C - Rappahannock Record
C - Rappahannock Record
Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, VA September 9, 2004 • C1 Northern Neck MARKETPLACE Worldwide Exposure! All classifieds in this section also appear weekly on the Rappahannock Record web pages at www.rrecord.com. You can add a color photo linked to your classified for only $25 for up to 13 weeks. Classified deadline: 12 noon Tuesday. Display ad deadline: 5 p.m. Monday. Call 804-435-1701 or 1-800-435-1701. REGULAR CLASSIFIED RATES: $6 for up to 25 words; $4 to repeat same ad second week and each successive week, o $40 for 13 weeks. $.24 per word for ads over 25 words. Personals, Card of Thanks, In Memorials and Work Wanted ads must be paid in advance. 10 percent discount for cash, non-refundable (no discounts on credit card sales). CUS TOM CLASSIFIED RATES: $9.00 per column inch for Legals, Notices, Resolutions, Memorial and other custom classifieds Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate 2 WATER ACCESS Lots in Twin Harbors. Sand beach on Chesapeake Bay. Boat ramp, town septic .91±AC $25,000. 1.17±AC $26,500. Pat Meeker, River town Proper ties 804-435-2482..(July-15-tf) 2+AC GORGEOUS WATERFRONT proper ty on Hull Creek. Well and septic installed. Ready for your waterfront pleasure. Call Joe Emerson, Middle Bay Realty, (O)804-436-1150, (Cell)410-610-9890, (H)804-5802053..(July-8-13t) 2.3 ACRE lot on cove of Eastern Branch Corrotoman. Wide views/ wooded/3’MLW, $165K. Pat Schelling, Long & Foster Realtors, 804-4352673..(X) 28± WATERFRONT cultivated acres on Beach Creek. Sunset view over Rappahannock River. Elevated building site. $325,000. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, www.MelrosePlantation.com. 804-435-0321..(Aug-5-13t) 3.84 ACRES OF privacy w/charming 2BR Cape Cod. 24x12 screened porch off kitchen. Wicomico Church area. $89,500. Kane & Associates, Inc. Call 800-715-1290..(July-22-13t) 3BR, 2BA, Family room, office, den, living room. Pool, tennis, boating access. Overlooking farmland. Terrific investment. $150,000. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. www.melroseplantation.com 804-4350321..(Aug-26-13t) 5840 SQ.FT. ESTATE Home on 2 waterfront point lots, Jetty’s Reach Subdivision, minutes from Bay, deepwater, $1,190,000. Call 804-4539081,Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty..(Feb-5-tf) 64AC WATERFRONT, $425,000. 28AC farmland, $135,000. 36AC waterfront farm $292,500. Call for more parcel listings. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. www.MelrosePlantation.com 804-4350321..(Sept-9-13t) 74x28 RAMBLER: 4.64AC, includes 2 adjoining building lots (drainfields installed). Kings Cote Creek sandybeach, 127’ pier, 10,000lb. boat lift. $498,000. Kane & Associates, Inc. 1-800-715-1290..(July-22-13t) 76 ACRE WATERFRONT Farm: 8-10’MLW, 4600’ waterfrontage on Cockrell’s Creek. Restrictions preclude subdivision. Call Tom Kimmitt, owner/agent, Middle Bay Realty, 1-800529-5122 or 804-453-9081 or visit www.northernneckrealestate.com (Nov-20-tf) ANTEBELLUM TOWN COTTAGE: Historic Headley House in Heathsville needs new home! Must be moved. $20,000. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, www.MelrosePlantation.com 804-435-0321..(Aug-5-13t) ARCADIA, CIRCA 1783: Spectacular home w/caretakers cottage, in ground pool on 5 manicured acres in Heathsville. Call Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty, 1-800-529-5122..(Mar-4-tf) ATTENTION INVESTORS: 3 well maintained duplex units (6 apartments), 3.23± acr es, 1/4 mile south of town, New South Estates. Great rental history. $396,500. Call Pat Meeker, River town Proper ties 804-435-2482 or 804-436-8828..(June-17-tf) AWESOME WATERFRONT Victorian w/adjoining cottage. 2+Ac. Rappahannock River & tidal pond. $495,000: House $325,000; cottage $170,000. Catherine Bennett, Realtor/Broker, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620. www.MelrosePlantation.com..(Sept-213t) BELL’S CREEK Waterfront- 1.67 acres, 241’ frontage, 3’ MLW, $160K Wooded/Pat, Long & Foster Realtors, 804-435-2673..(X) BUILDING LOTS, pondfront/access. $10,000 to $17,000. Liber ty Hill between Rt. 3, Kilmarnock & Lancaster Courthouse. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, www.melroseplantation.com 804-4350321..(Aug-26-13t) BURGESS 6 acres, wooded & private. $25,000 lot w/pier, 2-3’ MLW, $195,000. Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty, 804-453-9081 or www.north ern neck re ales tate.com (May-6-tf) HORSE FARM: 10+acre farm. Threestall barn, with hay and equipment storage. Completely fenced and crossfenced. Deep well and electric service. Perk sites for home building site. Established pastures, run-inshed, near village of Morattico. For sale by owners. 804-462-9916..(Sept9-3t) KILMARNOCK: Beautifully treed lot with stream, 1/4 mile from town in New South Estates. 1.699± acr es, $19,700. Call Pat Meeker, River town Proper ties 804-435-2482 or 804-4368828..(June-17-tf) LOTTSBURG: Great fixer-upper farmhouse on 2.5 nice acres. Several storage buildings. $84,500. Robbie Booth, Shore Realty, Inc. 804-529-7020, ext. 5..(Sept-2-13t) MYERS LANDING 2+ private wooded acres. Deeded access to pier with shallow water. Perfect for small boats and kayaks. Immaculate home: large, bright kitchen, living room, hall and bedroom with beautiful hardwood floors. Separate storage/shop. $118,500.00 Lawler Real Estate Realtors, White Stone, VA 804-435-1000 or 1-800-962-1923 www.lawlerrealestate.com..(Jan29-tf) NATURE-LOVERS DELIGHT: Wooded acreage in wonderful waterfront community, canoe/kayak depthwater, privacy and wildlife. Call Joe Emerson, Middle Bay Realty, (O)804436-1150, (Cell)410-610-9890, (H)804-580-2053..(July-8-13t) NEW HOME FOR SALE waterfront community dock boat ramp. 2+ acres, 3 BR, 2BA, stone F/P, deck, porch. 2-1/2 car garage, $178,500. Possible owner financing. Call 804-435-2728, owner/agent..(Sept-2-2t) NEW LISTINGS: Potomac River, small lot, small grandfathered footprint, huge view. Call Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty, 804-453-9081..(July-22-tf) NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY: Waterfront parcels in great neighborhood. Access to pier/ramp. Ideal for permanent/vacation home. $21,500+. Geneva Dawson, G. C. Dawson Real Estate. 804-435-3166 or reales8@crosslink.net..(July-15-13t) REDUCED FOR Quick Sale: 2BR, 2BA, Williamsburg style townhouse w/garage in beautiful Hill’s Quar ter golf course community. $219,000. Call for appointment. 804-435-8830..(Aug26-13t) REDUCED FOR Quick Sale: Available now, new 4BR Williamsburg style townhouse in beautiful Hills Quar ter Golf Course Community. Includes 3BA, fireplace $219,000. For appointment. 804-435-8830..(Aug-26-13t) RT. 360: GREAT fixer-upper w/tons of potential. 4BR, 1BA, 1 half bath. Nice wood floors. $71,000. Robbie Booth, Shore Realty, Inc. 804-529-7020, ext. 5..(Sept-2-13t) SELLING?? Let me focus on your proper ty. Call Joe Emerson, agent, Middle Bay Realty to get your proper ty moving. (O)804-436-1150, (Cell)410610-9890, (H)804-580-2053..(July-813t) WANTED: WATERFRONT proper ty: Potomac River area, with or without cottage, reasonably priced. No agent please. Call 540-752-0457..(Sept2-6t) WATERFRONT HOME in Burgess: New 2500+ sq.ft. home with water views from every room. 4BR, 3BA, Whirlpool in master bath, ceramic tile & oak floors. Attached 2 car garage. Many extras! $699,000. Pictures available with email: sacarroll.vppsa@va.visi.net Sherri Carroll, 804-514-4639. Frank Hardy, Inc. Realtors Waterfront and Estate Brokers International. (July-22-tf) WATERFRONT LOTS: Several, deep water, on Corottoman River and Carters Creek. Call owner, 757-898-5079 for photos, directions and terms..(Aug12-13t) PINE CREST ACRES Water access sites in nice waterfront community 2.06 Acres $19,500 1.02 Acres $14,950 Gloucester Co. 5 acres, level & wooded $18,500 Taylors Creek Wooded waterfront sites 1.13 acres $109,500 2.10 acres $59,000 2.34 Acres $79,500 BURGESS AREA Cottage site, 117’ waterfront $49,500. G. C. DAWSON REAL ESTATE 804-435-3166 or 800-526-2166 (X) BY OWNER: Taylor’s Creek/Weems area. Four nicely wooded acres in older subdivision with waterfront access. Approval letter for an “engineered system” septic system. $25,000. Call 804-436-9117 day, 462-5170 evening..(Aug-26-3t) CALL: LICENSED Real Estate Broker to provide custom, free, no obligation Competitive Marketing Analysis, home/land, inland/waterfront, historic/new. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620. www.MelrosePlantation.com..(Sept-213t) CHOOSE FROM 2 building lots in preferred Lee Dale Shores Access. Great Wicomico River & Barrett Creek. 3BR perks. $47,500/$49,500. Kane & Associates, Inc. 800-715-1290..(Sept2-13t) DEVELOPER SEEKS land for 100+unit waterfront development. Send inquiries. Debbie King. Keystone Hospitality Group, P.O. Box 427, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. Call 814-695-5689. Brokers protected..(Aug-19-4t) FIREPLACE INSERT Appalachian CR-360 w/blower. $750 OBO. Call 804-580-3359..(Sept-9-2t) GREAT WICOMICO RIVER: 1.18AC Open House When: Sunday, September 12, 2004 Where: 2 LaGrange Avenue LaGrange Estates Time: 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Community Amenities: Community Water System Dock and Boat Ramp into Dividing Creek A truely well thought out house plan that you must see inside to appreciate all its amenities. Only 7 miles from Kilmarnock. Offered at $259,000 Please stop by to see this delightful home and neighborhood. Beth Altaffer 804-435-2482 • 1-800-525-6405 804-435-6008 evenings e-mail: beth@rivertowne.com 276 North Main Street • Kilmarnock, VA 090904 For Rent 1344 SF SHOP w/2 bay garage and office space. Ideal Kilmarnock location. Available now, $750 month. Call 804-761-2594..(July-1-13t) 3-4 BR, 2BA, HOUSE located on White Chapel Road, Lively. L/R, D/R, kitchen, nice yard. Available September 1. $800 month. References, security deposit. 202-365-1112, 800-392-6499..(X) 4BR, 2.5BA unfurnished new townhouse at Hills Quar ter Golf Course. Available for short-term rental, $1100 per month. Call 804-435-8830..(Sept9-4t) 4BR, 2BA HOME in Lancaster Village. Front porch, big kitchen, washer/dryer, large level lot. $750 per month. Credit check, references, security deposit. Owner/agent 571-331-2877..(Sept9-2t) BARRETT CREEK/Wicomico Church; 2-story waterfront, 4BR, 2BA, 12+AC, dock, 5’MLW, AC, Direct TV, washer/dryer. Pet negotiable, no smoking. $1275 plus security and utilities. 505-521-0713..(Sept-9-13t) BURGESS: 1000SF retail/office space near corner of Rt. 360 & Rt. 200. Farm house w/lots of charm, perfect for antique shop/office. Has one antique shop on premises and art studio in barn on proper ty. Great visibility and traffic count. $400 month plus utilities. Virginia Henry, 804-761-5111..(Aug26-4t) COMMERCIAL Building: Church St. leaving Kilmar nock. Approximately 2500sq.ft. Six offices. Entrance secretary area. Restrooms, handicap entrance and restroom, plus storage area. Copier area. Available October 1. $1700 per month. Call 804-435-1774 or 804-796-2838..(Sept-2-tf) EXECUTIVE OFFICES, completely furnished, including receptionist and high speed internet. $550 month. Located in Hummel Aviation’s new terminal building. Call Oscar at 804-7585500..(July-22-tf) HOUSE SHARE: 2BR waterfront home in Topping. Furnished, includes utilities except for telephone. $512.50 month. Call 804-758-5378..(June-2413t) KILMARNOCK: Office space, large or small, kitchen, great parking, excellent location near post office. Ideal for medical, law, home health, insurance, etc. Owner/agent, 757-619-4808, 804-435-6238..(Jan-29-tf) NEW HOUSE for rent/option to buy. 3BR, 2BA, FP, 2-1/2 car garage, deck, porch, waterfront comm, $900 month. 804-435-2728..(X) OFFICES FOR Lease, various sizes. Ample parking, good location, a must see. Located in White Stone, Va. Phone 804-435-3988..(Aug-26-13t) Directions: From Kilmarnock, Route 200 toward Burgess. Right on VSH 606 (Shiloh School Road), Right on Balls Neck Road, First right into LaGrange, Left at “T”, Look for openhouse sign on left. Home Features: Entrance Foyer Great Room with high ceilings Formal Dining Room Large kitchen/Breakfast Area Master Bedroom/Private Bath Two guest bedroom with great storage Large Guest Bath Screened Porch off kitchen /Great Room Two car garage with storage Garden House of Workshop Beautiful Landscaped yard View These Fine Properties @www.HorsleyRealEstate.com A View from the Home Site 090904 Indian Creek flowing directly into New Listing -- Chesapeake Bay near ICYCC JUST listed-- $193,000 Henrys Island Endless Chesapeake Bay Views ! +205’ Waterfront near White 4.5 Acres Partly Wooded Stone/Irvington 081904 081904 JUST Listed-off Rappahannock Northern Neck BOAT House ◆ 27’ Waterside SCREEN Porch Vaulted ceilings, 3 Bdrms, 2 Baths . . . $449,000 061704 “We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753. E-mail: fairhousing@dpor.virginia.gov. Web site: www.fairhousing.vipnet.org.” 061704 ! d e c Redu just off CHESAPEAKE Bay A Classical New Home... High Ceilings, about 4700 sq ft Taxes: 2230 ◆ 6’ MLW Harbour 4 Bdrms ◆ 3 Full Baths Pool (36x18) Garage $694,000 $725,000 Nelson B. Horsley, Jr. White Stone 435-2644 435-0773 Urbanna 758-2430 C2 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 9, 2004 For Rent For Sale For Sale Yard Sales Yard Sales Yard Sales RENT COMMERCIAL HARTFIELD “NEW OFFICE RETAIL CENTER” Middlesex County, located Rt. 3 & 33, high traffic volume. Spaces available from 200 sq. ft. at competitive rates. Tenant can design interior layout at landlord’s expense. For information call Marquerithe Haasnoot, Ches-Bay Realty, Inc. (804) 776-6044 1-800-443-4135 (June-12-tf) TEMPORARY HOUSING? Really nifty remodeled waterfront farmhouse completely furnished; 3BR, 2BA, WR/DR, direct TV, more; $500/week, $1500 month, rent includes all utilities. 800-529-5071. Fred.(Sept-2-13t) VILLAGE OF WEEMS. Restored 2BR, 1BA, house. Available 10/1/04. Heat pump, all appliances, great quiet neighborhood. No smoking, pets. Deposit and lease required. $675 monthly. Call 804-438-5087 leave message..(Aug-19-4t) WATERFRONT APARTMENT with boat dock privileges. Efficiency unit suitable for one person preferably. Separate entrance in private home, $400 per month plus electricity. Available Oct. 1. Please call Fred at 804-435-2014 for appointment..(Aug26-3t) WEEMS: 4BR, 2BA house w/dock, part of larger proper ty on water. Owner takes care of grass and bush maintenance. Central air, washer/ dryer. No pets, no smoking. Rent $850/month plus utilities. 804-4385442..(Sept-9-3t) WINDMILL POINT Beach front cottage, 3 bedrooms, two bath. $900 month plus utilities. Call toll-free 1-800344-5244, ask for Keith..(Aug-5-6t) CRAB SHEDDING TANKS $99 EACH ALL FIBERGLASS 5 year warranty against leaks deliver reasonable distance. 804-4353207..(Sept-2-2t) NEW PROFORM Treadmill: $500 OBO. You move it. Call 804-4385308..(Sept-9-2t) NEW/SURPLUS windows, doors, cabinets, factory second Santa Cruz premium leaded glass entry doors, etc. 4000 doors in stock. We build door units for you. U-Save big $$$. BSS Discounts, Stafford, Va. 1-800-206-4825. www.bss1.com(Nov-25-tf) OLDER MODEL Dryer (white): Works better than it looks. $50. Call 804-435-2264 after 6p.m. If no answer, leave message...(X) PING I2 IRONS: 3-PW, 6AP, sand & lob wedges. Graf-alloy regular shafts. Original steel shafts included. Paid $1200. Will sell for $400 OBO. 804-758-3400..(Aug-12-tf)SS PORTABLE GENERATOR 5000 KW used rarely, $250. Call 804-5805641..