CKSII HOMEOWNERS` MEETING Tuesday, October 10, 2006 • 7


CKSII HOMEOWNERS` MEETING Tuesday, October 10, 2006 • 7
A Covenant Controlled Community
October 2006
Vol. 17 No. 10
High Definition TV (HDTV)
For nearly a decade, Channels 4, 7, 9
and 20 have been working to construct a
consolidated tower on Lookout Mountain
for the purpose of broadcasting over-theair HDTV signals. The stations, known as
the Lake Cedar Group, had been
approved for the zoning needed to
remove four existing broadcast towers
and their associated buildings on Lookout
Mountain and replace them with a single
tower and single building. A group
opposed to this plan has slowed progress
by taking the matter to court.
Steve Gray, a representative of the
What’s Your Reason
Lake Cedar Group, attended the last HOA
Board meeting to alert our community to
this issue and how it could affect our TV
reception. The opponents of this plan want
to remove the towers entirely off of
Lookout Mountain and move them 15
miles west to Squaw Mountain.
According to Mr. Gray, this move would
block the signal for free over-the-air TV
to Boulder, Weld County and Jefferson
County, west of Wadsworth. The
Jefferson County Commissioners are currently considering the two proposals and
continued on page 4
President’s Corner
School has started. Vacations are over
and now its time to settle back into our winter routines. I hope everyone had a great
summer. The HOA has been working on a
variety of projects throughout the community such as new curbs and gutters, street
repairs and new covenant enforcement
signs. Thank you all for your patience as
that was going on as well as the homeowners that had to put up with the construction
materials alongside their homes. Hopefully,
soon, we will have numerous new street
signs, as well as, a clean up effort along
the drainage area off of Nichols.
With the holidays creeping up on us, I
would like to remind everyone of the
Halloween Decorations Contest. This year
we will be awarding 3 cash prizes to the
homes with the best Halloween displays.
Please, as always, watch out for all the
small children making their way through
the streets in search of gobs of candy.
Please be watching the newsletter for continuous updates from the county about
RVs, fences and the Chatfield widening
project. These affect everyone in the neighborhood and we are trying to get the inforcontinued on page 2
Tuesday, October 10, 2006 • 7 p.m.
Coronado Elementary School
Attention All Residents!
The Columbine Knolls South II
website is active! Add our website to
your favorites!
Suburban Waste
Services of Colorado
Morning Star
Management, Inc
The HOA Board would like to get
more of your comments and ideas about
the CKSII Homeowners’ Association. If
you are not a member, the HOA Board
would like to know why? If you are a
member, what are the most important benefits of HOA membership to you?
What would you like to see done differently? Any services that you feel would
be of benefit to you and your neighbors?
Is it the cost of membership? Just what is
it that keeps you from joining or makes
you continue to join year after year?
If you have concerns or issues that you
feel are important, this is an excellent way
to make your voice heard. Odds are, if you
think something needs to be fixed, so do
some of your neighbors. One request.
Please don’t send your comments without your name and phone number (or
an e-mail address). Here’s why.
Sometimes the answer to an issue is simply too long to publish in our newsletter.
Without some way of contacting you, it’s
impossible to respond to your concerns.
There are also times when it’s not clear
what the actual concern or issue is. If you
include your contact information, we can
get a better understanding of your concontinued on page 6
Jefferson County Sheriff
Non-emergency number
Sheriff's Liaison,
Pickett, is available for HOA board meetings. To have her attend,
contact any board member
so that arrangements can be
Page 2
Columbine Knolls South II
President’s Corner, continued from front page
mation to you as soon as we obtain it ourselves. Also, we would
encourage anyone to get in touch with a board member if you have
any ideas as to how we can get together to celebrate the holidays as
a community.
Lastly, our welcome lady, Jenny Scott, has been busy delivering baskets of goodies to all our new neighbors, who have
recently moved into our community. On behalf of the entire
CKSII community, I would like to say “Welcome” to all of
you! If the HOA can be of any assistance, please let us know. Our
contact information is on page two of this newsletter. Try and stop
by one of our monthly Board meetings and say hello. And thanks
again, Jenny, for your efforts.
