Citizen`s guide 2013-2014
Citizen`s guide 2013-2014
"!%$%$#!# SECTION 01 SECTION 02 Word from the Mayor .....................3 Parks and tourist attractions .................14-15 Recreation and tourist sites...................16-18 Other places of interest.........................19-20 Council Meeting..............................5 Electoral map ..................................6 A bit of history..................................7 Getting to know your municipality..8-9 SECTION 03 What you have to know........................21-34 Policies and regulations SECTION 04 Citizens’ Services...................................35-37 To reach us .................................9-10 SECTION 05 Municipal Services ....................11-13 Associations & Organizations ...................38 INDEX OF PARTNERS Publication and Edition : Municipality of Rawdon Photo Credits : Municipality of Rawdon Advertising Agency : Editions Média Plus Communication 5045, Jean Talon Est - Bureau 202 Montréal (Québec) H1S 0B6 Tel. : (514) 727 6769 Fax : (514) 727 6749 email : Printer : Imprimerie spéciale de la Compagnie Editions Média Plus Communication Legal deposit : 2013 STATION DE SKI MONTCALM JEAN COUTU - JOSÉE PERREAULT ...back of front cover DESJARDINS CAISSE POPULAIRE...................................2 RBC ROYAL BANK..........................................................2 SOPHIE LARAMÉE DENTUROLOGISTE D.D. ...................2 RAWDON VETERINARY HOSPITAL .................................2 AU DOMAINE SAM-CALM ........................................... 4 L’AMI DU BÛCHERON .................................................. 4 FRANCINE RAYNAULT................................................... 4 COMPO RECYCLE ......................................................... 4 .1. E D I T O R I A L .01. W O R D $%$%#! "$ F R O M Dear Citizens, I present you the 2nd edition of the Citizen’s Guide of Rawdon. This new, revised and revamped version was put together by all of the municipal services, for all of the citizens of Rawdon. This edition was published thanks to the financial involvement of our local merchants, to whom we offer heartfelt thanks. Without them, this Guide would not have seen the light of day. It is chock-full of information regarding your municipality. We invite you to keep it as a handy reference tool and hope that it will answer some of your questions. In closing, I would like to point out that, in addition to this guide, the Municipality publishes a municipal bulletin Le Rawdonnois in which you will find plenty of information regarding municipal news and events. Enjoy your read! Jacques Beauregard Mayor .3. T H E M A Y O R Design Graphique - Impression Régie Publicitaire Cartes de villes et de régions - Calendriers Guides du citoyen - Agendas de poche et de bureau Magazines d’informations Guides touristiques - Dossiers de présentation E.M.P.C. • 5045 Jean Talon Est • Bureau 202 Montréal • (Québec) H1S 0B6 Tél.: (514) 727 6769 • Télécopie (514) 727 6749 • Courriel $ !!# The Municipal Council, presided over by the mayor and consisting of 6 municipal councillors, has both legislative and executive powers to act within the legal capacity entrusted to it by the provincial government. The Council’s decisions affect the daily lives of all of Rawdon’s citizens in matters pertaining to the funding of public services and infrastructure, town planning and development, transport, public safety as well as social and economic development. These decisions are expressed through the adoption of bylaws and resolutions at assemblies. The Council represents the Municipality and must work to best serve the public interest of the population that elected it S E C T I O N .01. C O U N C I L into office democratically. All citizens are invited to attend and take part in council meetings that are held on the second Tuesday of every month, at 8 pm, in the Council Hall at 3647 Queen Street (side entrance). Please note that in January and August, the meetings take place on the third Tuesday of the month, at 8 pm. To contact your district councillor, you can send an email or call 450 834-2596 Mayor Jacques Beauregard District number 1 Louise Poirier District number 2 William MacDonald District number 3 District number 4 District number 5 Raymond Rougeau Brent Parkinson Normand Marsan ext. 7101 and leave a message. District number 6 Jacqueline Zara .5. M E E T I N G S E C T I O N .01. E L E C T O R A L M A P !#$" " .6. S E C T I O N % #%$ #$ On July 13th 1799, The Township of Rawdon was officially proclaimed and delimited. Why the name ‘’Rawdon’’? There are two hypotheses: First, in honour of Lord Francis Rawdon, Count of Moira and Marquis of Hastings. The second attribution of the name may have derived from a village, town or district in England. .01. In 1824, Rawdon numbered 475 souls, of whom 75% were of Irish origin. Towards 1844, the majority of the population was Francophone. It was a time of growth where industries and businesses started to appear. In 1919, Rawdon was divided into the Township and the Village of Rawdon. Shortly after World War I, attracted by our charming countryside, Russian, Hungarian, Polish, Ukrainian, Czechoslovakian and German families established themselves here, much to our cultural and economic enrichment. Ever since, Rawdon has been recognized as a small community embracing a world of different nations. Indeed, members of more than 40 ethnic groups live together in Rawdon. The Municipality is very proud of this cultural mosaic that characterizes and distinguishes it from other municipalities. On May 28 th , 1998, following a decree adopted by the Quebec government, the new municipality of Rawdon was created by the merger of the Township and the Village of Rawdon. Sources : Rawdon : 175 ans d’histoire, Marcel Fournier, Édition 1974. Une bien belle histoire, Gérard Brady, Édition 1987. Rawdon, my village, Gérard Brady, Édition 1995. What does the logo of Rawdon represent ? The Municipality of Rawdon was born of the merger of the Township and the Village of Rawdon. The new logo unites the three elements that symbolize our milieu: water, sun and nature. Blue : Our many waterfalls. Green : The importance of our forest and natural surroundings. Yellow : Our warm welcome .7. A B I T O F H I S T O R Y S E C T I O N .01. M U N I C I P A L I T Y .8. !## %#$%$ $% " # Rawdon abounds in natural beauty and charming spots that make it such a unique place where present and future Rawdoners can make their home. A good quality of life is offered through the many available municipal services as well as the major housing projects currently under development. Rawdon, which is part of the Lanaudière region, is also a service hub for the MRC de Matawinie and a tourist centre offering direct access to natural surroundings and an attractive quality of life. Population in 2013 : 10 626 Area km2 : 193 km2 Inhabitant name : Rawdonnoise, Rawdonnois Real estate wealth in 2012 : $ 1,020,309,159 2013 Annual Budget : $ 13,946,852 $%!"% TOWN HALL OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday : ....................................................................8 am to noon and 1 pm to 4 pm 3647, Queen Street - Rawdon (Québec) J0K 1S0 Telephone : ........................................................................................................................450 834-2596 Fax :.....................................................................................................................................450 834-3031 Internet site : Outside of regular office hours, in case of a municipal emergency, please call 450 834-2596 and press 8 ALICE-QUINTAL MUNICIPAL LIBRARY HOURS HOURS Monday Regular schedule Closed Summer schedule (from June 25th to Labour Day) Closed Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 pm to 5 pm /6 pm to 8.30 pm 1 pm to 5 pm /6 pm to 8.30 pm closed 1 pm to 5 pm /6 pm to 8.30 pm 1 pm to 5 pm /6 pm to 8.30 pm 1 pm to 5 pm /6 pm to 8.30 pm 1 pm to 5 pm /6 pm to 8.30 pm 1 pm to 5 pm /6 pm to 8.30 pm Saturday Sunday 9.30 am to noon /1 pm to 4 pm 1 pm to 4 pm 9.30 am to noon /1 pm to 4 pm 1 pm to 4 pm .9. S E C T I O N .01. M U N I C I P A L I T Y S E C T I O N .01. M U N I C I P A L I T Y $%!"% Alice - Quintal municipal library.................................................................................... ext. 7162 Animal Control...................................................................................................................ext. 7101 Citizen Relations................................................................................................................ext. 7101 Evaluation & Taxation ......................................................................................................ext. 7115 Finance Department ........................................................................................................ext. 7113 Fire Department - administration .................................................................................ext. 7140 General information........................................................................................................ext. 7100 Mayor’s office ....................................................................................................................ext. 7114 Public Works .....................................................................................................................ext. 7120 Recreation & Culture ....................................................................................................... ext. 7160 Town Clerk ........................................................................................................................ ext. 7108 Town Manager’s office ...................................................................................................ext. 7106 Town Planning and Development ................................................................................ext. 7102 Do you wish to receive the municipal bulletin ‘’Le Rawdonnois’’ by Internet ? If so, you can now register on the municipality’s website : .10. "! ! Alice-Quintal Municipal Library The municipal library was founded in 1979 and, today, carries the name of its founding member, Mrs. Alice Quintal. This grande dame of Rawdon, worked tirelessly as a volunteer and, at present, is still involved with the library team. The library offers its members a collection of over 20,000 books, documents, magazines and audio documents. The Community Internet Access Centre (CIAC) is situated at the library and is equipped with 4 computers, providing free internet access. The Alice-Quintal library is also a Wi-Fi environment, allowing a greater number of users to access high speed internet network from their personal equipment. A working team of professionals, technicians and skilled personnel are supported by some twenty (20) volunteers who hustle and bustle to offer the population this free and high quality service. Members are invited to a range of monthly activities such as, expositions, workshops, book clubs, conferences and many more. Director : Chantal Émard .................................................................................................................................................. General administration The General administration team is responsible for the overall management of the Municipality (direction, development, administration). It promotes and maintains ties between the municipal council and the administrative team. The Town Manager is the chief executive officer of the Municipality and works under the authority of the municipal council. Along with the heads of the different administrative departments, they form the administrative team. The General administration plans, organizes, leads and coordinates all of the municipal services. The Town Manager’s role is to manage human resources in collaboration with the Town Clerk; prepare the budget; to plan the capital assets program; to analyze and apply draft regulations; to implement the policies and decisions of the Council in addition to submitting recommendations on the general administration of the Municipality. Town Manager and Secretary-Treasurer : André B. Boisvert .................................................................................................................................................. Finance Department The head of the Finance Department is also the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer and has the mission of securing the sound management of the municipality’s financial resources. This department establishes administrative controls and oversees their application; coordinates the annual budget and monitors spending throughout the fiscal year. In addition, the Finance Department prepares the annual and supplementary tax bills; is responsible for the collection of public monies; manages all accounting and payroll processing; takes care of short-term loans, long-term debt and their respective financing. To ensure the harmony of the overall state of municipal financial affairs, the department works with each of the other municipal branches of service on a daily basis and reports to the General administration. All questions regarding municipal property evaluations must be directed to the Evaluation Department of the MRC de Matawinie : Director : Georges Robitaille .11. S E C T I O N .01. M U N I C I P A L S E R V I C E S S E C T I O N .01. M U N I C I P A L "%! ! Town Clerk The office of the Town Clerk is at the centre of municipal council meetings for which it is the general secretariat. It also provides the legal and administrative support vital to the holding of these meetings and the subsequent follow-ups. It is responsible for the drafting of bylaws; issues public notices as required by the law and obtains regulatory approval of bylaws and resolutions when necessary. During municipal elections and referendums, it presides over voting procedures. In addition, it provides for the smooth running of registration procedures. This department manages all municipal administrative documents, archives and oversees legal and insurance claims. The Town Clerk, in collaboration with the Town Manager supervises the management of the municipality’s human resources. Director : Me Caroline Asselin ................................................................................................................................................ Recreation and Culture S E R V I C E S The Department of Recreation and Culture is responsible for a number of different activities, and, in close partnership with local organizations and resources, works to offer the citizens of Rawdon quality programming of recreational, sports and cultural activities and events. Maintenance of the municipal parks, management of the Tourist Information Centre as well as the planning and organizing of the summer day camp are all part of its responsibilities. A team of permanent and part-time staff members as well as numerous volunteers, students and specialized contract employees help this department in fulfilling its mandate. Director : Elyse Bellerose Director of cultural activities : Isabelle Ménard ................................................................................................................................................ Town Planning and Development The Town Planning and Development Department’s mandate is to ensure the congruent use of land in the urban, rural and resort sectors of the municipality, and this, in consultation with the public and different stakeholders. A team of professionals and technicians oversee the management of all of the aspects of such planning and work to make sure that town planning bylaws are respected. This department is responsible for the environment as well as for the follow-up of requests and complaints pertaining to nuisances and town planning. It is also where you can obtain all the necessary permits and certificates for your construction projects. Director : Rémi Racine .12. " ! ! Citizen Relations The Department of Citizen Relations has the mandate of providing quality front-line service to the population of Rawdon. Its main responsibilities are customer service, handling information inquiries, activity registrations and the collection of taxes and certain fees. The receipt and processing of various citizens’ requests falls under the responsibility of this department. It is also responsible for all municipal “communications”. It develops and implements policies and tools for consultations, internal and external communications such as “Le Rawdonnois”. It handles media relations as well as the promotion of Rawdon’s image. It is chief of protocol for all official events. The Animal Control Service works under the supervision of the Department of Citizen Relations. Director : Mireille Guilbeault .................................................................................................................................................... S E C T I O N .01. M U N I C I P A L Fire Department The Fire Department has the mandate of saving the lives and protecting the property of the citizens of Rawdon. In addition to its traditional role of firefighting and emergency response, this department, made up of more than twenty part-time firefighters, places a high priority on prevention, public education and community service in order to reduce the risks in its fields of intervention throughout the Municipality of Rawdon. Acting Director : Hugo-Pierre Leblanc .................................................................................................................................................... Public Works The Public Works Department’s mandate is to provide services to the population connected to the municipal infrastructure and must see to its operation, functioning and maintenance. Municipal infrastructure is divided into various networks, including : • Municipal roads - road signs - streetlights; • Snow removal; • Aqueduct (water filtration stations and distribution network); • Sanitary sewer (networks, pumping stations and sewage treatment); • Storm sewer (networks) • It also oversees the 3-way waste collection (household residues-recycling-composting) The design and implementation of municipal projects related to these public networks, such as their construction, installation or repair, fall under the responsibility of this department. Director : Hugo Lebreux .13. S E R V I C E S S E C T I O N .02. T O U R I S T A T T R A C T I O N S .14. "%"%#$ #%"##"# $ PARKS AND GREEN SPACES Graced by nature, Rawdon has many parks and green spaces in various sectors of the municipality. RAWDON PLACE facing Town Hall, offers a spectacular view of Rawdon Lake from the heart of the village. It is a meeting place for the population during various activities. JARDIN DE LA ROSERAIE is located on 6th Avenue. Here, there is also an exceptional view of Rawdon Lake that is enhanced by the beauty of the park’s rose gardens. This park invites you to relax. Numerous activities are held there in summertime. 1 KILDARE PARK can be found on Muriel Street and offers a variety of playground equipment, for children 18 months to 12 years of age. MIGALI PARK sits on J.-E. Burton Street and Finlayson Street and offers numerous modular play structures, for children 18 months to 12 years of age. LAJEUNESSE STREET PARK is equipped with a few modular play structures for the children. 2 OPTIMIST PARK is situated on 3 rd Avenue and offers different modular play structures. NICHOL PARK is located on 8 t h Avenue and is outfitted with a children’s playground, a picnic area, petanque lanes, a basketball court, a lighted baseball field and a snack bar. 3 DONALD STEWART PARK located on Henri Street, offers lighted baseball and soccer fields and is also equipped with a playground to amuse young athletes and spectators. SKATE PARK a favourite among teenagers, sits at the corner of 4th Avenue and Metcalfe Street. For skateboarding fans. TENNIS COURTS found on 8th Avenue, our two lighted tennis courts were completely refurbished in 2008. 4 1. Migali Park 2. Optimist Park 3. Nichol Park 4. Tennis courts BICYCLE PATH There are 6 kilometres of bicycle paths in the heart of the municipality, not to mention the many kilometres of roads waiting to be discovered. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO PETS ARE ALLOWED ON MUNICIPAL SITES OR PARKS. .15. S E C T I O N .02. T O U R I S T A T T R A C T I O N S S E C T I O N !!"# $%"%$ # #! TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE The Tourist Information Centre of Rawdon is located at 3102, 1st Avenue, at the entrance of Dorwin Falls Park. During their stopover, visitors can take advantage of the helpful services of finding accommodations, help with their itinerary, tips on things to do and see and much more. .02. The Centre is open daily, beginning the weekend prior to the Fête Nationale holiday and right through till Labour Day. It is open, weekends only, from mid-May to mid-June and then again from early September to mid-October. ......................................................................................................... T O U R I S T DORWIN FALLS PARK, CASCADES PARK AND THE MUNICIPAL BEACH The Municipality of Rawdon is very proud to offer its citizens and numerous visitors three magnificent attractions. For residents of Rawdon, access to these sites is free of charge. Visitors benefit from the ‘’one bracelet - 3 attractions’’ concept, which means that when they pay the admission fee at one site, their bracelet allows them access to all 3 sites for the whole day. A T T R A C T I O N S Rates (subject to change) : • Resident : free • Child non-resident (0 to 6 yrs) : free • Youth non-resident (7 to 14 yrs) : $ 3.00 • Adult non-resident (15 yrs and over) : $5.00 • Bus and minibus : $ 50.00 per day, per vehicle ......................................................................................................... Dorwin Falls Park Schedule and access The park is open daily from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., beginning the weekend prior to the Fête Nationale holiday right through till Labour Day. It is open, weekends only, from mid-May to mid-June and then again from early September to mid-October. Swimming is prohibited Access via Routes 125 and 337. Address : 3102, 1st Avenue .16. There are hiking trails and a waterfall to discover. In Rawdon, on the banks of the Ouareau River, sits the picturesque landmark of Dorwin Falls, just waiting to be discovered. Come and let the magic of the Indian legend of Nipissingue the sorcerer enchant you. These magnificent falls, measuring 18 metres in height and surrounded by a lush forest, are seen by thousands of tourists each year. On site services : • Parking • Picnic area • Ash disposal (BBQ) • 4 observation decks • 3 km of ecological trails • Washrooms S E C T I O N NIPISSINGUE, the Indian sorcerer with a head of stone Source : Henri Tellier (résumé) Indian legend Many moons ago, there lived in the Algonquin hunting grounds, an old Indian sorcerer, the wicked and all-powerful Nipissingue. Very cunning, able and evil, he coveted the Look for billboards lovely Hiawhitha and none dared oppose him. identifying the “Les Unfortunately for the sorcerer, Hiawhitha was deeply Christian and chemins de campagne” had taken vows to become a nun. Daughter of a chief, tradition did network members and not allow her to refuse marriage, but she had the right to choose her discover the gourmet treasures of Lanaudière. own husband. Desperate, she decided to give her heart to Arondack, the sworn enemy of Nipissingue. Whereupon, the sorcerer then launched the Algonquins on the warpath. Nipissingue counted on the fate of the battle to get rid of Arondack… He judged well: Arondack, fatally wounded, made it back to his wigwam. Hiawhitha, the tribe’s healer, sat at his bedside and nursed him. One day, missing some plants, Hiawhitha made her way to the steep precipice at Dorwin. There at the bottom, where a thin rivulet of water trickled, grew a few sarsaparilla roots. In hot pursuit of his prey, Nipissingue sees her and enraged flung himself on her, thereby throwing her into the ravine. Just as Hiawhitha’s body touched the thin rivulet of water, a loud thunderclap reverberated through the gorge and Hiawhitha’s long, white linen robe turned into a magnificent waterfall. Nipissingue, stupefied, stopped and was transformed into stone by the Great Manitou, thus condemned for Schedule and access The park is open daily eternity to hear Hiawhitha’s triumphant song of victory. from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., beginning the weekend Cascades Park prior to the Fête Nationale An oasis… holiday right through till Labour Day. for rest, relaxation and even a picnic. It is open, weekends only, We invite you to let yourself be carried away by the sound of rushing from mid-May to mid-June water streaming down the rocks at the fabulous Cascades Park. and then again from Located on the Ouareau River, upstream from Pontbriand Lake, its early September to mid-October. numerous cascades will delight lovers of sun and fresh air. Swimming is prohibited. On site services Access via Route 341 • Snack bar • Picnic areas • BBQ (Pontbriand Blvd) • Rental of non-motorized watercrafts Address : • Boat launch and sale of daily sticker • Washrooms • Parking 6669, Pontbriand Blvd. .17. .02. T O U R I S T A T T R A C T I O N S S E C T I O N !!"# $%"%$ # #! Municipal Beach The Municipal Beach of Rawdon is one of the most beautiful natural settings of this region. This beach is on the edge of Rawdon Lake and its natural slope of fine sand gives way to a cable bounded swimming area (approximately 1.8 metres deep and 138 metres wide). .02. T O U R I S T A T T R A C T I O N S Schedule and access The beach is open daily from 9 am to 8 pm, beginning the weekend prior to the Fête Nationale holiday right through till Labour Day. Access via Route 337, on 8th Avenue, minutes away from Queen Street. Address : 3304, 8th Avenue On site services • Supervised swimming • Canoe, kayak and paddleboat rental • Beach volleyball • Picnic areas • Snack bar • Washrooms • Parking • Close to Nichol Park ......................................................................................................... Our skating rinks and sliding hill Skating on Rawdon Lake, toboggan hill and skating rinks Beach Chalet opening hours (Weather permitting) : Daily from 9 am to 10 pm, from the end of December to early March. Skating rinks Next to the Beach Chalet, you will find two lighted skating rinks. In general, one is designated for leisure skating while the other for hockey. There is room for everyone. Starting in January You will have the pleasure of gliding on the magnificent icy corridor skating paths on Rawdon Lake. Sliding The Municipal Beach offers a wonderful place for sliding with groomed sliding and uphill corridors. Don’t forget your toboggans and Crazy Carpets. .18. S E C T I O N #!%"! $% #!!# You will find in Rawdon a multitude of recreational and tourist activities : Nature and outdoor activities (summer) .02. • Walking trails • Beach • Golf • Aerial obstacle courses • Spa and Nordic baths • Tennis • Bicycle path • Parks • Horseback riding • Aquatic activities Nature and outdoor activities (winter) • Outdoor skating rinks • Snowmobiling • 4 Wheeling • Snowshoeing • Dog Sledding • Alpine and cross-country skiing • Snowboarding • Sliding • Spa and nordic baths Local products (agrotourism) • Honey • Jams • Strawberry wine • Chocolate • Bison meat and products Heritage and culture • Catholic Church • United Church • Anglican Church • Russian Orthodox Churches • Russian cemetery • Royal Canadian Legion ....................................................................................................................................................... Rawdon Multiethnic Centre (CIM) The Rawdon Multiethnic Centre is dedicated exclusively to intercultural relations, in all of their forms. In this regard, the CIM offers the public a museum with a permanent collection of artefacts that were donated over the years by the members of the 40 different nationalities that make up the population of Rawdon. The Centre has a year-round calendar of events including art exhibitions and live music concerts of the highest calibre. There are thematic dinners with invited musical guests,draws and singing, all taking place in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Oktoberfest is a favourite. Reservations by voicemail : 450 834-3334 (please leave your name and telephone number) or on our internet website : Opening hours : Concerts : one Sunday every month at 2:30 pm Tickets : member $ 16 - non member $ 20 Vernissages: one Sunday every second month. Free admission Museum and exhibitions : Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 pm to 4 pm (weekdays by appointment) .19. T O U R I S T A T T R A C T I O N S S E C T I O N #!%"! $% #!!# .02. T O U R I S T Russian cemetery Located on Woodland Street at the corner of 15th Avenue, this cemetery has been in existence for over 40 years. It began as a cemetery uniquely devoted to Russian soldiers. Our Lady of Kazan Russian Orthodox Church 3836, Sunshine Street A T T R A C T I O N S St-Patrick Church (Catholic) 3763, Queen Street Mid Laurentian/ United Church 3253, 4th Avenue .20. Christ Church /Anglican 3569, Metcalfe Street St-Seraphim, Russian Orthodox Church 3495, 15th Avenue "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) The following information is the responsibility of many municipal services. For additional information please contact the relevant department by dialing 450 834-2596, followed by the corresponding extension. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS EXT. 7102 In all cases, there must be a main building on the lot in order to add accessory buildings, except in mining zones or for agricultural purposes. Accessory buildings must never, and in any way, be used to store products that are flammable, toxic or malodorous, in any manner whatsoever for the neighbourhood. They must not serve to house animals, except in zones A1, A2, F and V2 (Canton sector), nor serve as a house, except in cases of hotels and motels and vacation camps (Canton sector). On the territory of the Municipality of Rawdon, only siding materials recognized for use as exterior finish are authorized. The following materials are specifically forbidden : • Tarred paper and asphalt paper that imitate brick or stone; • Non pre-painted metal sheets; • Uncovered concrete blocks except masonry units with faceted grooves; • Chipboard panels and painted particle boards, except for accessory buildings; • Insulators (urethane, styrofoam, etc.); • Drawings, murals, paintings; • Fibreglass; • Wood finishes unprotected from adverse weather conditions with paint, creosote, varnish, oil or any Penthox® equivalent product, except for cedar wood which can be left natural. ................................................................................................................................................... VILLAGE SECTOR - RESIDENTIAL ZONE Dimensions : Maximum 85 m2 (915 ft2) Area : • For a lot smaller than 2648 m2 (28,503 ft2) the total area of all accessory buildings must not exceed 10% of the size of the property; • For a lot larger than 2648 m2 (28,503 ft2) the total area of all accessory buildings must not exceed 185 m2 (1991 ft2). Maximum height : 4,5 m (15 ft) or same architectural style and height as the main building. Layout (minimum distances) • Distance from the main building and any other building : 3 m (10 ft); • In the lateral yard : 2 m (6.6 ft) from the boundary line; • In the back margin : 1 m (3.3 ft) from the back and lateral boundaries of the property. .21. S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) VILLAGE SECTOR - COMMERCIAL ZONE Area : • The total area of all accessory buildings must not exceed 10% of the total area of the property. Height : Two (2) floors maximum or 9 m (29.6 ft) without exceeding the height of the main building. Layout (minimum distances) • Distance from the main building and any other building : 2 m (6.6 ft); • In the lateral yard : 3 m (10.2 ft) from the boundary line ; • In the back margin : 2 m (6.6 ft) from the back and lateral boundaries of the property. CANTON SECTOR Location : In the front yard, if it can be totally located outside an area corresponding to the projection of the main building's facade perpendicularly with the front line, in the lateral and back yards. Area : The total area of all accessory buildings must not exceed 7 % of the total area of the property, but must not exceed the area of the main building. Maximum height : 5 m (16.5 ft) or same architectural style and height as the house, but the height of the walls cannot exceed 3.7 m (12.2 ft). Layout (minimum distances) • Distance from main building : 3 m (9.9 ft); • In the front yard : outside the lateral margin prescribed for the zone; • In the lateral yard : 2 m (6.6 ft) from the boundary line in zone R1, R2, R3, RM1 and RM2 or 3 m (9.9 ft) in the other zones ; • In the back yard : 1 m (3.3 ft) from the back and lateral boundaries of the property. Number of accessory buildings allowed: maximum of three (3) accessory buildings allowed per property. ............................................................................................................................................... ACCESS TO THE LAKES (RAWDON AND PONTBRIAND) / BOATS EXT. 7115 Rawdon Lake : Residents can launch their boat on this lake – only non-motorized or electric motor boats are permitted. The gate at Rawdon Lake is open daily from 9 am to 7 pm, from the weekend prior to the Fête Nationale holiday until Labour Day. Pontbriand Lake : The only authorized access is at Cascades Park and it is open from Victoria Day weekend to Thanksgiving Day. Before launching your boat, you must obtain an annual vignette for all 10 HP motors or larger. This vignette must be placed in a visible spot on the front right side of the boat. Rawdon residents must obtain it at Town Hall at the rate provided in the by-law concerning tariffs at that period. Before presenting yourself at Town Hall, make sure to have the following documents on hand: license issued for the boat in accordance with the Small Vessel Regulation or the certificate of registration of the said boat, as well as a proof of residency. Visitors must obtain a daily vignette, at the current price, directly at the Cascades Park. ............................................................................................................................................... ALICE-QUINTAL LIBRARY EXT. 7162 Registration Free for Rawdon residents, upon presentation of an identity card and proof of residency. Children 14 years and under : The registration card must be signed by a parent or guardian. .22. "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) Loan • Maximum of 5 documents. • No more than two new releases per user. • No loan without the library card. • Duration of the loan : 21 days. Any lost or damaged document must be reimbursed along with administration fees. A book drop located on the right side of Town Hall's entrance allows you to return documents at all times. Renewal Loans can be renewed (21 days) at the library with the documents or through Internet with the PIN (maximum of two renewals for the same document). • No renewals without the documents and the library card. • No renewals by phone. • Reserved or late documents cannot be renewed. Activities A full program of activities is offered : story hours, lectures, breakfast meetings, workshops, exhibits and others. Program details are available at the library. C.I.A.C. Four computers with high speed Internet access are available to users. The library also offers Wi-Fi services. Photocopying services are subject to certain costs. Service The operations and services of the library are made The library receives possible through the collaboration of employees and f u n d i n g f r o m t h e ministry. a group of volunteers. Even though the library is located in the basement of Town Hall, it is accessible to mobilityimpaired persons as well as people with walkers. A code of conduct was adopted in December 2011 in order to regulate the use of the library by its members. A copy is available on our website, at the library and at the Reception desk. ................................................................................................................................................... AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE or PERMIT IS NECESSARY (BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO) EXT. 7102 • To build • To expand • To remove or demolish a building • To improve or modify a building • To replace a door, a window, or the exterior siding, etc • To install a chimney • To add an accessory building (garage, shed, hangar, greenhouse) • To install any type of swimming pool • To build a patio, deck, an outdoor terrace; • To renovate the interior of a house • To subdivide a piece of land • To run a sandpit, gravel pit or quarry • To open a campground • To install or replace a septic facility • To cut a tree • To modify the use of land or building • To operate a business in a residential or commercial zone (e.g. office, hairdressing salon, etc) • Put up or alter a sign • To perform work on a riparian strip • To install a dock • Etc. .23. S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S "#%$%"! #$%$ AQUEDUCT NETWORK FLUSHING (policies and regulations) EXT. 7120 This operation is usually done once or twice every year in spring and fall. An information notice is mailed to all citizens who may be affected. ............................................................................................................................................... BURNING PERMIT EXT. 7100 OR 7115 A permit is required : • To burn any pile of wood, branches, underbrush or other; • To light a bonfire on special occasions. The permit is free of charge and valid for a limited time. Please plan ahead and obtain your fire permit at the Reception desk at Town Hall during regular office hours. A permit is not required : • To light a fire in a fireproof container (metal barrel, stone, brick or metal fireplace with a spark guard cover) within a distance of at least 5 m (16.4 ft) from any construction and from any property lines. The materials that can be burned are wood, leaves or grass. At all times, the fire and smoke must not inconvenience the neighbourhood. Certain conditions must be respected : The materials to be burned must be in heaps or rows (maximum area of 0.7 m2 (7.6 ft2) and at a safe distance to ensure the protection of any buildings, trees, woodlots or neighbouring construction. • Someone must attend the fire until it is completely extinguished; • At all times, you must have in your possession means to control and extinguish the fire. It is forbidden to burn : • Any residual construction materials; • Any household garbage, wood products, plastics, rubber, etc; • When meteorological conditions of wind or drought could cause a fire to spread unexpectedly. Any property owner or occupant, with or without a burning permit, is responsible for damages caused by a fire. ............................................................................................................................................... CHANGE OF ADDRESS EXT. 7115 If you move, please notify us as soon as possible by mail, phone, e-mail at the following address or at our offices. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify the Municipality of any change of address. We will forward your new address to our appraiser at the MRC de Matawinie. ............................................................................................................................................... CHIMNEY EXT. 7140 Prevent chimney fires by cleaning and having your chimney inspected at least once a year by a professional chimney sweep. ............................................................................................................................................... CIVIC NUMBER EXT. 7102 In order to identify your house correctly, especially for emergency reasons, each main building must be identified by its respective building number. The numbers identifying the building must be at least 10.1 cm (4 in) high and visible at all times. The building number must be placed on the front side of the main building. However, when the main building is located more than 30 m (98.43 ft) away from the right-of-way's limit, the number must be placed at the entrance of the property, so as to be visible from the street. .24. "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION, REPAIR AND EXPANSION EXT. 7102 Every construction, renovation, repair or expansion project requires a certificate of authorization. It is forbidden to start any work without obtaining the applicable permit. The permit is valid for a period of twelve (12) months following the date of issue. Otherwise, no permit or certificate of authorization is required for regular and normal maintenance of the construction such as minor repairs, painting and decorating, provided that such work does not entail any changes in the size, volume, or shape of the construction, the number of rooms, the number of apartments or the surfacing materials. ................................................................................................................................................... DEMOLITION OF A BUILDING EXT. 7102 No one can demolish all or part of a construction or building without first obtaining an authorization certificate to that effect. ................................................................................................................................................... FENCES, PARAPET WALLS, HEDGES EXT. 7102 VILLAGE SECTOR Metal, stone, brick, plastic, vinyl or concrete fences or parapet walls are authorized on the territory of the Municipality. They must be clean, well-maintained and safe. Distance : They must be located at a minimum distance of 1 m (3.3 ft) from the right-of-way's limit. Height : • In the front yard : Maximum 1 m (3.3 ft) • In the lateral and back yards: Maximum 1.5 m (4.9 ft) Corner or transverse lot : Please validate with the department. Snow fence : Permitted from October 15th to May 15th. CANTON SECTOR Fences, parapet walls and hedges are permitted in all yards and margins. The parapet walls must be made of masonry, brick, clay or concrete covered by plaster, stones or made of split face concrete blocks. Distance : They must be located at a minimum distance of 0.5 m (1.7 ft) from the right-of-way's limit and 1.5 m (4.9 ft) in the industrial zones. Height : In the front margin : • Fence, parapet wall. Maximum 1.3 m (4.3 ft) • Hedge : Maximum 2 m (6.6 ft) • In the lateral and back yards : Maximum 2 m (6.6 ft) • Corner or transverse lot : Please validate with the department. Snow fence : Permitted from October 15th to May 15th. ................................................................................................................................................... FIREARMS EXT. 7102 The use of a firearm is prohibited in public places. It is also forbidden to use a firearm, air gun, bow or cross bow within 150 m (492.2 ft) of any house or building on the territory of Rawdon. .25. S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) GARAGE SALES EXT. 7100 Garage sales are a fast and convenient way to get rid of items or clothing and an opportunity for passers-by to discover little treasures! In order to respect peace and quality of life, the Municipality has provided a by-law that establishes the modalities of garage sales. Thus, garage sales are allowed only during the two following weekends : • Victoria Day weekend in May • The fourth weekend of August No permit or fees are required to hold a garage sale. In case of rain, the authorized weekends for garage sales cannot be moved to another date in the calendar. They are simply cancelled. ............................................................................................................................................... GROUNDWATER CATCHMENT (WELL PERMIT) EXT. 7102 A certificate of authorization is mandatory for the excavation of a new well. A plan showing the location of the well and the septic facilities, as well as those of your neighbours, where applicable, must be provided when applying for a permit. ............................................................................................................................................... HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD WASTE (HHW) INFO : MRC DE MATAWINIE 450 834-5441, EXT. 7034 Centre for the Transfer of Hazardous Household Waste (HHW) 2101, Adélaïde Street, every Friday from 10 am to 4 pm, from May to September and the third Friday in the month of October. OTHER PLACES WHERE YOU CAN DISPOSE OF : Paint and paint containers (empty or not) Éco-peinture at - 514 426-0880 RONA, Co-op, Matériaux à bas prix, Patrick-Morin and HHW Centre Used oils and oil containers (empty or not) and filters Société de gestion des huiles usagées (SOGHU) at or 1 877 987-6448 Companies : Canadian Tire, Mr. Muffler and Octo Rechargeable batteries The HHW Centre, Alice-Quintal Municipal Library, La Source and other stores participating in The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) at Medicines : In most pharmacies Recovery of vehicles : The Kidney Foundation at 514 325-7346 Old cell phones : Alice-Quintal Municipal Library ............................................................................................................................................... INTRUDER AND/OR FIRE ALARMS EXT. 7150 A statement of offence is automatically issued to the owner of the property concerned as of the second (2 nd ) false alarm, on account of disruptions or malfunctioning, within a consecutive period of twelve (12) months and causing the displacement of an emergency service. .26. "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) MARGINS AND YARDS EXT. 7102 Village Sector S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D Canton Sector .................................................................................................................................................... NUISANCE TO PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PROPERTY EXT. 7102 Constitutes a nuisance by anyone occupying a property, to deposit, leave, throw away, place or allow to be deposited or left on such a property : ash, trash, steel scrap metal, paper, piles and scatterings of wood, household waste, empty bottles, rubbish, any kind of scrap, foul smelling substances, wrecked cars and any other type of vehicle, parts or debris of cars and any other type of vehicle, dead animals, refuse, all out-of-order equipment, all other unhealthy or harmful substances. We remind you that owners or tenants of a vacant lot must ensure to keep the lot clean. Spaces must be free of brush, weeds, debris, etc. .27. R E G U L A T I O N S S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) OPENING AND CLOSING OF AQUEDUCT VALVES EXT. 7120 To take advantage of this service, requests must be made to the Department of Public Works and should include the address and telephone number of the property in question. Please note that the owner or a designated person must be present for the opening of the valves. Only municipal employees are allowed to handle the service boxes. ................................................................................................................................................... OVERNIGHT PARKING EXT. 7120 Parking on the street is forbidden between 11 pm and 7 am, from November 1st to April 5th of each year, throughout the municipality. ................................................................................................................................................... PETS - DOGS EXT. 7101 Any resident who keeps a dog inside the limits of the Municipality must obtain a license for the animal. This license is valid for one year, from January 1st to December 31st of every year, at the rate provided in the by-law concerning tariffs. This license is available at the Town Hall reception. Moreover, it is important to respect the following: • No person shall keep more than three dogs; • The guardian of a dog must also ensure the animal does not disturb the peace by barking and howling; • The guardian of an animal can't let it run at large in public places or on any private property without the consent of the owner or the tenant of the said property; • The owner or guardian of the animal must keep it on a leash in public places and must immediately pick up the pet's droppings from any public place or private property, and must dispose of it in a hygienic manner. ................................................................................................................................................... POOLS EXT. 7102 We remind you that the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation (RSQ, c S-3.1.02 a. 1, 2e al.), came into effect on July 22nd 2010. Any owner of an in-ground, semi in-ground, above ground or temporary pool, acquired after the coming into effect of this regulation, must respect the new regulation that principally concerns controlling access to the pool in order to prevent the risk of drowning unfortunately, all too frequent among our young children. For more information on this regulation, we invite you to consult our Internet site as well as the site of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy at : Do not forget that the installation of any pool (in-ground, semi in-ground, above ground or temporary) requires a permit. .28. "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) PROMOTIONAL ITEMS EXT. 7115 In order to promote Rawdon, we offer different promotional items: Christmas cards, post cards, pens and pencils, key chains, lanyards, photo stands, caps, t-shirts, polo shirts, fleeces, and nylon vests. You can purchase all of these articles at the Reception desk. ................................................................................................................................................... PUBLIC LIGHTING NETWORK EXT. 7120 If you notice a street light that is not working, please notify the Department of Public Works and give, if possible, the closest address to the defective light post. ................................................................................................................................................... RESIDUAL MATERIALS EXT. 7120 The Municipality of Rawdon offers its citizens a three-way (3) collection service of residual materials, i. e. : recycling, composting and household waste for landfill. S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D Three-way (3) collection • The garbage containers should be placed on your property, 1 m (3.3 ft) from the roadside, never on the street. • Put your garbage bags, cans or other containers out only on pickup mornings. • Only containers on wheels may be put out the night before. Schedule for residences Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday depending in which residential sector you live (a map is available on our website or at the Municipality). Residual material pickup takes place once a week, in the following manner : ALTERNATELY - ONE WEEK HOUSEHOLD WASTE, THE FOLLOWING WEEK RECYCLING AND COMPOSTING. * During holidays, the regular schedule is usually maintained The blue and brown garbage containers (recycling and composting) are provided by the company responsible for this service. They are assigned to the civic property number and may not be moved. The green container (or any other color), used for disposal of household waste, is not provided by the company. .29. R E G U L A T I O N S S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) Cumbersome items - call 450 882-9186 option ♯ 2 The collection of these materials is performed once a month during the first full week of household waske pickup. You must place the items by the side of the road. This service is free of charge. The materials accepted are: electric household appliances, mattresses, bicycles, BBQs, hot water tanks, television sets, furniture, etc. Not permitted : tires, boats, docks, demolition and construction materials, earth, carcasses or parts of vehicles. Ecocentre The Ecocentre is where citizens can dispose of certain objects : Free of charge : cumbersome items, raked materials, branches maximum 10 cm in diameter (4 in), any other piece of metal coming from a motorized vehicle. With charge : construction and demolition materials, tires on rims. Summer schedule (April 1st to October 31st) • Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm. Ecocentre - Municipality of Rawdon • Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm. Address: 3269, Metcalfe Street Winter schedule (November 1st to March 31st) Telephone: 450 834-5065 • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday : From 9 am to 4 pm. ................................................................................................................................................... RIPARIAN ZONES EXT. 7102 If you plan to undertake any type of work near a lake or watercourse, please be advised that any form of construction or work on the shoreline or in the littoral zone is prohibited (ex. clearing of the bank, digging, channelling, filling, building a dike, etc.) It is, however, possible to create a path leading to the water and to install a dock, as long as you obtain a certificate of authorization from the Municipality. The shoreline is a strip of land that borders lakes and watercourses and extends inland from the high water mark. From a regulatory standpoint, the shoreline measures a minimum of 10 meters (32.9 ft) to 15 meters (49.3 ft) depending on the bank height and slope. Littoral Zone ALL REFERENCES AND PRACTICES NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER UNDERSTANDING OF THE SHORELINE AND LITTORAL ZONE REGULATIONS CAN BE FOUND ON THE MUNICIPALITY’S WEBSITE. .30. "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) The naturalization of shorelines is mandatory for all lake and riverside residents in 2013. As such, it is prohibited to cut the grass, clear the undergrowth or intervene in any way along all lake and watercourse shorelines, so that grasses, shrubs and trees can grow there naturally. In order to speed up the process of naturalization, you may plant this type of vegetation provided that you obtain a certificate of authorization from the Municipality prior to planting. As a lake or riverside resident, you have social responsibility to protect the common good and heritage that are our lakes and watercourses. This responsibility is reflected, among others, by the naturalization (restoration to its natural state) of your shoreline. .................................................................................................................................................... ROAD MAINTENANCE AND SNOW REMOVAL EXT. 7120 Ditches: every owner must maintain the ditch appropriately; cut the grass and pick up any litter or debris. No one can deposit, accumulate or let accumulate snow or ice on the street, sidewalks, ditches or their neighbour’s property. This ruling prevails when you remove the snow or have it removed from your entrance or parking lot by a contractor. Furthermore, it is desirable that you indicate the limits of your property through the use of marking posts at the ends lining the street. Please note that, during snow removal on public thoroughfares, the municipality can throw snow on the adjoining private properties (Municipal Powers Act). Make sure that the exits and access ways of your property are cleared at all times in order to facilitate access for emergency vehicles. .................................................................................................................................................... SEPTIC SYSTEM EXT. 7102 The Regulation respecting waste water disposal systems for dwellings Q-2, r. 22 and the Environment Quality Act determine the choice and the emplacement of septic facilities. Any person who intends to construct a building, add a room to his residence or modify a septic facility must, ahead of time, obtain a certificate of authorization from the Municipality. We remind you that the pumping of septic tanks is mandatory every two (2) years in the case of a permanent residence and every 4 years in the case of seasonal residences. Different documents, such as the technical guide on the Regulation respecting waste water disposal systems for dwellings produced by the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, are available on their website at : .31. S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S "#%$%"! #$%$ SITE PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURAL INTEGRATION PROGRAM (SPAIP) (policies and regulations) EXT. 7102 The Municipality counts among its town planning by-laws no less than five (5) regulations relating to the Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program. The latter’s primary purpose is to subject these regulations to the issuance of a building, renovation and expansion permit, a building relocation permit as well as sign and land development permits. • By-law° 508-93 • By-law n° 1000 • By-law n° 1004 • By-law n° 1007 • By-law n° 1008 : Centertown sectors ; : Val-Pontbriand sector ; : Domaine de l’Harmonie sector ; : Des Cascades sector ; : Concerning the construction of residential buildings of 4 or more units. For additional information concerning properties subject to the Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program (SPAIP) by-laws, please contact the Town Planning and Development Department. .................................................................................................................................................... SMOKE DETECTOR EXT. 7140 In accordance with the bylaw in force on the territory of the Municipality of Rawdon, at least one smoke detector must be installed on each floor of a residence or a dwelling, including the basement. The installation of the smoke detector must be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. However, you must avoid installing them in a kitchen, garage or bathroom. On each floor, the smoke detector must be installed on the ceiling of the corridor leading to the bed rooms, while on the ground floor or basement; it must be installed close to the stairs in order to intercept all the smoke. The owner, tenant or occupier of a residence or a dwelling is responsible for the proper functioning of the smoke detectors. Every year, the members of Rawdon's Fire Department visit close to 1000 dwellings to ensure the security of the occupants. The batteries of your smoke detector should be replaced every spring and fall, when the clocks are turned forward and back (Daylight Savings Time). Furthermore, when your residence is equipped with an alarm system with audible signals to sound an alert to an alarm centre outside the protected areas, we recommend that you have the functionality of your intruder/fire alarm system inspected once a year, in order to avoid any false alarms and the unnecessary displacement of the firemen and/or policemen. STORAGE OF PROPANE EXT. 7140 For security reasons, store the propane tank in a safe place, outside of the house. .32. "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) TEMPORARY CAR SHELTER EXT. 7102 Temporary car shelters are authorized from October 15 to May 15 of every year. A maximum of two (2) single temporary car shelters or one (1) double temporary car shelter are permitted per dwelling unit on the property. The structure must be made of industrial tubular metal and must be covered by a non-rigid material (flexible) of only one type and which must be clean and in good condition. Outside the prescribed period, the car shelter and its structure must be completely disassembled. ................................................................................................................................................... th TREES 10 cm (4 inches) in diameter th EXT. 7102 INSIDE THE URBAN PERIMETER A certificate of authorization is required for the cutting of a tree within the limits of the urban perimeter of the Municipality of Rawdon. The cutting of a tree will be permitted in the following circumstances: • If the tree is dead or suffering from an incurable disease; • If the tree presents a threat to public health or public safety; • If the tree can cause damages to private or public property; • If the tree makes it impossible to execute public works, a construction or a development project authorized by the Municipality. OUTSIDE THE URBAN PERIMETER A certificate of authorization is not required outside the urban perimeter for sanitary cuttings or any other type of cutting which has the effect of maintaining the pre-existing integrity of the natural woodland (except within a riparian zone). This territory is subdivided into three (3) types of zones, namely the zones where commercial logging is not permitted, the zones were commercial logging is subject to serious restrictions, and finally, the zones where logging is subject to minimal restrictions. It is forbidden to plant willows, poplars, or any other species of tree whose root development may cause damages. We invite you to contact the Department of Town Planning and Development for information about the urban perimeter. ................................................................................................................................................... WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXT. 7120 We wish to alert property owners connected to one of the sewer networks that certain nondecomposable materials are found, in large quantities and on a regular basis, in our waste water treatment plant as well as our pumping stations. In order to avoid any damage to municipal facilities and equipment, the citizens are asked to refrain from throwing away leftovers, cooking grease, disposable diapers, textiles, used oil and paint, sanitary napkins, cigarettes, plastic materials, etc, into the toilet. .33. S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S S E C T I O N .03. P O L I C I E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S "#%$%"! #$%$ (policies and regulations) USE OF DRINKING WATER ATTENTION : THE SCHEDULE HAS BEEN MODIFIED NATURE OF THE ACTIVITY TIME PERMITTED EXT. 7115 DAYS PERMITTED REQUIREMENTS Flower boxes, vegetable gardens, gardens, trees, shrubs, planters, flowerbeds At all times Monday to Sunday Hose with automatic shut-off nozzle Motor vehicles At all times Monday to Sunday Hose with automatic shut-off nozzle or wash bucket 3 am to 6 am Lawn, hedges, trees, shrubs and other plants 8 pm to 11 pm Sunday, Tuesday Sprinkler and Thursday Electronic timer .................................... system Civic numbers Movable sprinklers Tue-Thu-Sat - odd or porous pipes Wed-Fri-Sun - even New lawn (seeded or sod), planting of new trees, shrubs or new landscaping 8 pm to 11 pm 15 consecutive days Permit (visible from the street) issued by the Municipality Pool or Spa 8 pm to 6 am Monday to Sunday Hose with a maximum ¾inch diameter Any property located in an area connected to the municipal water supply and equipped with an auxiliary watering system (well, pump) will be identified with a card issued by the Municipality, after inspection. This card must be visible from the street. In the event of a water shortage or a situation that endangers public health, the Municipality can issue a notice calling on the population to limit consumption or discontinue aqueduct water use for watering purposes for the estimated period in the said notice. IMPORTANT NOTICE All dimensions and measurements are expressed in the international system of units. The equivalent in British measurement is given as information only. The information conveyed through this guide does not replace, in any way, the legal texts of the various by-laws, policies and official documents of the Municipality of Rawdon. Changes may be made at any time. .34. # ! ! ! POLICE ........................................................................Emergency : 9-1-1 / 450 310-4141 3398, Queen Street ......................................................Administration : 450 834-2578 FIRE...............................................................................................................................911 AMBULANCE................................................................................................................911 Miscellaneous Elected representatives Bell Canada Business.........................................310-7070 Residential .....................................310-2355 Federal : Francine Raynault Member of Parliament for Joliette .............................450 752-1940 436 Saint-Viateur Joliette - J6E 3B2 Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Info .....................450 834-2282 3874, Queen Street Hydro-Québec (Power Outage) ..................1 800 790-2424 (Customer Service)..............1 888 385-7252 Local Development Centre (CLD) ................................................450 834-5441 dial ...............................................................4 3184, 1st Avenue MRC Matawinie....................450 834-5441 3184, 1st Avenue Municipal Court ...................450 834-5441 dial ...............................................................6 3184, 1st Avenue Operation Red Nose .............450 756-4011 Post Office.............................450 834-3355 3589, Queen Street Rawdon Ecocentre .............450 834-5065 3269, Metcalfe Street Services-Québec ..............1 877-644-4545 450, Saint-Louis Street Joliette - J6E 2Y8 Tourism Lanaudière.............450 834-2535 3568, Church Street Provincial : Nicolas Marceau Member of the National Assembly for Rousseau.........................450 831-8979 or ...........................................800 889-4401 2450, Victoria Street - bureau #2 Sainte-Julienne - J0K 2T0 Churches Jehovah’s Witnesses............450.834-5262 2860, Route 348 Christ Church Anglican..........450.834-8013 3569, Metcalfe Street Marie-Reine-du-Monde/St-Patrick’s Church .................................450 834-2323 3759, Queen Street Russian Orthodox, Our Lady of Kazan .............514 276-8322 3836, Sunshine Street Russian Orthodox, St-Seraphim........................450 834-5843 3495, 15th Avenue Mid-Laurentian United Church ....................450 834-3580 3253, 4th Avenue .35. S E C T I O N .04. C I T I Z E N S S E R V I C E S S E C T I O N .04. C I T I Z E N S S E R V I C E S # ! ! ! Daycare Garderie Éduc-Atout ............450 834-7575 3257, 9th Avenue Garderie Tirelou .....................450 834-6118 3859, Queen Street Education Des Samares School Commission ..........................450 758-3500 4671, Principale Saint-Félix de Valois - J0K 2M0 Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier School Commission ..........................450 621-5600 235, Montée Lesage - Rosemère - J7A 4Y6 École Ste-Anne.......................450 758-3701 3790, Lac Morgan Rd. Health and nursing homes Joliette Hospital (CHRDL) ....450 759-8222 Info santé (CLSC) (Health questions) ...................................811 Poison Control....................1 800 463-5060 CHSLD Heather (long-term health care facility) ..........................450 834-3070 3931, Lakeshore Drive CHSLD Manoir Heather Lodge ................................................450 834-2512 3462, 3rd Avenue École St-Louis ........................450 758-3704 3763, Albert Street Rawdon Medical Clinic ...................................450 834-2304 / 2255 3240, 1st avenue École secondaire des Chutes .............................450 758-3749 3144, 18th Avenue CLSC Chertsey ......................450 882-2488 Head office : 485, Dupuis Street Chertsey - J0K 3K0 Rawdon Elementary School ....................................450 834-2427 4121, Queen Street Les Jardins Rawdon .............450 834-1700 3500, St-Alphonse Rd. École Marie-Anne .................450 834-4668 4567, Mont-Pontbriand Street Housing Collège Champagneur .........450 834-5401 3713, Queen Street Office municipal d’habitation (OMH) Two low income housing residences for retirees (50 yrs +) and disabled persons Centre de l’Envol Pavillon Rawdon ...................450 758-3773 3461, Queen Street La Résidence Ensoleillée (27 units) 3220, 12th Avenue Employment Centre Centre local d’emploi (CLE)....450 834-4453 3486, Queen Street .36. Résidence Saint-Patrick (10 units) 4501, Queen Street Manager : Josée Perreault Office.......................................450 834-3317 # ! ! ! Media Publi-Sac ...............................450 437-8779 Journal L’Action ....................450 759-3664 342, Beaudry Nord Street Joliette J6E 6A6 Rawdon ↔ Montréal (Radisson Metro) Regional Transportation Council Lanaudière (CRTL) • Bus transportation along routes 25 and 125 ; • Reduced rates for students and seniors. Information for transportation services Journal de Joliette ...............450 960-2424 1075, Firestone Blvd. - 5th floor Joliette J6E 6X6 Radio M 103,5 FM de Lanaudière .................................................450 756-1035 540, Saint-Thomas Street Joliette - J6E 3R4 listed above: 1-877-492-6111 Schedules are also available at Town Hall CTB-TV Cable Télé 9 (Corporation Télédiffusion Brandon) ..................................................450 835-1114 160, de Lanaudière Street Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon - J0K 2N0 .04. C I T I Z E N S Adapted transport MRC Matawinie 3184, 1st Avenue......................450 834-5441 dial ................................................................1 Radio Nord Joli Inc. CFNJ-FM 99 ..........................450 835-3437 .........................................or 1 888-935-3437 245, Beauvilliers Street Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon - J0K 2N0 S E C T I O N • In service 7 days a week, subject to availability ; • Opening hours to make an appointment: Monday to Thursday : 8:30 am to 2 pm Friday : 8:30 am to noon Transport Rawdon ↔ Joliette Regional Transportation Council Lanaudière (CRTL) • Three buses a day ; • Reduced rates for students and seniors. .37. S E R V I C E S S E C T I O N .05. A S S O C I A T I O N S $ "# $%" " "# $ • Association of Young Innovators (AJIR) • Matawinie Association of Handicapped Persons (APHM) • Woman’s Association for Education and Social Action (AFEAS) • Rawdon Minor Baseball League • Rawdon Multiethnic Centre (CIM) • Chaumière Jeunesse (Youth shelter) • Knights of Colombus • Rawdon Bridge Club • Snowmobile Club - Caravan Rawdon • Rawdon Tennis Club • Rawdon Archery Club • