Enerlin`x - Schneider Electric
Enerlin`x - Schneider Electric
Enerlin'x Communication system for Smart Panels Enerlin’X The communication system for Smart Panels Contents Presentation........................................................................... p. 4 "Smart Panel" concept . .....................................................................................p. 4 Ethernet with connected switchboards...............................................................p. 6 Enerlin’X communication system........................................................................p. 8 Application examples.......................................................... p. 10 Energy monitoring of a group of bank branches..................................................p. 12 Energy monitoring, asset management, maintenance of a hotel..........................p. 16 Smart Panel design.............................................................. p. 20 Locate sources of useful information in the switchboard.....................................p. 22 Masterpact , Compact NSp. 24 Compact NSX ...................................................................................................p.26 Acti 9.................................................................................................................p. 28 Enerlin’X gateways and interfaces connectivity...................................................p. 30 Examples of connected switchboards architecture ............................................p. 31 Enerlin’X components......................................................... p. 32 Enerlin’X communication system........................................................................p. 34 Energy Server Com'X 200p. 36 FDM128 switchboard display.............................................................................p. 38 FDM121 switchboard display.............................................................................p. 40 IFE interface, IFE interface + gateway: Ethernet interface, gateway.....................p. 42 Acti 9 Smartlink..................................................................................................p. 44 IFM Modbus communication interface................................................................p. 50 I/O application module.......................................................................................p. 52 Design and monitoring tools............................................. p. 54 Electrical Asset Manager Software......................................................................p. 56 Acti 9 Smart Test software for PC.......................................................................p. 58 Index of commercial references...................................... p. 60 Meters and auxiliaries overview for 'Measure' function........................................p. 62 Index of commercial references..........................................................................p. 63 3 Energy management has never been simpler Simple-to-install Smart Panels connect your building to real savings in 3 steps Measure Embedded and stand-alone metering & control capabilities Connect > Integrated communication interfaces > Ready to connect to energy management platforms Smart Panels connect you to energy savings 4 Save > Data-driven energy efficiency actions > Real time monitoring and control > Access to energy and site information through on-line services Measure 'Smart Panels' mean visible information Grouping and measuring most of the electrical protection, command and metering components, the switchboards are now significant sources of data locally displayed and sent via communication networks. CLOUD connect … and ready to be linked to expertise Smart Panels use reliable, simple to install and use displays, and, Ethernet and Modbus interfaces on the Enerlin’X communication system. Information is safely transmitted through most efficient networks: • Modbus SL inside switchboards, between components • Ethernet, on cable or WiFi, inside the building and connecting switchboards to computers • Ethernet on DSL or GPRS, for access to on-line services by Schneider Electric Energy experts, wherever they are, are now able to provide advises based on permanently updated data of the building. Save CLOUD On-site real time monitoring and control On a touch screen display connected to Ethernet • Shows essential electrical information and alarms concerning the electrical network, • Allows control (open, close, reset…) of various equipments This touch screen is well appreciated for real time value checking and control, directly on the front panel of the main switchboard On a PC display with common browser • Shows monitoring web pages hosted into the local Ethernet interfaces • Alarm events generate automatic email notifications • Allows control (open, close, reset…) of various equipments Data displayed on graphics or recorded into files are of a great interest for optimizing the use of energy in the building. As an example, they definitely help validating the change of temperature settings, time scheduling in a Building Management System or other automated devices. On-line Energy Management services StruXureWare Energy Operation automates data collection via an open, scalable, and secure energy management information system. With the help of the Schneider Electric energy management services team, data is then turned into actionable information to enable customers to understand their facilities’ performance on an ongoing basis. Energy Operation leverages companies’ current investments in their existing systems, and can be used to communicate advanced results and performance to a broad audience for a shared understanding throughout the organization. Cloud based energy computing can also help analyze performance of multi site locations and optimize energy consumption. 5 All your energy data available via Ethernet with connected switchboards From conventional… Common panel indicators only show a basic view of the reality. In today's context, this solution becomes inadequate, as advanced dashboards are required for energy efficiency and optimization. … to connected measurement This dashboard is generated by a Schneider Electric online service hosted in a web server. Energy consumption, circuit protection status, equipment activity, are collected in every switchboard of the building for this purpose. Ethernet today is the most adapted media for carrying large amount of data between electrical distribution systems to either local touch screens or distant servers "IP connected" switchboards have become a key factor of evolution in energy management and continuity of service. 6 Ethernet connected switchboards Ethernet: > Widely used in buildings, easy to wire Ethernet network is widely distributed to multiple users in buildings. A simple RJ45 socket is required to connect each switchboard. > No additional installation and maintenance friendly Is also available in buildings and well appreciated by operators during operation and maintenance. > Access from any PC or Ethernet FDM128 monitor • PC: with common Internet Browser • FDM 128: installed on the front panel or at any remote location of the building Ethernet makes "Smart Grid ready" switchboards A new energy management rs me su n Co s icle > Interactions Generation - Consumption ork etw n y ilit Ut The Smart Grid principle creates fine interactions between consumers and facilities that produce l tia en sid Re h ve energy strategy. Ethernet and responsiveness of building automation greatly limit the impact on the operating availability of equipment. on uti b The tri Dis ma majo r n imp agem ecolo ion iss l e (wi men ent o gical sm n nd, ta f po sta Tra t k The solar ion o wer es le ble s c , a f wa nt gro se me small rene onsumd to n ney pla e R rg wth asu hy wa p ew e of res dro . ble e tion a en dem sho ..). ner nd gy t and uld sou he in a help rce sus to c s tain ont abl rol t e m he ann er. ion pt um s on C > Internet connection to the Internet will enable the development of this h ve d an ial erctrial mm us o d C in en to non-critical electrical equipment. Switchboards and dispatch centers connected s icle ic ctr Ele d n liseatio traner n Cey ge erg and distribute energy. These interactions enable load shedding orders ic ctr Ele n, tio erar n ge owe ted p buk-up i r t c Dis ba 7 Enerlin'X communication system By collecting circuit breakers' and actuators' status, electrical values and countings, Enerlin’X provides a simple and reliable link to local displays and expert web portals. Enerlin’X Combination of consistent gateways, interfaces and displays, to make web connected switchboards a reality. It’s because Enerlin’X collects basic and advanced data, that clear and relevant dashboards can be generated. A clear vision of measurements and trends makes Savings achievable with an efficient energy management. 8 Numerous tests have been carried out in our labs in order to ensure a great confidence in the Enerlin’X communication architectures. An illustrated technical guide describes step by step implementation of Enerlin’X components in a standard Prisma enclosure. Cabling aspects are detailed, thus the effect of electrical disturbances on the communication signals is minimized. Smart Panel Communication switchboards assembly guide. Technical Guide ref. DESW051EN Enerlin’X design is largely inspired from the professional’s strongest expectations: > consistent functions grouped in the smart components (e.g. Acti 9 Smartlink), > error free cabling, fast connectiondisconnection, > space saving in the enclosure. The embedded web pages of Enerlin’X gateways make setup and configuration tests simple and intuitive. Precise and wellordered project documentation is automatically generated for maintenance and future evolution purpose. Other pages are dedicated to simple and real time monitoring and control. 9 Lighting 10 HVAC Exploitation, maintenance Application examples 11 Energy monitoring of a group of bank branches The banking group wants to follow and reduce the power consumption of all its agencies. It wants to have dashboards for its daily tracking, available on PC from headquarters and agencies. All agencies do not have the same characteristics because of their geographical location, thermal quality of the building and their activity schedules. Hence, 3 groups of agencies will be created for differential monitoring. Specifications It requires the implementation of three main features: >> Daily measurement of energy consumption of each agency >> Breakdown by major uses (global, HVAC, lighting and other uses) Each agency will be involved in a challenge in its group according to the criteria of consumption but preserving an acceptable quality of service (comfort maintained throughout the day). >> Correlation depending on weather conditions and the temperature of the premises Once the anomalies (if any) are identified, recommendations will be given to the managers concerned,to enable the reduction of consumption. >> Provision of responsible and agencies customizable daily dashboards 12 >> Centralization, logging, storing data Lighting Inside a typical branch Stake: economical use, preserving occupant’s comfort, in respect of regulation Design trends Building design Promote, take natural lighting into account. Lighting technology Use low-wattage lamps: fluorescent lighting, LED. Building design Provide adequate thermal insulation. Building automation Multiple lighting zones with individual automated control, depending on the presence, brightness, occupancy schedules, etc. HVAC Inside a typical branch Building automation Multiple zones with individual thermal regulation. The user’s settings are restricted to ±3°C and ventilation stops by window switch. Functions implemented with a Smart Panel + online Energy services 1 |Measure Metering electrical lighting energy The energy of the lighting circuits is monitored by means of a power meter. 