Jim !l{au t])og Snows, £ta.
Jim !l{au t])og Snows, £ta.
• #2013192510 (Rally) #2013192509 (Cont) ENTRIES CLOSE: 12:00 NOON, Wednesday, September 18, 2013 After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Cancelled or Substituted EXCEPT as Provided for in Mrs. Connie H. Clark Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Ms. Sharon Allert PREMIUM LIST JUDGES Mr. Desmond J. Murphy AT SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE Mrs. carol A. Artim P. O. Box 257, Monroe, NY 10949 Regular & Non-Regular Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Highland Drive, Aptos, CA 95003-4614 Junior Showmanship . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1428 Holly Creek Lane, Mansfield, TX 76063 Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Hausman Road, Lenhartsville, PA 19534 Obedience & Rally Classes 72nd SpeciaHy Show, Obedience & Rally Trial THE GREYHOUND CLUB OF AMERICA (Unbenched) - (Member of the American Kennel Club) Entry Fees CONFORMATION AND OBEDIENCE: Effective January 1. 2008. the Event SelVice Fee for all events is to be $3.00 for the first entry of each dog. Effective January 1, 2008 there will be an Event Service Fee of $3.00 for each additional entry of the same dog, as well as the AKC Recording Fee of $.50. These are included In the entry fee. RALLY: An AKC Recording Fee of $3.00 will be required for each entry in any Licensed or Member Club Rally Trial. If a dog is entered in more than one class in a Rally event, the AKC Recording Fee is to be collected on each of the entries of that dog. (AKC Rally Regulations, Chapter 1, Section 3). These are included in the entry fee. Middletown Grange #684 576 Penns Park Road, Wrightstown, PA 18940 National Specialty Show including Breed Classes, Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes and Obedience & Rally Trials to be judged on: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2013 SHOW HOURS: 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. OUTDOORS Don'l Miss GCA Lure Trial & Test - October 3, 2013 - Dani Edgerton Hunterdon County Fairgrounds, Ringoes, NJ Hatboro Dog Club - October 3 & 4, 2013 (Rau Superintendent) Devon KC - October 5, 2013 (MB-F Superinlendent) American Kennel Club Certification Permission is granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary First Entry of Each Dog Unless Otherwise Specified ....... , .. Each additional entry of the same dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. (First Rally entry is not considered an additional entry) Bred-by-Exhibitor Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. • . .. . . Puppy Classes (6-9 & 9-12 mos) . . . . . . . . • .. . . • .. •. .. • .. Veteran Classes (Breed & Obedience) ... . _ . . •••• . .•. _ . . •••. .. Sweepstakes (Puppy & Veteran) . . . . . . . . . • . . • • .. _.. . ... . . .. Junior Showmanship Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .. . • .. _ • . . • . . . • . .. Junior Showmanship an as additional entry . • .. •• .. ~ • .. • . .. • •.. Obedience . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • .. • , .. . ... Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . • • • • . . • . • . •. Brace Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. • . . • , .. ... Stud Dcg & Brood Bitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 $25.00 • • • _. _ •• •• •. • •• •• • . . . . . .. .. •.• • _ .. _ . • _ .. • . . • .. • _. . . .. ,. . •..•.•.• .. .. .. • . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 $35.00 $35.00 $25.00 $25.00 RIBBON PRIZES REGULAR CLASSES NON-REGULAR CLASSES First Prize ...... ... . . . . . . . . Blue Rosette First Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rose Rosette Second Prize .... __ . . Red Ribbon Second Prize . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brown Ribbon Third Prize . . . . . . . . . . . Light Green Ribbon Third Prize ..... • ....... Yellow Ribbon Fourth Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . White Ribbon Fourth Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Grey Ribbon Reserve Winners .... Purple & White Rosette Best in Sweepstakes . . . . . Green/Pink Rosette Winners ....... • ....... Purple Rosette Best of Oppostte Sex to Best of Best of Winners ...... Blue & White Rosette Breed or Variety ...... Lavender Rosette Best of Breed ....... Purple & Gold Rosette Best Bred-by·Exhibitor. Green & White Rosette Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Green Rosette Best Puppy .... • . Breed or Variety .... Red & White Rosette Award of Merit .. • .. •• • •• Green Rosette Highest Scoring Dog in Open 8 & Utility Combined ... Dark Green & Blue Rosette High in Trial . . . . Blue & Gold Rosette Services and Equipment Furnished by Jim !l{au t])og Snows, £ta. P. o. Box 6898 • Reading, PA 19610 • (610) 376-1880 24 Hour Fax Service • (610) 37&4939 235 , 19611 American Kennel Club Annually Licensed Superintendents Kathleen Berkheimer Kristen Shiller Ed Smizer Phyllis Kraft lorraine Schauer Joan Rau AI Staudt, Jr. Wayne Hallard DeAnne Bechtel 2 OFFICERS OF THE GREYHOUND CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. President. . . ........................ _ June Matarazzo Vice President _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pam Noll Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Joan Malak Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• ...... .. Dani Edgerton Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patti Clark 203-426·3154 25 Point 0' Rocks Road, Newtown, CT 06470 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sheryl Bartel David Klein Stahley D. Petter, Jr. Tom Butler SHOW COMMITTEE Jackson N. Steele, Chairman 18 Camp Eight Road, Bluffton, SC 29910 (843) 815-3311 jackson.steele@icloud.com Darlene L. Klein, Assistant Show Chairman 306 Winthrop Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 257-3111 E-Mail: SHOWCHAIR@aol.com Event Committee: Jackson N. Steele Darlene L. Klein Patricia Clark Members of the BOD LURE COURSING CHAIR OBEDIENCE CHAIR Kathy Helmke Dani Edgerton 1620 Jeffers Road 7115 W. Calla Road, Canfield, OH 44406 Madison, NY 13402 (330) 533-6576 E-Mail:dani.edgerton@gmail.com (315) 843-7564 E-Mail: konilambchop@juno.com TROPHY CHAIRMAN Patti Clark E·Mail: wilomor@att.net CHIEF RING STEWARD Joan Goldstein DINNER Jack Steele E·Mail: jackson.steele@icloud.com ASSISTANT RING STEWARD Unda Deutsch GROUNDS Gerald Helmke VETERINARIAN (ON CALL) Indian Walk Vet Clinic Route 413, Durham Road Langhorne, PA JUDGES LlASON Joan Goldstein (215) 598-9000 The Veterinarian wifl be on call. Any expenses incurred will be the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. Cafl before going. RAFFLE June Matarazzo BOUTIQUE Patti Clark OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER John Ashbey Ashbey Photog raphy P. O. Box 468, Gilbert, PA 18331 ADVERTISING Anita Pugh 610-1181-4988 E-Mail: aput3@sk~hihounds.com i a kerr oad Reading, PA 19606 Only the official Photographer may be in the ring to take win pictures. (810) 781-3154 In accordance with the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. policy the Show Committee may exhibit. The judges liason has had sale contact with the judges at this show. CLASSIFICATION American-Bred Dogs Open Dogs Winners Dog *Bred-by·Exhibitor Class eligibility: All dogs entered in the Bred·by-Exhibitor Class must be individually registered with the AKC. The Person handling the dog must be a breeder of record of the dog and an owner of record of the dog. To exhibit in this class, family members must be a breeder and owner of record. 