers answers to the questions about reproduction and gender that the show itself responds to and creates. With this limitation in mind, 'babyfic," asubgenre of fan fiction that focuses on Mulder and Scully's roles as parents, provides a useful starting point. In a culture fraught with anxiety about reproductive technologies, single mothers by choice, and the so-called "decline" of the traditional family, The X-Files offers frightening insight into some ofAmerica's worst fears. Indeed, The X-Files first season followed on the heels of Dan Quayle's infamous indicfrnent ofMurphy Brown, andthe new series quickly tookup cloning, genetic engineering, and illicitreproduction as central subjects. At the center of this nexus is Special Agent Dana Scully, a womanwho has chosencareers intwo masculine fields (medicine and law enforcement) in place of family. Even more tellingly, her career has cost her the possibility of domesfic life, as herjob at the FBI results in infertility, as she ironically reminds viewers in "Requiem," the episode that reveals her urexplainable pregnancy. Scully's infertility, as loyal viewers know, resulted from a series of tests to which she was subjected during her abduction, tests connected to the Slmdicate's project of creating an alienhuman hybrid through advanced reproductive technologies. Significantly, however, Scully's ultimate quest for matemity necessarily involves the use ofthese same kinds ofreproductive technologies, as she and her partner eventually pursue in-vitro fertilization in the episode "Per Manum." In creating a back-story to account for Scully's seemingly miraculous pregnancy in Season Eight this episode highlights this uncanny co-implication 25.3 April 2003 an|ru) nudod ut satprys polecrlseuop eseql 'usN equo ocuepr^e l?rlu?lsqns pepr^ordJleslr uouec eql oroJeq Euol 6cgu€J salll Jouotldecul eqtr ecurs lsotule punore ueeq s€q orueEqns slql leql eleclpq selrs Jorllo prra Dtttossog 18 selrqc -Je eut1uo 'llel\ se,$ycedec e,rrleercord s.,(11ncg eJolseJ 01uorlcu u€J sssn 'cgr(qeq q punoJ 'Usntr eqgo uorlcrdep re8uo4s u 'sueggo seJrsep pelrnbenm oqtJoJ lellno ue rego,(lpelqnopun soAIleJJBu ecuuruoJ eseql ellr{A\.'r(curdsuoc lueurure,ro8 uBrl} JeqleJ'emlder letroc-1sod go crloq -ur,ft auroceq uleEe ocuo seileJe8rc leql Euol os JoJ ruooJpeq egl ut tueql deel ro 'surlnol 1eu:ouured ,slue8e eql ot xos ppe Jeqlre seuols USru 'e1ulr. s1r u1 'Jecuuc Jeq rr peilnsal rcql lcalord eures eqlgo u€d s€ pe6el -req uooq peq elo raq teqt s^aeu aql U qlrlr sEuFq uosees (qunol) fOO t -9661eql se 'dtrrcudec e,r4cnporder s,,(11ncg ol luerql peseercrr eql qll^\ ',(puecgnfts '('d'u) ,,L661to 966l elel rn sorurf spuodseuoc Etmrnl qcns -eruos 11tun ,ftoEe1ec }u?uruop agl oruoceq lou plp usw '966I se ,(Fee s€ uelu^\ ere^\ selrols USru qSnoqqe leqt s^\oqs [sueg reqlo ,(q uerrlE] spJe^\e oqlJo A\erAoJ €,, '1no slurod oT epurIBIAtr sy 'saql-X aqJ Jo esec eql ut eq o1spuel uego ll 'crlole ro cqueruoJ uoppgep rQ 1ou s (sre -peeJ prru sreI.rlK sll ,(q pelec s6lr s3 'cgueJ ro) uorpg uu; q8noq[v 'crueu.(p pnxesoJeleq 6.leuuou,, uJo pelqo eql se rsq Ermro4rsoder ,(q,{1lncs uo pelcrgiu ereu4qEru err4cnporder orl} eJes Jopuer pu€ {JoA\eJ ol eceds slqenp,r e sepl,rord ,,(llecgrceds cgrQeq pue uoqcg ueC txgl dreurud eql ,{q dn peuedo leerqlgo 1erre1 sq1 Eu1 ',{11areueE -JocsJeprm'oreleq flqnop s! saql-X aqJ lqelqerreu ecueuoJ erll o] uml tlctldxa eql-spue a,r4cnpord(er) "rog sqrsoddogo Eulurof 1ers1g s.(en1e louy lecuoqd4eru e-crEol lenxesorepq,(q peuuo3rn eq o1 spue1,(peerle 'sueldxe;oog se 'alqerreuJl '(Z6I) 66qceaJq B lueserder leql eueuloueqd uo crureu.(p elrlurreu l€uo4rp?4 B uesse ol ldurege uB,, se sequcssp ,,!e -rxr€ elqcnpo;der Stnssncsry JooS qlpq leq Uo ocuelsur ue sepnord cgr(qeq'sdyl eqluo ssDI el4eurouoJoleq€ q1rmsuosees ffira snonerdeql sluos (.ecuelsgg,, ul euecs Ieug eql se qcny[ .ssrTq c4seruop s.,(1pcg pue Japlnl4trJo se qerreu e1etuolp qclo{s srruJ 1eW esues se>Iuruil.uo4cnpordet ltcqpgo se8eun 8ffiue1 eseql uonrD .samleJ rrerTe rpr,t. Euqueurusdxe eq sreeddu rolcop u.&o s.,(1pcg ueqrrr uo4cnporder FU,,!\eIm pue Irg \BIJo o1 prelSreqpg g9 a Desire and Heteronarrative in The X-Files 53 ; I t lI i I s:lDies. of course, have shifted focus almost entirely away from the p:ranornal to concentrate on the overly normal and mundane. In Jori Remington' s "Christopher Ryan Scully" series, for example, Dana and Fox actually discuss buying a minivan in bed. And while Remington's series situates this domestic relationship againstthe ubiquitous backdrop of govemment conspiracy and intrigue that has made the show a cult hit, other stories ignore the plot of The X-Files altogether. The vigneffe "Birth: Ocean," devoted to Scully giving birth at home in the presence ofa midwife and doula, offers a case in point; in this story, "Spooky" Mulder has gone from the cynical, often morose, investigator we see on TV to a loving husband and supportive childbirth coach. Although, as Lo contends, "married fic" tends to be "considered by many fans to be unrealistic and silly," or, atworst, instances of"Mary Sue" characteization(whenthe characters are used merely as substitutes for the writer's own interests and desires), I want to suggest that the specific rewriting that occurs in babyfic-with its emphasis on heterosexual romance and traditional family dynamics-provides a valuable exploration of anxieties and undercurrents present inThe X-Files canon,having to do with unlawful reproduction, gender roles, and medical rape. However 'trnrealistic and silly'' these stories might be individually, when taken together they are suggestive ofa cultural mood surroundin g The X-Files and its fandom. Moreover, the ideological work ofthis subgenre becomes more pressing when considered against the clear heterosexual trajectory of The X-Files itself. For its first seven seasons, the series did everything possible to forestall the expected reproductive end, refusing to allow Mulder and Scully anything more than a chaste New Year's Eve kiss and generally ignoring the time bomb of Scully's broken biological clock. The single episode ("Emily') that depicts Scully as a mother ends with the death ofthe child and a clean-upjob thatremoves the restofScully's genetically engineered, aliur-hybrid offspring. Then, in what Susan Faludi would term a "pronatalist backlash," the final season s of The X-Files, like the fan fiction that immediately preceded it, work hard to reassert Scully's threatened matemity. But it is the fifth season episodes "Christmas Carol" and "Emily,, that 25.3 April 2003 r I ) , affiun) nlndod u saryng -order yrgrrrelunJo lreJuod cqoqred,(q srql qcle{s ol qEnoue 1.usr pldrycep pe;eeurEue-,(11e crleue8 B eq repln14l Sur,req;r pvy' sry o lo7 Eur,(pepun sruocuoc lern1lnc eq] 1e {lSuo4s s}urq Jor,reqeq yecl8oloqled qlrm uonel -ueuruedxe cqeue8 elenba o] ocroqc eq] 'f8olouqce18uruo1c EurpunoJrns ,(s;eno4uoc eJrl-luat eq] pue {lloq relo seleqep eq} JaUe sq}uoru aJoru uettlJ1y\.ruaql 3.\3s o1 ,(laleradsap ,{.a ,(11nc5 pue replnl l pue 'steqlorq reqlo eq1ilH ot tsanb e uo sra8roag '1ueu,ep lsour eqJ 'rorleqoq crqledoroos go saa:8ap snoue-\ uo{: JeJns IIe sJoq}oJq Jeq}o eq} .,'ur.AA1,, s6JeplnIN sr or{ !\ auo eq1 'uosreurE 3o uorldecxo eq} q}l1\. 'uerplrrlc Joq}o euru pacnpo:d reqi ruaiuuadre 3rm:o1c e;o icnpo.rd eql srJlesrurq replnl l lceJ u :iqinoqr aruo iaqt ueqt tcalor4 aq] rn lueruallolrr lcen! eJotu puq slue -:ed s.:ap1nl\ leqlu:ea1 (p1crnb,{aq1 'uruyrl Iecuuepr s6replnl eqpFoc oq !\ 'uosef 'rrerrr e JalunoJue ,(11ncg pue Jeplnhl'uoqeErlserrur ou4noJ e ur L(rsse ot ur pelle3 'tca[qns Ie{uec $r se cJE,ffio1oqilru equo uorp}ueru uadra cuauo8 eqt s a)1u] s eFos s/27olo1 s. Ie{^rU pue,(lye g8uulsnyrn'cre - ...i1nu1.. ..lore3 seu4suq3,, Eu,fsqesun,(yluclpeJ eql se ezuolczrcqc,fuqt leq.r\ ur pssrEJ senssr equo etuos eAIoseJ ol oJrsep e tuo4 uo11rJ11(\ a t a 'spue elucnporder ;edord Euunssuglo ecrlJos eq] ur aierado ,(1e1eun1p sercuepuel e,r4cnpo;der-pue :JopJo fJoleEedo:d aq1 o1 stBarp awJo asnsceq pelrun aq,(po uec,(1lncs pu€ Jeplnyq'cr3o1 pauo^ul uE rn lnq',(e1o sr IIe leq] sJoA\erA eJnsse uo4cnporder IenxesoJaloq seop .(po 1o51 'pue slr ol se..,oc selres oqr se ushtr aql roJ poou orll lE sluq sruelqord sele4o8eu uorlcg ueJ USI pue uouec ,. 1 t I I . sall-X aqJ ur pesrer tr 1eq1,(etr eqi solerlsuowop Ielou oql'qcns se iSuruolc;o uorlcnpo;der elqello.t1uocun eql secryod 1o1d e8uu:eur erluo uorlcnporder peuorloues eqt( sruppl uI 'ploqesnoq,{11nc54epln { peqsqqs}se,(yvreu eq}Jo eceds cltsetuop eql uqil,n,(terxu€ elrlcnporder pq1 qlrm saldde6 puu,Srmroyc 1r pue 3uuaaur8uo c4eue8go suorleJgrrrr?J erll uo sJeluec 1o1d q1 ,...(1rug,, ur -D:sler suralqo:d1o Jaqunu e 1no slrozvr'1u1,rry puu flegEue1sny41 srelurrr f ur:ur-\\-pJe.!\E iq uauut 'v-t1o1oJ ,uorssncsrp eu{uoJo lunowu Bu -':-;. i=:: -{Fr-i ? ro:4 'vLyoloJ:1.ro.t qfuel-1ooq eql Burpnycul ,uorlcg uug:g.o samrc ap-.i-r=oC iueru JoJ mJoJ ar1 euo3eq seq .,r{l[uJg,, ,sue; ,(ueur o1 \uP.lr€u eseql qloq ul lulod srslJc eql eprrrord eposrda 8u+m--<ip \ 'SJJE a prey8reqlrg 79 Desire and Heteronarrative in The X-Files 55 duction, the writers quickly introduce another twist to this reproductive nightmare. Jason's company, Roush-known in the canon as the biotechnology firm involved with the production ofthe vaccine for the alien virus-has continued its experimentation, with the help ofMulder's longmissing sister, Samantha. The products of these new experiments are gestating fetuses created from the ova harvested from Scully and other female abductees. Upon learning ofthe experiments, Scullyplans on ending them through any means necessary, including destroying the children. When she arrives atone ofRoush's facilities, however, the cleanup effort has already begun, as evidenced by what appears to be infanticide. One infant has survived, and genetic testing reveals her to be Mulder and Scully's biological progeny. Although the baby could, of course, be the product of Scully's ovum and a sperm cell belonging to any one of Mulder's 'obrothers," she chooses to believe the child to be fathered by her parhrer out ofpsychological necessity. In