C - Rappahannock Record
C - Rappahannock Record
Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, VA September 16, 2004 • C1 Northern Neck MARKETPLACE Worldwide Exposure! All classifieds in this section also appear weekly on the Rappahannock Record web pages at www.rrecord.com. You can add a color photo linked to your classified for only $25 for up to 13 weeks. Classified deadline: 12 noon Tuesday. Display ad deadline: 5 p.m. Monday. Call 804-435-1701 or 1-800-435-1701. REGULAR CLASSIFIED RATES: $6 for up to 25 words; $4 to repeat same ad second week and each successive week, or $40 for 13 weeks. $.24 per word for ads over 25 words. Personals, Card of Thanks, In Memorials and Work Wanted ads must be paid in advance. 10 percent discount for cash, non-refundable (no discounts on credit card sales). CUSTOM CLASSIFIED RATES: $9.00 per column inch for Legals, Notices, Resolutions, Memorial and other custom classifieds. Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate For Rent 2 WATER ACCESS Lots in Twin Harbors. Sand beach on Chesapeake Bay. Boat ramp, town septic .91±AC $25,000. 1.17±AC $26,500. Pat Meeker, River town Proper ties 804-435-2482..(July-15-tf) 2+AC GORGEOUS WATERFRONT proper ty on Hull Creek. Well and septic installed. Ready for your waterfront pleasure. Call Joe Emerson, Middle Bay Realty, (O)804-436-1150, (Cell)410-610-9890, (H)804-5802053..(July-8-13t) 2000 SF BRICK, 4.3 Acres, Waterfront, Pier, Horses OK. No restrictions, Fairport VA. Call Manuel Haynie, Middlebay Realty. 804-580-0700 or mghay nie@cross link.net..(Sept16-2t) 28± WATERFRONT cultivated acres on Beach Creek. Sunset view over Rappahannock River. Elevated building site. $325,000. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, www.MelrosePlantation.com. 804-435-0321..(Aug-5-13t) 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE: Harvey Lane, Kilmarnock. Walk to Shopping & churches. Call Manuel Haynie, Middlebay Realty. 804-580-0700 or mghaynie@crosslink.net..(Sept-16-2t) 3.84 ACRES OF privacy w/charming 2BR Cape Cod. 24x12 screened porch off kitchen. Wicomico Church area. $89,500. Kane & Associates, Inc. Call 800-715-1290..(July-22-13t) 3BR, 2BA, Family room, office, den, living room. Pool, tennis, boating access. Overlooking farmland. Terrific investment. $150,000. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. www.melroseplantation.com 804-4350321..(Aug-26-13t) 5840 SQ.FT. ESTATE Home on 2 waterfront point lots, Jetty’s Reach Subdivision, minutes from Bay, deepwater, $1,190,000. Call 804-4539081,Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty..(Feb-5-tf) 64AC WATERFRONT, $425,000. 28AC farmland, $135,000. 36AC waterfront farm $292,500. Call for more parcel listings. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. www.MelrosePlantation.com 804-4350321..(Sept-9-13t) 74x28 RAMBLER: 4.64AC, includes 2 adjoining building lots (drainfields installed). Kings Cote Creek sandybeach, 127’ pier, 10,000lb. boat lift. $498,000. Kane & Associates, Inc. 1-800-715-1290..(July-22-13t) 76 ACRE WATERFRONT Farm: 8-10’MLW, 4600’ waterfrontage on Cockrell’s Creek. Restrictions preclude subdivision. Call Tom Kimmitt, owner/agent, Middle Bay Realty, 1-800529-5122 or 804-453-9081 or visit www.northernneckrealestate.com (Nov-20-tf) ANTEBELLUM TOWN COTTAGE: Historic Headley House in Heathsville needs new home! Must be moved. $20,000. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, www.MelrosePlantation.com 804-435-0321..(Aug-5-13t) ARCADIA, CIRCA 1783: Spectacular home w/caretakers cottage, in ground pool on 5 manicured acres in Heathsville. Call Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty, 1-800-529-5122..(Mar-4-tf) ATTENTION INVESTORS: 3 well maintained duplex units (6 apartments), 3.23± acr es, 1/4 mile south of town, New South Estates. Great rental history. $396,500. Call Pat Meeker, River town Proper ties 804-435-2482 or 804-436-8828..(June-17-tf) AWESOME WATERFRONT Victorian w/adjoining cottage. 2+Ac. Rappahannock River & tidal pond. $495,000: House $325,000; cottage $170,000. Catherine Bennett, Realtor/Broker, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620. www.MelrosePlantation.com..(Sept-213t) BUILDING LOTS, pondfront/access. $10,000 to $17,000. Liber ty Hill between Rt. 3, Kilmarnock & Lancaster Courthouse. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, www.melroseplantation.com 804-4350321..(Aug-26-13t) CALL: LICENSED Real Estate Broker to provide custom, free, no obligation Competitive Marketing Analysis, home/land, inland/waterfront, historic/new. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620. www.MelrosePlantation.com..(Sept-213t) CHOOSE FROM 2 building lots in preferred Lee Dale Shores Access. Great Wicomico River & Barrett Creek. 3BR perks. $47,500/$49,500. Kane & Associates, Inc. 800-715-1290..(Sept2-13t) FIREPLACE INSERT Appalachian CR-360 w/blower. $750 OBO. Call 804-580-3359..(Sept-9-2t) GREAT FAMILY or Retirement home: 3BR, 2BA, breakfast, dining, family w/fireplace, garage and garden shed, 5AC, Lancaster County, $110,000. River Towne Proper ties, Jeanne Fletcher, 804-436-6694..(Sept-16-2t) GREAT WICOMICO RIVER: 1.18AC lot w/pier, 2-3’ MLW, $195,000. Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty, 804-453-9081 or www.north ern neck re ales tate.com (May-6-tf) HORSE FARM: 10+acre farm. Threestall barn, with hay and equipment storage. Completely fenced and crossfenced. Deep well and electric service. Perk sites for home building site. Established pastures, run-inshed, near village of Morattico. For sale by owners. 804-462-9916..(Sept9-3t) KILMARNOCK: Beautifully treed lot with stream, 1/4 mile from town in New South Estates. 1.699± acr es, $19,700. Call Pat Meeker, River town Proper ties 804-435-2482 or 804-4368828..(June-17-tf) LOTTSBURG: Great fixer-upper farmhouse on 2.5 nice acres. Several storage buildings. $84,500. Robbie Booth, Shore Realty, Inc. 804-529-7020, ext. 5..(Sept-2-13t) MYERS LANDING 2+ private wooded acres. Deeded access to pier with shallow water. Perfect for small boats and kayaks. Immaculate home: large, bright kitchen, living room, hall and bedroom with beautiful hardwood floors. Separate storage/shop. $118,500.00 Lawler Real Estate Realtors, White Stone, VA 804-435-1000 or 1-800-962-1923 www.lawlerrealestate.com..(Jan29-tf) NATURE-LOVERS DELIGHT: Wooded acreage in wonderful waterfront community, canoe/kayak depthwater, privacy and wildlife. Call Joe Emerson, Middle Bay Realty, (O)804436-1150, (Cell)410-610-9890, (H)804-580-2053..(July-8-13t) NEW HOME FOR SALE waterfront community dock boat ramp. 2+ acres, 3 BR, 2BA, stone F/P, deck, porch. 2-1/2 car garage, $178,500. Possible owner financing. Call 804-435-2728, owner/agent..(Sept-2-2t) NEW LISTINGS: Potomac River, small lot, small grandfathered footprint, huge view. Call Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty, 804-453-9081..(July-22-tf) NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY: Waterfront parcels in great neighborhood. Access to pier/ramp. Ideal for permanent/vacation home. $21,500+. Geneva Dawson, G. C. Dawson Real Estate. 804-435-3166 or reales8@crosslink.net..(July-15-13t) REDUCED FOR Quick Sale: 2BR, 2BA, Williamsburg style townhouse w/garage in beautiful Hill’s Quar ter golf course community. $219,000. Call for appointment. 804-435-8830..(Aug26-13t) REDUCED FOR Quick Sale: Available now, new 4BR Williamsburg style townhouse in beautiful Hills Quar ter Golf Course Community. Includes 3BA, fireplace $219,000. For appointment. 804-435-8830..(Aug-26-13t) RT. 360: GREAT fixer-upper w/tons of potential. 4BR, 1BA, 1 half bath. Nice wood floors. $71,000. Robbie Booth, Shore Realty, Inc. 804-529-7020, ext. 5..(Sept-2-13t) SELLING?? Let me focus on your proper ty. Call Joe Emerson, agent, Middle Bay Realty to get your proper ty moving. (O)804-436-1150, (Cell)410610-9890, (H)804-580-2053..(July-813t) TAYLORS CREEK ACCESS Starter or retirement home - 2 bedroom, 2 baths, fireplace. Screened porch, large garage with workshop shed. Located close to hospital & town amenities. $179,500. 1344 SF SHOP w/2 bay garage and office space. Ideal Kilmarnock location. Available now, $750 month. Call 804-761-2594..(July-1-13t) 2BR HOUSE in Weems. Cute 2 story farmhouse on large lot, mature trees, quiet neighborhood. All appliances. Pets OK. $550 per month plus security. 804-462-9840..(Sept-16-2t) 4BR, 2.5BA unfurnished new townhouse at Hills Quar ter Golf Course. Available for short-term rental, $1100 per month. Call 804-435-8830..(Sept9-4t) 4BR, 2BA HOME in Lancaster Village. Front porch, big kitchen, washer/dryer, large level lot. $750 per month. Credit check, references, security deposit. Owner/agent 571-331-2877..(Sept9-2t) BARRETT CREEK/Wicomico Church; 2-story waterfront, 4BR, 2BA, 12+AC, dock, 5’MLW, AC, Direct TV, washer/dryer. Pet negotiable, no smoking. $1275 plus security and utilities. 505-521-0713..(Sept-9-13t) BURGESS: 1000SF retail/office space near corner of Rt. 360 & Rt. 200. Farm house w/lots of charm, perfect for antique shop/office. Has one antique shop on premises and art studio in barn on proper ty. Great visibility and traffic count. $400 month plus utilities. Virginia Henry, 804-761-5111..(Aug26-4t) COMMERCIAL Building: Church St. leaving Kilmar nock. Approximately 2500sq.ft. Six offices. Entrance secretary area. Restrooms, handicap entrance and restroom, plus storage area. Copier area. Available October 1. $1700 per month. Call 804-435-1774 or 804-796-2838..(Sept-2-tf) DELTAVILLE: Waterfront fur nished home on Jackson Creek: 2BR, 1BA, LR, DR, kitchen, porch. No pets or smoking. $850 monthly plus utilities. 804-758-2115 or the ham mer@har gray.com..(Sept16-4t) EXECUTIVE OFFICES, completely furnished, including receptionist and high speed internet. $550 month. Located in Hummel Aviation’s new terminal building. Call Oscar at 804-7585500..(July-22-tf) HOUSE FOR RENT in the Heathsville area on large lot. First month and security required along with references. Contact 804-453-9204. (Sept16-2t) HOUSE SHARE: 2BR waterfront home in Topping. Furnished, includes utilities except for telephone. $512.50 month. Call 804-758-5378..(June-2413t) KILMARNOCK AREA: Beautiful waterfront view from sunroom of 3BR, 2BA rancher, par tially furnished, pier, 2-car garage. Available October to April. $950 month plus utilities. No pets. Security deposit and references required. Call 804-580-0303, leave message..(Sept-16-2t) KILMARNOCK ON quiet dead end street with 3BR, 1BA within walking distance to shopping. No pets, references required. Call 804-4351046..(X) KILMARNOCK: Office space, large or small, kitchen, great parking, excellent location near post office. Ideal for medical, law, home health, insurance, etc. Owner/agent, 757-619-4808, 804-435-6238..(Jan-29-tf) LOTTSBURG: 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, living room, kitchen, $500 per month plus utilities. Security deposit, credit report, references, lease required. Dailey Realty, Inc. 804-529-6900. (Sept16-4t) OFFICES FOR Lease, various sizes. Ample parking, good location, a must RICHARD RAU ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Civil Practice including Real Estate, Construction Law, Bankruptcy Divorce, Custody & Support 349 BELMONT DRIVE LANCASTER C. H., VA 22503 804/462-0712 Fax 804/462-6181 BAY QUARTERS SHORES 2 water access lots, club amenities. Both lots for $5000. TAYLORS CREEK Wooded waterfront sites 1.13 acres $109,500 2.10 acres $59,500 2.34 Acres $79,500 GLOUCESTER CO. 5 acres, level & wooded $18,500 PINE CREST ACRES Water access sites in nice waterfront community 2.06 Acres $19,500 1.02 Acres $14,950 G. C. DAWSON REAL ESTATE 804-435-3166 or 800-526-2166 (X) WANTED: WATERFRONT proper ty: Potomac River area, with or without cottage, reasonably priced. No agent please. Call 540-752-0457..(Sept2-6t) WATERFRONT HOME in Burgess: New 2500+ sq.ft. home with water views from every room. 4BR, 3BA, Whirlpool in master bath, ceramic tile & oak floors. Attached 2 car garage. Many extras! $699,000. Pictures available with email: sacarroll.vppsa@va.visi.net Sherri Carroll, 804-514-4639. Frank Hardy, Inc. Realtors Waterfront and Estate Brokers International. (July-22-tf) WATERFRONT LOTS: Several, deep water, on Corottoman River and Carters Creek. Call owner, 757-898-5079 for photos, directions and terms..(Aug12-13t) View These Fine Properties @www.HorsleyRealEstate.com JUST listed -- ‘Dragon Wills Farm’ ± 23 Acres Unique Log Cabin . . . pine/oak floors Barn (32x20) ◆ Shop (48x24) Lovely Privacy . . . . $340,000 Indian Creek New listing-- flowing directly into Chesapeake Bay $193,000 near ICYCC Kilmarnock Privately situated . . . 3 Bedrms, 2 Baths Plaster Walls $170’s Brick Residence Spacious Rooms ◆ Tiled Baths Oak Floors Delightful New 560 SF Deck . . . Shop Henrys Island 4.5 Acres Endless Bay Views ! White Stone/Irvington 081204 “We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” To celebrate the dedication of the Morattico Waterfront Museum in the village of Morattico, historic landmark “Whealton Manor House and Cottage” located at 6439 Morattico Road will open noon to 5 p.m. Saturday September 18, 2004. The 1891 manor house and adjoining contemporary cottage are for sale through Catherine Bennett, Realtor and Broker, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, LLC. 800-7114620, www.MelrosePlantation.com. Museum festivities run from noon to 4 p.m. and include refreshments, speakers, artists and sports. This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753. E-mail: fairhousing@dpor.virginia.gov. Web site: www.fairhousing.vipnet.org.” First Offering . . . . ‘Brooknoll’ off CHESAPEAKE Bay + 6’ MLW ± 1270’ Sandy Shore An Elegantly Classic River Home GreatRoom having Pre-Civil War heart Pine Beams . . . Pegged Wood floors, High Ceilings, 41/2 Baths Cottage ◆ Garage ◆ Boathouse Nelson B. Horsley, Jr. White Stone 435-2644 435-0773 Urbanna 758-2430 C2 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale drawers, 2 antique trunks, old rocking chair, old set of golf clubs, White Stone. 804-436-0107..(X) ARCH STEEL BUILDINGS: Factory direct pricing. 25x26, 30x60, 40x50, 50x110 below cost. Factory Clearance! Perfect for Workshops/garages. 1-800-341-7007. www.SteelMaster USA.com...(Sept-9-2t) ARMOR STONE, RIP-RAP, gravel, sand, stone, topsoil, mulch, slate, landscaping rock, more. We have certified scales and deliveries to N’Neck and M’Peninsula. Rock Resources, 804-725-4440..(July-15-13t) ATLANTIC MOBILE Homes: All 2004 homes must go! Making room for 2005 models! 28x74 4BR, 2BA, LR, den, big screen TV, only $63,900! 28x52 3BR, 2BA, 2x6 sidewalls, only $47,900! 14x70 3BR, 2BA only $27,900. Save thousands off retail prices! Highway 17, Saluda, VA 804-758-5681 or 800-551-0337. (Sept-9-3t) BAJA WHITEWATER spa: 6-person, reclining bucket seats, calf/leg massage jets, soothing neck jets, dual high performance high speed pumps, mood lighting, Kleen-Spa filtration system, ozonator, 350 gallon. Light green granite, redwood skirt. $2000. 804-436-0211..(Sept-16-2t) BOX SPRING and MATTRESS: Two twin sets, like new, $50 each. Call 804-580-2084 days or evenings 804-435-9921, or leave message..(X) BUILDING MATERIALS: 12ft. sq. 30 year shingles, 2 sq. starters, 3 rolls paper, 7 boxes almond vinyl siding, 3 boxes white window casing, almond cap trim, 9 double hung vinyl thermo low “E” glass tilt windows with screws. Call 580-5297..(Sept-16-2t) BUNDY CLARINET: used 9 weeks, w/hardcase, $400. Call 804-436-9281, leave message..(Sept-16-2t) CLAYTON HOMES Supercenter fall blowout: All 2003 models must go. New, used and repos. Call 757-599-3803, Clayton Homes of Newport News..(Sept-11-tf) CONN tenor sax with hard case, great condition $650, display case from Old Ransome’s store 8’x2’x42”, old wicker sofa $150. Call 804-438-5087..(Aug26-4t) DELL INSPIRON Laptop 1100 series. MS Office, 2000, C/D/DVD Burner. Serious inquiries only. Like new. $750. Call 804-435-2326..(Sept-2-3t) FIREPLACE INSERT Appalachian CR-360 w/blower, $750 OBO. Call 804-580-3359..(Sept-9-2t) FORD 8-N TRACTOR: 2 to choose from, extensive work done on both, owner’s health forces sale. $3200 each. Also York rake and box blade sold separately. $250 each. In White Stone, see by appointment, Saturdays and Sundays. Call 703-244-9828..(X) GUN SAFE: Fort Knox, large, heavy duty, fireproof, $500 negotiable. ProForm weight bench with free weights, $200. Call 804-4353366..(Sept-16-2t) HOT TUB: Hot Springs Spa in working order. Needs TLC, $100. Remove it and it’s yours. Call 804-5805076..(Sept-9-2t) JENNIFER CONVERTIBLE L-shaped queen sofa bed. Excellent condition, floral print, $500 OBO. Glass top dining set w/4 wicker chairs, $150 OBO. Call 804-758-8118..(Sept-16-2t) KINGFISH FOLDING deck chairs: white upholstered, 1 with fishing gimbal, $70, other without gimbal $60. Call 804-435-2406..(Setp-16-tf) LARGE INVENTORY of discontinued American and European china patterns of many companies. Send photo w/SASE for reply. The Butler’s Pantry, P.O.Box 514, Lively, VA 22507..(July15-tf) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS NEW/SURPLUS windows, doors, cabinets, factory second Santa Cruz premium leaded glass entry doors, etc. 4000 doors in stock. We build door units for you. U-Save big $$$. BSS Discounts, Stafford, Va. 1-800-206-4825. www.bss1.com(Nov-25-tf) OLDER MODEL Dryer (white): Works better than it looks. $50. Call 804-435-2264 after 6p.m. If no answer, leave message...(X) PING I2 IRONS: 3-PW, 6AP, sand & lob wedges. Graf-alloy regular shafts. Original steel shafts included. Paid $1200. Will sell for $400 OBO. 804-758-3400..(Aug-12-tf)SS PORCH FURNITURE: Redwood swing, end table, coffee table, 4 arm chairs, $550. Call 804-4625841..(Sept-16-2t) ROPER WASHER/DRYER extra large capacity, $75 each. Large computer desk assembled, $50, large computer chair, $50. Small computer desk assembled, $25, small computer chair, $25. Everything good condition. Call 804-438-5729, leave message..(X) ROTOTILLER: TROY-Bilt, little used, $300. Call 804-462- For Sale For Rent see. Located in White Stone, Va. Phone 804-435-3988..(Aug-26-13t) RENT COMMERCIAL HARTFIELD “NEW OFFICE RETAIL CENTER” Middlesex County, located Rt. 3 & 33, high traffic volume. Spaces available from 200 sq. ft. at competitive rates. Tenant can design interior layout at landlord’s expense. For information call Marquerithe Haasnoot, Ches-Bay Realty, Inc. (804) 776-6044 1-800-443-4135 (June-12-tf) TEMPORARY HOUSING? Really nifty remodeled waterfront farmhouse completely furnished; 3BR, 2BA, WR/DR, direct TV, more; $500/week, $1500 month, rent includes all utilities. 800-529-5071. Fred.(Sept-2-13t) Vacation Rentals 12 BEDROOM PRIVATE residence available for weekly rental. Great location on Rappahannock River and Carter’s Creek. Call for additional information. 804-436-1200..(Mar-25-tf) FISH TALES guest house on Lancaster County’s Corrotoman River. Sleeps 6, but cozy for 2. Catherine Bennett owner/agent Melrose Plantation Real Estate. 800-711-4620. www.MelrosePlantation.com (Aug-26-13t) FLORIDA KEYS, MARATHON. 2 bedroom plus den with 50’ boat slip, ocean view, pool and tennis. $1200 week, $3600 month. Call 804-5296131..(Jul-3-tf) NEW WATERFRONT Log home in Heathsville w/easy bay access. All amenities including air conditioning. 4BR, 2BA, sleeps 10. Large screened porch. Dock w/2.5’MLW. Call 703-3398338..(June-24-13t) REEDVILLE, VA waterfront cottage rental. Weekly/weekends/monthly. 4BR furnished w/heat/AC, den, LR, kitchen, 2BA, lighted dock/ramp. 804-745-1422 or email Ri vah gal@Com cast.net..(July-2213t) WATERFRONT COTTAGES, furnished, Smith Point area: Great fishing, ramp, dock, AC/heat, screened porch, canoe, kayak, motorboat, charter boat, great for families. Weekly/weekend. 804-453-6829. www.saltwatercottages.com(May-20-26t) 12X12 SELF STICK TILE 3 PATTERNS IN STOCK 89¢ EACH The Outlet at Nunnally’s 4445 Richmond Road, Warsaw 804-333-3210 www.nunnallys.com (X) CRAB SHEDDING TANKS $99 EACH ALL FIBERGLASS 5 year warranty against leaks WAVE RIDER MFG 804-758-8108 (Sept-9-4t) 10” CRAFTSMAN TABLESAW: tuned to cut straight and true, 1.5HP, $150. 10” Craftsman radial arm saw, w/cabinet, $150. Call 804-529-6169..(Sept9-2t) 18.5 CU. FT. over-under GE refrigerator white, $250. Call 804-4353266..(Sept-9-2t) 1999 SUNDOWNER 3 horse gooseneck aluminum horse trailer, like new, $10,900. Call 804-453-3044 for more information..(Sept-16-2t) 29’ COUGAR RV camper trailer: Sleeps 6, stove and refrigerator (never used), bath w/shower, cable hookup, AC/heat, retractable awning (porch). Lots of storage. Immaculate! 804-4359944..(July-22-tf) 350 CUBIC INCH V6 engine. 60,000 miles, $300. Call 804-462-6212..(X) 37’ FIFTH WHEEL Trailer: 1997 Carriage Chaise, furnace & heat pump. 2-slide-outs, 17’ awning, fantastic fan w/thermostat, sleeps 4. Must sell. 804-580-6129 or 804-453-3890..(July15-13t) 4 18” KONIG Monson Wheels, 215/35 Nankang Tires. Needs one tire, the rest are brand new. $500 or best offer. Call 804-435-2326..(Sept-9-3t) ADIRONDACK CHAIRS $69. Nice anytime gifts: Quality wood picnic tables, swings, lawn and deck furniture. Possible custom building. Leslie R. Dawson Jr., 804-580-6391..(July22-52) AKC REGISTERED English Springer Spaniel puppies. Champion line, liver and white. Available October 8, $500-$550. Call 804-435-7744..(Sept9-4t) ANTIQUE CHINA cabinet, chest of ❖ EMILY CARTER 435-3144 JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. Brokers for Unique Properties and Estates Since 1957 • furnace room downstairs. • Handicap accessible at rear • Storage Attic with stairs • Oil hot water heat, with central air • Garage and basketball pad • French drains in yard, around house & garage APPOINTMENTS ONLY Can be commercial or residential Call J. Carrington Burgess at 435-3320 (or 438-6787) for an appointment Receiving bids until 10/03/04, Reserve established Brokers protected at 3% ❖ Toll Free: 866-541-5156 ❖ Fax: 804-435-0153 447 Chesapeake Drive ❖ P.O. Box 7 ❖ White Stone, Virginia 22578 email: ecarter@carter-realestate.com NEW LISTING ‘Covehaven’ 341 The Lane Carter Creek ❖ This wonderful two story Colonial farmhouse was built in 1884 and is situated on 1.09 acres of landscaped gardens offering a variety of mature trees and perennial plantings. Every aspect of this 2,700 square foot home exudes charm and comfort from the wraparound porches to the white picket fence. The first floor living space includes living room with fireplace, formal dining room, eat-in country kitchen, spacious sun room with bay window, bath and utility room. Upstairs offers three bedrooms, two baths and a family room. The detached one car garage has walk-up stairs to second level ideal for storage or artist studio. A pier on Carters Creek offers approximately 4’ water depth. Along the East Coast, precious few possibilities remain for private waterfront living. With wide river views, this estate property offers the opportunity to create an outstanding retreat in this historic region that offers upscale waterfront living. This unique 5-acre parcel has a spectacular primary house site and existing two-bedroom guest house, in-ground swimming pool, barn, workshop and deep-water harbor. $1,450,000. Offered for $895,000 For an appointment please call or write COLLEEN RILEY SHAUT AT crs@pleasantlife.com 804-438-9884 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: EMILY CARTER 804-435-3144 Brokers for Unique Properties and Estates For Two Generations ❖ ❖ FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Built and owned by The Irvington Baptist Church since 1911 CORROTOMAN RIVER Owners downsizing, moving into retirement. Call 804-438-6787 to view/ hear/play (Sept-16-4t) NEW PROFORM Treadmill: $500 OBO. You move it. Call 804-4385308..(Sept-9-2t) LAUREL POINT NEAR KILMARNOCK Baptist Parsonage 4504 Irvington Road .79 Acres(+-) ❖ Purchase BOTH for $7000 (cashfirm). Suitable for church, hall, or home. Will deliver at no additional charge (within 100 miles). Located in the attractive community of Laurel Point near Kilmarnock, this home offers easy one-floor living with an open floor plan. Nestled in the trees of the 1+ acres corner site, features include large greatroom with fireplace that opens to private deck, master bedroom with screen porch, two additional bedrooms, garage and carport. With water amenities, this home is an affordable opportunity to enjoy the Northern Neck lifestyle. Exclusively offered for $225,000. FOR SALE • 3 Bedrooms and bath upstairs • Formal Dining Room, • Eat-in kitchen (with walk in pantry), • Center Hall with double access front doors, • large bow front Living Room, • office/bedroom, • full bath, • laundry room, 5’ Ebony Yamaha grand piano, excellent condition $3500 (includes tuning after move). Formerly owned by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. 2 manual, full pedal board Allen 3160 Protege 40-stop organ, additional 10-stop changeable presets, with external speakers. Digital player: arrange, record & playback capable. Also plays from floppy discs (10 disc library/35 hours of classical & church music included), $4500. JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. 804-438-5339 Toll Free: 866-541-5156 ❖ Fax: 804-435-0153 447 Chesapeake Drive ❖ P.O. Box 7 ❖ White Stone, Virginia 22578 email: ecarter@carter-realestate.com 4503 Irvington Road, Irvington, Virginia 22480 Visit our website: www.pleasantlife.com ❖ Call for your complimentary copy of Christie’s Great Estates Magazine ❖ Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 • C3 For Sale View These Fine Properties @www.HorsleyRealEstate.com 5841..(Sept-16-2t) SMOKER COOKER GRILL, brand new $50. Used cupboard enclosed dart board with all accessories, $25. Call Tina D. 804-436-0139, leave message..(Sept-16-2t) UNIFORM GALLERY, Hillcrest Heights Building, Kilmarnock. Starting $19/set. Scrub tops starting at $7.99. 10% discount for new graduates. Buy 3 get 1 1/2 price. 804-436-4026..(July15-13t) ❖ JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. ❖ Brokers for Unique Waterfront Properties and Estates Since 1957 Corrotoman River Eastern Branch Yard Sales JUST Listed-off Rappahannock Northern Neck BOAT House ◆ 27’ Waterside SCREEN Porch Vaulted ceilings, 3 Bdrms, 2 Baths . . . $449,000 Designed by renowned IrvingtonArchitect, William Darwin Prillaman 042204 ‘ The High Bank Cottages’ Irvington area off Chesapeake Bay Classic Bay Residences 10’ Ceilings, Fireplace Community Amenities: Pool, Beach, Pier Owner/Agent $550,000 68 Acres Estate Homesite Prime locationn near Kilmarnock, Meadows, Woodland $295,000 NORTHERN NECK INDOOR MOVING SALE Saturday September 18, 8a.m.-2p.m. Furniture, appliances, boat, many misc items. 360 E. Burgess to Locksley Hall Rd., 2-miles to 358 Bridgecreek Circle..(X) IRVINGTON ROAD Consignment Shop. Mon-Fri., 10a.m.-4p.m. Saturday, 10a.m.-2p.m. Free tables for open-air market. U-Haul rentals. Movers for hire coming soon. Stingray Food Service. 804-438-9008..(July15-tf) KILMARNOCK MINI-STORAGE unit E17, Saturday, September 18, 7:30a.m. Household furniture, misc items..(X) LANCASTER FLEA MARKET: Fresh produce, collectibles, tools, books, Thai imports. Courthouse Rd. (Rt. 600) 1/4 mi. from Rt. 3. Fri. 11a.m.5p.m., Sat. 9a.m.-5p.m., Sun. 11a.m.5p.m..(July-1-13t) SEPTEMBER 18, Saturday 178 Tipers Creek Drive, Snowden Park, in Wicomico Church 8-2p.m. rain or shine..(X) YARD SALE: Every Wednesday - Saturday, 10-4 at Fine Finds in Lively, 6042 Mary Ball Road next to Get’n Zip. 804-462-9099..(Aug-12-13t) YARD SALE: Fri 9/17 and Sat 9/18, rain or shine, 8a.m.-4p.m., baby furniture, small appliances, lots of household items. Wicomico Methodist Church..(X) YARD SALE: Tools, kids clothes, household items, cars, free stuff. Saturday and Sunday, September 18 and 19, 7a.m-4p.m. 429 Johns’ Neck Road, Weems..(X) Beautiful contemporary home w/ wide water views of the E. Branch of the Corrotoman River. This spacious 3800± sq. ft home w/2 car attached garage features extensive windows to bring the lovely surroundings inside. Multiple-level waterside decks, pier & 2 boat lifts are just a few of the special offerings. Exclusively offered for $695,000. Town of Irvington This immaculately maintained home is ideally located in the quaint town of Irvington. Home features an inviting, easy-living floor plan of LR, DR, eat-in kitchen, 3 BRs, 2 full BAs, and a stylish deck overlooking an expansive lawn. Exclusively offered for $179,500. Henry’s Island Chesapeake Bay The spectacular setting of Henry’s Island offers panoramic views of the Chesapeake Bay & is designed with a relaxed coastal style in mind. These beautifully wooded sites w/ very private beach are two of the 10 sites of this small enclave. Site 3, 4.5 ac. ~ $475,000. Site 6, 4.7 ac. ~ $520,000. Boats/ Motors 14FT McKEE CRAFT, 30HP Evinrude electric start, galvanized trailer, good condition. $2750. 25HP Evinrude outboard, tiller steering, electric or rope start, just serviced $750. Bimini top for Whaler or McKee, blue with aluminum frame. $75. Call 804-438-5087..(Sept16-4t) 14’ BUTLER built wooden skiff, just painted, in great shape, $550. Call 804-453-3337..(Sept-16-2t) 18FT (5.5 METERS) Catamaran designed for racing. In great shape. Willing to give lessons. $4000. Call 804-453-7300..(Sept-9-3t)SS 18’ HOBIE CAT: with racing sails, perfect condition, $1000 OBO. Call 804-436-3009..(Sept-16-2t) 18’ WOOD SKIFF: Great shape, 30HP Yamaha, electric start. Raised floor, bilge pump, anchor, PFD, bimini cover, $2500. Call 804-529-6169..(Sept9-2t) 1967 EGG HARBOR Sedan Cruiser: Twin screw 360 Chrysler, fullsize head and galley, sleeps 6, A/C, marine radios, depth sounder, bimini top. $32,000. 804-529-6169..(Sept-9-2t) 1973 35’ BRISTOL: Everything new or redone, many upgrades and extras. Asking $47,500. will consider less depending on equipment needed. 804-580-7084 or ocrabbe@aol.com..(Sept-9-tf) 1974 FIBERGLASS Chris Craft: 25’ newly repowered 350 Crusader, very good condition. VHF, depth-finder, GPS. $7000 OBO. Call 804-5802331..(Aug-5-tf) 1978 ALBIN 33 foot fiberglass with flying bridge. Powered by a single 120HP Ford Lehman diesel engine with about 1400 hours. Structurally and mechanically sound. Teak deck has been completely removed and White Stone “Farm View” This 3 BR, 2 BA home offers a convenient in town location and expansive sunset views across a 22 acre grain field. Mature landscaping offers something for every season. Carport, garden shed and workshop are just a few of the extras this charming home offers. Exclusively offered for $167,000. Great Wicomico River Spacious two level home with open floor plan is wonderful for entertaining. This home offers a huge screened porch, deck and over 3500 sq. ft. Fabulous wide views and sandy shoreline with community dock. This will be your very own retreat offering over 4 acres. Exclusively offered for $775,000. $ 125,000 ‘White Stone Brick Cottage’ off Windmill Point Road 2 Bedrooms ◆ Sun Deck Marble & Ceramic Tile in Bath 082604 The Green Charming Williamsburg style condominium on “The Green” in established neighborhood of fine WF homes, steps from “The Tartan” Golf Course. Formal lvrm w/gas log f.p., dining rm, 2 bdrms, den/3rd bdrm, 3 full baths, & creek rm. Many recent upgrades, community amenities, & maintenance provided by the association. Exclusively offered for $465,000. Village of Irvington Glorious Victorian home situated in the Historic Village of Irvington. Within walking distance of unique boutiques and restaurants. Stunning interior design offers high ceilings, French doors, window seats, bay windows and a lovely screened porch. Immaculately maintained with fenced yard, brick patio and charming garden house. Beautifully landscaped. This home offers a lot of attention to detail. Exclusively offered for $495,000. JUST listed-- ‘The BOAT HOUSE Lot’ $325,000 Historic Northern Neck 6’ MLW +600’ WATERFRONT Septic Approved ◆ Corrotoman River View Mature Trees enhance privacy... 081904 JUST Listed-- $159,000 ‘The Lively Oaks House’ 2.2 Acres Lively Village Pristine Home: 3 Bdrms, 2 Baths 462-5011 Lively 758-2430 URBANNA Tommy Brent 462-7608 Nancy Carter 462-5025 Maria Whitehead 776-7668 Jennifer Dilday 435-9575 Herb Stover 462-0003 Lee Maurer 435-9480 Katie Horsley Dew 435-9253 FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: 435-2644 JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. White Stone Glenn Kelley Stan Whitehead Jack Enoch Stacey Brent IsaBell Horsley Seldon Tompkins Nelson Horsley Jr. 438-9463 776-7668 435-3044 435-0132 693-3826 435-6850 435-0773 447 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE WHITE STONE, VA 22578 804-435-3131 Serving the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck ❖ 4478 IRVINGTON ROAD IRVINGTON, VA 22480 804-438-6575 87 NORTH MAIN STREET KILMARNOCK, VA 22482 804-435-9888 www.carter-realestate.com ❖ C4 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 Boats/ Motors Boats/ Motors Boats/ Motors DAVID D. OTIS replaced with 5 layers of glass. Hydraulic steering, auto pilot, 2VHF radios, 2 depth sounders, 3 new 8D batteries, A/C and more. Cruising speed 6.5 knots and burns about 2.5 gph. Needs lots of TLC asking $29,500. Call 804-435-1701 ext 19 days, 804-462-7622 nights..(July-1-tf)photo-on-line 1979 GRADY WHITE 21’cuddy cabin, 150HP Evinrude, power trim and tilt trailer, marine radio, compass, $4300. Call 804-529-6169..(Sept-9-2t) 1987 LARSON DC 215 Cabin Cruiser. 165 I/O Mercruiser w/low hrs. Canvas campertop, sink, toilet, doublebed, radio w/tape player, 50 gal. fuel tank. New Garmin 165 depth/fishfinder/GPS. New marine radio. Dry storage on 1998 loadrite trailer w/tarp. $8000. Gil at 804-438-9408. Great Bay boat..(X) 1995 15’ BOSTON WHALER Rage: 115HP Jet engine with bridle attachment, swim platform, new bimini top, cover, total cushion package, galvanized trailer, like new. very low hours. $7995. Call 804-462-5199..(July29-tf) 1995 PROLINE 2700 Center Console, twin 96 Evinrude 200HP, Northstar 951 GPS, Furuno radar and color sounder, VHF, CB, outriggers, windlass, full enclosure. Very clean boat, $37,750. 804-435-0164..(Sept-16-tf) 2000 MAINSHIP “PILOT 34”: Dark green Imron hull, tan & dark green accents. Nicely equipped. Diesel engine. Asking $169,000. Custom Yacht Service. 804-438-5563..(Aug26-4t)SS 2001 BOSTON WHALER 18’ Dauntless, 135 Mercury Optimax w/235 hrs. DF, GPS, VHF. Fish & comfort pkg. $24,300. 540-374-1933 or 804-4534170..(Sept-16-2t) 2001 CAROLINA CLASSIC: 25’ with cuddy cabin. Excellent condition, moored in covered slip during the season and kept on land during winter. Volvo diesel. $68,000. Custom Yacht Service. 804-438-5563..(Aug26-4t)SS 2002 MAINSHIP “PILOT 30”: Hardtop, 96 hours on original Yanmar diesel engine. Asking $115,000. Custom Yacht Service. 804-438-5563..(Aug26-4t)SS 2004 FIBERGLASS Skiff by Lost Creek, 2004 Honda 20HP, E/S, P/T, maybe used 5 hours. $4900. Call 804-435-2499..(Sept-16-3t) 2004 NEW 13’5” wooden row skiff, all cedar with oars and locks, excellent condition. Can be seen at Fleeton Rd., Reedville. Phone 804-453-3181..(X) 20FT. WELLCRAFT 1976, 165HP Mercruiser I/O, dependable. Canvas top w/side cur tains. Great for rock fishing. 1996 Loadrite trailer, both for $3500. Call 540-273-7503 or 804-4356790..(Sept-9-4t) 25’ CORONADO SAILBOAT. Excellent sails and cushions. Fully batten main, furling jib, spinnaker. 8HP Johnson, sleeps 4-5. Great condition $3200. Call 804-580-4439..(Sept-16-4t) 40FT. BAY BUILT workboat w/671 Detroit diesel. Excellent condition w/complete electronics. Virginia crab pot license and crab pots. $12,000. Call 804-453-4205..(X) 46’ FIBERGLASS workboat Cat diesel 435HP. West Coast cabin, radar, GPS, dual stations, hydraulic gill net reel and 10 nets. $125,000. Call 804-4533510..(July-29-8t) BOAT RENTALS! Call Chesapeake Boat Basin, Kilmarnock, VA 804-435-3110 to find out how you can rent a Southern Skimmer Skiff today..(Sept-16-2t) C-HAWK 22: 1996, 150 Mercury trailer, excellent condition, stored 9 months each year. Many extras. Moving. $12,500. 804-776-8907. (Sept-25t)SS CHESAPEAKE BOAT BASIN, Kilmarnock, VA, 804-435-3110, Broker Listings: 1988 Silver ton 37 ft. $72,500, fully loaded, sleeps 6 comfortably, heat & A/C, generator, nice bridge, and too many features to list. 1999 Sportcraft 28 ft. $47,500 hard top with full cur tain enclosure, auto helm, walk in head, radar & other electronics, recent tune up and bottom paint, low hours. 1999 Sportcraft 27 ft. $35,000 hard top with full cur tain enclosure, windlass, nice electronics, china head, bottom has never been painted. 2001 Robalo 25 ft. $57,500, twin 140HP Suzuki 4 stroke motors, hardtop w/curtains, head, windlass, radar & other electronics and a trailer. 2001 C-Hawk 22 ft. $17,200 150HP Johnson with low hours, livewell, vhf, gps, depth sounder and a trailer. 1992 Larson 21 ft. $9900, sleeps 2, por ta-potti, boat cover, canopy with side cur tains, nice electronics, stereo, and a 2002 trailer. Call 804-435-3110, stop by or visit us online at www.che sa pea ke boat ba sin.com. More listings needed.