(X) SMOKER COOKER GRILL, brand new $50. Used cupboard enclosed dart board with all accessories, $25. Call Tina D. 804-436-0139, leave message..(Sept-2-2t) STEEL BUILDINGS: All must go: Factory seconds, freight damaged & repos 16x24, 25x30, 35x52. Financing available. Serious inquiries only. 1-800-405-7501..(Sept-2-2t) TROY BILT tiller 7HP, given up gardening, $150. Baldwin brass and glasstop coffee table, retails $595, asking $175. Call 804-580-7451..(Sept-2-2t) UNIFORM GALLERY, Hillcrest Heights Building, Kilmarnock. Starting $19/set. Scrub tops starting at $7.99. 10% discount for new graduates. Buy 3 get 1 1/2 price. 804-436-4026..(July15-13t) Toys. Furniture. Linens. China. Kitchenware. Holiday Decor. Lamps. Books. Paintings. Tools. Sporting goods. Craft Items. Small Appliances. And more! Thai imports. Courthouse Rd. (Rt. 600) 1/4 mi. from Rt. 3. Fri. 11a.m.5p.m., Sat. 9a.m.-5p.m., Sun. 11a.m.5p.m..(July-1-13t) MOVING/GARAGE SALE: Rain or shine Saturday September 11. 8a.m.noon. Sofa, chairs, twin beds, old Diamond dye safe, ladies’ clothes (size 12), shoes (7-7-1/2), men’s suits (42R-30L) Weems, left at Claybrook Baptist, onto John’s Neck Rd., right on Carter’s Cove Drive, follow signs to 157 Oak Leaf Dr..(X) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, at Northumberland County School Board Bldg. Cafeteria, Lottsburg. 8a.m.-2p.m. Benefit county animal shelter medical fund. Rain or shine, 1000s ar ticles for sale..(X) YARD SALE: Every Wednesday - Saturday, 10-4 at Fine Finds in Lively, 6042 Mary Ball Road next to Get’n Zip. 804-462-9099..(Aug-12-13t) YARD SALE: Fri/Sat/Sun, Sept. 10/11/12. Electronics, TV’s, tools, log splitter, household items etc. Kilmarnock, James Jones Memorial High- way by Alexander’s Restaurant past Radio Rd., right on Cox’s Farm Rd. second drive on right..(X) YARD SALE: Saturday, 9/11. 3 miles north of Kilmarnock. Look for signs. Furniture, dishes, old toy wagon, bed linens, cur tains, potted plants, many more items..(X) Vacation Rentals *****WEEKEND RETREAT***** WHITE STONE, VA • 4 BR HOME • Sandy beach • Panoramic views of bay • Daily/weekly $225 per night 804-304-2088 mickeymoore@comcast.net (Sept-9-EOW)SS 12 BEDROOM PRIVATE residence available for weekly rental. Great location on Rappahannock River and Carter’s Creek. Call for additional information. 804-436-1200..(Mar-25-tf) ELEGANT and ROMANTIC restored antebellum farmhouse plus guest cottage on private 4AC. Scenic waterfront w/dock. All amenities: gardens, bicycles, golf cart, cable. 804-285-1224, www.1840whaysendfarm.com.(June17-13t) FISH TALES guest house on Lancaster County’s Corrotoman River. Sleeps 6, but cozy for 2. Catherine Bennett owner/agent Melrose Plantation Real Estate. 800-711-4620. www.MelrosePlantation.com (Aug-26-13t) FLORIDA KEYS, MARATHON. 2 bedroom plus den with 50’ boat slip, ocean view, pool and tennis. $1200 week, $3600 month. Call 804-5296131..(Jul-3-tf) NEW WATERFRONT Log home in Heathsville w/easy bay access. All amenities including air conditioning. 4BR, 2BA, sleeps 10. Large screened porch. Dock w/2.5’MLW. Call 703-3398338..(June-24-13t) REEDVILLE, VA waterfront cottage rental. Weekly/weekends/monthly. 4BR furnished w/heat/AC, den, LR, kitchen, 2BA, lighted dock/ramp. 804-745-1422 or email Ri vah gal@Com cast.net..(July-2213t) WATERFRONT COTTAGES, furnished, Smith Point area: Great fishing, ramp, dock, AC/heat, screened porch, canoe, kayak, motorboat, charter boat, great for families. Weekly/weekend. 804-453-6829. www.saltwatercottages.com(May-20-26t) For Sale LAST OF THE OUTDOOR CARPET 5 COLORS IN STOCK 39¢ SQ.FT. The Outlet at Nunnally’s 4445 Richmond Road, Warsaw 804-333-3210 www.nunnallys.com (X) WAVE RIDER MFG 804-758-8108 (Sept-9-4t) 10” CRAFTSMAN TABLESAW: tuned to cut straight and true, 1.5HP, $150. 10” Craftsman radial arm saw, w/cabinet, $150. Call 804-529-6169..(Sept9-2t) 18.5 CU. FT. over-under GE refrigerator white, $250. Call 804-4353266..(Sept-9-2t) 1985 JOHN DEERE Tractor, 1050, 4WD, 1100 hrs. Loader bucket, back hoe, grader box, 58” tiller. $10,400. Call 804-435-2074..(Sept-2-4t) 29’ COUGAR RV camper trailer: Sleeps 6, stove and refrigerator (never used), bath w/shower, cable hookup, AC/heat, retractable awning (porch). Lots of storage. Immaculate! 804-4359944..(July-22-tf) 37’ FIFTH WHEEL Trailer: 1997 Carriage Chaise, furnace & heat pump. 2-slide-outs, 17’ awning, fantastic fan w/thermostat, sleeps 4. Must sell. 804-580-6129 or 804-453-3890..(July15-13t) 4 18” KONIG Monson Wheels, 215/35 Nankang Tires. Needs one tire, the rest are brand new. $500 or best offer. Call 804-435-2326..(Sept-9-3t) 71” HICKORY CHAIR camel back sofa, $600. Kittenger coffee table, $800. Call 804-435-7084..(Aug-19-4t) ADIRONDACK CHAIRS $69. Nice anytime gifts: Quality wood picnic tables, swings, lawn and deck furniture. Possible custom building. Leslie R. Dawson Jr., 804-580-6391..(July22-52) AKC REGISTERED English Springer Spaniel puppies. Champion line, liver and white. Available October 8, $500-$550. Call 804-435-7744..(Sept9-4t) ARCH STEEL BUILDINGS: Huge Savings 4 undelivered buildings25x26, 30x44, 30x60, 40x50. Must sell immediately. Perfect for Workshops/ garages.Factory direct. 1-800-341-7007. www.SteelMaster USA.com...(Sept-9-2t) ARMOR STONE, RIP-RAP, gravel, sand, stone, topsoil, mulch, slate, landscaping rock, more. We have certified scales and deliveries to N’Neck and M’Peninsula. Rock Resources, 804-725-4440..(July-15-13t) ATLANTIC MOBILE Homes: All 2004 homes must go! Making room for 2005 models! 28x74 4BR, 2BA, LR, den, big screen TV, only $63,900! 28x52 3BR, 2BA, 2x6 sidewalls, only $47,900! 14x70 3BR, 2BA only $27,900. Save thousands off retail prices! Highway 17, Saluda, VA 804-758-5681 or 800-551-0337. (Sept-9-3t) BUFFET Student Flute with carrying case. Used only 2 years. Paid $575, will sell for $250. Call Jackie 804-435-1636 or 804-758-5098..(Aug26-3t)SS CLAYTON HOMES Supercenter fall blowout: All 2003 models must go. New, used and repos. Call 757-599-3803, Clayton Homes of Newport News..(Sept-11-tf) CONN tenor sax with hard case, great condition $650, display case from Old Ransome’s store 8’x2’x42”, old wicker sofa $150. Call 804-438-5087..(Aug26-4t) DELL INSPIRON Laptop 1100 series. MS Office, 2000, C/D/DVD Burner. Serious inquiries only. Like new. $750. Call 804-435-2326..(Sept-2-3t) FIREPLACE INSERT Appalachian CR-360 w/blower, $750 OBO. Call 804-580-3359..(Sept-9-2t) FREE FORMER Seafood Truck refrigerator box. Not working. 8’wide x14’longx7’high. You haul. Bob 804-462-3480..(X) HOT TUB: Hot Springs Spa in working order. Needs TLC, $100. Remove it and it’s yours. Call 804-5805076..(Sept-9-2t) LANE RECLINER brand new, tags still on. Very light beige faux suede. $390. Call 804-435-0685..(X) LARGE INVENTORY of discontinued American and European china patterns of many companies. Send photo w/SASE for reply. The Butler’s Pantry, P.O.Box 514, Lively, VA 22507..(July15-tf) MALTESE PUPS: CKC registered, 3 females, 1 male. $450 to $500. Ready September 24. Serious inquiries only. Call 804-580-9230..(Sept-2-2t) MOVING BOXES: Over 200 boxes. All sizes. Good condition. $200. Will Incredible Bargains! (Sept-2-2t) HUGE YARD SALE: Saturday, September 11, 8a.m.-noon. Upper Lancaster Firemen’s Pavilion. Proceeds to Benefit LHS Band Trip to London, England. Call Alice Coates, 804-462-7229 to arrange to donate items or to reserve a 25’x25’ space to sell your items. Come shop for great treasures..(Aug-26-3t) IRVINGTON ROAD Consignment Shop. Mon-Fri., 10a.m.-4p.m. Saturday, 10a.m.-2p.m. Free tables for open-air market. U-Haul rentals. Movers for hire coming soon. Stingray Food Service. 804-438-9008..(July15-tf) LANCASTER FLEA MARKET: Fresh produce, collectibles, tools, books, ❖ Boats/ Motors 18FT (5.5 METERS) Catamaran designed for racing. In great shape. Willing to give lessons. $4000. Call 804-453-7300..(Sept-9-3t)SS 18’ WOOD SKIFF: Great shape, 30HP Yamaha, electric start. Raised floor, bilge pump, anchor, PFD, bimini cover, $2500. Call 804-529-6169..(Sept9-2t) 1967 EGG HARBOR Sedan Cruiser: Twin screw 360 Chrysler, fullsize head and galley, sleeps 6, A/C, marine radios, depth sounder, bimini top. $32,000. 804-529-6169..(Sept-9-2t) ❖ DELTAVILLE ❖ MIDDLESEX COUNTY Yard Sales ANTIQUES AND OTHER old items for sale. Follow signs from Lively September 11 from 8-until..(X) HUGE SALE! 18th Annual Cople Parish Barn Sale Sat. Sept. 11 Cople Parish House 72 Coles Pt. Rd., Hague Doors Open at 9a.m. Located in Deltaville, this well-established business offers a rare opportunity with great potential. The property consists of two parcels of land that total 2.6 acres, providing possibility for expansion. This attractive restaurant, that continues to be one of the most popular in this area, includes all furniture and fixtures to provide a turn-key transition to new owner. Exclusively offered for $375,000. Men’s, Women’s & Children’s Clothing. Collectibles. “Marine Propeller Shafting Shop for Sale: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: All tools & machinery to machine propeller shafts to 4 1/2”, straighten & fit couplings: $30,000.00 Call Fred-Ocran Boat Shop, 1935 Ocran Rd. White Stone, VA 22578 JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. EMILY CARTER 435-3144 Brokers for Unique Properties and Estates Since 1957 804-435-6305 ❖ Toll Free: 866-541-5156 ❖ Fax: 804-435-0153 447 Chesapeake Drive ❖ P.O. Box 7 ❖ White Stone, Virginia 22578 email: ecarter@carter-realestate.com ❖ Byrl Phillips-Taylor GRI, CRS Assistant Managing Broker Specializing in Waterfront Properties! WELCOME • Hills Quarter features the sculpted 18-hole King Carter Golf Course and practice range. • Future amenities include a community pool, championship tennis courts and hiking trails. • All Hills Quarter residents enjoy maintenance-free living. Never cut your grass, mulch your flower beds or trim your hedges again! 1-877-435-2673 (Toll-Free) 804-435-2673 (Office) 804-356-7879 (Cell) byrlp@aol.com REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES • Premium homesites available starting from the mid $50s • Many lots will accommodate walk-out basements • Large variety of model homes and custom floor plans ranging from $150,000 to $250,000 • Model homes available for immediate occupancy • One-level living with cathedral ceilings and expansive windows to enjoy the views Member of Long & Foster’s President’s Club, Chairman’s Club and Gold Team National Sales Award, Multi-Million Dollar Producer Established and Respected REALTOR® Since 1979 Bay/River Office, P.O. Box 1090, 387 Chesapeake Drive, White Stone, VA 22578 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY MERRY POINT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY HILLS QUARTER IRVINGTON, VIRGINIA Historic Virginia’s Newest Golf Course Community ~ Where residents enjoy maintenance-free living ~ 1-804-435-8830 1-800-795-2464 www.HillsQuarter.com SALES OFFICE OPEN DAILY Mon-Fri 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. • Sat & Sun 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 9, 2004 • C3 Boats/ Motors View These Fine Properties @www.HorsleyRealEstate.com Reduced $ 40,000 ! $ 179,000 KILMARNOCK Brick Home Ideally situated on quiet side street.... Double Lot 17’ Parlor, 18’ Den ◆ 3 Bedrms, 2 Baths Plaster Walls, Tiled Baths, Oak floors, Carport NEW 560 sq ft SUNDECK ! Workshop ! $219,000 082604 082604 JUST listed-- THE LANCASTER CREEK HOUSE 3.3 Acres Nestled on gentle hill overlooking water . . . 3’ MLW Dock 22’ CreekRoom ◆ Screen Porch ! $449,000 $ 125,000 ‘White Stone Brick Cottage’ off Windmill Point Road 2 Bedrooms ◆ Sun Deck Marble & Ceramic Tile in Bath 082604 090904 090904 View across meadowwoods of old Farmhouse ‘The Old Bayside Estate’ JUST Listed-±4 Acres Chesapeake Bay ◆ 700’ Shoreline ◆ 8’ MLW Channel into Creek Uninhabitable ca 1920 Farmhouse Historic Mathews County $485,000 081904 JUST Listed-- $159,000 ‘The Lively Oaks House’ 2.2 Acres Lively Village Pristine Home: 3 Bdrms, 2 Baths 081904 1970 IRWIN 32 sailboat Atomic 4 engine, Harken RF, two mainsails, Antipoison Creek. Bay Cruiser. 804-435-7245..(June-17-13t) 1973 35’ BRISTOL: Everything new or redone, many upgrades and extras. Asking $47,500. will consider less depending on equipment needed. 804-580-7084 or ocrabbe@aol.com..(Sept-9-tf) 1974 FIBERGLASS Chris Craft: 25’ newly repowered 350 Crusader, very good condition. VHF, depth-finder, GPS. $7000 OBO. Call 804-5802331..(Aug-5-tf) 1976 21FT. VENTURE MAIN 110% jib and storm jib. 3.3HP Mariner OB. Less than 30 hours. Interior cushions and yard trailer, $3000 OBO. 804-5808611..(Aug-26-4t) 1978 ALBIN 33 foot fiberglass with flying bridge. Powered by a single 120HP Ford Lehman diesel engine with about 1400 hours. Structurally and mechanically sound. Teak deck has been completely removed and replaced with 5 layers of glass. Hydraulic steering, auto pilot, 2VHF radios, 2 depth sounders, 3 new 8D batteries, A/C and more. Cruising speed 6.5 knots and burns about 2.5 gph. Needs lots of TLC asking $29,500. Call 804-435-1701 ext 19 days, 804-462-7622 nights..(July-1-tf)photo-on-line 1979 GRADY WHITE 21’cuddy cabin, 150HP Evinrude, power trim and tilt trailer, marine radio, compass, $4300. Call 804-529-6169..(Sept-9-2t) 1995 15’ BOSTON WHALER Rage: 115HP Jet engine with bridle attachment, swim platform, new bimini top, cover, total cushion package, galvanized trailer, like new. very low hours. $7995. Call 804-462-5199..(July29-tf) 2000 24’ STINGRAY. 5.0 Mercruiser I/O. A/C, fresh water, shore power, refrigerator, stove, aft cabin, head, GPS, depthfinder. VHF radio. Excellent condition, still has original warranty. $30,000. Call 804-453-5105..(Aug26-3t) 2000 MAINSHIP “PILOT 34”: Dark green Imron hull, tan & dark green accents. Nicely equipped. Diesel engine. Asking $169,000. Custom Yacht Service. 804-438-5563..(Aug26-4t)SS 2001 BOSTON WHALER 18’ Dauntless, 135 Mercury Optimax w/235 hrs. DF, GPS, VHF. Fish & comfort pkg. $24,300. 540-374-1933 or 804-4534170..(Aug-19-4t) 2001 CAROLINA CLASSIC: 25’ with cuddy cabin. Excellent condition, moored in covered slip during the season and kept on land during winter. Volvo diesel. $68,000. Custom Yacht Service. 804-438-5563..(Aug26-4t)SS 2002 MAINSHIP “PILOT 30”: Hardtop, 96 hours on original Yanmar diesel engine. Asking $115,000. Custom Yacht Service. 804-438-5563..(Aug26-4t)SS 20FT. WELLCRAFT 1976, 165HP Mercruiser I/O, dependable. Canvas top w/side cur tains. Great for rock fishing. 1996 Loadrite trailer, both for $3500. Call 540-273-7503 or 804-4356790..(Sept-9-4t) 46’ FIBERGLASS workboat Cat diesel 435HP. West Coast cabin, radar, GPS, dual stations, hydraulic gill net reel and 10 nets. $125,000. Call 804-4533510..(July-29-8t) BOAT RENTALS! Call Chesapeake Boat Basin, Kilmarnock, VA 804-435-3110 to find out how you can rent a Southern Skimmer Skiff today..(Sept-2-2t) BOSTON WHALER 15: Great condition with 60HP Mercury 1979 trailer included. $5500. Call Chris, 436-6702 or 804-438-6052..(Aug-19-4t) C-HAWK 22: 1996, 150 Mercury trailer, excellent condition, stored 9 months each year. Many extras. Moving. $12,500. 804-776-8907. (Sept-25t)SS C. SCOTT VAIL YACHT BROKERAGE LOCATED @ RAPPAHANNOCK YACHTS IRVINGTON, VA 804-438-6443 ❖ JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. ❖ Brokers for Unique Waterfront Properties and Estates Since 1957 White House Creek This beautiful point of land has 600± ft of waterfrontage and breathtaking views. This 1+ acre site offers 6± ft. MLW, wide water views and a two story dwelling with approximately 2500 sq. ft. being sold as is. Exclusively offered for $549,000. Corrotoman River Laurel Point 081904 081904 ‘Rock Hill Farm’ LANCASTER County + 91/2 Acres 19’ Parlor, Plaster Walls BARN Office & Shop $199,000 462-5011 Lively 758-2430 URBANNA Tommy Brent 462-7608 Nancy Carter 462-5025 Maria Whitehead 776-7668 Jennifer Dilday 435-9575 Herb Stover 462-0003 Lee Maurer 435-9480 Katie Horsley Dew 435-9253 435-2644 White Stone Glenn Kelley Stan Whitehead Jack Enoch Stacey Brent IsaBell Horsley Seldon Tompkins Nelson Horsley Jr. 438-9463 776-7668 435-3044 435-0132 693-3826 435-6850 435-0773 (X) CHRIS CRAFT Cabin Cruiser, 1974 Express, 25’, 250HP inboard, low hours. Head, dining area, power tilt, needs starter. $3000. Call 804-4350960..(Sept-9-tf) COLUMBIA T-26: VGC shallow draft, 3 sails, 1995 5HP Nissan. 6’ headroom in cabin. Sleeps 4, galley, rebuilt head w/holding tank, new bottom paint, many extras. Ready to sail, $6200. Irvington, days 804-438-6575, nights, 804-438-5201..(Aug-19-4t) GRADY WHITE 1988, 22 ft. Seafarer cuddy cabin, 350 I/O. $18,000. Rick Moss 804-435-8901, 804-435-6663..(July-15-tf) LUHRS SPORTFISHERMAN ‘74, 26ft. mini cabin cruiser. Flybridge controls. Restored 2002, new engine still breaking in, 22 hours. $13,000, health. 804-580-3312..(Sept-2-2t) MERRINER YACHTS, INC. Yacht Brokers. Thinking of selling your quality sailboat, trawler, or downeast boat? We can help. Give us a call. (804) 725-7595 www.MerrinerYachts.com..(Sept-9-5t) PADDLE BOAT: New 1998, needs work, hurricane Isabel damage, $150. Call for details and to see. 804-2851224..(Aug-26-4t) POWER BOAT listings needed. 26’ and larger. Free covered dockage Virginia Yacht Brokers local representative. Call Tom 804-435-6698. www.vayacht.com(June-24-13t) RE-POWER Your Boat today with a Suzuki 4-stroke outboard! All remaining 2004 inventory on sale now with blow out prices. We need to make room for 2005 models arriving soon. Discount prices are only good on instock motors. Call Chesapeake Boat Basin, Kilmarnock, VA 804-435-3110 or stop by today..(Sept-2-2t) Marine Services AIR-CONDITIONING, refrigeration, electrical problems. Call John Olivier, Marine Systems, now serving the Northern Neck. 804-529-9500 or 443-822-4043 cell..(July-8-13t) IST ING Bay Harbor This mint condition split level home is in an established waterfront community which offers a community pier. Many renovations have been completed, to include: new carpet, new kitchen cabinets, new appliances, new deck and a new two car garage. This home is in immaculate condition and has a nice yard. Exclusively offered for $210,000. NE Antipoison Creek Bright and cheery Colonial just 2 miles from the heart of White Stone. Great floor plan, custom kitchen w/Corian, new GE Profile appliances, wet bar in sun room, surround sound system and more. Nice views w/pier and floating dock attached. Exclusively offered for $599,000. WL IST ING Laurel Point Near Kilmarnock Located in the attractive community of Laurel Point, this home offers easy one-floor living with an open floor plan. Nestled in the trees of this 1+ acre site, features include large great room with fireplace that opens to private deck, master bedroom w/ screened porch, 2 additional bedrooms, garage & carport. Exclusively offered for $225,000. Power 1973 Wilcox Trawler-$95,000 1993 Tiffany 34’ Dayboat-$65,000 1967 Pearson Arendal 37’-$33,000 1985 R.H.Thrift 36’ Diesel-$68,500 1992 Chris Craft 36’Express $89,000 1949 Owens Classic Sedan-$17,500 1985 Ber tram 28’ Flybridge-$65,500 1995 Rinker 265 Fiesta Vee-$22,500 1999 Wellcraft 18’ CC-$14,900 2002 Electric Launch 20’-$18,000 Thinking of selling? Quality listings needed today! WL Beautiful home located in established waterfront community of fine homes. Offering a spacious floor plan with formal living rm & dining rm this home invites entertaining. This 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home is situated on over 2 acres of park-like grounds. Long water views and pier to 3± ft. MLW. Exclusively offered for $685,000. View all listings on www.yachtworld.com/cscottvail 15 Acres in Lively Zoned A-2 with a Village Overlay Over 70 County approved uses. . . . . Open land with small wooded Area in rear 199’ Road Frontage with Sidewalk NE Carters Creek Water View Point NE WL Attractive New England style contemporary perfectly sited on a beautifully landscaped knoll overlooking Carters Creek. The home offers water views from every room, two car garage, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors and a charming apartment. Pier w/lift to sailboat depth water. Exclusively offered for $795,000. W NE L IN IST IST ING Carters Creek G Beautifully wooded building site in one of the areas most desirable locations. 2.17± ac. parcel offers rip-rapped shoreline, mature trees, cleared building site w/lovely water views of Yopps Cove and deep, protected water for boating. This location offers lovely seclusion and yet is close to all the areas delightful amenities. Exclusively offered for $490,000. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. 447 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE WHITE STONE, VA 22578 804-435-3131 ❖ 4478 IRVINGTON ROAD IRVINGTON, VA 22480 804-438-6575 87 NORTH MAIN STREET KILMARNOCK, VA 22482 804-435-9888 www.carter-realestate.com ❖ C4 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 9, 2004 Marine Services Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted COVERED SLIPS on Carter Creek: accommodates up to 40’ boat, protected cove, elec/water hookups. Used Ber trams, engines, aluminum masts, S.S. rigging, hardware. Irvington Marina. 804-438-5113..(Jan-8-tf) DIVE CLEANING, insurance sur vey, inflatable repair, delivery, consultation, product serving Annapolis to Yorktown. White Sails Yacht Services, white_sails@hotmail.com 804-435SAIL(7245)..(July-22-13t) MARINE SERVICES: Experienced mobile mechanic. Gasoline, diesel, transmissions, carburetors, other systems, OB/IB and electrical. Hundreds of engines and transmissions rebuilt. Excellent diagnostics ability. Rich, 804-529-5912..(July-1-13t) ment for application..(Sept-2-2t) GRAPHIC ARTIST needed for advertising, print and page design. Must have experience with Macintosh computers and the following software: PageMaker, InDesign or Quark, Photoshop and Microsoft Word. Experience with Illustrator, GoLive or other web design software, and newspaper page layout desirable. Full time position. Salary plus health care benefits. Email resume to fgasking@rrecord.com or mail to Publisher, Rappahannock Record, P.O. Box 400, Kilmarnock, VA 22482..(Sept-2-2t) GROWING CONSTRUCTION company seeking experienced car penters and laborers. Competitive pay, full and part-time positions available. Must have own transpor tation. Only serious need apply. 804-462-5891. (Sept-2-tf) LEGAL ASSISTANT/Intern with college education wanted, who may be considering law school and would like to intern. Send resume to Code: Assistant, Box 400, Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, VA 22482. (Aug19-4t) LEGAL SECRETARY: Experience preferred, computer word processing skills required. Submit resume to Legal, c/o P.O. Box 400, Kilmarnock, Va. 22482..(May-20-tf) LEGAL/SECRETARY wanted. Will train. Must have word processing, spelling, grammar and people skills. Send resume to code: Legal/Secretary, Box 400, Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, VA 22482..(Aug-19-4t) MACHINE OPERATORS, starting rate $7.29. Excellent benefits after 3 months. Apply to D&P Embroidery Co., Rt. 198, Cobbs Creek. Previous applicants need not apply..(Aug-12-tf) MECHANIC, Full-time position: experienced car/truck with own hand tools in a local shop. State inspection license a plus. Call 804-435-3360 weekdays..(Aug-19-4t) OFFICE SERVICES SPECIALIST Position #7091 The Three Rivers Health District is seeking a full-time Office Services Specialist (OSS), Position #7091, based in Essex County, to provide clerical support for health care programs, clinics and environmental health within the District. Duties include: opening, closing office, greeting the public, providing information on services to clients, patients, soliciting financial information to determine eligibility for various programs, making appointments and registering patients in database, as well as taking messages, making deposits, setting up patient accounts. Ideal candidate will possess computer skills, specifically Windows, MS Word and Excel; be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing as well as work independently, organize and prioritize tasks, manage multiple projects and complete assignments in a timely manner. Ability to work effectively in a team environment demonstrated by experience (and, or training preferred. Experiences working with confidential issues or previous Public Health experience would be a plus. HS graduate, GED or equivalent combination of training and experience. Provide own transpor tation with mileage reimbursement and have a valid driver’s license. All full time classified employees new to the Commonwealth of Virginia will serve a 12-month probationary period. Salary negotiable with experience, within a range of $19,829 - $25,500. A National Criminal Background Check is a condition of employment. Application should be sent to; Three Rivers Health District, Human Resources, P.O. Box 415, Saluda, VA, 23149. Your application must be received by 4:30 p.m. on September 10, 2004. The Virginia Dept of Health is an Equal Oppor tunity Employer. (Aug-26-3t) PAINTER/PAINTER’S helper: Experience, own transpor tation required. Call 804-436-6682..(Aug-19-2t) PART-TIME SALES person for greenhouse. 3-days a week w/Saturdays included. HS or GED required. Some lifting. Apply @ Farm & Home Supply, 469 N. Main St., Kilmarnock, VA..(Sept-2-2t) RAPPAHANNOCK COMMUNITY College seeks three full-time highly motivated individuals dedicated to customer service for the Warsaw Campus facilities management department. and code requirements, and administering contracts. Demonstrated ability to provide quality customer service. Plan and prepare detailed, accurate and competitive cost estimate packages with an emphasis on the ability to positively represent the organization to customers. Perform facilities inspections and prepare detailed reports. Must be able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Word processing, spreadsheet, and knowledge of using e-mail skills required. Valid Virginia drivers license, insurable driving record, background security check, and ability to pass a credit check required. Day shift position with occasional evening, weekend and cross campus work required. Experience in a school or institution preferred. Position reports directly to Facilities Manager. Pay band 4, classified position with excellent benefits package. Salary Range: $27,323 $56,076, commensurate with experience. operate buffers, wet and dry vacuums and other housekeeping equipment. Demonstrated ability to follow verbal and written instructions; lift 25 pounds and lift or move up to 50 pounds with assistance; stand, bend and stoop for extended periods of time; and to tolerate contact with a variety of cleaning products and solutions. Previous commercial housekeeping experience required. Valid Virginia drivers license, insurable driving record and background security check required. Day shift position with occasional evening, weekend and cross campus work required. PC skills and knowledge of using e-mail preferred. Position reports directly to the Warsaw Campus Trades Technician IV. Pay band I, classified position with excellent benefits package. Salary Range: $13,396 - $27,493, commensurate with experience. Glenns, Virginia 23149 EEO/AA/M/ F/D Applicants with disabilities should contact human resource office at least five days prior to deadline date if special accommodations are needed. Resumes will not substitute for a fully completed state application. Applications may be obtained by downloading at www.vec.state.va.us/vecpor tal/ or by calling the Human Resource Office at 804-758-6890. (Sept-9-2t) RAPPAHANNOCK COMMUNITY College, a two-campus institution serving a rural 12-county area in the Chesapeake Bay region of Virginia seeks applicants for the following faculty positions. All teaching positions are nine-month appointments with excellent benefits package and salaries are commensurate with education and experience. General Responsibilities of Teaching Faculty: Teaching assignments and schedule may include day and evening assignments, cross-campus or off-campus assignments, and high school concurrently enrolled students. Expectation is to teach using a variety of delivery systems including interactive video, web, and other electronic media. Other duties include, but are not limited to, student advisement, college committee work, special projects, program assessment and student recruitment and retention. Preferred General Qualifications: Community college teaching experience. Experience in program/curriculum development. Additional credentialing (18 graduate semester hours) to teach in another field(s). Help Wanted Prepare to Get Your Next Job FREE! Learn how to write an effective resume. Learn and practice interviewing skills. Visit your Workforce Enhancement Partnership at 8275 Mary Ball Road in Lancaster Court House, Tues & Thurs. 11a.m. to 4p.m. or call 804-462-WORK. WEP is a service of the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce and The One Stop Program. (Jan-16-tf) ANNO.#16-05-MENTAL RETARDATION DIRECT SUPPORT PROVIDER: The Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Community Services Board (MP-NN CSB) is seeking an individual(s) to provide training assistance and direct care to consumers according to the Individual Support Plan for each consumer. LOCATION(S): Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Areas. DUTIES: Provide services in both residential program and developmental day support programs, insure the safety and security of consumers, provide transpor tation to and from assigned program locations and work sites. QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: High School diploma and 2-4 months experience providing direct care or personal assistance or any equivalent combination of training and experience. SALARY $16,137 - $18,907. APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 16, 2004 at 4:30p.m. REQUIREMENTS: Current employees 6 months employment restriction waived. Valid VA driver’s license and copy of DMV driving record submitted with application. Call for an official CSB application at 804-758-5314 or 800-639-9667. Fax application to 804-758-3418 or mail application to MP-NN CSB Human Resources Dept., P.O. Box 40, Saluda, VA 23149. An Equal oppor tunity employer..(X) AVON REPRESENTATIVE: Kids are going back to school, Christmas is around the corner. Start your own business with $10. Free gift with sign-up. Sue, 804-642-1453..(Aug-26-tf) CHILD CARE Provider needed in my home for 3 children, evening shift, 3p.m.-5a.m., 3-4 nights a week. Light housekeeping necessary. Please call 804-436-9036 to schedule interview. References will be required along with background check..(Sept-9-2t) CNA’S, LPN’S call us. $250 sign on, $250 attendance. Travel, holiday, more. Work in local area. Call for details. Excel Staffing 1-800-883-9235 ext./5. www.excel/nursing.com. (Sept2-2t) DUMP TRUCK Driver/Equipment Operator wanted. Must have CDL. Full-time, excellent pay. Please call 804-438-5232 or 804-436-3463 and leave a message..