the altemative universe of Iolokus,heterosexual desire between Mulder and Scully becomes a way to ensure "proper" reproductive ends, to counter the illicit desire of ,; Mulder's sexually deviant and sociopathic siblings, as well as the unlawful reproductive ends ofthe Project. From beginning to end, 1o lokus tracesMulder and Scully's attempt to police the acts ofmonstrous reproduction that abound in the world of The X-Files. Taking "Emily'' to its logical extreme, Iolofrzs allows Scully to restore her reproductive capacity and to revenge her medical rape. After Scully effectively destoys Roush, setting fire to the laboratory in an act ofrenegade heroism and putting an end to the experiments involving her genetic material, she begins to reclaim her reproductive rights and put them to the proper filial end. Whereas "Emily" merely explores the possibility of Scully's becoming an adoptive parent,Iolokers makes good on that promise. Scully brings the surviving infant, now named Miranda, back to Washington and goes on matemity leave to set up a home for her child. A faithful heterocosm to the real world of The X-File, however, Iolokus presents numerous plot complications to the possibility ofMulder and Scully's becoming domestically involved. In the inverted logic ofthe 25.3 April 2003 atniln) nrudod ut salpnts ere (soelcnpq€ raqlo oril pue).(llncsJo B^o SurAIoAur slueuruedxoJo s1cn -po-rd aqt lerp qsxe s,(urrqe ,(tqrqrssod eqJ 'Brseutue elrlceles tuo{ Jegns 01 tueas ,(11ncg pue replnry 1nq 'uo8elued eqlJo slle^\ eql puqeq perols s lsq,r Jequaua: ffirur srslren iuoq4ueuruedxe slrgo ecueppe IIe epr-q o1 saEeueru,(11ecgurus1s,ft elucrpu,(5 ogl 'soues equo esmoc eqlJoAO 'cre .(8o1oq1.(u safll-X aTlfo {ro.,!r 'relemoq'uouec eggo uors . aquo tq8rl ur 1r Joprsuoc o] luegodun -uatxa w se sr 1r sn4opJJo uorlcuu lurqlnc re8rel eqt puqsJepun oJ ,.'{cug sdals aarql 'prezluog sdels om1,, 's.(us ,{11ncg su 'olour.(eq1 os pue 'pue aqt te:eqie8ot oruoo,(po uec ,(11ncg pu€ replnl{ }eq} Je{ lU pue ^roDI ,i1p53u4mry 'sssJcns uorst,rolouo olBu.usu eqg u SrmuR poo8go ,(lrsssceu aql sptr4srepun JeUeJ sug3 se qcruu 'puv '(Fx) olrleJreu ur sarilssacou Ierycn4s se e,tras-flruuJ prre uo4cnpordsr lunxesoJeleq o1sleerql !xe1 srql ur-66suorsJeiled,, Jo sJnolap asetql'aqru"ttDN puo ,(41onxag :aty notr sv awo) ul suleldxesoo1 qllpnl sy '1o1d Suruolc eqtr qlr^\ ploJuel selce$qo esoql Ern,Snfeu'regu rerrs r(pddeq Eurlq s,,(1ncg pue replnlN go ,,(errr eql q pu€1s leql smolep pue selmlsqo stll eruocrelo o] ldurel -tE ue sezrwursrp cguuJ ,(qfue1 eqJ 'elecrpu.(5 eqt,(q pesod uorlearc -ord ueurnq o1 e8uelleqc eq1 Eurumge,ro .(11ecqoqru,(s'pue lenxesoJeleq ;edo.rd slr o1 uorlcnpo;de;1nd o1 sssnuo.rd uorun Jraql 'epuq lueu8erd srq qlr,,KJeuued cruoluldsrqEurculder snql'umo srq3ioppqc e oluo 1r ssed pue eureu ,(lrurBJ sII'l unelcoJ lsruu Jep1n141 ',(qcrur4ed pefterrr s.epcrpu,(5 oql euruuepun ol JepJo uI loyd ecuuuror eq1;o ,fto1cele4 ,,rsdord,, eql 3ul -1rrolloJ pue '1ca[qns le4uec s]r sB lr o] selce]sqo pue uo4cnporder lunxss -oJeleq Euqul'oArlereuoreleq,fteldruexe ue sdeqred st: snyo p J 'e,r4erruu r(lrureg rsdord eql rmnLy\ eJrT Ierrxes s6,(1ncg pue repp6l Srmneluoc rpllt pelceuuoc,(yepurorn elnuq e 'uorlcnpordo; rerro uollu1seluocJo elrs e su,(poq s.,{1ncs sesn srulopJ pue,(11ecrs,(qd qloq Jlssreq 'uouec eql o{l-I'retlel eq} tuog (JeplnIN "(lleuopoule Sutcuelsrp ,(q slceer,{1lncs ';elo1 req se}euosrodun oq,,!r uosel ,(q pedeg 'u1(o rreql rog .