(X) CHRIS CRAFT Cabin Cruiser, 1974 Express, 25’, 250HP inboard, low hours. Head, dining area, power tilt, Realtor ❖ CARTERS CREEK - WHITE STONE Toll Free 1 (800) 525-6405 email: dave@rivertowne.com Office (804) 435-2482 276 N. Main Street • P.O. Box 2270 • Kilmarnock, VA 22482 CHESAPEAKE HARBOR ❖ $395,000 • • • • NEW HOME 2,016 Sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath Screen Porch On Carters Creek, this early river cottage offers easy one-floor living and provides an affordable opportunity to enjoy a much sought-after location. This cozy cottage with enchanting gardens features three bedrooms, master bedroom with deck, dining room, waterfront greatroom, and screened porch. Conveniently located to great restaurants, championship golf courses, boutique shopping and historical landmarks. Exclusively offered at $475,000. • 2-3 MLW • Amenities included: Sand beach, community dock and picnic Area FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: EMILY CARTER 435-3144 Exceptional 9.45 AC +/- Waterfront Property • 900’ Shoreline • Approved building site for large home on one point of land and approved building site for large guest house on an additional point of land • Building site approved @ 60’ set back line • 5’ MLW • Minutes to the bay • Includes 5+ acres wooded & 4+ acres of open land for horses, etc. • Approved septic drainfield site • Could be subdivided • Very private JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. Brokers for Unique Properties and Estates Since 1957 ❖ Toll Free: 866-541-5156 ❖ Fax: 804-435-0153 447 Chesapeake Drive ❖ P.O. Box 7 ❖ White Stone, Virginia 22578 email: ecarter@carter-realestate.com ❖ Ann Davenport 462-7928 Aubrey Hall 758-2464 Judy Bridge 435-2330 Anne McClintock 435-3447 Al Ludwig 435-0140 Paul Crovato 462-7183 Cindy Balderson 435-4014 $495,000 Martha Smith 435-9633 Esther Stevens 462-5746 Sandy Saal 435-0940 Antti Helne 435-0393 Jane Brothers Ludwig 435-0140 David Farley 436-9018 Ken Michaels 761-1763 LARGE ENOUGH FOR GREAT SERVICE AND SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE! PAUL CROVATO MARTHA SMITH August Sales Leader. Congratulations!! August Listing Leader Congratulations!! SENIOR CREEK DEEP water cottage with pier to 5-6’ MLW. VIEW on beautifully Landscaped .669± Acre, 2 bedroom and one bath, fireplace, Sun porch, small deck - NEW one car detached garage. GREAT ESCAPE - VERY NEAT PROPERTY ! $315,000 WEEMS Large 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath Colonial situated on over one acre lot with views of the Rappahannock River from the upstairs bedrooms. Decking - Playhouse. Mature landscaping. Near Campbell Memorial Church. $242,000 WINDMILL POINT BIG OYSTER CREEK with over 500’ of waterfrontage. 2.09± acres with 2 lots with spectacular views into the Rappahannock. 4’MLW available but entry into the River is power boat depth. 3 bedrooms, fireplace & 1.5 baths. Private setting. $369,500 IF WE DON’T HAVE IT WE’LL FIND IT !!! TIPERS CREEK To see all of our agents’ listings - updated daily 13.6 ± acres VERY private hideaway mostly wooded POINT with pier to 3-4’ MLW Garden area. Home is almost 5000 sq ft including 2 car in house garage with workshop all heated and cooled. 2 large master suites with additional guest bedroom. EXTENSIVE decking, formal dining room, large sunroom and living room, Gas log fireplace - lots of water view - many extra’s call for brochure on this unusual property. WEB ADDRESS Log onto: www.baymeadowsrealestate.com e-mail: meadows@crosslink.net 607 Rappahannock Drive (Rt. 3) P.O. Box 1010 • White Stone, Va. 22578 435-1287 OR 1(800) 542-3543 $695,000 Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 • C5 Boats/ Motors Help Wanted Help Wanted needs starter. $3000. Call 804-4350960..(Sept-9-tf) GRADY WHITE 1988, 22 ft. Seafarer cuddy cabin, 350 I/O. $18,000. Rick Moss 804-435-8901, 804-435-6663..(July-15-tf) MERRINER YACHTS, INC. Yacht Brokers. Thinking of selling your quality sailboat, trawler, or downeast boat? We can help. Give us a call. (804) 725-7595 www.MerrinerYachts.com..(Sept-9-5t) PADDLE BOAT: New 1998, needs work, hurricane Isabel damage, $150. Call for details and to see. 804-2851224..(Aug-26-4t) POWER BOAT listings needed. 26’ and larger. Free covered dockage Virginia Yacht Brokers local representative. Call Tom 804-435-6698. www.vayacht.com(June-24-13t) WINDSURFER, $250. 8HP Nissan outboard motor, $250. Call 804-4353366..(Sept-16-2t) LOCATION: Heathsville, Virginia APPLICATION DEADLINE: 12:00 Noon, Oct. 1, 2004 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages county’s Section 8 Housing Program for Northumberland County, including Family Self-Sufficiency Program. Determines eligibility for housing program, coordinates lease arrangements with landlords, inspects housing for compliance with HUD regulations, develops self-sufficiency plans with tenants. Supports and assists clients individually and in groups, utilizing available resources to meet their personal, social, health, economic, and parenting needs and to help them develop their own capabilities. Provides guidance to clients seeking alternative solutions to specific problems, such as child care, management of finances, housing, health needs, education, vocational training and employment. Locates, develops and coordinates community resources. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Applicant must 1) Possess a minimum of a baccalaureate degree in the Human Services field; or 2) Possess a minimum of a baccalaureate degree in any field accompanied by a minimum of two (2) years of appropriate and related experience in a Human Services related area. Also, applicants must be willing to work outside of normal working hours, which includes par ticipation in an on-call schedule for emergencies twenty-four hours a day, including weekends. In addition, employment is contingent upon satisfactory background investigations. Education and/or experience in housing is preferred. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Applicants should visit or contact the Virginia Employment Commission or State/local offices of the Department of Social Services to review additional job qualifications (knowledge, skills and ability statements) and application instructions and to obtain the required Commonwealth of Virginia Application for Employment (DPT Form 10-012). Applicants must meet the minimum job qualifications to be considered for this position. The deadline for receipt of applications is 12:00 noon on Friday, October 1, 2004. Send the application to: bonus pay, health insurance. 50+ hours per week, Monday-Friday. Sound Structures Inc., Heathsville. 804-580-8462..(Sept-16-3t) OUTDOOR CAREERS: Hiring working Foremen to lead utility contract field crews. On-the-job training, weekly pay and bonuses, great benefit package, and company truck and tools. Must enjoy physical outdoor work, have strong leadership skills, good driving history, be able to travel for short and extended periods primarily in Northern and Northern Neck Virginia and central Maryland. Resume to Osmose Recruiter at email Ccovelusky@osmose.com or fax 1-804224-3963. www.osmose.com EOE M/F/DV..(Sept-16-3t) PAINTER’S HELPER needed, must have vehicle, phone, and be reliable. Call Kevin Hutchings Painting at 804-462-7474, or cell 804-436-2360. (Sept-16-4t) POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT SCNEP Program Assistant (Educational Support Specialist I) Virginia Cooperative Extension-Lancaster Marine Services AIR-CONDITIONING, refrigeration, electrical problems. Call John Olivier, Marine Systems, now serving the Northern Neck. 804-529-9500 or 443-822-4043 cell..(July-8-13t) COVERED SLIPS on Carter Creek: accommodates up to 40’ boat, protected cove, elec/water hookups. Used Ber trams, engines, aluminum masts, S.S. rigging, hardware. Irvington Marina. 804-438-5113..(Jan-8-tf) DIVE CLEANING, insurance sur vey, inflatable repair, delivery, consultation, product serving Annapolis to Yorktown. White Sails Yacht Services, white_sails@hotmail.com 804-435SAIL(7245)..(July-22-13t) MARINE SERVICES: Experienced mobile mechanic. Gasoline, diesel, transmissions, carburetors, other systems, OB/IB and electrical. Hundreds of engines and transmissions rebuilt. Excellent diagnostics ability. Rich, 804-529-5912..(July-1-13t) Help Wanted Prepare to Get Your Next Job FREE! Learn how to write an effective resume. Learn and practice interviewing skills. Visit your Workforce Enhancement Partnership at 8275 Mary Ball Road in Lancaster Court House, Tues & Thurs. 11a.m. to 4p.m. or call 804-462-WORK. WEP is a service of the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce and The One Stop Program. (Jan-16-tf) AS A RESULT of growth and internal promotions, Urbanna Lumber has oppor tunities opening up for sales positions in both outside sales and retail. Competitive wages and benefits. Oppor tunity for growth. Experience required. Apply in person at Urbanna office, 804-758-5347..(Sept16-2t)SS ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN- Assist Plant Technician testing production level printed circuit boards. Duties include setup/operation of equip used in electronic test environment. Basic knowledge of electrical principles as well as good background in computer systems using DOS or windows based platforms is helpful.This is an entry level position providing a good oppor tunity for the right person to learn cutting edge production techniques/related technology at circuit board level. For interview call 804-453-3000..(Sept-16-2t) AVON REPRESENTATIVE: Kids are going back to school, Christmas is around the corner. Start your own business with $10. Free gift with sign-up. Sue, 804-642-1453..(Aug-26-tf) CHILD CARE Provider needed in my home for 3 children, evening shift, 3p.m.-5a.m., 3-4 nights a week. Light housekeeping necessary. Please call 804-436-9036 to schedule interview. References will be required along with background check..(Sept-9-2t) CHILD CARE: Nanny-type sitter to care for 6-month old in my Ir vington home, 5 days week. Dependable, mature with own transpor tation required. No smoking. References required. Call 804-436-6090 after 6 p.m..(Sept-16-3t) DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT CLASSIFICATION TITLE: HOUSING SPECIALIST/ SOCIAL WORKER POSITION NUMBER: 00023-04 SALARY: Minimum: $26,513 POSITION STATUS: Restricted, Full time Position subject to Review for continuation beyond May 31, 2005 Northumberland Department of Social Services P. 0. Box 399 Heathsville, VA 22473 (804) 580-3477 Any application which is incomplete or received after the deadline will not be processed, AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER (Sept-16-3t) DUMP TRUCK Driver/Equipment Operator wanted. Must have CDL. Full-time, excellent pay. Please call 804-438-5232 or 804-436-3463 and leave a message..(Aug-26-4t) EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Insurance & Financial Services. Local office representing well-known national company: 40 hour work week, no travel and no evening or weekend work. Excellent financial package for general marketing/customer service rep. Experience & licensed preferred but not required. Send resume to: Employment, P.O. Box 1029, Kilmarnock, Va. 22482 or fax resume to 804-435-2004..(Aug-19-tf) EQUIPMENT MECHANIC needed: Experienced only. Top pay and full company and profit sharing benefits. Call Chimney Corner at White Marsh, 804-694-5385..(Apr-22-tf)SS GROWING CONSTRUCTION company seeking experienced carpenters and laborers. Competitive pay, full and part-time positions available. Must have own transpor tation. Only serious need apply. 804-462-5891. (Sept-2-tf) HEALTH INSURANCE office seeking degreed professional with excellent people skills, proficient with Microsoft office products. Submit resume to ADIA Insurance, P.O. Box 1107, White Stone, VA 22578 or fax to 804-4352211..(X) LEGAL ASSISTANT/Intern. A person with a college education desired, who is considering law school and would like to intern with a local firm. Please send resume to Box LS, P.O. Box 400, Kilmarnock, VA 22482. (Sept-16-2t) LEGAL SECRETARY. Will train. Must have word processing, spelling, grammar and people skills. Please send resume: Box LS, P.O.Box 400, Kilmarnock, VA 22482..(Sept-16-2t) MACHINE OPERATORS, starting rate $7.29. Excellent benefits after 3 months. Apply to D&P Embroidery Co., Rt. 198, Cobbs Creek. Previous applicants need not apply..(Aug-12-tf) MATE FOR CHARTER boat, Reedville Fish cleaning experience needed. 804-453-3643..(Sept-16-2t) MATERIAL HANDLER to install sound proofing cement. Holiday, vacation, “Marine Propeller Shafting Shop for Sale: All tools & machinery to machine propeller shafts to 4 1/2”, straighten & fit couplings: $30,000.00 Call Fred-Ocran Boat Shop, 1935 Ocran Rd. White Stone, VA 22578 804-435-6305 A D IRECT L ENDER ! Homeowners - GET CASH! XPay Off Credit Card Bills! XMake Home Improvements! XPay Off College Tuition! XTake a Family Vacation! GET CAS H FA S T ! * Purchases - Refinancing - 103% Financing - Self Employed Loans GET CASH FAST! *QUICK APPROVALS!* Bad Credit is No Problem! OPEN LATE & OPEN WEEKENDS! CALL NOW! NO PAYMENTS UNTIL NOVEMBER** $ PAY BLS Funding L .B R . CLOSING OANS UILDING 866-7 H7 O 96-4 M E O4 W725 NERS BORROW ELATIONSHIPS $ 65,000 320 * BORROW $ PAY 125,000 $ 615 * BORROW 200 000 $ PAY $ , 984 * *For qualified applicants only. Monthly rates based on 4.25% 4.79% initial APR. Initial rates adjust after 3 years Rates subject to change w/o notice. **Continue regularly scheduled payments until your loan closes. No down payment required for qualified buyers. Licensed mortgage lender VA#MLB-827. ❖ JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. Brokers for Unique Properties and Estates Since 1957 87 NORTH MAIN STREET ❖ KILMARNOCK, VIRGINIA 22482 www.carter-realestate.com GREAT WICOMICO ❖ LEE DALE SHORES Qualifications: Good communication skills including the ability to communicate information and skills to lowincome youth. Ability to recruit and direct volunteers. Ability to keep accurate, legible records. Reliable means of daily transpor tation. Knowledge of community resources and geographic location of potential clients. Strong work ethic and motivation to work efficiently, without close supervision. Some prior experience in working with youth and ability to provide a positive role model. Willingness to learn and adopt principles of basic and diseaseprevention nutrition. . Full time Position- Work Schedule: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, M-F Restricted funding Application Deadline: October 1, 2004 Normal starting salary: $17,501 - $18,500. Required to Apply Electronically to www;iobs.vt.edu. Click on Search postings. Enter Posting Number 041365 to submit an application (resume or cover letter also requested) This spacious contemporary home takes advantage of its spectacular wide views of the Great Wicomico River with an open floor plan including a family room with fireplace, open kitchen, breakfast nook and large living room with dining area. The huge screened porch and deck allow you to enjoy the breezes from the river. The master bedroom has a walk-in closet and a bath with shower, whirlpool & sauna. There is an office/den with built-in bookcases. The lower level has two bedrooms, bath, playroom and ample storage space. It is situated on 4.16 (±) acres within a quiet community with rights to a dock in a protected harbor. Exclusively Offered for $775,000 For more information, call Judith L. Midkiff, Area Coordinator, 804-527-4252 AN EO/AA EMPLOYER COMMITTED TO DIVERSITY W E A RE ❖ Description of General Responsibilities: Engage limited-resource youth in Lancaster, Westmorland, Northumberland and Richmond Counties into SCNEP Youth groups, teaching them the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed for choosing and preparing low-cost, nutritious, and safe foods. As a result of employee’s efforts, lowincome youth will acquire improved eating habits and other skills that will contribute to better nutritional status and a healthy lifestyle. Emphasis is placed on training and managing volunteers to provide leadership to the youth groups Individuals desiring assistance/ accommodation in the application/ interview process should contact us at 540-231-5301 voice or 540-231-6258 TDD. & DEBT CONSOLIDATION FRED & MAGGIE GILMAN SALES ASSOCIATES 804-435-0909 Toll Free: 866-435-0909 ❖ Fax: 804-435-0153 email: msgilman@crosslink.net ❖ ❖ (X) RAPPAHANNOCK COMMUNITY College seeks three full-time highly motivated individuals dedicated to customer service for the Warsaw Campus facilities management department. Trades Technician IV (Position #00024) Individual to supervise and direct building facilities and energy management systems, campus grounds care program, custodial services program, security, safety, transpor tation, and contracted services. Ensure timely repair of all facilities and professional appearance of grounds to provide a safe, clean and professional environment. Coordinate purchase of all department supplies and materials. Assist in capital outlay and maintenance reserve project. Qualifications Required: High school graduate or equivalent, cer tified journeyman in one or more trades and the ability to read blueprints required. Demonstrated successful supervisory experience in facilities maintenance, construction, or related field. Knowledge and experience in budgeting and fiscal management, preparing bid specifications, various building trades and code requirements, and administering contracts. Demonstrated ability to provide quality customer service. Plan and prepare detailed, accurate and competitive cost estimate packages with an emphasis on the ability to positively represent the organization to customers. Perform facilities inspections and prepare detailed reports. Must be able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Word processing, spreadsheet, Estate Sale WELCOME • Hills Quarter features the sculpted 18-hole King Carter Golf Course and practice range. • Future amenities include a community pool, championship tennis courts and hiking trails. • All Hills Quarter residents enjoy maintenance-free living. Never cut your grass, mulch your flower beds or trim your hedges again! “124 The Green” REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES • Premium homesites available starting from the mid $50s • Many lots will accommodate walk-out basements • Large variety of model homes and custom floor plans ranging from $150,000 to $250,000 • Model homes available for immediate occupancy • One-level living with cathedral ceilings and expansive windows to enjoy the views This lovely Williamsburg style townhouse is beautifully situated on Carters Creek with spectacular water views from every room. Within walking distance of the Tartan golf course, it is in pristine condition and the neighbors are delightful! Newly renovated kitchen and bathrooms. For information on bidding procedure, contact Ann Ahrens Spargo and Amy Ahrens, Trustees, c/o Rumsey & Bugg, P.O. Box 720, Irvington, VA 22840 or call 804-4385588 (Trusts of the late Al and Peg Ahrens) EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY MERRY POINT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY HILLS QUARTER IRVINGTON, VIRGINIA Historic Virginia’s Newest Golf Course Community ~ Where residents enjoy maintenance-free living ~ 1-804-435-8830 1-800-795-2464 www.HillsQuarter.com SALES OFFICE OPEN DAILY Mon-Fri 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. • Sat & Sun 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. C6 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted and knowledge