(Aug-26-4t) EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Insurance & Financial Services. Local office representing well-known national company: 40 hour work week, no travel and no evening or weekend work. Excellent financial package for general marketing/customer service rep. Experience & licensed preferred but not required. Send resume to: Employment, P.O. Box 1029, Kilmarnock, Va. 22482 or fax resume to 804-435-2004..(Aug-19-tf) EMPLOYMENT WITH local cleaning company for interested, serious person. Must be honest, dependable and background check required. Clarke’s Cleaning Service, 804-4386869..(Sept-9-tf) EQUIPMENT MECHANIC needed: Experienced only. Top pay and full company and profit sharing benefits. Call Chimney Corner at White Marsh, 804-694-5385..(Apr-22-tf)SS FABRICATORS, FITTERS and Helpers needed for local steel company. Experience a plus. Benefit package included. Pay dependant on ability. Call 804-758-4915..(Sept-2-2t)SS FOOD SERVICE Workers wanted for Warsaw Restaurant. Weekdays only. Work hours are mid-morning to mid afternoon. Very flexible hours/days. Free Lunch! Call 804-333-5332. (Sept2-2t) FULL-TIME: Computer-friendly, people oriented person wanted for busy pack & ship store. Ideal candidate will: be open to working in all aspects of pack & ship business, not mind heavy lifting, be willing to assist moving & storage co. with office duties. Must like dogs. Call Jeff’s Packaging Solutions, 804-435-9315 to make appoint- Trades Technician IV (Position #00024) Individual to supervise and direct building facilities and energy management systems, campus grounds care program, custodial services program, security, safety, transpor tation, and contracted services. Ensure timely repair of all facilities and professional appearance of grounds to provide a safe, clean and professional environment. Coordinate purchase of all department supplies and materials. Assist in capital outlay and maintenance reserve project. Qualifications Required: High school graduate or equivalent, cer tified journeyman in one or more trades and the ability to read blueprints required. Demonstrated successful supervisory experience in facilities maintenance, construction, or related field. Knowledge and experience in budgeting and fiscal management, preparing bid specifications, various building trades Dave Johnston “The Old House Man” (804) 580-9803 representing ANTIQUE PROPERTIES INC. Trades Technician I (Position #00063) Individual to properly maintain the landscape of the college to provide a safe, neat, clean, and well maintained appearance. This will include hor ticulture practices such as mowing, planting, fer tilizing, spraying, watering, trimming, mulching, edging, litter removal and other aspects associated with the upkeep of the landscape of the campus. Operate grounds maintenance equipment such as trucks, mowers and small powered equipment. Assist facilities personnel with maintaining of general college operating systems; performs required preventive and routine maintenance on ground equipment. Assist in the delivery and transporting of equipment, supplies, mail, and bank deposits. Qualifications Required: High school graduate or equivalent. Basic knowledge and experience in grounds keeping and landscaping. Knowledge and experience in the operation of grounds equipment. Basic knowledge of mechanics to recognize malfunctions of equipment. Ability to work in extreme heat and cold. Demonstrated ability to work independently and to work with others. Ability to lift/move/ carry 50 pounds. Demonstrated ability to follow written and verbal instructions. Demonstrated ability to provide quality customer service. PC skills and knowledge of using e-mail preferred. Experience in a school or institution preferred. Valid Virginia drivers license, insurable driving record and background security check required. Day shift position with occasional evening, weekend and cross campus work required. Position reports directly to Warsaw Campus Trades Technician IV. Pay band 1, classified position with excellent benefits package. Salary Range: $13,396 - $27,493, commensurate with experience. Housekeeping Worker I (Position #00066) Individual to perform full service custodial cleaning of all College interior space. Provide a clean and safe environment in corridors, classrooms, offices, and public areas of the college. Clean classrooms, offices, hallways and public areas and restrooms; clean floors and assist with moving furniture and set-ups for special events. Gathering and disposal of refuse. Demonstrated ability to work independently and to work with others. Performs interior inspections and accurately reports damage, breakage, inoperative equipment and vandalism to supervisor. Qualifications Required: High school graduate or equivalent or training and/or related experience in housekeeping may substitute for educational requirements. Knowledge of cleaning methods and use of cleaning chemicals, equipment and supplies. Knowledge and skill in proper cleaning techniques as well as stripping, waxing, buffing floors and shampooing carpets (dry and wet methods). Knowledge of and ability to apply safety techniques to be used in day-to-day housekeeping operations. Ability to A Commonwealth of Virginia Employment application must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, October 1, 2004. Faxed or Internet applications will not be accepted or considered. Rappahannock Community College, Human Resource Office, 12745 College Drive, ❖ Assistant Professor for Nursing primarily based at the Warsaw Campus (Position #F0020). Position beginning November 2004 or as soon as possible thereafter. Duties: Provide program leadership for an associate degree program in nursing (RN). Teach lecture, lab, and clinical sections of nursing courses. Coordinate with adjunct faculty teaching in the health technologies programs, and with other faculty in related fields. Coordinate with cooperating college for program development and placement of second-year program students. Adopt textbooks, write course syllabi and lesson plans, prepare instructional budgets, set up lab/classroom, and maintain inventory and condition of lab/classroom. NEAR KILMARNOCK Updated 3 Br, 2 BA Ranch features living room with fireplace. Family room with lots of glass. A waterside screened porch overlooking the pier offering a great place to entertain. New HVAC and roof. 2 dependencies in storage and a double lot! Exclusively offered at $375,000 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: DOTTIE MAC DONALD 804-435-9415 JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. Brokers for Unique Properties and Estates Since 1957 Direct Line: 804-435-9415 ❖ Toll Free: 800-296-1035 Email: dottiere@rivnet.net ❖ Offering subject to errors, omissions, prior sale, change of price or withdrawal without notice Great Wicomico River and Tipers Creek • Singular park-like security • Panoramic, sweeping views • Deep, protected harbor • Excellent pier w/3 slips • Easy navigation to Chesapeake Bay • Over 950’ of shoreline • Can be subdivided $998,500 For appointment, please call . . . LAWLER REAL ESTATE email: lawler@crosslink.net • web site: www.lawlerrealestate.com (804) 435-1000 Wicomico Church – “Ingleside” ca. 1820. 10 acres. Beautiful grounds and gardens. Long lane to house. 40x20 guest house. Office. Multiple walk-in closets. Huge gourmet kitchen. 6 fireplaces. Several outbuildings. 3,200+ square feet. $495,000 ❖ INDIAN CREEK ESTATES Located on Rt. 3 in White Stone P. O. Box 1433 • White Stone, Va. 22578 • Fax: 804-435-7006 • 1-800-962-1923 ❖ Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 9, 2004 • C5 Help Wanted Help Wanted Work closely with regional health care agencies to establish clinical sites for students and assist in job placement of program graduates. Minimum Qualifications: Masters degree in nursing and RN license required. A minimum of two years related occupational experience and two years teaching experience required. Demonstrated clinical competence in providing direct patient care and a current, valid license to practice as a professional nurse in the Commonwealth of Virginia required. Salary is no less than $37,414. Instructor/Assistant Professor for Biology primarily based at the Glenns Campus (Position #F0041). Position beginning January 3, 2005. Duties: Teach 12-15 credits per semester in biology. Courses will include credit and developmental level, will include general biology and human anatomy and physiology. Provide program leadership and coordinate with adjunct faculty teaching biology and health science, and with other faculty in related fields. Adopt textbooks, write course syllabi and lesson plans, prepare instructional budgets, set up labs/classrooms. Minimum Qualifications: Instructor Masters degree in biology or related field with a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in biology. Assistant Professor - Specialist degree or equivalent in biology or another related discipline with 36 graduate semester hours in biology and 2 years teaching experience required. Salary no less than $32,534. Instructor/Assistant Professor Sociology primarily based at the Glenns Campus. (Position #F0027). Position beginning January 3, 2005. Duties: Provide leadership for sociology area coordinating with adjunct curriculum faculty. Advise Arts and Sciences curricular students. Adopt textbooks, write course syllabi, plan instructional strategies, and coordinate with curriculum faculty to improve student outcomes in sociology. Minimum Qualifications: Instructor Masters degree in sociology or in related field with a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in sociology. Assistant Professor - Specialist degree or equivalent in sociology or another related discipline with 36 graduate semester hours in sociology and 2 years teaching experience required. Salary is no less than $32,534. Preferred Qualifications: Experience or preparation in teaching sociology and teaching adult students and 18 graduate semesters in an additional field. Help Wanted Work Wanted Tina. EOE. A Commonwealth of Virginia Employment application, unofficial transcripts and cover letter, which describe qualifications, must be received by 4:30 p.m., Thursday, October 14, 2004. Official transcripts required at time of interview. Faxed or Internet applications will not be accepted or considered. Rappahannock Community College Human Resource Office 12745 College Drive Glenns, Virginia 23149 EEO/AA/M/ F/D Applicants with disabilities should contact human resource office at least five days prior to deadline date if special accommodations are needed. Resumes will not substitute for a fully completed state application. Applications may be obtained by downloading at www.vec.state.va.us/vecpor tal/ or by calling the Human Resource Office at 804-758-6890. (Sept-9-2t) RECEPTIONIST/CLERK: F/T position at local shop, involves working with public, scheduling appointments, tracking inventory, handling sales and delivery personnel. Excellent telephone skills required, references needed. Call 804-435-3360 weekdays for details..(Sept-2-3t) RECEPTIONIST/DATA ENTRY: Seasonal position, previous phone experience and basic computer skills. Competitive pay, non-smoking environment. EOE. Send resume to: Office Manager P.O. Box 426, Kilmarnock, Va 22482..(Sept-2-3t) SEAMSTRESS: Immediate opening for a seamstress in the Interiors department of Tiffany Yachts in Burgess. Cushions, window treatments, bedding. Full or part-time. Will train. Apply in person. 804-453-3464..(Sept9-tf) SHIFT MANAGERS We are looking for motivated individuals who have the drive to succeed and possess strong leadership skills to manage an Arby’s Restaurant. Candidates must be able to complete training program and demonstrate their ability to be 2 steps above the competition. 35± hours per week. Staring pay is $8.35 per hour. POSITIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN KILMARNOCK, VA. Benefits Include: Health Insurance Performance Bonus Paid Vacation If you believe you have what it takes to be the best, please visit our store located at 608 N. Main Street, Kilmarnock, VA 22482. Ask to speak to (Sept-2-2t) The Sheriff of Lancaster County is accepting applications for the following position, which begins November 1, 2004. Applicants will be subject to a criminal background investigation check. Applications must be obtained from the Lancaster Sheriffs Office, 8293 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, Virginia 22503. Written requests for applications must include a 9” x 9” self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage for 3 ounces of mail. Position: E911 Communications Operator Number of Openings: 1 Minimum Requirements: High School Diploma or equivalent 21 years of age Reliable transpor tation Preferred: Positive prior communictions or law enforcement experi ence College education Commensurate work experience Windows-based computer application skills Wanted Want to Buy Prepare to Get Your Next Job FREE! Learn how to write an effective resume. Learn and practice interviewing skills. Visit your Workforce Enhancement Partnership at 8275 Mary Ball Road in Lancaster Court House, Tues & Thurs. 11a.m. to 4p.m. or call 804-462-WORK. WEP is a service of the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce and The One Stop Program. (Jan-16-tf) ROTOTILLING, small gardens, $45. Also grass cutting, bushhogging, backhoe, trenching and other work. email: vlsale225070111@webtv.net Call 804-462-7022, leave message..(Mar-4-39t) TOP CASH PRICES for antiques. Confidential. Fine glass, art, porcelain, pottery, clocks, nauticals, Civil War, toys, doorstops, watches, banks, bronze, copper, brass, unusual items. 1-804-453-5039..(July-1-13t) VINTAGE AMERICAN Made Guitars (pre 1970). Gibson, Fender, Gretsch, D’Angelico, D’Aquisto, Guild, Mar tin Etc. Please call 804-435-3058 and leave message..(Sept-9-2t) WANTED: Nice Used kitchen cabinets at reasonable price. I’ll pick up. Bob 804-462-3480..(X) YARD WORKER NEEDED to manually clean brush, trim shrubs, haul away debris. Own transpor tation required. Call 804-438-5860..(X) shape. Must fold down. Call 804-5296285..(Sept-9-2t) Wanted Want to Buy BUY and or SELL Crabs and Fish. We need to fill orders! Call for details on delivery and/or pickup arrangements, 301-977-4234..(June-24-13t) FARMLAND or Cleared land in White Stone/Kilmarnock for raising horses. Please call 804-436-1103..(Apr-15-tf) WANT TO BUY: Nordic Trac in good Duties: Telecommunications for law enforcement, fire and rescue services in a high stress environment; data entry and recall; and other assigned tasks. Weekends, holidays, over time, off site training and shift work required. Must be able to effectively deal with a wide range of persons. Business Services 1-BUSHHOGGING, Lawncutting and trimming, clean-up. Reasonable and dependable, free estimates, fully insured. Call Ray James, RJ’s Bush Hogging-Lawn Care, 804-436-3774 or 804-438-6702, leave message..(June24-13t)SS 1-GRASS CUTTING: Total lawn maintenance. Fully insured from A to Z. 25/years experience. tree estimates, senior discounts. Bushhogging, snow-removal. DC’s Lawn Care, (O)804-435-2370, (H) 804-4353492..(Aug-5-13t) AMERICAN EAGLE CONSTRUCTION License #2705-067805-A Specializing in Insulated Concrete Form Construction. Learn about the many advantages of ICF Construction, Box 178, Burgess, VA 804-453-6420. (July29-13t) Carter Creek Very First Offering • Immaculate in every way Benefits: Annual salary $22,398. Uniforms, training, compensatory overtime, holiday leave, annual and sick leave, group health insurance (limited county share) and state retirement plan. Completed applications will be accepted at the Lancaster Sheriffs Office 24 hours daily until 9 p.m. September 26, 2004. Postmarks will not be honored. Applications made after September 1, 2001 may be updated. S/ Ronald D. Crockett Sheriff of Lancaster County (Sept-9-3t) YACHT PAINTER Must have experience with brush applied varnish and enamels, or spray applied finishes. We offer steady year around employment, health insurance, incentive program, flex scheduling, 401k, and more ZIMMERMAN MARINE INC. 804-725-3440 (X) Waterfront • Tabbs Creek It is a privilege to offer this beautiful home, a blend of elegance and casual living with fabulous water views from every room. The exceptionally open floor plan is great for entertaining and family living. The 30’ great room with ceilings to 12’ opens to a beautiful 28’ screen porch. The bookcases, built-ins and wide oak floors are beyond description. The gourmet kitchen area is fabulous; corian, sub zero, heart pine bar, etc. The bedrooms are generous and the baths are imported marble. A breezeway leads to the 2 car garage. This splendid home is situated on a private point meticulously landscaped with a pier to 6 ft. For more information or a private showing call exclusive agent Bob Collins. Toll Free: 1-877-346-4411 Home: 804-285-8838 Cell: 804-240-2300 Under Construction 192+ feet of Waterfront on 1.6+ Acres in the lovely community of Tabbs Creek Subdivision. Spanning approximately 5,000 square feet, this home features spacious three story foyer, columns, balcony, three fireplaces, two master suites with whirlpools, central vacuum system, custom moldings, 1st and 2nd floor decks overlooking beautiful wide views, and much more. ❖ ANTIPOISON CREEK ~ CHESAPEAKE BAY ❖ Exclusively Offered for $1,195,000 Owner/Agent Morning Star Builders & Real Estate 81 N. Main Street • Kilmarnock, VA 22482 • 1-804-435-STAR(7827) • 1-877-406-3000 JUST LISTED!!! With a private entrance through brick columns and a crepe myrtle, tree-lined drive, this waterfront gem offers the ultimate location on protected waters just off the Chesapeake Bay and five minutes from town. This 1940’s one-story home is reminiscent of an early Tidewater home with its gracious living room with fireplace, enclosed waterfront porch, plus a charming, screened waterfront porch and spacious country kitchen. The grounds are enchanting - landscaped to create a succession of inviting open-air settings. Other amenities include, swimming pool on the water’s edge, pier with quaint boathouse and several dependencies for potting, workshop and storage. An exceptional situation to retreat with family and entertain friends. $1,300,000. GARDENER/HOBBIEST DELIGHT Immaculate 3 BR, 2 BA home offering privacy on 2.48± acres. Three finished rooms on the lower level. Garden, fruit trees, greenhouse, shed, generator, 2-car carport and 2 car garage. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: EMILY CARTER 435-3144 Offered for $310,000 PAT SCHELLING REALTOR® 804-435-PAT (2728) 804-436-3830-Cell www.Chesapeake Bay-River.com Bay/River Office, White Stone, Virginia JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. Brokers for Unique Properties and Estates Since 1957 ❖ Toll Free: 866-541-5156 ❖ Fax: 804-435-0153 447 Chesapeake Drive ❖ P.O. Box 7 ❖ White Stone, Virginia 22578 email: ecarter@carter-realestate.com ❖ C6 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 9, 2004 Business Services Business Services ARE YOU SEEKING Day Care? Experienced child care provider will provide affordable care for your children in my smoke-free home. Mon.Fri. Over four years of experience and references available. Call Tiffany at 804-580-9628..(Sept-9-7t) BUD’S INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Painting: Power washing homes, decks and boat docks for mildew. Water sealer on decks and boat docks applied if wanted. 804-4356906..(June-17-13t) CARPENTER for hire, framing to finish. 30 years experience. Call 804-4385364..(Aug-5-13t) CLARKE’S CLEANING and General Maintenance Service, Inc. Residential and commercial. Licensed and insured, weekly or monthly. References available. Call 804-4386869..(July-22-13t) CLEANING PROFESSIONALS! We do what regular cleaners won’t do: Walls, skylights, windows, gutters, painting, small home repairs, any/all cleaning, powerwashing. Insured, bonded. Bob, 804-435-0550, 1-888-370-6902..(Aug-12-13t) CONCRETE SIDEWALKS: patios, carports, etc. 25 year experience, dependable prompt. Free estimates. Call 804-435-7564..(Sept-9-13t) CRYSTAL CLEAR window washing service, residential and business. Licensed and insured. Call 804-3704138..(June-24-13t) DEBRIS REMOVAL: Bushhogging grading, driveways, lawn and landscape renovation. Licensed, Insured River View Landscaping, 804-580-7877, Morgan Jenkins landscape contractor..(July-8-13t) DECORATIVE PAINTING: Murals, glazes, stripes, textures, stencils, stamps, faux marble, brick, stone, etc., painted on your walls, floors or furniture. Insured. Call Lausanne, 804-815-6851..(July-22-13t) DO YOU NEED A Companion/sitter for elderly or disabled person? I do cooking, light housekeeping, run errands, drive to appointments. If interested call Joan 804-758-5378..(Aug-26-13t) DOOLEYS ELECTRIC: Master Electrician, Class C license and fully insured. Free estimates. Residential and Marine Service. Call 804-580-7394 or 804-436-3951..(Aug-12-13t) DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION and Repair, topsoil, stone, gravel, mulch, hauling, tractor grading, rototilling, power raking. Reliable service, reasonable rates, fully insured. Enon East Earth Maintenance: 804-4369226..(Aug-26-13t) GARDEN PLOWING or tilling, small lot clearing, bush hogging or lawn mowing, mulching, shrubbery trimming, yard cleaning, leaf mulching. Reasonable rates. Call 804-438-6270..(June24-13t) GENERAL CONTRACTING: New homes and remodeling, roof work and siding, licensed and insured. 30 years experience. James William Ashburn, White Stone , 804-435-6506..(July29-13t) GRASS CUTTING, bushhogging, tree removal, lot clearing, debris removal, hauling, more. Fully insured. H&L Services Co., Brent Hall and Kevin Lewis, 804-435-0028 or 804-4620780..(June-24-13t) HOME IMPROVEMENT/CARPENTRY: Decks, siding, por tico, doors, windows, garage doors. Repairs and additions, etc. Prompt service, 25 years experience, 804-436-1615, Robert L. Bland, lic. #2705-083497. (Sept-2-13t) HOME REPAIR and REMODELING: Kitchens, baths, windows, vinyl siding, porches/decks. Entire house/ trailer remodeling. Mold/black streaks removal from roofs, decks, vinyl boats. 804-580-3873.(July-29-13t) JEWELRY APPRAISALS: G.I.A. Graduate Gemologist. For appointments call Ross’s Rings and Things, 804-435-3529, 200 Irvington Rd., Kilmarnock, VA..(June-24-13t) LAWN MAINTENANCE Services, Inc.: Customer satisfaction and quality are our speciality for cutting, trimming, cleanup and mulching. Free estimates. Cell 703-517-9316 or 804-758-8901, leave message..(July-1-13t) LAWN RESEEDING and Overseeding. Small lawns up to 1AC. Phone 804-761-2169, leave message..(Aug26-4t) LEE’S CARPENTRY and painting services: Semi-retired, 30 years experience. Interior and exterior repairs, renovations, decks, sheetrock work, roof repairs, etc. quality work, free estimates. 804-462-0516..(July22-13t) MAC MENTOR: I will tutor you on your Mac, in the comfort of your home. Photoshop, Excel, OS9, OSX, email, scanning, you name it, I can even teach you how to order a book on Amazon.com! To make an appointment, email jhb.14@earthlink.net or call Julie Burwood at 804-761-1378 and leave a message..(July-22-tf) NORTHERN NECK PC Doctor: PC repair, office networks. Internet connections, web sites, virus repair. security, all hardware/software. www.nnpcdoc.com. 804-761-1345. (Aug-5-13t) NOTARY SERVICES, WEEMS. Also will make home calls for elderly and invalids and to hospitals/nursing homes. Call between 6-9p.m. or weekends. 804-438-5203, Ann Shelton..(Dec-7-tf) PAINTER w/EXPERIENCE: Exterior/interior, pressure wash homes/ decks, clean gutters, wash windows. Licensed contractor, 20-years experience, references. Free estimates, senior discounts. 804-462-7674, Touch of Brush..(Aug-12-13t) PAINTING INTERIOR and Exterior, cedar shake roof restoration, deck cleaning and sealing, cleaning siding, mildew, removal, window cleaning, jobsite/construction clean up. B-Clean 804-438-5106..(Aug-5-13t) POWER WASHING: Decks, docks, houses, brick, concrete. Quality service since 1995. Call the professionals, Under Pressure Power Washing Services, 804-435-2559..(July-8-13t) SAND, GRAVEL, bushhogging, lot clearing, wood, plowing, top soil, expert tree removal, other related services. Free estimates Melvin Grimes, 804-435-3381..(July-15-13t) SMALL ENGINE REPAIR: Authorized Briggs & Stratton, MTD, AVP warranted agency. Farm & Home Supply of Kilmarnock, 804-435-3177..(Aug12-13t) STUMP GRINDING, bushhogging, brush chipping. Steve Hoyt, 804-7580558..(June-24-13t) TREE SERVICES: Trimming, cutting down, hauling away, lot clearing, bushhogging, free estimates. Fully insured. Firewood for sale, seasoned hardwood. O. D. Taylor 804-435-2901 after 6p.m..(Sept-9-13t) Business Opportunity FOOD ROUTE Available in Northumberland. Call for more details. 804-580-4656..(Aug-12-tf) MARINE/DOCK Accessories Business for Sale. Turn-key operation. Serious inquiries can call 804-758-4844 for more information..(Sept-9-2t)SS TERRIFIC BUSINESS oppor tunity! Be your own boss. Pepperidge Farm Bread Franchise for sale. Northern Neck area. Small financial investment. Call Tim at 804-725-7873..(Aug-14-tf) Notices Notices Notices Notices receiving proof of debts and demands against the decedent or the estate. All creditors are hereby notified to produce their claims before me at such time and place and the proceedings before me will be regularly continued until my report is complete. Given under my hand this 2nd day of September, 2004. W. Garland Clarke Commissioner of Accounts for the Circuit Court of Lancaster County, Virginia (X) PERSONAL ITEMS belonging to Unit #20, Melissa Fisher; Unit 33, Denise Tiggle, Unit #78, Clayton Bullis will be sold on Saturday, September 18, 2004 at 10a.m. at Sentry Self Storage, White Stone..(Sept-9-2t) VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LANCASTER COUNTY RE: ESTATE OF RUTH V. CLELAND, DECEASED SHOW CAUSE AGAINST DISTRIBUTION IT APPEARING that a report of the accounts of Chesapeake Bank, Executor of the Estate of Ruth V. Cleland, deceased, of the debts and demands against the Estate has been filed in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Lancaster and that six months have elapsed since the qualification of the Executor, on motion of the Executor. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the creditors of and all others interested in the Estate of Ruth V. Cleland, deceased, do show cause, if any they can, on the 17th day of September, 2004, at 10:00 a.m., before this Court at its Courtroom against the payment and delivery of the Estate to the legatees of Ruth V.Cleland without requiring refunding bonds. ENTERED this 27th day of August 2004. Harry T. Talifarro III Judge A TRUE COPY Teste: Constance Kennedy, Clerk Lancaster County Circuit Court I ASK FOR THIS: James A. Butts, IV Esquire Rumsey & Bugg P. O. Box 720 Irvington, VA. 22480 804-438-5588 (Sept-9-2t) ❖ PARROTT ISLAND RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER Retreat to your own private island, for a weekend or a lifetime. This exciting property encompasses two islands near the mouth of the Rappahannock River, offering white sand beaches, a pier and views of the Chesapeake Bay. The unspoiled privacy of this 37-acre, natural habitat provides the ideal location for an extraordinary getaway. Exclusively offered for $975,000. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: EMILY CARTER 435-3144 JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. Brokers for Unique Properties and Estates Since 1957 Serving the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck Toll Free: 866-541-5156 ❖ Fax: 804-435-0153 447 Chesapeake Drive ❖ P.O. Box 7 ❖ White Stone, Virginia 22578 email: ecarter@carter-realestate.com ❖ Carter’s Creek Jack’s Cove Lost & Found LOST: PRESCRIPTION glasses at the Irvington Farmer’s Market on Saturday, September 4. If found please call 804-438-6826..(Sept-9-2t) Notices NOTICE OF TAKING PROOF OF DEBTS AND DEMANDS TO THE CREDITORS OF ELSIE BYRD COLEMAN, DECEASED: At the request of James E. C. Norris, Executor of the Estate of Elsie Byrd Coleman, deceased, I, W. Garland Clarke, Commissioner of Accounts of the Circuit Court of Lancaster County, Virginia, who has for settlement the accounts of James E. C. Norris, Executor of the Estate of Elsie Byrd Coleman, deceased, have appointed my office at Kilmarnock Virginia, as the place and the 21st day of September, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. as the time for SELLING YOUR HOME by Jane Brothers Ludwig WHAT TYPE OF DEED DO YOU HAVE? The story goes that Abraham Lincoln’s father lost his property because of land title flaws. Even back then, it was vitally important to have a detailed land deed. A deed is “an instrument, of various forms, Jane Brothers Ludwig by which title to real estate is conveyed from one party to another.” Similar to the title on your car, you must have tenancy, or a title to the land and home you purchase. Sole ownership is when one person holds the property. Joint tenancy is when two or more persons hold title to real estate with equal rights. A joint tenant cannot sell his/her interest without the consent of all others. Tenancy in common is when any two individuals own property, which may be unequal in quantity or duration and arise at different times. Each tenant in common owns a share of the property, is entitled to a comparable portion of the income, and must bear the equivalent share of expenses. Each co-tenant may sell, lease or will his/her heir that share of his/her property. Tenancy by entirety is only possible when owners are husband and wife. Property goes automatically to the surviving spouse. No will, probate or other legal action is necessary. When a divorce occurs, tenancy by entirety automatically converts to those who each own a portion of the property. This is called tenants in common. Web site - www.baymeadowsrealestate.com e-mail: meadows@crosslink.net 607 Rappahannock Drive (Rt. 3) P.O. Box 1010 • White Stone, Va. 22578 (800) 542-3543 Day/Night ❖ • • • • • • • • • Over 3000 sq. ft. Veranda and screened porch Gathering Room with fireplace Beautiful kitchen with granite countertops Office Spacious Rooms 2 car garage Workshop/studio Protected harbor For appointment, please call . . . $789,500 LAWLER REAL ESTATE email: lawler@crosslink.net • web site: www.lawlerrealestate.com (804) 435-1000 Located on Rt. 3 in White Stone P. O. Box 1433 • White Stone, Va. 22578 • Fax: 804-435-7006 • 1-800-962-1923 ❖ NURSES Lancashire Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center in Kilmarnock has outstanding career opportunities in nursing. LPNs STARTING AT $15.30/HOUR AND MORE FOR EXPERIENCE PLUS INCREASED DIFFERENTIALS! CNAs $9.18/HOUR TO START PLUS INCREASED DIFFERENTIALS! We also offer competitive benefits for full- and part-time positions including Anthem health insurance, vacation, sick leave, personal days, double pay on holidays, educational assistance, and employer contributing 401K plan, just to name a few. Contact Allison Haywood at (804)435-1684. Equal Opportunity Employer Sept. 9x COUNTY OF LANCASTER REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS DOCUMENT IMAGING SERVICES Notices Notices PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Eugene Deschamps has applied for a permit from the Marine Resources Commission to install two stone groins extending a maximum of 18 feet channelward of an existing revetment in association with revetment repair and the repair of a 78-foot stone jetty at proper ty on the Rappahannock River in Morattico, Lancaster County. Send comments/inquiries within 15 days to: Marine Resources Commission, Habitat Management Division, 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Newport News, Virginia 23607-0756. (X) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Meredith Robbins has applied for a permit from the Marine Resources Commission to add a total of 16 mooring piles adjacent to 3 existing piers and change the designation of an existing boat ramp from private to commercial use at proper ty on Harpers Cove of Antipoison Creek in Lancaster County. Send comments/inquiries within 15 days to: Marine Resources Commission, Habitat Management Division, 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Newport News, Virginia 23607-0756. (X) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Roger Katchman has applied for a permit from the Marine Resources Commission to install 50 linear feet of quarry stone riprap in front of an existing section of timber bulkhead, which will extend 12 feet channelward of mean low water, at proper ty on Antipoison Creek near Clark Point in Lancaster County. Send comments/inquiries within 15 days to: Marine Resources Commission, Habitat Management Division, 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Newport News, Virginia 23607-0756. (X) PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY PROPOSED VIRGINIA POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT TO THE TIDES UTILITIES SOUTH WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY (Formerly The Tides Inn Wastewater Treatment Facility) First Public Notice Issue Date: September 2, 2004. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking comments on a proposed Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permit. DEQ tentatively proposes to reissue permit number VA0029351 to the Tides Utilities South Wastewater Treatment Plant (formerly The Tides Inn) to allow the discharge of treated wastewater from the Tides South Wastewater Treatment Plant to Carter’s Creek. The Tides South Facility is located in Irvington, in Lancaster County, Va. and was formerly called the Tides Inn Wastewater Treatment Plant. Public comments and requests for a public hearing regarding this permit must be received within 30 days from the First Public Notice Issue (more on page C 10) HELP WANTED Sales Associate Paid vacation • Benefits Apply in person at The Shoe Store 28 W. Church St. Kilmarnock 435-3020 • Ask for manager The Lancaster County Board of Supervisors is currently seeking proposals for the provision of document imaging software and hardware. HELP WANTED Bids must be received at the Office of the Lancaster County Administrator no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 23, 2004. A full copy of the invitation to bid can be obtained from the county administrative office, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, VA 22503, 804462-5129 or downloaded from the county’s website at www.lancova.com. Sept 9-2t Kitchen Help and Wait Staff Needed full time for busy office. Candidate must possess strong organizational skills and have a “can-do” attitude. Need computer skills with proficiency in all Microsoft programs. Also must be flexible in handling day to day assignments. Experience or knowledge in Real Estate a plus. Pay commensurate with experience. Send Resume to: Janice Kauffman 18 Browns Store Rd. Heathsville, VA 22473 Fax: 580-5125 Email: jmk101752@rivnet.net DRIVE HOME WITH US Schneider National hauls over 14,500 loads per day. Chances are, we’ll have a load toward your home. Call for opportunities in your area! • No experience necessary • 80% of our drivers get • Company-paid CDL training home every week for qualified candidates • Low-cost medical & dental • $30,500-$38,500 1st year insurance; free vision & life (inexperienced) • Solos & teams • $43,500-$52,500 • $5,000 sign-on bonus per year in 4 years (experienced drivers & owner operators) (1-800-447-7433) Reedville 804-453-6789 D - Administrative Assistant - 1-800-44-PRIDE CRAZY CRAB RESTAURANT Mon: 9am-5pm, Tue-Fri: 7am-9pm Sat & Sun: 9am-6pm (Central Time) www.schneider.com EOE M/F/D/V AD#25796 Virg NY NOTICE A Public Hearing on amending the Budget will be held at the Kilmarnock Town Hall, September 20, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. The citizens of Kilmarnock are invited to attend and participate in the discussion. TOWN OF KILMARNOCK NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AMENDED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2004 Revenue: Adopted General Fund......................$1,236,982.00 $1,336,982.00 Water Fund...............$312,700.00 $312,700.00 Sewer Fund...............$437,250.00 $437,250.00 Total Revenue.......$1,986,932.00 $2,086,932.00 Expenditures: General Fund.........................$797,349.00 Water Fund...............$310,896.00 Sewer Fund..............$878,687.00 Total Expenditures.$1,986,932.00 $897,349.00 $310,896.00 $878,687.00 $2,086,932.00 Surplus/Deficit.....................$.00 $.00 The purpose of the proposed amendments is for the acquisition of land in the amount of $100,000.00. A copy of the amended budget is available for inspection during regular office hours in the Kilmarnock Town Sept. 9x Hall. Find out What’s Happening. Read the Record 435-1701 HAYNESVILLE CORRECTIONAL CENTER Is recruiting for the following Full-time Position with Excellent State Benefits Package: OFFICE SERVICES SPECIALIST Position Number: 00079 Deadline: 4:30 p.m., September 17, 2004 Salary Range: $17,501-$29,870 Band 2 Duties: Serves as assistant to Registered Nurse Manager I and Physician in medical department of adult male correctional facility. Ensures that all external appointments are approved and scheduled. Organizes and manages the medical record systems by maintaining medical records of all inmates. Ensures that medical records are updated and filed on a daily basis and internal appointment lists are typed and updated. Helps medical department run efficiently. Qualifications: Requires working knowledge of office practices, procedures and standard office equipment. Ability to work under pressure and independently; interpret rules and regulations; revise or develop new forms and procedures; and set priorities. Requires mental alertness, knowledge of medical terminology, filing systems and principles, and ability to organize and maintain confidential medical records and schedule patients. Also requires HSD/GED, clerical aptitude; general knowledge of business, English, and mathematics; ability to type accurately and with satisfactory speed from copy of more than average difficulty; ability to work as a team member. Prefer previous office experience in medical environment. An overall working knowledge of VA Dept. of Corrections helpful. Employee should also be able to handle a very demanding workload and relate pleasantly with other employees and inmates under stressful conditions. Complete background/criminal checks, including fingerprinting, conducted. Mail your completed & signed State Application before deadline to: Haynesville Correctional Center, Attn: HRO, PO Box 129, Haynesville, VA 22472. Fax (804) 333-1253. Resumes will not substitute for a fully completed State application. For application/information call (804) 3333577 ext. 1017. State Application available on DOC Website www.vadoc.state.va.us click on DOC Employment – then VA State Application. . EOE/AA HOW DO YOU REACH MORE THAN NETWORK CLASSIFIEDS These ads reach over 4 million Virginia readers for only $250. Call 804-435-6500 or 1-800-435-1701 A BEAUTIFUL, COMPLETE SMOKY MOUNTAIN WEDDING. Original Log Wedding Chapel. Everything provided: photos, video, flowers, formal wear, cabins. Smokies best value. 1-800262-5683. www.smokymountainwed dingchapels.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DC BIG FLEA MARKET! “HUGE” Antique & Collectible Event. Affordable Prices! 2 Buildings, 1100 Booths, September 18 & 19. Saturday 9-6; Sunday 11-5. Dulles Expo Center, Chantilly, VA. 757-430-4735. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Water Front Land at Absolute Auction. 276+/- acres offered in 7 tracts offer wonderful building sites and a great recreational retreat. Located just off the Pamlico River in Beaufort County, North Carolina. Auction is Saturday, September 18, at 12:00 noon. Previews 9/6 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 9/12 from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. Go to www.woltz.com or call 800-551-3588. Woltz & Associates, Inc., Brokers & Auctioneers (NCAL#7560). ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 114.44 Acres in 2 Tracts, Benefit Auction: Tuesday, September 14, 7pm. Land in Nelson County, Sale in Lynchburg. Brochure available, preview online. www.countsauction.com. 800-780-2991. (VAAF93) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AUCTION, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, 7044 STAFF ORD STREET, WARRENTON, VA 20187. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2ND AT 11:00 A.M. ON-SITE. CALL ERNIE ROGERS AT 1-800-780-2991, WWW.COUNTSAUCTION.COM, (VAAF93). ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PUBLIC AUCTION * COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA * SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2004 * 9:00 AM * STATE SURPLUS PROPERTY WAREHOUSE, 1910 DARBYTOWN ROAD, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA * 1993 Chevrolet Caprice, OM 105379 * Boat Trailers * Mercury Boat Motor * Shop Equipment * Chain Saws * Computer Equipment * Office & Household Items & More. www.dgs.state.va.us/dps. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PUBLIC AUCTION * COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA * SATURDAY * SEPTEMBR 18, 2004 * 9:00 AM * RADFORD UNIVERSITY * SURPLUS PROPERTY TEMPORARY STORAGE AREA, 5999 BELSPRINGS ROAD, RADFORD, VA * VEHICLES * MISC. COMPUTER EQUIPMENT * FURNITURE * OFFICE, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS & MORE. WWW.DGS. STATE.VA.US/DPS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AUCTION – Construction Equipment & Trucks, Friday, September 24, 8:00 a.m., Richmond, VA. Excavators, Dozers, Loaders, Trailers, Dumps, Bucket Trucks, and More. Accepting Equipment Daily. Motley’s Auction & Realty Group, 804-355-2100, VAAL #16. www.motleys.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– REAL ESTATE FORECLOSURE AUCTION – Tuesday, September 21, 2:00 p.m. On Site Retail/Office/Warehouse Flex Space, 11004-11006 Park Road, Fairfax, VA 22030. 5,042+/- SF Commercial Building Ready for BuildOut to Suit. www.motleys.com or call 804-355-2100. Motleys Auction & Realty Group (VA Lic #16). ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ONGOING FLOORING MILL AUCTION – Tuesday, September 28, 12 noon On Site. Ongoing Business: Mill Direct Flooring, Inc. Industrial Real Estate and Equipment, 2301 Mayflower Drive, Lynchburg, VA. Offered in 6 lots including an Entirety lot with 3year production purchase contract. www.motleys.com or call 804-3552100. Motleys Auction & Realty Group (VA Lic #16). ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE. Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 Machines and Candy. All for $9,995. 1-800-8146047 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Are you making $1,000 per week? All cash vending routes with prime locations available now! Under $9,000 investment required. Call Toll Free (247) 800-637-7444. Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 9, 2004 • C7 4 MILLION READERS FOR ONLY $250? Sawmills - $2,695.00 – LumberMate2000 & LumberLite-24. Norwood Industries also manufactures utility ATV attachments, log skidders, portable board edgers and forestry equipment. www.norwoodindustries.com - Free information: 1-800-578-1363 ext300N. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ANY CREDIT RATING! 1st & 2nd Mortgages Fast! Low Rates! Easy Payment Plans! No Upfront Fees! Apply Free/Call Charles Toney or Kim Patterson (804) 364-3666 or toll-free (800) 401-1011. Aggressive Mortgage. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Cash For Structured Settlement / Annuity Payments. It’s your money! Get cash now when you need it most! Oldest / best in the business. Settlement Purchasers. 1-877-Money-Me. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FAMILY HEALTH CARE w/Prescription Plan! $69.95/month: Best network, Excellent coverage. No limitations, includes Dental, Vision, Pre-existing Conditions OK! Call WCS 1-800-2889214 ext. 2321. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY FIREFIGHTER: FULL-TIME Performs firefighting, medical care, rescue, and hazardous materials work for the Department of Fire, Rescue & Emergency Services. Inspects/maintains equipment, performs fire inspections and maintenance. HS/GED supplemented by training in firefighting and emergency medical programs, (1) year experience and/or training involving firefighting and basic emergency medical care. Requires Virginia Firefighter I, Hazardous Material Awareness, and a valid Virginia driver’s license or recognized equivalent. Virginia Firefighter II, and EMT-B certifications required upon hire. Virginia EVOC and Vehicle Rescue certifications preferred or must be obtained within 12 months of hire. Successful completion of EMT-I or EMT-CT, PALS and ACLS required within 36 months of hire (County will assist with training). The County subscribes to the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) medical guidelines and applies these guidelines. Hiring Range $14.74/hr. to $16.58/hr. Deadline September 14, 2004. Benefits include health insurance, paid VRS retirement including LEOS, 12 _ paid holidays, annual and sick leave, medical and/or dependant spending accounts and a variety of voluntary retirement and disability programs. Please submit a County Application to Spotsylvania County Government, Department of Human Resources, P.O. Box 605, Spotsylvania, VA 22553, (540) 5827192, ext. 674, www.spotsylvania.va. us. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY FIREFIGHTER/MEDIC: FULL-TIME Operates a mobile medical unit, rescues and transports victims, performs general firefighting duties and administers emergency medical care for the Department of Fire, Rescue & Emergency Services. HS/GED supplemented by training in emergency medical technician programs, (3) years experience and/or training in Emergency Medical Technical work. Requires Virginia EMT-Cardiac Technician, EMT-Intermediate or EMT-Paramedic, CPR and a valid Virginia driver’s license or recognized equivalent. Virginia EVOC required upon hire. Virginia ACLS and PALS-PEMSTP certifications preferred or must be obtained within 12 months of hire. Firefighting experience and/or training preferred, or Virginia Firefighter I, II and Hazardous Materials Operations must be obtained within 24 months of hire (County will assist with training). The County subscribes to the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) medical guidelines and applies these guidelines. Hiring Range $16.25/hr. to $18.28/hr. if fully qualified in FF/EMS skills. Deadline September 14, 2004. Benefits include health insurance, paid VRS retirement including LEOS, 12 _ paid holidays, annual and sick leave, medical and/or dependant spending accounts and a variety of voluntary retirement and disability programs. Please submit a County Application to Spotsylvania County Government, Department of Human Resources, P.O. Box 605, Spotsylvania, VA 22553, (540) 582-7192, ext. 674, www.spots ylvania.va.us. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OUTDOOR CAREERS. Hiring working Foremen to lead utility contract field crews. Competitive pay and bonuses, good benefit package, and company truck and tools. Must enjoy physical outdoor work, have good driving history and be able to travel for short and extended periods primarily in Virginia. Resume to Osmose Recruiter, P. O. Box 71, Boones Mill, VA 24065 or fax (800) 519-3526. www.osmose.com. EOE. M/F/D/V. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– $500 signing bonus. A great first job with FRS, over 18, travel coast-tocoast with young co-ed business group. Call Eva toll free at 1-866-8888956. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ATTENTION DRIVERS! WERNER ENTERPRISES needs INEXPERIENCED DRIVERS for OTR & Regional. Hiring Quality Grads from CDS TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING. $5,000 Tuition Reimbursement. WEEKDAY or WEEKEND TRAINING 1-800-646-2374. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Driver – COVENANT TRANSPORT. Teams and Solos check out our new pay plan. Ask about our Regional Runs. Owner Operators, Experienced Drivers, Solos, Teams and Graduate Students. Call 1-888-MORE-PAY (1-888667-3729). ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IN BUSINESS SINCE 1931, largest private owned truckload carrier in NC hiring all programs: Company Drivers, Owner Operators. Lease Purchase to include Short Haul running NC, VA. Excellent Pay and Benefits, no NYC/ Canada. Home every weekend. 1 year OTR required, CDL-A. 1-800948-6766 www.epestransport.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRIVER: $900-$1,100 WEEKLY. Loaded & Empty Miles Paid. Short Hauls, Flexible Home Time, Quarterly Bonuses, Comprehensive Benefit Package. Dedicated to Excellence. Devoted to Drivers. Requires Class-A CDL, EOE. Call Smith Transport at 1-888-GO-SMITH or visit our website at www.smithtransport.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRIVERS: CFI - REGIONAL RUNS AVAILABLE for Company Drivers & Owner Operators in the Midwest & Northeast. ALSO Hiring OTR Company - O/O - Solos - Teams. 1-800CFI-DRIVE. www.cfidrive.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Join The Best and Leave the Rest! A New Career Today. 16 Day CDL Training, 100% Financing Available, Lifetime Job Placement Assistance. 800398-9908. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COMPANY DRIVERS AND OWNER OPERATORS WITH MINIMUM 1 YEAR OTR EXPERIENCE, $1500 SIGNING BONUS, EAST COAST OPERATION, WILLIAM EDWARDS, INC. 1-800-876-3436. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEED JOB! CRST. NO EXPERIENCE? NO PROBLEM! No Credit Check. No Monthly Payments. Immediate Benefit PACKAGE! $600-$900/ WEEK. NOW HIRING IN YOUR AREA. 1-877-443-8289. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers Start Up to 36 CPM, 37 CPM in 2 Months. New Equipment, Benefits, Lease-Purchase Available. O/Os average $1+ per mile! Paid Plates, Fees & Discounts. Class-A & 3 months experience required. EOE. 1-877-4525627. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers – Dedicated. Regional & OTR. No New York City! Singles start 34¢ mile. Teams start 41¢. Owner Operators & CDL grads welcome. USA Truck 800-237-4642. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRIVER. Company sponsored training! $500 bonus plate tuition reimbursement for recent driving school graduates. Best Home Time In the 1 phone call. Call Rappahannock Record at 804-435-1701 or 1-800-435-1701. 1 bit of paperwork: Just write your ad copy and write check. That’s it. 1 price: Just $250 for 25 words ($10 each additional word) will get your ad in more than 70 newspapers. Industry! 48-state OTR 800-553-2778. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Introducing…Heartland’s GREEN MILE$ Program! $.50/mile COMPANY DRIVERS $1.045/mile OWNER OPERATORS Unprecedented…Unmatc hed…Unmistakably the BEST PAY in the industry! 1-866-282-5861 www. heartlandexpress.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Log Home Auction – Stanley, VA * Sunday, October 3rd. 26 New Log Home Packages Offered. One absolute to highest bidder! Delivery within 1 year. Package includes sub-floor, logs, windows, doors, rafters, roofing, etc. Daniel Boone Log Homes 1-800-7669474. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Mountain View Property! 10+ Acres $69,990 - Lexington, VA. Secluded, mountain view parcel, mature hardwoods. Privacy is yours! Historic downtown minutes away! Excellent Financing. Call 866-526-3420. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Lake Anna, Virginia. 6 Acres w/Private Boat Dock $119,900. Direct Lake Front $249,500. Best Land & Price on Lake Anna Today! Must see! Excellent Financing Available. Call 888-838-9026. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 180º MAJESTIC VIEWS. 20+ acres abuts 10,000 acres public land $119,900. All hardwood parcel, high elevation building site. New roads, perc, special fall financing. Only 1, very rare. Call now 1-877-777-4837. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LAND SALE! 35+ Acres $94,900. State Road Frontage! Special parcel, pristine sunrise. views. 5 minutes to river: canoe, fish, swim, Near town, 4 lane highway access. New survey, perc. Ready to enjoy. Local bank will finance. Call now 1-800-888-1262. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MOUNTAIN LAND BARGAINS! 20 to 200+ Acres. Hardwoods, views, streams, wildlife galore. Adjoins 10,000 acre state forest. Easy Corridor Highway access. Buildable. www.land inwv.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WV near DEEP CREEK LAKE 4 acres $24,500 Utilities with public water. www.landservice.com 800-898-6139 A.L.S. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– VIRGINIA LAND – 7 to 50 acre parcels. On-site Equestrian Center. Incredible hunting/fishing. Private. Near Smith Mountain and Leesville Lakes, Staunton River & Blue Ridge Parkway. 434-369-8275. www.smitherfam ily.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Dogwood Farm’s Limousin Production Sale, September 18, 2004, 1:00 PM, Axton, VA. 75 Lots – Bulls, Heifers and Cows. Info. 276-650-3836 or 276-732-1247. dwf@kimbonet.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FREE 4-ROOM DIRECTV SYSTEM includes installation. 4 MONTHS FREE Programming w/NFL Sunday Ticket subscription. Over 205 channels! Limited time offer. S&H, restrictions apply. 1-800-270-4654. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– VISIT www.FreeHouseData.com. Real Estate Secrets exposing realities behind buying & selling houses. HomeMarketWatch Newsletter with money-saving tips, household safety checklists, home improvement advice. www.FreeHouseData.com ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Lake Gaston VA/NC 350 miles shoreline. FREE Lake Map / Buyers Guide. Tanglewood Realty, Box 116, Bracey, VA 23919. www.TanglewoodRealty. com 1-800-338-8816. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– $10,000! Available Now! Foreclosures from $10,000! HUD Homes/Bank Repos! For Listings 800-749-8168 xB612. FEE. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Steel Building Kit Clearance Sale! 30x40, 40x80, 50x100, 150x300. Great for a Garage, Workshop, Warehouse or Factory! Call For a Free Catalog: 800-341-7007, www.SteelMasterUSA. com. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– STEEL BUILDING SALE! “Rock Bottom Prices” Priced to sell. Quick Delivery, Beat Next Price Increase. Go direct/save. 25x30. 30x40. 40x80. 50x90. Others. Pioneer 1-800-6685422. C8 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 9, 2004 THE RECORD ONLINE www.rrecord.com CASH NOW FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794-7310 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 11, 15.22204 of the Code of Virginia as amended that the Northumberland County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on September 16, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. in the Old Courthouse at Heathsville in order to consider the following: 1. Request by Glenn R. Northern,owner, for a change in zoning district classification to rezone a portion of Tax Map Parcel #27-(1)-221 as described in Deed Book 585, page 716, recorded in the Northumberland County Clerk’s Office, from Residential General (R-1) to Business (B-1), in order to construct mini storage buildings. The aforesaid portion of Tax Map Parcel #27-(1)-221 is located on Rt. 200 in the area southwest of 216 Jessie Ball Dupont Memorial Hwy. (Dentist Office). The parcel contains four (4) acres in the Fairfield Magisterial District of which 8% will be used for the storage facility. All written comments should be received by the Office of Building and Zoning prior to the Commission meeting. For further information concerning this request, contact the Office of Building & Zoning at the Courthouse in Heathsville, VA (580-7921 or email ltadlock@co.northumberland.va.us). If you are physically disabled, hearing or visually impaired and need assistance with this hearing, please call Bill Knight at (804) 580-8910 (Voice) or Via the Virginia Relay or TDD for assistance. Northumberland County Planning Commission By: E. Luttrell Tadlock, Assistant County Administrator Sept. 2-2t J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! COUNTY OF LANCASTER PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia that the Lancaster County Planning Commission at its meeting in the Lancaster County General District Courtroom, Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 7:00 p.m., will consider the following matters: 1. Application for Change of Zoning District Classification by Charles B. Walker and 305 L Associates, LLC on property identified as Tax Map #34-163/163A/164/ 164A/165/166/166A from R-1, Residential General to R-2, Residential, Apartment. This property is located off VSH 637, James Wharf Road on Carter Creek near White Stone, VA. 2. Request by David N. Simms to add “Automobile Sales and Service” to “Marine Sales and Service” as permitted uses on property identified as Tax Map #34-50 (Part). This property is conditionally zoned C-1, Commercial and is located on VSH 3 at the intersection with VSH 646, Old Salem Road, near White Stone, VA. Individuals requiring additional information or clarification may contact Mr. Jack Larson, Planning/Land Use Director, at (804) 462-5220. Sept. 2-2t Animals for adoption The Animal Welfare League has many animals for adoption to good, loving homes. The dogs, puppies, cats and kittens change rapidly; in lieu of listing them, interested persons may call the league at 435-0822 or Joyce at 462-0091 to be advised of what is available at that time. Visits to local animal shelters also are encouraged. TOWN OF KILMARNOCK PUBLIC NOTICE AND FINAL INPUT SESSION 6:30 P.M., MONDAY, SEPT. 13, 2004 The Main Street Committee of the Town Council will conduct a public input session on the Main Street Streetscape Improvements 90% Specifications and Contract Documents on Monday evening, 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Chamber room, 514 N. Main Street. Samples of the designed elements, the VDOT reviewed 70% submittals and the 90% Specifications and Contract Documents, and design and traffic work sheets are available for public inspection and review at Town Hall, between 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. daily. The Main Street Committee will recommend Town Council action for September 20, 2004. Following the mandated review and bid timeline, the projected date for demolition and construction bid award is February 2005 with a completion date of November 2005. The Main Street Streetscape Project VDOT# 2004005-001.01, DOT Transportation Enhancement Program #9-249-137, PE101, PE102 is funded and supported by the property owners, merchants, taxpayers and citizens of the Town of Kilmarnock and the grant appropriations of the TEA-21 (Transportation Enhancement Act-21st Century) federal funds allotted to the Commonwealth Transportation Board. Citizen and merchant input is solicited and welcomed. For additional information contact Main Street Chair and Councilman Fletcher Brown IV or Town Planner Jonathan Sanders, 804-435-1552 ext. 25. Sept. 9-x Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 9, 2004 • C9 C10 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • Sept. 9, 2004 Notices Notices Notices (continued from page C 7) the Department will hold a public hearing if there is significant public interest in the permit and there are disputed issues relevant to the permit. If a public hearing is to be held notice of the public hearing will be given and a decision on the permit will be made by the State Water Control Board after the public hearing process has been completed. (Sept-2-2t)) Auto/Truck Marketplace 1949 DODGE CLUB Coupe $1800/Trade. Bob 804-462-3480..(X) 1984 BMW: Stick shift, runs well, body fair condition, $800. Call 804-436-3395 or 804-761-6225..(Sept-2-2t) 1990 OLDSMOBILE Silhouette 7 passenger van 152,000 actual miles. Call 804-438-5026 after 6:30 p.m..(Sept9-2t) 1991 TOYOTA COROLLA: 253,494 miles (barely broken in), semi depend- PROGRAM SPECIALS '04 Sebring Conv. LX '04 Chrysler Concord LXi, only 23,000 miles program car '04 Chrysler Concord LX, only 17,000 miles program car '04 Jeep Grand Cherokee, program vehicle '03 Chrysler T&C LX '02 Dodge Quad 1500 '02 Buick Rendevous '01 Dodge Dakota RT Truck '01 Chrys PT Cruiser '00 Ford Windstar '00 Chev. Metro Lsi, only 18,000 miles '99 15 Pass. Van '97 Mercury S/W '97 Dodge 3/4 T '96 Dodge Intrepid '96 Chrys. Concorde LX '95 Ford F150 Pickup '94 Chrys. LeBaron Convt. '87 Mercury Cougar, 68,000 miles '75 Dodge D600 with 500 Holmes Wrecker '81 Dodge D300 with 480 Holmes Wrecker with wheel lift '71 Dodge D300 with 440 Holmes Wrecker 23 ft Sportcraft Boat, Tandom Galvanized Trailer, 302 V8 18 ft Sport Craft Boat 16 ft Floating Duck Blind 150 H.P. Mercury Outboard able. Needs TLC. $750. Call 804-5805295...(July-22-tf) 1992 DODGE DYNASTY: 4-dr sedan, 101k miles, good condition, loaded and clean. $1400. Call 804-4350960..(Sept-9-tf) 1993 BUICK REGAL: 4 dr:, AT, CC, tilt wheel, one owner. Can be seen at 29 Roseneath Ave. or call 804-435-7546 after 6p.m..(Aug-26-tf) 1995 SUBARU Legacy Sedan LSI AWD, auto, PW, PD locks, AC, moonroof, leather, cruise control, 72,000 miles, excellent condition, original owner, $5000 firm. 804-4534699..