3 BEST OF BREED COMPETmON Non-Regular Classes Involving Multiple Dog Entries Stud Dog Class: For Stud Dog and two (2) or three of his get. Stud Dogs must be entered in the Stud Dog Class and must be shown in the ring with their Get. Owner of the Stud Dog Class need not necessarily be owner of the Get. Get only to be judged, based on the merits of the Get. A single entry fee of $25.00 will be charged for this class unless the Get are not entered in any other regular or non-regular class in which case it shall be entered for Stud Dog Class ONLY and the regular entry fee shall be paid. Brood Bitch Class: Same as Stud Dog except sUbstitute Produce for Get. NOTE: as the judge's decision in the Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Stud Dog Extended Generations and Brood Bitch Extended Generations will be based on the merits of more than one dog, no one of the dogs judged first in the class will be eligible for Best of Breed Competition by virtue of havine won the class. Brace Class: Two entries identical ownership not required. Will require a fee of $25.00 as a UNIT. The dogs comprising a Brace MUST be named at the time of the entry. If a dog which is to be part of a Brace is not entered in another class, it must be marked "For Brace Only'. Fee is $12.50 per dog. In making entries for "Brace Class Only" full particulars must be given for each dog on individual regular entry forms. An entry form for a dog entered in another class and entered as part of a Brace MUST be marked accordingly in place provided for Additional Classes· "Brace Class·. Best in Bred by Class Bast Puppy SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Sharon Allert The Sweepstakes is open to all Greyhounds 6 months and under 18 months of age on the day of the show. Entry fee is $20.00 to be paid in addition to the regular entry fee. Puppies must be entered in regular classes. SWEEPSTAKES CLASS DIVISION Puppy Dogs, 6 months and under 9 months Puppy Dogs, 9 months and under 12 months Puppy Dogs, 12 months and under 18 months (Same classes for bitches) PRIZE MONEY After a 35% deduction for sweepstakes expenses, the remaining entry fees (rounded off to the nearest dollar) will be divided as follows: Each Class with One Entry ......... _ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1st, 100% Each Class with Two Entries ........ • .. • .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st, 75% - 2nd, 25% Each Class with Three Entries ....... • .. • .. . . .... 1st, 60% - 2nd, 30%· 3rd, 10% Each Class with Four or more Entries • ,., • .. . 1st, 50% - 2nd, 25% - 3rd, 15% • 4th, 10% Puppy Sweepstakes Prizes Best in Sweepstakes, Rosette. REGULAR CLASSES Puppy Dogs, 6 months and under 9 months Puppy Dogs, 9 months and under 12 months Dogs, 12 months and under 18 months *Bred-by·Exhibitor Dogs (Same Classes for Bitches) Non-Regular Classes Involving Single Dog Entries Veteran Classes, For any dog or bitch which is 7 years of age or older on the day of the show. Sexes divided. Coursing Class - Coursing Class for dogs and bitches that are AKC registered and are confirmed Field Champions, Coursing Champions, or Coursers of Merit. Note: Exhibitors must suply proof of eligibility for this class with the entry. A copy of the certificate awarding the title FC, FCH, CC or CM or a copy of the entire page from the AKC Gazette or FAN magazine publishing the title as proof. First place winners in this class are eligible for Best of Breed competition providing all AKC eligibility has been met. Dannyquest greyhound pewter windchime. Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Sweepstakes, Rosette. Pewter Candy Dish with GCA Logo. First In all Puppy Sweepstakes Classes, Dog Bowl with treats and toys. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Sharon Allert The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all Greyhounds 7 years and over. Entry fee is $20.00 to be paid in addition to the regular entry fee. Entries in Veteran Sweepstakes DO NOT have to be entered in a Regular Class. 4 VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES CLASS DIVISION Dogs, 7 years and under 9 years Dogs, 9 years and under 11 years Dogs, 11 years and over (Same dasses for bitches) PRIZE MONEY (Same Money Division as Regular SWeepstakeS) Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Rosette. Dannyquest greyhound bronze. Besl of Opposite S.x to Beet In Veteran Sweepstakes, Rosette. Pewter covered round box with GCA logo. First in all Veteran Sweepstakes Classes, Dog Bowi with treats and toys. Breed Prizes C,utts Eligibility Certificates will be awarded to BOB, BaS, Best Bred-by Exhibitor and Award of Merits and Selects for Crufts March 6-9, 2014 and March 5-8, 2015. Club Medallions Will be given as follows. Goldtone medallion for BOB, BOS, WD, WB and High in Trial in Obedience. Silvertone medallion for each Award of Merit, for Best in Sweepstakes and Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, lor each qualifying score in obedience and for first in each Junior Showmanship Class. The Greyhound Club of America, Inc. offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Best~, Best In Bred by Exhibitor Classes, Award of Merits and First in Each Regular and Non-Regular C\ass. A complete list 01 donors wia appear in the catalog. Best of Breed, Melanie & Jack Steele offer through the Greyhound Club 01' America, Inc. a Sterling SiNer P1ate to be awarded at the Eastem Specialty. FQ( permanent possession the trophy must be won three times by the same owners Yt'tth the same dog. The trophy 'Nill remain in the possesslon of the Greyhound alb of America, Inc. until won outright Melanie Steele and Rlndl Gaudet have rededicated the