See you all at the October 10th meeting at Coronado School
7:00 p.m.
—Laurie Gallegos
President - CKSII HOA
Quality Printing
4 Color Printing - Call for Quote!
Color Flyers (1 sided) as low as 25¢
Color Postcards as low as 30¢
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2 sides
October 2006
Your 2006 Columbine Knolls South II
Home Owners Association Board Members are:
Laurie Gallegos, President
home: 303-904-1551
Vice President, OPEN
Beverly Rodriguez, Secretary
home: 303-973-4410
Dean Fitches, Director & ACC
home: 303-972-8818
John Schutt — Director
home: 303-972-2472
Eileen McLaughlin — Director
Bob Doucet, Treasurer
home: 303-979-0305
The CKSII REVIEW is published and distributed monthly by the
Columbine Knolls South II Homeowners’ Association, a non-profit homeowners’ association. It has a circulation of 575. All articles must be approved
by the editor for publication. No endorsement of any product or service is
implied or stated by its inclusion in the newsletter. Copies of the
Covenants, ODP and the Architectural Guidelines are available through
any Board member or the website.
Article deadline: 21st of each month; distribution: the first week of each
month. The ad deadline is the 15th of the month. For ad information, call
Colorado Lasertype, 303-979-7499,
Please send ARTICLES and “Letters to the Editor” to Barb Steward; email: “Letters to the Editor” must be signed,
include a phone number and preferably be 300 words or less.
If you need to send something to the CKSII Homeowners’ Association,
the address is CKSII HOA, P.O. Box 621625, Littleton, CO 80162
Colorado Lasertype • 303-979-7499 for info/rates on our HOA newsletters
Littleton pastel and acrylic
artist Susan Stewart is
offering pastel painting
classes for adults.
Complete a painting
before Christmas for a
unique, personal gift.
Small Class Sizes
One-on-One Instruction
For more information
Call 303-979-6106
Susan also has original pastel & acrylic
paintings for sale (framed & unframed)
for as little as $50!
To see a sample of her work visit her website at:
Appearance of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute a
recommendation or endorsement by the publisher, the editor or the association of the goods or services offered therein. The opinions expressed in
this newsletter are those of the individual authors and not of the Board of
Directors of your association, editor or the publisher. Neither the Board,
editor, publisher, nor the authors intend to provide any professional service or opinion through this publication.
Join The HOA and Save Some Money
Everyone is aware that gas prices have
gone way up. This increases prices for
most things, including trash removal
service. The HOA trash service provider
is no different. They have raised their
prices. What you may not know is that the
HOA has paid 100% of these increases without raising the HOA dues. In fact, the HOA dues, including trash service, have stayed the same for the past SIX years!
So, if your current trash service is raising their prices, do
yourself a favor and join the HOA. Although it’s possible that
dues will have to be increased at some future time, the HOA
Board continues to work very hard to keep the prices as low as
possible and provide the most services to you for the least number of dollars. Keep in mind that the HOA-sponsored trash service provides for bi-weekly recycling, the ability to dispose of a
large item each month, as well as the annual Large Item Pickup.
All of these are included in the price of membership.
If you haven’t joined the Homeowners’ Association, now is a
terrific time. You can save some money and help your community. It’s a win-win deal. The signup form is available for download on the CKSII web site,, in the Documents
section or you can contact any Board member. There’s also one
on the back page of this newsletter.
October 2006
Columbine Knolls South II
Page 3
Columbine Knolls South II Homeowners Association Minutes – September 12th, 2006
President, Laurie Gallegos, called the September 12, 2006
meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Board members, Bob Doucet, Dean
Fitches, and Bev Rodriguez were in attendance. There were also
several residents present.
Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the August minutes
was made by Bob Doucet and seconded by Dean Fitches and
was unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Bob Doucet reported that the cash balance as of August 31, 2006 was $64,265.94, consisting of
$39,958.95 in checking; $13,052.48 in savings; and $11,254.5l in
time deposit. Our current paid memberships are 243 households.
