Sunday`s Bulletin - Morning Star Lutheran Church


Sunday`s Bulletin - Morning Star Lutheran Church
12509 Idlewild Road, Matthews, NC 28105
Pastor, Rev. John C. Mouritsen
Interim Pastor, Rev. Dr. Ed Crotty
Minister of Music, Mr. Edmund F. Tompkins
Youth Staffer, Wendy E. Roberts
Parish Secretary, Mrs. Melissa Funderburk Business Administrator, Mr. Jerry Sutton
Nursery Attendant, Mrs. Jennifer Starnes
Nursery Attendant, Mrs. Cindy Ladimir
THANK YOU to Greg Underwood for leading music today at worship at both
services while our Minister of Music is at the Lutheridge Handbell Retreat.
Page 125
Hymn 325
Page 127
Page 127
Page 128
Hymn 692
Page 129
Page 134
Page 135
Page 136
Hymn 504
Page 137
“Near the Cross”
“I Lift My Eyes”
“We Are an Offering”
+ Great Thanksgiving
+ Lord's Prayer
“Lamb of God” sitting
Holy Communion (by intinction)
624, 461
Michael Hassell
Confession and Forgiveness
“Bless Now, O God, The Journey”
Greeting & Kyrie
Prayer of the Day
First Reading: Genesis 9:8-17
Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:18-22
Lenten Acclimation
Holy Gospel: Mark 1:9-15
Children’s Sermon
“I Want Jesus to Walk with Me”
Apostles’ Creed
Prayers of the Church
The Peace Is Shared
Prayer and Benediction
Sending Announcements
“A Mighty Fortress”
“The God of Abraham Praise”
*Kneeling or sitting
INFORMATION CARD found in your bulletin is to be completed by all who
worship this day, members and visitors alike. Please return these by way of the
offering plate.
ALTAR FLOWERS are given today to the glory of God by Dana Butler in
Thanksgiving for children and grandchildren.
11:00 AM Worship (ELW red hymnal Setting 2)
February 22, 2015
Page 116
Hymn 326
Page 120
Page 124
WELCOME TO ALL WHO ENTER TO WORSHIP this day in the name of
Jesus Christ our Lord. As you bring to God your needs and cares, may you find
strength and comfort. As you seek direction, may you know His guidance. And, as
you go forth to serve Him in His world, may you do so in joy.
INQUIRER’S CLASSES will be held today at 10:00 AM in the FLC Conference
Room. Whether you are a lifelong Lutheran or this is your first experience or
exposure to the Lutheran Church, we hope you are able to join us. New members
will be receive Sunday, March 1.
DISHES AND PLATTERS There are many plates, platters and dishes now in the
Narthex. They were found cleaning and organizing. They have been left behind after
funeral meals and other functions. Please come check if anything needs to come
home with you. Any items left after TODAY will be donated.
Pastor John
Thomas Keesecker
JOIN US at 7:15 PM for The Parables of Lent, a special series of services for the
season of Lent. This Wednesday’s lesson is based on the parable of the sower and
the seed. In this parable, the seed that falls on fertile soil takes root and grows, while
the seeds in other soils fail. The service includes readings from Scripture, a sermon
and thematic hymns that help us to remember that when we are open to receiving the
Word, the Word of Christ flourishes within us.
AM STARS will meet on Thursday, February 26 at 10:30 AM in the Family Life
Center Gym. John Lewis, baritone, will be the entertainment for the morning. Lunch
will be a pizza party. All food will be provided. Sign up on the bulletin board in the
Narthex and join us!
LENTEN GET TOGETHERS begin Wednesday, February 25. Meals are served
from 5:15 - 6:00 PM. Please purchase your tickets in the church office the Sunday
prior to the Wednesday meal. Lenten happenings are from 6:00 - 7:00 PM, followed
by Wednesday Worship in the Worship Center at 7:15 PM.
EASTER LILY FORMS are in the bulletin. Extra copies are in the Narthex. If you
would like to purchase a lily in honor or memory of someone for Easter please fill
one out by 3/8. The cost is $11 per plant.