WlllOMOOR CHAMPIONS CHALLENGE TROPHY offered through the Greyhound Clw of America, Inc., a siive r plate to be called the Willomoor Challenge Trophy, to be awarded at the Eastern Specialty. For pennanent possession to be 'NOn three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. The trophy will remain in the possession of the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. until won outright. Best of Breed, Print of a Gentleman on a Bay Hunter with Greyhounds. Best of Opposite Sex to Beat of Breed, Mrs. Julian Keevil offers through the Greyhound Club 01 America, Inc., a Silver Plate Trophy in loving memory of her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Anderson. The trophy is to be known as the Mardormere Challenge Trophy, to be awarded at the Eastem Specialty. For pennanent possession to be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. The trophy will remain in the possession of the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. until won outright. William W. Brainard and Harry T. Peters, Jr. have offered through the Greyhound Club of America, Inc., a Ster1ing Silver Trophy to be known as the JAMES A. FARRELL, JR. MEMORlAL mOPHY, to be awarded at the Eastem Specialty. For permanent possession to be won three times by the Identical owner, not necessarily with the same dog . The trophy will remain in the possession 01 the Greyhound Club of Amerlca, Inc. until won outright. Beet: of Opposite S.x to Best of Breed, Yvonne Sovereign Greyhound Print. Award of Merit, The Greyhound Club of America, Inc. offers five Awards ot merit, any or al of which are to be awarded by the judge at his discretion to dogs and bitches competing for Best of Breed, based on their overall quality. Award of Merit, Club Medallion and Rosette. Rosettes offered by Richard & Katherine Haas in memOf)' of Terry Fletcher Godspeed. Best of Wi ........, Willlam W. Brainard, Jr. has offered through the Greyhol.nd Club of America, Inc. a Ster1ing Silver Trophy to be known as 1he DOWNSBRAGH TROPHY to be awarded at 1he Eastem Specialty. For pennanent possession to be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. The trophy will remain in the possession of the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. until won outright. Mr. George Butler has offered through the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. a Silver Trophy in memory of his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. George Saltonstall West, to be known as the GAMECOCK-EWHURST CHALLENGE BOWL, to be awarded at the Eastern Specialty. For pennanent possession to be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. The trophy will remain In the possession of the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. until won outright. Best of Wlnn...., Etched Glass GCA logo. 5 Winne,.. Dog, Foxden Kennels has offered through the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. for competition at the Eastern Specialty, a Sterling Silver Trophy to be known as the FOXDEN TROPHY. For pennanent possession to be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily wifh the same dog. The trophy will remain In the possession of the Greyhound Cllb of Ameri ca, Inc. until won outright. Jay & Mary Remer have offered through the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. a Silver Plate Trophy to be known as the SQUIRREL RUN CHALLENGE BOWL in loving memory of Mr. & Mrs. Hallock 00 Pont. to be awarded at the Eastern Specialty. For pennanent JX)SSesskm to be won three times by the same Q'MlGr, not necessarily with the same dog. The trophy will remain in the possession of the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. until won outright Winners Dog, Yvonne Sovereign greyhound print Winners Bitch. Mr. & Mrs. Harding T. Mason, Jr. have offered through the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. Ii Silver Plated Trophy to be known as the UTTLE ANDELY'S TROPHY, in loving memory of Susan Q. Mason and Harding T. Mason, Sr. for pennanent possession to be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. The trophy will remain in the possession of the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. until won outright. Sue and Grant Cassem have offered through the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. for competition at the Eastem Specialty only a Bronze Trophy to be known as the RYAL TROPHY. For pennanent possession to be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. The trophy will remain in the possession of the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. until won outright. Winne,.. Bitch, Yvonne Sovereign greyhound print. ReHrve Winners Dog, Greyhound Tile. Reserve WInne,. Bitch, Greyhound Tile. Unless otherwise stated , trophies for the following Classes wiR be: First, Greyhound Bookend. Second thru Fourth, Greyhound logo Notepad. Dog CIas..... Bred-by·Exhlbltor Dog, First, offered by June Matarazzo and Patti Clark, Witlomoor Hounds, through the OreyhOu'Kt Club of America, a bronze titled "The Chase- by artist Rick Metts, in memory of CH Huzzah Mad Hattie. For permanent possession to be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. The Trophy will remain in the possession of the Greyhound Club of America, until won outright. Stud Dog, First. Mary Trubek offers through the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. a Brass Trophy to be known as the ROCKET TROPHY, to be awarded at the Eastern Specielty. For permanent possession to be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog. The trophy will remain in the possession of the club, until won outright. Bitch CI....., Bred·by-Exhlbltor Bitch, First, Cynthia Swanson offer. through the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. a Bronze Trophy to be known 8S the HARMONY TROPHY, to be awarded at the Eastern Specialty. For permanent possession to be won three times by the identical owner, not necessarily with the same dog. The trophy will remain in the possession of the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. until won outright. Brood Bitch, first, Melanie & Jack Steele offer through the Greyhound Club of America, Inc. for Best Brood Bitch competition at the Eastern Specialty, a siiver trophy to be known as the GRAND CRU PERPETUAL TROPHY in loving memory of CH Helicon Madrona, "Maddie". For pennanent possession to be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same clog . The trophy will remain in the possession of the club until won outright. Brace Class, 2 Pewter Dog Bone Hooks. Best In Bred by Exhibitor Classes, Greyhound Tile. Best Puppy, Etched GCA logo votive light Award of Merit SiN'er plate jewelry box. Select Dog, Silver plate jewelry box. Select BItch, Silver plate jewelry box. GENERAL TROPHY FUND Donations help with the engraving and upkeep of our perpetual trophies. Please help us def,..y the cost of those heirloom gifts by adding a few dollars to your trophy pledge. Contae{ Patti Clark at wllomor@att.net to make a pledge. 6 JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETTTlON AKC Jooior Hanc:ler Numbers are now required Junior Showmans~ COmpetition. Numbers may be obtained from the American Kennel 233-9767. For additional infonnation , P. O. Box 900061 , Raleigh, NC 27675. Phone (919) 233-9767 or Entry bier*: IlUST be fU'-td ow: whh otherwise the entry in JunkH' Shown*lShlp will not be accepled. NOVICE JUNIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girts who are at least 9 years <*j and !.roder 12 years okj on the day of the show and ....t\o, at the tine entries close, have not 'IYOI1 ttvee A rst Places .",;u, competition present In a Novice Ctass at a licensed or member show. NOVICE INTERMEDlAlC CLASS: For Boys and Girts who are at least 12 years old and mder 15 years old on the day of the show andwho, atthetime entries close, have not won throo FIrst Places, with competition present, In a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. NOVICE SENIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 15 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three FIrst Places, with competition present, in 8 Novice Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN JUNIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years old and under 12 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, wtth competition present, in a NovIce Showmanship Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN INTERMEDIATE CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 12 years old and under 15 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN SENIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are least 15 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, v.,.ith competition present, in a Novice Showmanship Class at a licensed or member show. MASTER CLASS: This Oass Viill be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years on the day of the show, and who have won the 10 first place Viins in an Open Class with competition to be eligible to enterthe Umited Class Compelition. The calendarforthis dass v.4t1 consistent wtth the eligibiily dates for !he AKC Eukamba National Cha""ionship. All Jumors meeting the criteria for this class are reqtired 10 entry the t.Aaster Class and may change theirentry the day of the show if entries have already dosed. Once the ellgb ility time frame tor that year has passed all participants rerum to !he Open aass to ~te fOf the following year. OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Dogs that have completed a title may move up to the next level provided there Is no conflict and limits (if any) have not been reached. Novice aass A & B aa..e. Regular Open Class A & B Utility Class A & B OpIIonal Tilling 0.... Graduate Novice Beginners Novice A & B Brace Class Veterans Class Qualifying score is required for all prizes in Regular Classes. "Dog' means either sex. BITCHES IN SEASON. Since Bitches in season are not permitted to compete In Obedience Trials, the Club will refund all but five dollars of the entry fee, the Recording Fee and the Event Fee for bitches unable to compete for that reason. The Show Superintendent must be notified of such claim for refund at the show or by letter postmarked October 2, 2013 or earlier. A Veterinary Certificate is required. Obedience Prize. The Greyhound Club of America, Inc. offers a Gold Medallion and Rosette for High in Trial and a Silver Medellion for each qualifying score. High... Scoring Dog in Algular Classes. Kathy & Geny Helmke offer, through the Greyhound Club of America, Inc., a bronze statue called 'The Winner" in memory of Konl Lambchop UD, JC and CH Golightly Blueberry Hi. UD, RN, OA, OAJ, JC to be awarded at the Eastem Specialty. For permanent possession it must be won three times by the identical owner, not necessarlly with the same dog. It shal remain in the possession of the club lIltil won outright. Hlg .... Scoring Dog in TrIal, Print of A Greyhond on a Bay Hooter. HlghHt Scaring Dog In Open B & UtIlity Combined, Rosette. FItst _ In aM 0 . -, Greyhound bookend. tlvaugh Fourth _ In all CIas8eo, Greyhound Logo Notepad. _and Rally Novice A & B RAU.Y TRIAL CLASSES Ral~ Advanced A & B Rally Excelent A & 8 Competition must axial: for Best Junior Harder. NOnCE JUNIORS WITH A DOG ALSO ENTERED IN ANOTHER CLASS OFFERED AT THIS SHOW WHO SUBSTITUTE A 000 NOT ENTERED IN THIS SHOW MUST REMIT THE DIFFERENCE BElWEEN JUNIOR ONLY AND JUNIOR AS AN ADDITIONAL CLASS ENTRY FEE. JUNIORS WHO HAVE ENTERED JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP ONLY WHO THEN SUBSTITUTE ANOTHER DOG WILL NOT BE CHARGED A FURTHER FEE. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP PRIZES BAt Junior Handler Challenge Trophy, Rindi Gaudet offers through the Greyhound C1ub of America, Inc., a silver revere bowl to be awarded at the Eastem Specialty for the Best Junior Handler. The trophy will remain In the possession of the Greyhound Club of America until won outright. For permanent possession, the trophy must be mn three times by the same Junior Handler. The Greyhound Club of America. Inc. offers a Rosette for first in each class. Best Junior Handler, Win Photo by JoIYl Ashbey with frame. First Place In Each C..... Greyhound bookend. """ugh Fourth In Each CIaao, Greyhound logo notepad. Rally Trial Prizu Rally TrI'1 Cia. . . In all Classes. First, Greyhound Bookend. Second through Fourth Place in all Classes, GreyholKld Logo Notepad. Lure Couralng Beet of e ....d. Rectangularstained glass panel with greyhound motif offered by Rita & Bryan Rice, Aria Borzoi. Arat Placa, Engraved glass panel with greyhound motif. Second through Fifth. Nolecards. Open 8taka offered by Tom Butler. CH Staka offered by Joan & John Malak, Majic Greyhounds and Keeshondens. V.ran Stake offered by Mary Trubek, Rocket Greyhounds. Additional Stakes _and 7 8 ""', 2013 EASTERN SPECIALTY EVENTS HOST HOTEL - The Ramada New Hope, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope, PA (215) 862-5221 $75.00 per night (plus $15 ij dog in room) - Mention GCA October 1, 2013 2:00 PM Board 01 Directors meeting - Host Hotel Welcome and GCA Member Meeting - Host Hotel 5 PM - 6:30 PM October 2, 2013 9:00 AM-5:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Judging according to the published schedule