AnAAn initit attivivee ee ee of the Nata ionaanal l ElEElectrtriccalaal
AnAAn initit attivivee ee ee of the Nata ionaanal l ElEElectrtriccalaal
Connecting you to a more sustainable future An ini An nititit attiv ivee of tthe he Nat Na io iona naal Elec nal Elec El ectr tric tr iccal al and n Com ommu muni muni mu nica catitition ca onns As Asso soci so ciat ci a ioon at Enhancing your business. Advancing our industry. Application for EcoSmart Electricians Accreditation I/We, the undersigned, hereby apply for EcoSmart Electricians Accreditation. Legal Name of Business: Trading Name: (if applicable) ACN: ABN: Electrical Contractor Registration/Licence Number: Expiry Date: State/Territory of Issue: Business Address Suburb: State: Post Code: State: Post Code: Postal Add ddress (If didifffferent to business i address) Suburb: Telephone: Facsimile: Mobile: Emai Em aill Address: Website: Name of Proppri r etors, Partners, Directors 1. 2. 3. Contact person for the purposes of EcoSmart Electricians Name: Position: Phone: Email: Are you a NECA member? Yes State/Territory of membership: No NECA membership Number: Empl ploy oyeee det etai ails ls Total number of licensed electricians employed Names of licensed electricians who have undertaken the EcoSmart El E ectricians trainin i g and receeiv ived Energy Efficienccy Certtifi i cation Full Name Organisation/RTO providing ng ttra rainingg* * leas *P leeas asee pprrov ovid idde ev evid iidden e cee tha h t th t e tr t aini ainingg was succe ai uccess uc ceesssfuully llly ccoompple lete ted iiff the te he tra rain inninng wa inin w s no nott ddeeliive vere redd by re b NEC E A. A Do you want to be added to the publicly available list of accredited EcoSmart Electricians? You are eligible to be included in the list of accredited EcoSmart Electricians. This list is made available to the public by NECA including on the Ecosmart Electricians website. If you would like to be included in this list please indicate below. Your details will only be added to the EcoSmart Electricians list upon receipt of your consent. Please note that your details can be altered, added or removed from the list at any time by contacting; Do you want to be added to the publicly available list of accredited EcoSmart Electricians? Yes No NECA collects your personal information for the purpose of administering the Ecosmart Electricians accreditation program. We only disclose your personal information with your consent or if it is necessary for the performance of our functions. If you wish to seek access to the personal information which NECA holds about you please contact us by writing to NECA. Level 12, 12 222 Kingsway, Kingsway South Melbourne 3205 or email ecosmart@neca asn au NECA’s privacy policy is available on Please complete and sign the code of conduct I/We certify and agree to the following clauses: • That all of th the abov ovee mentioned information is truue and correct; and • Th That at as a condition of acceptance of this application, agree, if approved for accreditation, to adhere to and be bound by the current EcoSma mart rt Electricians Code of Conduct, which may be modified or varied in any extent in the future; and • That in the event of accreditation being withdrawn or upon resignation, agree to (a) not use any Ecosmart Electricians stationery and literature, etc (b)) re (b remove allll logos, devices i andd insigni i ia’’s from f vehhiclles, shop h wiinddows or othe h r places l th that could ld give a misleadding impression to ot othe h rs that I/We are still accredited EcoSmart Electricians. (c) nott ad adve vertise or otherwise hold out that I/we are accredited EcoSmart Electricians Sign gnat atur ure Date Name of Signatory Position / / Payment details Payable amount: $ Payment Type: Visa MasterCard BankCard Cheque or Money Order made payable to NECA Creditt C Caard No: Cardholder Name: Expiry Date: C rdholder signature: Ca / Agreement to uphold the Accredited EcoSmart Electricians Code of Conduct The following must be signed prior to seeking accreditation as an Accredited EcoSmart Electrician and forwarded to NECA at the address below. Please keep a copy of this signed agreement with the Code of Conduct for your records. I hereby agree to the terms of the Code of Conduct for Accredited EcoSmart Electricians Siggnat Si ature Date / Name of Signatory Company Name / ABN Offic Of fi e Us fic Usee On O lyy A crreddittat Ac a ioon Nu N m mbber e D te of Acccrred Da editittattioon / / EcoS Ec oSmart maarrtt Ele m leccttrriici cian ans LLeeve vel 1122, 222 22222 King King Ki ngsw sway ay Souutth M So Meelbbourn oouurrnne VIIC C 33220055 TTeele ele lepphhoonnee:: 11330000 30000 03311 EEm m maai aill:: eeccos osma mart arrttt@n @ .aassn. n.aauu Websit We bbssititee:: ww www ecoossm maarrtttel eleeccttrric el iciiaans ns.c .com om.aau Enhancing your business. Advancing our industry.