Council of Ontario Directors of Educatios Omario Public Supervisory


Council of Ontario Directors of Educatios Omario Public Supervisory
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Council of Ontario Directors of Educatio
■ Omario Public Supervisory 0"‘“‘ ‘1i..\"Ass(>:’i(:tic;n(CF50;
Frank Kelly
Executive Director
Directors of Education
REGARDING: Support for the Student Injury Prevention Initiative — Phase Two
Further to the Deputy Minister of Education’s recent memorandum of April 24, 2014, plea
■nd below details regarding the work of the Council of Ontario Directors of Education in
supporting school boards through Phase Two of the Student Injury Prevention Initiative.
The overall goals for the Student Injury Prevention Initiative — Phase Two are to:
° assess the current status of health and safety in school technological education
facilities and science laboratories;
° address all outstanding non-compliance orders revealed through Ministry of Labour
inspections; and,
° support a safety mindedness culture in school boards and schools.
To assist school boards in achieving the overall goals stated above, Phase Two is organized
into Part A and Part B.
DATE: April 30, 2014
CODE will work with each school board to identify a Supervisory Officer (S0) to lead and
coordinate school board activities for the Student Injury Prevention Initiative — Phase Two.
Part A — Needs Assessment
receive $5,000.00 to:
a) identify any unresolved non—compliance orders (based on Ministry of Labour
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Working with the lead SO, through a Letter of Agreement with CODE, each board will
board and/or school inspections);
b) prioritize unresolved non-compliance orders and other potential health and safety
concerns and provide cost estimates for their resolution;
c) submit a report to CODE by June 13, 2014.
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Telephone: 905-845-4254 Fax: 905-845-2044
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School boards are asked to:
— sign and return the Letter of Agreement — Part A to CODE by May 15, 2014; and,
— complete and return the Board Report Template — Part A to CODE by June 13, 2014
to the attention of Janette Jensen (
Part B — Funding Distribution
Based on the information collected in the Board Report Template — Part A, school boar
may receive funds to assist in resolving identi■ed needs. Please note: Not all boards
receive additional funding and funding will depend on needs identified in the sch
board reports.
The Letter of Agreement — Part A, as well as a Board Report Template — Part A
boards in receipt of funding will be required to submit to CODE a Final School Board
Activity Report and Final Expenditure Report by December 31, 2014.
Integral to the success of the ■rst phase of the Student Injury Prevention Initiative wa
the work of the CODE Health and Safety Team comprised of experts in student health
and safety for science laboratories and technological education facilities This CODE t
will also be providing support and advice to boards for Phase Two. Members of the P
Two team are Bob Emptage (Chair); Dave Graves, Health and Safety Specialist
(Technological Education); Milan Sanader, Health and Safety Specialist (Science); an
Bill Keith, Health and Safety Specialist (Technological Education/Science).
Funding will be allocated through an August 2014 CODE Letter of Agreement — Part
pleased to support boards as they continue this important work.
Student injury prevention is essential to student well-being and student success. CODE is
Phase 1 2012-13. I look forward to working together on Phase 2. Should you have an
questions, please contact the CODE of■ce.
Frank Kelly
Executive Director
Thank you for your support and leadership for the Student Injury Prevention Initiative,
Board Report Template ~ Part A
Letter of Agreement — Part A