(11ncg rurelc o1Eur,ft1,(q uorun rreqlJo teerqt eqi ol loeeJ uosef puu a8rosg (6sJer,lloJq,, s.Jeplnl4 rlloq pue 'e1ecypu.(g eqtJo repro Ieqcrewpd oql ol leenp e esod,tllncg pu€ replnlN 'seues prelSreqlrg 9g Desire and Heteronarrative in The X-Files 57 ": ::e.e." but each of the mythology episodes, as suggested in -: --'=,:-, ." e-ds u-ith the desfruction ofevidence and, thus, temporary clo- :; -* ::r-:harcs and standalone episodes, questions raised inthe mythol: .:. =:J go unresolved for weeks or months at a time. For fans, generally ::: r:e rrlerested in the backstory and characteizations than monsters in :-:rcialones, stories such as lolokzs provide away to explore the larger .-onsequences ofthe episode, particularly as itpertains to the MSR. Fan frction offers, as Jenkins explains, an outletto create altemative endings, to ririte beyond the timeline offered in the original TV series. According to Jenkins, "[S]ome ofthese approaches to fan writing actively expand textual boundaries, constructing histories or futures for the characters that go beyond the range of stories that could be told on television; others rework the program ideology . . . in order to make the texts speak to different perspectives" (176). In other words, fan fiction provides an opportunity to make The X-Files into the narrative fans would like to see, rather than the narrative it is. And that narrative is undeniable hetero. As evidenced by lolokus, fan fiction gives Mulder the ability to restore his family name and Scully the ability to reclaim her reproductive system; declaredbarren in "Christmas Carol," she miraculouslybecomes able to conceive in many pieces of fan fiction, trading her badge and gun for diapers and midnight feedings. Writers offer many explanations, likely and unlikely, but the result is inevitably the same; despite the conspiracy against their union, Mulder and Scully have the baby that Scully so des- perately wants. Iolokus, for all its angst and obstacles, is one such narrative. In the midst of abizarre custody battle to keep the genetically-engineered Miranda-Roush tries to pay off Scully's brother Bill in anattempt to keep Miranda away from the dynamic duo-scully finds herself pregnant with a child that is in all likelihood Mulder's. with the threat of the Mulder clones behind them, Scully and Mulder work towards resolv- ing the custody suit and getting on with their proper propagatory lives. The suit, of course, is merely one in a series of complications that defer the 25.3 April 200j arryp) rDrudod m salprys ,(1pcg leqtr sleeler oorururel4l Jod,, ut s>lc€qqsegJo ecuenbes y 'pe[or4 orllJo,qIqels erp sueluorql oq.,lrplqc e $ qcrqlv\Jo lcnpordeq1'dyqsuop -e1er s.,(gncs pue roplnhl rog 6.(1epc eqt se dqrga3rn pecnprn-.(11ecr3o1ou -qce1 s.,(1pc S seztpyr sary -X aq1'ane tt evms sql ul'rfuuecgnf rS'1co foJd eq1ecqod o1se Jes Suldnoc lauuele neql s€ uele'eEelrreur s.rfyncg puu replnlz1 roJ eleuoqa drs.t eq1 se ,(Eolouqce} elrpnpordsr pue Euueeu8ue crleueE qlrm sluoruuedxs s.epcrpur(S eql sezl4n sntloloJ' [lerrpcorro.rd erotr l 'elc€1ceds.(11eslwe olur srun1 solres AI eqlleqluorpnpordergo pyrom qsneu4qSr-u erp olq {ool c4seIreJ € sepr,rord snrJ opl-se\\rqrssod eruolxeJo spJ"puels sayg-y f,querte-1o1d slqrsneldun s1r elrdseq 'erqpng rQeq 01 sleulcpc Euqg uo4'slusred o1 srer4;ed ruo{-pue 6seues eql ees o} qcrgll rr JoJrnu I€opl ue sepmord s'ru1o1o1'uovec oquo euol puu '1o1d 'uorpzueparalc eql ol sseqqqleJ sXr uI 'pue eq1.