Bob indicated there were two problems residents had with trash
service regarding curbside pickup and a start date. Also, in regard
to trash service, Bob said the main issue now is the fuel surcharge
and rate increase. A suggestion was made by Barb Steward that
we check with our attorneys on our contract with the trash service in regard to fuel surcharges. Bob has sent e-mails requesting
an addendum to the contract on the fuel surcharge and also
requesting to know if they plan to raise their rates. This e-mail
was sent in July and so far there has been no response. Dean
Fitches suggested that Laurie Gallegos send a letter stating that
we have approved the surcharges through October, but unless we
get the requested addendum, we will stop making surcharge payments in November.
ACC Report: The Morning Star Management, Inc., report
Columbine Knolls South II
Homeowners Association Treasurer’s Report
Beginning cash balance JULY 31, 2006: $66.254.02
Membership dues
Other Income
Total Income
Trash Service Fees
Forms & Envelopes
Bank Service Charges
PO Box Rental
COHOPE Annual Dues
Professional Fees
Management Company
Foothills Matching Funds
Neighborhood Improvements
Newsletter Delivery
Newsletter Editor
Biennial Corporation Report
Social/Welcome Activities
HOA Meeting Costs
Publishing, Copying, & Printing
Income Tax
Web Master
Web Hosting
Total Expenditures
Ending Balance, August 31, 2006:
Current Members: 243
was presented by Chuck Carvey. Mr. Carvey reported that there
has been mite infestations in many lawns, and because of this,
several residents had to redo their lawns. Several homes are being
painted in the neighborhood. Mr. Carvey noted that requests for
paint approvals were not received for every home being painted.
If you are planning to paint your home, please go to the
Columbine Knolls South II website to obtain an approval form.
Fill out and attach your paint choices. The ACC Committee will
let you know on a timely basis regarding approval of your paint
choice. Mr. Carvey has received several notes regarding RVs. He
explained the ODP requirement and some residents are considering moving while others have decided to take their RV off sight.
Some residents talked about going to the County to get an 8 foot
fence variance. Laurie Gallegos has talked to Tammy Ferrell at
Jefferson County and was told the 8 foot fence would be denied
because it would change the character of the community. The
ODP (Official Development Plan) states that RVs must be totally
screened from public view. Mr. Carvey began sending letters to
residents with RVs who do not comply with screening requirements of the ODP. Greg Steward explained that the ODP was
filed with the County by the developer and that the county is
responsible for ODP enforcement. We, as a community, cannot be
less restrictive than the ODP. Other questions were brought up
about high weeds, a commercial truck parked in the community,
and a request for an additional driveway. The first two are in violation of our covenants and the last request was denied.
Covenant Renewal Committee Update: Greg Steward,
who heads the Covenant Renewal Committee, has eight people
continued on page 4
Page 4
Columbine Knolls South II
October 2006
HDTV, continued from front page
CKSII HOA Minutes, continued from page 3
are expected to vote sometime after the November 7th elections.
For additional information, visit It
explains this issue in detail and contact information for the
Jefferson County Commissioners, as well as many other officials,
is available. This contact information can be found by clicking on
‘Write Officials’ in the red bar at the top of the home page of the
site. There is also a petition, which you can sign online, depending upon your feelings about this issue.
Since the outcome of the Jefferson County Commissioners
decision could effect how the CKSII community receives its television, you are strongly encouraged to look at this site to get the
facts and make your opinion known.
If you do not have internet access, you can also send your
comments via U.S. mail to our County Commissioner at: Dave
Auburn County Commissioner (District 3) 100 Jefferson County
Parkway Golden, CO 80419.
and possibly one more person who have volunteered to work on
this committee. The purpose of this committee is to evaluate our
current covenants, gather input from the community, make recommendations for changes and essentially update this document,
which is approaching thirty years of age. A question was brought
up about how this committee is tied to the HOA. Greg said that
the HOA would provide the necessary funding for this project
such as legal fees, copying, postage and distribution costs.
Old Business:
Jenny Scott has delivered six baskets to new homeowners on
behalf of the HOA.
Line of sight at Morraine and Carr. Laurie Gallegos talked to
the County which stated this area is in violation but so far there
has been no update on this issue.
New sidewalks, driveways and street repair within the community are still being worked on by the County.
There has been no response to date from the County regarding the request for street signs on those streets where they are
Regarding the letter sent to Foothills requesting a clean up of
the retention pond, so far no response has been received.