SENIOR PROM will be March 14 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM in the FLC Gym. Calling
all AM Stars, senior adults, friends and neighbors are invited to share an evening of
dancing, food, friends and fun. Wear your green and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
together with your church family!
arr. Hal Hopson
USHERS: 8:30 Ron & Carolyn Porter, Roger Lyman, Celeste Marcone
11:00 Gary Koziarz, Ray Campelo, Dave Denecke
Nelson Hayes
LAY READERS: 8:30 Richard Weiner 11:00 Diane Scheid
ALTAR GUILD: 8:30 Marlene Perrotta, Rosie Fuller 11:00 Andrea Comer
COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: 8:30 Rick Fliss, Phyllis Medlin, Alberta
Melchiorre, Patti Szmuriga, Mike Tenny, Lisa Turner
11:00 Dan & Jackie Willard
ACOLYTE/CRUCIFER: 11:00: Brooke Sengbusch, Zac Clipston
COUNTERS: Rick Fliss, Mike Gerin
TECHNOLOGY: 8:30: Angelo & Heather Baerga
11:00: Tom, Dana, Sol & Cecelia Eure
Brackett request: (Zeke, friend, hospitalized with emphysema and COPD; Snow, Wanda’s mother, Charlie,
Wanda’s brother, brain cancer; all those battling breast cancer; Linda, friend, strength and healing from
serious virus; Tara, niece, having twins; Eric & Nicole, nephew and niece, starting a new family)
Brooks request: (Celeste Denecke, surgery on Thursday)
Blythe request: (Charlotte C, stage 3 liver cancer; Maurice & Cari C., daughter, good friends, of Ginny Blythe;
Carl P., stepfather of Ginny Blythe; Brad Payler’s father, pancreatic cancer; Ginny Blythe, transition in
employment, employment opportunities)
Buetow request: (Prayers for Evelyn B., David’s mom, surgery 2/17, breast cancer)
Byrum request: (Jeanne W., sister-in-law, broken shoulder)
Comer request: (Juanita, Dana E., Rhoda, heart attack, dementia; Blake, son, job search)
Covell request: (Marti, friend, child custody resolution)
Edelman request: (Dorothy, Alzheimer’s; Dana, caregiver and knee pain)
Elwell request: (Marty R., friend, has stage 3 lymphoma, bone marrow biopsy to be done this week; Toni A,
friend, has bilateral breast cancer, chemo starts this week; Jennifer, friend, recently had a miscarriage; Celeste
Denecke, friend, will have back surgery this week)
Eshenbaugh request: (Roger, friend, continued healing for bladder issue)
Gates request: (Richard, Rosemarie’s brother; Jesse, friend, eye sight problems; Rosemarie, GI problems)
Russell Hawkins request: (Carolyn, traveling to NJ for 2 weeks for new job training; Josiah, turned 8 on 2/7)
Carolyn Hawkins request: (Wayne and family, hospice; Carolyn, traveling/training for new job)
Hollingsworth request: (Lois, mom, strength and organization; Fran T. and Karen H., friends, continued healing;
Terri, friend, domestic resolution; Rachel, friend, health concerns; RPV, family member, thanksgiving for
successful cancer treatment; carotid artery surgery pending soon)
Covel Jones request: (Pray for strength & guidance for my daughter Melissa & son-in-law
Chris, that Chris may find work soon during this very difficult time for the family)
Kaul request: (Anne L., friend, strength, liver disease)
Kerekes request: (Kenneth K., mom’s husband, recovering from surgery to reverse a colostomy, which went
well; 42 inmate participants at Kairos #20 at Alexander Correctional Care this week)
Klein request: (Bruce, continued healing after surgery; Fritz, father, healing of foot; Doug, Linda’s brother, kidney
failure; Eli, great nephew, build immune system; Marty, friend, lung cancer)
Kluttz request: (Carolyn, sister-in-law, cancer treatments; Joe, friend, treatment for leukemia; Charles, friend,
cancer treatment)
Lyman request: (Lorance, in hospice care, declining; Paula)
Lyttle request: (Last week, Susan was caring for a sick grandchild. This Sunday, she and the grandchild are sick
and caring for each other)
Marcone request: (David B., cancer treatments; Tammy, tumor treatments; Mallory, Dylan, job search and
Melchiorre request: (Louis, Parkinson’s; Janine, eyes)
Medlin request: (Mark, son, guidance; Larry, cousin, cancer; family of Emily upon her passing)
Melton request: (Dianne, Alzheimer’s; Andy, safe travels; Tim, blessings for new job; Tom, health concerns;
Mallory, job searching)
Miller request: (Jimmy Pressley’s loved ones upon his passing; Jacob, son, God’s peace and guidance; U.S.