2 |connect Extract, send... the metering data to displays, energy specialized data servers. Interfaces for counters provide access to data via the Ethernet network. KWH 3 |Save Display counting values Follow and analyze the trends in order to generate savings by optimizing the use of lighting. Ethernet LCD display shows values, browser on a PC shows trends, and more... Cloud 13 Energy monitoring of a group of bank branches Save… The key for savings is reliable information on consumptions. The data of each branch is collected on a Schneider Electric server. Periodic dashboards are automatically generated and sent to the manager responsible for the energy efficiency of the company sites. Online services on Schneider Electric server is a well adapted solution for multi sites energy supervision. Distances between sites and their number is no longer a constraint, as a single contract can be provided for all. The choice is made to give access to the manager to all dashboards, including the possibility to customize some of them. The branch managers have access to simplified dashboards showing their local performance and their score on the national dashboard. Access is provided from a common Internet browser on a PC, protected by ID + password. This dashboard focuses on a single branch HVAC performance. It has been customized with 3 widgets: HVAC consumption, temperature, performance achieved compared to target. 14 Ethernet Modbus Hard wired Enerlin’X configuration in a branch Internet Energy server Com’X 200 Temperature sensors iCT iACT 24 et Acti 9 Smartlink Ethern xC60 OF+SD24 iEM2000T Office lighting, commercial lighting: monitoring, control, metering. UPS main supply monitoring iEM3250 iEM3250 Reflex iC60 Air conditioning /Heating: monitoring, control, metering Lighting: 2 zones. Relays with manual override, monitored and controlled by iACT24 auxiliary. One iEM2000 impulse counter per zone Incomer metering CLOUD UPS: the main supply circuit breaker is monitored, the UPS alarm output can be also wired (not represented). An alarm is transmitted in case of tripping (or UPS fault). Air conditioning / heating: the power is established by means of a remote control circuit breaker during the scheduled opening periods of the branch. iEM3250 3 phase Modbus energy meter. Total energy consumption of the branch: by iEM3250 3 phase Modbus energy meter. Smartlink Ethernet ensures: >> monitoring the status of lighting, critical circuit breakers >> control of lighting zones, air conditioning / heater >> energy pulses counting >> communication with Com’X200 energy server and potential building controller (time scheduling) Com’X 200 ensures: >> temperature sensors acquisition >> data recording, logging (sensors + Smartlink) >> web pages generation >> GPRS communication with the web The locally generated web pages can be viewed through a simple PC browser. A server collects the energy data to be displayed in the global supervision dashboards. The shared access to energy data is based on 'Cloud computing' In principle, the data of each switchboard is transmitted on the web and stored in one or more remote and secure servers (the 'Cloud'). They are processed by Schneider Electric "Operation Energy Online" treatments: elaboration of energy challenge results, costs and savings on dashboards. These dashboards are provided on any PC connected to the web with an authorized identification. 15 Energy monitoring, asset management and maintenance of a hotel The hotel manager wants to: >> Preserve comfort by predictive and planned maintenance >> Minimize the discomfort caused by problems on critical equipment >> Measure electrical consumption, the volume of different fluids and their evolution >> Optimize the power consumption by a more appropriate use of Specifications The system must detect and report problems on critical equipment >> Fire alarm Panel >> HVAC equipment >> Water Heaters >> Circuit breakers (feeders) Alarms must be reported by audible signal with designation on a monitor. Alarm must be generated when periodic maintenance of equipment is due. equipment The manager wants energy dashboards on his PC to edit reports periodically. 16 Volumes of fluids >> Gas >> Hot water >> Cold water Dashboards must be provided >> Energy consumption, evolution >> Volume of fluids, evolution >> Outside temperature, evolution Consumption must be measured >> Energy >> Global >> HVAC >> Lighting >> Rooms, per floor >> Water heaters >> Cooking and dishwashing equipment maintenance Inside a hotel Stake: diagnose faults, preserve continuity of service Design trends Building automation Technology Choice of equipment with alarming outputs. Monitoring of available alarming outputs. Functions implemented with a Smart Panel + LCD display 1 |Measure 2 |connect Operation alarms Alarms transfer on Ethernet network Tripping signals from circuit breakers, fault signals from fire alarm, boilers, air handling unit and chillers. Maintenance alarms On air handling operation time (filter replacement). Com’X 200 Energy server sends alarm and related information on the hotel Ethernet network. 3 |Save Display of counting values and temperature The web pages are available on a dedicated LCD touch panel and on any PC on the hotel network with authorized access. 17 Stake: check correct operation , preserve the energy efficiency of the equipment in all weather condition. Stake: preserve energy efficiency in the rooms, measure gains obtained with low consumption equipment. Stake: avoid waste, optimize usage, preserving occupant’s comfort Building design Building automation High quality thermal insulation and air tightness Fully check correct operation, fine tune the thermal regulation parameters during the first season consumption Guestroom energy Technology consumption Low consumption mini bars and TV sets, LED lighting Building design Optimize hot water pipes length Air handling unit + Chillers Technology Efficient boilers and dishwashers, water saving shower heads, tap aerators, dual flush toilets… Hot water, cold water, gas Functions implemented with a Smart Panel + LCD display 1 |Measure 2 |connect Metering per usage: total room consumption, air handling units, chillers consumptions From Energy meters Transfer of metering data transfer on Ethernet network Display of counting values and temperature Com’X 200 Energy server collects and saves the data. Metering of volumes of water and gas The transfer is provided via its Ethernet port to the hotel network. The web pages are available on a dedicated LCD touch panel and on any PC on the hotel network with authorized access. From water, gas meter Recording of outside temperature From a 0-10 V temperature sensor kWh C° m3 18 3 |Save Hotel application: Enerlin’X communication diagram LV main switchboard Energy server Com’X 200 Rooms floor 3 Temp Chiller Air handling unit Lighting Rooms floor 1 Rooms floor 2 LV main switchboard, grouping >> Main incomer >> Rooms circuits feeders (grouped per floor) >> Protection of HVAC circuits >> Protection of lighting >> Protection of and other circuits >> Kitchen feeder The Com’X 200 Energy Server collects the signals from the outside temperature sensor, as well as the data from the energy meters and the main incomer status and electrical values (Compact NSX, via its Micrologic controller). The Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus collects the signals from various circuit breakers status contacts. Ethernet Modbus ULP Hard wired LV final switchboard LV final distribution switchboard, grouping >> Kitchen circuits breakers >> Water heaters circuit breakers Dishwashing Cooking equipment Gas Gas meter Cold water Hot water 1 Water meters Hot water 2 Technical room The Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet collects the gas and water meter pulses, as well as the status of various modular circuit breakers. The Modbus network is used for collecting data from energy meters. 19 20 Smart Panel design 21 Locate sources of useful information in the switchboard Masterpact 1 , Compact 2 , circuit breakers Auxilliary contacts indicate breaker status. Embedded sensors provide electrical values. Status contacts and sensors are monitored by the embedded Micrologic control unit. 1 Web pages generated by IFE interface + gateway Monitoring of electrical values - Breaker status Basic Readings: Micrologic H (Arch 1) (Micrologic H) Load Current (A) Power Parameter Voltage LL Minimum Breaker Status Voltage LN Present Maximum Open Information for Maintenance Micrologic H (Arch 1) (Micrologic H) Breaker operation Counters Counters Value Total number of indication contacts (OF) operation 54 Indication contacts (OF) operation since last reset 54 Trip indication contact (SD) operation --- Fault trip indication contact (SDE) operation 78 Breaker operation Counters Counters Contact wear indicator Value --- % Cradle Counters Counters 22 Value Cradle connected 62 Cradle disconnected 20 Cradle test 7 2 Miniature circuit breakers, remote controlled MCB (Reflex), actuators (relays, impulse relays) 1 Auxiliary contacts indicate open/closed status. Specific input on actuators and Reflex ensures remote control. Web pages (partial) generated by Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet Digital Channels NAME 2 1 2 STATUS CONTROL PRODUCT LABEL Lighting 1.1 OF+SD24 L1.1 Lighting 1.2 OF+SD24 L1.2 Lighting 2.1 OF+SD24 L2.1 Lighting 2.2 OF+SD24 L2.2 Lighting 2.3 OF+SD24 L2.3 Ventilation 1 OF+SD24 V1 Energy meters 2 Contact output sends a pulse every X Wh. 2 Web pages (partial) generated by Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet Monitoring energy meters Pulse Meters NAME PRODUCT LABEL Lighting 1 VALUE 1276 kWh iEM2000T L1 Lighting 2 5413 kWh iEM2000T L2 Analog sensor 3 Temperature sensor sends a 0-10 V signal. 3 Web pages (partial) generated by Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet Monitoring analog sensors Analog Channels NAME Outside temperature VALUE 18°C PRODUCT LABEL Crouzet 89750150 Text 1 23 Masterpact , Compact NS Measure & Connect: circuit breaker status and electrical values Available information and functions Micrologic A Micrologic E Micrologic P Available functions Micrologic H* Micrologic type Status indications ON/OFF (O/F) Spring charged CH Ready to close Fault-trip SDE Connected / disconnected / test position CE/CD/CT (CCM only) Controls A A A A A E E E E E P P P P P H H H H H MX open XF close Measurements A A E E P P H H Instantaneous measurement information Averaged measurement information Maximeter / minimeter Energy metering Demand for current and power Power quality Operating assistance A E E E E E P P P P P H H H H H H P P P P H H H H Protection and alarm settings Histories Time stamped event tables Maintenance indicators A E A E * Micrologic H: for Masterpact only Embedded trip unit and communication module Micrologic trip unit All Masterpact circuit breakers are equipped with a Micrologic trip unit. This adjustable unit is mainly designed for tripping the circuit breaker in case necessary and monitoring the downstream circuit. Alarms may be programmed for remote indications. Electrical measurements and operation data for predictive maintenance are provided for local display or distant monitoring. 