New Business:
Dale Stephens has kindly offered to check into the problem
with the lights not turning on at our CKSII signs at Chatfield and
S. Yukon Way.
Sheriff Pickett would be willing to attend any meetings where
questions need to be answered. Also, there has been a lot of
speeding along Chatfield west of Wadsworth. This is an area that
could become a speed trap. So, if you’d like to avoid a ticket,
watch your speed along Chatfield.
High Definition TV (HDTV): Steve Gray, a representative of
the Lake Cedar Group, which consists of local TV channels 4, 7,
9 and 20, spoke about the need for an HDTV broadcast tower on
Lookout Mountain. Please see the article High Definition TV in
this newsletter for details.
Additional Issues: A suggestion was made by Dana Mohr to
advertise homes for sale in CKSII on our HOA website. This
information will be posted on the site and further discussion
regarding possible realtor fees will take place at next month’s
HOA meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
The October 10 HOA meeting will be held at Coronado
Elementary at 7:00 p.m. in the library, teacher’s lounge or cafeteria, depending upon room availability.
Official Development Plan
Columbine Knolls South is designed as a planned residential
community utilizing various types of single family and multiple
family dwellings with parks, greenbelts, schools, and a community shopping facility. If you don’t have a copy of the
Covenants and the Official Development Plan, they are available for download from the CKSII web site, ,
in the documents section. These are the two governing documents for the CKSII community and every homeowner
should have a copy.
2007 HOA Board of Director Candidates
Dr. Mark Kruchen, Dr. Tara Peterson, Dr. Steve Loomis, Dr. Kent Yount
7761 Shaffer Parkway, Suite 200 • Littleton, CO 80127
At Ken Caryl & C-470 •
It’s that time of the year to consider helping your community.
The Columbine Knolls South II Homeowners’ Association will
be electing a new Board of Directors and Architectural Control
Committee for 2007 in January. These are all voluntary positions
that are filled by people who live in the CKSII community. Please
consider volunteering. Most people who have participated in the
past have found that the experience is a positive one. Take this
opportunity to have an important impact on your community by
volunteering for one of these positions.
Interested parties can contact any current Board member to
express an interest in volunteering or with questions. You are also
welcome to submit a small bio that will be published in our
monthly newsletter. Send that bio to
October 2006
Columbine Knolls South II
Page 5
Business Watch and the Power to Prevent Crime
As part of its crime prevention efforts, the sheriff’s office is
introducing Business Watch, a new program aimed at enhancing
safety at local businesses and shopping centers. Business owners,
their employees and customers are often affected by crime: from
vandalism to check fraud to robbery. Business Watch can give
businesses the tools to prevent, react to, and recover from crime.
Many people are familiar with Neighborhood Watch.
Neighborhood Watch links residents in a partnership with their
local law enforcement agency, and empowers them to identify and
react to crime and suspicious activity in their communities. Active
Neighborhood Watch groups have proven to be effective in deterring crime and identifying crime trends in residential areas.
Business Watch is an offshoot of the Neighborhood Watch
concept. It is designed to reduce crime in commercial areas
through heightened awareness and direct communication
between the sheriff’s office and local businesses. Nationally,
businesses are robbed ten times more often than individuals, and
businesses are victims of nighttime burglaries more than residential homes. In Jefferson County in 2005, businesses were most
often the targets of theft and fraud.
The Program
Crime Prevention deputies from the sheriff’s office identify
interested business owners and enroll their businesses in the program. The deputies provide businesses with training on robbery
and burglary prevention, handling check and credit card fraud,
and how lighting and other physical enhancements can deter
crime. Other training topics include personal safety for employees, parking lot security, and how to recognize and report suspicious incidents. Once equipped with the information they need,
businesses can be more vigilant, aware and prepared for identifying and reacting to criminal activity in and around their facilities.
The sheriff’s office also provides information on crime trends
directly via e-mail. These e-mail alerts may be used to alert businesses to particular public safety issues, such as the link between purchases of cold medicines and methamphetamine production. E-mail
alerts can also be used to distribute physical descriptions of at-large
robbery suspects to raise awareness and safety among employees.