Judges Education - Showgrounds Cash Bar GCA Banquet for Exhibitors, guests and members at the Host Hotel Ramada New Hope October 3, 2013 Lure Coursing Event GCA AKC Lure Coursing Trial and Tests for Greyhounds Only Trial and Test Hours - 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM Tests, Two JC Tests, AKC Lure Coursing Trial GCA Cursing Abilities test - for all Non-sighthounds - Test Hours - 1:30 to 4:30 PM Two CAT tests will be avilable during this time - Limit for CAT tests - 100 dogs Hunterdon Country Fairgrounds, Lambertville, NJ For more information call Dani Edgerton at 330-506-9411 CAT Tests - Pre-entries $20.00 Gate entries $25.00 if entry limits are not met. Greyhound Trial and Tests - Pre-entries, $20.00; $18.00 additional household pre-entries; Gate entries - $25.00 - no limits ac LUNCH & OINNER RESERVATIONS LUNCH Lunch will be sold on the show grounds. $15.00 Box Lunches BANQUET Wednesday, OcIober 2, 2013 at the Ramada New Hope 6:30 PM Cocktail Hour (Cash Bar) 7:30 PM Dinner served Ramada New Hope BANQUET RESERVATION FORM _ _ Banquet Tickets _ _ Raffle Tickets @$32.00 = $,--- @$5.00 =$,--- (5 for $20) TOTAL = $,--- This form and payment must be received by September 24, 2013. Checks made payable to Greyhound Club of America for dinner and raffle. Sent to: Jackson N. Steele 18 Camp Eight Road Bluffton, SC 29910 9 • * * NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS ENTRY FEE: $35.00 for the first entry 01 each dog Induding $.50 AK.C. recording fee & $3.00 AK.C. Event Service Fee. $25.00 for each additional entry of the same dog. Junior Showmanship Only, $20.00; Junior Showmanship as an additional dass, $25.00; Puppy (6-9 & 9-12 mos) & Bred-by-Exhibitor $25.00. Sweepstakes (Puppy & Veteran), $20.00. Brace, Stud Dog & Brood Bitch $25.00. Obedience & Rally Classes. $35.00. First Rally entry is NOT considered an additional entry). CLOSING DAlE tor entries 12:00 NOON, Wednesday, September 18, 2013 (at SUperintendent's Office) after which entries cannot be accepted, cancelled or substituted except as provided for In Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. THE SHOW will be open from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. A RECORDING FEE OF $.50 & a $3.00 A.K.C_ Event Service Fee will be required for each dog entered at any Licensed or Member Club Show, Obedience Trial or Tracking Test. Ha dog is entered in more than one dass in one of these events, the AKC Recording Fee and Service Fee is to be collected on the first entry only. (AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows, Chapter 11, Section 2). An AKC Event Service Fee of $3.00 will be required for each entry In any Ucensed or Member Club Rally Trial. Ha dog is entered in more than one dass in a Rally event, the AKC Recording Fee is to be collected on each of the entries of that dog. (AKC Rally Regula1ions, Chapter 1, Section 3.) All Recording Fees are paid tothe American Kennel Club. RETURNED CHECKS do not constitute a valid entry fee. A charge of $20-00 will be made for eadl returned dleck. Subsequent returned checks from the same exhibitors may resuH in their being put on a CASH ONLY basis. EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 2006 an administrative Fee of $2.00 will be withheld from all refunds forentries cancelled prior to the dosing of entries. TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE and UNSIGNED ENTRIES CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. ENTRIES NOT ON OFFICIALAKC ENTRY FORMS AND PHOTOCOPIES OF ENTRV FORMS withoutthe Agreemenl and Rules on Ihe reverse side of the OffICial AKC Entry Form are NOT ACCEPTABLE. MAIL ALL ENTRIES WITH FEES TO Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., P. O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610. (610)376-1880. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ENTRIES will be made as soon as practicable with tickets and/or identification cards. The person accompanying a dog must show tickets of admission and identification before the dog will be received. SHOULD SUCH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NOT BE RECEIVED BY THE EXHIBITOR within a reasonable time, please notify Jim Rau Dog Shows at (610) 376-1880. MAKE ALL CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO J.R.D.S., Ltd. Please mall checks or money orders with entries. Superintendent assumes no responsibility for cash sent through the mail. ALL CREDIT CARD ENTRIES, REGARDLESS OF METHOD SUBMITTED, are processed throught the FAX program and will be charged a $4.00 per dog per show processing fee. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS make fees payable in U.S_ FUNDS. NO ENTRY SHALL BE MADE AND NO ENTRY SHALL BE ACCEPTED WHICH SPECIFIES ANY CONDITIONS AS TO ITS ACCEPTANCE. ENTRIES RECEIVED WITHOUT FEES will not be accepted. ENTRY FEES shall not be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by Veterinarian or Judge. or barred from competition by action of Show Committee. If because of riots. civil disturbances or other acts beyond the control of the management II Is Impossible to open or 10 complete the show. no refund of entry fee will be made. Extreme weather conditions, such as, but not limited to snow storms, hurricanes, lightning, extreme heat, must be considered for the health and safety of the dogs. exhibitors and spectators. The well-being of dogs, exhibitors and spectators is of paramount importance and, in the event it is necessary to cancel or stop the show before oompletion, no refund of entry fee will be made. ERRORS ON ENTRY BLANKS. Owners are responsible for errors in making entry forms, whoever may make such errors, & no fee will be refunded in event of such errors or cancellation of entries after Ihe published closing date. NO REFUND FOR DUPUCATE ENTRIES. We will make every effort to find an duplicate entries, but if a dog has been processed, no refund will be made. CONSULT JUDGING PROGRAM FOR TIME OF JUDGING. DOGS MAY ARRIVE any time prior to their scheduled time of judging. DOGS NOT REQUIRED for further Judging wi. be 8XQJsed. JUDGES WILL NOT WAIT FOR ANY DOG HOLDING UP A CLASS. Owners or agents alone are respon-sible for the presence of their dogs in the judging ring when their classes are called to be judged. The show-giving club and the Superintendent have no obligation or responsibility for providing service through a public address system or stewards or runners for the purpose of calling or locating dogs that are not broughl into the ring when required. ALL DOGS PRESENT must be held on leash or oonfined 10 their crates excepl when being judged or when in the exercising