(q elneJrcu ecueruoJ Ienxosorepq eql qqllrw peureluoc ,(psdord ueeq seq-uo4cnporder eleu4t8spJo leerql sql-rsq1sEo1 eldnoc sql eq.fipa54 'erues eq] qorurr sqeredo srnpn 4s sEuuq prp uo4ecqduroc 1o1d elrlexeu oql 'cgdqeq lsoruJo sercuepuol Ielueurrluos ,(perro eq] ]sureEe {ro,^d o} ensep B ole4suoluep snYopJ Jo r(uor1 pue rournq ,(rm oq} olq./r\ ?uV 'ssqq rr1satuop oltn elltes e^gJo ,lrueg eql puu 'uollulrqeqoc qll^{ sertlnolgrp po{ro.^A seg onp crueu.(p eq1 'puep eru s,(n8 peq orl} {eql1no ,(g 'uo4cnporder pue soloJ Jepue8 EurpreEer sesreJ 'sn4o1o11o pue eqf nAoqs eqt teqt dlarxue eqt lenb ol ferrr e Surpmord'r(cueEe;o lunorue euos e,Leq,{1n3s pue Japlnry 1eq} fum u qcns ut suorlsenb esoq} sJe^\s -uu osl€ 1r 'e8ps1 roq;o uouoeJsqes eq1 Stnprrrord 'eder leclperu s.,(1ncg ]noq€ uorruo aql rn pasreJ suopsenb uemsue,(luotou srulopl 'sluetuusd -xe elrpnporder pezuoqneun,(q peueleeJq] esJelrun eql ol JepJo eJols -er ol pauSrsep pu3 ue pua stBerruuoreleq,(ddeq e spler,( sru1o1oJ'11e q [V 'umruua[rtu ,$.eu JqlJo ela eq] uo ',(llrucgru8rs 'ece1d selq {crryr 'sul^q oqgo gulq oW rog arederd.(eql se 're1e1 sqluoru e dn slcrd ^\oJ 'qoltpo{g'lenbes y 'uouerodroc qmou eql }e Euqsq rog pesn Srrreq pooyq s 6epuerl4l :ecFd qErU u 1e lq8noq sr ssaurddeqgr uele 'lege rerre ,(lddeq eArT pu€ d:reu,(gncg pue Jeplnl/{ '1uurrr,(eql uonm 3ur,fisqes eq} q}r^\ lU pue ,(1eg8ue1snry ueqrw 'pue leepr eq1 plun 1o1d srepesr apr,rord Iull prelEreqpg g9 Desire and Heteronarrative in The X-Files 59 asked Mulder to father a child she hopes to conceive through in-vitro fertilization. Although the final fl ashback intimates that their attempts were unsuccessful, Mulder holds Scully tenderly and advises her to "never give up on a miracle." Indeed, the episode closes with a shot of Scully lying in a hospital bed, hand resting on her belly. While Ten Thirteen Productions would never be so bold as to declare Mulder the father outright, the juxtaposition ofthese two scenes hints atthe truth ofthe baby's paternity. The final arc ofthe season,' Essence" and'Existence' Llvhiclr, for many fans, functions as the end ofthe series itselkums to these questions about thenature ofScully'spregnancy, aswellashinbattheinfant'sfi;nctionwithin the larger myttrology ofthe series. As in the fan-produced lololan,Mtilder and Scully's budding family both threatens and is threatened by tlre Proj ect; furthermore, the agents' newly bom domesticity provides the desired heterosexual endthatviewers/readers require to make sense ofthe reproductive nightmare embodied in Scully's pregnancy. Picking up on the visual and narrative cues from "PerManurn "'Essenc.e," which opens with avoiceover discussingreproductionintheageofgenetic irfiimatesthatScully's baby is something other than the "normal" product of a romantic tyst between the X-Files partrers. As Mulder asks, "How did this child come to be? What set its heart beating? Is it the product of a union? Or the work of a divine hand? An answered prayer? A fue miracle? Or is it a wonder oftechnology- the intervention of other hands? What do I tell this child about to be Scullfl Andwhatdo Itell myselfl" Accompanyingthis monologue, the teaser incorporates