Hephzibah Baptist Church
Hephzibah Baptist Church
Happening This Week WEdnesdays 6:45 PM in the WC 7th-12th grade Be encouraged to live as a Christ-follower in today’s culture through worship, Bible teaching, and games HBC WORSHIP CHOIR PRAISE BAND SPECIAL GUESTS NIGHT OF PRAISE TONIGHT AT 6:00 PM adop·tion - noun \ə-ˈdäp-shən\ : the act or process of adopting a child : the act or process of giving official acceptance or approval to something Many of us at HBC have either been adopted into families or have become families adopting children. We want to celebrate not only these adoptions, but also our adoption into God's family. If you have a story of adoption in your family, please send us pictures of your family along with names of all family members. We will be putting together a video to share on May 11th. Send all images and information to hbcwendell@gmail.com June 16-20 7-12 year olds Save the Date! Registration Forms are available in the church office and at www.hbcwendell.com Kindergarten - 4th grade Connect Groups at 9:30AM Children’s Worship at 11:00AM In the Worship Center Worship led by Praise Band Lessons follow what is being taught in the adult service Hephzibah Baptist Church Today Connect Groups 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 AM Spanish Bible Study (WC) 9:45 AM Worship (FLC) 9:30, 11:00 AM Children’s Worship (WC) 11:00 AM Praise Band Rehearsal (FLC) 2:00 PM Worship Choir Rehearsal (FLC FH) 3:00 PM Expressions of Worship Dance Team (FLC FH) 4:00 PM Children’s Choir (grades 1—6) (WC FH) 4:45 PM Wee Singers (ages 4—kindergarten) (FLC 103) 4:45 PM GROW (WC) 4:45 PM Adult Teacher Training 4:45 PM Youth and Children’s Teacher Training 4:45 PM Night of Praise (FLC) 6:00 PM Monday, 4.28 Men’s Bible Study (FLC FH) 7:00 PM Tuesday, 4.29 Fam JAM (FLC Gym) 6:30 PM Wednesday, 4.30 AWANA 6:15 PM Truth Trackers (Preschool/Nursery) 6:30 PM Spanish Bible Study 6:30 PM Fusion (Youth) (WC) 6:30 PM New Testament Bible Study 6:30 PM College/Young Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM Saturday, 5.3 Baptist Men’s Prayer Time 7:00 AM THE CROSS IS ENOUGH at’ s Wh May xt ? Ne m ing o C Next Week’s Message: Principles for Effective Witnessing Luke 10:1-16 The Record Speaks Connect Groups: 513 Worship: 1021 Building Fund This Week: $ 300.00 Building Fund Total: $ 3,451,857.63 Aaron Wallace Senior Pastor @PastorAwall 4 4 6 6 11 14 18 21 26 28 New Member’s Class Begins Widow/Widower’s Banquet Canada VBS Team Meeting WMU Meeting Mother’s Day Deacon’s Meeting JAM Camp Training Grand Prix Race (AWANA) Memorial Day End of the Year Ceremony (AWANA) April 20, 2014 General Fund $ YTD Budget Req $ 578,951.07 YTD General Fund $ 531,688.64 YTD Budget Behind $ - 47,262.43 YTD Expenses $ 527,239.68 YTD General Fund $ 531,688.64 YTD Cash Ahead $ + 4,448.96 25,630.88 Kevin Bragg Minister of Music & Worship @KevinBragg Jason Brulet Minister to Students @JasonBrulet Terry Zimmerman Director of Childhood Education Debra Spalin Financial & Church Administrator Follow HBC on twitter! @hbc_wendell G ENERATIONS U NITE www.hbcwendell.com Chuck Franks Minister to Adults @FranksNet Leanne Lindsay Director of Recreation & Assistant Director of Childhood Education 1794 Wendell Blvd. Wendell, NC 27591 Romans 12:1-8 Pastor Jason Brulet A pril 27 TH
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