Holiday Toy Drive - Columbine Knolls South II Home
Holiday Toy Drive - Columbine Knolls South II Home
O C B IN E K N OL L S SOU TH II H O M LU M EO WN E RS ASSO C IA TI O N A Covenant Controlled Community November 2006 Vol. 17 No. 11 Holiday Toy Drive The HOA is sponsoring a holiday toy drive this year. Some examples of possible charities include the Salvation Army, the Elks and the Gathering Place, which is a home for battered women and their children. Your suggestions for additional charities can be e-mailed to Laurie Gallegos at These suggestions need to be submitted no later than December 1st. Please drop off your donations at the time and place below. Your neighbors, who are volunteering their time, will be there and they will get your donations to the kids. Let’s make sure that every child has a gift this Christmas! TOY DROP OFF INFO: What: New and unwrapped toys for all ages Where: Coronado Elementary School parking lot Date: Saturday, December 9th Time: 10 a.m. until noon Thank you in advance for your generosity! This will be a wonderful, generous way to begin the holiday season. President’s Corner Wow, it’s November already! Where did the year go? Halloween was a success. Please check out the website where we have posted photos of the three winners of the Halloween decorating contest. I hope everyone had a safe and happy candy-gathering marathon. November brings yet another holiday to celebrate, spending time with friends and family. As the leaves fall, so do the temperatures. So, start looking for your winter attire; I think we’re going to need it very soon. The HOA continues to work on community issues to make this a better place to live, raise a family and also to retire. Please, as always, let a board member know if you have something in the community that needs attention. We are here to help. Thank you to all the homeowners continued on page 2 CKSII HOMEOWNERS’ MEETING Tuesday, November 14, 2006 • 7 p.m. Coronado Elementary School Attention All Residents! The Columbine Knolls South II website is active! Add our website to your favorites! Suburban Waste Services of Colorado 303-683-8887 Morning Star Management, Inc 303-904-4323 Homeowners’ Association – 2007 Membership Be on the lookout for the CKSII Homeowners’ Association 2007 Membership form. It should arrive, via US mail, in late November. The total cost of membership, which includes weekly trash service for the entire year, remains at $210. Complete details of membership and the optional trash service program are included in the mailing. Jefferson County Sheriff Non-emergency number 303-271-0211 Sheriff's Liaison, Deputy Kristy Pickett, is available for HOA board meetings. To have her attend, contact any board member so that arrangements can be made. Page 2 Columbine Knolls South II President’s Corner, continued from front page who attended last month’s meeting. We look forward to seeing more of you in the months to come. Just a reminder, our November 14th HOA board meeting will be our last meeting for the year. Please try and attend, as we will be discussing a “Christmas Toy Drive” for under-privileged children. See the article on the front page of this newsletter for complete details of this HOA-sponsored charity event. Thank you! I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. —Laurie Gallegos, President - CKSII HOA November 2006 Your 2006 Columbine Knolls South II Home Owners Association Board Members are: Laurie Gallegos, President home: 303-904-1551 e-mail: Vice President, OPEN Beverly Rodriguez, Secretary home: 303-973-4410 e-mail: Dean Fitches, Director & ACC home: 303-972-8818 e-mail: John Schutt — Director home: 303-972-2472 e-mail: Eileen McLaughlin — Director e-mail: Bob Doucet, Treasurer home: 303-979-0305 e-mail: The CKSII REVIEW is published and distributed monthly by the Columbine Knolls South II Homeowners’ Association, a non-profit homeowners’ association. It has a circulation of 575. All articles must be approved by the editor for publication. No endorsement of any product or service is implied or stated by its inclusion in the newsletter. Copies of the Covenants, ODP and the Architectural Guidelines are available through any Board member or the website. Article deadline: 21st of each month; distribution: the first week of each month. The ad deadline is the 15th of the month. For ad information, call Colorado Lasertype, 303-979-7499, Please send ARTICLES and “Letters to the Editor” to Barb Steward; email: “Letters to the Editor” must be signed, include a phone number and preferably be 300 words or less. If you need to send something to the CKSII Homeowners’ Association, the