2013 Saint Bede - St. Bede Abbey


2013 Saint Bede - St. Bede Abbey
Class of 2013
Saint Bede Academy
in the future!
A $1,922,530.00 Investment
Saint Annual
What a difference
a year makes!
The graduating Class of 2013 included 75 students from across
the globe. Together, they achieved remarkable results during their
four year career at Saint Bede Academy: over 10,000 service hours
recorded, 65 tons of food donated to local food pantries, more than
$4,000 in toys donated to local toy drives, 100% pursuing a post-
secondary education, and a composite ACT score of 23.8!
You, too, have made a significant difference in the graduating Class of 2013. Individually and
collectively, over the past four years we have invested $1,922,530.00 in the future of these 75 students:
tuition, scholarships, ‘fund the gap’ efforts, tuition assistance, etc.
Just as the Class of 2013 is ready for the next step in their journey, so too are WE! Our development
program remains consistent in achieving our goals each year through your continued support and
generosity. Your generosity in many ways is mirrored by the students of Saint Bede as they embody a
sense of philanthropy through their deeds and efforts. Perhaps our students have learned from your
obedience to the command of Jesus, “The gift you have received, give as a gift.” Matthew 10:8.
Here is a profound and moving example from this fall: Cora Peters, a senior at Bureau Valley High
School seems to be running out of treatment options in her 4 year battle with cancer. She came to
know the Saint Bede family on Friday, September 6th when the students of Saint Bede presented her
and her family with a check for a little less than $8,000 so she could realize her dream of a trip to
Hawaii. Cora’s wish is to create some happy memories for her parents and family in the midst of her
ongoing struggle with cancer. Karen Peters, Cora’s mom addressed the crowd, “Tonight, we have seen
the face of Jesus in the students and friends of Saint Bede Academy.”
The Saint Bede Legacy Project is the next step in OUR journey to ensure that the rich tradition that
has been given to us by the monks of Saint Bede carries on for generations to come. The Saint Bede
Legacy Project is the most important investment we can make in the future of Saint Bede Academy.
(See page 6)
Thank you again for all that you have done in the past. I hope and pray that you will join us on
this journey as we transform and revitalize the living legacy that we all know as Saint Bede Academy!
Donna Aleksy
SPECIAL NOTE: Articles for Time, Talent and Treasure
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Our Journey
Has Begun...
Abbot Philip and Donna Aleksy are making plans to come your way
to share the exciting news about the Saint Bede Legacy Project.
Jeannie Margherio will be in touch to set up a time to visit
or contact Jeannie at 815-250-0347.
Our goal is to raise the $750,000.00 for Phase 1 by December 31, 2013
– so that contracts and quotes for the foundational phase
of the Legacy Project can begin.
Our initial efforts are totaling $414,000.00 toward Phase 1.
2013 Annual Report
The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
for those who seek him.
In our world where we are often so busy and have so much to do, we
don’t like waiting. At least that is the case for me. I have discovered that
waiting destroys the myth so many of us have, that we are in control and can
make anything happen. Thus I have come to realize that the real key is coming
to know what God wants and then patiently working to make it happen. In
theology we sometime speak of time as Kairos, a moment when God is clearly
present and blessing us. Unfortunately we often are too busy to notice.
After several years of growing dementia and increasing frustration Father
Joseph went to Saint Joseph’s Nursing Home in Lacon where he received very
fine care. Father Joseph for most of his life was busy working on a variety of
projects, and so being limited, confined and not being free to roam was very
difficult. He would often ask, “What am I supposed to do?” Incredibly he lost
his interest in Art. As far as I know he only did one five minute art project in
his seven months at the nursing home. In late March his quick decline caused
his family and I to gather around him and support him by prayer and song.
During his last days, he experienced very little suffering, and passed quietly to
the Lord. It seemed clear that the Lord and had been waiting for Father Joseph
just as Father Joseph had been seeking the Lord. We all rejoiced when the Lord
took Father Joseph to his eternal home on April 4th. We are looking for ways to
continue to use the Art Barn for art work. We have some ideas and are waiting
for them to come to fruition.
Our Brother David came to Saint Bede about five years ago and has been
going through the formation process. Although he had not gone to college
he began to study at IVCC and showed a real love of learning. He is now studying at Benedictine University in Lisle where he
is working toward his certification as an English teacher. He has a deep thirst for knowledge and loves literature. Given the
struggles he had in his earlier years he seems to have a great compassion for students who struggle in school, and a desire to
understand how to help them. He has to wait for another three semesters to begin his teaching ministry.
For a number of years we have been waiting to do some much needed repairs in the monastery. Now that we are a
community of twenty we have too much space in our large building so are reorganizing ourselves. In a couple of months all
the monks will live on the second and fourth floor of the monastery. The fourth floor has skylights and is bright and welcoming.
The second floor has our reading room, our recreation spaces, a nice meeting room and the Abbot’s office. All the monks will
be able to live on those two floors. The first floor will be used for guests and our infirmary. We are moving the tailor shop and
the laundry to the monastery basement. Fortunately there is adequate space available and it will not be a very expensive project.
Thanks largely to Monsignor Duncan’s very generous gift we were able to replace the main roof of the Abbey church. We are
hoping to replace the monastery roof this fall if weather permits. Both have long needed replacing. We have also replaced the
windows on the north side of the monastery. I find it easier to wait for the renewal of our monastery building because I can see
ongoing progress.
I was fortunate to attend the Abbot’s workshop in San Diego and the General Chapter of the American Cassinese Congregation
in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. While I was there Father Claude who was our delegate to the general chapter had a heart attack but
seems to be recovering well.
I have given a few retreats in the past year and have had the joy of confirming young people in three parishes in the Peoria
Diocese. Father Dominic continues to present workshops in Illinois and in the St. Louis area. Father Gabriel has given a retreat
for priests of the Peoria Diocese. If you haven’t noticed the Abbey, after considerable work by Prior Michael, has launched a new
website at www.stbedeabbey.org. I am attempting to write a blog a couple of times a week, and we will soon be launching an
Abbey store where items we make will be available for purchase.
There are two other major news items. Abbey Fields at Saint Bede remains a work in progress, but as usual there is the issue
of financing, so please continue to pray. The second item is the Academy Legacy Project which will provide a quality state-0fthe-art learning facility for Saint Bede Academy students.
It is true that “The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to those who seek him.” I would just add that if we pay attention
while we are waiting, we can rejoice in all the good God does for us even as we are waiting. May God bless you abundantly for
being a blessing to all of us at Saint Bede.
Abbot Philip Davey
Vice President of Mission Advancement
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Monastery stay inspires insight
Questing For God:
“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place
and rest awhile.”
— Mark 6:31
Jesus Christ’s words to his disciples, spoken 2,000 years
ago, came alive for me on a warm, sunny August afternoon
at Saint Bede Academy in Peru.
Sitting across from Abbot Philip Davey in his office, I
jumped from one topic to another, interspersing my questions
for a news article about the relevancy of monasteries in
today’s society with anecdotes about the world’s — and my
own — often chaotic life.
A little more than an hour into the conversation, Abbot
Philip, a seasoned spiritual director, suggested perhaps I
should come see for myself what monastic life is like. Maybe
I should come and stay a day or two and see how the monks
Yes, I thought, that sounds like just what I need. I
hurriedly picked up my notebook and a list of questions I had
pushed off to the side, stood up, smiled and said I would be
in touch.
“Wait,” Abbot Philip said. “Let us pray before you leave.”
Oh. Prayer. Why didn’t I think of that?
I folded my hands, closed my eyes and listened as Abbot
Philip offered an insightful prayer for my needs. The one part
of his prayer that resonates with me still is his plea to God to
rescue me from a “fragmented” life.
A little more than a month later, following my first meal
with the monks on a late Friday afternoon, I sat quietly by a
pond west of Saint Bede Abbey, while Abbot Philip fed the
koi that surfaced for their daily bread from underneath the
lily pads. He explained to me the importance of taking time
between handfuls of food to allow the koi to eat. Otherwise
the remaining food settles to the bottom of the pond and is
Before we could get too deep into our conversation
about monastic life, the Abbey’s bells rang, signifying it was
time for Vespers, or evening prayer.
Over the next 48 hours, I would join the monks for noon
and evening prayer, Mass and lunch and supper. I had gone
into the weekend with the best of intentions of also joining
them for Lauds, or morning prayer, but I could not tear myself
out of bed early enough. During noon and evening prayer, I
read along with the monks and tried to be mindful of the
words from the Divine Office I was praying with them — and
religious orders around the world.
In between their scheduled communal prayer times,
I spoke with several of the monks — every one of whom I
found to be loving, hospitable, humble and wise, with
healthy senses of humor — and read from books I brought
with me, including the Bible and “Monastery of the Heart,”
by Benedictine nun Joan Chittister, about practicing monastic
spirituality for those of us outside the monastery walls.
Nothing significant seemed to be happening. My
life outside the abbey wouldn’t let go of me so easily. All I
could sense was the interior chatter — the hope I would do
justice with the stories I planned to write about the weekend
and my overwhelming sense of inadequacy to do so. But
as I participated in the life of the monks, something was
happening, something I wouldn’t notice until I was at home
Sunday night winding down from the weekend and getting
ready for the work week.
About 7:30 p.m., I sat in the recliner and realized the
monks were engaged in evening prayer. After only two days
with them, I missed them and their disciplined and devoted
search and listening for God. I felt a magnetic yearning to be
there with them and join with them in prayer.
In that yearning I was indeed connected with them and
the prayers — spoken and unspoken — we share in our hearts
and continually lift to God.
As I continue to reflect on my visit with the monks and
my own efforts to incorporate their wisdom of prayer, silence
and listening for the voice of God in my life, I pray for the
world in which we live.
May we all be rescued from living a fragmented life.
Lord, hear our prayer.
2013 Annual Report
Jerrilyn Zavada
Legacy Project
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
“A Legacy Project that will sustain our century old structure and renovate it into a state-of-the-art educational
facility which combines old and new construction to continue the Benedictine legacy for centuries to come. ”
Deeply rooted in the community for 120 years, the campus
and structures of Saint Bede Academy and Abbey have played
a significant role in shaping the lives of many individuals from
all walks of life. The buildings have endured the ravages of
fire, regularly faltering economic conditions, deteriorating
infrastructure and continuously evolving academic program
requirements. These historic structures that have served so
well in the past are worthy of the attention necessary to allow
them to do the same for another hundred years.
Present operational objectives at Saint Bede Academy are
centered on a mission-driven, financially sustainable trajectory.
The guiding principles that give this redevelopment plan
direction make best use of existing physical, human and
financial resources to coax another century out of this great
old school building. Subsequent capital improvement projects
must reconfigure existing spaces and create new learning
environments that support student achievement, life skills
development and social responsibility.
Full-phase construction is scheduled for completion in
September 2021, the 130th anniversary of the opening of
Saint Bede College. This eight year capital improvement plan
is realistic but nonetheless wholly dependent on a successful
fundraising campaign.
Renovations will include: new ceiling and lighting, new
windows to match existing, new casework, new electrical and
data wiring, and new finishes while existing wood floor will
“We believe that every student has the right to receive a quality Catholic education within a safe environment.
The Legacy Project is the most important investment we can make in the future of Saint Bede Academy. Only you
can make this project possible. Your legacy gift is truly the gift that will keep on giving. Leave your legacy at
Saint Bede Academy.”
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
It’s time . . .
During FY ’13 we continued to witness the academic accomplishments of
our students. Twelve members of the class of ’13 were Illinois State Scholars.
The class of ’13 also boasted four AP Scholars. During their studies at the
Academy the Class of ’13 earned a total of 505 hours of transcripted college
and/or university credits. Perhaps the most important accomplishment of
our 2013 graduates was that every one of the 75 members of that graduating
class enrolled in the post secondary institution of their choice.
Congratulations to the Academy graduates of 2013. I would also offer
congratulations to the faculty and staff of Saint Bede Academy for creating
a learning environment and building a culture that makes these kinds of
student accomplishments possible.
It’s Time to refocus the long term financial goals of Saint Bede Academy. As the data enclosed in this
2013 Annual Report will attest, the Academy is solvent and financially stable. In 2008 Academy endowed
funds had amassed an accumulated deficit of $1,454,659. The borrowing from the endowment funds
occurred as a result of years of deficit spending. It has been our goal to “pay off” that debt with budgeted
surpluses. At the end of FY ’13 the debt remaining to the endowed funds was $271,945. Because of this
very manageable pay down amount It’s Time to reprioritize our debt management.
Balanced budgets, paying off debt along with stable student population and the maintenance of our
once aging yet outstanding teaching staff have been our top priorities to this point. Today all of those
priorities although obviously important have proved to be attainable administrative goals. As such the risks
posed to the future of Saint Bede have been diminished significantly. The question now becomes how to
deal with the problem that now poses the most significant risk to the Academy’s future. That problem is
quite clearly the venerable 123 year old Academy building. In FY’13 we completed $242,232 worth of
improvements to the Academy and its environs. All of this work was done as a result of a budget that had
a revenue surplus and the generosity of the Saint Bede family.