24 BCM ULP communication module This module provides an ULP communication port to a Micrologic trip unit, giving monitoring and control access from upper networks, Modbus or Ethernet. Enerlin’X communication solutions functions Fixed Masterpact circuit breaker Ethernet Drawout Masterpact circuit breaker Modbus Modbus Ethernet BCM ULP OF, SDE… microswitches 24VDC 24VDC COM terminal block (E1 to E6) ETH2 ETH1 ETH2 ETH2 ETH1 ETH1 J I tory (fac .YY.ZZ ETH2 ETH1 s-SL Modbu J I set) IFE_XX IFE tory CT -100/A LK/10 ETH1 CT -100/A LK/10 tus ETH2 e Sta Modul tus rk Sta Netwo (fac .YY.ZZ MX and XF communicating voltage releases set) IFE_XX IFE s-SL Modbu 11 LV4340 CT -100/A LK/10 ETH1 CT -100/A LK/10 tus ETH2 e Sta Modul tus rk Sta Netwo CE, CD and CT contacts 11 LV4340 Micrologic trip unit Breaker ULP cord or I/O module or IFE interface module ULP system ULP system I2 C I1 I4 C I3 I5 I4 C I3 I2 C I1 I6 C I5 IFM module I6 C + C 24VD A1 O1 O2 O3 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 APP IO Mo G G O3 O2 O1 13 23 33 T1 dule A1 T2 34 24 14 H D C G MX1 XF B A OF SD SDE PF CH C CT CD CE MX1 - XF E D B F OF SDE PF CH A F ULP system is a fast communication link dedicated to circuit breaker monitoring and control. Based on a RS485 physical liaison with cable segments up to 5 meters, it is well adapted to severe environment. A choice of 6 preconnectorized cables with different length is provided. IFE interface: ULP to Ethernet interface module. Provides an IP address to any circuit breaker fitted with an ULP port. The IFE interface makes all available data from the circuit breaker accessible from an Ethernet compatible display (IFM128), a PC with common browser, or an Ethernet interface. IFE interface + gateway version generates its owns web pages. IFM: ULP to Modbus Interface module Makes all available data of a circuit breaker fitted with an ULP port accessible via a Modbus network. IFM acts as a Modbus slave, accessible from a Modbus master (IFE interface + gateway, Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet or Com’X 200). I/O: I/O application module I/O is dedicated to breakers with ULP liaison. It ensures the monitoring of the chassis position by means of CE, CD, CT contacts and control of applications around the circuit breaker (lighting or load control, cooling system, pulse metering acquisition...). 25 Compact NSX Measure & Connect: circuit breaker status and electrical values Available information and functions Micrologic trip units for 3 poles, 4 poles Compact circuit breakers Available functions Micrologic type Status indications ON/OFF (O/F) A E Spring charged CH A E Ready to close A E Fault-trip SDE A E Connected / disconnected / test position CE/CD/CT (CCM only) A E MX A E Electrical motor mechanism A E A E Controls Measurements Instantaneous measurement information Averaged measurement information Maximeter / minimeter E A E Energy metering E Demand for current and power E Power quality Operating assistance Protection and alarm settings Histories E Time stamped event tables Maintenance indicators A E Embedded trip unit and communication module Micrologic trip unit BSCM module All Compact circuit breakers are equipped with a Micrologic trip unit. This adjustable unit is mainly designed for tripping the circuit breaker in case necessary hence monitoring the downstream circuit This module provides an ULP communication port to a Micrologic trip unit, giving monitoring and control access from upper networks, Modbus or Ethernet. Alarms may be programmed for remote indications. Electrical measurements, operation data for predictive maintenance, are provided for local display or distant monitoring. 26 Enerlin’X communication solutions functions Fixed Compact NSX circuit breaker Drawout Compact NSX circuit breaker Internal terminal block for communication via NSX cord BSCM module Micrologic trip unit Breaker ULP cord I/O module IFE interface module IFM module ULP system is a fast communication link dedicated to circuit breaker monitoring and control. Based on a RS485 physical liaison with cable segments up to 5 meters, it is well adapted to severe environment. A choice of 6 preconnectorized cables with different length is provided. IFE interface: ULP to Ethernet interface module. Provides an IP address to any circuit breaker fitted with an ULP port. The IFE interface makes all available data from the circuit breaker accessible from an Ethernet compatible display (IFM128), a PC with common browser, or an Ethernet interface. IFE interface + gateway version generates its owns web pages. IFM: ULP to Modbus Interface module Makes all available data of a circuit breaker fitted with an ULP port accessible via a Modbus network. IFM acts as a Modbus slave, accessible from a Modbus master (IFE interface + gateway, Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet or Com’X 200). I/O: I/O application module I/O is dedicated to circuit breaker with ULP liaison. It provides the monitoring and control of any application around the circuit breaker (lighting or load control, cooling system, pulse metering acquisition...). 27 Acti 9 Measure & Connect: equipment status and control, counter values Available information and functions Available functions Circuit Breaker Reflex C. B. Relay Pulse R. Pulse counter Status indications OPEN/CLOSE TRIPPED Controls Open Close Measurements Counter pulses (kWh, m3, …) Analog value (temperature, CO2,…) Maintenance counters Number of trippings Number of OPEN/CLOSE cycles Total period of operation of the load Monitoring auxiliaries and counters OF+SD24 iEM2000T Circuit breaker auxiliaries Energy counters >> 24 V DC low-level contacts - CB open/closed position - CB tripping indication >> DIN rail mounted >> Designed for metering active energy consumed by a single- or 3-phase electric circuit Control auxiliaries and Reflex circuit breaker iATL 24 iACT 24 ReflexTM iC60 Impulse relay auxiliary Contactor auxiliary >> 24 V: - Command to impulse relay - Open/close impulse relay position >> 24 V: - Command to contactor - Open/close contactor position Monitoring and integrated control circuit breaker >> 230 V command to impulse relay - Various configurable local and remote control combinations >> 230 V command to contactor -V arious configurable local and remote control combinations 28 iEM3110 >> 24 V DC and 230 V AC - Command - Open/close - Tripping indication >> Various configurable local and remote control combinations Analog sensor Enerlin’X communication solutions functions Ethernet et Modbus Master Acti 9 Smartlink Ethern OUT 0 -24 V DC et Acti 9 Smartlink Ethern >> 7 connectors: 2 inputs / 1 output / tor + 24 V DC per connec 0-10 V sensor or 4-20 mA OF+SD24 xC60 iATL24 iTL Reflex iC60 IEM2000T >> 1 connector with 0 mA inputs 2 analog 0-10 V or 4-2 DC output >> 1 connector for 24 V et provides a Acti 9 Smartlink Ethern a network Modbus master port for 9 Smartlink i collecting data from Act slaves s Modbus or other Modbu . …) (counters, power meters et gateway It also provides an Ethern facility. ed circuit-breakers, Acti 9 remote controll actuators, counters rs, Acti 9 circuit-breake s ay rel pulse e rgy meters with impuls Reflex iC60, relays, ene nected. output are directly con controlled They are monitored or adaptors by the I/O’s via specific ). (OF+SD24 and iATL24 Modbus Slave s Acti 9 Smartlink Modbu Smartlink Ethernet >> 11 connectors: 2 inputs / 1 output / tor + 24 V DC per connec Smartlink cables DC output >> 1 connector for 24 V es Smartlink Modbus provid facility e rfac inte e slav s a Modbu for Acti 9 components. A standard connection design with the corresponding cables has been developed for error-free and fast cabling. 29 Enerlin’X gateways and interfaces connectivity IFE interface + gateway Modbus Master Com’X 200 Modbus Master Connect IFE interface Ethernet gateways Interface to Ethernet Switch Smartlink Ethernet Modbus Master Interfaces to Modbus Modbus SL networks (one master per network, multiple slaves) IFM Modbus Slave Smartlink Modbus Modbus Slave Measure Or I/O Energy counter, Acti 9 circuit breakers and actuators .... Power meter PM3200 Compact Masterpact Ethernet Modbus ULP Hard wired >> This diagram clearly shows the equipment involved into the "Measure" and "Connect" functionalities defining the Smart Panel concept >> Interface: provides a network port to one or several devices (circuit breakers, actuators, counters,...) from their hard wired or ULP links >> Gateway: ensures the communication between two networks with different protocols (Ethernet and Modbus) 30 Examples of connected switchboards architecture Ethernet Modbus ULP Hard wired Building Ethernet network Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch DSL Modem DSL Modem Final distribution switchboards Small building Main switchboard Medium building Main switchboard: Main switchboard Unique switchboard: Acti 9 Smartlink ensures the monitoring and control of circuit-breakers and actuators. A power meter (PM) shares the same Modbus network, the Compact circuit breaker is monitored through dry contacts. The Modbus master, an Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet, collects the data from the Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus slave, and then sends all status and values to the Com’X 200 energy server by an Ethernet liaison. The Com’X 200 acts as a gateway, connecting the switchboard to the Cloud via a DSL modem. Display The related energy dashboards generated by the Energy Operation web services are available on any PC connected to the web. Acti 9 Smartlink ensures the monitoring and control of circuit-breakers and actuators. The main incomer is monitored and controlled directly by the IFE interface + gateway, through an ULP link. Other circuit breakers are connected to IFM interfaces, through ULP links, as well. The data from the Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus slaves are collected by the master, an Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet. The IFE interface concentrates the data from: >> the Acti 9 Smartlink’s through a Ethernet liaison >> the IFM’s through DIN rail connectors (see page 50) Final distribution switchboards An Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet ensures the connection of each switchboard to the local Ethernet network. The same principle as in the main switchboards applies for the status and values monitoring. >> the main incomer through its ULP link Display As the choice was made for a local monitoring and control, an LCD touch panel IFM128 or PC with standard browser is connected to the building Ethernet network, shared by all the switchboards. The web pages generated by the local IFE interface and Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet are displayed on it. 31 32 Enerlin'X components 33 Enerlin’X communication system Enerlin'X components Products overview Ethernet has become the universal link between switchboards, computers and communication devices inside the building. The large amount of information which can be transferred makes the connection of Enerlin'X digital system to hosted web services of Schneider Electric a reality. More advantages are offered to integrators thanks to configuration web pages available remotely or on the local Ethernet network. Enerlin'X communication system provides access to status, electrical values and devices control using Ethernet and Modbus SL communication protocols. Modbus SL is the most widely used communication protocol in industrial networks. It operates in master-slave mode. The devices (slaves) communicate one after the other with a gateway (master). H G D G G G H C F B A E 4 E F Ethernet Modbus SL ULP Hard wired 34 ULP is a fast communication link dedicated to circuit breaker monitoring and control. Enerlin'X communication devices and displays Name Function Port Com'X 200 Modbus Energy Server Master with Ethernet Gateway (1) function Analog. Bin. Input Output Cial. Ref. Ethernet cable 6 + WiFi 2 - EBX200 FDM128 Ethernet LCD colour touch screen Ethernet - - - FLV434128 FDM121 LCD display for circuit breaker - - - - TRV00121 IFE interface + gateway Ethernet Ethernet interface (2) Modbus & Gateway Master & ULP - - - LV434011 IFE interface Ethernet interface for circuit breakers ULP Ethernet - - - LV434010 E Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet Ethernet interface with Input/Output functions & Gateway Modbus Master Ethernet 14 2 7 A9XMEA08 F Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Modbus interface with Input/Output functions - Modbus Slave 22 - 11 A9XMSB11 IFM Modbus interface for circuit breaker ULP Modbus Slave - - - TRV00210 I/O Input/Output application module for circuit breaker ULP ULP 6 - 3 LV434063 (to device) A B C D G H ULP Bin. Input (to server) (1) Gateway: transfers data from a network to another (ie.: Modbus to Ethernet). (2) Interface: transfers data from an equipment to a network.(ie.: ULP to Modbus). Commissioning / maintenance tools Web pages embedded into Com’X 200 and Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet gateways Access with a standard PC and common browser: bb commissioning bb communication diagnosis bb functional tests… Electrical Asset Manager Plug and play commissioning tools give a real peace of mind to panel builders as their panels can be functionally checked before delivery. Loaded into a standard PC Error free commissioning. Time saving, easier management and maintenance thanks to the advanced services: bb project management bb configuration of controllers, gateways, … bb test of communication networks, diagnostic report… 35 Enerlin'X components Energy Server Com'X 200 PB112041 Functions and characteristics Ethernet GPRS data logger function The Energy Server Com'X 200 collects and stores wages consumptions (Water, Air, Gas, Electricity, Steam) and environmental parameters such as temperatures, humidity, and CO2 levels in a building. Data is periodically transmitted as a report to an internet database server. Data processing and display Once received by the server, the data is ready to be processed and displayed as web pages through web services provided by Schneider Electric, such as StruxureWare Energy Operation and StruxureWare Energy On Line. Energy Server Com'X 200. bb Energy Operation. bb Energy Online. or by any private energy management platform. Architecture PB112047 PB113149 Access to the web: choice of 3 media. Energy Server Com'X 200 - top view. Features bb From a simple metering installation with 1 device to large metering systems, Com'X 200 collects data from any Modbus TCP or serial devices, from any pulse meters, actuators and analogue sensors bb Automatic discovery of connected Modbus devices bb Connectivity to the cloud through Ethernet, Wi-Fi and GPRS bb 2 Ethernet ports to separate upstream cloud connection from field devices network bb Protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP with Proxy management bb Data export: Native connection to Schneider Electric Service platforms (Energy Operation, Energy Online) - CSV file export for other database servers bb Setup through convenient built-in web pages bb Compliant with electrical switchboard environment (Temperature, electro magnetic compatibility) bb Storage of data in case of communication failure bb Local backup of the configuration parameters When associated with SE Services: bb Remotely managed (firmware upgrade, configuration backup, troubleshooting, parameters setting bb GPRS contract management with SIM card provided Catalogue numbers Energy Server Com'X 200 Com'X 200 Ethernet data logger Wi-Fi USB stick GPRS modem with SIM card GPRS modem without SIM card External GPRS antenna 36 EBX 200 EBXA-USB-WiFi EBXA-GPRS-SIM EBXA-GPRS EBXA-ANT-5M PB112041 Ethernet GPRS data logger Characteristics Inputs 6 Digital inputs Max impulse frequency Power Supply 2 Analogue inputs Sensor compatibility Power supply 25 Hz (min duration 20 ms) IEC 62053-31 Class A Provided by Com'X 200: 12 V DC – 60 mA External: from 10 to 30 V DC PT100 – PT1000 2-wires probes (accuracy 1%) Sensors with 4 -20 mA or 0-10 V output (accuracy 0.5%) Provided by Com'X 200: 24 V DC - 50 mA per input Communication PB112050 Energy Server Com'X 200. Meter Network Ethernet 1 1 RS485 Modbus serial port, RJ45 connector, for 32 Modbus components maximum 2 Ethernet ports RJ45 10/100 Base, DPWS ready PoE class 3 (802.3af), DHCP client Ethernet 2 DHCP client or server Protocols IPv4, IPv6 – HTTP, HTTPS, Modbus TCP/IP 2 USB port on front face USB port 2 behind cover 11 Power/ Boot status GPRS modem status and signal level Modbus communication Configuration / Data transfer USB Ports For memory stick For Wi-Fi stick LED indicators Ethernet communication Wi-Fi communication mode (Access point / Infrastructure) and status Digital inputs status and pulse reception Power Supply PB112042 Energy Server Com'X 200 with the front face in Open position, GPRS modem and Wi-Fi USB stick are connected. AC 100-230 V (+/- 15%)(50-60Hz) DC Max power 24 V (+/- 10%) 26 W max Mechanical IP Dimensions (HxWxD) Weight Environment Operating temperature Storage temperature Humidity Pollution PB112045 GPRS modem (antenna in folded position). Front face IP40, terminals IP20 91 x 144 x 65.8 mm 450 g -25 to +60°C (-13 to +140°F) -40 to +85°C (-40 to +185°F) 5 to 95% relative humidity (without condensation) at +55ºC Class III Safety standards / regulation International (CB scheme) USA Canada Europe IEC 60950 UL508 cULus 508 EN 60950 Quality Brands CE, UL PB112044 External GPRS antenna. Wi-Fi USB stick 37 Enerlin'X components FDM128 Ethernet switchboard display For Masterpact, Compact, Powerpact* circuit breakers and Acti 9 Smartlink PB111801 Micrologic measurement capabilities come into full play with the FDM128 switchboard display. It connects to Ethernet communication via RJ45 port and displays Micrologic information. The result is a true integrated unit combining a circuit breaker and a Power Meter. Additional operating assistance functions can also be displayed. FDM128 The FDM128 is an 'intelligent' Ethernet display. It collects the data from up to 8 devices via the Ethernet network: bb circuit breakers, as Masterpact, Compact, or Powerpact*, individually via their Ethernet interfaces or gateways bb modular circuit breakers, actuators, counter and analog sensors when they are grouped an connected to an Acti 9 Smartlink interface FDM128 generates and displays a dedicated page for each one, with the monitored status, values, and the potential controls. Masterpact and Compact monitoring and control PB111802 FDM128 display. PB111805 Surface mount accessory. The FDM128 is intended to display the data of a Micrologic A/E/P/H trip unit embedded into a Masterpact or Compact. They consist of electrical measurements, trips and operating information. Protection setting cannot be modified from the FDM128. Measurements may be easily accessed via a menu. Trips are automatically displayed. A pop-up window displays the time-stamped description of the trip. Status indications As long as the circuit breaker is equipped with a BCM ULP or BSCM communication module and the appropriate status contacts (with or without Micrologic), a minimum of information can be displayed: bb O/F: ON/OFF bb SDE: Fault-trip indication (overload, short-circuit, ground fault) bb PF: ready to close bb CH: charged (spring loaded) bb CE, CD, CT cradle management with I/O application module Remote control When the circuit breaker is equipped with a BCM ULP or BSCM communication module (including their kit for connection to XF and MX communication voltage releases), the FDM128 display can also be used to control (open/close) the circuit breaker. Two operating modes are available: bb local mode: open/close commands are enabled from FDM128 while disable from the communication network bb remote mode: open/close commands are disabled from FDM128 while, enabled from communication network. Acti 9 Smartlink monitoring and control The FDM128 can display all status, counting and analog values collected in hard wired devices by an Acti 9 Smartlink interface. It can also provide potential controls. Wired devices: bb Circuit breakers bb Energy counters bb Analog sensors bb Relays, impulse relays Monitoring O/F auxiliary contacts: ON/OFF status. SD auxiliary contacts: fault-trip indication (overload, short-circuit, ground fault). Counters: values.Analog sensors: (temperature value, humidity,...) Remote control Circuit breakers with tripping auxiliary, relays, impulse relays, Acti 9 Reflex remote control circuit breakers. Main characteristics bb 115.2 x 86.4 mm with 5.7" QVGA display 320 x 240 pixels bb Color TFT LCD, LED backlight bb Wide viewing angle: vertical ±80°, horizontal ±70° bb High resolution: excellent reading of graphic symbols bb Operating temperature range -10 °C to +55 °C bb CE / UL / CSA marking (pending) bb 24 V DC power supply, with tolerances 24 V (limit 20.4 - 28.8 V DC) bb Consumption y 6.8 W *Except Powerpact M 38 Mounting The FDM128 is easily installed in a switchboard. bb Standard door hole Ø 22 mm The FDM128's degree of protection is IP65 in the front and IP54 at the back. Connection The FDM128 is equipped with: bb a 24 V DC terminal block: power supply range of 24 V DC (limit 20.4 - 28.8 V DC) The FDM128 display unit has a 2-point screw connector on the rear panel of the module for this purpose. bb one RJ45 Ethernet jacks The Micrologic connects to the internal communication terminal block on the Masterpact via the breaker ULP cord and Ethernet connection through IFE interface. Navigation Touch screen is used for intuitive and fast navigation. The user can select the display language (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, etc.). DB414405 Screens 20.12.2011 12:00:05 Main menu S1-1 - Lighting/Level1 Quick view Measures Alarm history Control Maintenance Product ID Information Reset all Counter Operation xxx Trip SDE xxx Close command xxx ESC Quick view DB414407 20.12.2011 12:00:05 S1-1 - Lighting/Level1 Energy Measures Ep Eq Es Alarm history Control 11 318 kWh 257 kVArh 13 815 kVAh Maintenance ESC 6/7 Alarms Maintenance 20.12.2011 Access to detailed information bb "Metering" can be used to display the measurement data (I, U-V, f, P, Q, S, E, THD, PF) with the corresponding min/max values bb Alarms displays the trip history bb Services provides access to the operation counters, energy and maximeter reset function, maintenance indicators, identification of modules connected to the internal bus and FDM128 internal settings (language, contrast, etc.) Communication components and FDM128 connections Metering: meter. DB414408 Control Fast access to essential information bb "Quick view" provides access to five screens that display a summary of essential operating information (I, U, f, P, E, THD, circuit breaker On / Off) Product identification. Quick view Metering When not in use, the screen is automatically shifted to low back-lighting. 3/3 12:00:05 S1-1 - Lighting/Level1 Quick view Measures Alarm history Control Maintenance ESC Product ID Information Reset all Load profile 0 to 49% 50 to 79% 80 to 89% 90 to 100% 2/3 Services. 39 Enerlin'X components FDM121 switchboard display For Masterpact , Compact, Powerpact* circuit breakers PB103582 Micrologic measurement capabilities come into full play with the FDM121 switchboard display. It connects to COM option (BCM ULP) via a breaker ULP cord and displays Micrologic information. The result is a true integrated unit combining a circuit breaker and a Power Meter. Additional operating assistance functions can also be displayed. FDM121 switchboard display An FDM121 switchboard display unit can be connected to a circuit breaker via an ULP cord to display all measurements, alarms, histories and event tables, maintenance indicators, management of installed devices on a screen. The result is a veritable 96 x 96 mm Power Meter. The FMD121 display unit requires a 24 V DC power supply. The FDM121 is a switchboard display unit that can be integrated in the Compact NSX100 to 630 A, Compact NS or Masterpact systems. It uses the sensors and processing capacity of the Micrologic trip unit. It is easy to use and requires no special software or settings. It is immediately operational when connected to the Compact NSX by a simple cord. Also, it provides monitoring and control with the use of the I/O application module, the motor mecanism module, or the Breaker Status module. The FDM121 is a large display, but requires very little depth. The anti-glare graphic screen is backlit for very easy reading even under poor ambient lighting and at sharp angles. Display of Micrologic measurements and alarms PB103807 FDM121 display. The FDM121 is intended to display Micrologic 5 / 6 measurements, alarms and operating information. It cannot be used to modify the protection settings. Measurements may be easily accessed via a menu. All user-defined alarms are automatically displayed. The display mode depends on the priority level selected during alarm set-up: bb high priority: a pop-up window displays the time-stamped description of the alarm and the orange LED flashes bb medium priority: the orange "Alarm" LED goes steady on bb low priority: no display on the screen All faults resulting in a trip automatically produce a high-priority alarm, without any special settings required. In all cases, the alarm history is updated. Micrologic saves the information in its non-volatile memory in the event of an FDM121 power failure. Status indications and remote control PB103581 Surface mount accessory. When the circuit breaker is equipped with the Breaker Status Module, the FDM121 display can also be used to view circuit breaker status conditions: bb O/F: ON/OFF bb SD: trip indication bb SDE: Fault-trip indication (overload, short-circuit, ground fault) When the circuit breaker system is equipped with the I/O application module, the FDM121 can monitor and control: bb craddle management bb circuit breaker operation bb light and load control bb custom application When the circuit breaker system is equipped with the motor mechanism module, the FDM121 offers remote closing and opening control. Main characteristics Connection with FDM121 display unit. bb 96 x 96 x 30 mm screen requiring 10 mm behind the door (or 20 mm when the 24 V power supply connector is used) bb White backlighting bb Wide viewing angle: vertical ±60°, horizontal ±30° bb High resolution: excellent reading of graphic symbols bb Alarm LED: flashing orange for alarm pick-up, steady orange after operator reset if alarm condition persists bb Operating temperature range -10 °C to +55 °C bb CE / UL / CSA marking (pending) bb 24 V DC power supply, with tolerances 24 V -20 % (19.2 V) to 24 V +10 % (26.4 V) When the FDM121 is connected to the communication network, the 24 V DC can be supplied by the communication system wiring system. bb Consumption 40 mA Mounting The FDM121 is easily installed in a switchboard. bb Standard door cut-out 92 x 92 mm bb Attached using clips To avoid a cut-out in the door, an accessory is available for surface mounting by drilling only two 22 mm diameter holes. The FDM121 degree of protection is IP54 in front. IP54 is maintained after switchboard mounting by using the supplied gasket during installation. Connection The FDM121 is equipped with: bb a 24 V DC terminal block: vv plug-in type with 2 wire inputs per point for easy daisy-chaining vv power supply range of 24 V DC -20 % (19.2 V) to 24 V DC +10 % (26.4 V) A 24 V DC type auxiliary power supply must be connected to a single point on the ULP system. The FDM121 display unit has a 2-point screw connector on the rear panel of the module for this purpose. The ULP module to which the auxiliary power supply is connected distributes the supply via the ULP cable to all the ULP modules connected to the system and therefore also to Micrologic. 40 DB112135 bb two RJ45 jacks The Micrologic connects to the internal communication terminal block on the Masterpact via the breaker ULP cord. Connection to one of the RJ45 connectors on the FDM121 automatically establishes communication between the Micrologic and the FDM121 and supplies power to the Micrologic measurement functions. When the second connector is not used, it must be fitted with a line terminator. I1 310 A % I3 302 A I I2 315 % IN 23 % ESC 1 2 3 4 5 6 A A Navigation Escape Down OK Up Context Alarm LED Five buttons are used for intuitive and fast navigation. The "Context" button may be used to select the type of display (digital, bargraph, analogue). The user can select the display language (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, etc.). Screens % When powered up, the FDM121 screen automatically displays the ON/OFF status of the device. Main menu 5 6 DB112138 DB112136 2 3 4 Produit Id Micrologic 5.3A Serial number: P07451 Firmware: PQS E 1.02 ESC DB125912 NonResettableEnergy 1/3 EpIN 5111947 kWh EpOut 12345678 kWh Load Profile 0..49% 2/3 15 H 80..89% 360 H 3H ESC Maintenance Communication components and FDM121 connections DB416695 Services. DB416741 Metering: meter. Alarms Access to detailed information bb "Metering" can be used to display the measurement data (I, U-V, f, P, Q, S, E, THD, PF) with the corresponding min/max values bb Alarms displays active alarms and the alarm history bb Services provides access to the operation counters, energy and maximeter reset bb function, maintenance indicators, identification of modules connected to the internal bus and FDM121 internal settings (language, contrast, etc.) 610 H 50...79% 90..100% ESC Control Fast access to essential information bb "Quick view" provides access to five screens that display a summary of essential operating information (I, U, f, P, E, THD, circuit breaker On / Off) F - PF - cos Φ OK Metering: sub-menu. Product identification. Metering When not in use, the screen is not backlit. Backlighting can be activated by pressing one of the buttons. It goes off after 3 minutes. U-V ESC DB112140 I LU432091 Part number: Quick view Metering Ethernet Modbus-SL External power supply 24 V DC External power supply 24 V DC A - + 1 B - + D0 = A’ / Rx-, A / TxD1 = B’ / Rx+, B / Tx+ 24VDC ETH1 D IFM 1.3 m ETH2 D IFE OR E F C Red Black LV434195 LV434196 LV434197 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 White Blue E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 B’ / Rx+ D1 A’ / Rx- D0 B / Tx+ D1 0V A Modbus network B Ethernet network C Breaker ULP cord Red Black A / Tx- D0 Customer terminal block F C 24 V B’ / Rx+ D1 A’ / Rx- D0 B / Tx+ D1 0V A / Tx- D0 24 V Breaker ULP cord Connections bb Masterpact is connected to the ULP devices (FDM121 display, IFM, IFE interface or I/O) unit via the breaker ULP cord. vv cord available in three lengths: 0.35 m, 1.3 m and 3 m vv lengths up to 10 m possible using extensions White Blue E Customer terminal block D FDM121 display E ULP termination F ULP cable 41 Enerlin'X components IFE interface, IFE interface + gateway: Ethernet interface, gateway PB112059-55 IFE interface, IFE interface + gateway description Introduction bb The IFE interface and IFE interface + gateway enable LV circuit breakers such as Masterpact and Compact, to be connected to an Ethernet network IFE interface: ref. LV434010 Provides an Ethernet access to a single LV circuit breaker. Function Interface - one circuit breaker is connected to the IFE interface via its ULP port. IFE interface + gateway: ref. LV434011 IFE interface, ref.: LV434010 Provides an Ethernet access to one or several LV circuit breakers. Functions bb Interface - one circuit breaker is connected to the IFE interface via its ULP port bb Gateway: several circuit breakers on a Modbus network are connected via the IFE interface + gateway master Modbus port IFE interface, IFE interface + gateway features DB416830 bb Dual 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port for simple daisy chain connection. bb Device profile web service for discovery of the IFE interface, IFE interface + gateway on the LAN bb ULP compliant for localization of the IFE interface in the switchboard bb Ethernet interface for Compact, Masterpact and Powerpact* circuit breakers bb Gateway for Modbus-SL connected devices (IFE interface + gateway only) bb Embedded set-up web pages bb Embedded monitoring web pages bb Embedded control web pages bb Built-in e-mail alarm notification Mounting The IFE interface, IFE interface + gateway are DIN rail mounting devices. A stacking accessory enables the user to connect several IFMs (ULP to Modbus interfaces) to an IFE interface + gateway without additional wiring. 24 V DC power supply IFE interface + gateway, ref.: LV434011 The IFE interface, IFE interface + gateway must always be supplied with 24 V DC. The IFMs stacked to an IFE interface + gateway are supplied by the IFE interface + gateway, thus it is not necessary to supply them separately. It is recommended to use an UL listed and recognized limited voltage/limited current or a class 2 power supply with a 24 V DC, 3 A maximum. DB406743 IFE interface, IFE interface + gateway firmware update The firmware can be updated using: bb FTP bb customer engineering tool Required circuit breaker communication modules The connection to IFE interface or IFE interface + gateway requires a communication module embedded into the circuit breaker: bb Compact NS, Powerpact P, Powerpact R: BCM ULP communication module bb Compact NSX: NSX cord and/or BSCM module bb Masterpact NT/NW or Compact NS, Powerpact P, Powerpact R (Fixed electrically operated): BCM ULP communication module bb Drawout Masterpact NT/NW or a withdrawable Compact NS, Powerpact P, Powerpact R: BCM ULP and its respective I/O (Input/Output) application module. All connection configurations for Masterpact NT/NW, Compact NS, Powerpact P, Powerpact R require the breaker ULP cord. The insulated NSX cord is mandatory for system voltages greater than 480 V AC. When the second ULP RJ45 connector is not used, it must be closed with an ULP terminator (TRV00880). *Except Powerpact M 42 DB416863 General characteristics Environmental characteristics Conforming to standards Certification Ambient temperature Relative humidity Level of pollution Flame resistance 24VDC ETH1 ETH2 UL 508, UL 60950, IEC 60950, 60947-6-2 cUIUs, GOST, FCC, CE -20 to +70 °C (-4 to +158 °F) 5–85 % Level 3 ULV0 Mechanical characteristics Shock resistance Resistance to sinusoidal vibrations A I J Electrical characteristics B Resistance to electromagnetic discharge Immunity to radiated fields Immunity to surges Consumption K ETH1 1000 m/s2 -5 Hz < f < 8.4 Hz ETH2 Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-3 10 V/m Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 120 mA at 24 V input Physical characteristics IFE IFE-XX.YY.ZZ (factory set) ETH1 LK/10-100/ACT ETH2 LK/10-100/ACT Module Status Modbus-SL Network Status T LV434011 C D E F R H G Dimensions Mounting Weight Degree of protection of the installed I/O application module Connections 72 x 105 x 71 mm (2.83 x 4.13 x 2.79 in.) DIN rail 182.5 g (0.41 lb) bb On the front panel (wall mounted enclosure): IP4x bb Connectors: IP2x bb Other parts: IP3x Screw type terminal blocks Technical characteristics - 24 V DC power supply Power supply type Rated power Input voltage Regulated switch type 72 W 100–120 V AC for single phase 200–500 V AC phase-to-phase PFC filter With IEC 61000-3-2 Output voltage 24 V DC Power supply out current 3A Note: it is recommended to use an UL listed/UL listed recognized limited voltage/Limited current or a class 2 power supply with a 24 V DC, 3 A maximum. IFE interface, IFE interface + gateway web page description Monitoring web page Real time data 67 Device logging bb bb Control web page Single device control bb Diagnostics web page L A Ethernet 1 and Ethernet 2 communication port. B 24 V DC power supply terminal block C Ethernet communication LEDs: bb yellow: 10 Mb bb green: 100 Mb D Module status LED: bb steady off: no power bb steady green: device operational bb steady red: major fault bb flashing green: standby bb flashing red: minor fault bb flashing green/red: self-test E Network status LED: bb steady off: not power/no valid IP address bb steady green: connected, valid IP address bb steady orange: default IP address bb steady red: duplicated IP address bb flashing green/red: Self-test F Sealable transparent cover G ULP status LED H Test button (accessible closed cover). I Locking pad J Modbus traffic status LED (LV434011 only) K Device name label L ULP ports Statistics Device information IMU information Read device registers Communication check bb bb bb bb bb Maitenance web page Maintenance log Maintenance counters bb bb Setup web page Device localization/name Ethernet configuration (dual port) IP configuration Modbus TCP/IP filtering Serial port Date and time E-mail server configuration Alarms to be e-mailed Device list Device logging Device log export SNMP parameters Documentation links Preferences Advanced services control User accounts Web page access bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb 43 DB123430 Enerlin'X components e Acti 9 Smartlink IEC/EN 61131-2 Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave and Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet are used to transfer data from Acti 9 devices to a PLC or monitoring system via the communication system: bb Modbus serial line for Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave bb Modbus Ethernet TCP/IP or http for Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet Functions DB404502 PB107797-47 Data transmission between the network and Acti 9 devices bb Circuit breakers, residual current circuit breakers, residual current devices: vv open/closed state vv tripped state vv number of opening/closing cycles vv number of tripping actions bb Contactors, impulse relays: vv opening control vv closing control vv open/closed state vv number of opening/closing cycles vv total period of operation of the load (device closed). bb Remote controlled circuit breaker/Reflex iC60: vv opening control vv closing control vv open/closed state vv tripped state vv number of opening/closing cycles vv total period of operation of the load bb Power meters: vv number of pulses recorded vv pulse value setting (e.g. kWh) vv total consumption recorded vv estimate of power consumption bb Analog sensors only for Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet: vv temperature sensor vv humidity sensor vv CO2 detector vv optical detector Acti 9 Smart Test software bb Electrical continuity test bb Functional testing of the devices bb Report printing bb Printing of a simplified diagram bb Project archiving bb Compatible with Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 bb To be downloaded from Schneider Electric websites: vv schneider-electric.com or vv schneider-electric country web site DB406513 DB405140 All the data are stored in memory: number of cycles, consumption, period of operation, even in the event of a power failure. Acti 9 Smartlink can also exchange data with any device having 24 V DC digital inputs/outputs. No configuration of the connected products is required. When Acti 9 Smartlink is switched on, communication automatically adjusts to the Modbus Master or Ethernet (PLC, control station) communication parameters. Installation bb Mounting in switchboards: vv width 24 modules per row vv minimum spacing between rails 150 mm bb Mounting on vv DIN rail, with mounting kit A9XMFA04 vv Linergy FM 80 A, with locking clips supplied vv Linergy FM 200 A, wtih mounting kit A9XM2B04 Test bb The communication and cabling test for the connected devices can be performed using Acti 9 Smart Test software 44 PB107753-68 Catalogue numbers Acti 9 Smartlink Type Set of 1 1 1 2 A9XMSB11 1 1 1 1 2 A9XMEA08 1 A9XCATM1 6 6 6 A9XCAS06 A9XCAM06 A9XCAL06 Long: 870 mm 6 A9XCAU06 Connectors 5-pin connectors (Ti24) 12 A9XC2412 Mounting kit DIN rail (4 feet, 4 straps, 4 adapters) Linergy FM 200 A (4 adapters) Lock for Linergy FM 80 A (2 clips) 1 1 1 A9XMFA04 A9XM2B04 A9XMLA02 Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave Supplied with Modbus connector 24 V DC power supply connector Locking clips for mounting on Linergy FM 80 Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet Supplied with Connector for 4-point analog output Modbus connector 24 V DC power supply connector Locking clips for mounting on Linergy FM 80 PB113286-68 Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet 24V Q PB107754-12 DB404941 Accessories 0V PB107756-7 A9XCAU06 PB107755-5 I2 I1 USB cable link / Modbus for Acti 9 Smartlink test Prefabricated cables With 2 connectors Short: 100 mm Medium-sized: 160 mm Long: 870 mm With 1 connector Spare parts PB110993 Connectable devices With Ti24 interface Reference Description iACT24 iATL24 OF+SD24 Type A9C15924 A9C15424 A9N26899 Reflex iC60 See module CA904012 Low-level control and indication auxiliary for iCT contactors Low-level control and indication auxiliary for iTL impulse relays Low-level indication auxiliary for C60, C120, DPN, RCCB/ID, C60H-DC Reflex iC60 with Ti24 interface Without Ti24 interface Power meters with pulse output, e.g. IEM2000T Impulse meters complying with the IEC 62053-21 standard 24 V DC indicator lamps, Harmony XVL range All loads not exceeding 100 mA, 24 V DC Light sensitive switches: example IC2000 Timers, thermostats, time switches, load shedding devices All 24 V DC auxiliary contacts, IEC 61131-2 type 1 With analog outputs Temperature and humidity sensors, with a 0-10 V or 4-20 mA output CO2 and optical detectors, with a 0-10 V or 4-20 mA output 45 Acti 9 Smartlink (cont.) Enerlin'X components Common technical characteristics Power supply Rated Maximum input current Maximum inrush current 24 V DC ± 20 % 1.5 A 3A Meter Capacity 232 pulses per input Input characteristics Number of channels Type of input Maximum cable length Rated voltage Voltage limits Rated current Maximum current Filtering time Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet In state 1 In state 0 Isolation Negative sequence voltage protection 11 of 2-input channels 7 of 2-input channels Current collector Type 1 IEC 61131-2 500 m 24 V DC 24 V DC ± 20 % 2.5 mA 5 mA 2 ms 2 ms No isolation between channels Yes Output characteristics Number of output channels Type of output Maximum cable length Rated voltage Filtering time Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet Voltage Maximum current In state 1 In state 0 Voltage drop (voltage in state 1) Maximum inrush current Leakage current Overvoltage protection 11 7 24 V DC 0.1 A current source 500 m 24 V DC 100 mA 2 ms 2 ms 1 V max 500 mA 0.1 mA 33 V DC Environmental characteristics Temperature Operating Storage Tropicalization Resistance to voltage dips Degree of protection Pollution degree Altitude Vibration resistance Shock resistance Immunity to electrostatic discharge Operating As per IEC 60068.2.6 As per IEC 60068.2.2 7 As per IEC 61000-4-2 Immunity to radiated magnetic fields Immunity to fast transients As per IEC 61000-4-3 As per IEC 61000-4-4 Immunity to conducted magnetic fields Immunity to magnetic fields at mains frequency Resistance to corrosive atmospheres Fire resistance As per IEC 61000-4-6 As per IEC 61000-4-8 As per IEC 60721-3-3 For live parts For other parts As per IEC 60068.2.52 Salt spray test Environment -25°C ... +60°C (if vertical mounting, limited to 50°C) -40°C…+80°C Treatment 2 (relative humidity of 93% at 40°C) 10 ms, class 3 as per IEC 61000-4-29 IP20 3 0 … 2000 m 1 g / ± 3.5 mm - 5 Hz to 300 Hz - 10 cycles 15 g / 11 ms Air: 8 kV Contact: 4 kV 10 V/m - 80 MHz to 3 GHz 1 kV for inputs/outputs and Modbus communication. 2 kV for 24 DC power supply - 5 kHz - 100 kHz 10 V from 150 kHz to 80 MHz 30 A/m Level 3C2 on H2S / SO2/ NO2 / Cl2 At 960°C 30 s / 30 s as per IEC 60 695-2-10 and IEC 60 695-2-11 At 650°C 30 s / 30 s as per IEC 60 695-2-10 and IEC 60 695-2-11 Severity 2 In compliance with the RoHS directive Additional characteristics Duration of saving memory 10 years Prefabricated cables characteristics Dielectric resistance Minimum draw-out resistance 46 1 kV / 5 min 20 N Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave technical characteristics Characteristics of the Modbus link Link Transmission Transfer rate Medium Protocol Type of device Modbus addressing range Maximum length of the bus Type of bus connector Modbus, RTU, RS485 serial connection 9600 baud ... 19200 baud, self-adaptable Shielded cable, double twisted pair Master/Slave Slave 1 to 99 1000 m 4-pin connector Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet technical characteristics Characteristics of the Ethernet link Link Protocol 10/100 MB Ethernet Modbus TCP server http (Web pages) Static and dynamic (supplied, by default, in dynamic mode) Address mode Characteristics of Gateway Protocol Modbus slave number Modbus addressing range Modbus TCP/IP → Modbus SL 8 1 to 247 Characteristics of the Modbus Master link Link Transmission Transfer rate Support Maximum length of the bus Type of bus connector Modbus serial connection, RTU, RS485 9600 baud ... 