address is CKSII HOA, P.O. Box 621625, Littleton, CO 80162 Happy Thanksgiving Appearance of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by the publisher, the editor or the association of the goods or services offered therein. The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the individual authors and not of the Board of Directors of your association, editor or the publisher. Neither the Board, editor, publisher, nor the authors intend to provide any professional service or opinion through this publication. Sprinkler System Reminder from Steve Travers Office: (303) 973-3313 Res: (303) 972-2201 RE/MAX Professionals Just a reminder. Be sure that your sprinkler system has been winterized. Every year, one or two folks forget to blow out their sprinkler system, open the drains and set the valves in the proper position. This can be very costly come next spring when you discover freeze damage. 2007 HOA Board of Director Candidates It’s that time of the year to consider helping your community. The Columbine Knolls South II Homeowners’ Association will be electing a new Board of Directors and Architectural Control Committee for 2007 in January. These are all voluntary positions that are filled by people who live in the CKSII community. Please consider volunteering. Most people who have participated in the past have found that the experience is a positive one. Take this opportunity to have an important impact on your community by volunteering for one of these positions. Interested parties can contact any current Board member to express an interest in volunteering or with questions. You are also welcome to submit a small bio that will be published in our monthly newsletter. Send that bio to Both optimists and pessimists contribute to the society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute. - George Bernard Shaw November 2006 Columbine Knolls South II Page 3 Join The HOA and Save Some Money Everyone is aware that gas prices have gone way up. This increases prices for most things, including trash removal service. The HOA trash service provider is no different. They have raised their prices. What you may not know is that the HOA has paid 100% of these increases without raising the HOA dues. In fact, the HOA dues, including trash service, have stayed the same for the past SIX years! So, if your current trash service is raising their prices, do yourself a favor and join the HOA. Although it’s possible that dues will have to be increased at some future time, the HOA Board continues to work very hard to keep the prices as low as possible and provide the most services to you for the least number of dollars. Keep in mind that the HOA-sponsored trash service provides for bi-weekly recycling, the ability to dispose of a large item each month, as well as the annual Large Item Pickup. All of these are included in the price of membership. If you haven’t joined the Homeowners’ Association, now is a terrific time. You can save some money and help your community. It’s a win-win deal. The signup form is available for download on the CKSII web site,, in the Documents section, or you can contact any Board member. There’s also one on the back page of this newsletter. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do. - Pope John XXIII Columbine Knolls South II Homeowners Association Treasurer’s Report For Appointment or Emergencies Call (303) 973-4200 Raymond E. Cox, D.V.M. • Daniel L. Brod, D.V.M. • Kenneth D. Lee, D.V.M. Laurie A. Thornton, D.V.M. • Markee S. Kuschel, D.V.M. Lauren Bockino, D.V.M. • Cheney Lupe, D.V.M. Peter P. Emily, D.D.S., A.V.D. (hon) A.V.D.C. (hon) Todd Rezac, D.V.M. • Sam Lane, D.V.M. • Cynthia A. Koons, D.V.M. Laura A. Deloatch, D.V.M. • David Beadleston, D.V.M., A.C.V.D. 10148 W. Chatfield Ave. • Littleton CO 80127 Stayin’ Home & Lovin’ It Making a Difference Every Day Natural, Safe, Non-Toxic Products Work from Home Michelle Graham Home 303.646.6150 Beginning cash balance AUGUST 31, 2006: $64,265.94 INCOME Membership dues Interest Other Income Total Income CURRENT $140.00 217.48 .00 $357.48 YTD $18,561.67 400.69 .00 $18,962.36 BUDGET $48,384.00 225.80 .00 $48,609.80 EXPENDITURES CURRENT Trash Service Fees $2,138.00 .00 Forms & Envelopes Bank Service Charges .00 PO Box Rental .00 .00 COHOPE Annual Dues Insurance .00 Professional Fees (127.06) 721.00 Management Company Foothills Matching Funds .00 Neighborhood Improvements .00 Newsletter Delivery 75.00 Newsletter Editor 150.00 Postage .00 Biennial Corporation Report .00 Utilities 10.20 Social/Welcome Activities .00 HOA Meeting Costs .00 Publishing, Copying, & Printing .00 Miscellaneous .00 Income