of using e-mail skills required. Valid Virginia drivers license, insurable driving record, background security check, and ability to pass a credit check required. Day shift position with occasional evening, weekend and cross campus work required. Experience in a school or institution preferred. Position reports directly to Facilities Manager. Pay band 4, classified position with excellent benefits package. Salary Range: $27,323 $56,076, commensurate with experience. to supervisor. Qualifications Required: High school graduate or equivalent or training and/or related experience in housekeeping may substitute for educational requirements. Knowledge of cleaning methods and use of cleaning chemicals, equipment and supplies. Knowledge and skill in proper cleaning techniques as well as stripping, waxing, buffing floors and shampooing carpets (dry and wet methods). Knowledge of and ability to apply safety techniques to be used in day-to-day housekeeping operations. Ability to operate buffers, wet and dry vacuums and other housekeeping equipment. Demonstrated ability to follow verbal and written instructions; lift 25 pounds and lift or move up to 50 pounds with assistance; stand, bend and stoop for extended periods of time; and to tolerate contact with a variety of cleaning products and solutions. Previous commercial housekeeping experience required. Valid Virginia drivers license, insurable driving record and background security check required. Day shift position with occasional evening, weekend and cross campus work required. PC skills and knowledge of using e-mail preferred. Position reports directly to the Warsaw Campus Trades Technician IV. Pay band I, classified position with excellent benefits package. Salary Range: $13,396 - $27,493, commensurate with experience. breakage, inoperative equipment and vandalism to supervisor. Qualifications Required: High school graduate or equivalent or training and/or related experience in housekeeping may substitute for educational requirements. Knowledge of cleaning methods and use of cleaning chemicals, equipment and supplies. Knowledge and skill in proper cleaning techniques as well as stripping, waxing, buffing floors and shampooing car pets (dry and wet methods). Knowledge of and ability to apply safety techniques to be used in day-to-day housekeeping operations. Ability to operate buffers, wet and dry vacuums and other housekeeping equipment. Demonstrated ability to follow verbal and written instructions; lift 25 pounds and lift or move up to 50 pounds with assistance; stand, bend and stoop for extended periods of time; and to tolerate contact with a variety of cleaning products and solutions. Previous commercial housekeeping experience required. Valid Virginia driver’s license, insurable driving record and background security check required. Day shift position with occasional evening, weekend and cross campus work required. PC skills and knowledge of using e-mail preferred. Position reports directly to the Glenns Campus Trades Technician IV. Pay band I, classified position with excellent benefits package. Salary Range: $13,396 - $27,493, commensurate with experience. include credit and developmental level, will include general biology and human anatomy and physiology. Provide program leadership and coordinate with adjunct faculty teaching biology and health science, and with other faculty in related fields. Adopt textbooks, write course syllabi and lesson plans, prepare instructional budgets, set up labs/classrooms. Minimum Qualifications: Instructor Masters degree in biology or related field with a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in biology. Assistant Professor - Specialist degree or equivalent in biology or another related discipline with 36 graduate semester hours in biology and 2 years teaching experience required. Salary no less than $32,534. A Commonwealth of Virginia Employment application must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, October 1, 2004. Faxed or Internet applications will not be accepted or considered. Rappahannock Community College, Human Resource Office, 12745 College Drive, Glenns, Virginia 23149 EEO/AA/M/ F/D Applicants with disabilities should contact human resource office at least five days prior to deadline date if special accommodations are needed. Resumes will not substitute for a fully completed state application. Applications may be obtained by downloading at www.vec.state.va.us/vecpor tal/ or by calling the Human Resource Office at 804-758-6890. (Sept-9-2t) Rappahannock Community College seeks two highly motivated individuals dedicated to customer service for the Glenns Campus facilities management department. Part-time Trades Technician I (Position #H0049) Individual to properly maintain the landscape of the college to provide a safe, neat, clean, and well maintained appearance. This will include hor ticulture practices such as mowing, planting, fer tilizing, spraying, watering, trimming, mulching, edging, litter removal and other aspects associated with the upkeep of the landscape of the campus. Operate grounds maintenance equipment such as trucks, mowers and small powered equipment. Assist facilities personnel with maintaining of general college operating systems; performs required preventive and routine maintenance on ground equipment. Assist in the delivery and transporting of equipment, supplies, mail, and bank deposits. Trades Technician I (Position #00063) Individual to properly maintain the landscape of the college to provide a safe, neat, clean, and well maintained appearance. This will include hor ticulture practices such as mowing, planting, fer tilizing, spraying, watering, trimming, mulching, edging, litter removal and other aspects associated with the upkeep of the landscape of the campus. Operate grounds maintenance equipment such as trucks, mowers and small powered equipment. Assist facilities personnel with maintaining of general college operating systems; performs required preventive and routine maintenance on ground equipment. Assist in the delivery and transporting of equipment, supplies, mail, and bank deposits. Qualifications Required: High school graduate or equivalent. Basic knowledge and experience in grounds keeping and landscaping. Knowledge and experience in the operation of grounds equipment. Basic knowledge of mechanics to recognize malfunctions of equipment. Ability to work in extreme heat and cold. Demonstrated ability to work independently and to work with others. Ability to lift/move/ carry 50 pounds. Demonstrated ability to follow written and verbal instructions. Demonstrated ability to provide quality customer service. PC skills and knowledge of using e-mail preferred. Experience in a school or institution preferred. Valid Virginia drivers license, insurable driving record and background security check required. Day shift position with occasional evening, weekend and cross campus work required. Position reports directly to Warsaw Campus Trades Technician IV. Pay band 1, classified position with excellent benefits package. Salary Range: $13,396 - $27,493, commensurate with experience. Housekeeping Worker I (Position #00066) Individual to perform full service custodial cleaning of all College interior space. Provide a clean and safe environment in corridors, classrooms, offices, and public areas of the college. Clean classrooms, offices, hallways and public areas and restrooms; clean floors and assist with moving furniture and set-ups for special events. Gathering and disposal of refuse. Demonstrated ability to work independently and to work with others. Performs interior inspections and accurately reports damage, breakage, inoperative equipment and vandalism Full-time Housekeeping Worker I (Position #00065) Individual to perform full service custodial cleaning of all College interior space. Provide a clean and safe environment in corridors, classrooms, offices, and public areas of the college. Clean classrooms, offices, hallways and public areas and restrooms; clean floors and assist with moving furniture and setups for special events. Gathering and disposal of refuse. Demonstrated ability to work independently and to work with others. Performs interior inspections and accurately reports damage, ilmarnock Planing Mill Purveyors of quality home decor & friendly service since 1921 WALLPAPER • CARPET • VINYL • FABRICS BLINDS • WOOD FLOORING • HOME DECORATING Hours: M-F 9:30-5 • Sat. 9:30-12:00 420 Main Street • Kilmarnock, VA 22482 • 804.435.1122 Timberframe, Inc. Quality Post & Beam & Custom Homes 804-761-1578 Designed by Samuel C. Nuckols, Architect People find money in the strangest places: jeans pockets, couch cushions, Trane Home Heating Systems Buy a Trane Home Heating System before November 30; get up to $1000 cash back. Looking for a little extra spending money? Check out a new Trane Home Heating System. Its mail-in-rebate check keeps your costs down. So you won’t have to go digging around the rest of the house for spare change. How’s that for cool? Northern Neck Mechanical Quality Installations Superior Service 230 Sandlin Drive • White Stone, VA 804-435-6149 Qualifications Required: High school graduate or equivalent. Basic knowledge and experience in grounds keeping and landscaping. Knowledge and experience in the operation of grounds equipment Basic knowledge of mechanics to recognize malfunctions of equipment Ability to work in extreme heat and cold. Demonstrated ability to work independently and to work with others. Ability to lift/move/ carry 50 pounds. Demonstrated ability to follow written and verbal instructions. Demonstrated ability to provide quality customer service, PC skills and knowledge of using e-mail preferred. Experience in a school or institution preferred. Valid Virginia driver’s license, insurable driving record and background security check required. Day shift position with occasional evening, weekend and cross campus work required. Position reports directly to Glenns Campus Trades Technician IV. 30 hours per week with no benefits package- salary range: $6.44 $13.22, commensurate with experience. A Commonwealth of Virginia Employment application must be received by 4:30 p.m.. Tuesday. October 5, 2004. Faxed or Internet applications will not be accepted or considered. Rappahannock Community College, Human Resource Office, 12745 College Drive. Glenns, Virginia 23149 EEO/AA/M/F/D Applicants with disabilities should contact human resource office at least five days prior to deadline date if special accommodations are needed. Resumes will not substitute for a fully completed state application. Applications may be obtained by downloading at www.vec.state.va.us/vecpor tal/ or by calling the Human Resource Office at 804-758-6890. (Sept-16-2t) RAPPAHANNOCK COMMUNITY College, a two-campus institution serving a rural 12-county area in the Chesapeake Bay region of Virginia seeks applicants for the following faculty positions. All teaching positions are nine-month appointments with excellent benefits package and salaries are commensurate with education and experience. General Responsibilities of Teaching Faculty: Teaching assignments and schedule may include day and evening assignments, cross-campus or off-campus assignments, and high school concurrently enrolled students. Expectation is to teach using a variety of delivery systems including interactive video, web, and other electronic media. Other duties include, but are not limited to, student advisement, college committee work, special projects, program assessment and student recruitment and retention. Preferred General Qualifications: Community college teaching experience. Experience in program/curriculum development. Additional credentialing (18 graduate semester hours) to teach in another field(s). Assistant Professor for Nursing primarily based at the Warsaw Campus (Position #F0020). Position beginning November 2004 or as soon as possible thereafter. Duties: Provide program leadership for an associate degree program in nursing (RN). Teach lecture, lab, and clinical sections of nursing courses. Coordinate with adjunct faculty teaching in the health technologies programs, and with other faculty in related fields. Coordinate with cooperating college for program development and placement of second-year program students. Adopt textbooks, write course syllabi and lesson plans, prepare instructional budgets, set up lab/classroom, and maintain inventory and condition of lab/classroom. Work closely with regional health care agencies to establish clinical sites for students and assist in job placement of program graduates. Minimum Qualifications: Masters degree in nursing and RN license required. A minimum of two years related occupational experience and two years teaching experience required. Demonstrated clinical competence in providing direct patient care and a current, valid license to practice as a professional nurse in the Commonwealth of Virginia required. Salary is no less than $37,414. Instructor/Assistant Professor for Biology primarily based at the Glenns Campus (Position #F0041). Position beginning January 3, 2005. Duties: Teach 12-15 credits per semester in biology. Courses will THE RECORD SPORTS ONLINE www.rrecord.com Instructor/Assistant Professor Sociology primarily based at the Glenns Campus. (Position #F0027). Position beginning January 3, 2005. Duties: Provide leadership for sociology area coordinating with adjunct curriculum faculty. Advise Arts and Sciences curricular students. Adopt textbooks, write course syllabi, plan instructional strategies, and coordinate with curriculum faculty to improve student outcomes in sociology. Minimum Qualifications: Instructor Masters degree in sociology or in related field with a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in sociology. Assistant Professor - Specialist degree or equivalent in sociology or another related discipline with 36 graduate semester hours in sociology and 2 years teaching experience required. Salary is no less than $32,534. Preferred Qualifications: Experience or preparation in teaching sociology and teaching adult students and 18 graduate semesters in an additional field. Ches-Bay Realty Inc. 0DUJXHULWKH+DDVQRRW2ZQHU%URNHU -RKQ3ROVRQ$JHQW -LP2 6XOOLYDQ$JHQW !!" ##!! $ %& 1HZRQ0DUNHW' 'ÀÁ' # #! A Commonwealth of Virginia Employment application, unofficial transcripts and cover letter, which describe qualifications, must be received by 4:30 p.m., Thursday, October 14, 2004. Official transcripts required at time of interview. Faxed or Internet applications will not be accepted or considered. Rappahannock Community College Human Resource Office 12745 College Drive Glenns, Virginia 23149 EEO/AA/M/ F/D Applicants with disabilities should contact human resource office at least five days prior to deadline date if special accommodations are needed. Resumes will not substitute for a fully completed state application. Applications may be obtained by downloading at www.vec.state.va.us/vecpor tal/ or by calling the Human Resource Office at 804-758-6890. (Sept-9-2t) RECEPTIONIST/CLERK: F/T position at local shop, involves working with public, scheduling appointments, tracking inventory, handling sales and delivery personnel. Excellent tel- '# !(')'*'+ , !!" ! "! !!" -! . ö LOCAL !" www.ches-bay.org SERVING ALL OF THE NORTHERN NECK AND MIDDLE PENINSULA References upon request. Licensed • Bonded • Insured Va. Class “A” #022400 Major Additions • Dormers • Decks • Rec Rooms Kitchens • Baths • Garages • Carports • Screened Porches Built-In Bookcases & Wall Units TOM JENNINGS 435-0091 White Stone, Va. ❖ ❖ JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. Brokers for Unique Properties and Estates Since 1957 87 NORTH MAIN ST ❖ KILMARNOCK ❖ VIRGINIA 22482 www.carter-realestate.com RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER ❖ BRIGHTWATERS This Unique waterfront home situated on 2.16 acres with spectacular views of the river is truly a home for all seasons. The main level boasts a grand foyer, formal living room with fireplace, banquet size dining room with fireplace, a gourmet kitchen with granite countertops, great bar area for large gatherings, breakfast room and loads of cupboard space and last but not least another fireplace. There is also a cozy den or office for your own personal space. The bedroom wing is very private with 3 spacious bedrooms, 2.5 baths. A lovely Guest Suite on the upper level features a spacious family room, bedroom, fully equipped kitchen, bath and private balcony overlooking river. There is an attached 3 car garage with work area and lots of storage. Extensive wraparound decking which includes a private spa off the Master Suite and shower with hot and cold water for your convenience on your way in from the Beach. A truly UNIQUE HOME with water views from EVERY ROOM. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Exclusively offered for $899,500. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: PAT WILLETT - ASSOCIATE BROKER 804-435-9888 ❖ Direct: 804-436-1557 Fax: 804-435-9779 Email: pwillett@carter-realestate.com ❖ Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 • C7 No Power? No Problem! Paul A. Ryan, Inc. installs Olympian/Caterpillar generator systems to meet your home or business needs. Air-cooled units and transfer switches are also available. Fully licensed and insured. Call 804-580-3217 Lively Wood Yard 804-462-7913 Mulch For Sale Summer Business Hours: Monday thru Saturday - 8 am - 5:30 pm Sunday - 12 noon- 5 pm GLENN LESTER LESTER CO., CO., INC. INC. GLENN WICOMICO CHURCH, VA RIP-RAP & ARMOR STONE INSTALLATION Road Building Lot Clearing Stone • Mulch “Locally Owned Business for over 30 years” FREE ESTIMATES Call (804) 580-2020 • Toll Free 1 (888) 827-4400 Help Wanted Business Services ephone skills required, references needed. Call 804-435-3360 weekdays for details..(Sept-2-3t) RECEPTIONIST/DATA ENTRY: Seasonal position, previous phone experience and basic computer skills. Competitive pay, non-smoking environment. EOE. Send resume to: Office Manager P.O. Box 426, Kilmarnock, Va 22482..(Sept-2-3t) SEAMSTRESS: Immediate opening for a seamstress in the Interiors department of Tiffany Yachts in Burgess. Cushions, window treatments, bedding. Full or part-time. Will train. Apply in person. 804-453-3464..(Sept9-tf) STONE MASONS and helpers needed. Call 804-436-6919..(Sept16-2t) The Sheriff of Lancaster County is accepting applications for the following position, which begins November 1, 2004. Applicants will be subject to a criminal background investigation check. Applications must be obtained from the Lancaster Sheriffs Office, 8293 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, Virginia 22503. Written requests for applications must include a 9” x 9” self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage for 3 ounces of mail. 804-580-9628..