two sets ofreproductive images: one features sperm cells swimming fiantically toward anunfertilized ovurn, the bom? Whatdo Itell other depicts an egg being manipulated by artificial means; each set ofimages offers an origin story for the baby's unexpected concepion. In this way, the episode as a whole shifls between cozy, domestic moments and scenes that threaten Scully' s long desired matemity, as drarnatized though the character Lizzy Gill, a baby nurse (hired by Scully's own mother), who happens to work for the Syndicate. Gill characterizes Scully's unborn child as "more human than human," a child with no human fiailties whom the latest brand of aliens, as well as govemment doctors, want desperately for their own 25.3 April 2003 amqnJ nrudod ul sarprys .,(qeqsqlgo rp.nqsqlw peopul'eloq \e se seues eqlgo lsenb eq1..tpn4 eql,, fqeq eq sspnbe ryeurar s( replnlN-re4sJ s. repInIN rogp .s,(es,(1pc g t11rm 'peueu sr plrqc oq1-eEeluered s.uruqlr \ uo luouruoc e uerll oJotr{ 'ueJ -J€q peJeprsuoc ecuo rrBruo1k\ e ol po^recuoc pFIc eJo qurq snolncerrru eql tn slFseJ luql seoJeq uee,,lqeq e^ol eql eq ol lno suml osuosess Euol lq8rs ro3: ..eraq1lno,, peurarueJ 1eq] ..qln4 eq1,, '.(errr snp u1 'reqred srq ssnl ezv\ qln4 oqJ 'ser1t1rqrssod sql eJea poJ€eJ ol ut sueel pue ..'1r\oul qloq o1v\ 1eqrrr 1erll {ulq 1,, 'spuodssl Jeplnru ..'oo} }l poJ€eJ nod teql ^\oD[ l pue ',(qrvr pue .laoq lnoqe 'qln4 eql peJ€sg l lueu8erd etueceq I luaruoru oql ruoJC,, 'sr(es r(11ncg 'esrl\Jeqlo sot1drur 66ecue6rxfl,,Jo luetuotu Nel oqt ur en8olslp eqtr 6uollelor l€nxes s,,(1yncg pw repln14lgo pnpord eql sr ,Quq eq1 pt1; suo4durnss'u Jo/trerl uorlssnb op1 pslpc ..ecuessg,, qEnoqqy 'ueql uee qoq peperc uos tuoq reu rrsql'Eu1ssp1 {lncs pue roplnry qI \ ,fruelc serl ]xelqns 1eql 'ereuruc uo pe1eurrunsuoc 'pue lecrEol s1r o1 .re,rsu drqsuop?ler euroc e 'fgncg pue repp61 ussllpq drgsuoqeleJ crIrBruoJ eql oqlJl 'llen\ se olrleJJeu ueeJcs-uo ueeg ffir{ seuos eqlJo lxo}qns lseErel eqryo sture1 ur esues se{eru il-Jepln l se eloJ srq esuder o11ou uolslcep s.,(u,roqcnq prnuq Jolc€-suoseoJ uee.rcs-go rog .(1sErq perrncco pue sr4 qEnoqle ipue eq1',(yyncg prre JeplnIN lnoqe e rprreu e rm+rlll'sr ..ecue1sr -xfl,,Jo sluetuotuleug otp'uo$ees qlutue olponuquoc lvrorls sqlqEnoqqy 'dn suedo r&oqs eql ]erll,(Eolouqcel elrlcnporder Eurpunoms dlaxue ursluoc-eJ ol suseru 3 sB ecueruoJ lenxesoJeleq o1 slunlJlsslr seFes eql 'ssqq c4ssruop ur req1e8o1,(ypcg pue replnru Euuq o1 sueeu e se uoqcnp -ordsr pszuoqperm Eursn,(q dlsrxue repesr qlenb srqopJ Jl .seues oql Jo {ro^{ Iern{nc equo srrrre} q usru eqlJo,fueurud eq} osls lnq ecueserd eql {1uo }ou SuqseEEns 'pue e,upuuouorepq 'rodord e seqceer ,(1epur4p seues orllJo elrleJr?u JoErel eqt 'r(elr sry u1 .uo4decuoc s6greJur or{lJo 66qln4 eq]" lnoqe uo4ele^eJ B pu€ ssDI 3 qI^\ spue qlq8re sq1 ..'ocuessg,, ur dn pouedo ss4grqrssod saul-x aT[Jo uoffies ftmurup eq1 erydseq 'e}IIIeuole pue u€tunq 'serruoue req ruo{ pFIc Jeq lcslord pue qg1q errrE ol rspro ul EqpH otul Euro8 s.,!yncg qlrl\ spue 66ocuessg,,.qnsere sy .sasodrnd prelEreqpg 69 '!t:. -:, Desire and Heteronarrative tn The X-Files 61 both the nalrative of the reproductive nightrnare that is The X-Files and the narrative ofMulder and Scully's romance, have come to a united end. In the co-implication ofthese two narratives, both the fan-produced Iolokus and The X-Files series itself attempt to work through the horrific possibilities opened up by technological advancement. Just as many insurance policies seek to regulate lifestyle choices by covering only those fertility services desired by married couples, fan fiction turns to heterosexual union as a way to overtum both Scully's subversion oftraditional gender roles and the Syndicate' s unnatural conceptions. Likewise, in its choice to contain the nightrnarish implications of William's birth wittrin ttre domestic sphere, the eighth season of The X-Files offers consolation not only to Scully, who wants desperately to believe her son is "normal," but also to viewers who look to the MSR as the necessary outcome of the plot. If a goveflrment conspiracy initially brings Mulder and Scully together, the product oftheir sexual union in both texts is a child with the power to bring the powers-that-be to justice. As such, these instances of "babyfic" are pregnant with much more than the domestic desires of fans. Whereas fan fiction has been understood to be primarily about sex and subversive readings-as Jenkins' work on female fans and "slash" suggests-babyfic, on the other hand, demonstrates the need to contain and work through the extreme possibilities of the canon. The turn to heterosexual romance to undenrrite the narrative ofgovemment conspiracy, which for many fans is the show's defining trail reveals the level ofanxiety surounding reproductive technology and medical experimentation. The truththatMulder and Scullyknowtums outto be the answerthatviewers have been seeking all along. And well after the ultimate end of The XFiles , fan frction will undoubtedly continue to communicate readers' most intimate desires and fears. Robin Silbergleid Department of English Austin College Sherman, TX 75090-4400 25.3 April 2003 :>lJoA affi!ru) nrudod m salprus '966I'aSpellnou /AoN 'aBuoq3 cuoqw{g 3u13owJ :uotlcnpo.tdayto suoqcnpo.tday .- '96r 'erqrunlo3 :>lJoA.&eN 'aotDr.toN puo {1t1onxag :a"tv nol sy awo).qllpnf SooU '43ro'reuressoS'a,riu.u77: dgq > c rV uol t c!.i uo.i 6661' rm I lZ a ^tq .lJof .uol8urrueg 'satll-X aqJ :pa[o.t4 nwossog aqJ..',{gncg ue,(5 reqdolslJrl3,, '1002 'qed 0Z 'XOC 'satll-X aqJ'z1ru1odg >[u€rd pue reue3 surtrJ ,(q ue11!r16 .,'r.unuel I red,, . 'a8ro'rauressoS'.an,nn77: fi1q> 966 I qcrEIAI l . attqc"tv uotl -c!l uDl'saryl-X aqJ :1ca{o"r1.tawossoD aqJ.snyolq.J B{ pue.(y1eg8ue1sn6 lU .oeq '<u1q'nsp7,(11ncs/o1uru-Ape'proJuels.,&^\ n1 fd:pr\2 I 002 rZ,,. Kpog. uer.unqtsod ar{l pue uortcrJ ueg 55llf{ :pore^ocun ,(1pcg eue6,, .epuqe141 ,o1 .req g t66l I '43ro'reuressoS'mmm77:dgqz 'a^tqcrv uottc!.f uo.q 'arnqn) 'salltx aqJ :1ca[o"t4 nruossoD aqJ ...ueeco :qUIg,, .osoJuof '766 1'e8pelmo6 :{ro1 ^deN {.to1odrct1to1 puD suol uotsttapl :sraqcDod pruxal .,irueg .sur{uef '7661 'e8pellnou :>lJoI,rAeN 'Daotpopw puD atnl 1n3 .n1ndo4 m DqrcW aqJ :uottoruasa"tday puD pooqaqrcW .vlo:g .g ,uu1de;1 '1002 KeW OZ';;;Ot' sat!,i-X aqJ sourraryrur) pu€ JeUe3 suq3 ,{q ueilrrd\ (..ecuelsrxfl,: 'I002 ,(etr{ EI 'y1ot'sail,.I-X aqJsJerruerytul) pue reueJ srrr1C,(q uegF16 (..ecuessg,, 't66t'cectI'xoc 'salll-X aqJ'zlu1odg -X >IuErC pu€ ,ueqlqs uqol ,ue8rqrg ecurn ^(q uepu11 ,...(prug,, '1661'ce(J L'){Od'sau.{ aqJ '4tr;4odg 4uerg 'ueqgs uqol .ue8qpg ecurn pellf, ,(q uegrrl[ ((.lorzC serulsurtrJ,, $lro \ prey8reqpg g9
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