Gatvol of post-Rainbow Nation Racists turning ANC into a tribalist
Gatvol of post-Rainbow Nation Racists turning ANC into a tribalist
CAPE TIMES INSIGHT TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2011 9 Women’s strength and wisdom remain humanity’s greatest untapped source Michelle Bachelet A HUNDRED years ago today, women across the world took a historic step on the long road to equality. The first ever International Women’s Day was called to draw attention to the unacceptable and often dangerous working conditions that many women faced worldwide. It brought over one million women out onto the streets, demanding not just better conditions at work but also the right to vote, to hold office and to be equal partners with men. I suspect those pioneers would look at our world today with pride and disappointment. There has been remarkable progress as the last century. One hundred years ago, only two countries allowed women to vote. Today, that right is virtually universal and women have been elected to lead governments in every continent. Women, too, hold leading positions in professions from which they were once banned. Far more recently than a century ago, the police, courts and neighbours still saw violence in the home as a purely private matter. Today two-thirds of countries have laws that penalise domestic violence and the UN Security Council recognises sexual violence as a deliberate tactic of war. Despite this progress, the hopes of equality are a long way from being realised. Almost two out of three illiterate adults are women. Girls are still less likely to be in school than boys. Every 90 seconds a woman dies in pregnancy or due to childbirth-related complications. Women continue to earn less than men for the same work. In many countries, too, they have unequal access to land and inheritance rights. And despite high-profile advances, women still make up only 19 percent of legislatures, 8 percent of peace negotiators, and only 28 women are heads of state or government. It is not just women who pay the price for this discrimination. We all suffer for failing to make the most of half the world’s talent and potential. This year’s focus of International Women’s Day on women’s equal access to education, training, science and technology underscores the need to tap this potential. The agenda to secure gender equality and women’s rights is a global one. It was in recognition of both its universality and the rewards if we get this right that the UN brought together four existing organisations to create UN Women. The goal of this new body is to Despite the progress, the hopes of equality are still a long way from being realised galvanise the entire UN system so we can deliver on the promise of the UN Charter of equal rights of men and women. It is something I have fought for my whole life. As a young mother and a paediatrician, I experienced the struggles of balancing family and career, and saw how the absence of childcare prevented women from paid employment. The opportunity to help remove these barriers was one of the reasons I went into politics. It is why I supported policies that extended health and childcare services to families and prioritised public spending for social protection. As president, I worked hard to create equal opportunities for both men and women to contribute their talents and experiences. That is why I proposed a cabinet that had an equal number of men and women. We will work, in close partnership, with men and women, leaders and citizens, civil society, the private sector and the whole UN system to assist countries to roll out policies, programmes and budgets to achieve this worthy goal. I have seen what women, often in the toughest circumstances, can achieve for their families and societies if they are given the opportunity. The strength, industry and wisdom of women remain humanity’s greatest untapped resource. We cannot afford to wait another 100 years to unlock this potential. ● Bachelet is the first Executive Director of UN Women, a newly formed UN organisation dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. She is the former president of Chile. BIG MONEY, SMALL HEART How growth fuels human decline Simon Kettleborough ECONOMIC growth has for decades been the darling of modern political processes. High growth is cause for national celebration and pride. Low or negative growth provokes accusations of government incompetence in “developed” nations and outpourings of pity for “developing” countries. Of all global leaders only President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, in commissioning Joseph Stiglitz et al’s 2008 Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, has come close to acknowledging the wholesale revolution in mindsets and values upon which any new economics depends. This shift in consciousness is critical because it is now clear that economic growth has failed to deliver on its promises. Our inexorable pursuit of growth through debt-fuelled turbo consumption has caused us to turn a blind eye to unacceptable levels of rising inequality between and within nations. Indeed, there is now increasing evidence to suggest that much of the growth, in both developed and developing nations, actually drives inequality, ecological destruction, poverty and misery much faster than it generates “wealth” and is, when all things are considered, decidedly uneconomic. Growth has been sold to us as the panacea that will create endless wealth