(Sept-9-7t) BUD’S INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Painting: Power washing homes, decks and boat docks for mildew. Water sealer on decks and boat docks applied if wanted. 804-4356906..(Sept-16-13t) CARPENTER for hire, framing to finish. 30 years experience. Call 804-4385364..(Aug-5-13t) CARPENTRY AND VINYL siding and replacement windows, decks and small repairs. 20 years experience. Call George Lackert, 804-435-0475. (Sept-16-13t) CLARKE’S CLEANING and General Maintenance Service, Inc. Residential and commercial. Licensed and insured, weekly or monthly. References available. Call 804-4386869..(July-22-13t) CLEANING PROFESSIONALS! We do what regular cleaners won’t do: Walls, skylights, windows, gutters, painting, small home repairs, any/all cleaning, powerwashing. Insured, bonded. Bob, 804-435-0550, 1-888-370-6902..(Aug-12-13t) CONCRETE SIDEWALKS: patios, carports, etc. 25 year experience, dependable prompt. Free estimates. Call 804-435-7564..(Sept-9-13t) CRYSTAL CLEAR window washing service, residential and business. Licensed and insured. Call 804-3704138..(June-24-13t) DEBRIS REMOVAL: Bushhogging grading, driveways, lawn and landscape renovation. Licensed, Insured River View Landscaping, 804-580-7877, Morgan Jenkins landscape contractor..(July-8-13t) DECORATIVE PAINTING: Murals, glazes, stripes, textures, stencils, stamps, faux marble, brick, stone, etc., painted on your walls, floors or furniture. Insured. Call Lausanne, 804-815-6851..(July-22-13t) DO YOU NEED A Companion/sitter for elderly or disabled person? I do cooking, light housekeeping, run errands, drive to appointments. If interested call Joan 804-758-5378..(Aug-26-13t) DOOLEYS ELECTRIC: Master Electrician, Class C license and fully insured. Free estimates. Residential and Marine Service. Call 804-580-7394 or 804-436-3951..(Aug-12-13t) DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION and Repair, topsoil, stone, gravel, mulch, hauling, tractor grading, rototilling, power raking. Reliable service, reasonable rates, fully insured. Enon East Earth Maintenance: 804-4369226..(Aug-26-13t) GARDEN PLOWING or tilling, small lot clearing, bush hogging or lawn mowing, mulching, shrubbery trimming, yard cleaning, leaf mulching. Reasonable rates. Call 804-438-6270..(June24-13t) GENERAL CONTRACTING: New homes and remodeling, roof work and siding, licensed and insured. 30 years experience. James William Ashburn, White Stone , 804-435-6506..(July29-13t) GRASS CUTTING, bushhogging, tree removal, lot clearing, debris removal, hauling, more. Fully insured. H&L Services Co., Brent Hall and Kevin Lewis, 804-435-0028 or 804-4620780..(June-24-13t) HOME IMPROVEMENT/CARPENTRY: Decks, siding, por tico, doors, windows, garage doors. Repairs and additions, etc. Prompt service, 25 years experience, 804-436-1615, Robert L. Bland, lic. #2705-083497. (Sept-2-13t) HOME REPAIR and REMODELING: Kitchens, baths, windows, vinyl siding, porches/decks. Entire house/ trailer remodeling. Mold/black streaks removal from roofs, decks, vinyl boats. 804-580-3873.(July-29-13t) JEWELRY APPRAISALS: G.I.A. Graduate Gemologist. For appointments call Ross’s Rings and Things, 804-435-3529, 200 Irvington Rd., Kilmarnock, VA..(June-24-13t) LAWN MAINTENANCE Services, Inc.: Customer satisfaction and quality are our speciality for cutting, trimming, cleanup and mulching. Free estimates. Cell 703-517-9316 or 804-758-8901, leave message..(July-1-13t) LAWN RESEEDING and Overseeding. Small lawns up to 1AC. Phone 804-761-2169, leave message..(Aug26-4t) LEARN HOW to play chess or to improve your existing game from someone with 45 years experience. $5 introductory lesson. 804-4626212..(X) LEE’S CARPENTRY and painting services: Semi-retired, 30 years experience. Interior and exterior repairs, renovations, decks, sheetrock work, roof repairs, etc. quality work, free estimates. 804-462-0516..(July22-13t) MAC MENTOR: I will tutor you on your Mac, in the comfort of your home. Photoshop, Excel, OS9, OSX, email, scanning, you name it, I can even teach you how to order a book on Amazon.com! To make an appointment, email jhb.14@earthlink.net or call Julie Burwood at 804-761-1378 and leave a message..(July-22-tf) MIRACLES INTERIOR paint service. Cer tified and experienced. Quality Position: E911 Communications Operator Number of Openings: 1 Minimum Requirements: High School Diploma or equivalent 21 years of age Reliable transpor tation Preferred: Positive prior communictions or law enforcement experi ence College education Commensurate work experience Windows-based computer application skills Duties: Telecommunications for law enforcement, fire and rescue services in a high stress environment; data entry and recall; and other assigned tasks. Weekends, holidays, over time, off site training and shift work required. Must be able to effectively deal with a wide range of persons. Benefits: Annual salary $22,398. Uniforms, training, compensatory overtime, holiday leave, annual and sick leave, group health insurance (limited county share) and state retirement plan. Completed applications will be accepted at the Lancaster Sheriffs Office 24 hours daily until 9 p.m. September 26, 2004. Postmarks will not be honored. Applications made after September 1, 2001 may be updated. S/ Ronald D. Crockett Sheriff of Lancaster County (Sept-9-3t) Work Wanted JEWELRY FACTS BY ROSS CHRISTIANSEN Nuremberg, Germany has acquired the reputation of being the birthplace of the first watch . . . traditionally oval in shape and known as “Nuremberg eggs.” By the 17th Century, watches were being made all over Europe. The preciseness and accuracy of today’s quartz watches is a technological marvel. Combined with their beauty and reasonable price, they make an excellent gift for any occasion. See our selection for that special person on your list. Ross’s Rings and Things, Ltd. 200 Irvington Rd. • Kilmarnock • 435-3529 Monday-Friday 9-5 • Saturday 9-4 Wanted NEVER MISS YOUR FAVORITE SHOWS WITH DISH PLAYER-DVR DISH VIDEO-ON-DEMAND SERVICE • PAUSE LIVE TV • SKIP RECORDED COMMERCIALS • RECORD UP TO 100 HOURS WITHOUT VIDEOTAPE $ 98 ONLY 4 MONTH REQUIRES DISH PLAYER-DVR 510 OR DISH PLAYER-DVR 522 AT TIME OF INSTALLATION Switch to DISH Network and get over 60 channels STARTING AT Including local channels, Discovery Channel, ESPN, Disney Channel, USA Network, TNT and many more... (local channels where available) Digital Home Advantage with DISH Player-DVR. It’s easy and simple Prepare to Get Your Next Job FREE! Learn how to write an effective resume. Learn and practice interviewing skills. Visit your Workforce Enhancement Partnership at 8275 Mary Ball Road in Lancaster Court House, Tues & Thurs. 11a.m. to 4p.m. or call 804-462-WORK. WEP is a service of the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce and The One Stop Program. (Jan-16-tf) CAREGIVER and COMPANION: An experienced caregiver is now available to assist you with your daily activities, errands, personal care, etc. References available. 804-462-0426..(Sept16-2t) HOUSEKEEPER AVAILABLE Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, mornings. Some Saturdays available. Shelly 804-462-5894, 804-761-3689..(Sept-16-2t) ROTOTILLING, small gardens, $45. Also grass cutting, bushhogging, backhoe, trenching and other work. email: vlsale225070111@webtv.net Call 804-462-7022, leave message..(Mar-4-39t) $29 $2999 99 PER MONTH Local Channels included in $29.99 Price Pay a $49.99 Activation Fee and get a $49.99 credit on your first bill, making your activation free. ARTISTS and CRAFTERS needed for Scottish Day in Kilmarnock, October 16. Fun for everyone! Call Brenda, 804-436-9033 or Carroll, 804-435-2473 for more information..(Sept-16-4t)SS BUY and or SELL Crabs and Fish. We need to fill orders! Call for details on delivery and/or pickup arrangements, 301-977-4234..(June-24-13t) CHURCH SEEKS To buy good condition mobile home for needy man in Northern Neck area. Call Jim/WorkCamp 703-354-1159..(Sept-16-3t) TOP CASH PRICES for antiques. Confidential. Fine glass, art, porcelain, pottery, clocks, nauticals, Civil War, toys, doorstops, watches, banks, bronze, copper, brass, unusual items. 1-804-453-5039..(July-1-13t) VINTAGE AMERICAN Made Guitars (pre 1970). Gibson, Fender, Gretsch, D’Angelico, D’Aquisto, Guild, Mar tin Etc. Please call 804-435-3058 and leave message..(Sept-9-2t) Want to Buy PHOENIX TECHNICAL GROUP, INC. If you smell oil or gas in your drinking water DON’T PANIC! Call Phoenix We have replaced many wells at no cost to the homeowner. Call us today for a no cost or obligation water analysis. (804) 769-9513 Serving Rural Counties in Central Virginia Taylor’s Tree Service Since 1964 For difficult tree removal Shawn Taylor 435-7376 Fully Insured D & L Marine Construction It has been almost a year since Isabel and we sincerely want to thank all of our clients for their patience during this trying experience. The destruction has been overwhelming and our crews have worked deligently for long hours this past year. For those of you still waiting, we apologize and ask for your consideration as we strive daily to give you our best. Over the years many have told us that D & L was “worth the wait” and we thank you. Sincerely, Dana Stillman WANT TO BUY: Nordic Trac in good shape. Must fold down. Call 804-5296285..(Sept-9-2t) No equipment to buy FREE upgrade to DISH Player-DVR 510 or 522 No DISH Network commitment FREE Standard Professional Installation on up to 4 TVs Business Services CointelRETAILER Communications HOME OF THE LOWEST ALL-DIGITAL PRICE Keith INFO Cornwell HERE IN AMERICA...EVERY DAY! 804-462-7688 804-436-3382 Requires Social Security Number, valid major credit card and qualifying programming purchase. Participation is subject to credit approval. If qualifying service is terminated or downgraded, equipment must be returned to DISH Network. Limit of 4 tuners per account. $29.99 package price includes $5.00 equipment rental fee for first receiver and assumes Standard Professional Installation of one receiver. Monthly $5.00 equipment rental fee applies for each receiver beyond the first. A $4.99 per month additional outlet programming access fee will be charged for each dual-tuner receiver (DISH 322 or DISH Player-DVR 522). This fee will be waived monthly for each such receiver that is continuously connected to Customer’s phone line each month. Requires Social Security Number, valid major credit card and qualifying programming Offer ends 1/31/05 and is available in the continental United States. Must be a new, first-time DISH Network residential customer. All prices, packages and programming subject to change purchase. Is subject toequipment credit If arequalifying terminated without notice. Local Participation and state sales taxes may apply. Where applicable, rentalapproval. fees and programming taxed separately. Allservice DISH Network Is programming, and any other servicesdowngraded, that are provided, are subject toequipment the terms and conditions of the promotional and Residential to Customer Agreement, available at www.dishnetwork.com or must beagreement returned DISH Network. Limitor uponofrequest. 4 Local Channels packages by satellite are only available to customers who reside in the specified local Designated Market Area (DMA). Certain local channels may require an additional dish tuners per account $29.99 package price Includes equipment rental feeto antenna from DISH Network, installed free of any charges. SuperDISH antenna may be required to receive local channels$5.00 and will be included at no additional charge with subscription local channels. Significant restrictions apply to DISH Network hardware and programming availability, and for all offers. Social Security Numbers are used to obtain credit scores and will for first receiver and assumes Standard Professional Installation of one receiver. not be released to third parties except for verification and collection purposes only. See your DISH Network Retailer, DISH Network product literature or the DISH Network website at Monthly $5.00 applies each receiver beyond the SLICKS.970c first. www.dishnetwork.com for completeequipment details and restrictions. Allrental service marksfee and trademarks belong to for their respective owners. A $4.99 per month additional outlet programming access fee will he charged for each dual-tuner receiver (DISH 322 or DISH Player-DVR 522). This fee will be waived monthly for each such receiver that is continuously connected to Customer’s phone line each month. Offer ends 1/31/05 and is available in the continental United States. Must be a new, first-time DISH Network residential customer. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Local and state sales taxes may apply. Where applicable, equipment rental fees and programming are taxed separately. All DISH Network programming, and any other services that are provided, are subject to the terms and conditions ol the promotional agreement and Residential Customer Agreement, available at www.dishnetwork.com or upon request. Local Channels packages by satellite are only available to customers who reside in the specified local Designated Market Area (DMA). Certain local channels may requireg an additional dish antenna from DISH Network, installed free of any charges. SuperDISH antenna may be required to receive local channels and will be Included at no additional charge with subscription to local channels. Significant restrictions apply to DISH Network hardware and programming availability, and lor all offers. Social Security Numbers are used to obtain credit scores and will not be released to third parties except for verification and collection purposes only. Seeyour DISH Network Retailer, DISH Network product literature or the DISH Network website at www.dishnetwork.com for complete details and restrictions. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. SLICKS.970c 1-BUSHHOGGING, Lawncutting and trimming, clean-up. Reasonable and dependable, free estimates, fully insured. Call Ray James, RJ’s Bush Hogging-Lawn Care, 804-436-3774 or 804-438-6702, leave message..(June24-13t)SS 1-GRASS CUTTING: Total lawn maintenance. Fully insured from A to Z. 25/years experience. tree estimates, senior discounts. Bushhogging, snow-removal. DC’s Lawn Care, (O)804-435-2370, (H) 804-4353492..(Aug-5-13t) ADULT CARE Services: Need extra help? Former EMT, medical background. Health care, errands, meals. References. 804-758-8307 or 804-314-6638..(Sept-16-13t)SS AMERICAN EAGLE CONSTRUCTION License #2705-067805-A Specializing in Insulated Concrete Form Construction. Learn about the many advantages of ICF Construction, Box 178, Burgess, VA 804-453-6420. (July29-13t) ARE YOU SEEKING Day Care? Experienced child care provider will provide affordable care for your children in my smoke-free home. Mon.Fri. Over four years of experience and references available. Call Tiffany at Today’s Hits, Yesterday’s Favorites C8 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 Business Services Notices work at reasonable prices. Free estimates. Call 804-776-0999..(Sept-1613t) NORTHERN NECK PC Doctor: PC repair, office networks. Internet connections, web sites, virus repair. security, all hardware/software. www.nnpcdoc.com. 804-761-1345. (Aug-5-13t) NOTARY SERVICES, WEEMS. Also will make home calls for elderly and invalids and to hospitals/nursing homes. Call between 6-9p.m. or weekends. 804-438-5203, Ann Shelton..(Dec-7-tf) PAINTER w/EXPERIENCE: Exterior/interior, pressure wash homes/ decks, clean gutters, wash windows. Licensed contractor, 20-years experience, references. Free estimates, senior discounts. 804-462-7674, Touch of Brush..(Aug-12-13t) PAINTING INTERIOR and Exterior, cedar shake roof restoration, deck cleaning and sealing, cleaning siding, mildew, removal, window cleaning, jobsite/construction clean up. B-Clean 804-438-5106..(Aug-5-13t) POWER WASHING: Decks, docks, houses, brick, concrete. Quality service since 1995. Call the professionals, Under Pressure Power Washing Services, 804-435-2559..(July-8-13t) RIDING INSTRUCTOR: Dressage, balance seat equ. Centered riding, beginners through advanced. Will travel to local farms. 804-7760999..(Sept-16-13t) SAND, GRAVEL, bushhogging, lot clearing, wood, plowing, top soil, expert tree removal, other related services. Free estimates Melvin Grimes, 804-435-3381..(July-15-13t) SMALL ENGINE REPAIR: Authorized Briggs & Stratton, MTD, AVP warranted agency. Farm & Home Supply of Kilmarnock, 804-435-3177..(Aug12-13t) STUMP GRINDING, bushhogging, brush chipping. Steve Hoyt, 804-7580558..(June-24-13t) TREE SERVICES: Trimming, cutting down, hauling away, lot clearing, bushhogging, free estimates. Fully insured. Firewood for sale, seasoned hardwood. O. D. Taylor 804-435-2901 after 6p.m..(Sept-9-13t) TUTORING: Math 5 thru Algebra I. After school, evening and daytime (for homeschoolers). Call 804-4356355..(Sept-16-13t) ton, Lancaster County. Send comments/inquiries within 15 days to: Marine Resources Commission, Habitat Management Division, 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Newport News, Virginia 23607-0756. (X) VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LANCASTER COUNTY RE: ESTATE OF RUTH V. CLELAND, DECEASED SHOW CAUSE AGAINST DISTRIBUTION IT APPEARING that a report of the accounts of Chesapeake Bank, Executor of the Estate of Ruth V. Cleland, deceased, of the debts and demands against the Estate has been filed in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Lancaster and that six months have elapsed since the qualification of the Executor, on motion of the Executor. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the creditors of and all others interested in the Estate of Ruth V. Cleland, deceased, do show cause, if any they can, on the 17th day of September, 2004, at 10:00 a.m., before this Court at its Courtroom against the payment and delivery of the Estate to the legatees of Ruth V.Cleland without requiring refunding bonds. ENTERED this 27th day of August 2004. Harry T. Talifarro III Judge A TRUE COPY Teste: Constance Kennedy, Clerk Lancaster County Circuit Court I ASK FOR THIS: James A. Butts, IV Esquire Rumsey & Bugg P. O. Box 720 Irvington, VA. 22480 804-438-5588 (Sept-9-2t) 1988 DODGE DAKOTA pickup, A/C, camper shell. 224k miles. Fairly good condition, $1100. Call 804-435-6521 leave message..(Sept-16-2t) 1989 HONDA ACCORD: Has ICW rims, low pro tires. New belts, CV joints. Flip up lights. Excellent condition. $2500. Call 804-436-3009..(Sept16-2t) 1990 OLDSMOBILE Silhouette 7 passenger van 152,000 actual miles. Call 804-438-5026 after 6:30 p.m..(Sept9-2t) 1992 DODGE DYNASTY: 4-dr sedan, 101k miles, good condition, loaded and clean. $1300. Call 804-4350960..(Sept-9-tf) 1993 BUICK REGAL: 4 dr:, AT, CC, tilt wheel, one owner. Can be seen at 29 Roseneath Ave. or call 804-435-7546 after 6p.m..