Armed forces and families; Jack, safe travels this week)
Morris request: (Allison, breast cancer; Tom H., Sarah’s Godfather, fell from a roof, broken bones; Allison’s
dad, Jim L., recovering from a stroke and arthritis in knee; Allison’s mom, Lucy L., caregiver for dad and
vertigo; family of Stuart S., daughter Sydni & Taylor; parents and sister Susan, Cynthia & brother Stephen;
family of Courtney F., on her passing and going to see her Lord and savior 2/12; Allison’s Aunt Carolyn,
pancreatic cancer)
Naegele request: (Carla C., daughter, posterior tibial tendonitis)
Nelson request: (Nicole, Shawn’s sister in hospital in Madison for complication with Lupus)
Owens request: (Riitta, Arja’s sister, recovering from surgery)
Payler request: (Carl, favorable Dr. visit 2/16, pancreatic cancer)
Pope request: (Judy, neighbor, chemo and radiation)
Robinson request: (Lisa, back pain; extended family, guidance to make correct decision and mend family
relationships; Sam, Lisa’s uncle, suffering from Parkinson’s; Franne, Sam’s husband, and Lisa’s aunt, caring
for Sam; Carrie & Wes, difficult times and seeking justice; Doris, friend’s mother, awaiting test results)
Scheid request: (Joy, Robin, Gayle, Sam, healing)
Solensky request: (Nastasha D., second degree burn; Carly, her family; Grandma Alice; Aunt Debbie, cancer;
Amanda, had a baby girl; Janine, eyes; Natasha S., water in spine)
Sykes request: (Pray for a miracle, David, son, has pancreatic cancer, surgery on 2/17)
Tompkins request: (Harry, Crystal, cancer; Allison Morris, Shelly’s mom, stage 4 cancer; Riitta to regain
Towner request: (Health and healing for family members)
Valpreda request: (Dave K., hospice care, friend; Happy Anniversary Scott & Stacy Appleyard; John P., cancer;
Dot P., ankle surgery)
Webster request: (Brett, friend, testing; Jim, brother; Cathy & Finn, sister-in-law, move; Rose, mother-in-law,
health & living decisions; Adam & Sam, focus and direction; Nancy, Bill, Marty, Merritt, Kathy, Emily,
Rowena, Paul, Erin, friends)
Werts request: (Bob, hospice care)
Willard request: (Mona, cousin, cancer; Alicia, friend, recuperating from heart surgery; Duane & Harriet,
Wood request: (Please continue to pray for neighbor, Lou, going through cancer treatments and family
Names will remain on the prayer list for one week.
No limit to the number of times a name can be added.
February 22 - March 1
Sunday, February 22
8:30 AM -Non-Traditional Worship
10:00 AM - Sunday School w/ Bible Milestone
10:00 AM - Inquirer’s Class @ FLC Conference Room
11:00 AM - Traditional Worship
12:15 PM - Youth Gathering Class @ FLC
2:00 PM - Cadettes @ FLC 106
6:00 PM - Council Meeting @ FLC Conference Room
Monday, February 23
9:00 AM - Walkers @ FLC Gym
11:00 AM - AA Meeting @ Fellowship 2
11:00 AM - Program Staff Meeting
6:30 PM - Brownies & Daisies @ FLC 134, 135
7:00 PM - Cadettes @ FLC 105
7:00 PM - Boy Scouts @ FLC 108, 110
7:00 PM - Christian Ed Mission Team Meeting @ Large Admin Conference Room
Tuesday, February 24
9:30 AM - Home School Co-op @ FLC Gym, FLC 105, 106, 108, 110, 128, 132, 134, 135
6:00 PM - Instrumental Ensemble @ Worship Center
6:15 PM - Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes @ FLC 128, 134, 135, 132
6:30 PM - Cub Scouts @ FLC 106, 108, 110, FLC Gym
6:30 PM - TOPS @ FLC 105
7:00 PM - Radiance Ringers @ Bell Room
8:00 PM - Recorder Consort @ Choir Room
Wednesday, February 25
11:00 AM - AA Meeting @ Fellowship 2
11:00 AM - Staff Meeting @ Small Administrative Conference Room
5:15 PM - Lenten Get-Together Meal @ FLC Gym
6:00 PM - Yoga @ Lobby and Parlor
6:00 PM - Lenten Get-Together Program @ FLC & All Classrooms
7:15 PM - Lenten Worship @ Worship Center
Thursday, February 26
10:30 AM -AM Stars @ FLC Gym
11:00 AM -4H @ FLC 108, 110
1:30 PM -Trail Blazers 4H @ FLC 106, 108, 110, 132, FLC Conference Room, FLC Gym
6:00 PM -Troop 387&135 Business @ FLC Conference Room
6:00 PM -Joyful Noise Ringers @ Bell Room
7:00 PM -Chancel & Praise Choir @ Choir Room
Friday, February 27
9:00 AM - Walkers @ FLC Gym
11:00 AM - AA Meeting @ Fellowship 2
7:00 PM - Lutheran Mixed Bowling League @ Carolina Lanes
Saturday, February 28
9:00 AM - Yoga @ Fellowship Halls
2:00 PM - Blue & Gold Banquet @ FLC Gym
Sunday, March 1
8:30 AM - Non-Traditional Worship
10:00 AM - Family First Sunday
11:00 AM - Traditional Worship w/Communion at the Rail
2:00 PM - Cadettes @ FLC 106
AA=Alcoholics Anonymous
GS=Girl Scouts
TOPS=Taking Pounds Off Sensibly FLC=Family Life Center
Taking Faith Home
February 22, 2015
Scripture Verse for this Week
1 Peter 3:18 (NIRV)
Christ died for sins once and for all time. The One who did what is right died for
those who don’t do right. He died to bring you to God.
 Say at mealtime, read at bedtime, and try to commit to memory
Mealtime Prayer:
For food in a world where many walk in hunger; for faith in a world where many walk
in fear; for friends in a world where many walk alone - we give you thanks, O Lord.
Our Four Keys to Passing on the Faith
Caring Conversation:
• What is temptation? Share about a time when you felt tempted.
• Jesus spent 40 days in the desert where he was tempted by the devil. What do
you think it was like for Jesus to spend that time alone in the desert?
• Why is it important for us that Jesus said no to the devil’s temptations?
• How did Jesus overcome the devil’s temptations? How does God help us
when we are tempted?
Devotional Practices
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent. The weeks of Lent are a time to refocus
our lives on God. One important spiritual practice that Christians emphasize during
Lent is prayer. Make this Lent a time of prayer for others. Cut out 36 pieces of paper
(one for each of the remaining days of Lent), and on each one write the name of a
person your household can pray for during Lent. Place these into a jar and mix them
up. Each day of Lent, pull out a slip from the jar and ask God to care for and bless
the person named.
Rituals and Traditions:
Make a “crown of thorns” wreath to serve as a home devotional feature. Make or
purchase a grapevine wreath (or equivalent) to use as the base. Insert six purple
candles, one for each remaining week of Lent, and a white candle to represent
Christ. Light one candle the first week, two candles for the week after, and so on.
Begin Holy Week (on Palm Sunday) with all of the six purple candles lit, then
extinguish one candle each night thereafter. Light the Christ candle as you celebrate
Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.
This week, read 1 Peter 3:18 (Scripture Verse for the Week) as you light the first
candle. Then say this prayer together:
Lord Jesus, thank you for dying to free us from sin, once and for all time. Thank you
for bringing us back to God. Amen.
As a Lenten practice, many people choose to give up something they usually enjoy.
Decide together to give up a special food item that you would normally buy each
week, or to set aside the money you would usually have spent on eating out. At the
end of March, use what you have saved to buy food items to donate to a community
food shelf or food pantry serving the needy.
12509 Idlewild Road, Matthews, NC 28105
Pastor, Rev. John C. Mouritsen
Interim Pastor, Rev. Dr. Ed Crotty
Minister of Music, Mr. Edmund F. Tompkins
Diaconal Minister, Wendy E. Roberts
Parish Secretary, Mrs. Melissa Funderburk
Business Administrator, Mr. Jerry Sutton
Nursery Attendant, Mrs. Jennifer Starnes
Nursery Attendant, Mrs. Cindy Ladimir
8:30 AM Worship (Orange Section of Black Song Book)
February 22, 2015
Page 2
Song BB 58
Page 2
Page 5
Page 6
BB 149
Page 6
Page 7
Page 7
ELW 692
Page 8
Page 8
Page 10
Page 11
Songs BB
Page 12
Page 12
Song BB 7
Page 12
“Near the Cross”
Confession and Forgiveness
“Lead Me, Guide Me”
Greeting & Kyrie
Prayer of the Day
First Reading: Genesis 9:8-17
Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:18-22
Lenten Acclamation
Holy Gospel: Mark 1:9-15
Children’s Sermon
“I Want Jesus to Walk with Me”
Apostles’ Creed
Prayers of the Church
Peace is Shared
“I Lift My Eyes”
“We Are an Offering”
Offering Prayer
Great Thanksgiving
“The Lord’s Prayer”
“Lamb of God”
Holy Communion (intinction)
114, 121
Post Communion Prayer
Sending Announcements
“A Mighty Fortress”
“The God of Abraham Praise”
+ Standing
BB – Black Book
Michael Hassell
WELCOME TO ALL WHO ENTER TO WORSHIP this day in the name of
Jesus Christ our Lord. As you bring to God your needs and cares, may you find
strength and comfort. As you seek direction, may you know His guidance. And, as
you go forth to serve Him in His world, may you do so in joy.
INFORMATION CARD found in your bulletin is to be completed by all who
worship this day, members and visitors alike. Please return these by way of the
offering plate.
ALTAR FLOWERS are given today to the glory of God by Dana Butler in
Thanksgiving for children and grandchildren.
THANK YOU to Greg Underwood for leading music today at worship at both
services while our Minister of Music is at the Lutheridge Handbell Retreat.
INQUIRER’S CLASSES will be held today at 10:00 AM in the FLC Conference
Room. Whether you are a lifelong Lutheran or this is your first experience or
exposure to the Lutheran Church, we hope you are able to join us. New members
will be receive Sunday, March 1.
DISHES AND PLATTERS There are many plates, platters and dishes now in the
Narthex. They were found cleaning and organizing. They have been left behind after
funeral meals and other functions. Please come check if anything needs to come
home with you. Any items left after TODAY will be donated.
Pastor John
JOIN US at 7:15 PM for The Parables of Lent, a special series of services for the
season of Lent. This Wednesday’s lesson is based on the parable of the sower and
the seed. In this parable, the seed that falls on fertile soil takes root and grows, while
the seeds in other soils fail. The service includes readings from Scripture, a sermon
and thematic hymns that help us to remember that when we are open to receiving the
Word, the Word of Christ flourishes within us.
AM STARS will meet on Thursday, February 26 at 10:30 AM in the Family Life
Center Gym. John Lewis, baritone, will be the entertainment for the morning. Lunch
will be a pizza party. All food will be provided. Sign up on the bulletin board in the
Narthex and join us!
Thomas Keesecker
LENTEN GET TOGETHERS begin Wednesday, February 25. Meals are served
from 5:15 - 6:00 PM. Please purchase your tickets in the church office the Sunday
prior to the Wednesday meal. Lenten happenings are from 6:00 - 7:00 PM, followed
by Wednesday Worship in the Worship Center at 7:15 PM.
EASTER LILY FORMS are in the bulletin. Extra copies are in the Narthex. If you
would like to purchase a lily in honor or memory of someone for Easter please fill
one out by 3/8. The cost is $11 per plant.
SENIOR PROM will be March 14 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM in the FLC Gym. Calling
all AM Stars, senior adults, friends and neighbors are invited to share an evening of
dancing, food, friends and fun. Wear your green and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
together with your church family!
arr. Hal Hopson
* Kneeling or sitting
ELW – Red Book
USHERS: 8:30 Ron & Carolyn Porter, Roger Lyman, Celeste Marcone
11:00 Gary Koziarz, Ray Campelo, Dave Denecke
Nelson Hayes
LAY READERS: 8:30 Richard Weiner 11:00 Diane Scheid
ALTAR GUILD: 8:30 Marlene Perrotta, Rosie Fuller 11:00 Andrea Comer
COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: 8:30 Rick Fliss, Phyllis Medlin, Alberta
Melchiorre, Patti Szmuriga, Mike Tenny, Lisa Turner
11:00 Dan & Jackie Willard
ACOLYTE/CRUCIFER: 11:00: Brooke Sengbusch, Zac Clipston
COUNTERS: Rick Fliss, Mike Gerin
TECHNOLOGY: 8:30: Angelo & Heather Baerga
11:00: Tom, Dana, Sol & Cecelia Eure
Brackett request: (Zeke, friend, hospitalized with emphysema and COPD; Snow, Wanda’s mother, Charlie,
Wanda’s brother, brain cancer; all those battling breast cancer; Linda, friend, strength and healing from
serious virus; Tara, niece, having twins; Eric & Nicole, nephew and niece, starting a new family)
Brooks request: (Celeste Denecke, surgery on Thursday)
Blythe request: (Charlotte C, stage 3 liver cancer; Maurice & Cari C., daughter, good friends, of Ginny Blythe;
Carl P., stepfather of Ginny Blythe; Brad Payler’s father, pancreatic cancer; Ginny Blythe, transition in
employment, employment opportunities)
Buetow request: (Prayers for Evelyn B., David’s mom, surgery 2/17, breast cancer)
Byrum request: (Jeanne W., sister-in-law, broken shoulder)
Comer request: (Juanita, Dana E., Rhoda, heart attack, dementia; Blake, son, job search)
Covell request: (Marti, friend, child custody resolution)
Edelman request: (Dorothy, Alzheimer’s; Dana, caregiver and knee pain)
Elwell request: (Marty R., friend, has stage 3 lymphoma, bone marrow biopsy to be done this week; Toni A,
friend, has bilateral breast cancer, chemo starts this week; Jennifer, friend, recently had a miscarriage; Celeste
Denecke, friend, will have back surgery this week)
Eshenbaugh request: (Roger, friend, continued healing for bladder issue)
Gates request: (Richard, Rosemarie’s brother; Jesse, friend, eye sight problems; Rosemarie, GI problems)
Russell Hawkins request: (Carolyn, traveling to NJ for 2 weeks for new job training; Josiah, turned 8 on 2/7)
Carolyn Hawkins request: (Wayne and family, hospice; Carolyn, traveling/training for new job)
Hollingsworth request: (Lois, mom, strength and organization; Fran T. and Karen H., friends, continued healing;
Terri, friend, domestic resolution; Rachel, friend, health concerns; RPV, family member, thanksgiving for
successful cancer treatment; carotid artery surgery pending soon)
Covel Jones request: (Pray for strength & guidance for my daughter Melissa & son-in-law
Chris, that Chris may find work soon during this very difficult time for the family)
Kaul request: (Anne L., friend, strength, liver disease)
Kerekes request: (Kenneth K., mom’s husband, recovering from surgery to reverse a colostomy, which went
well; 42 inmate participants at Kairos #20 at Alexander Correctional Care this week)
Klein request: (Bruce, continued healing after surgery; Fritz, father, healing of foot; Doug, Linda’s brother, kidney
failure; Eli, great nephew, build immune system; Marty, friend, lung cancer)
Kluttz request: (Carolyn, sister-in-law, cancer treatments; Joe, friend, treatment for leukemia; Charles, friend,
cancer treatment)
Lyman request: (Lorance, in hospice care, declining; Paula)
Lyttle request: (Last week, Susan was caring for a sick grandchild. This Sunday, she and the grandchild are sick
and caring for each other)
Marcone request: (David B., cancer treatments; Tammy, tumor treatments; Mallory, Dylan, job search and
Melchiorre request: (Louis, Parkinson’s; Janine, eyes)
Medlin request: (Mark, son, guidance; Larry, cousin, cancer; family of Emily upon her passing)
Melton request: (Dianne, Alzheimer’s; Andy, safe travels; Tim, blessings for new job; Tom, health concerns;
Mallory, job searching)
Miller request: (Jimmy Pressley’s loved ones upon his passing; Jacob, son, God’s peace and guidance; U.S.
Armed forces and families; Jack, safe travels this week)
Morris request: (Allison, breast cancer; Tom H., Sarah’s Godfather, fell from a roof, broken bones; Allison’s
dad, Jim L., recovering from a stroke and arthritis in knee; Allison’s mom, Lucy L., caregiver for dad and
vertigo; family of Stuart S., daughter Sydni & Taylor; parents and sister Susan, Cynthia & brother Stephen;
family of Courtney F., on her passing and going to see her Lord and savior 2/12; Allison’s Aunt Carolyn,
pancreatic cancer)
Naegele request: (Carla C., daughter, posterior tibial tendonitis)
Nelson request: (Nicole, Shawn’s sister in hospital in Madison for complication with Lupus)
Owens request: (Riitta, Arja’s sister, recovering from surgery)
Payler request: (Carl, favorable Dr. visit 2/16, pancreatic cancer)
Pope request: (Judy, neighbor, chemo and radiation)
Robinson request: (Lisa, back pain; extended family, guidance to make correct decision and mend family
relationships; Sam, Lisa’s uncle, suffering from Parkinson’s; Franne, Sam’s husband, and Lisa’s aunt, caring
for Sam; Carrie & Wes, difficult times and seeking justice; Doris, friend’s mother, awaiting test results)
Scheid request: (Joy, Robin, Gayle, Sam, healing)
Solensky request: (Nastasha D., second degree burn; Carly, her family; Grandma Alice; Aunt Debbie, cancer;
Amanda, had a baby girl; Janine, eyes; Natasha S., water in spine)
Sykes request: (Pray for a miracle, David, son, has pancreatic cancer, surgery on 2/17)
Tompkins request: (Harry, Crystal, cancer; Allison Morris, Shelly’s mom, stage 4 cancer; Riitta to regain
Towner request: (Health and healing for family members)
Valpreda request: (Dave K., hospice care, friend; Happy Anniversary Scott & Stacy Appleyard; John P., cancer;
Dot P., ankle surgery)
Webster request: (Brett, friend, testing; Jim, brother; Cathy & Finn, sister-in-law, move; Rose, mother-in-law,
health & living decisions; Adam & Sam, focus and direction; Nancy, Bill, Marty, Merritt, Kathy, Emily,
Rowena, Paul, Erin, friends)
Werts request: (Bob, hospice care)
Willard request: (Mona, cousin, cancer; Alicia, friend, recuperating from heart surgery; Duane & Harriet,
Wood request: (Please continue to pray for neighbor, Lou, going through cancer treatments and family
Names will remain on the prayer list for one week.
No limit to the number of times a name can be added.