and eradicate poverty. Unemployment on the rise? Economic growth will create jobs! Can’t afford to cut emissions? Growth will drive efficient technological solutions! But on closer interrogation of the hard evidence, we discover that in the UK for example, GDP has doubled in the past 30 years while most measures of subjective well-being have remained the same or dipped. In the US, real incomes have increased by 400 percent since 1946, yet there has been no increase in levels of well-being. Capitalism is now driving unprecedented levels of stress, debt, insecurity, unhappiness and mental illness, while at the same time destroying the very things that actually do increase human wellbeing such as communities, family life, neighbourhoods and relationships. Compounding this tragedy is the fact that developing nations such as South Africa are not far behind on the same calamitous path of materialistic addiction. So, despite higher incomes from economic growth, we are less happy. And because the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), has become a catch-all measure of progress, the true costs of the more corrosive outcomes of growth are constantly hidden from us. So how has this come to pass? To consider this question, we must go back to the original foundations of GDP. GDP aggregates the value added of all money-based economic activities. It is based on a clear methodology that allows comparisons to be made over time and between countries and regions. Ironically, the limitations of GDP were first articulated by its own creator, Simon Kuznets, as far back as 1934 when he stated: “The welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measure of national income.” Yet today our politicians, economists, and policy makers make exactly that inference. And so, therefore, do we. When GDP reports rising income, we equate this with rising well being. This logic is fundamentally flawed, as the following points illustrate: ● GDP growth produces “gross domestic by-products” (dirty air, polluted water, toxic waste, congestion, and noise). The social costs of these are not deducted from GDP, neither are the real costs considered of the resulting damage to our personal economic and/or social well-being. ● GDP includes what is known as “defensive consumption” without acknowledging the social problems that either cause it or result from it. This type of negative spending that makes a “positive” contribution to GDP includes the cost of increased security due to higher crime rates (our fences, alarms, security patrols), the cost of national defence due to higher perceived threat of terrorism or extra spending to clean up pollution. ● GDP does not measure unpaid housework or care giving. ● GDP does not tell us what mix of goods and services benefit or harm society because it assigns equal weight to products of the same price. ● GDP does not show how income is distributed and this makes a big difference to societal well-being. Consider just a few real-world outcomes of such shortcomings: HEAVY BURDEN: Gross domestic product as a measure of success obscures true costs of growth, says the writer. ● The clean-up of the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will have had a hugely positive impact on US GDP. The environmental, social and human costs of the disaster will remain unaccounted for. ● The sale of an assault rifle and a musical instrument of equal price is deemed to be of the same value to the well-being of a nation as measured by contribution to GDP. ● GDP generally falls when people get married because they end up spending less money. On the other hand, every divorce or separation that causes one parent to pay maintenance to another to look after the children raises GDP. In other words, growth goes down when we love each other Gatvol of post-Rainbow Nation MY EGREGIOUS neighbour Gatvol van der Pomp – who has been keeping a profile as low as a silverfish in a sock ever since Os du Randt was shafted as scrum coach for the Rugby World Cup – has been sniggering over my electrified barbedrazor fence. Now that the Boks no longer have a single coach, every dainty move they make on the field deserves intense scrutiny by some or other rusticated man-mountain. It seems that Os has been losing weight alarmingly. He’s down to 386kg, as feathery as the anorexic ballerinas in Black Swan – hardly capable of causing irreversible brain damage to his opponents. Gatvol, I gather, did at once stage desire to become the Boks’s bum coach, where he would teach the fledgling players how to shove their entire heads into, say, the colons of their Welsh foes – causing them to flee the field. However, the rugby mandarins decided to concentrate on the crowd-pleasing spectacle that is your average thugby punch-up. While Gatvol did indeed gabble strangely into my ear above the grinding of my hamster-driven lawnmower, what seemed to be propelling him was the fuss involving Trevor Manuel and Jimmy Manyi, the government spokesman. In a State peter wilhelm “He wants the coloureds to move,” rasped Gatvol, “but Trevor says he’s talking through his snout. The fact is, I see this as an opportunity to bring back the grand old days of apartheid – different people will live in different parts of the country and the wider world will be stunned by our example of perfect calm, lack of crime, and no vile racist abuse. It’s only a matter of time.” This intrigued me and I let the hamster loose to frolic through the severed cycads. It