(Aug-26-tf) 1995 CHEVROLET Suburban LT, blue/ silver, trailer, package, good condition, 116k miles, $6,000. Call 804-4361406..(Sept-16-3t) 1995 NISSAN MAXIMA: Leather, bose sound system w/cd player, pw, pl, ps, cold a/c, new tires, new brakes. Very well maintained, $5200. 804-453-3214 or 804-580-0500..(X) 1996 FORD WINDSTAR Van. Blue, 130,000 miles, AC/ AM/FM/CD player. Good condition inside or out. Runs great. $2500 firm. 804-438-6555..(Sept-2-4t) 1996 LINCOLN Towncar Executive: 67,000 miles, great running condition. White with gray leather interior. New Michelins and brakes. $6500. Call 804-580-7744..(Sept-2-4t) 1998 CADILLAC deVille family owned great condition, 83,000 miles. beige leather cotillion white w/sunroof. $10,900. Call 804-435-2365..(Sept2-3t) 1998 HONDA CIVIC EX 2 dr., automatic, silver, pw. pdl, ac, tilt, moonroof, 6 disc Alpine CD changer, runs great. Must sell. $5900. Call 804-453-4541 or 804-580-0655..(Sept-9-2t) 1999 TAHOE LS: Full power, rear AC, CD, power driver seat, custom hitch, 350V-8, 99,000 miles, excellent condition, pewter, $12,995. Call 804-5808988..(Sept-19-3t) 2000 NISSAN MAXIMA GLE: Top of line 4 dr. sedan. Loaded. Lots of miles. Lots left! $10,800. Call 804-4722290..(Sept-16-2t) 2003 DODGE GRAND Caravan, all power seats, doors, windows. V-6 excellent gas mileage, like new inside and out. Low mileage 30k. $18,000 OBO. Call 804-453-4205..(X) BMW 320i convertible Targa top, 1983, ideal for restoration. Best reasonable offer. 804-580-2096..(Sept-16-2t) CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1990 white with black top in good condition. $11,500. Call 804-453-3510..(July29-8t) Call 435-1701 KILMARNOCK BODY SHOP “Your Complete Auto Body Shop in Kilmarnock” 180 Lee Rd. • Off North Main St. • 804-435-7701 • Email your NEWS to: FREE Estimates Wrecker Service FREE Loaner Cars We are going to help you get into that new car or truck. las Impa y v e Ch 2004 LS 9 9,99 1 $ P MSR $19,999 Only Cards of Thanks My road to recovery has been rough but I thank God for family and friends. May God continue to bless you all for all you do. Thank you again. Elise Waters Lost & Found NOTICE Public sates at Brookvale Mini Storage, 10436 Mary Ball Rd., Lancaster, VA under sections 55-416 code of VA 1950. DeFault of rent agreement. Sept. 24, 2004 at 10 a.m. in the following units: #73 Douglas Bulter, Lancaster, VA #52 Joyce A. Messier, Kilmarnock, VA. (Sept-16-2t) PERSONAL ITEMS belonging to Unit #20, Melissa Fisher; Unit 33, Denise Tiggle, Unit #78, Clayton Bullis will be sold on Saturday, September 18, 2004 at 10a.m. at Sentry Self Storage, White Stone..(Sept-9-2t) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant have applied for a permit from the Marine Resources Commission to construct two (2), 12-foot long timber groin spurs and install 103 linear feet of quarry stone riprap, which will extend a maximum of 8 feet channelward of mean low water in front of an existing bulkhead, at proper ty on the Rappahannock River in Lancaster County. Send comments/inquiries within 15 days to: Marine Resources Commission, Habitat Management Division, 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Newport News, Virginia 23607-0756. (X) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Ir vington Marina has applied for a permit from the Marine Resources Commission to construct a 310-foot long by 6-foot wide commercial pier with 7 finger piers and a 50-foot by 10-foot L-head and 9 mooring piles to create 15 wet slips and construct two (2) 25-foot long by 4-foot wide travel lift piers at proper ty on Carter Creek in Irving- Autos/ Trucks The 04’s Have Obviously Got To Go!!! MARINE/DOCK Accessories Business for Sale. Turn-key operation. Serious inquiries can call 804-758-4844 for more information..(Sept-9-2t)SS TERRIFIC BUSINESS oppor tunity! Be your own boss. Pepperidge Farm Bread Franchise for sale. Northern Neck area. Small financial investment. Call Tim at 804-725-7873..(Aug-14-tf) Notices Autos/ Trucks editor@rrecord.com Business Opportunity LOST: PRESCRIPTION glasses at the Irvington Farmer’s Market on Saturday, September 4. If found please call 804-438-6826..(Sept-9-2t) Home- based businesses grow when they advertise. Auto Marketplace PROGRAM SPECIALS '04 Sebring Conv. LX '04 Chrysler Concord LXi, only 23,000 miles program car '04 Chrysler Concord LX, only 17,000 miles program car '04 Jeep Grand Cherokee, program vehicle '03 Chrysler T&C LX '02 Dodge Quad 1500 '02 Buick Rendevous '01 Dodge Dakota RT Truck '01 Chrys PT Cruiser '00 Ford Windstar '00 Chev. Metro Lsi, only 18,000 miles '99 15 Pass. Van '97 Mercury S/W '97 Dodge 3/4 T '96 Dodge Intrepid '96 Chrys. Concorde LX '95 Ford F150 Pickup '94 Chrys. LeBaron Convt. '87 Mercury Cougar, 68,000 miles '75 Dodge D600 with 500 Holmes Wrecker '81 Dodge D300 with 480 Holmes Wrecker with wheel lift '71 Dodge D300 with 440 Holmes Wrecker 23 ft Sportcraft Boat, Tandom Galvanized Trailer, 302 V8 18 ft Sport Craft Boat 16 ft Floating Duck Blind 150 H.P. Mercury Outboard DAVIS Dodge–Chrysler Jeep, Inc. Kilmarnock, VA (804) 435-1818 Experienced Leaders Needed Global War on Terrorism Deployments Available IRR Members being Returned to Service Put your Military Experience To Work and Experience The Best of Both Worlds! 1-800-GO-GUARD er ilblaz a r T y Chev WD 4 0 0 2 Lt. 4 5,325 P $3 MSR $26,852 Only 2004 Silverado Crew Z71 4x4 MSRP $38,408 Only $28,484 y Silverado 2004 Chev x4 reg. cab 2500 HD 4 ,054 MSRP $33 05 Only $24,8 2004 Chevy Colorado Reg. Cab 2WD MSRP $21,800 Only $15,966 enture LS 2004 Chevy V 00 MSRP $28,2 9 Only $19,99 SSR evy h C 2004 oadster 0 9 R 47,9 $ P MSR $43,591 Only 2004 Chev MSRP y Aveo 5 D r $ Only 14,035 $11,8 52 20 04 25 Silv 0 e MS 0 Di rado e On RP $ sel 4 Ext. 4 x ly $3 3,78 4 6,7 1 50 Offer good until 9/30/04 due to rebate changes. Rebates are subject to change without notice. Diesels not included in GM Supplier Sale. The deals are hotter than ever!! Check out all Chevrolet has to offer with 10 models in 20 months. Ask about our Guaranteed Credit Approval Where your job is your credit!! PRE-OWNED SPECIALS Prior Service Members All Branches Call Today... 2004 Che vy Malibu MAXX MSRP $2 2,630 Only $16 ,580 2004 Chevy Suburban 4x4 Lt. blue MSRP $49,890 Only $38,635 2004 Chevrolet Aveo, auto, black, 21k $8,999 or 0 down $180 mo. W/approved credit 2004 Chevrolet Impala, beige, 25k $13,999 2004 Chevrolet Impala, white, 19k $14,999 2004 Cadillac Deville, 29k, Onstar, white and beige only $26,999!!! 2003 Buick LeSabre, leather, 26k, $15,999 2002 Pontiac Grand Am, silver, 46k $9,999 2001 Lincoln Towncar Sig., 34k, $23,999 2001 Honda Accord EX roof, cd, blue, 40K, $14, 999 2001 Chevrolet Malibu, 26k, $8,999 2001 Chevrolet Malibu, blue, 32k, $8,999 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser, red, 41k $12,999 2001 Toyota Camry LE, maroon, 59k $12,999 2000 Hyundai Sonata, sedan, 88k $4,999 1993 Buick Road Master Wagon, 60k $6,999 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer LS, 4x4, loaded, keyless, CD, 29k $19,999 2004 Chevrolet Silverado Ext. 4x4, white/pewter, two tone, 22k $22,999 2003 Dodge Durango Sport, maroon, 19K, $19,999 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500, crew diesel, 4x4, black, 20K, $29,999 2002 Chevy Silverado, black, reg. cab, 4x4, short bed, 55K, $15,475 2002 Chevrolet Venture, maroon, 31k $17,999 2001 Dodge Caravan SE, maroon, 4 dr, 48K, $10,999 2001 Chevy Astro Cargo, white, 77K, $8,999 2001 Pontiac Montana, maroon, 45K, $12,999 2001 Chevrolet G3500, pass van, 46k $14,999 2001 Chevrolet Suburban LT, white 4x4, leather roof 35k $24,999 2000 GMC Yukon, SLE, blue, 4x4, 62K, $18,999 2000 Olds Bravada, green, AWD, 47K, $10,999 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 4x4, 54k $12,999 2000 Ford Explorer, green XLT, 4x4, 91k $9,999 1999 Dodge Ram 4x4, Red, 78k, $12,999 1998 Ford Expedition XLT, maroon Lthr, local trade, 75k $12,999 1998 Ford Explorer, 2 dr, white, 121k $4,999 1997 Chevy Silverado, 2WD, ext. cab, green, 78K, $9,999 1995 Ford F350 Dump Truck, 4x4, manual, 30k $14,999!!!! Virginia 1841 Richmond Highway (Rt. 360, 2 miles West of Tappahannock. 1 mile West of Brays Fork) 804-443-5100 or 1-800-797-1581 www.chandlerchevrolet.com Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 • C9 NURSES Lancashire Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center in Kilmarnock has outstanding career opportunities in nursing. LPNs STARTING AT $15.30/HOUR AUCTION NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION AND MORE FOR EXPERIENCE PLUS INCREASED DIFFERENTIALS! CNAs $9.18/HOUR TO START PLUS INCREASED DIFFERENTIALS! We also offer competitive benefits for full- and part-time positions including Anthem health insurance, vacation, sick leave, personal days, double pay on holidays, educational assistance, and employer contributing 401K plan, just to name a few. Contact Allison Haywood at (804)435-1684. Equal Opportunity Employer Sept. 16 x ROCK-SOLID COMPANY Schneider National offers security and stability. • No experience necessary • Company-paid CDL training for qualified candidates • $30,500-$38,500 1st year (inexperienced) • $43,500-$52,500/year in 4 years • Low-cost medical & dental insurance; free vision & life • Solos & teams • $5,000 sign-on bonus (experienced drivers & owner operators) 1-800-44-PRIDE (1-800-447-7433) Mon-Fri: 7am-9pm, Sat & Sun: 9am-6pm (Central Time) EOE M/F/D/V www.schneiderjobs.com HAYNESVILLE CORRECTIONAL CENTER Is recruiting for the following Full-time Position with Excellent State Benefits Package: OFFICE SERVICES SPECIALIST Position Number: 00079 Deadline: 4:30 p.m., September 24, 2004 Salary Range: $17,501-$29,870 Band 2 Duties: Serves as assistant to Registered Nurse Manager I and Physician in medical department of adult male correctional facility. Ensures that all external appointments are approved and scheduled. Organizes and manages the medical record systems by maintaining medical records of all inmates. Ensures that medical records are updated and filed on a daily basis and internal appointment lists are typed and updated. Helps medical department run efficiently. Qualifications: Requires working knowledge of office practices, procedures and standard office equipment. Ability to work under pressure and independently; interpret rules and regulations; revise or develop new forms and procedures; and set priorities. Requires mental alertness, knowledge of medical terminology, filing systems and principles, and ability to organize and maintain confidential medical records and schedule patients. Also requires HSD/GED, clerical aptitude; general knowledge of business, English, and mathematics; ability to type accurately and with satisfactory speed from copy of more than average difficulty; ability to work as a team member. Prefer previous office experience in medical environment. An overall working knowledge of VA Dept. of Corrections helpful. Employee should also be able to handle a very demanding workload and relate pleasantly with other employees and inmates under stressful conditions. Complete background/criminal checks, including fingerprinting, conducted. Mail your completed & signed State Application before deadline to: Haynesville Correctional Center, Attn: HRO, PO Box 129, Haynesville, VA 22472. Fax (804) 333-1253. Resumes will not substitute for a fully completed State application. For application/information call (804) 3333577 ext. 1017. State Application available on DOC Website www.vadoc.state.va.us click on DOC Employment – then VA State Application. . EOE/AA AUCTION Valuable Real Estate & Personal property of the late Joseph D. Drouin 1423 Nomini Grove Road (Westmoreland County) near Neenah,Va. Saturday, Sept. 18 2004, 10:00 a.m. Directions: From Rte. 3 (approx 5 mi. N of Warsaw) Take Rte. 621 East & go 1 4/10 mi. to Auction on the left. Real Estate: Newly remodeled one story Ranch House with vinyl siding features: dining room,living room, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, window air units, baseboard oil, 2 monitors & 20’ x 29’ basement situated on 1.016 acres. 2 car detached garage with separate septic system. Personal property: modern Queen size bed, dresser, chest of drawers & night stand, sofa, blanket chest, coffee & end tables, RD dropleaf end table, folding pie stands, bar stools, corner what-not stand, several small occassional tables, 4’ and 8’ folding tables, nest of tables, small modern roll top desk, picture frames, several bookstands, large airplane models, knife display cases, a lot of African-American carvings, table lamps, Dell computer, epson color printer, books including Civil War, knives, military, swords and Germany, odd glassware, Remington model 7400 30-30 Rifle w/ scope & sling ,TV, VCR, small kitchen appliances, rods & reels, fishing equipment, mechanic & carpenter tools; roll-around tool chest, tool boxes, “C” clamps, drills, bits, router, dovetail machine, knife making equipment, boxes of hardware, belt sander, lots of misc items & tools, camping equipment. Terms: Real Estate - 10 % deposit day of auction by certified funds or check with bank letter of credit. Balance at closing within 30 days. Personal property cash or check with proper I.D. Real Estate offered at 12:00 noon & subject to the confirmation of seller, rescheduled in case of rain. Lunch & Facilities available. Announcements day of auction take precedence over all printed advertising. For copy of plat or info, contact: Grayson L. Smith, CES Auctioneer Va. Lic. #14 • 804-333-4894 Friday, September 17, 2004 @ 6:30pm (Doors will open at 4:00pm for preview) 838 Northumberland Hwy., Callao, VA. 22435 OUTDOOR & SUCH: Statesman 13 h.p. riding mower (like new) 1991 Ford F-150 reg. cab XLT 8 Ft. bed, freedom electric scooter, small utility trailer, bicycles, crosscut saw, old planes, hand drills, wrenches, saws, sander, drill, circular saw, igloo cooler, and many tool box lots. COINS & GUNS: American Eagle proof $50 gold piece, Liberty 1915 $5 gold piece, Liberty 1927 $2.5 gold piece, (reserve on gold), 1 oz. silver inget, 6 Morgan dollars, 6 peace dollars, new dollars, Barber half-dollars, walking liberty half-dollars, Franklin half-dollars, mercury dimes, V-nickels, 1943 wheat penny in copper, 4 rolls wheat pennies, 2 rolls 1974 UNC. pennies, Bahama $5 silver coin, standing liberty quarters, belgium browning 12 gauge, 3” mag 32” barrel, W.W.II flair guns. COLLECTABLES & MORE: Civil War artifacts, duck decoys, straight razors, Griswold pot w/ lid, old wash boards, cast iron bank, oars, Mickey Mouse phone, advertising tins, bronzed baby shoes, Tonka trucks, lard press, old irons, copper pots, books, train sets, childrens German coo-coo clocks, old bottles, lots of good box lots, oil lamps, crocks, jugs, and lamps. FURNITURE: Oak bow front china cabinet w/ claw feet, Eastlake style marble top dresser w/ mirror, oak dresser w/ mirror, large Thomasville oval dining table w/ 8 chairs, matching china cabinet, and server, victorian dresser w/ mirror, Quaker chair, old rocker, oak and other occasional tables, large wood shelves, machinist chest, oak quilt rack, inlaid china cabinet w/ matching server, carousel horse, glass display cases, claw foot server, coffee table w/ drawer, claw foot desk, wooden trunks, w/ trays. GLASS & ART: milk bowls, Carnival, McCoy, Fenton, Gorham crystal vase, Zwiesal crystal Germany, hand painted marble eggs, Bennett serving dish, large glass egg weight, cut crystal wine craft, Nikko tea pots, egg plate, butter dish, Bone China, pressed glass, hummingbird by Gould, Qupid E. Miniere, “In Town Tonight” by Don Brecken, 2 hand painted India scenes on silk, oil on canvas, “Don’t be Greedy” lithograph print, Victorian oval framed portraits, victorian oval frames, “Rounding the Light Ship”, ruins picture, too many pieces to list. Auctioneers Note: Partial listing only, great box lots! Food will be provided by Northumberland Field Hockey Team. See you at the auction! Terms: Cash or check w/ proper I.D. Announcements at sale take precedence over all printed ads. No buyers premium. Rain or Shine. Patrick Lewis, Auctioneer Va Lic #2964 804-580-2277 804-580-2255 D Join Us For A Super Sale Sat. Sept. 25 & Sun. Sept. 26 10 to 5 Incredible selection of Oil paintings, watercolors - listed artists; TTiffany iffany sterling silver bowl, pierced bowl, flatware, jewelry; Cranberry glass pitcher and glasses; Chinese porcelains; Pink lustre; Folk art beaded bird pin cushion; W aterford crystal; Leather bound books and others; 19th century cherry Waterford candlestand; Pennsylvania grain painted blanket chest - circa 1830; Geor Geor-gian sterling berry spoons circa 1710; Georgian sterling toast racks; 19th century green painted tavern table; Federal inlaid candlestand - 19th cent; Late 1800’ 1800’ss mahogany and cherry music stand; Regency mahogany washstand; Massive Sheffield silverplate tray; Large wool needlework of parrot dated 1888; Large collection of paperweights; VVictorian ictorian carved and painted wooden gate; 2 18th cent Flemish caned walnut arm chairs; Pennsylvania federal pine chest of drawers; Rosewood grained tea caddy 19th cent. with ivory mounts; Large collection of treenware; Mid 1800’ 1800’ss mahogany inlaid hanging shelf; Set of 6 porcelain Abbeydale cups & saucers retailed by Tiffany and Co.; Empire mahogany breakfast table; Early 20th cent. painted tavern door; Early 19th cent. New England work table; Mid. 19th Beidermeier corner cupboard; Heywood W akedfield wicker crib; Lots of porcelains; Wakedfield OUR BACK ROOM WILL BE OPEN WITH A GREA T GREAT SELECTION OF BARGAINS GALORE!!!! SHOP’S FULL ... NEED TO MOVE THIS INVENTORY!!! Sterling silver dresser set; Mahogany cradle on stand; Federal brass and wire firefender; Federal tiger maple 1 drawer stand; Chippendale slant front desk; Chinoiserie decorated diminutive secretary - late 1800’ s; 2 painted 1800’s; coffee tins - early; Lots of advertising tins; Lots of toleware; Child’ Child’ss Staffordshire and other porcelains; Brass inkwells; Early painted boxes; Lots more!! Founded 1953 FORES E PPING Antiques T For More INFO: 804-462-7960 E-MAIL eppingforest@rivnet.net Announcements Day of Sale Take Precedence Over All Other Advertising HOW DO YOU REACH MORE THAN NETWORK CLASSIFIEDS These ads reach over 4 million Virginia readers for only $250. Call 804-435-6500 or 1-800-435-1701 ABSOLUTE LAND AUCTION - Greenbrier County, WV. 5000+/- Acres offered in 75 tracts. Tract sizes 7 to 157 acres offered individually or in any combination. Property located close to the famous Greenbrier Hotel & Resort. 14 tracts on the Greenbrier River and other tracts border the Monongahela National Forest. Auction is Friday, October 1 at 11:00 AM in Lewisburg, WV. Details at www.wvlandauction.com <http:// www.wvlandauction.com/> or call 800551-3588. Woltz & Associates, Inc., Brokers & Auctioneers (WVAL#1000) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ONGOING FLOORING MILL AUCTION - Tuesday, September 28, 12 Noon On-Site. Ongoing Business: Mill Direct Flooring, Inc. Industrial Real Estate and Equipment, 2301 Mayflower Drive, Lynchburg, VA. Offered in 6 lots including an Entirety lot with 3-year production purchase contract. www.motleys.com <http:// www.motleys.com/> or call 804-3552100. Motleys Auction & Realty Group (VA Lic #16). ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE. Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 Machines and Candy. All for $9,995. 1-800-8146047 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Are you making $1,000 per week? All cash vending routes with prime locations available now! Under $9,000 investment required. Call Toll Free (247) 800-963-2654. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OTTOBINE COUNTRY STORE - For lease or real estate purchase. Large kitchen deli, gasoline. Remodeled. 3 years. Rural, 1 bay garage, apartment. Busy crossroads. Call Doug 540879-9287. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Sawmills - $2,695.00 - LumberMate2000 & LumberLite-24. Norwood Industries also manufactures utility ATV attachments, log skidders, portable board edgers and forestry equipment. www.norwoodindustries.com <http:// www.norwoodindustries.com/> - Free information: 1-800-578-1363 ext300N. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ANY CREDIT RATING! 1st & 2nd Mortgages Fast! Low Rates! Easy Payment Plans! No Upfront Fees! Apply Free/Call Charles Toney or Kim Patterson (804) 364-3666 or toll-free (800) 401-1011. Aggressive Mortgage. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FAMILY HEALTH CARE w/Prescription Plan! $69.95/month: Best network, Excellent coverage. No limitations, includes Dental, Vision, Pre-existing Conditions OK! Call WCS 1-800-2889214 ext. 2321. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY FIREFIGHTER: FULL-TIME Performs firefighting, medical care, rescue, and hazardous materials work for the Department of Fire, Rescue & Emergency Services. Inspects/maintains equipment, performs fire inspections and maintenance. HS/GED supplemented by training in firefighting and emergency medical programs, (1) year experience and/or training involving firefighting and basic emergency medical care. Requires Virginia Firefighter I, Hazardous Material Awareness, and a valid Virginia driver's license or recognized equivalent. Virginia Firefighter II, and EMT-B certifications required upon hire. Virginia rimfield!! B m o r F k c a We’re B Home!!! y a W e h t n o uction Antiques t Hit a Great A a e r G f o l l u hock F The Shop is C 4 MILLION READERS FOR ONLY $250? EVOC and Vehicle Rescue certifications preferred or must be obtained within 12 months of hire. Successful completion of EMT-I or EMT-CT, PALS and ACLS required within 36 months of hire (County will assist with training). The County subscribes to the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) medical guidelines and applies these guidelines. Hiring Range $14.74/hr. to $16.58/hr. Deadline September 14, 2004. Benefits include health insurance, paid VRS retirement including LEOS, 12 . paid holidays, annual and sick leave, medical and/or dependant spending accounts and a variety of voluntary retirement and disability programs. Please submit a County Application to Spotsylvania County Government, Department of Human Resources, P.O. Box 605, Spotsylvania, VA 22553, (540) 582-7192, ext. 674, www.spotsylvania.va.us <http:// www.spotsylvania.va.us>. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY FIREFIGHTER/MEDIC: FULL-TIME - Operates a mobile medical unit, rescues and transports victims, performs general firefighting duties and administers emergency medical care for the Department of Fire, Rescue & Emergency Services. HS/GED supplemented by training in emergency medical technician programs, (3) years experience and/or training in Emergency Medical Technical work. Requires Virginia EMT-Cardiac Technician, EMT-Intermediate or EMTParamedic, CPR and a valid Virginia driver's license or recognized equivalent. -Virginia EVOC required upon hire. Virginia ACLS and PALSPEMSTP certifications preferred or must be obtained within 12 months of hire. Firefighting experience and/or training preferred, or Virginia Firefighter I, II and Hazardous Materials Operations must be obtained within 24 months of hire (County will assist with training). The County subscribes to the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) medical guidelines and applies these guidelines. Hiring Range $16.25/hr. to $18.28/hr. if fully qualified in FF/EMS skills. Deadline September 14, 2004. Benefits include health insurance, paid VRS retirement including LEOS, 12 . paid holidays, annual and sick leave, medical and/or dependant spending accounts and a variety of voluntary retirement and disability programs. Please submit a County Application to Spotsylvania County Government, Department of Human Resources, P.O. Box 605, Spotsylvania, VA 22553, (540) 582-7192, ext. 674, www.spotsylvania.va.us <http:// www.spotsylvania.va.us>. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– TRANSOLUTIONS, INC. Medical Transcriptionists: FT and PT positions available. Excellent benefits and compensation. Software, dictation equipment provided. Phone costs paid. 2 years acute care hospital transcription experience required. Apply online www.transolutions.net <http:// www.transolutions.net>. Or fax 847234-3471. EOE. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ATTENTION DRIVERS! WERNER ENTERPRISES needs INEXPERIENCED DRIVERS for OTR & Re- gional. Hiring Quality Grads from CDS TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING. $5,000 Tuition Reimbursement. WEEKDAY or WEEKEND TRAINING 1-800646-2374. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Driver - COVENANT TRANSPORT. Teams and Solos check out our new pay plan. Ask about our Regional Runs. Owner Operators, Experienced Drivers, Solos, Teams and Graduate Students. Call 1-888-MORE-PAY (1-888667-3729). ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IN BUSINESS SINCE 1931, largest private owned truckload carrier in NC hiring all programs: Company Drivers, Owner Operators. Lease Purchase to include Short Haul running NC, VA. Excellent Pay and Benefits, no NYC/ Canada. Home every weekend. 1 year OTR required, CDL-A. 1-800948-6766 www.epestransport.com <http://www.epestransport.com> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRIVER: $900-$1,100 WEEKLY. Loaded & Empty Miles Paid. Short Hauls, Flexible Home Time, Quarterly Bonuses, Comprehensive Benefit Package. Dedicated to Excellence. Devoted to Drivers. Requires Class-A CDL, EOE. Call Smith Transport at 1-888-GO-SMITH or visit our website at www.smithtransport.com <http:// www.smithtransport.com> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRIVERS: CFI - REGIONAL RUNS AVAILABLE for Company Drivers & Owner Operators in the Midwest & Northeast. ALSO Hiring OTR Company - O/O - Solos - Teams. 1-800CFI-DRIVE. www.cfidrive.com <http:// www.cfidrive.com> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Join The Best and Leave the Rest! Start A New Career Today. 16 Day CDL Training, 100% Financing Available, Lifetime Job Placement Assistance. 800-398-9908. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers Start Up to 36 CPM, 37 CPM in 2 Months. New Equipment, Benefits, Lease-Purchase Available. O/Os average $1+ per mile! Paid Plates, Fees & Discounts. Class-A & 3 months experience required. EOE. 1-877-4525627. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Introducing...Heartland's GREEN MILE$ Program! $.50/mile COMPANY DRIVERS $1.045/mile OWNER OPERATORS Unprecedented.. .Unmatched...Unmistakably the BEST PAY in the industry! 1-866-282-5861 www.heartlandexpress.com <http:// www.heartlandexpress.com> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers: Owner Operators - Tractors $1.53, Straight Trucks $1.15, Cargo Vans $.75 - .80, Sign on incentive. Call Tri-State Expedited 888-320-5424. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers: JUST LIKE FAMILY with Great Pay, Fast Raises, Miles, Hometime, Benefits. 1 year OTR and good MVR required. TOTAL 800-942-2104 extensions 263, 238, 237. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers/Driving school graduates. Tuition reimbursement. Up to 37¢ mile. No waiting for trainers. No NYC. Pay on delivery. Guaranteed Hometime. USA Truck 800-237-4642. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers. Average $1000 per week. Home Weekly! Dedicated Regional Freight. 2 cpm quarterly bonus. 53' Van freight. 1 year T/T experience, CDL-A. S.S.I. 800-246-6305. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRIVERS: INEXPERIENCED & NO 1 phone call. Call Rappahannock Record at 804-435-1701 or 1-800-435-1701. 1 bit of paperwork: Just write your ad copy and write check. That’s it. 1 price: Just $250 for 25 words ($10 each additional word) will get your ad in more than 70 newspapers. CDL-A, Train for Free! Experienced Drivers: Regional & OTR, Good Pay, Benefits, Good Equipment. Start Now with great company! 1-877-524-5526. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Log Home Auction - Stanley, VA * Sunday, October 3rd. 26 New Log Home Packages Offered. One absolute to highest bidder! Delivery within 1 year. Package includes sub-floor, logs, windows, doors, rafters, roofing, etc. Daniel Boone Log Homes 1-800-7669474. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Earn Your Degree - Online from home. Business, Paralegal, Computers, Networking and more. Financial aid available, job placement assistance, and computers provided. Call free (866) 858-2121. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AIRLINE MECHANIC - Rapid training for a high paying career - Aviation Maintenance. FAA predicts severe shortage. Financial Aid - Job Placement Assistance. (888) 349-5387. AIM. 6 Locations. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Mountain View Property! 10+ Acres $69,990 - Lexington, VA. Secluded, mountain view parcel, mature hardwoods. Privacy is yours! Historic downtown minutes away! Excellent Financing. Call 866-526-3420. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Lake Anna, Virginia. 6 Acres w/Private Boat Dock $119,900. Direct Lake Front $249,500. Best Land & Price on Lake Anna Today! Must see! Excellent Financing Available. Call 888-838-9026. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 180º MAJESTIC VIEWS. 20+ acres abuts 10,000 acres public land $119,900. All hardwood parcel, high elevation building site. New roads, perc, special fall financing. Only 1, very rare. Call now 1-877-777-4837. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LAND SALE! 35+ Acres $94,900. State Road Frontage! Special parcel, pristine sunrise. views. Only 5 minutes to river: canoe, fish, swim, Near town, 4 lane highway access. New survey, perc. Ready to enjoy. Local bank will finance. Call now 1-800-888-1262. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MOUNTAIN LAND BARGAINS! 20 to 200+ Acres. Hardwoods, views, streams, wildlife galore. Adjoins 10,000 acre state forest. Easy Corridor Highway access. Buildable. www.land inwv.com <http://www.landinwv.com> ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Asheville, NC area. New Release! Release! 32 Prime Mountain and View Homesites. Western North Carolina's hottest gated community - Bear River Lodge 1-866-411-5263. Landtrust. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FREE 4-ROOM DIRECTV SYSTEM includes installation. 4 MONTHS FREE Programming w/NFL Sunday Ticket subscription. Over 205 channels! Limited time offer. S&H, restrictions apply. 1-800-270-4654. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Lake Gaston VA/NC 350 miles shoreline. FREE Lake Map / Buyers Guide. Tanglewood Realty, Box 116, Bracey, VA 23919. www.Tanglewood Realty.com <http://www.tanglewood realty.com/> 1-800-338-8816. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– THE ENDLESS SUMMER Sale Event. Tom Johnson Camping Center packed with an incredible selection of RV's with massive savings, '04 Clearance mark downs. Marion, NC: 800-2257802; Concord, NC: 888-450-1440, www.tomjohnsoncamping.com <http:/ /www.tomjohnsoncamping.com> C10 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 ♥ ♥ LOVE ♥ ♥ the deals in the You will COUNTY OF LANCASTER REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS DOCUMENT IMAGING SERVICES The Lancaster County Board of Supervisors is currently seeking proposals for the provision of document imaging software and hardware. Bids must be received at the Office of the Lancaster County Administrator no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 23, 2004. A full copy of the invitation to bid can be obtained from the county administrative office, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, VA 22503, 804462-5129 or downloaded from the county’s website at www.lancova.com. Sept 9-2t Town of White Stone Public Notice Advertisement For New Town Signage The Town of White Stone is seeking bids on creating, producting and installing three new town signs. Specifications regarding the signage can be obtained from the Town Manager, Sherri Jewell during normal office hours which are Monday - Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 pm. or phone at 804-435-3260. The Town Office is located at 572 Chesapeake Drive, White Stone, VA 22578. Bids will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. September 29, 2004. Sept. 16-2t MARKETPLACE CLASSIFIEDS 804-435-1701 Darrel’s Dry Wall Service CASH NOW Specializing in All Phases FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS New • Additions • Plaster Ceiling • Designs Licensed & Insured (800) 794-7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! (804) 453-9472 Lancaster County PUBLIC HEARING Permit golf carts & utility vehicles to use state highways in Morratico On Thursday, September 30, 2004 at 7 p.m., in the General District Courtroom, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, Virginia, the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed ordinance to permit licensed drivers to drive golf carts and utility vehicles on Riverside Road (VSH621) and on Morattico Road (VSH622) from the 25mph sign located 2/10ths of a mile west of Ivey Creek Road (VSH623) and continuing westward on Morattico Road through the Village of Morattico. The operators of said golf carts and utility vehicles will be required to comply with the provisions 46.2-916.3 of the Code of Virginia in order to utilize the public roadway. Interested persons are invited to appear at the public hearing to express their comments regarding the proposed ordinance. The full text of the proposed ordinance is available at the Office of the County Administrator, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, VA 22503, 804462-5129, 804-462-0031 (Fax) or on the county web site www.lancova.com. Sept. 16-2t COUNTY OF LANCASTER BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 15.22204 of the Code of Virginia that the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors at its meeting in the Lancaster County District Courtroom, Thursday, September 30, 2004 at 7:00 p.m., will consider the following matters: 1. Application for Change of Zoning District Classification by New Tides, LLC on property described as Tax map #27B-3-1 and #27B-4-1/1A/1B from R-1, Residential, General to R-2, Residential, Apartment. This property is located at the end of VSH 757, Saint Andrews Lane, on Carter Creek near Weems, Virginia. 2. Request for a Special Exception by New Tides, LLC to operate a yacht club with restaurant on property described as Tax Map #27B-3-1 and #27B-4-1/1A/1B. Individuals requiring additional information or clarification regarding this matter may contact Mr. Jack Larson, Planning/Land Use Director, at (804)462-5220. Sept. 16-2t Advertise in the Business and Professional Directory and receive special rates. Your ad will run for 13 weeks at $6.00 per column inch weekly. There is no minimum or maximum size requirement. Please call 1-800-435-1701 or 804-435-1701 or fax your ad to us at 435-2632. The Business and Professional Directory advertising deadline is 5:00 p.m. Friday. Attention Harley Owners! YOUTH HALL ENTERPRISES Phillips Building In need of service and/or repairs or new tires? Give Will Rogers’ CHOP SHOP a call. Your certified, insured one stop bike shop. 804-758-CHOP (2467) Hague, VA HOMES & GARDENS / REMODELING • Tree Trimming • Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Debris & Leaf Removal • Lawn Mowing • Bush Hogging • Light Lot Cleaning • Light Grading CUSTOM STYLED DECKS & PATIOS Licensed & Insured Residential, Commercial & Insurance Work Welcome SM Do you own land and want to build? Let me show you how to save thousands. Call Wayne George 804-435-3407 Some small odd jobs • Have references Va. Class A Licensed Builder 25 years experience THE RECORD ONLINE (540) 371-9818 303 Newton Road Fredericksburg, VA www.rrecord.com Eclipse your competition ... Advertise in the Business Directory 435-1701 Larry & Tammy Marshall, Owners Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates (804) 436-9600 HIM THEM 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 123456 12345 123456 12345612345 12345612345 12345612345 12345612345 12345612345 123456 12345 12345612345 12345612345 12345612345 123456 12345612345 12345612345 THEM HIM 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 1234512345 12345 12345 1234512345 12345 1234512345 1234512345 12345 1234512345 12345 12345 1234512345 1234512345 1234512345 1234512345 Seamless Aluminum Gutter • Installed with Hidden Hangers • Alcoa Leaf Relief System • Copper & 1/2 Round Gutter • Wide Choice of Colors Gutter Cleaning & Repairs When business was bad, he said he couldn’t afford to advertise. 12345 !! !12345 ? 12345 G.F. Hall, Jr. GENERAL HAULING Specializing in the hauling of rip rap, armour stone, driveway stone of various colors and sizes, fill dirt, topsoil, brush and stumps. Also providing installation services, lot clearing, and minor grading and driveway maintenance. Call us - we can help contractors or homeowners. Hey! Top Notch Tree Service Don’t forget to give me clean, fresh, cold water everyday! We also do landscaping! Lawn Care, Painting, Moving, Landscaping,Pressure Washing, Cleaning Gutters, Window Cleaning, Carpentry, Restack Rip Rap Bushhogging, Etc. 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 The Rappahannock Record P.O. Box 400 • Kilmarnock • 804-435-1701 • TO ADVERTISE TODAY Insured Bucket Truck ESYSTEMS, INC SSENTIAL Tree Removal Topping • Pruning Free Estimates Call 529-7661 or 529-6959 Cell: 761-3203 Henderson’s Tree Service & Odd Jobs For the life of us, we can’t remember his name. 12345 HIM Call or email for fall-winter schedule. THEM When business was good he said he didn’t need to advertise. Barbara Shine, writer-editor-workshop leader 804-529-9867 / barbarashine@rivnet.net (804) 580-2370 SEAMLESS GUTTERS Over 22 years experience “Quality Products and Workmanship Guaranteed, Because it’s Your Home” Affordable, half-day workshops for writers and writers-to-be. 804-472-4337 email: bdobyns@youth-hall.com Building the Northern Neck Tired of HIGH grass cutting prices? Find your creative voice: discover the rewards of writing. 