(Sept-2-2t) BEST BUY '04 '03 '03 '94 '00 Mazda RX8 Taurus SES 4 dr Mustang Convertible Lincoln Town Car Grand Marquis LS Trucks '04 Explorer XLT (2) '03 Chev. 2500 Ext. Cab 4x4 '03 F250 Crew Cab 4x4, Lariat Diesel '01 Explorer XLT (Leather) '00 Windstar SE Van '00 S-10 Ext Cab – WE NEED – LATE MODEL USED CARS & GOOD USED TRUCKS CROWTHER FORD SALES, INC. 435-1777 Kilmarnock, VA Kilmarnock, Va. SEE BOBBY CROWTHER, BILL WILLIAMS, PERNELL MCNEAL BOB DEIHL or ROBBIE CROWTHER (804) 435-1818 VA DLR. 8327 DAVIS Dodge–Chrysler Jeep, Inc. Auction Sunday Sept. 12th @ 1PM Held @ Irvington Auction Center: 3381 Irvington Road Selling items from 2 Northern Virginia Estates plus consignments. This will be what we call a General Auction with Iots of every day home furniture, accessories, electronics, tools and lawn equipment. Items Include: Living room and dining room sets and pieces. Bedroom furniture, bookcases, office furniture, desks, end tables, ice cream parlor chairs, TV’s, (stereos, electronics, outdoor furniture and more. The auction will also include Antiques in the rough. Special Feature, Box Lots: we will have tables of the most interesting and unusual box lots and smalls. Our Box Lots are always packed with value and interesting items this auction has some fantastic box lots and smalls. We have got to clean out our Northern Virginia warehouse and storage facilities, this Auction, No Minimum or Reserve, just great buys for all. Don't miss this Auction! Terms: Cash, Check, Visa, MC, AM/Proper ID Preview: Sunday Sept 12th @11AM Directions: From Kilmarnock Rt 200 toward Irvington @ 3381 Irvington Rd., Irvington, Va. 22480 (804-438-5005) Look for the signs: Announcements Day of Auction Take Precedence Over All Printed or spoken Advertising. Buyers Premium 10%: Sale Conducted BY: Bay Shore Auction VAAF # 520 I64l9 Northumberland Hwy. Reedville, Va. 22539 804-453-7007 Mt. Vernon Auction Center #494 8726 Richmond Highway Alexandria, Va. 22309 703-360-5070/877-603-9674 Gary L. Holbrook Auctioneer VAAR # 2419 AUCTION ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AT THE HOME OF HOWARD & HELEN SAMPSON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2004 @ 1:00 P.M. LOCATION: FROM BURGESS; 360 E. TO LILIAN, BEAR RIGHT ON 646 (FAIRPORT ROAD). LEFT ON 683 (OLD FAIRPORT ROAD). LEFT ON SUMMER HAVEN DRIVE. SEE SIGNS. Furniture: Platform Rocker; Desk; Bed Room Suite to inc. King Size Bed, Dresser, Night Stand, 4 drawer Chest, Bed Spread & Matching Shams; Hide-a-Bed; Marble Top Table; Very Fine Cherry Dining Room Suite to include Table w/ 2 leaves & Pad, 6 Upholstered Chairs (two host chairs), China (lighted) Cabinet; Cherry King Size Four Poster Bed, 2 Night Stands, Chest of Drawers, Dresser; Sewing Machine; Stuffed Chairs; Piano Stool; Cherry (lighted) China Cabinet; Stero Console w/Turntable & Tape Deck; Hassock; Two Kitchen Tables w/4 Chairs each; 3 Antique Occasional Table; Porch Furniture; Couch; Chairs; Vanity Bench. Miscellaneous: Framed Pictures; Antique Floor Lamp; Mirror; Luggage; Color TV; Antique Radios; Antique Mantle Clock; Currier & Ives Dishes; Oil Lamps; Fire Place Sets; Oil Painting; Dehumidifier; Safe; Lamps; Art Deco Piece; Microwave; Upright Freezer; Refrigerator; Chest Freezer; Croaksville China; Porch Swing; Bird Bath; Corn Sheller; Mast Light; Filing Cabinet; 2 Oval Framed Mirrors; Clothes Dryer; Electro-Lux Vac; Shop Vac; Bicycles; Old Boats and Galvanized Boat Trailers; Ariens Riding Mower; Johnson OB Motor & Stand; 8 HP Roto Tiller; Elect. Grinder; Scythe; Cast Iron Ham Boiler; Drill Press; Chum Grinder; Elect. Apple Press; Gasoline Concrete Finisher; Life Jackets; Rods & Reels; Wooden Rope Block; Hand Tools; Aged Bricks; Fire Wood; Electric Golf Cart w/charger; 1990 Chevrolet Corvette & Numerous Other Items. Announcements Day of Auction Take Precedence Over All Printed Advertising. Terms: Cash or A Good Check w/Proper I.D. Rain Date: Sunday, September 19, 2004 Manuel Haynie – Auctioneer VA Lic. # 2729 – (804) 453-3623, (804) 453-7323 Cell: (804) 580-0700 MEMBER, VIRGINIA AUCTIONEERS ASSOCIATION 1996 CHRYSLER CONCORD: 130,000 miles, good running condition, $1800 firm. Call 804-462-7286 after 6p.m..(Sept-2-2t) 1996 FORD WINDSTAR Van. Blue, 130,000 miles, AC/ AM/FM/CD player. Good condition inside or out. Runs great. $2500 firm. 804-438-6555..(Sept-2-4t) 1996 LINCOLN Towncar Executive: 67,000 miles, great running condition. White with gray leather interior. New Michelins and brakes. $6500. Call 804-580-7744..(Sept-2-4t) 1998 CADILLAC deVille family owned great condition, 83,000 miles. beige leather cotillion white w/sunroof. $10,900. Call 804-435-2365..(Sept2-3t) 1998 HONDA CIVIC EX 2 dr., automatic, silver, pw. pdl, ac, tilt, moonroof, 6 disc Alpine CD changer, runs great. Must sell. $5900. Call 804-453-4541 or 804-580-0655..(Sept9-2t) 2003 CADILLAC CTS: 4-door sedan, fire mist red, leather interior, 16,500 miles, $24,950 OBO. Call 804-438-6657, Buddy Brill..(Sept2-2t) BACK TO SCHOOL Special! 2000 Pontiac Grand AM, SE, V6, loaded like new, 40,000 miles. $7995 OBO. Call 804-435-0780..(Aug-19-4t) BUICK 2004 Le Sabre Limited 6000 miles. Loaded, leather trim, all power, many extras. Call 804-435-9792..(X) CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1990 white with black top in good condition. $11,500. Call 804-453-3510..(July29-8t) SURPLUS PROPERTY SALE I will offer for sale at public auction at 10 o’clock a.m. Saturday, September 11, 2004 at my office, 8293 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, VA the following surplus property: 1988 Dodge Ram 50 pickup with camper shell 1995 Ford Crown Victoria 4D sedan 1996 Ford Crown Victoria 4D sedan 1998 Ford Crown Victoria 4D sedan The items will be available for inspection on Thursday Sept. 9 from 1p.m. to 4p.m. and again one hour before the sale. Items must be removed by 5p.m. Wednesday September 14. I will assume no additional responsibility for items not removed immediately at the conclusion of the sale. Terms: Exact cash or approved check. Ronald D.Crockett Sheriff of Lancaster County (X) Date, identified at the top of this notice and submitted to the DEQ contact person below. Comments must be in writing and include the name, address and phone number of the commentor along with a concise explanation of the water quality issues of concern. The DEQ contact person is: Denise Mosca, Department of Environmental Quality, Piedmont Regional Office, 4949-A Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060, (ph) 804-527-5027, (fax) 804-527-5106, or (e-mail) dmmosca@deq.virginia.gov. The discharging facility is the Tides Utilities South Wastewater Treatment Facility located at 480 King Carter Dr., Irvington, Va. The Tides Utilities South is renewing their permit to treat and discharge 49,500 gallons per day (gpd) of wastewater. The permit has been drafted in accordance with the law and regulations and contains limitations for pollutants that are typically contained in wastewater from treatment plants that treat domestic waste. Pollutants are limited by the permit at the following quantities to ensure that state water quality standards are maintained in the creek below the discharge: pH-9 standard units Biochemical Oxygen Demand-24 milligrams per liter Total Suspended Solids-24 milligrams per liter Fecal Colifom-200 bacteria counts per 100 milliliters of water Total Residual Chlorine-0.043 milligrams per liter Ammonia Nitrogen-7.3 milligrams per liter The permit proposes a 4-year schedule of compliance for copper and stricter ammonia limits. At the end of the schedule of compliance, the following limits will be in effect: PH-9 standard units Biochemical Oxygen Demand-24 milligrams per liter Total Suspended Solids-24 milligrams per liter Fecal Coliform-200 bacteria counts per 100 milliliters of water Total Recoverable Copper-0.070 milligrams per liter Total Residual Chlorine-0.043 milligrams per liter Ammonia Nitrogen-0.99 milligrams per liter After the close of the comment period, the Department will consider all comments received within the scope of the law and regulations and modify the permit as appropriate. If requests for a public hearing have been received, AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE LATE JOSEPH D. DROUIN 1423 NOMINI GROVE RD., NEAR NEENAH, VA WESTMORELAND COUNTY SATURDAY, SEPT. 18, 2004, 10:00 A.M. Directions: From Rte. 3 (approx 5.0 miles north of Warsaw) take Rte. 621 east & go 1 4/10 mi. to house on left. Real Estate: newly remodeled house w/7 rooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, 20’ x 29’ basement, 2 car detached garage situated on 1.016 ares. Personal Property: Household furnishings, glassware & lots of tools. Real Estate offered at 12:00 noon & subject to confirmation by seller. More detailed info in next week’s paper. For copy of plat & information contact HEALTH BENEFITS (full family coverage) Hospitalization ◆ Doctor Visits ◆ Prescription Drugs Dental ◆ Vision ◆ Hearing Aids ◆ Chiropractic Services No Minimums ◆ No Maximums ◆ Pre-Exisiting Conditions Covered ◆ No Claim Forms or Referrals Needed Agents Welcome! $40.00 PER MONTH 1-888-768-LIFE ext. 12 Agents Welcome! OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: WWW.LIFESAVERSEMERGENCY.COM MEMBER: BBB and U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE We’ve never been just a furniture store ... ... we are, however, a distinctive name for outstanding value, unsurpassed quality and craftsmanship. Furniture, Accessories, Bedding, Window Coverings; Blinds, Verticals, Area Rugs, Lamps, Giftware - we could really go on and on but we won’t. Please stop in and see for yourself ! W . F. B ooth & Son, Inc. CUSTOM INTERIORS 42 N. Main St., Kilmarnock, VA 804-435-1329 • 1-800-543-8894 www.wfbooth.com Grayson L. Smith, CES Auctioneer Va. Lic. #14 • 804-333-4894 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, September 11, 2004 at 10:00 AM (9-10 preview) Warsaw Antiques and Flea Market: On Main Street (Rt.3) 2 buildings North of Post Office in old school building Furniture: Antique fainting couch-early 1900’s, drum table with leather insert top, unusual round, maple table, bed, 2 end tables and coffee tables with marble inserts, bookcase desk, oak china SB breakfront, console TV, wooden toy box, old wooden furniture, 4 oak farm chairs, lamps, paintings, prints, more. Glassware: Staffordshire Plate “Landing of General Lafayette”, Carnival glass. Milk glass pitcher by Westmoreland, Depression Glass: Windsor Diamond bowl; green-Cabbage Patch Rose cup. New Century pieces. Fire King, 23 piece Edwin M. Knowles china, 5 pieces HJO china (Bavarian), Wedgwood vase, Currier & Ives wall plates, Currier & Ives, plates, cups, saucers “Old Grist Mill” pattern, Demitasse cup/saucer sets, 2 Perfection Separable water bottles-early 1900’s, Blue Peony Vinegar cruet, 4 Blue Willow saucers, amberware, Alfred Meakin saucer (acorn pattern), 2 Federal cups/saucers. Royal Bayreuth saucers (Bavarian), Candlewick cups and more, McCoy cookie jar, 1973 Pepsi glasses, bowl and pitchers (reproductions), numerous salt/pepper shakers-some very old or unusual, numerous wine glasses and other stemware, steins, mugs, much more. Collectibles: Miniature from “Coronation of the Queen of EngIand”Britannia, appraised at $500.00, miniature train scene “Wedding of the Rails”, old records-33s. 45s, 78s, Coca-Cola memorabilia, camel saddle, picture frames, belt buckles, punchboards, powder compacts and boxes, baseball cards, pill boxes, antique keys, stamps, antique hat pin, vintage ladies’ hats. Northern Neck campaign posters 1953, baby locket, baby spoons, unusual candlestick, marked pottery piece (reproduction), zesters w/Bakelite handles, George Harrison figurine-1991, antique books, Pabst Blue Ribbon sign, silver overlay carving set, clocks: old shelf clock, old Oxford porcelain converted to battery, old fireplace clock, reproduction 31 day wind-up, unique Budweiser windup, variety other clocks, military memorabilia, horse names, curtain stretcher, wheelbarrow seerer-early 1900s, old license plates, Graniteware to include child’s chamber pot, Burslem teapot, pottery cuspidor, flat irons and rest, cherry seeder, Griswold stove damper, Wagnor fry pans, advertising items, steel traps, old Valor kerosene bottle. Farmer’s Creamery wooden crates, corn grinder, old bottles, old to waffle irons, unusual lamps-two crafted from cloth dying mandrel, duck decoys, calf weaning device (must see), and much more. Coins: 1Troy oz. Silver bar- foreign money, Indian Head pennies, Wheat pennies, 1903-1946 nickels, Liberty dimes. Mercury dimes, Roosevelt dimes, Lincoln quarters. Walking Liberty 50-cent pieces, Eisenhower silver dollars, Liberty silver dollars, 1 Liberty quarter, 1 Kennedy half dollar. Tools: Hammers, wrenches, auger bits, saw sharpener, shovels, mauls, ice saw, drawing knives, much more. Household: Trivets, pots, pans, small appliances, trays, bedding, curtains, clothes, shoes, and accessories for men, women children (some new-Lee’s, Levis), more. Miscellaneous: Fishing rods, gas logs, baby items, toys, baskets, silver plate items, costume jewelr y, gold jewelr y, more. Terms: Cash or check w/proper ID. Announcements at sale take precedence over all printed ads. Rain or shine. Refreshments available. MACK WHORLEY, auctioneer VA license # 3181 804-333-5053 • cell 804-363-9371 AUCTION DUE TO HEALTH REASONS (AFTER MANY YEARS OF COLLECTING) OWNER IS OFFERING HIS FINE COLLECTION OF ANTIQUES & HARD TO FIND UNUSUAL ITEMS: MATHEWS, VIRGINIA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2004 - 10:00 AM Directions: From Rte. 14 approx. 4 miles south of Mathews take Rte. 605 (left) & go 1 1/4 mi. & take Rte. 710 1/4 mi. to auction. Deep well dresser w/marble & mirror, oak & walnut primitive beds, primitive pine open front desk, mixed wood & tin pie safe, 4 hepplewhite chairs w/ inlaid, Burl inlaid unusual (small) table, oak library table, white pine leaded glass corner cupboard, old lift top ice box, pine one drawer table, walnut slipper rocker, old oak rocker w/spring cushion, oak glass front bookcase, lawyer’s stack bookcase, oak kitchen cabinet, oak washstand; oak free standing glass showcase, oak slant front showcase (counter top), oak curio cabinet, oak chest of drawers, pine dovetail blanket chest, English marble top washstand w/ ceramic back, primitive pine glass door kitchen cabinet, oak round & square dining tables, primitive 8 tin pie safe, art deco dresser w/beveled mirror, Morris Chair w/claw, ice cream parlor table & two chairs, dropfront desk, piano stool/chair, Jida banjo (excellent condition), draftman’s oak desk w/turned legs (exc.), dough bowl from covered wagon, tramp art, repo oak bow front china cabinet, modern bow front pine corner cabinet, Ball & Claw piano chair, butter churns - 1gal., barrel & metal, teak lounge deck chair-Her Magesty Queen Elizabeth’s, marble & brass door stops, lg. collection of antique hand woodworking tools, railroad lantern, lanterns, lamps, light house keeper’s hat, oval & flat top trunks, mirrors, pictures, chicken & turkey coops, coffee grinder, auto harps, brass bugle, fishing rods & reels, oyster cans, pocket knives, mantel clock, dolls, glassware, mustache cup, McCoy, Hall Hull Fostoria, cruet sets, decanters, H. Krieger Baltimore whiskey jug, whiskey keg, old wooden trucks, work boat gaft, old kitchen woodstove, kitchen gadgets, boat anchors, Remington 12 ga. pump shotgun, 12 ga. shotgun designed for Parker-Ballard, 12 ga. dbl. barrel Beretta Silver Hawk, single shot .22 cal. rifle, Colt 25 auto. palm size pistol w/ holster, Ruger .22 cal. single 6 revolver w/holster, solitaire diamond ring (reserve), pear shape diamond ring, 1939 9mm rifle, 15 & 30 gal. cast iron pots, lot of primitive horse drawn equipment to include, 2 horse fertilizer spreader, corn planter, plows, cultivator, folding spike harrow, & single trees, lot of misc. small collectibles. Don’t miss this old time country auction, lunch & facilities available. Rain date 9-25-04. Announcements day of auction take precedence over all printed advertising. Terms: Cash or check w/ proper I.D. Grayson L. Smith, CES Auctioneer Va. Lic. #14 • 804-333-4894
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