Business Watch helps build relationships between store owners, employees, and the sheriff’s office. Relationships among
businesses located near one another are also enhanced through
better communication. By watching out for one another, businesses can maintain a safer working and shopping atmosphere. Like
Neighborhood Watch, Business Watch has the power to prevent
crime. The key to the program is active and engaged participation
by business owners and employees.
A Business Watch sticker for display in shop windows will
signal to customers and would-be criminals that the business is
trained and active in preventing crime and creating a safe shopping environment.
To Join Business Watch
For more information or to participate in Business Watch,
contact Crime Prevention at 720-377-2002.
—Sheriff Ted Mink
Quote of Note
“It is funny about life: if you refuse to accept
anything but the very best, you will very often get it.”
—W. Somerset Maugham
Keep Your Roof Insurable
Perform regular roof maintenance
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address potential problem areas
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Roof Certifications
Preferred Contractor Most Ins. Companies
Wood Shake Specialist
(303) 841-8200
Page 6
Columbine Knolls South II
What’s Your Reason, continued from front page
cerns and provide you with better information. Contact information is NEVER published, unless you specifically request it.
You can send your comments via e-mail to or by U.S. mail to CKSII HOA P.O. BOX 621625 LITTLETON, CO 80162.
So, what’s your reason for not joining the Homeowners’
Association? Why not submit it and see what kind of an
explanation you get!
October 2006
Your Help Is Needed!
Your community needs a volunteer for the following:
COHOPE Representative: Attends the monthly Council of
Homeowners Organizations for Planned Environment
(COHOPE) meetings, which are held on the first Tuesday of the
month, and reports back to the CKSII HOA Board with any information about issues that are of interest to our community. Call
Laurie Gallegos at 303-904-1551.
New To The Community?
Have You Checked Out
The CKSII Web Site Lately?
There is a tremendous amount of information
on our community web site. Here’s a partial list –
• Current and past issues of The
Review (our monthly newsletter)
• Contact information for every HOA Board
• Trash schedule
• ACC Approval Form
• Covenants
• The ODP
• A Realtor / Buyer Information package
• Information from the Jefferson County Sheriff, etc., etc., etc.
If you haven’t checked out the site, you should take a look.
Just go to and take advantage of the wealth of
information that is available to you! If you have any suggestions
for improving the site or additional information that you would
like to see, send those suggestions to
Steve Travers
Columbine Knolls South II’s
#1 Real Estate Agent
Supporter of the Columbine Knolls South II
Homeowners Association
Are you new to the community? Let us hear from you. CKSII
is a large subdivision and the Homeowners’ Association wants to
keep everyone informed. You can help the HOA help you by letting us know that you have moved in. Call Bob at 303-979-0305.
He can get you set up with HOA membership, as well as, trash
service. We also have a web site, that will provide
you with a wide variety of helpful information, including the
CKSII covenants and the ODP.
Halloween Decoration Contest
The HOA is sponsoring a Halloween decorating contest,
again this year, for the best decorated homes in CKSII. Judges
will drive through the community on Halloween night and select
the three homes that they feel have done the best job
of decorating. Prizes to these three homeowners
will be awarded and the winners will be
announced in the November issue of the newsletter. So, come on, get creative and join in the fun.
Did You Know …
The only city whose name can be spelled completely with vowels is Aiea, Hawaii, located
approximately twelve miles west of Honolulu.
The first fossilized specimen of Austalopithecus
afarenisis was named Lucy after the palentologists’
favorite song, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, by the
The “Calabash” pipe, most often associated with
Sherlock Holmes, was not used by him until William Gillette (an
American) portrayed Holmes onstage. Gillette needed a pipe he
could keep in his mouth while he spoke his lines.
Most Americans’ car horns beep in the key of F.
The title of The Doors song “Mr. Mojo Risin” is an anagram
of the lead singer’s name, Jim Morrison.
Teen Services
To add your teen's name, please call Colorado Lasertype at 303-9797499. No recommendation or endorsement of any of the names on this
list is implied or stated by the homeowners association board or
Colorado Lasertype. Categories: (B) Baby-sitting * Red Cross Cert.
for CPR (L) Lawn care/snow removal (P) Pet & House sitting
Office: (303) 973-3313
Res: (303) 972-2201
Bailey Bryant
Abby Degenhart
For advertising information, ad rates and details about
our graphic and web design services, visit our website:
Partner in Education
October 2006
Columbine Knolls South II
Page 7
Classified ads are $2.70/line. Call Colorado Lasertype at 303-979-7499 to place an ad. The deadline for placing a classified or display ad is the 15th of the month for the next month’s issue (i.e.,
15th of Sept. for Oct. issue).
For Sale- Avalanche & Nuggets tickets.
Incredible seats. Avs: 2nd row behind
attack goal. Nuggets: row 1, equal to foul
line of opposing team. Includes VIP parking. Special occasions. 303-978-0398 [10]
& CLEANUPS- Design, full season colors, low maintenance, bulbs, sprinklers,
tree removal. Insured. The Perfect
Garden, 303-908-7346
Choice Window Services- Window &
Screen Repair. Don’t replace it, repair it!
Call Doug Hollister 303-369-7785
Top Knotch Painting- int./ext., drywall
repairs, handyman svcs. Will beat any reasonable bid! 5% disct. for Ltn. residents.
Credit cards accepted. 303-523-2941 [11]
Save Your Old Concrete- The Rubber
Brick Paver is here! 303-973-8912 [10]
Hot Tub- New 2006. National brand. 53
jets, lounge, ozone, waterfall, 7X7, lifetime
warr., insulated for CO. Retail $8995. Must
sell. $4200/offer. 303-742-4860 [10]
8’ Pool Table- New in crate. Professional
grade, 100% solid maple. Oversized rails,
leather pockets, carved legs. 3 pc. 1” slate.
Beautiful! Setup avail. Compare at $3800;
asking $1400. 303-975-1848 [10]
SPRINKLER BLOW OUTS Super dependable Erbert Lawns 303-948-6631 [10]
Deck Master: deck refinishing. deck construction & stamped concrete work. Free
est., refs. 303-488-DECK (3325)
Aggressive Legal Representation- Ken
Caryl/Chatfield area. Call attorney Craig
Chambers, 303-972-2552, 9 yrs. exp., family law/divorce/real estate/gen. practice [11]
Got a mile long to do list? Call Mile High
Errands! Everything from grocery shopping to pet services. Perfect for busy working people, new moms, seniors or anyone
who needs a helping hand. Ins. Free cons.
REMOVAL- 23 yrs. exp. Sprinkler installation. We service all brands of sprinklers
for winterization & repairs. Res. & comm.
Ingraham’s Lawn Care 303-778-0534 [10]
Replace existing glass only/10 yr guar. SR
Window 303-478-7029 or 303-649-6444
Duke’s Plumbing: Quality repair/remodeling. Prompt appt. times. Water heaters &
more. Great rates! 303-761-9797
Concrete-New/replace drvwy, patio
sdwlk. Free est Kirk 303-979-5628
OB Painting- $300 OFF exterior painting. American family owned. 10 years in
business. 10% discount for cash. Call Rob,
Carpet installation & repair. 24 yrs.
experience. Call Bill at 303-794-1001
DECKS- Construction. Composite or redwood. Free est. Clem, 303-973-6991 [11]
Music Instruction- violin, viola, piano,
trumpet, clarinet, sax, flute, trombone. 39
yrs exp. Ref. Music can be fun! 1st lesson
1/2 price. 303-795-9465
Networking | Upgrades | More Call Now!
303-979-6369 [11]
KENOSHA GLASS Window repair, table
tops, mirrors, shower doors. 303-972-7880
Crystal Window & Blind Cleaning!
Chandeliers & mirrors. Refs, 20 yrs exp.
Bonded/Insured. Bill & Jerry Call NOWavoid the rush! 303-922-4655
WINDOW WASHING- Interior/Exterior
& Screens. Free est. Refs. Reliable service.
Windows by Joe. Call 303-736-5923 [10]
RV, Coach, Boat & Auto Collision
Repair- Paint & body, hail, roofs, interiors,
fiberglass, windshield, custom paint 303292-0996 or 303-908-4401
Door Doctor- Garage doors & openers.