ring. THE SHOW COMMITTEE/SUPERINTENDENT will use due care and diligence for the welfare of dogs and exhibitors, but will not be responsible for, nor assume any liability in the event of an accident or misfortune to either dogs or exhibitors participating in this show. CANINE COURTESY All dogs shall be kept under control at all times. You are responsible for picking up after the animals in your care. PLEASE EXERCISE DOGS IN DESIGNATED AREAS ONLY There will be pooper scoopers and containers placed around the grounds. PLEASE USE THEM. All regulations will be enforced by the Grounds Committee. DECLINATION OF ENTRIES The Greyhound Club of America may decline any entries for cause and may refuse to receive or may remove on account of disease. viciousness 01" other causes and no one shall have any claim or recourse against the Greyhound Club of America or any official thereof. NO GASOLINE OR DIESEL GENERATORS are permitted within 100 feet of any tent in which this dog show is being conducted. To find out about any AKC event cancellations call the AKC Event Cancellation Hotline 8n-252-3229. Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians' recommendation to assure their dogs are free of intemal and extemal parasites, any communicable diseases and have appropriate vaccinations. The Greyhound Club of America, Inc. prohibits the use of Photographic Equipmentatthis showforcommercial purposes without the consent of Show Chairman. All persons attending this show hereby waive any daim for damages against the show giving club or its members, in the event a motor vehicle must be entered to rescue a dog from overheating or suffocation due to improper ventilation. 10 12013192510 (Rally) OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM 12013192509(ConQ Natiional Speclatty Show, Sweepstakes, Obedience &; Rally Trial THE GREYHOUND CLUB OF AMERICA ~n Grange #684, 576 Penns Park Road Wrightstown, PA 18940 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2013 ENTRY FEE: $35.00tor thefi'SI entry of each 00g fllCluding $.50 AX.C. recording fee & $3.00 A.KC. Event Service Fee). $25.00 lor each of ... same dog. """" (6-9 & 9-12 moo) and Classes, $25.00. Junior ShowmanshIp Only, $20.00; Junior as an adcttionaI entry $25.00. Sweepstalces, $20.00. See Page 2 for additional fees. CLO~NG DATE for entries 12:00 Noon, Wectlesday, Sep1efrber18, 2013 (at Superintendent's Office) AAMWhich Tme Entrie6 Cannot Be Accepted, Canceled Of' StbstiIuted except as provided for In Chapter 11, Section 6 of 1he Dog ShOw Rules. MAIL AU ENTRIES with fees to: Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., P. O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable to: J.R.D.S., LID. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS must make fees payable in U.s. FUNDS. MC Rulee, Regulalioml, Policies and Guidelines are available on the AIMt'IcM Kennel ClUb Website, WWN.akc.org I Encloa S AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACllON, CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISlNQ OUT Of OR RE1.ATED TO THE ENTRY, EXHIBmON OR ATnNDANCE AT ntE EVENT BETWEEN THE AKC ANDIOR THE EVENT.QIVINO CWB (UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN ITS PREMIUM UST) AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPftETATlON AND EFfECT OF THiS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPUCABLE AULES OF THE AM:ERICAN ARBITRATION MsocrAllON. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALLAPPUCABt..E AKC BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST fiRST BE FOLLOWED AS SET FORnI IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULAT1ONS, PUBU8H&D POUCIES AND GUIDELINES. add_....., 8<_-"_ Showmansh" for entry fees. IMPORTANT-Read Carefully Instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out Numbers in the boJCes indicate sections of the instructions relevam to the Infonnation needed in that box. (PL~SI! PRINT LEGIBLY). I BREED GREYHOUND DOG VAAlI!TV I [!) SEX I ClASS I~*W-E """"""'" CUII8 Jump Height NAME OF JUNK)A KANDLER (I.ny) ~.""" McItioOa~, I (~) hereby 8SSLrn8 lie sole responsltjlty for and agfee 10 indemnify, defend and save the aIorlrnentloned pa!tes hatmIe&s from any and aU loss and expense (~ legal lees) bv reason 01 the Iiabi~\y in'Ipo$8d by law upon 3nJ of the aforementioned p9.rlies for damage beCause 01 bodily Inlurtes. InckJding death at any lime resuiling therelrom, S\l$lalned by I1I'f'i person or persons, including myHif (ourselves), Of on account ofdamageto property, MSing outotOl' in consequenc. or my (our) participation in this ENent, however such. injuries, death or property damage may be caused, and v.flether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to hive been caused by the negligence of the aforementioned parties Of any 01 their ompIoyees, IIQIInt8, or any other persons. I (WE) INSTRUCTIONS ClASS......,. (Calor, w.IgtII, eIc.) SHOW AGREEMENT I (we) 8gfM!hat theckJb tIoIdW'Ig this event has the rVllto re/uselhi:S enb:y torC8JSe II'It1ieh tl'leekJbshall cIeem SL6Jcient.ln consideration 01 the accepcane. 01 this entry and oIlhe I'IokIng 01 this 8'$'lI: and of the opportunity to !\ave Ihe dog judged ancIlo ..... n prtzes, rbbornI, or tftIphIes, I (we) agree 10 hold the AKC. the eYef\tito'ing dub, their~. dlrectots. QOYefl'lQrI . otacers agents, super1ntenclents or event sectetery and the 0¥m8f and/or lessor 01 U1e premises and any PfO'ilder ol seMcft flat 8Al necessalY to hold ttis eYeflt and any ernpIoyee$ Of voIl.ri8erl 01 ... akNemelltioned aprties, and any AKC apprtl't'ed jucIOe, judgi\g aI this event, harmless from any claim lor 10$$ CIt InjulY wNch may be alleged 10 have been caused dilect!y or Wldifectly to ~ perscn Of '*'11 bv the act 01 "is dog MIllo In CIt about the eYtIntpremises Of~ Ofnear any entrance ihMItt. andl( ( ....) personal¥ assume III ~bilily and IiatIIIIy !of any $UCh claim: and I ('Ne) further agree b hold the afoIementioned paI1iea IWmIeSS from any claim lor loss, InjUly Of da.rnagEI b I~ (... bKk) ..... t. IS 2. I~ 3. RIlL OF DOG 4. ""TEOF IIRTH D AKC A!G. NO. o AKC UTTER NO. DI.LP.NO. D fORI!JGN REG. NO. a COUNlRV PLACE Of' {IiII 00Ul'YJ BlATH (V8t1ety) II you a,..entering a dog of a breed In which !here All! varieties lor shoW purpo$M. plGase designate the particularvar!ety you are entering, I.e., Cocker Spaniels (Bla::k, ASCOEI, Parti-color), Beagles (nO! exceeding 13 In.; over 13 in. but not exceeding 15 In.), DachShunds (long haired, SmooII, Wirehaired), Bull Terriers (CoIote<f. 'ltlhlte), Manchester Terriers (Standard, Toy), O'Il1uahuas (Smooth Coat, long Coal), English Toy Spaniels (King ChatlerS and Flub'j. 8leMem and Ptinc:e Qlartes), Poocies (To,-, ,...,lature, SIa1Qard), CoIIes (Rou!tl , Smooth). The toIO'Mng categories 01 dogs may be entered met shawn in Best of Breed Competttlon: Dogs that are 0WWnpi0ns or RecooI aoddop wNth. aoconIngtotheif 0'I0fIef's htwe~tteNJqU*,*,1S for achMlpionsl1p,but 1IIIftose~ are unconllnned. The shoM'Ig r:J unconntmed 0\ampI00s In Besl ol Breed oompelitlM 1$ UmitecI to a period of 90 days 110m the date ollhe shoW Mlefe the dog ~ !he requi1ement3 lor a chernpionstl'" (Dog Show Class) Consul the cIas:sIIcaIIon In !his premium list, ilihe dog shoWCIaSS In WIIch you are entering your dog is divided. !hen. In adcIIIIon In desq\a'ing!he class, S98dfy!he PBJ*:Uar division 0( tilt class In wtrich you l\f'8.-.temg your dog, i.e., age divlslon. ColOr dllislon, weigtlt division. A dOg musl be entamd in the name 01 the persc:n WOO llCtually owned It at the tme ortries lor a shoW closed. II a ~red dog has been acquIflId by a new O'Mler II must be entered In the name of its new 0'I0f\ef In any show lor which entMs cIo5ed after ttl. date 01 acquIrcmort, regardess of whether the new owner has received the reglstrallon e&rIilicate indicating lhallhe dog Is recorded In his name. State on the enby Ionn 'lltlelher transfer applicdon has been rnelled 10 A.K.C. (For complete rule reIer recoros.. 10 Chapter 1., Section 3.). Do flO! print aboo/e In CPIlog FAX NUMBER - BREEDER (610) 376-4939 - $4.00 per Dog per Show charged on ALL Cflldit card entries regardless of method submitted. SIRE A $10.00 S.rvica Charge will be applied to any Inv,lldfdaclinad credit card. DAM Visa/Mastercard ':"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Expiration Date:. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ACnJAL ~~'-----------------------,,~~~------------------- (Plene PrInt) Ca~~Name:.· _________________________________________________ "",,",,'S ~'--------------------------------------- CardhOlders Signature' tf this entry is for Jr. ShowmanstIip piease give the loliowing Information: STATE HAlE OF OWNER'S AGeNT ____________________ ~AN~AT~E'OW R _ _ _ __ 0 ARE THERE IW( CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES ON THIS ENTRY? DYES NO I CERTFY thai I am 1he aetuaI owner of the dog. or that IIWTt the c1J1y lIIAlarized agent of the acbJai owner whose name t have entered 1IIbove. In c:onsideration eX- the aocaptMoe of this entry, I (We) agree to ebIde by the rules and regulations of The American Kennet a..b in effect fit t!'le time 01 Vlis show or obedience triallrld by any additional rules and regulations apP881ing in the premium liSt forlhls show or obedience trial Of' bottl, andfurther agree to be bound by the 'AQreement" printed OIl the reverse aide d this entry form. I CNe) certfy and represent \tIat ltJe dog entered Is not a hazard to petSons or other dogs, this entry i8 aubmitted for acceptance on the foregoing representation and Bglgement. SIGNATURE of owner or hi, agent duly authorized to make this entry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -;;""':;-;:::-:::==:-::=-;-________ TELEPHONE It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E-Mail Add ..... - (MUst be signed here) AR you a Jr. Handler 10 • ________________ JR'S. DATE Of BlRTHL-_________________ ~~- n.w uhlbttor? YES [] ~,--------------------------------------CllY_______________________________ STATE"-____-"ZIP________ f Jr. Handet Is not the owner of the dog identified on the face 01 this form, what is the relationship of the Jr. Handler to the owner? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ "By signing the entry fonn, we certify that the Junior Showman does not now, end will not at any time, act as an agent I handler for pay while continuing to compete in Junior Showmanship." NO [] AEN999 (1110) Front and Back of Form Must Be Included DIRECTIONS TO THE SHOW From PA Turnpike (1-276) Exil #343 (Old 27) Willow Grove: Rt. 611 North 10 RI. 202 North Park Road. Coming from Ihe East: Exn #351 (Old 28) PhiiadelphiafTrenton; Rt 1 North (NOT BUSINESS RT 1) to 1-95 North 10 Exit # 49 (Old 30) Yardley/New1own and follow using 1-95 Directions Below. From 1-95 North or South: Exit 49 (Old 30) YardleylNewtown Rt. 332 West 3 miles to Rt. 413 North 5 Miles to Penns Park Road. Turn Left. From Northern New Jersey, 1-287 South to Sommerville; RI 202 South 10 PA Rt 413 South to Penn's Park Road. Tum right. NOTE: Heavy construction on the PA Turnpike at the King of Prussia exit may cause long delays during commuting hours. leave Early; Arrive Early to avoid back-ups at the gate. Allow extra travel time due to heavy local traffic and constructlon_ No "Dog Show" Signs Will Bs Posted By Local Ordinances. 2013 PARKING RESERVATION FORM - HATBORO DOG CLUB, INC_ Show Site: Middletown Grange Fair, 576 Penns Park Road, Wrightstown, PA 18940 Parking is available from 3PM Monday, Sept. 30th until Saturday, Oct. 5th at 4:00 PM NAME ____________________ TELEPHONE __ _______ _ CELL PHONE: _________________ _ ADDRESS __ ___ __ ______________ ___ __________ _ CITY _____________ __ _ _ STATE ______ _ ZIP _____ _ _ NOTICE The number of motels refusing dogs because of abuse of their premises continues to increase. We expect TYPE OF VEHICLE TO BE PARKED (Please describe size) _______ _ our exhibitors to be responsible guests. A report that an exhibitor at this show has abused motel property during this weekend may result in disciplinary action by the club. The Hatboro Dog Club, Inc. reserves the right to decline future entries from the offending party in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11, Section 15 of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows. CHECK IN DATE AND TIME _ _____________ _ Many motels in the area which welcomed exhibitors now refuse to accept dogs. Be sure to check when making reservations. MOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Host Hotel Ramada New Hope ••••••• , •• , " , . , " " , ......••..•••• ,.... 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope, PA 15 minutes from Show Site GCA Block Rooms - $75.00, plus tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sheraton Bucks County Hotel .......... 400 Oxford Valley Road, Langhorne, PA Holiday Inn Express, Morrisville, PA . . . . . . . ............................ • 3101 W. Cabot Blvd., Langhorne, PA Be sure to call to see if dogs are allowed when making reservations other than the host 215-862-5221 215-547-4100 215-757-4500 OVERNIGHT PARKING FEE" - $40.00/night OVERNIGHT PARKING FEE - PRIME/PREFERRED REQUEST (SPACE NOT GUARANTEED)' - $100.001NIGHT DAYTIME PRIME/PREFERRED (SPACE NOT GUARENTEED)" - $50.00/DAY TOTAL FEE ENCLOSED $ ________ CHECK MUST ACCOMPANY RESERVATION Make checks payable to Hatboro Dog Club, Inc. *No advanced reservation for electricity is possible. A very limited amount may be available hotel. Directions to Show Site from the Host Hotel (not the shortest but the easiest to follow) Go West on Lower York Rd/US 202 toward Hermitage Drive (2.5 Miles) Tum left onto Street Road (2.8 miles). Tum left to stay on Street Road (.9 miles) Take first right onto Windy Bush road/PA 232 (2.7 miles) Slight left onto PA 413 (1.1 miles) Tum right onto Penns Park Road (.3 miles) Hatboro show grounds (576 Penns Park Road, Wrightstown, PAl will be on your left. Airports Philadelphia International - 39 miles NUMBER OF DAYS/NIGHTS REQUESTED: ______ DATES_____ _ Newark International - 60 miles on a "first come" basis. For parking spaces, it's an additional $25.00 per day per outlet; For Grooming, n's an additional $25.00 per day per outlet. Assignment of electricity and payment (if available) is made directly to the parking committee/site control committee upon arrival at the show site. Mail to: Mr. Harry Miller Hatboro Dog Club Site Control & Parking Committee 40181 Stanley Lane Mechanicsville, MD 20659-4845 Reservations must be received by WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2013_ No refunds after that date. LATE RESERVATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO A $50_00 SURCHARGE AND MUST BE MADE BY SECURED FUNDS. CHECKS RETURNED FOR NSF ARE SUBJECT TO $100_00 PROCESSING FEE_ SIGNATURE ________ ___________ _ DATE By signing this Parking Reservation Form, I agree to the terms and conditions for parking at the Hatboro Dog Club show_ RUDE, ABUSIVE LANGUAGE, ARGUING AND OBJECllONABLE BEHAVIOR OR FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE PARKING RULES OR DIRECTIONS OF CLUB OFFICIALS OR THE PARKING COMMmEE WILL BE IMMEDIATELY SUBJECTTO ACTION BY THE EVENTS COMMITTEE OF THE HATBORO DOG CLUB, INC_ NO EXCEPTIONS I 13 MAKE YOUR PARKING RESERVATION EARLY PRIMEIPREFERRED SPACE IS VERY LIMITED & NOT GUARANTEED 14 PARKING RULES & REGULATIONS AKC Code of Sportsmanship All parking rules are to be enforced. All Parkers must maintain the cleanliness and order of their assigned spot. Anyone parking in an area other than one assigned by the Parking Committee will be subject to immediate removal from the Show Site at their expense and held financially responsible for any and all cost for damaged caused to the grounds. THE BASEBALL FIELDS ARE STRICTLY A NO PARKING ZONE" KEEP OFF! Admittace to the Handicapped parking areas is in str5ct acoordance to Pennsylvania. State Law. ID Required. No saving spaces for other with cones or ex-pens. Reserving additional space by any means will result in an additional fee. Any vehicle parked not in accordnace to the PARKING COMMITTEE/SITE CONTROL COMMITTEE are subject to Immediate removal at the owners expense. No refund of any Parkng fees. Recepts are available upoo request Only one vehicle may acoornpany an RVffrailer OR Box Van and is considered a "towed veh icle- and no additional fee is due. Parking for a fee is available from 3 PM, Monday, Sept. 30th until 4 PM Saturday, October 5th. Parking prior to this or following these times is not pennltted and is subject to police citation and fine. Parking on area public streets is subject to citation. For all RVs, Trailers, Vans and Large Units: These must be self-contained. Water/Sewer hookups are not available. No waste or gray water can be discharged. Pum~ts are available at the Parker's oost Arrangements are made through the PARKING COMMITTEE/SITE CONTROL COMMITTEE VERY LIMITED ELECTRIC HOOKUPS MIGHT BE AVAILABLE ON A FIRST-COME BASIS AND AT EXTRA COST. SEE THE PARKING COMMITTEE/SITE CONTROL COMMITIEE UPON ARRIVAL FOR INFORMATION. Althe discretion of the on-site PARKING COMMITIEE/StTE CONTROL COMMITTEE, PRIME PARKlNGIPREFERRED PARKING may be available. Requests for PRIMEIPERFERRED PARKING may be in advance but space is not guaranteed. Space is approximately 25' x 25' and vehicle m...t fit withIn the space. Daytime parking is available at $5.OOIcar with proof of entry of $1 O.OOIcarwith no entry, payable at entrance of the show site. RUOE, ABUSIVE LANGUAGE, ARGUING AND OBJECllONABLE BEHAVIOR OR FAILURE TO FOLLOW PARK RULES ANO/OR THE DIRECTIONS OF THE PARKING COMMITTEElSITE CONTROL COMMITTEE OR CLUB OFFICIALS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY SUBJECT TO ACTIONS OF THE EVENT COMMITIEE. NO EXCEPTIONS! PREFACE: The sport of purebred dog competitive events dates prior to 1884, the year of AKC's birth. Shared values of those involved in the sport include principles of sportsmanship. They are practiced in all sectors of our sport: confonnation, performance and companion. Many believe that these principles of sportsmanship are the prime reason why our sport has thrived for over one hundred years. WIth the belief that it is useful In periodically articulate the fundamentals of our sport, this code is presented. o Sportsmen respect the history, trad~lons and integrity of the sport of purebred dogs. o Sportsmen commit themselves to values of fair play, honesty, courtesy, and vigorous compBmion, as well as winning and losing with grace. o Sportsmen refuse to compromise their commitment and obligation to the sport of purebred dogs by injecting personal advantage ur consideration into their decisions or behavior. o The sportsman judge judges only on the merits of the dogs and considers no other factors. o The sportsman judge or exhibitor accepts constructive criticism. o The sportsman exhiboor declines to enter or exhibit under a judge where it might reasonably appear that the judge's placements oould be based on something other than the merits of the dogs. o The sportsman exhiboor refuses to compromise the Impartial~ of a judge. o The sportsman respects the AKC bylaws, rules, regulations and policies goveming the sport of purebred dogs. . o Sportsmen find that vigorous competition and civility are not inconsistent and are able to appreclata the merit of their competition and the effort of competitors. • Sportsmen welcome, encourage and support newcomers to the sport. o Sportsmen will deal fairly with all those who trade with them. o Sportsmen are willing to share honest and open appraisals of both the strengths and weaknesses of his breading stock. o Sportsmen spurn any opportunity to take personal advantage of positions offered or bestowed upon them. o Sportsmen always consider as paramount the welfare of their dog. o Sportsmen refuse to embarrass the sport, the American Kennel Club, or themselves while taking part in the sport. ~)AMERICAN ~ KENNEL CLUIl" 15