twittered and savaged an obese dove. Nature is cruel. With ceremony, Gatvol unfurled a length of toilet paper on which he had daubed his mad vision of a return to the past and pointed out its salient points. ● Because there is an “oversupply” of coloured people in the Western Cape, and they must be feeling the squeeze, these folk – once leaders in the sinister United Democratic Front – should be bused out to the Winelands and up the coast to the industrial hum of Atlantis, which, before it sinks beneath the sea, should receive subsidies to revive its thriving hosepipe, tap and nut factories. In the Winelands, the dop system can easily be reinstituted, and the Atalantans will be content with rugby-shaped footballs. ● African people do, of course, have their traditional bantustans – particularly the rural slums of QwaQwa, formerly the homeland for ducks – and special permits can be issued for young men in furry leggings and women without bras to entertain the guffawing tourists, now flocking in to eyeball tribal dances, hire hit men and watch U2. ● Descendants of Indians will be allowed to settle on the mountains of Kashmir, and can watch the director’s cut of the Oscar-winning movie Gandhi, while waiting for the bus. ● White people will be compelled to live in Cape Town, attending the Woodstock Music Festival and watching new Athol Fugard plays at the Athol Fugard Theatre. The average lunch hour will last for seven hours, although this might seem a cruel imposition. Star exiles will abound – such as Hosni Mubarak, Laurent Gbagbo, and Muammar Gaddafi, if he can make it. In short, Gatvol crowed, “I see the ascent of the post-Rainbow Nation.” I remarked that it had all been tried before, but he simply drooled with anticipation. and goes up when we fall out! If GDP isn’t the way to measure progress, then what is? Other options are broadly divided by economists into two main categories according to their defining objective to either modify or replace GDP. Modifying GDP: ● The Measure of Economic Welfare (MEW) was the work of William Nordhaus and James Tobin from Yale University and was one of the first indicators calling for a view predicated on consumption rather than production and it proposed the inclusion of elements previously excluded from national accounts such as household work, pollution, and spending on crime. ● The Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) was developed in 1989 by Herman Daly and John Cobb, and attempts to make explicit the link between the economy, the environment and society. It accounts for private spending on defence (a negative), domestic housework (a positive), the costs of environmental harm (a negative), and it also corrects for income inequality. ● The Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) was developed in 1995 by Redefining Progress, a private research institute based in California. It arrives at its Genuine Progress Indicator by taking GDP figures and then adjusts them to take into account economic, social and environmental factors such as income distribution, crime statistics, the loss or increase of leisure time and unemployment data. Replacing GDP: ● The Human Development Index (HDI) is the work of the United Nations Human Development Report. It calculates an annual HDI that ranks the world’s countries on their achievements in three main aspects of human development: health (life expectancy at birth), knowledge (as measured by literacy rates and school and college enrolments) and standard of living (as measured by GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity). For 2010, Norway was in first place and South Africa was 110th (just behind Kyrgyzstan). ● The Happy Planet Index (HPI) is the brain-child of the Londonbased New Economics Foundation to “show the relative efficiency with which nations convert the planet’s natural resources into long and happy lives for their citizens”. The most recent HPI ranking (2009) puts South Africa in 118th place. ● The Gross National Happiness (GNH) indicator emerged in 1972 when the King of Bhutan declared that he felt it would be more in tune with his country’s Buddhist values to measure happiness rather than economic growth. As a result, moral and ethical values have been placed at the core of Bhutan’s economic strategy to effect better living standards. In truth, the solution may not be to replace or adapt GDP but instead to adopt a dashboard of indicators that delivers three main outputs: ● A more forensic and transparent analysis of true economic performance (which should include externalities, social costs, wealth distribution, and household consumption). ● Inclusion of well-being indicators as part of our national accounting systems to report on health, education, quality of governance, political participation and current and future environmental conditions. ● Careful consideration of the wider impact of economic activity on the sustainability of human, natural, social and physical capital. The SA New Economics Network is initiating such a new socio-economic indicators dashboard project for South Africa. So, where to from here? The concept of “lock-in” describes a situation where parties have invested in deeply embedded systems or processes, the complexity of which makes change extremely unlikely. Today we are “locked-in” to the erroneous myth that GDP growth means progress. Change will come from the most fearless of politicians, those who dare to suggest that GDP growth should not be