19200 baud, self-adaptable Shielded cable, double twisted pair 1000 m 4-pin connector Characteristics of the analog inputs Number Type Measuring accuracy Resolution Acquisition time Isolation Power supply Type of cable Maximum cable length Protection 2 Separate configuration for each input, either 0-10 V or 4-20 mA 1/100 full scale 12 bits 500 ms No isolation between channels 0-24 V DC Shielded cable, double twisted pair 30 m Short-circuit protection DB124330 Dimensions (mm) 359 42 22.5 Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave DB406390 359 42 22.5 Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet Weight (g) Acti 9 Smartlink Type Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet 195 180 47 Acti 9 Smartlink (cont.) Enerlin'X components Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet PB113286-175 Ti24 connector 7 input/output channels Protected at input against voltage reversals Protected at output by current limiting bb Pin 1: 0 V bb Pin 2: I1 Input 1 bb Pin 3: I2 Input 2 bb Pin 4: Q Output bb Pin 5: +24 V DC 24 V DC power supply connector Protected against voltage reversals bb Pin1: 0 V bb Pin2:+24 V DC Ethernet connector 100 base T - RJ45 Signalisation bb Indication of operation of the communication system and the state of Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet Analog connector 2 configurable input points, either 0-10 V or 4-20 mA bb Pin1: 0 V bb Pin2: AI1 Input 1 bb Pin3: AI2 Input 2 bb Pin4: +24 V DC Serial port connector Modbus RS485 (Master) bb Pin1: D1 Modbus bb Pin2: D0 Modbus bb Pin3: shielding bb Pin4: common/0V Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave Serial port connector Ti24 connector 11 input/output channels 24 V DC power supply connector Protected against voltage reversals bb Pin1: 0 V bb Pin2:+24 V DC PB107753-175 Protected at input against voltage reversals Protected at output by current limiting bb Pin 1: 0 V bb Pin 2: I1 Input 1 bb Pin 3: I2 Input 2 bb Pin 4: Q Output bb Pin 5: +24 V DC RS485 Modbus (Slave) bb Pin 1: D1 Modbus bb Pin 2: D0 Modbus bb Pin 3: shielding bb Pin 4: common/0 V Signalisation bb Indication of operation of the communication system and the state of Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus Slave Thumbwheels bb Definition of the address in the Modbus network 48 49 PB110993 IFM Modbus communication interface Enerlin'X components PB103798 Function A IFM - Modbus communication interface - is required for connection of a Masterpact or Compact to a Modbus network as long as this circuit breaker is provided with a ULP (Universal Logic Plug) port. The port is available respectively on a BCM ULP or BSCM embedded module. The IFM is defined as an IMU (Intelligent Modular Unit) in the ULP connection System documentation. Once connected, the circuit breaker is considered as a slave by the Modbus master. Its electrical values, alarm status, open/close signals can be monitored or controlled by a Programmable Logic Controller or any other system. Characteristics ULP port 2 RJ45 sockets, internal parallel wiring. bb Connection of a single circuit breaker (eventually via its I/O application module) bb A ULP line terminator or an IFM121 display unit must be connected to the second RJ45 ULP socket The RJ45 sockets deliver a 24 V DC supply fed from the Modbus socket. Built-in test function, for checking the correct connection to the circuit breaker and IFM121 display unit. IFM Modbus communication interface. Ref.: TRV00210. Modbus slave port G-GR-0004686.2 bb Top socket for screw-clamp connector, providing terminals for: vv 24 V DC input supply (0 V, +24 V) vv Modbus line (D1, D2, Gnd) bb Lateral socket, for Din-rail stackable connector Both top and lateral sockets are internally parallel wired. bb Multiple IFM can be stacked, thus sharing a common power supply and Modbus line without individual wiring bb On the front face: vv Modbus address setting (1 to 99): 2 coded rotary switches vv Modbus locking pad: enables or disables the circuit breaker remote control and modification of IFM parameters bb Self adjusting communication format (Baud rate, parity) A B C D E F I G A Modbus screw clamp connector E ULP activity LED odbus address B M switches G Mechanical lock C Modbus traffic LED D Modbus locking pad 50 H F Test button H ULP RJ45 connectors I Stacking accessory connection Catalogue numbers IFM Modbus communication interface Type IFM -Modbus communication interface module Stacking accessories if more than 1 IFM ULP line terminator 2-wire RS 485 isolated repeater module (Modbus network outside the switchboard) Set of Cat. no. 10 - TRV00210 TRV00217 TRV00880 TRV00211 Technical characteristics IFM Modbus communication interface Dimensions Maximum number of stacked IFM Degree of protection Part projecting beyond of the installed the escutcheon module Other module parts Connectors Operating temperature Power supply voltage Consumption Typical Maximum 18 x 72 x 96 mm 12 IP4x IP3x IP2x -25...+70°C 24 V DC -20 %/+10 % (19.2...26.4 V DC) 21 mA/24 V DC at 20°C 30 mA/19.2 V DC at 60°C Certification CE UL CSA IEC/EN 60947-1 UL 508 - Industrial Control Equipment No. 142-M1987 - Process Control Equipment bb CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0-M91 General requirements - Canadian Electrical Code Part bb CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 14-05 Industrial Control Equipment Simplified IFM installation DB406745 G-GR-0004690.2 Staking IFM Stacking accessories Up to 12 stacked IFM DB406744 Stacking an IFE interface + gateway with IFMs 51 Enerlin'X components I/O application module DB416829 Description The I/O (Input/Output) application module for LV breaker is part of an ULP system with built-in functionalities and applications to enhance the application needs. The ULP system architecture can be built without any restrictions using the wide range of circuit breakers. The I/O application module is compliant with the ULP system specifications. Two I/O application module can be connected in the same ULP network. The range of LV circuit breakers enhanced by the I/O application module are: bb Masterpact NW bb Masterpact NT bb Compact NS1600b-3200 bb Compact NS630b-1600 bb Compact NSX100-630 A I/O (Input/Output) application module for LV breaker resources IFM Modbus communication interface. Ref.: TRV00210. The I/O application module resources are: bb 6 digital inputs that are self powered for either NO and NC dry contact or pulse counter bb 3 digital outputs that are bistable relay (5 A maximum) bb 1 analog input for Pt100 temperature sensor Pre-defined applications Pre-defined application adds new functions to the IMU in a simple way: bb selection by the application rotary switch on the I/O application module, defining the application with pre-defined input/output assignment and wiring diagram bb no additional setting with the customer engineering tool required. The resources not assigned to the pre-defined application are free for additional user-defined applications: bb cradle management bb breaker operation bb cradle management and Energy Reduction Maintenance Setting (ERMS) bb light and load control bb customized applications 4 1 5 User-defined applications are processed by the I/O application module in addition to the pre-defined application selected. The user-defined applications are available depending on: bb the pre-defined application selected bb the I/O application module resources (inputs and outputs) not used by the application The resources required by user-defined applications are assigned using the customer engineering tool: bb protection bb control bb energy management bb monitoring 6 9 Mounting 7 8 The I/O application module is a DIN rail mounting device. Application rotary switch DB416828 3 2 DB416828 DB416827 User-defined applications The application rotary switch enables the selection of the pre-defined application. It has 9 positions and each position is assigned to a pre-defined application. The factory set position of the switch is pre-defined application 1. Setting locking pad The setting locking pad on the front panel of the I/O application module enables the setting of the I/O application module by the customer engineering tool. 52 DB416862 General characteristics Environmental characteristics I1 C I2 I3 C I4 I5 C Conforming to standards Certification Ambient temperature Relative humidity Level of pollution Flame resistance I6 UL 508, UL 60950, IED 60950, 60947-6-2 cUIUs, GOST, FCC, CE -20 to +70 °C (-4 to +158 °F) 5–85 % Level 3 ULV0 Mechanical characteristics Shock resistance Resistance to sinusoidal vibrations 1000 m/s2 -5 Hz < f < 8.4 Hz Electrical characteristics A Resistance to electromagnetic discharge Immunity to radiated fields Immunity to surges Consumption B Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-3 10 V/m Conforming to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 165 mA Physical characteristics I1 24VDC C I2 I3 C I4 I5 C I6 C M 5 4 3 2 1 6 APP 9 7 8 I1 AI I2 L I3 O1 I4 O2 I5 O3 I6 K T J IO E F G LV434063 O1 13 D O2 14 23 O3 24 33 34 T1 A1 T2 Dimensions Mounting Weight Degree of protection of the installed I/O application module Connections 71.7 x 116 x 70.6 mm (2.83 x 4.56 x 2.78 in.) DIN rail 229.5 g (0.51 lb) bb On the front panel (wall mounted enclosure): IP4x bb I/O parts: IP3x bb Connectors: IP2x Screw type terminal blocks Technical characteristics - 24 V DC power supply Power supply type Rated power Input voltage Regulated switch type 72 W 100–120 V AC for single phase 200–500 V AC phase-to-phase PFC filter With IEC 61000-3-2 Output voltage 24 V DC Power supply out current 3A Note: it is recommended to use an UL listed/UL listed recognized limited voltage/Limited current or a class 2 power supply with a 24 V DC, 3 A maximum. Digital inputs Digital input type I 13 14 23 H 24 33 34 T1 T2 Self powered digital input with current limitations as per IEC 61131-2 type 2 standards (7 mA) Input limit values at state 1 (close) 19.8–25.2 V DC, 6.1–8.8 mA Input limit values at state 0 (open) 0–19.8 V DC, 0 mA Maximum cable length 10 m (33 ft) Note: for a length greater than 10 m (33 ft) and up to 300 m (1,000 ft), it is mandatory to use a shielded twisted cable. The shield cable is connected to the I/O functional ground of the I/O application module. Digital outputs 1 2 O N A 24 V DC power supply terminal block. B Digital input terminal block: 6 inputs, 3 commons and 1 shield C 6 input status LEDs D Analog input status LED E 3 output status LEDs F I/O application module identification labels G Sealable transparent cover H Analog input terminal block I Digital output terminal blocks J ULP status LED K Test/reset button (accessible with cover closed) L Setting locking pad M Application rotary switch: 1 to 9 N Switch for I/O addressing (I/O 1 or I/O 2) O ULP connectors Digital output type Rated load Rated carry current Maximum switching voltage Maximum switch current Maximum switching power Minimum permissible load Contact resistance Maximum operating frequency Digital output relay protection by an external fuse Maximum cable length Bistable relay 5 A at 250 V AC 5A 380 V AC, 125 V DC 5A 1250 VA, 150 W 10 mA at 5 V DC 30 mΩ bb 18000 operations/hr (Mechanical) bb 1800 operations/hr (Electrical) External fuse of 5 A or less 10 m (33 ft) Analog inputs The I/O application module analog input can be connected to a Pt100 temperature sensor Range -30 to 200 °C -22 to 392 °F Accuracy ±2 °C from -30 to 20 °C ±3.6 °F from -22 to 68 °F ±1 °C from 20 to 140 °C ±1.8 °F from 68 to 284 °F ±2 °C from 140 to 200 °C ±3.6 °F from 284 to 392 °F Refresh interval 5s 5s 53 54 Design and monitoring tools 55 Design and monitoring tools Electrical Asset Manager Software DB406746.eps Introduction Electrical Asset Manager is a software application that helps the user to manage a project as part of designing, testing, site commissioning, and maintenance of the project life cycle. It enables the user to prepare the settings of the devices offline (without connecting to the device) and configure them when connected with the devices. Also, it provides a lot of othervalue added features for the user to manage the project such as, safe repository in cloud, attach artifacts to each device or at the project level, organize devices in switchboard wise, manage a hierarchical structure of the installation etc. Compatible devices (configuration and device management) DB406747.eps Electrical Asset Manager is compatible with the following devices: bb Compact NSX100-630 (IEC) bb Compact NS630b-3200 (IEC) bb Masterpact NT/NW (IEC and UL) circuit breaker bb Acti 9 Smartlink. bb Compatible devices (Device Management in the project) bb Switch disconnectors (Compact NSX, Masterpact & PowerPact Family) bb Third party devices DB406748.eps References: Electrical Asset Manager software package can be downloaded from our website www.schneider-electric.com. Features Electrical Asset Manager supersedes the Schneider Electric customer engineering tools such as Remote setting Utility (RSU) and Remote Control Utility (RCU) with additional features. DB406749.eps Electrical Asset Manager supports the connection of Schneider Electric communicable devices to: bb create projects by device discovery, selection of devices, and import Bill of Material (BOM) bb monitor the status of protection and I/O status bb read information (alarms, measurements, parameters) bb check protection discrimination between two devices bb upload and download of configuration or settings in batch mode to multiple devices bb carry out commands and tests bb generate and print device settings report and communication test report bb manage multiple devices with electrical and communication hierarchy model bb manage artifacts (project documents) bb check consistency in settings between devices on a communication network bb compare configuration settings between PC and device (online) bb download latest firmware Electrical Asset Manager enables the user to avail the advanced features of the software once the project is saved in Schneider Electric cloud. 56 DB406750.eps Functions Offline Mode A project can be built in offline mode through 2 different ways: bb through BOM file import bb through Device Selection Online Mode A project can be built in online mode through device discovery apart from the methods possible through offline method. Once the project is built, the following functions can be performed in addition to the functions available in offline mode: bb compare the device parameters with project parameters bb load parameters from project to the device and vice versa bb firmware downloads to the device bb monitor the measurement, maintenance, device status and I/O status bb control functions User Interface Electrical Asset Manager software provides fast direct access to the project and the devices in the project through different tabs. bb Project: to provide the project information including customer details, project references and to add project artifacts (documents related to the project) bb Configuration: to build up the tree structure of the project architecture ; to have a table view of the devices added in the project ; to set the parameters of the devices ; to transfer the device settings ; to view the tripping curves; to attach device artifacts and to download the latest firmware, to do the communication test for all the devices and generate the test report bb Monitoring: this allows the user to monitor the real time values of different devices through different sub tabs namely Monitoring, Logs and Control bb Reports: report tab allows you to generate and print a report of the project settings from the report tab. The user details and project characteristics are automatically filled with the details entered in the Project page DB406753.eps DB406752.eps DB406751.eps Additionally, the user can open an existing project and modify the settings offline. The user can do the discrimination curve check and firmware compatibility check for devices in the project. 57 Design and monitoring tools Acti 9 Smart Test software for PC Introduction The Acti 9 Smart Test software for PC is used for testing Acti 9 Smartlink devices after commissionning. It allows a full test of Acti 9 Smartlink assemblies before use. Compatible devices bb Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet bb Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus bb PC with either Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista (32 bits and 64 bits), Windows 7 (32 bits and 64 bits) or Windows 8 (32 bits and 64 bits) Purpose bb Test of the Ethernet and/or Modbus networks bb Test of the wiring of components connected to Acti 9 Smartlink (circuit breakers, relays…) bb Function test of components bb Generation of test reports bb Create, save, restore Acti 9 Smartlink configuration bb Firmware update Test of communication Test of wiring OF+ SD24 xC60 iATL24 IEM2000T Reflex iC60 iTL 0-10 V sensor or 4-20 mA Function test Characteristics Capacity Number of simultaneously tested Acti 9 Smartlink on the same Modbus network: bb 1 Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet (Modbus master) + 0 to 8 Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus (slaves) bb 1 to 10 Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus (slaves) Human interface Choice of 9 languages (Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish). Download Free with the and user manual on www.schneider-electric.com. Required test environments B A A A Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet (Modbus Master) B Ethernet cable with dual RJ45 plugs 1 58 B A Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus (slave) B USB-RS 485 converter cable for Modbus SL (ref. A9XCATM1) Main screenshots Create, save, restore projects Starting from the main dashboard, choice of function tabs, latest news. Network configuration The identity of the master and of each slave must be declared. Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet (Modbus master): IP address, label, number of slaves, port, etc. Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus (Slave): Modbus address, label. Acti 9 Smartlink configuration and test, at a glance Each Acti 9 Smartlink channel is described in a specific tab identified by the channel number. A A B B C D C E D F G A B B H E C D E I J F K F G H A Communication status icon B Acti 9 Smartlink tabs C Firmware version and serial number D Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus address E Device toolbox L G A Device function label B Remove the device C Connected device type D Input 1 register value (read value) E Input 2 register value (read value) F Ouput register value (written value) G Enables behavior check of each device F Representation of devices connected to channels A Device function label on input 1 B Remove the device C Input 1 delta pulse calculator D Connected counter on input 1 E Input 1 meter value F Input 1 pulse weight G Device function label on input 2 H Input 2 delta pulse calculator I Connected counter on input 2 J Input 2 meter value of Acti 9 Smartlink devices K Input 2 pulse weight L Enables behavior check of each device G Reset configuration button H Channel status and values Test report Both communication and functional aspects of each Acti 9 Smartlink can be tested with the software. A report is automatically generated which could be used as a contractual document in a project. Control test For each channel which can be controlled (i.e. connected to a relay), the user makes the software generate an ON – OFF signal to the output. The result can be physically observed, and recorded in the Test report. Monitoring test For each channel which can be monitored (i.e. connected to a circuit breaker), the user activates open/close/trip on the C.B. The result is displayed on the Test page and recorded in the Test report. 59 60 Index of commercial references 61 Meters and auxiliaries overview for 'Measure' functions Index of commercial references Energy meters Type Pulse output Modbus Series iEM2000T, iEM2010 iME1zr iEM3110, iEM3210 iEM315x, iEM325x, iEM335x Multifunction meters Type Pulse output Multichannel counting Ethernet Modbus Series PM200P EM4800 ION6200 Alarm Ethernet PM3000 PM5350 PM800 Circuit breakers with built-in power meter Acti 9 auxiliaries for connection to Smartlink Series Type Circuit breaker monitoring Actuator monitoring and remote control Series OF+SD24 iATL 24 Compact NSX + Micrologic E Masterpact + Micrologic E, H, P ION7300 iACT 24 Compatible counters, power meters (old ranges) Pulse counters ME1Zr, ME3zr, ME4zr, PM9p, PM200p, EN40 P Power meters – Modbus exchange protocol PM9c, PM500 series, PM700 series, PM1200, EM6400 series Other devices Analog sensors RTD (Pt100, Pt1000) 4...20 mA sensor 0...10 V sensor 62 Series Modbus / TCP/IP Modbus gateways EGX100 - EGX300 Index of commercial references Product Description Lot of ta Commercial ref. Interfaces + gateways Com'X 200 Ethernet data logger EBX200 IFE interface + gateway LV434011 Acti 9 Smartlink Ethernet A9XMEA08 Interfaces Acti 9 Smartlink Modbus A9XMSB11 IFM TRV00210 IFE interface LV434010 I/O module LV434063 I/O Displays FDM128 Ethernet switchboard display FLV434128 FDM121 switchboard display TRV00121 Accessories for Com'X200 GPRS Modem EBXA-GPRS Aerial for GPRS modem EBXA-ANT-5M Wi-Fi USB modem EBXA-USB-WIFI Accessories for Acti 9 Smartlink USB cable link / Modbus Prefabricated cables 2 connectors for Acti 9 Smartlink test 1 A9XCATM1 Short: 100 mm 6 A9XCAS06 Medium-sized: 160 mm 6 A9XCAM06 Long: 870 mm 6 A9XCAL06 Prefabricated cables 1 connector Long: 870 mm 6 A9XCAU06 Connectors 5-pin connectors (Ti24) 12 A9XC2412 Mounting kit DIN rail (4 feet, 4 straps, 4 adapters) 1 A9XMFA04 Linergy FM 200 A (4 adapters) 1 A9XM2B04 Lock for Linergy FM 80 A (2 clips) 1 A9XMLA02 Spare parts Connection adapters for Acti 9 components iACT24 iATL24 OF+SD24 Low-level control and indication auxiliary for iCT contactors Low-level control and indication auxiliary for iTL impulse relays Low-level indication auxiliary for C60, C120, DPN, RCCB/ ID, C60H-DC A9C15924 A9C15424 A9N26899 63 Tested, Validated, Documented Smart panel architectures (TVD) Tested in performance labs by experts, in all possible configurations Validated full functional compatibility of devices Documented, with user guide, predefined CAD panel designs & wiring diagrams Make the most of your energySM Schneider Electric India Pvt. Ltd. Corporate Office 9th Floor, DLF Building No. 10, Tower C, DLF Cyber City, Phase II, Gurgaon - 122002, Haryana Tel: 0124 3940400, Fax: 0124 4222036 www.schneider-electric.com Customer Care Centre : Toll-free numbers: 1800 425 4272, 1800 103 0011 General number: 0124 4222040 Email: customercare.in@schneider-electric.com
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