Tax .00 75.00 Web Master Web Hosting .00 YTD $20,312.47 30.21 33.50 46.00 40.00 .00 3,218.11 6,489.00 .00 895.31 675.00 1,350.00 78.00 .00 102.21 147.14 170.00 .00 42.21 44.60 675.00 107.46 BUDGET $22,568.25 30.00 48.10 44.00 35.00 1,950.00 3,000.00 10,300.00 2,100.00 3,600.00 900.00 1,200.00 319.00 .00 209.00 375.00 260.00 268.00 300.00 90.00 900.00 108.00 Total Expenditures $34,456.22 $48,604.35 $3,042.14 Ending Balance, September 30, 2006: Current Members: 243 $61,581.28 Winter’s Around the Corner!! Get repairs or replacement BEFORE the snow flies! We are dedicated to hard work, great service, and competitive prices! We specialize in ▲ Composition Asphalt Shingles ▲ Cedar Shakes ▲ Concrete Tile Roofs Over 10,000 satisfied customers Member: Colorado Roofing Association and the Better Business Bureau Call Pyramid Roofing your local contractor for a free estimate! Don’t Delay - Call Today 303-986-5080 Page 4 Columbine Knolls South II November 2006 Columbine Knolls South II Homeowners Association Minutes – October 10th, 2006 President, Laurie Gallegos, called the October 10, 2006 meeting to order at 7 p.m. Board members, Bob Doucet, Dean Fitches, Eileen McLaughlin, Bev Rodriguez, and John Schutt were in attendance. There were also several residents present. Laurie Gallegos started the meeting by stating, at this meeting, and all future meetings, the Board would sit in one section together in order to help the Board follow the agenda and stay on track. Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the September minutes was made by Dean Fitches and seconded by Eileen McLaughlin and was unanimously approved. Treasurer’s Report: Bob Doucet reported that the cash balance as of September 30, 2006 was $61,581.28, consisting of $37,056.61 in checking; $13,053.20 in savings and $11,471.27 in time deposit. Our current paid memberships are 244 households. Motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Dean Fitches and seconded by Eileen McLaughlin and was unanimously approved. Laurie suggested that our attorneys do an audit of all our paperwork: budgets, minutes and all pertinent HOA documents. This is something that is important for all HOAs to do periodically to make sure they are following procedure correctly. The board agreed, and Laurie will work with counsel to accomplish this goal. Property Management Report: The Morning Star Management, Inc., report was presented by Chuck Carvey. Mr. Carvey gave out copies of a pie chart with the percentages of inspection notations for September 2006. 11% represent households that have requests for the Architectural Control Committee, 8% represent nuisance issues, 23% represent trailers, boats, and RVs that are parked out front of homes, 8% represent homes for sale in the community, and 35% represent ODP issues such as trailers, boats or RVs that are parked in the backyard but can be seen from the street. Mr. Carvey said that as winter approaches, the 23% for trailers, boats and RVs parked in front of homes should diminish, but the 35% ODP issues will probably go up. ODP violations have been documented, and a list of these addresses has been sent to the county. Mr. Carvey will be going through the community weekly through October and after that, biweekly. Laurie asked Chuck for an overview of the month. Chuck said he sent five letters this week whereas previously he was sending out five to fifteen letters. He said ODP violations were sent to the county. Laurie requested that Chuck notify her of what goes to the county so that she could be kept informed. The issue of ACC procedures was also discussed with regard to items that are not approved. In one instance, the ACC failed to send the notice of disapproval back to the homeowner. This issue was then sent to our lawyer for guidance. Dean Fitches said he talked to the individual on the phone and in person explaining the reason for the disapproval. But, because the Board failed to send a notice of disapproval in writing to this individual, the matter will not be contested. In the future, the Board will send certified letters for any ACC disapprovals. If a homeowner refuses the certified letter, according to our lawyers, this is the same as having received it. Training Manuals for Board Members: Laurie said that the Board will be working on training manuals for each position on the Board. This will be a wonderful tool for current and future Board members. Architectural Control Committee: Dean Fitches reported continued on page 5 Keep Your Roof Insurable Perform regular roof maintenance P Be proactive rather than reactive - address potential problem areas before they turn into major issues! P Don't risk getting cancelled by your insurance carrier - take care of maintenance issues now! Call Today! (303) 841-8200 Hail Damage Free Estimates Wind Damage Locally Owned & Operated Maintenance Member, Troubleshooter Network Roof Certifications Preferred Contractor Most Ins. Companies AGAPE CONSTRUCTION & ROOFING Wood Shake Specialist Call Today! (303) 841-8200 November 2006 Columbine Knolls South II Page 5 Association Minutes, continued from page 4 that there were two requests. One request was for a new roof, which was approved at the HOA meeting, and the other for a cover on the back of a deck, which was also approved. CKSII Website: Dale Stephens asked Laurie if the changes she requested for the website were OK. She said yes and that she would also like to incorporate a picture of the entrance to CKSII on the website, so that when people drive up to our subdivision, they would be able to recognize it from the picture on the site. Halloween Contest: A picture of the three winning homes in the Halloween contest will be displayed on our website. Dean Fitches will be our judge, and once his decision has been made, he will contact Dale Stephens who will then take pictures of the prize winning homes and display them on the CKSII website. Dale will also inform our newsletter editor, Barb Steward, with the prize winners so they can be congratulated in The Review. Start Decorating – 1st prize will be $50 and 2nd and 3rd prizes will be $25 each. Covenant Renewal Committee: Greg Steward said that he has e-mailed the covenants to all members of the Covenant Renewal Committee. First on the agenda will be the formulation of ideas and determining current issues and possible covenant updates. Greg requested that the Board allocate funds to cover legal fees incurred throughout the covenant renewal process. Currently the Committee consists of 9 people. Greg is excited by the response of the Committee members and their very positive attitude. What he thought was particularly nice was the first time involvement of so many of the people. Trash Company Renewal/Research: Dale Stephens has contacted South Waste, who has provided our service in the past, for a proposal. Attorney’s Update on Trash Contract: After reviewing our contract with Suburban Waste, our attorneys found that improper charges were being imposed. The Board had previously approved paying fuel surcharges through October. Suburban Waste Services of Colorado was to amend their contract to reflect these surcharges, which has not yet been done. Also, the contracted rate of $8.25 per home per month could be raised by 5% per year. Instead, the rate has increased by 15%. Laurie suggested the fuel surcharge not be paid for October and that we just pay what is in the contract. Bob Doucet talked to Tiffany at Suburban Waste and she said she would adjust the rate from $9.50 to $8.25. She told Bob that rate increases must go to a physical address and not a P.O. Box. Bob will provide a proper address, and he said the HOA paid in June and July the $9.50 rate. In August it was subtracted to match the contract rate. Recreational Vehicle Parking: Because this is such a hotspot, the HOA Board has decided to talk with our attorneys on this issue. The attorneys will be given all the materials involving the RV issue and then they will advise the Board. Dean Fitches suggested that for a fee the attorneys will come to the Board and talk about the ODP, Bylaws, what covenants are obsolete, etc. Dean made a proposal to have the HOA attorneys come in and do an audit so that the Board can be assured they are correctly following the bylaws, covenants and ODP. The cost can not exceed $1,000. The proposal was seconded by Bev Rodriguez and unanimously approved. DOI Insurance: The Directors and Officers Insurance policy will be reviewed by the HOA attorneys. Community Improvement: Laurie suggested CKSII trash continued on page 7 • Water heaters • Water, drain & gas lines • Sewer & drain cleaning • Sinks, faucets, disposals • Toilets, tubs, showers • Water conservation • Commercial • Residential • Repair Page 6 Columbine Knolls South II November 2006 Quote of Note Quality Printing at Affordable Prices! Have You Checked Out The CKSII Web Site Lately? 4 Color Printing Call for Quote! Color Flyers (1 sided) as low as 25¢ Color Postcards as low as 30¢ Black Ink White or Pastel Paper (8-1/2" x 11") # Copies: Up to 500 1 side 4.5¢ 2 sides 8.5¢ 501-1000 4.0¢ 7.5¢ “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” —Robert Louis Stevenson 1001+ 3.5¢ 6.5¢ • Labels- we can run a mailing list for you & handle all the bulk mailing details! • Graphic Design • Newsletters written, designed & printed There is a tremendous amount of information on our community web site. Here’s a partial list – • Current and past issues of The Review (our monthly newsletter) • Contact information for every HOA Board member • Trash schedule • ACC Approval Form • Covenants • The ODP • A Realtor / Buyer Information package • Information from the Jefferson County Sheriff, etc., etc., etc. If you haven’t checked out the site, you should take a look. Just go to and take advantage of the wealth of information that is available to you! If you have any suggestions for improving the site or additional information that you would like to see, send those suggestions to Colorado Lasertype • 303-979-7499 Your Help Is Needed! for info/rates on our HOA newsletters Your community needs a volunteer for the following: COHOPE Representative: Attends the monthly Council of Homeowners Organizations for Planned Environment (COHOPE) meetings, which are held on the first Tuesday of the month, and reports back to the CKSII HOA Board with any information about issues that are of interest to our community. Call Laurie Gallegos at 303-904-1551. New To The Community? Are you new to the community? Let us hear from you. CKSII is a large sub-division, and the Homeowners’ Association wants to keep everyone informed. You can help the HOA help you by letting us know that you have moved in. Call Bob at 303-9790305. He can get you set up with HOA membership, as well as trash service. We also have a web site, that will provide you with a wide variety of helpful information, including the CKSII covenants and the ODP. Teen Services To add your teen's name, please call Colorado Lasertype at 303-9797499. No recommendation or endorsement of any of the names on this list is implied or stated by the homeowners association board or Colorado Lasertype. Categories: (B) Baby-sitting * Red Cross Cert. for CPR (L) Lawn care/snow removal (P) Pet & House sitting Bailey Bryant Abby Degenhart Blake Jones 15 11 14 B*/P B/P B*/P/L 303-978-1788 303-973-4234 303-941-2379 For advertising information, ad rates and details about our graphic and web design services, visit our website: November 2006 Columbine Knolls South II CLASSIFIEDS Classified ads are $2.70/line. Call Colorado Lasertype at 303-979-7499 to place an ad. The deadline for placing a classified or display ad is the 15th of the month for the next month’s issue (i.e., 15th of Sept. for Oct. issue). ALTERATIONS NEEDED: Looking for someone to do alterations. Please call Susan 303-979-6106 [11] Choice Window Services- Window & Screen Repair. Don’t replace it, repair it! Call Doug Hollister 303-369-7785 Top Knotch Painting- int./ext., drywall repairs, handyman svcs. Will beat any reasonable bid! 5% disct. for Ltn. residents. Credit cards accepted. 303-523-2941 [11] KENOSHA GLASS Window repair, table tops, mirrors, shower doors. 303-972-7880 Got a mile long to do list? Call Mile High Errands! Everything from grocery shopping to pet services. Perfect for busy working people, new moms, seniors or anyone who needs a helping hand. Ins. Free cons. 720-939-3508 HIGHLANDS PRIDE PAINTINGInt/Ext. Fully ins/ref. 303-738-9203 FOGGED OR HAZED WINDOWS? Replace existing glass only/10 yr guar. SR Window 303-478-7029 or 303-649-6444 Tree trimming & removal- Col. Tree Svc. 303-979-5330. 30+ yrs exp. Free est. [12] Crystal Window & Blind Cleaning! Chandeliers & mirrors. Refs, 20 yrs exp. Bonded/Insured. Bill & Jerry Call NOWavoid the rush! 303-922-4655 COMPUTER SERVICE- Spyware | Networking | Upgrades | More Call Now! 303-979-6369 [11] Music Instruction- violin, viola, piano, trumpet, clarinet, sax, flute, trombone. 39 yrs exp. Ref. Music can be fun! 1st lesson 1/2 price. 303-795-9465 DECKS- Construction. Composite or redwood. Free est. Clem, 303-973-6991 [11] Concrete-New/replace drvwy, patio sdwlk. Free est Kirk 303-979-5628 Page 7 Duke’s Plumbing: Quality repair/remodeling. Prompt appt. times. Water heaters & more. Great rates! 303-761-9797 Carpet installation & repair. 24 yrs. experience. Call Bill at 303-794-1001 OB Painting- $300 OFF exterior painting. American family owned. 10 years in business. 10% discount for cash. Call Rob, 303-986-8198 Door Doctor- Garage doors & openers. Sales, service & install. 303-973-2045 DRYWALL Patchwork, Frame, Hang thru texture. Free est Gary 303-829-6363 A+ HANDYMAN Home Improvement Services Pro-painting (ext. & int.), gutter & trim replacement & stucco. No job too small - we do it all! Basement & bath remodels, drywall repairs & texturing, decks, fencing, carpentry, doors, plumbing, electrical, tiles, carpeting & hardwood flooring. Member of BBB. Call A+ for fast, professional service every time. Steve, 303-979-7858 Major credit cards accepted. Refs., fully ins. & bonded. Association Minutes, continued from page 5 containers. With the CKSII name on the containers, our trash service would be less likely to miss someone’s trash and would give a more uniform look to the community. The price of the containers will be researched and reported on at a future Board meeting. Foothills Parks and Recreation Mill Levy: A presentation was given to the Board by two Foothills Parks and Recreation representatives on the proposed mill levy increase, which is 5-A on the ballot. One-half of the increase will go to cover operating costs, and the other half of the increase will go to fixing irrigation systems, repaving parking lots, and redoing shelters and playgrounds. The proposal is asking to increase property taxes by l.5 mills. If approved, the new tax will be applied to 2007 property taxes and would generate $l.2 million annually in additional revenue for the Parks and Recreation District. This amount is less than what is needed to fully fund the Foothills Park and Recreation capital repair needs. ODP Enforcement: A homeowner asked if the Board was enforcing the ODP instead of covenants. The answer is no. The ODP is the master document for several communities in our area. It was filed with Jefferson county by the developer, and enforcement of the ODP is handled by Jefferson county Planning and Zoning. The HOA simply notifies the county, through our management company, of possible ODP violations. This is necessary because Jefferson county’s policy is reactive, not proactive, with regard to ODP enforcement. Because of the questions on the RV issue in relation to the ODP, the Board has decided to have the HOA lawyers become involved to help the Board correctly address this issue. A question was also asked if the Board voted on a directive to have our management company inform the county of ODP violations. This issue was documented in the June 13, 2006 minutes, but not specifically mentioned as a vote, which it was. To document clearly the position of the Board, Bob Doucet made a motion directing Morning Star Management, Inc. (Chuck Carvey) to send ODP violations to the county. John Schutt seconded the motion and was unanimously approved. Holiday Toy Drive: As a community service, Laurie suggested an HOA-sponsored holiday toy drive to show our community support and unity in helping those who are less fortunate. Please see the article on the front page of this newsletter for complete details. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. The November 14 meeting will be held at Coronado Elementary at 7 p.m. in the library, teacher’s lounge or cafeteria, depending upon room availability. Riddle of the Month 1. A farmer knows that 20 of his hens, housed in 3 coops, will hatch 30 eggs in 18 days. How long will it take 30 hens, housed in 4 coops to hatch the same number of eggs? 2. What two words in the English language use all five vowels plus Y in alphabetical order and uses each one only once? Hint: one is comical and the other is restrained. Last month’s riddle answers: 1. Tilt the barrel until the water barely touches the lip of the barrel. If the bottom of the barrel is visible then it is less than half full. If the barrel bottom is still completely covered by the water, then it is more than half full. 2. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow If you have a riddle that you would like to share with the community, please e-mail it to, along with the answer. Page 8 Columbine Knolls South II November 2006 Official Development Plan What’s Your Reason 15. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS This development shall be subject to platting and recording of the Official Development Plan. Any items not specifically covered herein shall be governed by the Jefferson County Zoning Resolution and Subdivision Regulations in effect at the time of approval of this plan. It shall also be subject to the building codes and engineering criteria and other governmental requirements in force at the time of approval of this plan. If you don’t have a copy of the Covenants and the Official Development Plan, they are available for download from the CKSII web site, , in the documents section. These are the two governing documents for the CKSII community, and every homeowner should have a copy. I want to join the Homeowners’ Association. The HOA Board would like to get more of your comments and ideas about the CKSII Homeowners’ Association. If you are not a member, the HOA Board would like to know why? If you are a member, what are the most important benefits of HOA membership to you? What would you like to see done differently? Any services that you feel would be of benefit to you and your neighbors? Is it the cost of membership? Just what is it that keeps you from joining or makes you continue to join year after year? If you have concerns or issues that you feel are important, this is an excellent way to make your voice heard. Odds are, if you think something needs to be fixed, so do some of your neighbors. One request. Please don’t send your comments without your name and phone number (or an e-mail address). Here’s why. Sometimes the answer to an issue is simply too long to publish in our newsletter. Without some way of contacting you, it’s impossible to respond to your concerns. There are also times when it’s not clear what the actual concern or issue is. If you include your contact information, we can get a better understanding of your concerns and provide you with better information. Contact information is NEVER published, unless you specifically request it. You can send your comments via e-mail to or by U.S. mail to CKSII HOA P.O. BOX 621625 LITTLETON, CO 80162. So, what’s your reason for not joining the Homeowners’ Association? Why not submit it and see what kind of an explanation you get! Name __________________________________________ Lawn & Garden Did You Know… • • • The first toilet ever seen on television was on “Leave It To Beaver.” Wally and Beaver had a baby alligator, which they kept in the toilet. A coat hanger is 44 inches long if straightened. Mt. Vernon, Washington grows more tulips than the entire country of Holland. Columbine Knolls South II Homeowners Association Membership Form Address ________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________ Dues, with trash service, are $17.50 per month. Dues, without trash, are $9.25 per month. Please circle one amount for the month that you would like your membership to begin. Without Trash With Trash Beginning January 210.00 111.00 February 192.50 101.75 92.50 175.00 March 83.25 157.50 April May 140.00 74.00 64.75 122.50 June 55.50 105.00 July August 87.50 46.25 70.00 37.00 September 27.75 52.50 October November 35.00 18.50 December 17.50 9.25 I have included a check for the amount circled above. I understand that this membership is effective through December 31 and that dues are not refundable. Please send this form, with your payment, to: Columbine Knolls South II HOA P.O. Box 621625 • Littleton, CO 80162 Hybrid tea and grandiflora roses need winter protection. When the leaves have dropped off and the rose bush has gone dormant, cut off the tops of the canes leaving stalks 2 to 3 feet tall. Mound topsoil, bark mulch or woodchips about l foot deep around the base of the plant covering the graft union (the knobby swelling near the ground). Drive 3 or 4 stakes in the ground around the bush and staple burlap around them. Pile leaves or pine needles inside the tent for protection, or install Styrofoam “rose cones” around the canes. Water once a month in the winter when especially dry and sunny. Next spring, remove the covering and rake away the debris. If your trees need pruning, do it after the leaves have fallen. Weak branches can be removed to prevent their breaking after a heavy snow. Force bulbs for early spring color indoors. Chose a container that can easily drain. Fill with gravel, sand or potting soil to within 2” of the rim of the container for large bulbs, closer for small bulbs. Place the bulbs in the soil with the pointed end up. The tops should be at a level about l/2” below the container rim. Fill in around the bulbs so the tips are barely poking out of the soil. Place the pots in a dark “chilling” area, where the temperature stays between 30 to 40 degrees. A crawl space, unheated garage or the coldest part of the basement are possibilities. If it gets too cold, you’ll need supplemental heat, or mulch the pots heavily to protect from hard freezing. Keep the soil evenly moist, but do not allow it to stand. Maintain complete darkness, if possible. For Hyacinths, store 12 - 15 weeks, Dwarf Iris, 6 - l0 weeks; Spring Crocus, 7 - l0 weeks; Tulips, l6 weeks and Daffodils, 12 - 16 weeks. After these times have elapsed, check the container for shoots or roots coming out of the drain hole. Move indoors, or upstairs and gradually transition to warm temperatures and bright light. The cooler your house is, the longer the flowers will last. After forcing, bulbs are usually pretty well spent, so discard in the compost pile.
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