804-462-0321 804-462-7005 Cell 804-761-1400 call anytime Rick’s Tree Service Tree Removal • Trimming Mulch • Firewood Stump Grinding & Bushhogging Crane Service Fully Insured • Free Estimates Reasonably Priced & Delivered! 24 hr. Answering Machine 435-0019 Tri-County Tree Service Residential or Commercial Tree Trimming Lot Clearing Tree Removal Septic Tank Installation French Drains SEPTIC TANKS Senior Discounts 7 days a week service available Free Estimates Fully Insured Landscaping Hardwood Mulch Gravel Topsoil CLEANED & SERVICED SAME DAY SERVICE IN MOST CASES Wood / Ceramic Tile / Carpet / Laminate / Vinyl Cork / Marble / Stone / Bamboo / Rugs • CLEANING • PORTABLE TOILET • RENTALS • INSPECTIONS • WATER TESTS SHOWROOM LOCATED AT 697 RAPPAHANNOCK DRIVE Magic Tree Service, Inc. 10% OFF YOUR NEXT SERVICE IN WHITESTONE Fully Insured Radio Dispatched % 10 off ✃ • CLEANING • PORTABLE TOILET • RENTALS • INSPECTIONS • WATER TESTS COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 2, 2004 804-435-1066 504 N. Main St. • Kilmarnock, VA Kevin Dawson Lively, Virginia (804) 462-0746 Cell (804)436-6985 (across from the Bank of Lancaster / next to Clark’s Roofing) Hours: Th. & F 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat 10:00 am - 2:00 pm All other times by appointments are welcome! Come in and visit or contact us at: (804) 436-1717 for a personalized consultation. Call Us At: 462-5577 Free Estimates Tree Trimming and Removal Stump Grinding and Removal Debris Removal Lot Clearing Bush Hogging Top Soil • Hardwood mulch And Watch Your Tree Troubles Disapear! 24 Hr. Answering Machine Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 • C11 Advertise in the Business and Professional Directory and receive special rates. Your ad will run for 13 weeks at $6.00 per column inch weekly. There is no minimum or maximum size requirement. Please call 1-800-435-1701 or 804-435-1701 or fax your ad to us at 435-2632. The Business and Professional Directory advertising deadline is 5:00 p.m. Friday. PAYNE in the Grass, Inc. Landscape & Lawn Maintenance Free Estimates • Licensed/Insured Call owner David Payne (804) 529-9797 1-877-GRO-W/P.I.G. JERRY WEBER PLUMBING Licensed Class A Contractor 462-7040 Ray’s Roofing FREE s te Estima & Exterior Trim License d & Insured 435-2827 Allison’s Seamless Gutters Aluminum & Copper 5” and 6” gutters” • Leaf Guard Systems • Gutter Cleaning & Maintenance will ♥ The Pampered Home & Pet, L.L.C. ♥ LYou OVE House Sitting Services ♥ the deals in the♥ KCB KCB Design/Build, Inc. Class A License & Insured MARKETPLACE CLASSIFIEDS Remodeling Specialists with architectural background BADENOCH Kitchens • Baths • Decks Small Additions ELECTRICAL 804-435-1754 WJ & FOR ALL YOUR WIRING NEEDS Home Improvements Free Estimates No job too big or small 15 years experience Roofing • Vinyl Siding Replacement Doors and Windows • Additions Exterior Aluminum Trim Dock & Seawall Repair All Repair Jobs 804-758-8645 Chris or Tracey Ashburn • Residential • Marine • Commercial • Agricultural • Industrial Fully Licensed & Insured 453-4305 badenoch@rivnet.net 133 Pine Circle • Burgess Quality Construction Since 1970 804-529-7578 or 800-457-7578 3010 Northumberland Highway, Lottsburg, VA LEE’S HANDYMAN SERVICES 804-435-3177 Fully Insured Toll Free 866-609-0100 M AINTENANCE & C ONSTRUCTION Licensed & Insured #2705 066947 Remodeling, Pressure Washing, Roofing, Custom Fencing, General Carpentry & Painting Drywall Repair, Entry & Storm Doors Windows, Gutters & Screen Repair Kilmarnock, VA (804) 435-8821 (804) 761-2974 Top Notch Concrete Finisher ~ 18 years of experience ~ Patios - Footings - Slabs - Sidewalks - Boat Ramps Specializing in Exposed Aggregate Driveways Gary Clingan, Licensed Contractor, Insured 435-2198 www.rivnet.net/personal/clingan Kitchen & Bath Specialist Landscaping, installation & design Seeding, fertilizing, mulching Maintenance, riprap & bulkheads Featuring fine cabinetry by: 804-436-6333 Ask for Archie and Gerry Lee, owner (804) 462-5891 “A Change In View” Paper Hanging & Interior Painting Call Paul Kehrer, Lancaster, VA (804) 462-9850 Crawford Moving & Storage, Inc. WM. SAUNDERS ROBERT A. BADENOCH • 453-3528 Building and Remodeling Electrical and Plumbing Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Friendly, reliable service for Lancaster & neighboring Northumberland Counties Licensed, Bonded & Insured LE Lake Enterprises SERVING THE NORTHERN NECK & SURROUNDING AREAS FOR OVER 30 YEARS A division of Farm Home Supply LLC Seeding–Fertilizing–Mulching–Planting General Landscape Services Ask for Shawn 804-436-9208 QUALITY SERVICE SINCE 1982 Call Joey for your free estimate! Farm & Home Landscaping Flower/Plant Care • Pet Care “We show up when the others don’t” Licensed & Insured Since 1981 SAM’S PAINTING RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INTERIOR • EXTERIOR • METAL ROOFS Decks, Cleaning • Water Sealing • Staining Aluminum - Vinyl • Siding Cleaning DISCOUNT TO SENIOR CITIZENS SAM LANKFORD 435-2705 FREE Estimates Serving The Middle Peninsula & Northern Neck Of Va. • Local • Long Distance • Commercial Moves • Company Moves • Climate Controlled Warehouses Family Owned & Operated For More Than 30 yrs. (804) 725-2555 Mathews • (804) 435-6683 Kilmarnock moveu@kaballero.com OLIVER ENTERPRISES Tree removal, Lot clearing, Stump removal, Driveways, Landscaping, Top soil, and Gravel. Licensed & Insured Call Luther Oliver • 804-462-9845 or 761-5122 804-438-6824 • email: tyers03@rivnet.net Wrap-it • Pack-it • Ship-it Barns • Homes Outbuildings • Fencing Kitchen renovations Porches & sunrooms Window & door replacement Vinyl Siding • Decks Bathrooms, new or renovations Roof repair • Painting • Additions New Home Design/Construction Concrete Slabs Culverts/Driveways Machinery Hauling Bush Hogging Excavating/Footers Top Soil/Grading Septic/Drain Systems Stump Removal Lot Clearing FREE ESTIMATES Daniel: 703-946-0844 Eric: 571-215-6681 MATERIAL HANDLING Hand trucks, pallet trucks, pallet racking, caster & welding curtains. Phone/fax 804-462-5397 Toll free 1-866-804-4138 Roy’s Bike Works your Harley Davidson specialist (804) 725-5000 Tabernacle Rd. Mathews Comfort Consultants The Heating and Air Conditioning Specialists • HVAC • Refrigeration Tappahannock 443-1181 Warsaw 333-3437 CALL NOW FOR YOUR SEASONAL INSPECTION! • Residential • Commercial Kilmarnock 435-8812 Toll Free 1-800-913-9339 Serving the Northern Neck for 15 years Salon & Spa Hairstyling • Tanning Hydromassage Hair Care • Gifts 8864 Mary Ball Rd., Lancaster, VA 22503 Salon: 462-5070 • Spa: 462-5072 New Computers • Upgrades • Repairs Virus Removal • Networking Data Recovery • Internet Access Fax Service • Copy Service Duplicating Service Recycled Computers & Equipment Ultra High Speed Internet Transient Email Service Any Size White Vinyl DH Window Installed ONLY $219 Removal of Metal Windows Extra 14 Main Street, Reedville 453-4016 • Fax 453-5617 Standard Features Double Lifetime Warranty • All Welded Sash & Door 3/4 Insulated Glass • Constant Force Balance • Tilt-In-Sashes 1/2 Screen • Dual Weather Stripping Optional Features Low-E Glass w/Argon Gas • Colonial Grids • Foam Insulation Wrap Window Facing • Full Screens • Casements & Sliders • Bay & Bow Class A License# 2705 047161A Custom Hardwood & NORTHERN NECK MECHANICAL, INC. Ceramic Tile Plumbing • Heating • Air Conditioning 100% Customer Satisfaction Located within Crawford Moving & Storage, Inc. Little River Computer Bryan McCauley 800-301-2878 435-6149 • 435-0427 573 N. Main St. Kilmarnock, Va. • 24 HR Service “Same Low Rate Day or Night” Mobile #: (804) 512-9632 Local #: (804) 776-9487 Installation and Service 24 Hour Service 230 Sandlin Dr., White Stone, VA 804-435-9315 Furniture Restoration • Cabinetry • Trim Work HomeLand Construction Group “Prompt, Dependable Service” Serving the entire Northern Neck Region Packaging Solutions RiverRun Home & Farm Improvements PRE-HUNG ALUMINUM STORM DOORS High Performance Solid Vinyl Replacement Windows and Doors PRICING INCLUDES HARDWARE & INSTALLATION MULLICAN FLOORING® Floor Finishes The Clear Leader in Quality Hardwood Flooring Call for a free Estimate • 804-462-7823 Family Owned & Operated with over 30 years experience “Our business listing was omitted from the telephone directory, so don’t lose our telephone number!” (804)462-7840 or Toll-Free (866)462-7840 Showroom by Appointment 5344 Mary Ball Road, Lively, Virginia Locally Owned & Operated by Julie and Artie Ransone C12 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 16, 2004 Lancashire Lines Jordon Rice of Kilmarnock purchases the first ticket for a 1998 Chevy S-10 truck to be raffled by the Lancaster Band Boosters from Jill Bessler of Lancaster. Band boosters to raffle truck The Lancaster Band Boosters truck raffle is under way. The prize is a 1998 Chevy S-10. Tickets are $10 each or three for $25. McGinnes Chevrolet Buick and Hudson Blunt Insurance donated the truck to support the Lancaster Red Devil Marching Band trip to London. The truck, with a retail value of $5,625, has a 5-speed manual transmission and 113,000 miles. The winning ticket will be drawn during the Lancaster High School Homecoming game on October 22. Tickets may be purchased in Kilmarnock at McGinnes Chevrolet Buick, Heads Up Hairworks and Picture Me; in White Stone at Davenport Inc. and in Lively at Webster’s Tile, Hudson Blunt Insurance and The Oaks Restaurant. Band directors Robbie Spiers and Kenny Flester and many boosters will have tickets for sale. For more information, call Jimmy or Alice Coates at 462-7229, or Spiers at 462-0697. Residents at Lancashire enjoyed visits with family and friends on Labor Day. On Tuesday morning, folks remembered the “good old days,” talking about dish towels and glasses that came free in laundry detergent boxes. They also played hopscotch and red light, green light. Residents painted pictures of the Maryland state bird, the Baltimore oriole, and the state flower, the black-eyed Susan. Bingo was the hit of the afternoon; Mary Lindsey was the big winner. Wednesday morning featured Bible study with Brother Joseph Powers. Residents shared their football knowhow in the afternoon as they matched up NFL teams with their mascots. Music was a highlight Thursday morning as folks sang some great tunes like “I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You” and “California, Here I Come.” September is national Honey Month and our residents celebrated in the afternoon, learning some interesting facts about honey bees and the production of honey. They also enjoyed chicken nuggets dipped in honey and hot tea flavored with fresh lemon and clover honey. Residents were especially intrigued to discover that a single honey bee gathers nectar from 50 to 100 individual flowers during a flight to make honey. T.J., our therapy pet, also visited later in the day. Naming “S” seafoods was the challenge of Friday morning for residents on the Chesapeake Wing. Edward Crew scored well in this game, naming shark, shrimp and scallops, along with many others. Folks on the Rappahannock Wing identified drawings of back- Meyer Creek clean-up project produces 300 pounds of debris Yankee Point Sailboat Marina employees and Yankee Point Yacht Club members joined together with hundreds of other volunteers across the state last weekend to participate in the “Clean Virginia Waterways” program sponsored by the Department of Natural Sciences of Longwood College in Farmville. Twenty-one individuals volunteered to kayak, canoe, dinghy and boat along the shores of Myer Creek and hauled in over 300 pounds of debris that was washed ashore. “By all outward appearances the creek didn’t look like it would yield much debris, but when we really got into it we were amazed at what we found,” said coordinator Rick Johnson Some of the more unusual items found were two 12 volt batteries in a state of extensive decomposition and an outboard motor block. A fiberglass dinghy with an outboard motor was also found deep in the reeds. If anyone is missing a dinghy, please con- tact the marina. Participants included Jim Vette, Wiley and Bo Wright, Bill and Judy Trezenka, Micqui Whiddon, Gary Fricke, Tony and Francis Callahan, Herman Bleibtreu, Kathy Wreden, Bob Bauman, Ron Koris, Gwen Nethaway, Gale and Anker Madsen, Ed and Lynn Richardson, and Ken and Karen Knull. Participants celebrated their hard work at an after-party with hot dogs, chips and plenty of beer and soft drinks. State Fair of Virginia is September 23-October 3 The State Fair of Virginia celebrates its 150th anniversary this year with exciting new animal programs, new high-tech shows, and a new “Nine After Five” $9 midweek ticket. The fair will be held September 23 through October 3 at the Richmond Raceway Complex. A fund-raiser for youth, education and agriculture, the State Fair—also dubbed “Virginia’s Largest Outdoor Classroom”— likes to get fairgoers and animals together. Its signature venue is The Big Red Barnyard with a West Texas Rattlesnake Show, “Nursery Rhymes Come Alive,” and a new “Goat Mountain”—a towering pile of boulders featuring nimble goateed climbers. Cows ready to deliver do so daily in a State Fair Animal Nursery, while baby chicks peck their way out in a six-foot high Chick Hatchery. Nearby, an all-new “Ahoy Mattee” Pirates Parrot Show engages lovers of bigger fowl, and Texas Trick Riders is among nearly 100 equine acts and competitions. More animals can be found throughout the fairgrounds. Lopeared bunnies and racing pigs are crowd-pleasers every year. Making a one-time appearance is “The Beast,” a 150-foot long behemoth whose innards can be heard from and crawled through. Returning favorites include cotton candy, the Rawhide Rodeo, and at sundown each day, a good old-fashioned parade showcasing “pretty cows,” antique tractors, fancy cars, or waving pageant queens. At a higher rate of speed is the all new “Motor Sports Extravaganza,” with lawnmower racing September 24, monster truck competitions, September 25 and 26, and a demolition derby on October 1, 2 and 3. The fair continues its tradition of providing music at several locations, from Celtic and banjos in Heritage Village to big-name acts in the Classic Amphitheatre. The Geico Concert Series this year includes Heart on September 23 at 7:30 p.m., “American Idol” winner Ruben Studdard on September 30 at 6:30 p.m. and Rascal Flatts with Chris Cagle and Julie Roberts at 6:30 p.m. on October 3. Music will also play almost continuously at the Musicfest Stage, where over 20 revolving acts will play from noon to 10 p.m. daily alongside a food court featuring beer, favorite fair foods and new low-carb items. Themed venues all over the fairgrounds have new attractions in 2004. Heritage Village is always an exciting walk through history, from one-ton oxen to Antique Shoppers Row. The Native American Program will feature a Cherokee Hoop Dancer three times daily. A new African American Cultural Program features Dylan Pritchett, a storyteller of African folktales, and the St. Peter Gospel Choir on weekends. Heritage Village also showcases World War II, Korean and Vietnam Wars. Fairgoers can try on uniforms, talk to veterans, view authentic vehicles, and see weapons fired from throughout our military history. Each evening at 7:30 p.m., a flame-throwing demonstration will illuminate how American soldiers used fire in jungle warfare. The Commonwealth Technology Center looks to the future with “MarsQuest,” Movie Magic, an interactive Hollywood experience, and “Adrenaline Jam/IGX,” a sophisticated array of new computer games. The Blue Ribbon Mall features vendors and hosts traditional and unusual competitions from the “Best Cake in Virginia” to “Best Use of Duct Tape,” “Hurricane Isabel Photographs” and “Fifties Memorabilia.” On weekdays, new non-stop transport is offered from the entry gate to the opposite side of the fairgrounds on the Blue Ribbon Express, saving about 20 minutes in walk time. Another way to get around is “Segs in the City,” those two-wheeled Human Transporters, on a Segway Safari, a 30-minute ride for $30. There are also Monster Truck rides, helicopter rides and balloon rides for an additional charge. Special savings this year include the return of Senior Day on September 29 with a special ticket price of $9.99 and concerts with KOS (Kings of Swing) at 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. A new “Nine After Five” $9 ticket for all fairgoers arriving after 5 p.m. Monday through Friday offers a great date alternative or after-school treat. A Season Pass is $19.99 if bought in advance on-line or by phone. The fair awards scholarships to hard-working youngsters who compete in 18 areas of competition. The State Fair also hosts approximately 15,000 school children each year in programs designed to complement the Virginia Standards of Learning. Complete ticket information and schedules can be obtained at www.statefair.com, at 1-800588-3247 or at 804-569-3200. by Joan M. Foster to-school items. Hymn sing brought a time of praise later in the morning. Residents participated in a tribute to 9/11 during the afternoon, hearing poetic writings about the tragic event and singing patriotic songs. Bingo was a big hit on Saturday. We thank Rev. Gayle Fowler who led our worship service on Sunday. Recliners (in stock and special order) On Sale Now Starting at $299 00 Fabric Genuine Leather at $59900 ooth & Son, Inc. B . F . W CUSTOM INTERIORS 42 N. Main St., Kilmarnock, VA 804-435-1329 • 1-800-543-8894 www.wfbooth.com time. It’s Save up to $1000 on qualifying new Carrier systems. We have the perfect comfort system for your home… at spectacular Cool Cash savings! That means you can get my expertise for less. From 3000 watts to 12,000 watts WT 3000H (This model comes with wheel kit and lifting eye standard) Pritchard & Fallin, Inc. 804-529-7838 Industrial Gasses Welding Equipment & Supplies 525 North Main Street • Kilmarnock, VA 22487 (804) 435-0271 • Fax (804) 435-9981 Display advertising: Monday at 5 p.m. Classified advertising: Tuesday at noon News with photos and for calendar listing: Tuesday at 11 a.m. All other news: Tuesday at 2 p.m. email: mail@rrecord.com 804-435-1701 LA-Z-BOY® Generators are here! WC12000HE Rappahannock Record Deadlines Offer expires 11/12/04. See dealer for details. © 2004 Carrier Heating & Cooling Systems A member of the United Technologies Corporation family. Stock symbol UTX.
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