It’s Time to focus our priorities and energies on revitalizing the Academy building and thus ensuring the
future of quality catholic education in the Benedictine tradition in the Illinois Valley and beyond. Our plan
for transforming the Academy into a state-of-the-art educational facility that will last for another hundred
years combines sound fiscal practices as well as support from the entire Saint Bede family. Donna Aleksy
and her Development team will be reaching out to friends and alumni asking for a commitment to help
ensure the future of Saint Bede Academy. It will take all of us working together to guarantee that Saint Bede
Academy will continue to offer a college preparatory education that produces outstanding post-secondary
students for the next 100 years.
Dr. Ted Struck
2013 Annual Report
Financial Results
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
2012 - 2013
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
2012-2013 Annual
Giving Societies
(Gifts of $125,000 and above)
Mr. Alwin Carus - ?
Clare Drummy Shall - ?
(Gifts of $100,000-$124,999)
Anthony Rich - ?
(Gifts of $75,000-$99,999)
Mary Ann Howkins - ?
Mr. Raymond Sarwinski - ?
(Gifts of $50,000-$74,999)
Mr. William E. Adams
(Gifts of $25,000-$49,999)
Mr. and Mrs. Barney S. Bima
Mrs. Louise Davey - ?
Mr. James Downey
Mr. Kenneth M. Kunkel
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Sitterly
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Zueger - ?
(Gifts of $15,000-$24,999)
Mr. Gordon Moran
(Gifts of $10,000-$14,999)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes, Sr.
Bedan Club
Dorothy Ege - ?
Mrs. Mary Gorman
Mrs. Kathy Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCullough
- in memory of Anthony Rich
Dr. James Mini
(Gifts of $5,000-$9,999)
Mr. & Mrs. Don Aleksy
Daubert Chemical Co, Inc.
Diocese of Peoria
Mr. Michael A. Dwyer
Mr. Edward Filippini
Dr. Kevin J. Garcia
Mr. Eugene Kunkel
Judge Louis J. Perona
St. Joseph’s Holy Name Society
Dr. & Mrs. Ted Struck
Mr. Robert Terracina
(Gifts of $1,000-$4,999)
Mr. Victor Abell
Mr. Eugene Antas
Mr. Henry Auchstetter
Dr. Andrew J. Bacevich
- in memory of Betty Lou Komlanc
Mr. Gene Bernardoni
Mrs. Johanna Bowland
Atty. Walter Durley Boyle Estate
Mr. Robert Bringer
Mr. Roger L. Brunel
Robert J. Kappaert - ?
Mrs. Lillian Cicala
- in memory of Frank Cicala
Atty. & Mrs. Christopher Clancy
Mr. Mark S. Costello
Mr. Patrick J. Crowe
Mr. Michael Diederich
Mr. James Dietz
Mr. John Donaldson, Jr.
Mr. W. Patrick Dooley
Mrs. Jane Duncan
Atty. John S. Duncan III
Mr. James D. Duncan
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Eureka Savings Bank
FMC Technologies, Inc.
Mr. Kenneth J. Gamache
Mr. John T. Geiger
Mr. & Mrs David Golick
Mr. Allan Gorgal
Dr. Damian Grivetti
Mr. Melvin Harth
Mrs. Shirley Hayden
Hollingsworth & Vose Company
Hospital Radiology Service
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hueneburg
JP Chevrolet - GEO - Nissan
Mr. Thomas J. Kapacinskas
Mr. Kenneth A. Krogulski
Mr. Thomas E. Krolak
Mr. Thomas Kunkel
LaSalle State Bank
Dr. Jean Loftus
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Lukancic
Dr. Steven P. Lukancic
Mr. Dominic Magnoni
Rev. Kennneth L. Marchulones
Dr. Carl P. Mattioda
Mr. Matthew G. McGinnis
Mr. Philip McGinnis
Mr. Anthony Mertel
Mr. Jason Meyer
Mr. Adolph Micheli
Mr. Jay Miklavcic
Mr. John A. Miks
Mr. Edward Monaghan, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia Moore
Mr. Ray Moriarity
Dr. Thomas J. Moskalewicz
Mr. William E. Murphy
Mr. William F. Murphy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Murray
Northwestern Mutual Life Found., Inc.
Mr. John R. O’Halloran
Ms. Dona Ostermeyer
Ms. Margaret, Grace & Mildred Panigal
Mr. Richard A. Pattarozzi
Atty. Paul Perona
Mr. Daniel Pfister
Mr. David K. Porter
Mrs. Mary Jo Potthoff
Mr. John R. Radek, Jr.
Mr. David L. Ritterbusch
Dr. & Mrs Michael Rooney
Mr. Michael Rossiter
Rev. William A. Ryan
Dr. & Mrs. David Schlagheck
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Msgr. Paul E. Showalter
Mr. Andrew Skoog
Mr. Francis L. Smith
Rev. Larry Snyder
Mr. Charles E. Stewart
Stone Energy Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stuart
Dr. Edward Theiss
Ms. Marcia Ann Thompson
Tidewater, Inc.
Dr. James H. Toraason
Ms. Kathleen Wayland
Mrs. Janet Welch
Western Catholic Union
Mr. Fred L. White
Judge James J. Wimbiscus
Mr. John F. Winkelmann III
Wisconsin Energy Corporation
Dr. William L. Wrobel
(Gifts of $500-$999)
Mr. Raymond Baker
Mr. Lester J. Ballerine
Dr. Stephen Bansberg
Major Louis C. Barr
Mr. Ray Bauer
Mr. Arnold Buckman
Mr. Michael Cahill
Mr. Chris A. Cicala
Mr. John Clark
Class of 1995
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Coogan
Atty. Donald R. Crowe
DePue Mens Club
Mr. & Mrs. Siva Dodda
Mr. Frank R. Drasler
Mr. John J. Duncan
E. J. Cattani & Son Inc.
Mr. Edward Ersfeldt
Dr. Richard Ewald
Atty. John Foley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ford
- in memory of Fr. Joseph Heyd
Mr. Lee Fox
Atty. & Mrs. Scott Ganassin
Col. John F. Gaughan II
Mr. Patrick Gaughan
Mr. Jerome Gibson
Mr. Albert J. Grossman
Mrs. Jane Story Haake
Mr. James C. Hamlin
Mr. Robert T. Harmon
Rev. John Harth
Mr. Richard H. Hebel, Jr.
Mr. John Holcomb
Mr. Joseph Wm Hoover
Invest In Others Charitable Foundation
Mr. Gary R. Janko
Dr. Franklin Jasiek
Mr. Gary J. Jasiek
Mr. James S. Jordan
Ms. Mary A. Kennedy
Mr. Kim Keutzer
Mr. John Kilarski
Mr. Richard A. Koehler
Mr. John Koehler
Mr. Joseph Kolodziej
Mr. Daniel Kopina, Jr.
2013 Annual Report
Mr. Lance J. Korter
Mr. Peter G. Koyak III
Mr. Aloysius Kunkel
Mr. Christopher Kunkel
Mr. Joseph C. Kunkel
Mr. Joseph Lehrer
Mr. James LePell
Dr. Louis R. Lukancic
Mr. James J. Maciejewski
Mr. Jason Manthey
Mr. David Matheu
Mr. Richard S. Mattioda
Dr. Lyle Micheli
Mr. Timothy Molak
Dr. Dale K. Mueller
Tim & Claire Murphy
Mr. Peter B. Navin
Mr. David J. Pakula
Peru C. S. O.
Mr. Mark Potthoff
Msgr. Richard A. Pricco
Mr. Thomas Ptak
Ms. Lorena Reviglio
Rev. James Rickey
Dr. James Rooney
Mr. Michael Rosploch
Mr. Joseph P. Rund
Mr. Gerald Ruva
Mr. Lawrence A. Salcedo
Mr. James Savio
Mr. Paul Savio
Mr. Melvin O. Schellenberger
Mr. John Schumacher
Mr. L. C. Sitterly
Mr. John Wm Spoeri
Spring Valley City Bank
Mr. Eugene J. Stachowiak
State Bank of Cherry
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Steinbach
Mr. Stephen P. Stevens
Mrs. Lois Zukowski Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Twanow
Mr. Thomas VanDaele
Wal-Mart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Wayland
Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Wenzel
Mrs. Jennifer Seremak Whelton
Ms. Mary Margaret Wilson - ?
Mr. Steven S. Witek
Mr. Louis J. Zamin
(Gifts of $250-$499)
Mr. Robert Albrecht-Mallinger
Mr. Roger Alig
Mr. Edmund Antas
Dr. Cynthia Ashley
Mr. Douglas Becker
Rev. Msgr. Charles Beebe
Atty. Paul H. Berens
Mr. Joseph P. Bernardini
Mr. Dominic Berta
Mr. Paul Biolchini
Mr. Lawrence E. Boarman
Mr. Michael Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bullock
Citizens 1st Natl Bank,Princeton
Mr. Thomas Clarke
2012-2013 Annual
Giving Societies
Mrs. Sarita Comyns
- in memory of
Rev. Herbert Comyns O.S.B.
Mr. Harold W. Connell
Mr. David E. Conroy
Mr. Daniel Cosgrove
Country Financial
Mr. John C. Crinion
Mr. Frank L. Crowley
Mr. John J. Diederich
Mr. James E. Donnelly
Mrs. Doris Duston
Dr. Robert J. Ficek
Mr. James Finnegan
Mr. James E. Flaherty
Mr. Kurt Flaherty
Atty. Jane Mueller Fly
Dr. James J. Fuerholzer
Mr. Peter Gericke
Mr. Timothy A. Gould
Mr. Ronald Gregorich
Mr. David K. Grotti
Mr. Richard D. Haas
Mr. & Mrs. James Happ
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Harmon
Mr. Dennis J. Hassler
Mrs. Marguerite Hawley
Atty. Donald J. Hayden
Mr. Paul V. Herrmann
Mr. Edmund J. Hettinger
Mr. Kevin J. Hextell
Mr. Michael W. Hoefer
Mr. Brian Inman
Mr. and Mrs. S. David Inman
Mr. Michael Janko
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Jobst
Mr. Larry Johnson
Mr. Patrick E. Keigher
Mr. Patrick J. Kennedy
Knights of Columbus
Mr. Edward L. Krolak
Mr. Thomas J. Kuk
Mr. Thomas P. Kunkel
Mrs. Betty Jean Kunkel
- in memory of August Kunkel ‘44
Mr. Stephen Kunkel
Mr. Mark Lauer
Rev. M. Duane Leclercq
Atty. Robert Emmett Lee
Atty. Thomas Lund
Mr. Nicholas Lynch
Mr. Daniel Lyons
Mrs. Laura Margherio
Mr. John McCarthy
Mrs. Libbie McKean
Mr. Russell McKinnie
Mr. Wayne W. McManus
Mr. Jerome P. Meismer
Mr. Michael Menton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mercier
Mr. Dennis G. Miscevic
Mr. Alfred Morandi
Mr. Patrick J. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Myers
Mrs. Rose Mary Myers
Mr. Raymond Newman
Dr. Daniel O’Connell
Mr. John L. O’Reilly
Dr. Mark Orlandini
Rev. Michael Pakula
Mr. William Passie
Mrs. Catherine Pelton
Mr. Mark J. Perona
Atty. & Mrs. Gary Peterlin
Dr. Merle Piacenti
Mr. Thomas Pigati
Mr. Kenneth Piletic
Mr. Tristan Pisarczyk
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Pomije
Mr. Chris W. Potthoff
Mr. John Potthoff, Jr.
Practical Builders
Mr. Adam Raley
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rigazio
Mr. Paul Robich
Mr. Bruce Rounds
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Sack
Mr. Gary Sale
Mr. Richard T. Sauer, Jr.