considered to be inevitable, who are brave enough to deconstruct decades of intellectual and emotional investment into the GDP construct and who are prepared to admit that we have been duped. Change will come from the most progressive of economists, who are ready to silence their profession’s assertion that welfare and happiness have no place in economics. And change will come from every human being who can embrace a better indicator of genuine human flourishing. ● Kettleborough is an Executive Programme Director at the SA New Economics Network. This article summarises a Thought Leadership entry to appear in the second half of 2011 in the 10th Anniversary edition of The Enviropaedia. This article is part of a National Dialogue initiative launched by the Ministry of Economic Development the Cape Times and SANE. Transcripts of earlier essays are at To contribute, e-mail not exceeding 1 600 words. Racists turning ANC into a tribalist cabal EVEN more depressing than a top civil servant’s racist rant that became public last week is the deafening silence of most black political, business and community leaders on the issue. Or is it quiet acquiescence? Surely there can’t be room for neutrality on this issue? The new populism that has swept our political landscape since the Polokwane putsch of 2007 is now showing its fruits: the crude tribalism of the Manyi brigade, Julius Malema’s plea for black people to make more babies “for the revolution” and his demand for “60 percent of Anglo American’s money”, the police commissioner promoting his family and friends willy-nilly, police intimidation of the Public Protector; and the presidential clan enriching themselves. Trevor Manuel’s open letter to Jimmy Manyi was clearly not a knee-jerk reaction to a reckless statement, it was the product of an anger that has been building up over time at the ethnic chauvinism among elements of black society and the licence these people think they have to insult and belittle. It was a roar of protest at politicians’ lack of courage and integrity to uphold the non-racialism demanded by the Freedom Charter and our constitution. Pale Native max du preez Manuel’s letter moved senior public figures with good struggle credentials to shout with him – people like Allan Boesak, Franklin Sonn, Kader Asmal and Jay Naidoo. But as Manyi would point out, these are two coloureds and two Indians. Zwelinzima Vavi was the only prominent “African” leader in the Tripartite Alliance to add his voice to Manuel’s. That is deeply disappointing and disturbing. ANC secretary-general Gwede Mantashe could only say he wasn’t going to play in the “mud” Manuel had stirred up. Other ANC leaders muttered that Manuel should not have gone public; he should have addressed the matter inside the ANC. The ANC Youth League and others sided with Manyi and turned on Manuel. This is not an ANC matter. Nonracialism is crucial to our democracy, social cohesion and stability. To want ANC leaders to shut up about a powerful man’s public racism would be similar to putting a ban on public comment on the repulsive Reitz video incident at the University of the Free State, saying it was a university matter. What is relevant is that Manyi is a civil servant, and a well-paid one. The black racist lobby’s rottweiler, Paul Ngobeni, who called Manuel a gangster and “king of the coloureds” in an open letter on Sunday, is also paid by your and my tax money, for he is the special adviser to Minister of Defence Lindiwe Sisulu. Ngobeni’s letter criticising Manuel is clearly in breach of the original ANC statement criticising Manyi for treating coloured people as a “commodity”. I will be astonished if Sisulu doesn’t now finally fire Ngobeni, a fugitive from justice in the US. Sisulu of all people should be sensitive to the current race debates. Where was her support for Manuel? She is the daughter of Walter and Albertina Sisulu, two of our greatest champions of non-racialism. Walter must have told his daughter how the fact that his father was a white man had been used to mock him as a youngster in Transkei. Come to think of it, where is Winnie Madikizela-Mandela’s voice in all this? She must have vivid memories of how her paternal grandmother had constantly humiliated her mother, Gertrude, as a “mlungu” because she had blue eyes, long hair and a light complexion. The people of Bizana called her “the coloured”. Nelson Mandela’s mitochondrial DNA is pure Khoisan – the ancestors of most of today’s “coloureds”. The narrow “Africanism” rife in the ruling clique of the ANC right now existed in the ANC before: in the 1940s and 1950s none other than Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and Oliver Tambo were vehemently against co-operating with Indians and coloureds in campaigning against apartheid. But by the time the Freedom Charter was accepted in 1955, these men had changed their minds completely after intimate interaction with activists such as Yusuf Dadoo, Ahmed Kathrada and the coloured leaders of the Franchise Action Committee who had helped initiate the Defiance Campaign of 1953. The tribalists in the ANC should go and study their movement’s history. Perhaps the Manyi debacle will prove to be a watershed in our politics. If President Jacob Zuma and the ANC leadership don’t come out with a clear and unambiguous position rather than more meaningless mumblings about “non-racialism”, the minority groups will accept that the former liberation movement has become a tribalist cabal.