Sales, service & install. 303-973-2045
HIGHLANDS PRIDE PAINTINGInt/Ext. Fully ins/ref. 303-738-9203
DRYWALL Patchwork, Frame, Hang thru
texture. Free est Gary 303-829-6363
A+ HANDYMAN Home Improvement
Services Pro-painting (ext. & int.), gutter &
trim replacement & stucco. No job too small
- we do it all! Basement & bath remodels,
drywall repairs & texturing, decks, fencing,
carpentry, doors, plumbing, electrical, tiles,
carpeting & hardwood flooring. Member of
BBB. Call A+ for fast, professional service
every time. Steve, 303-979-7858 Major credit cards accepted. Refs., fully ins. & bonded.
Tree trimming & removal- Col. Tree Svc.
303-979-5330. 30+ yrs exp. Free est. [12]
Stayin’ Home
& Lovin’ It
Making a Difference Every Day
Natural, Safe, Non-Toxic Products
Work from Home
Michelle Graham
Home 303.646.6150
Page 8
Columbine Knolls South II
October 2006
Riddle of the Month
Lawn & Garden
1. There is a barrel with no lid and some water in it. “This
barrel of water is more than half full,” said Curly. “No it’s
not,” says Mo. “It’s less than half full.” Without any measuring implements and without removing any water from
the barrel, how can they easily determine who is correct?
2. Can you name three consecutive days without using any
numbers or the words Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday?
Last month’s riddle answers:
1. The third. Lions that haven’t eaten in three years are dead.
2. Bookkeeper
If you have a riddle that you would like to share with the community, please e-mail it to, along with
the answer.
After the first hard frost, pull out summer annuals and vegetables.
Cleaning them out, instead of leaving them in the ground will help
reduce the number of insects and disease problems next year. Work
compost, shredded leaves and aged manure into the garden soil. The
freezing and warming winter temperatures help aerate the soil.
Most perennials do not need to be cut back in the fall. Resist
the temptation, as the dead material can act as an insulator over the
winter, protecting the plant’s roots from our extreme temperature
fluctuations. Save the pruning for spring as pruning can stimulate
new growth that doesn’t have time to harden before winter sets in.
Regularly rake leaves from your lawn, shred and put them in
the composter. Core aerate and add winter fertilizer to your lawn.
Be sure to continue watering late into the fall. Keep mowing until
lawn growth stops, but don’t mow any shorter than 2 - 3 inches.
Protect young trees from sunscald by wrapping with tree wrap
now. Bulbs should be planted into loose soil beds which receive
full sun. Never let bulbs stand in water or plant in saturated areas,
as they will rot. Add bone meal or bulb booster in the bottom of
each hole and/or sprinkle on top of the soil where bulbs have been
previously planted. Plant Pansies around your bulbs so you will
know where you put them. Pansies will bloom throughout the
fall, winter and spring and look great in contrast with your bulbs.
Plant spinach and lettuce seeds before the ground freezes
and mulch liberally for an early spring harvest. Scatter the seeds
of Cornflowers, Bachelor Buttons, Cosmos and Marigolds. Fall
rain and snow settles them into the soil and the seeds often sprout
before winter sets in. These seeds are surprisingly tough and may
stay green through a mild winter. Fall sown seeds get the jump on
those planted in the spring, often blooming weeks earlier.
World Rainforest Week, Oct. 16-22
Every year the Rainforest Action Network designates a week
in October to recognize the beauty and wonder of the rainforests
of the world. Rainforests cover less than 10 percent of the total
land surface of the earth, but are home to more than half of all
species, including 50 million indigenous people.
Columbine Knolls South II
Homeowners Association
Membership Form
I want to join the Homeowners’ Association.
Name __________________________________________
Address ________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________
E-mail _________________________________________
Dues, with trash service, are $17.50 per month.
Dues, without trash, are $9.25 per month.
Please circle one amount for the month that you would
like your membership to begin.
Without Trash
With Trash
I have included a check for the amount circled above.
I understand that this membership is effective through
December 31 and that dues are not refundable.
Please send this form, with your payment, to:
Columbine Knolls South II HOA
P.O. Box 621625 • Littleton, CO 80162
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