Mr. Joseph L. Savio
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scott
Dr. Felicitas Sebastian
Mrs. Kathy Sale Seegebrecht
Dr. William B. Senica
Mr. William D. Sheehan
Mr. Daniel R. Smith
Mr. Hal C. Smith
Mr. Raymond J. Smith
Mr. James Sullivan
Mr. Charles Swanson
Mr. Rick Szczepaniak
Mr. Joseph A. Taliano
Mr. Goodwin W. Toraason
Dr. Jeffrey W. Toraason
Mr. James A. Torri
Mr. Jack Trainor
Travelers Insurance
Mr. Raymond N. Trompeter
Dr. Arthur L. Utz
Mr. B. Michael Van De Rostyne
Judge Cyril Watson
Dr. Christopher J. Welch
Mr. Michael Welgat
Mrs. Tonya Wall Whitney
Mr. Edward F. Wieczorek
Atty. Thomas J. Wimbiscus
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wrenn
Mr. John Yerly
Mr. Michael L. Yerly
Mr. Andrew Zelenski
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Zelenski
(Gifts up to $249)
Mrs. Dolly Abney
Mr. Thomas J. Acker
Mr. Gerald Affelt
Mr. Forrest Amundsen
Mr. Allen P. Anderson
Rev. John C. Anderson
Mr. Robert Antkowiak
Mr. David D. Arbisi
Mr. James Arkins
Mr. William Arkins
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Arkins
Mr. James M. Arkins
Mr. Ed Armon
Mr. Frank Assalley
Ms. Paula Atkinson
Mr. Michael Bacidore
Mr. Melvin Baima
Mr. Gerald Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Baness
Mr. William W. Baracani
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Barajas
Mr. Philip Barlage
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Barnwell
Mr. William F. Baron
Atty. Patrick A. Barry
Mr. Colin Barry
Mr. J. Bradley Barth
Mrs. Maryann Barth
Mr. Gerald L. Bast
Mr. Robert Bastian
Mrs. Elizabeth Zelenski Baze
Atty. Michael W. Becker
Mr. Harold Becker
Mr. Raymond Benoit
Mr. Anton Bergandi, Jr.
Judge Marc P. Bernabei
Mr. Douglas Bernabei
Mr. Drew Bernabei
Mrs Theresa Bernabei
Mr. Joseph P. Bernardi
Mr. James H. Bertolino
Mr. Robert J. Bianchi
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Bichl
Mr. Kevin J. Bickham
Mr. Gary L. Biolchini
Mrs. Theresa Blanco
Mr. & Mrs. James Blankman
Mr. Leslie A. Blum
Mr. William C. Boarman
Bokus & May, P.C.
Mr. Joseph Bolelli
Mrs. Lynne Bonnell
Mr. Ronald Borelli
Mr. Francis M. Borkowsky
Mr. Roger W. Borkowsky
Mr. James J. Borst
Mr. Kenneth J. Borys
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Bosch
Ms. Mary Bowie
Mr. James Bozonelos
Mr. Thomas Brady
Mr. Richard M. Braida
Mr. Douglas D. Brandow
Mrs. Lisa Manijak Brasher
Mr. Walter Breipohl
Mr. John C. Brinovic
Mr. Dennis J. Brucki
Mrs. Jewel Jaraczewski Buckman
Mr. James J. Budreau
Mr. & Mrs. David Bullock
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Burkart
Mrs. Abbie Hyson Burris
Mr. A. William Butler
Mr. Stephen J. Byrne
Mr. Charles E. Byvik
Mr. Charles M. Cadkin
Mrs. Darlene Cahill
Mr. & Mrs. William Cahill
Mr. John Calcaterra
Mrs. Mary Kennedy Caldera
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Calhoun
Mr. Richard Callahan
Dr. & Mrs. James Callaway
Mr. Morris A. Calsyn
Mr. James R. Capes
Mr. Gary Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carlson
Mr. Eugene Caron
Mr. Nathaniel Carroll
Mr. Charles T. Case
Mr. David Casey
Mr. Robert Cassidy
Ms. LaRae Castelli
Mr. William J. Cattani
Mr. Donald Causa
Mr. Gary L. Ceresa
Mr. Edward Challenger
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Chambers
Dr. Jeffrey Chemelewski
Ms. Debbie Chimahusky
Mr. George J. Chopp
Mr. Albert E. Cioni
Mr. Thomas J. Clark
Dr. Thomas F. Cleary
Mrs. Dolores Cleary
Mr. Phil Code
Mr. John J. Colby
Mr. Richard L. Collins
Mr. Vernon Collins
Mr. Frank Colmone
Mr. Kevin Conerton
Mr. Robert G. Conner
Mr. Patrick E. Connor
Mr. Douglas A. Conroy
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Conroy
Mrs. Ann Wayland Cook
Mrs. Christina Kunkel Corcoran
Mr. Jerome J. Corgiat
Mr. Jack Cosgrove
Mr. Robert A. Cosgrove
Dr. David Coynik
Mr. & Mrs. William Crawford
- in memory of
George Newman ‘14
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Criss
Mr. Edward Crowe
Mr. Michael Cumming
Mr. John P. Cummings
Mr. Gary J. Curtin
Mr. Anthony Dakewicz
Mr. Arnold Daley
Mr. Daniel Daley
Mr. John A. Davito
Mr. Arthur De Grande
Mr. James DeBernardi
Debo True Value Hardware, Inc.
Mr. Scott & Dr. Kelly DeBoer
Mr. Richard Decker
Mrs. Amy Liesse DeForrest
Mr. Albert J. DeSmedt
Mr. James A. DeSmet
Mr. James T. Devine
Mr. Raymond Dexter
Mrs. Cheryl Novreske DiCarlo
Mr. & Mrs. Garet Dinges
Mrs. Gloria Hobneck Dixon
Mr. Dennis Domkuski
Ms. Sara Domkuski
2012-2013 Annual
Giving Societies
Mr. Frank Domkuski
Mr. Ronald J. Domkuski
Mr. Leo Donath
Mr. Dennis Donna
Mr. Denis E. Donnelly
Mr. Thomas Doody
Mr. Joseph V. Dooley
Dr. Philip Dougherty
Mr. Richard C. Dougherty
Mr. Gregory Doyle
Dr. Thomas Doyle
Mr. Richard W. Drennen
Mr.& Mrs. Norbert Dudek
Dr. Robert S. Dudek
Mr. Michael R. Duffy
Mr. Brian Dunseth
Mr. Daniel Dunson
Mr. David A. Dunson
Mr. Sidney L. Duttlinger
Mr. Dan R. Ebener
Mr. Steve Ebener
Mr. William G. Ebener
Mr. John Eden
Mr. Steve Eisfelder
Atty. Gary R. Eiten
Ms. Lauren Eiten
Mrs. Ellen Eiten
Mr. Robert Ellerbrock
Mr. Terry F. Emmerling
Mr. William Engels
Mr. Michael R. English
Mr. John P. Ennenbach
Mr. & Mrs. William Entrican
Dr. Roger Ewald
Mrs. Amy Bergandi Eyrich
Mr. George M. Faber
Mr. Charles Faletti
Mr. James A. Farley
Mr. Michael Farley
Mr. James Feeney
Mrs. Barbara Feik
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fennell
Mrs. Melissa Rigazio Ferdinand
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ferre
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fesco
Mr. Joseph Ficek
Mr. Kenneth Ficek
Atty. Richard C. Fiocchi
Mr. Roger K. Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fitzgerald
Mrs. Mary Jean Fitzsimmons
Mr. Francis Flaherty
Mr. Robert Flaherty
Mr. William Flaherty, Jr.
Mr. James E. Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Flohr
Mr. James Foley
Four Star Family Restaurant
Mrs. Marie Hewitt
Mr. Richard E. Friedl
Mr. Herbert Frizol
Mr. Francis W. Frodyma
Mr. Andy Ftacek
Mrs. Janine Chaon Full
Mr. Gerald Funfsinn
Mr. James N. Fusinetti
Mr. James C. Fusinetti
Mr. James Gallagher
Mrs Nancy Gallagher
Mr. Pierce Ganassin
Ms. Ann Ganze
Mr. Thomas J. Garland
Mr. John R. Garrity
Mr. James Garvey
Mr. M. Michael Gaughan
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Gensini
Mr. Todd Gensler
Mr. Jeff Gillan
Atty. Liza Bernabei Gillan
Mr. and Mrs. John Ginocchio
Mr. Bernard H. Gira, Jr.
Mrs. Loretta Glubczynski
Mr. Donald M. Glynn
Mr. Joseph Gnidovec
Mr. Fred Golden
Mrs. Marleen Wendt Gonstead
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Goodrick
Dr. Nicholas F. Gordon
Mr. Gerald J. Gramlich
Mr. David Gray
Mr. Fred T. Green
Mr. Bernard L. Greenwood
Mr. Daniel J. Gregorich
Mr. Ralph Grivetti
Mr. Robert L. Grivetti
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Groleau
Dr. Sara Ford Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Grusk
Mr. & Mrs. William Gunderson
Mr. and Mrs. John Gustafson
Mr. Joseph A. Haas
Mr. Daniel P. Haas
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hackman
Mrs. Ramona Kuffel Haflin
Mr. Christopher Halberg
Mr. Jerrod Halberg
Mr. Luke Halberg
Mr. Herbert Hames III
Mr. David Hancock
Mr. Kenneth J. Hanley
Mr. Don Hansen
Mrs. Christine Swietek Hanson
Mr. Ron Happach
Mr. Donald Harbers
Mr. Robert Harbers
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Harrison
Mr. Gerald Hart
Msgt. Philip Harth
Mr. Jeoffry Hayden
Mr. Jeoffry L. Hayden
Mr. Anthony J. Hebel
Mr. Christopher Hebel
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Heinzen
Mr. John F Hendricks
Dr. Stanley R. Henkel
Mr. Donald Herrick
Mr. Albert Herrmann
Mr. Dean F. Herrmann
Mr. Joseph M. Herrmann
Mrs. Charlene Heyd
Sr. Mary Ann Heyd
Mrs. Helen Hickey
Mr. Edward Hickey
Mr. Donald Hietter
Mr. James C. Hill
Mrs. Mary Perona Hinders
Mrs. Kristine Credi Hitchins
Mr. Hugo Hoerdemann
Dr. Daniel L. Hoffman
Mr. Luke Holly
Mr. Charles E. Hoscheit
Mr. Joseph Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Howarth
Ms. Lori Howarth
Mr. Robert Hunteman
Mr. & Mrs. James Hunter
Mr. Christopher A. Illman
Mrs. Catherine Bichl Illman
Mr. Ronald Jagodzinski
Mr. Frank P. Jakse
Mr. Michael A. Jalley
James Hardie
Mr. Keith Jamour
Mr. Wayne Jaraczewski
Dr. C. R. Jasiek
Mr. James A. Jaskolski
Mr. Edward P. Jasper
Mr. Robert L. Jeffery
Mrs. Ann Wimbiscus Jennings
Mr. Steven J. Jesiolowski
Mrs. Virginia Kunkel Jesiolowski
Mr. Donald E. Just
Mr. Jerry Kapacinskas
Mr. Roger Kapraun
Mr. Robert G. Kastigar
Mr. Robert L. Keeley
Mr. William H. Keenan
Mr. Daniel J. Kelly
Mr. Kevin A. Kelly
Mr. Joseph Kennedy
Dr. Albert J. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kerasotes
Ms. Mary Jo Ketter
Ms. Maureen Keutzer
Mr. William Kinczewski
Ms. Mindi King
Mr. Jerry Kisler
Mrs. Mary Hayden Klinefelter
Mr. Donald Klug
Mr. Jon D. Knuth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Koch
Mr. Todd Koehler
Dr. Shawn Koehler
Mr. Christopher Koehler
Mr. Patrick Koehler
Mr. Jody J. Koehler
Mrs. Carol Kolczaski
- in memory of Fr. Joseph Heyd
Mrs. Darlene Kolodziej
Mr. George C. Koltz
Mr. Brad Koster
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kotecki
Mr. David Kotecki
Mr. Donald Kowalski
Mr. Roger Krolak
Mr. Thomas Kujawa
Mr. Robert Kulasik
Mr. Daniel L. Kunkel
Mr. Mark C. Kunkel
Mrs. Betty Kunkel
Mr. Timothy J. Kunkel
Mr. Edward Kusek
2013 Annual Report
Mrs. Susan Kastigar LaBarbera
Mr. Edward Ladzinski
Mr. John P. Lally
Mr. Justin & Dr. Tara Lamboley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamboley
Mr. David Lanaghan
Mr. John Landgraf
Atty. and Mrs. James Lannon
Mr. Richard J. Lannon
Mr. John M. LaVanway
Mr. Alan F. Leffelman
Mrs. Paula Leggett
Mrs. Jo Ann Legner
Mr. Robert Lehnhausen
Rev. James Lennon
Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Lenski
Mr. John A. Lesnak
Mr. Daniel Leszcynski
Mr. Robert C. Levan
Mrs. Linda Wall Lewis
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Leydon
Mr. David A. Liesse
Mr. James L. Lievens
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Ligas
Mr. Ronald L. Lijewski
Mr. Ronald Lindner
Mr. Charles Link
Mr. Frederick Liss
Mr. Eugene J. Liss
Mr. James A. Loebach
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Loebach
Mr. W. Jerome Longbons
Mr. Roger A. Longman
Mr. Robert Lucas
Dr. George Lucas
Mr. John C. Luppens
Atty. Anthony Lusvardi
Mr. Steven L. Luther
Mr. Philip C. Lynch, Jr.
Mr. Robert F. Lyons
Mr. Michael J. Lyons
Mr. Phillip Maggio, Jr.
Mr. Dennis M. Maggio
Mr. & Mrs. Howell Malham
Ms. Randee M. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Malooley
Ms. Julie Manahan
Mr. Walter J. Manijak
Rev. Robert G. Mann - ?
Mr. James M. Manning
Mr. Edward Manning, Jr.
Mr. Thomas A. Manning
Mr. Daniel F. Marenda
Mrs. Clydia Marenda
Mr. Richard Marinangeli
Mrs. Janelle Krolak Marks
Ms. Amanda Marks
Mr. Michael E. Marmion
Mr. Lawrence Marta
Mr. Joseph Martin, Jr.
Mr. Gregory P. Martin
Mr. Timothy Martin
Mrs. Kathleen Martin
Mr. William J. Mason
Mrs. John E. Mattingly
Mr. Timothy Matulenas
Mr. Richard A. May
Mr. Michael A. Mazzuchelli
2012-2013 Annual
Giving Societies
Mr. Thomas McAllister
Mr. J. Felix McCauley
Ms. Kathleen McCullough
Mr. Daniel McDonald
Mr. Robert McDonald
Mr. Daniel McFadden
Mr. Edwin C. McGinnis
Mrs. Sybil McGunnigal
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McIntyre
Mr. David J. McKernan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McLachlan
Mr. Donald F. McMahon
Atty. James A. McPhedran
Mr. Jerald J. Meersman
Mr. Gerald Mellon
Mr. Robert L. Mente
Atty. Terry Mertel
Mr. Gilbert Meyer
Mi Margarita
Mr. and Mrs. John Micheli
Midland States Bank
Mr. Steven R. Mignone
Mr. Peter Milcarek
Mrs. Leslie Howarth Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Milliron
Mrs. Leah Mini
Mr. Ronald Mini
Ms. Mary Louise Mini
Ms. Diane Mischke
Ms. Sylvia Montavon
Mr. & Mrs. David Montez
Mrs. Nancy Miller Moore
Mr. Vincent Morreale
Mr. Thomas Mortier
Mr. Richard Moskal
Mrs. Gina Brady Mudge
Mr. & Mrs. A. Charles Mueller, Sr.
Mr. Arthur C. Mueller
Mr. Michael Mulligan
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Muraro
Mr. James A. Murphy
Mr. Anthony J. Musur, Jr.
Mr. Robert Myer
Mr. Donald Myers
Mr. Ross Narczewski
Mr. Thomas F. Nauman
Mr. Ed Niewinski
Mrs. Margaret Cain Nocera
Mr. J. Michael Noonan
Mr. and Mrs. Munro Norris
Mr. Raymond J. Nosari
Mr. Kenneth S. Novak
Mr. Donald L. Oberle
Mr. Brian O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Connor
Mr. Lewis W. O’Donnell
Mr. Gerald R. O’Donnell
Mr. William Oklesen
Mr. Edward Oklesen
Mr. James F. Olander
Atty. Mark S. Olivero
Mr. Cornelius E. O’Malley
Rev. John M. Onderko
Rev. Dennis H. O’Riley
Mr. Kent Orlandini
Mr. Greg Orsini
Atty. Arthur Padella
Mr. Francis Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Parmelee
Mr. Edward A. Pattarozzi
Mr. Peter L. Patyk
Dr. and Mrs. V. P. Paul
Mr. Eugene Pavinato
Mr. Thomas E. Pechauer
Pel Industries, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James Perona
Peru Federal Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Peterson
Mrs. Laura Surr Petrinec
Mr. Jerome Pfister
Mr. William Phelan
Mr. Gregory R. Philipaitis
Mr. Joseph Piano
Mr. David R. Piccioli
Mr. Daniel R. Pierro
Mr. Robert A. Pierski
Mr. Raymond Pigati
Mr. & Mrs. John Pohar
Mr. Richard E. Porter
Mrs. Dorothy Portner
Mrs. Eve Jasiek Postula
Mr. Timothy Postula
Mr. Chris Potthoff
Mr. and Mrs. David Potthoff
Mr. Drew Potthoff
Mr. Stephen J. Potthoff
Mr. Nicholas Potthoff
Ms. Christine Powers
Mr. Matthew Powers
Mr. Randall P. Pozzi
Mrs. Dot Linder Price
Mr. John Prindeville
Mr. Dale J. Prindiville
Mr. William C. Prokup, Jr.
Mr. Mark Ptak
Mr. Gary Puetz
Mr. Ronald H. Pyszka
Mr. Robert A. Pyszka
Mr. Stephen J. Racki
Mrs. Sarah Liesse Reichl
Mr. Stephen J. Reinsch
Mr. Ryan Remkus
Rev. George F. Remm
Mrs. Dolores Renkosik
Mr. Troy Resetich
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reviglio
Mr. Donald Rigazio
Mr. Philip Ringenberg
Mr. Louis M. Riva, Sr.
Mr. Gregory Rivara
Mr. James M. Rodda
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosploch
Mr. John Rottman
Mr. John A. Rudzinski
Mrs. Mary Sadowski
Mr. Michael T. Sale
Mr. Floyd J. Salz
Mr. Paul Sandrolini
Mr. Michael Sanger
Mrs. Stacy Antkowiak Satterstrom
Mr. James Savio
Dr. & Mrs. Justin Schares
Mr. Keith R. Schellenberger
Mr. Maurice Schelstraete
Mr. William Scherer
Mr. Richard Scheri
Mrs. Rosemary Schest
Mr. George J. Schick
Mrs. Pat Schicke
Mr. Michael Schlipmann
Mr. James W. Schlosser
Mr. Richard Schlosser
Mrs. Patricia Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schmidt
Rev. Harold Schmitt
Ms. Mary M. Schmitt
Mr. Thomas A. Schroer
Mr. Robert J. Schultz
Mrs. Elizabeth Sears
Mr. Edward Senninger
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Shadix
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shaughnessy
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Shaw
Ms. Ashton Shaw
Mr. Allen Shevlin
Mr. Donald J. Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shryock
Mr. John Simcich
Mr. Michael Simenc
Dr. Patrick J. Sims
Mr. John H. Sittler
Mr. Geoffrey Slevin
Mr. & Mrs. Spalding Slevin
Slovenian Union of America
Branch 24 LaSalle
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Slusarek
Mrs. Marianne Smedley
Mr. Richard J. Smelz
Mr. Edmund Sment
Mr. Donald A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
Mr. William E. Smith
Mr. Richard Sobin
Mr. Richard Taylor Somerville
Mr. Laurence Sondgeroth
Mr. Nathaniel Spelich
Mr. Francis Speltz
Mr. Robert Speltz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stachowiak
Mr. James Stack
Dr. & Dr. Scott & Alice Mueller Stanke
Mr. Raymond Stasiak
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Steichen
Mr. Lawrence Richard Sterling
Mrs. Loretta Story
Ms. Gloria Stremlau
Mr. Thomas H. Stremlau
Dr. Michael Stuart
Mr. Robt W. Studzinski
Mr. & Mrs. William Suwalski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knud Svendsen
Mr. Ronald Swingel, Jr.
Ms. Britt Swingel
Mr. Neil Swingel
Mr. Louis Tamborini
Mr. Douglas D. Tattini
Mr. Robert J. Taveirne
Mr. Terry Templeton
Mr. Jack E. Tieman
Mr. Jay E. Tomaseski
Mr. Joseph Tony
Mrs. Renee Piano Toomey
Mr. Mark A. Toraason
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Mr. John J. Torri
Mr. Donald P. Trompeter
Mr. Donald A. Tullar
Mr. William R. Twardowski
Mr. Michael J. Urbanowski
Mr. Jerome J. Urbanowski
Ms. Tricia Urbanowski
Mr. Cornelius Vaessen
Mr. Ronald Vaessen
Dr. Rosemary B. Valencia
Mr. J. J. Van De Wyngaerde
Mr. James Van Speybroeck
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vicich
Mr. Gordon J. Virgo
Mr. Jason Wagner
Mr. James M. Waligora
Mr. Michael J. Walker
Mrs. Rosemary Kunkel Wall
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wallace
Atty. James Walsh
Mr. Arthur J. Washkowiak
Mr. Steven Wasilewski
Mr. E. David Wasilewski
Mr. Harry Watson
Mr. Roger Weber
Mrs. Marilyn Weeks
Mr. Patrick Weiher
Mrs. Rita F. Welch
Mr. Edward P. Welgat
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Wicks
Mr. Larry Wiley
Mrs. Lori Janko Wilke
Mr. & Mrs. William Wilke
Mrs. Betty Lou Willand
Mr. Paul Willand
Mr. Michael G. Willand
Mr. John W. Wimbiscus
Mr. Patrick J. Wing
Mr. Joseph P. Winkelmann
Mr. Eugene Wisgowski
Mr. James Witcher
Mr. James Withington
Mr. Jas J. Wojciechowski
Mr. Joseph J. Wolf
Mr. Stephen Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wolf
Mr. William Wroblewski
Mr. James Wujek
Mr. Leslie Yepsen
Mr. Charlie Y. C. Yuan
Mrs. Kathleen Wall Zabaneh
Mr. James Zant
Mr. David Zborowski
Mr. William H. Zomboracz, Jr.
Mrs. Linda McManus Zukowski
Dr. Thomas H. Zukowski
Ms. Julia Zukowski
Mrs. Lois Zukowski
Saint Bede Chain Gang
Sandy Ptak
(1945 - 1983)
Give of their
Mark Ptak, Bob Schultz, and Jack Donaldson
Say the words “Chain Gang” around Saint Bede
football and just about everybody knows what you’re
talking about. They’re the men you see running
has been a part of the chain gang for forty-seven seasons now;
along the sidelines at every home football game. This gang Jack Donaldson for forty seasons. Several years ago Jack was in
currently includes three men; Mark Ptak, Bob Schultz, and Jack a car collision which resulted in a torn ACL and surgeries. It
Donaldson. The most common tie amongst the members of took him a few years to get back to the Bruin sidelines, but he
the gang has been the Ptak family. Alex “Buddy” Ptak was the wouldn’t have it any other way!
time keeper for football games and his oldest son Sandy started The chain gang at any football game is an essential part
working the chain gang in the mid-1960’s. Sandy grabbed of game management and the officiating crew. They work
his buddy, and Saint Bede grad
closely with the officials of the
Bob Schultz to help out. Sandy
contest to mark the ball for the line
This sense of community, family,
was also a scorekeeper for the
and pride in both is why Saint Bede of scrimmage and indicating the
Basketball team for many years.
distance to gain for a first down.
has been blessed with men that
Throughout the years the
Many times they become a part of
volunteer their time year after year. the action as plays end up on the
chain gang has been the most
consistent part of the Saint
sidelines. The chain gang is also an
Bede football program. Assisting on the sidelines over the assistant to the PA announcer in helping to spot the ball for
past decades have been names like Bill McGunnigal, Johnny information given to the fans and put onto the scoreboard.
Duncan, and Jack Donaldson. Sandy’s younger brothers Mark Essentially, as with players, if the chain gang is not there the
and Tom have continued the family tradition on the sidelines game does not go on. These men on the sidelines have been as
for the better part of forty years.
dependable as any over their time at Saint Bede. The amount
Mark Ptak believes “once you go to Saint Bede you of time and support they have given to Saint Bede is priceless.
are FAMILY.” He feels you become part of the wonderful So, next time you’re at a football game, take a look down
community and spirit that surrounds Saint Bede. Mark on the sidelines. Recognize these three gentlemen and maybe
graduated from Saint Bede in 1980 but has been involved give a little smile. They deserve it. The guys that “do the little
with the Academy from childhood. This sense of community, things” is what makes the Saint Bede football program, the
family, and pride in both is why Saint Bede has been blessed fans in the stands, the parents and players enjoy every season!
with men that volunteer their time year after year. Bob Schultz Thank You “Chain Gang!”
2013 Annual Report
John Duncan- Gives of his
relationship with Saint Bede is a
common one. He, like so many
others, was “conceived in the womb”
as a Bruin. He can recall attending
Saint Bede functions and events
growing up. Until the day came,
when he was finally able to ride
down the lane knowing his first day
of high school at the Academy had
arrived, and he too became a fullfledged Bruin. Duncan says he spent
the next four years making friends
that last a lifetime and learning
how to work through life’s future
tribulations. He continued to live
a BRUIN life guided by the spirit of
Saint Benedict and then passed that
on to his children. His connection
to Saint Bede was further enhanced
when his Uncle David, who not only
was a monk, became the fourth
Abbot of the Academy. One could
say that the Duncan’s have the Saint
Bede spirit in their blood!
It’s because of this love for the
Academy and the blessings he received
being a part of it, that John Duncan
takes great pride in using his God given
talent to contribute to Saint Bede. He
feels fortunate that his parents were able
to give him the Catholic education he
received growing up, and feels that with
those blessings comes an obligation to
return his own time and talent to enable
others to have the same opportunities
that he was provided.
John is a 1966 graduate of Saint
Bede. He was also on the Saint Bede
school board and served as President,
and after his time on the board was over,
his wife became a member. Duncan has
been a very loyal confidant and advisor
to the Academy in many legal matters.
John is a partner at Herbolsheimer,
Lannnon, Henson, Duncan, Gift, Eiten,
& Hints PC in Lasalle, IL. He has been a
John Duncan
“It is by the giving
of ourselves to something
of great meaning that
we develop a
good feeling of self-worth
and a way to fulfill
our sense of purpose in life.”
consultant not only to the Academy, but
to the Abbey as well. He was extremely
supportive and energetic with the initial
plan of a new school building. John
has always been generously and readily
available to help. His guidance over the
years has been a blessing and, needless
to say, more than accommodating.
John likes to joke with his friends
outside the so-called Saint Bede
family that “it is only a matter of
time before everyone becomes a
Bruin!” With that being said, he
also believes that in the past 1520 years he has noticed increased
involvement from many who never
attended Saint Bede, and he finds it
not only heartwarming how they’ve
embraced the Bedan Spirit but also
been unconditionally welcomed into
the Saint Bede family. In the public
schools, involvement is limited;
whereas at Saint Bede not only is it
important but is welcomed and very
much encouraged. John Duncan not
only gets involved, but contributes
his talents and more, any time he
can. “It is by the giving of ourselves
to something of great meaning that
we develop a good feeling of selfworth and a way to fulfill our sense
of purpose in life.”
When asked why Duncan gets
involved at Saint Bede, his response
was simple; “You have nothing to lose
and everything to gain.” He believes
that it is because of involvement that
new friendships are developed. In the
end, God has blessed each and every
one of us with a talent we truly excel
at. It is up to us what we do with that
gift. John is certain that “God put us on
this earth to do something, Saint Bede
gives us the opportunity to accomplish
that purpose.” John Duncan found his
passion, and he not only uses it every
day in life, but uses it to better the lives
of Saint Bede Academy. John’s “Spirit
of Saint Bede” shines through his work
and dedication, and “will stay with us
forever” through his contributions to
the Academy. Therefore, the Saint Bede
community past, present, and future
would like to thank John Duncan for
everything he does!
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Saint Bede AcademyClass of 1961
Give of their
Jim Dietz described Father Allen
as “little in stature, but big at
heart” and, simply, that is why he
and his fellow 1961 graduating
classmates of Saint Bede Academy
knew a scholarship in his name was
the perfect way they could give
back. That is exactly what they did
when they created the Father Allen
Scholarship Program in 2003. Jim
and his classmates got to know
Father Allen and form a special bond
with him over the years they spent
at the Academy. This bond was
so strong even after leaving Saint
Bede, that many former students
Father Allen Mattingly
had Father Allen preside over their
wedding and baptize their children.
Father Allen grew up near Paris, IL. He was born in 1930 the 7th of
10 children. He spent four years as a boarding student at Saint Bede
Academy, graduating in 1948. From there he continued with two
more years at the Academy’s junior college. In 1951, he graduated
from Saint John’s University, Collegeville. For almost thirty years at
the Academy he acquired many titles; English teacher and chairman
of the department, prefect of boarding and day students, director of
Development, sacristan, and groundskeeper, just to name a few. As a
teacher his passion for literature, especially Shakespeare, encouraged his
students to find the love of reading. As one of the two priests in charge
of the freshmen class, he helped the students become acclimated to
the Academy. While a part of the Development Office, he renewed
contacts with former students and was graciously received. During
his time caring for the Saint Bede grounds he helped to create and
build the Coy Pond Garden in the monastery area. Father Allen had a
personal connection to Saint Bede and the students and it was obvious
the feeling was mutual.
Through Father Allen, the 1961 graduating class had a common link
not only to one another but to Saint Bede as well. This scholarship gives
them a mutual cause or focus, and a unique way to say Thank You for
what they feel they gained while at the Academy. Jim Dietz described
his relationship with Saint Bede as a “56 year love affair.” He also feels
that “the lessons I learned and friends I made have been instrumental in
who I am and vital to any of the successes I’ve had in my life.” He along
with his classmates give back to Saint Bede and the community because
much of what they have can be directly attributed to what they were
given during their years at the Academy.
One year following Father Allen’s premature death, due to
complications after surgery, Jim sent out a letter of interest to his entire
class about the possibility of starting a scholarship. He received amazing
feedback, and immediately the class of ’61 began a yearly letter
campaign. By 2005, they had raised enough money and for the past
eight years the Father Allen Scholarship has been awarded. Currently
there are two committees that head the program; the Scholarship
Committee, headed by Bill Murphy, who weigh through the list of
candidates, and the Finance Committee, who care for the investments
and oversees the funds. All 8th grade students in the area, who plan to
attend Saint Bede, can apply for the scholarship. The selection process
includes recommendation letters, essays written by the students, and
eventually a winner is chosen.
The Father Allen Scholarship is a true testament of the affect that
time spent at the Academy can have on not only one individual, but an
entire graduating class as a whole. This class of Saint Bede Alumni has
definitely raised the bar in “giving back” and the Academy, many former
8th grade students, and future freshmen are grateful for it! The idea
that just a little can go a long way is evident here. When asked about
encouraging others to get involved with Saint Bede, Dietz believed in
the ‘pay it forward’ concept. “Be honest, look into your soul, look at
your life and all that you received from your association with Saint Bede,
and if you have the financial where with all to do so, you MUST help
those who are coming behind you to garner the same experience and
benefits that you were blessed with while either attending the Academy
or being associated with it in anyway.”
The Saint Bede Class of 1961 has benefitted so many students and
many more to come, and have chosen to do so while also honoring a
great man. The Father Allen Scholarship Program shows how the work
of a few can affect so many. For that and so much more, Saint Bede
Academy salutes and thanks the Class of ’61!
Front Row L-R: Father Bernard, Pat Kelly, Father Kevin
Second Row L-R: Tom Konitzer, Mike Fahey, Father Henry, Tom Duncan, Ken Borys, Dave Porter, Father Paul Meismer,
Bob Hunteman, Ed “Duke” Schreiner, Al Anderson, Leroy Ceresa, Dan McFadden, Dick Fisher, Jim Deitz
Third Row L-R: Bill Passie, Pete McCue, Mike Crowley, Al Kennedy, Paul Bernadoni, John Rudzinski, Jerry Michel,
Abbot Phillip, Bill Baracani, Jim Stack, Ed Welgat, John O’Reilly, Don Causa, John Crinion
Back Row L-R: Mike Rossiter, Joe Haas, Joe Kurtz, Tom Zwica, Frank Mahnich, Fr. Jim Rickey, John Loebach, Roger Hanley, Paul Osenkarski,
Gene Lessard, Bill Murphy, Jay Tomaseski, Mike Walker, Fred Green, Chuck Loch, Bob Mente, Bob Koster, George Tomsha, Ed Antas, Tim Gould
2013 Annual Report
Abbot Philip Davey Legacy Society
Committed to
The definition of legacy is something that is passed on to you from family. We at Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
are blessed to have an extended family that spans the continent. In an effort to express our gratitude to those
“family members” who have made it their intention to create and leave a legacy through their generosity to
Saint Bede, so in 2011 we established the Abbot Philip Davey Legacy Society.
On Thursday, September 12th
we held the Induction Luncheon.
The following alumni and friends
of Saint Bede were inducted
as new members:
Raymond Duncan
Joseph Flaherty
Kevin Garcia
Louis Lukancic
Paul Perona, Jr.
Jerry Rich
Michael Rossiter
We sincerely thank you
for your lifetime commitment of
friendship and generosity to
Saint Bede Abbey & Acadmey.
L to R: Jerry Rich, Mike Rossiter (’61), Abbot Philip Davey (’65), Paul G. Perona (’81),
Louis Lukancic, Pat Langham (daughter of Joseph Flaherty ’35)
Back Row L to R: Lee McCullough, Jerry Rich, Mike Rossiter (’61), Vic Abel (’56), Paul G. Perona (’81), Paul Perona (’56), Louis Lukancic
Front Row L to R: Donna Aleksy, Abbot Philip Davey (’65), June Rossiter, Carol Abel, JoAnne Perona, Carole Perona, Barb Lukancic, Pat Langham
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
2012-2013 Annual Fund
Class Participation
Class of 1937
Participation 100%
Mr. Ralph Grivetti
Mr. Robert McDonald
Class of 1938
Participation 20%
Mr. Francis Flaherty
Class of 1939
Participation 60%
Mr. Melvin Baima
Mr. Eugene J. Liss
Dr. George Lucas
Class of 1940
Participation 29%
Mr. Andy Ftacek
Mr. William Scherer
Class of 1941
Participation 50%
Mr. Thomas Doody
Mr. Robert A. Pierski
Class of 1942
Participation 78%
Mr. William C. Boarman
Mr. Albert J. DeSmedt
Mr. Aloysius Kunkel
Atty. Robert Emmett Lee
Mr. Anthony Mertel
Mr. William D. Sheehan
Mr. Donald P. Trompeter
Class of 1943
Participation 27%
Mr. Dominic Berta
Mr. Maurice Schelstraete
Mr. Richard J. Smelz
Class of 1944
Participation 40%
Mr. Michael R. Duffy
Mr. Robert Flaherty
Mr. Jerome Pfister
Mr. Jack E. Tieman
Class of 1945
Participation 11%
Mr. Anthony J. Hebel
Class of 1946
Participation 57%
Mr. Raymond Baker
Mr. Jack Cosgrove
Mr. Robert A. Cosgrove
Mr. Sidney L. Duttlinger
Mr. Hugo Hoerdemann
Mr. Edward Ladzinski
Judge Louis J. Perona
Mr. John H. Sittler
Class of 1947
Participation 40%
Mr. James J. Borst
Mr. George J. Chopp
Mr. Joseph V. Dooley
Mr. Bernard L. Greenwood
Mr. Roger Kapraun
Mr. Joseph C. Kunkel
Mr. Joseph P. Rund
Mr. John Simcich
Class of 1948
Participation 48%
Mr. Anton Bergandi, Jr.
Mr. Joseph P. Bernardi
Mr. Joseph P. Bernardini
Mr. Lawrence E. Boarman
Mr. Robert Bringer
Mr. Phil Code
Mr. Frank L. Crowley
Dr. Philip Dougherty
Mr. Fred Golden
Mr. Joseph Howard
Mr. Robert L. Keeley
Mr. Eugene Kunkel
Mr. Lawrence Marta
Mr. Floyd J. Salz
Mr. Jack Trainor
Class of 1949
Participation 38%
Mr. William F. Baron
Mr. Daniel Cosgrove
Mr. Paul V. Herrmann
Mr. Joseph Kennedy
Mr. Daniel Pfister
Mr. Stephen J. Racki
Mr. Adam Raley
Mr. Raymond N. Trompeter
Class of 1950
Participation 59%
Mr. Thomas J. Acker
Mr. Lester J. Ballerine
Mr. Thomas Clarke
Mr. Leo Donath
Mr. Ronald Gregorich
Mr. Patrick E. Keigher
Mr. Edward L. Krolak
Mr. Kenneth M. Kunkel
Mr. Daniel Lyons
Mr. J. Felix McCauley
Mr. Raymond J. Nosari
Mr. Stephen J. Reinsch
Mr. Donald Rigazio
Mr. George J. Schick
Rev. Harold Schmitt
Mr. Robert J. Taveirne
Class of 1951
Participation 48%
Major Louis C. Barr
Mr. Morris A. Calsyn
Mr. Jerome Gibson
Mr. Edmund J. Hettinger
Mr. Phillip Maggio, Jr.
Rev. Robert G. Mann - ?
Mr. Lewis W. O’Donnell
Mr. Dale J. Prindiville
Mr. Robert Terracina
Mr. James A. Torri
Mr. Donald A. Tullar
Class of 1952
Participation 56%
Mr. Richard Callahan
Mr. John Clark
Mr. John J. Colby
Mr. Edward Crowe
Mr. James T. Devine
Mr. Richard C. Dougherty
Dr. Richard Ewald
Dr. Roger Ewald
Mr. James Finnegan
Mr. John T. Geiger
Mr. Donald Herrick
Mr. Christopher Kunkel
Mr. W. Jerome Longbons
Mr. John McCarthy
Mr. John A. Miks
Mr. Donald A. Smith
Mr. James Sullivan
Mr. Roger Weber
Class of 1953
Participation 19%
Mr. John Eden
Dr. James J. Fuerholzer
Mr. Kent Orlandini
Mr. Raymond Sarwinski - ?
Mr. Charles E. Stewart
Class of 1954
Participation 66%
Mr. Frank Assalley
Mr. Henry Auchstetter
Mr. James Bozonelos
Mr. Daniel Dunson
Mr. David A. Dunson
Mr. George M. Faber
Mr. Francis W. Frodyma
Mr. Donald M. Glynn
Mr. Gerald Hart
Mr. Charles E. Hoscheit
Mr. Donald E. Just
Mr. Donald Klug
Mr. Donald Kowalski
Mr. Ronald L. Lijewski
Mr. James A. Loebach
Mr. Richard Moskal
Msgr. Richard A. Pricco
Mr. Michael Simenc
Mr. Robt W. Studzinski
Class of 1955
Participation 44%
Mr. Charles T. Case
Mr. Edward Challenger
Mr. Frank Colmone
Dr. Robert J. Ficek
Mr. James C. Hamlin
Mr. Don Hansen
Mr. James C. Hill
Mr. Joseph Wm Hoover
Mr. Kenneth A. Krogulski
Mr. Thomas J. Kuk
Mr. Adolph Micheli
Mr. Donald Myers
Mr. Cornelius E. O’Malley
Mr. Kenneth Piletic
Mr. John Prindeville
Mr. Hal C. Smith
Mr. Raymond Stasiak
Mr. John J. Torri
Mr. Edward F. Wieczorek
Judge James J. Wimbiscus
Class of 1956
Participation 38%
Mr. Victor Abell
2013 Annual Report
Mr. Denis E. Donnelly
Mr. James Foley
Mr. Herbert Frizol
Mr. Albert Herrmann
Mr. Dean F. Herrmann
Dr. Daniel L. Hoffman
Dr. Franklin Jasiek
Mr. Roger Krolak
Mr. Charles Link
Mr. Michael E. Marmion
Mr. Thomas McAllister
Mr. Daniel McDonald
Mr. Jerald J. Meersman
Mr. Ronald Mini
Mr. Gordon Moran
Mr. Thomas Mortier
Mr. Anthony Piano Jr. - ?
Mr. Paul Savio
Mr. Richard Schlosser
Mr. Edward Senninger
Mr. James Van Speybroeck
Mr. Fred L. White
Class of 1957
Participation 32%
Mr. Gene Bernardoni
Mr. Charles M. Cadkin
Mr. Gary Carey
Mr. Kenneth Ficek
Mr. John Holcomb
Mr. John Landgraf
Dr. James Mini
Mr. Edward Monaghan, Jr.
Mr. Robert Myer
Mr. Ronald H. Pyszka
Mr. Louis Tamborini
Mr. James M. Waligora
Mr. E. David Wasilewski
Class of 1958
Participation 49%
Mr. Robert Antkowiak
Mr. Harold Becker
Mr. Charles E. Byvik
Mr. Eugene Caron
Mr. Arnold Daley
Mr. Robert Ellerbrock
Mr. Joseph Ficek
Mr. Gerald Funfsinn
Mr. Edward Hickey
Mr. Wayne Jaraczewski
Mr. Robert G. Kastigar
Mr. Robert F. Lyons
Dr. Lyle Micheli
Mr. Francis Parker
Mr. Keith R. Schellenberger
Dr. William B. Senica
Msgr. Paul E. Showalter
Mr. Francis L. Smith
Mr. Charles Swanson
Dr. Edward Theiss
Mr. Ronald Vaessen
Class of 1959
Participation 34%
Mr. Ronald Borelli
Mr. Roger W. Borkowsky
Mr. Roger L. Brunel
Mr. Frank Domkuski
Mr. James D. Duncan
Mr. Michael R. English
2012-2013 Annual Fund
Class Participation
Mr. James E. Flanagan
Mr. Allan Gorgal
Mr. Thomas J. Kapacinskas
Mr. William Kinczewski
Mr. Edward Kusek
Mr. James LePell
Mr. Robert C. Levan
Mr. Ronald Lindner
Mr. Timothy Matulenas
Mr. William E. Murphy
Mr. Thomas F. Nauman
Mr. Raymond Newman
Mr. Melvin O. Schellenberger
Mr. Francis Speltz
Mr. Cornelius Vaessen
Mr. James Zant
Mr. Edward P. Welgat
Class of 1960
Participation 34%
Mr. Gerald Affelt
Mr. Roger Alig
Mr. Eugene Antas
Mr. Gerald Baker
Mr. James R. Capes
Mr. Robert Cassidy
Mr. Anthony Dakewicz
Mr. Arthur De Grande
Mr. Frank R. Drasler
Mr. Edward Filippini
Mr. John Kilarski
Mr. James L. Lievens
Mr. Frederick Liss
Mr. Jerome P. Meismer
Mr. Vincent Morreale
Mr. James A. Murphy
Mr. William Phelan
Mr. Gerald Ruva
Mr. Robert J. Schultz
Mr. Laurence Sondgeroth
Judge Cyril Watson
Mr. Eugene Wisgowski
Class of 1963
Participation 31%
Atty. Michael W. Becker
Mr. Thomas J. Clark
Dr. David Coynik
Mr. John F Hendricks
Mr. James A. Jaskolski
Mr. Alan F. Leffelman
Mr. Philip C. Lynch, Jr.
Mr. Dennis M. Maggio
Mr. David J. McKernan
Mr. Donald F. McMahon
Mr. Edmund Sment
Mr. Arthur J. Washkowiak
Mr. Joseph J. Wolf
Class of 1961
Participation 46%
Mr. Allen P. Anderson
Mr. Edmund Antas
Mr. William W. Baracani
Mr. Kenneth J. Borys
Mr. Donald Causa
Mr. Patrick E. Connor
Mr. John C. Crinion
Mr. James Dietz
Mr. Steve Eisfelder
Mr. Timothy A. Gould
Mr. Fred T. Green
Mr. Joseph A. Haas
Mr. Robert Hunteman
Dr. Albert J. Kennedy
Mr. Daniel McFadden
Mr. Robert L. Mente
Mr. William F. Murphy, Jr.
Mr. John L. O’Reilly
Mr. William Passie
Mr. Richard A. Pattarozzi
Mr. David K. Porter
Rev. James Rickey
Mr. Michael Rossiter
Mr. John A. Rudzinski
Mr. James Stack
Mr. Jay E. Tomaseski
Mr. Michael J. Walker
Class of 1962
Participation 29%
Mr. Douglas Becker
Rev. Msgr. Charles Beebe
Mr. Douglas D. Brandow
Mr. James J. Budreau
Mr. Albert E. Cioni
Mr. James E. Donnelly
Mr. Kenneth J. Hanley
Mr. Daniel J. Kelly
Mr. Anthony J. Musur, Jr.
Rev. Michael Pakula
Mr. Thomas H. Stremlau
Mr. Harry Watson
Class of 1964
Participation 38%
Mr. Gary L. Biolchini
Atty. Donald R. Crowe
Mr. John A. Davito
Mr. Edward Ersfeldt
Mr. David Gray
Dr. Stanley R. Henkel
Mr. Alex Hueneburg
Mr. Lance J. Korter
Mr. Peter G. Koyak III
Mr. Mark Lauer
Mr. Richard A. May
Mr. Ray Moriarity
Mr. Thomas E. Pechauer
Mr. Robert A. Pyszka
Mr. Paul Robich
Mr. Richard Scheri
Mr. William E. Smith
Mr. Eugene J. Stachowiak
Mr. Lawrence Richard Sterling
Mr. Gordon J. Virgo
Mr. Patrick J. Wing
Class of 1965
Participation 28%
Mr. Ed Armon
Dr. Andrew J. Bacevich
Mr. Robert J. Bianchi
Mr. William J. Cattani
Mr. Jerome J. Corgiat
Mr. Joseph Gnidovec
Mr. Dennis J. Hassler
Mr. Jerry Kisler
Mr. Jody J. Koehler
Atty. Thomas Lund
Mr. William J. Mason
Mr. Richard E. Porter
Mr. Philip Ringenberg
Mr. David L. Ritterbusch
Mr. Lawrence A. Salcedo
Mr. Michael Sanger
Mr. J. J. Van De Wyngaerde
Class of 1966
Participation 30%
Mr. James M. Arkins
Mr. Gerald L. Bast
Mr. Ray Bauer
Mr. Raymond Benoit
Mr. Francis M. Borkowsky
Mr. Gary L. Ceresa
Mr. John J. Duncan
Atty. John Foley, Jr.
Mr. Peter Gericke
Mr. Michael W. Hoefer
Mr. Robert L. Jeffery
Mr. Kevin A. Kelly
Mr. David A. Liesse
Mr. Peter B. Navin
Mr. Gregory R. Philipaitis
Mr. Chris W. Potthoff
Mr. James M. Rodda
Mr. John Schumacher
Mr. Robert Speltz
Mr. Jas J. Wojciechowski
Dr. William L. Wrobel
Class of 1967
Participation 28%
Mr. Philip Barlage
Atty. Paul H. Berens
Mr. Ronald J. Domkuski
Mr. John Donaldson, Jr.
Mr. W. Patrick Dooley
Mr. James N. Fusinetti
Mr. Richard H. Hebel, Jr.
Mr. Steven J. Jesiolowski
Mr. Patrick J. Kennedy
Mr. Jon D. Knuth
Mr. Roger A. Longman
Mr. John C. Luppens
Mr. Gilbert Meyer
Atty. Arthur Padella
Mr. David R. Piccioli
Mr. Thomas A. Schroer
Dr. Jeffrey W. Toraason
Mr. Patrick Weiher
Class of 1968
Participation 28%
Mr. Robert Albrecht-Mallinger
Mr. James H. Bertolino
Mr. Leslie A. Blum
Mr. A. William Butler
Mr. David Casey
Mr. Dennis Donna
Mr. John P. Ennenbach
Mr. Kurt Flaherty
Rev. John Harth
Mr. John P. Lally
Mr. Joseph Martin, Jr.
Atty. Terry Mertel
Mr. Mark Potthoff
Mr. Michael Schlipmann
Rev. Larry Snyder
Mr. Mark A. Toraason
Mr. Steven Wasilewski
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Mr. Michael Welgat
Mr. Stephen Wolf
Mr. James Wujek
Mr. David Zborowski
Mr. William H. Zomboracz, Jr.
Class of 1969
Participation 23%
Mr. David D. Arbisi
Mr. Paul Biolchini
Mr. Kevin Conerton
Mr. Michael Janko
Mr. Larry Johnson
Mr. John Koehler
Mr. Edward Manning, Jr.
Mr. Daniel F. Marenda
Mr. Richard Marinangeli
Mr. Michael Menton
Mr. Peter Milcarek
Dr. Mark Orlandini
Mr. Randall P. Pozzi
Mr. Gary Puetz
Mr. Gary Sale
Mr. Stephen P. Stevens
Mr. Rick Szczepaniak
Mr. Joseph A. Taliano
Mr. Thomas VanDaele
Class of 1970
Participation 30%
Mr. Michael Brandt
Dr. Jeffrey Chemelewski
Mr. David E. Conroy
Mr. Mark S. Costello
Mr. John J. Diederich
Mr. William Engels
Mr. James C. Fusinetti
Col. John F. Gaughan II
Mr. Richard D. Haas
Mr. Herbert Hames III
Mr. Jeoffry L. Hayden
Mr. Gary R. Janko
Mr. James S. Jordan
Mr. Kim Keutzer
Dr. Thomas J. Moskalewicz
Dr. Daniel O’Connell
Mr. John R. Radek, Jr.
Mr. Richard T. Sauer, Jr.
Mr. B. Michael Van De Rostyne
Mr. Michael L. Yerly
Class of 1971
Participation 25%
Atty. Patrick A. Barry
Mr. Richard M. Braida
Mr. John Calcaterra
Mr. Richard L. Collins
Mr. Douglas A. Conroy
Mr. Gregory Doyle
Mr. Dan R. Ebener
Mr. James E. Flaherty
Mr. Frank P. Jakse
Mr. Gary J. Jasiek
Mr. Robert Lucas
Mr. James J. Maciejewski
Mr. Thomas A. Manning
Mr. Arthur C. Mueller
Mr. Kenneth S. Novak
Mr. Raymond J. Smith
Mr. John Wm Spoeri
Mr. Douglas D. Tattini
2012-2013 Annual Fund
Class Participation
Mr. Goodwin W. Toraason
Mr. Michael J. Urbanowski
Class of 1972
Participation 27%
Judge Marc P. Bernabei
Mr. John P. Cummings
Mr. James DeBernardi
Mr. Michael A. Dwyer
Atty. Gary R. Eiten
Atty. Richard C. Fiocchi
Mr. John R. Garrity
Mr. M. Michael Gaughan
Mr. Robert L. Grivetti
Mr. Daniel P. Haas
Mr. Michael A. Jalley
Mr. Edward P. Jasper
Mr. Daniel Kopina, Jr.
Mr. Thomas P. Kunkel
Mr. John M. LaVanway
Mr. John A. Lesnak
Mr. Michael J. Lyons
Mr. Richard S. Mattioda
Mr. Steven R. Mignone
Mr. Patrick J. Murray
Mr. John R. O’Halloran
Mr. William R. Twardowski
Mr. Jerome J. Urbanowski
Class of 1973
Participation 23%
Mr. Vernon Collins
Mr. Patrick Gaughan
Mr. Daniel Leszcynski
Mr. Timothy Martin
Mr. Ed Niewinski
Mr. J. Michael Noonan
Mr. William Oklesen
Mr. Drew Potthoff
Mr. Louis M. Riva, Sr.
Dr. Michael Rooney
Mr. James Savio
Mr. Allen Shevlin
Mrs. Rosemary Kunkel Wall
Mr. William Wroblewski
Class of 1974
Participation 17%
Dr. Stephen Bansberg
Mr. Stephen J. Byrne
Mr. Kenneth J. Gamache
Mr. Joseph M. Herrmann
Mr. Steven L. Luther
Mr. Dennis G. Miscevic
Mr. Edward A. Pattarozzi
Mrs. Dot Linder Price
Mr. Bruce Rounds
Mr. John W. Wimbiscus
Mr. John F. Winkelmann III
Mr. James Witcher
Mr. Charlie Y. C. Yuan
Class of 1975
Participation 19%
Mr. J. Bradley Barth
Mr. Robert Bastian
Mrs. Gloria Hobneck Dixon
Mr. Dennis Domkuski
Dr. Thomas Doyle
Mr. Michael Farley
Mr. James Feeney
Mr. William Flaherty, Jr.
Mr. Ronald Jagodzinski
Mrs. Virginia Kunkel Jesiolowski
Mr. Jay Miklavcic
Mrs. Nancy Miller Moore
Mr. Thomas Ptak
Dr. Michael Stuart
Class of 1976
Participation 15%
Dr. Cynthia Ashley
Mr. Michael Cahill
Mrs. Mary Kennedy Caldera
Mr. Lee Fox
Mr. Christopher Hebel
Mr. Stephen Kunkel
Mr. Thomas Kunkel
Atty. Anthony Lusvardi
Mr. Nicholas Lynch
Mr. Eugene Pavinato
Mr. Paul Sandrolini
Mr. Ronald Swingel, Jr.
Ms. Julia Zukowski
Class of 1977
Participation 13%
Mr. Michael Bacidore
Mr. Drew Bernabei
Mr. Charles Faletti
Mr. David Hancock
Mrs. Kristine Credi Hitchins
Mr. Keith Jamour
Mrs. Mary Hayden Klinefelter
Mr. David Kotecki
Ms. Diane Mischke
Mr. Greg Orsini
Mrs. Laura Surr Petrinec
Mr. and Mrs. David Potthoff
Class of 1978
Participation 19%
Mr. Douglas Bernabei
Mr. Gary J. Curtin
Mr. William G. Ebener
Atty. Jane Mueller Fly
Mr. Daniel J. Gregorich
Atty. Donald J. Hayden
Mr. Mark C. Kunkel
Ms. Randee M. Malone
Mr. Walter J. Manijak
Tim & Claire Murphy
Atty. Mark S. Olivero
Mrs. Sarah Liesse Reichl
Mrs. Allison Hebel Rooney
Mr. James W. Schlosser
Dr. Christopher J. Welch
Mr. Paul Willand
Atty. Thomas J. Wimbiscus
Class of 1979
Participation 22%
Mrs. Lisa Manijak Brasher
Mr. Robert G. Conner
Mrs. Christina Kunkel Corcoran
Mr. Daniel Daley
Mr. Richard Decker
Mr. Raymond Dexter
Mrs. Cheryl Novreske DiCarlo
Mr. Steve Ebener
Mr. Christopher Koehler
Mr. Joseph Lehrer
Dr. Louis R. Lukancic
Mr. Michael T. Sale
Dr. James H. Toraason
Dr. Arthur L. Utz
Class of 1980
Participation 17%
Mr. Kevin J. Bickham
Mrs. Amy Liesse DeForrest
Mr. Richard W. Drennen
Mrs. Melissa Rigazio Ferdinand
Mrs. Mary Perona Hinders
Mr. Thomas E. Krolak
Mr. Timothy J. Kunkel
Dr. Steven P. Lukancic
Mr. Gregory P. Martin
Mr. Wayne W. McManus
Mr. Mark Ptak
Mr. Donald J. Shields
Mr. Daniel R. Smith
Mrs. Lois Zukowski Thomas
Mr. Michael G. Willand
Class of 1981
Participation 16%
Mr. Dennis J. Brucki
Mr. James A. Farley
Dr. Kevin J. Garcia
Mrs. Ramona Kuffel Haflin
Mr. Christopher A. Illman
Mr. Daniel L. Kunkel
Mrs. Linda Wall Lewis
Mr. Joseph P. Winkelmann
Class of 1982
Participation 8%
Mr. David K. Grotti
Mr. Richard J. Lannon
Mrs. Leslie Howarth Miller
Mr. Steven S. Witek
Mrs. Kathleen Wall Zabaneh
Class of 1983
Participation 10%
Mrs. Ann Wayland Cook
Mrs. Christine Swietek Hanson
Mr. Kevin J. Hextell
Mr. Todd Koehler
Mr. Peter L. Patyk
Dr. Thomas H. Zukowski
Class of 1984
Participation 11%
Mrs. Catherine Bichl Illman
Mr. Mark J. Perona
Mrs. Eve Jasiek Postula
Dr. Patrick J. Sims
Class of 1985
Participation 10%
Mrs. Amy Bergandi Eyrich
Mr. James M. Manning
Mr. Matthew G. McGinnis
Mr. Joseph L. Savio
Mrs. Linda McManus Zukowski
Class of 1986
Participation 13%
Mr. Brian Dunseth
Mr. James Gallagher
2013 Annual Report
Ms. Lori Howarth
Ms. Mary Jo Ketter
Mr. Timothy Postula
Mr. Richard Sobin
Ms. Kathleen Wayland
Mr. Leslie Yepsen
Class of 1987
Participation 3%
Mr. Arnold Buckman
Mr. Dominic Magnoni
Class of 1988
Participation 9%
Msgt. Philip Harth
Mr. Brad Koster
Mrs. Janelle Krolak Marks
Mr. & Mrs. James Perona
Mr. & Mrs. Spalding Slevin
Class of 1989
Participation 13%
Mr. Thomas Brady
Atty. & Mrs. Christopher Clancy
Mrs. Ann Wimbiscus Jennings
Mrs. Margaret Cain Nocera
Mr. James Savio
Mr. Geoffrey Slevin
Class of 1990
Participation 8%
Mrs. Susan Kastigar LaBarbera
Mr. John Potthoff, Jr.
Mr. Ryan Remkus
Mrs. Jennifer Seremak Whelton
Class of 1991
Participation 8%
Mr. Joseph Bolelli
Mrs. Jane Story Haake
Mr. Jason Meyer
Atty. James Walsh
Class of 1992
Participation 8%
Mr. Jeoffry Hayden
Mr. Patrick Koehler
Mr. David Matheu
Mr. Chris Potthoff
Mr. L. C. Sitterly
Class of 1993
Participation 6%
Mrs. Jewel Jaraczewski Buckman
Mr. Todd Gensler
Mr. Jason Wagner
Class of 1994
Participation 6%
Dr. Shawn Koehler
Mrs. Gina Brady Mudge
Mr. Andrew Zelenski
Class of 1995
Participation 7%
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Arkins
Mr. Luke Holly
Mr. Ross Narczewski
Class of 1995
2012-2013 Annual Fund
Class Participation
Class of 1996
Participation 7%
Mr. Michael Cumming
Mr. Nicholas Potthoff
Mrs. Loretta Story
Class of 1998
Participation 14%
Mrs. Elizabeth Zelenski Baze
Mr. & Mrs. Garet Dinges
Dr. Sara Ford Gross
Mr. Brian Inman
Miss Mindi King
Mr. Jason Manthey
Mr. Tristan Pisarczyk
Mrs. Tonya Wall Whitney
Class of 1999
Participation 7%
Mrs. Abbie Hyson Burris
Mr. Jeff Gillan
Ms. Kathleen McCullough
Mr. Nathaniel Spelich
Class of 2003
Participation 1%
Ms. Sara Domkuski
Class of 2000
Participation 8%
Atty. Liza Bernabei Gillan
Mr. Luke Halberg
Mr. Justin & Dr. Tara Lamboley
Mr. Troy Resetich
Class of 2004
Participation 1%
Ms. Britt Swingel
Class of 2001
Participation 10%
Mr. Nathaniel Carroll
Mr. Brian O’Connor
Mr. Raymond Pigati
Mrs. Stacy Antkowiak Satterstrom
Class of 2002
Participation 2%
Mr. Jerrod Halberg
Class of 2005
Participation 3%
Mr. Christopher Halberg
Mr. Neil Swingel
Class of 2006
Participation 3%
Mr. Colin Barry
Mr. Matthew Powers
Matching Gifts
Country Financial............................................... Richard Haas
Daubert Chemical Co, Inc.................................Michael Dwyer
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation...................... Francis Smith
Exelon................................................................... Kim Keutzer
FMC Technologies, Inc................................ Richard Pattarozzi
Class of 2007
Participation 2%
Ms. Tricia Urbanowski
Class of 2008
Participation 2%
Ms. Lauren Eiten
Class of 2010
Participation 2%
Mr. Pierce Ganassin
Class of 2011
Participation 2%
Ms. Amanda Marks
Class of 2012
Participation 1%
Ms. Ashton Shaw
Northwestern Mutual Life Found., Inc........... Nicholas Potthoff
.......................................................................... John Wayland
Shell Oil Company Foundation................... Richard Pattarozzi
Stone Energy Corporation........................... Richard Pattarozzi
Tidewater, Inc............................................. Richard Pattarozzi
Hollingsworth & Vose Company.......................Gordan Moran
Travelers Insurance............................................ Mark Costello
IBM.............................................................................Jim Torri
Wal-Mart Foundation............................................. Jim Perona
James Hardie........................................................ John Jagiella
Wisconsin Energy Corporation............................. David Porter
(Gifts valued at $1000.00 and above)
Dr. Ted Struck
Dr. Damian Grivetti
Tonica Nurseries Inc.
Mr. Joseph Kolodziej
Mrs. Virginia Micheli – ?
Mr. Angelo Perino
(Gifts valued at $500-$999)
Machinery Maintenance, Inc.
Dr. Robert Morrow
Mr. Joseph Pigati
Mr. Thomas Pigati
(Gifts up to $499)
Spring Creek Golf Course
Economy Pest Control
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Mr. Thomas Jagiella
Mr. Richard Koehler
Dr. Michael Morrow
Mr. Michael O’Connnell
Mr. Joseph Piano
Mr. William Pystash
Dr. & Mrs. Francis Zeller
2012-2013 Annual Fund
Special Gift Club Donors
Mrs. Louise Davey - ?
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Harmon
Rev. M. Duane Leclercq
Rev. Kennneth L. Marchulones
Mrs. Kathy Martin
Dr. James Mini
Mr. Timothy Molak
Mrs. Allison Hebel Rooney
Dr. Michael Rooney
Mr. James Savio
Dr. Ted Struck
Academic Support
Mr. Timothy A. Gould
Art Department
Mrs. Carol Kolczaski
- in memory of Fr. Joseph Heyd
Mrs. Sybil McGunnigal
- in memory of Fr. Joseph Heyd
Mr. & Mrs. Spalding Slevin
Athletics Department
Mr. Nathaniel Carroll
Mr. Stephen Kunkel
Mr. Thomas P. Kunkel
Mrs. Sybil McGunnigal
Mr. Donald P. Trompeter
Citizens 1st Natl Bank,Princeton
Mr. Gerald Affelt
Mr. and Mrs. Barney S. Bima
Mr. Gordon Moran
Bass Fishing
DePue Mens Club
Chaplains office
Mrs. Lillian Cicala
Mr. Ralph Grivetti
Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Jasiek
Mrs. Kathy Martin
Mr. David J. Pakula
Judge Louis J. Perona
Mr. William C. Prokup, Jr.
Mr. James Savio
Development Department
Mrs. Leah Mini
Mr. William E. Murphy
Dr. James Rooney
Drama Department
Msgt. Philip Harth
Mr. Jay Miklavcic
Mr. Ryan Remkus
English Department
Mr. John Donaldson, Jr.
Mr. Charles E. Hoscheit
Mr. Christopher A. Illman
Mr. Andrew Skoog
General Fund
Mr. Raymond Baker
Dr. Stephen Bansberg
Mrs. Johanna Bowland
Mr. Frank R. Drasler
Mr. & Mrs. William Entrican
Mrs. Amy Bergandi Eyrich
Atty. & Mrs. Scott Ganassin
Mr. Don Hansen
Mr. John Holcomb
Mr. Thomas J. Kapacinskas
Mr. John Kilarski
Mrs. Libbie McKean
Mrs. Rose Mary Myers
Mr. Greg Orsini
Mr. Joseph Piano
Mr. Charles Swanson
Dr. James H. Toraason
Mr. Michael J. Walker
Mr. Fred L. White
Girls Basketball
Mr. Michael Rosploch
Mi Margarita
Girls Softball
Four Star Family Restaurant
Mr. Jim Cheli - in memory of Bill McGunnigal
Mr. Bernie Eustice - in memory of Bill McGunnigal
Mr. Chris W. Potthoff
Mr. John Potthoff, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Jo Potthoff
Music Department
Mr. Robert T. Harmon
Dr. Thomas J. Moskalewicz
2013 Annual Report
Peru C. S. O.
Scholastic Bowl
School Office
Mr. John J. Duncan
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fesco
Mr. Peter Gericke
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hackman
Dr. Carl P. Mattioda
Mr. & Mrs. A. Charles Mueller, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rigazio
Mrs. Lori Janko Wilke
Science Club
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Criss
Dr. Shawn Koehler
Debo True Value Hardware, Inc.
Mi Margarita
Peru Federal Savings Bank
Science Department
Dr. Kevin J. Garcia
Peru C. S. O.
Mr. James Savio
Dr. Steven P. Lukancic
Tuition Assistance
Mr. Robert Bastian
Mr. Douglas Becker
Rev. Msgr. Charles Beebe
Judge Marc P. Bernabei
Mr. Dominic Berta
Mr. Paul Biolchini
Mr.& Mrs. Norbert Dudek
Mr. Richard H. Hebel, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Wm Hoover
Mr. Aloysius Kunkel
Mrs. Linda Wall Lewis
Mr. Ronald L. Lijewski
Mr. Russell McKinnie
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mercier
Ms. Dona Ostermeyer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Pomije
Mr. Joseph P. Rund
Mr. Jason Manthey
Class of 1995
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sitterly
Ben Schlagheck Scholarship
Rev. Vincent Jasiek Scholarship
Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Jasiek
Tyler Harrison Scholarship
Ms. Lauren Eiten
JoAnn Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Harrison
Lenard Labonte Family
Mr. & Mrs. David Montez
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Montez
Justin Mrowicki Family
Jason Pyszka
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Pyszka
Neil Quartuccie Family
Toscana Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCullough
– in memory of Anthony Rich
Zueger Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Zueger - ?
Jerome & Margaret Sickley Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. A. Charles Mueller, Sr.
Ms. Mary M. Schmitt
Dr. & Mrs. David Schlagheck
Cecil Grey Thompson Memorial Scholarship
Ms. Marcia Ann Thompson
Kevin Moriarty Scholarship
Fr. Allen Mattingly Scholarship
Michael Perona Scholarship
Atty. & Mrs. Paul Perona
Class of 1961
Mr. James Dietz
Harth Scholarship
Mr. Melvin Harth
Saint Bede
60th Wedding Anniversary
April 11, 2013
Don & Gloria Steichen
Mary & Tim Burgess
Paula & John Toraason
Lynn & Dave Wyzgowski
Gail & Greg Pyszka
50th Wedding Anniversary
June 22, 2013
50th Wedding Anniversary
50th Wedding Anniversary
Daniel & Susie Lawler
Larry & Elaine Castelli
Mike & Diane Crowley
Mike & Allison Rooney
Charles W. (’61) & Joan Loch
Mike & Diane Crowley
Father Dominic’s
Saint Bede
Happy 90th Birthday
Dolly Abney
Jim & Jennifer Manning
Got Questions?
Need a Christmas Gift? Father Dom’s books make a GREAT Christmas gift!
They are available at the Saint Bede Business Office
Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
Also available at www.saintbedeabbeypress.com.
(Sure, you can get them from Amazon,
but can you get them signed and personalized?)
Be sure to visit Father Dom’s website:
We are here to answer your questions, so get in touch!
Saint Bede Administration:
Legacy Project & Development:
Abbot Philip Davey
Dr. Ted Struck
Donna Aleksy
Vice President
Director of Development
of Mission Advancement
email: tstruck@st-bede.com
email: daleksy@st-bede.com
email: frphilip@st-bede.com
phone: 815.250.0360
phone: 815.250.0746
phone: 815.250.0341
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Class of 2013
Continue Their Academic Journey
Nick Puhr
Billy Pryde
Sam Lucas
Joey Pszyka
Mason Wilke
Where In The World
Will They Go Next?
Southern Illinois University
Charleston, Illinois
Billy Pryde
St. Louis University
St. Louis, Missouri
Crystal Tan
St. Mary’s College
South Bend, Indiana
Barbi Prokup*
University of California
Santa Cruz, California
Mason Wilke*
University of Illinois
Champaign, Illinois
Chris Kerasotes
Claudia Szczepaniak*
Nicole Yaklich*
Steven Zhang*
University of Illinois
Springfield, Illinois
Nick Puhr
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
Mitch Dean
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
Megan Tiger*
University of Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri
Hannah Read
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana
Sam Lucas*
Valparaiso University
Valparaiso, Indiana
Allison Whalen
Western Illinois University
Macomb, Illinois
Joey Pyszka*^
* Denotes Academic Scholarship
^ Denotes Athletic Scholarship
The above list of 2013 graduates was accidentally ommitted from the July Bedan Record on page 12 in the segment “Class of 2013
Continue Their Academic Journey”. The graphics department and proofreaders apologize for this ommission.
2013 Annual Report
Spring Cash Raffle
Saint Bede Academy
Grand Prize
Grand Prize drawn at 31st Annual Auction Gala
Saturday • April 26, 2014
All proceeds offset the cost to educate every student at Saint Bede Academy
$100 for One Chance • $200 for Three Chances
Only 400 tickets to be sold!
Winning tickets go back into drawing
March 1st • $1,000 at Mr. SBA
March 15th • Two Auction Gala Tickets
April 1st • Two Auction Gala Tickets
April 15th • Two Auction Gala Tickets
Call 815-250-0342 or Email bprokup@st-bede.com
Winners are responsible for all taxes incurred. Winner does not need to be present to win.
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Please Join Us ...
Saturday, April 26, 2014
31st Annual Auction Gala
“We ARE St. Bede.”
Your evening begins with mass at the Worship Assembly Building and then
over to the Gymnasium where the court is transformed into a dining room
and a store full of treasures just waiting for the highest bidder.
Your donation allows you to participate in the largest fundraising event
of the year and includes a full bar, appetizers, a sit down dinner, dessert,
coffee bar entertainment, live auction, silent auction, Fund-The-Gap
and so much more.
Become a Table Captain by gathering 9 friends to
sit at your table and you go ½ off.
Call Bonnie at 815-250-0342 or bprokup@st-bede.com
“Hottest Ticket in Town”
You Are
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Mr. SBA has been a sold out event since its inception in 2011!
That’s what makes it the “Hottest Ticket in Town”!!!
We have raised more than $106,000.00!
Every year our contestants put their heart and soul into preparing for this evening.
They share one common goal, to raise money to “fund the gap” between the price of tuition
and the cost to educate each and every student at Saint Bede.
This is truly an event where everyone comes together and becomes one family
– the Saint Bede Family!
Tables go on sale December 15th - Act fast to avoid disappointment.
Contact Bonnie at 815-250-0342 or bprokup@st-bede.com
2013 Annual Report
Auction Calendar Fund-Raiser
$100 a Day Give-Away & Auction Gala Tickets Drawing
PRIZES TOTALING $3,160 • $10 Per Ticket
31st Annual Auction Gala • “We Are St. Bede” • Saturday, April 26, 2014 • Please join us!
February 2014
Everyone participating in the Saint Bede Academy Calendar Fund-Raiser has the chance to win cash & auction gala prizes. Each day in the month of February, 2014, one winner will be chosen to win the listed prize
for that day. The prize will be mailed to the winners of record the next business day. Winners will be posted
on our website at www.st-bede.com.
2 Auction
Gala Tickets
2 Auction
Gala Tickets
The following entry form should be printed clearly and accompany your $10 donation. By sending this form and payment in your name
will be entered for this Fund-Raiser. You can enter up to four times on this form in designated boxes. If you would like more chances
please make a photo copy or download from our website at www.st-bede.com.
Detach at perforation
Entry Form $10 Per Chance or $40 for Four Chances
Entrant’s Information:
Name: ___________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
State: ___________________________
Zip Code: ___________
E-Mail: _________________________________________________
Entrant’s Information:
Name: ___________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
State: ___________________________
Zip Code: ___________
E-Mail: _________________________________________________
Entrant’s Information:
Name: ___________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
State: ___________________________
Zip Code: ___________
E-Mail: _________________________________________________
Entrant’s Information:
Name: ___________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
State: ___________________________
Zip Code: ___________
E-Mail: _________________________________________________
Please send completed form (print) and $10 check payable to Saint Bede Academy to:
Saint Bede Academy Attn: Auction
24 West US Highway 6, Peru, IL 61354
Phone: 815.223.3140 x 200 or bprokup@st-bede.com
Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Auction Patrons
2012 – 2013 Top Ten
1. Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Sitterly
2. Mr. & Mrs. Dave Sickley
3. Dr. & Mrs. Ted Struck
4. Mr. John Perino
5. Mr. & Mrs. Don Aleksy
6. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dudek
7. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rosploch
8. Dr. & Mrs. Paul Perona
9. Mr. & Mrs. Dean Sack
10. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kolodziej
Staff Members
2012 – 2013 Saint Bede Abbey & Academy
Saint Bede Abbey
Senior Council
Abbot Philip Davey, OSB ‘65
Appointed Members
Prior Michael Calhoun, OSB ‘89
Subprior Dominic Garramone, OSB
Elected Members
Fr. Ronald Margherio, OSB ‘68
Br. Anthony Shaughnessy, OSB
Mr. John Bellino ‘68
Mr. Nathan Boudreau
Fr. Michael Calhoun OSB ‘89
Mrs. Colleen Cox
Mr. Rich Cummings ‘80
Mrs. Karrie Damerell
Mr. John Domyancich
Fr. Dominic Garramone, OSB
Mrs. Lisa Griggs
Mrs. Stephanie Haskell
Mr. Francis Hejmanowski
Mr. Thomas Jagiella
Mrs. Joan Jobst
Ms. Stefanie Kaufmann
Mrs. Janet Leffelman
Br. Luke McLachlan, OSB ‘88
Mr. Lloyd Meador
Mr. Bernie Moore
Mrs. Deborah Morrow
Br. Robert Pondant, OSB
Mr. Blair Tiger
Mrs. Gerry Torri
Mrs. Leann Wilcoxen
Mrs. Dawn Williams ‘83
Mr. George Xu
Saint Bede Academy Administration
Dr. Ted Struck
Mrs. Michelle Mershon
Assistant Principal
Mr. Bernie Moore
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Tara Bradford
Fr. Ronald Margherio, OSB ‘68
Director of Admissions
Mr. Tom McGunnigal ‘88
Director of Guidance
Ms. Theresa Bernabei
Director of Technology
Mr. Ronald Barnes ‘88
Br. Robert Pondant, OSB
2012-2013 Board of Directors
Dr. Tara VanDeWyngaerde Lamboley ‘00
Fr. Jeffrey Stirniman
Pastor – St. Louis Parish Princeton
Br. Luke McLachlan, OSB ‘88
Monk St. Bede Abbey
Non-Voting Members:
Abbot Philip Davey, OSB ‘65
St. Bede Abbey
Dr. Ted Struck
St. Bede Academy
Mrs. Michelle Mershon
St. Bede Academy
Mrs. Eve Postula ‘84
Mrs. Eve Postula ‘84
St. Bede Academy & Abbey
Office of Development
Director of Development
Mrs. Donna Aleksy
Fr. Patrick Fennell, OSB ‘62
St. Bede Abbey
Vice President Mission of Advancement
Fr. Philip Davey, OSB ‘65
Mr. Michael Balestri ‘98
Teacher – Oglesby Washington
Assistant to Director of Development
Mrs. Jeannie Margherio
Mr. Ryan Linnig
Superintendent Dimmick District
Auction Coordinator
Mrs. Bonnie Prokup
Mrs. Cheryl Schlagheck
Nurse – St. Margaret’s Hospital
2013 Annual Report
Saint Bede
2013 Annual Report
24 W US Highway 6
Peru, IL 61354-2903
Address Service Requested
legal title: The Benedictine Society of Saint Bede
Investment of
Permit No. 100
LaSalle, Illinois
Time & Talent
The Faculty & Staff
of Saint Bede Academy
(Cover photo): The Saint Bede Academy community 2010 – 2011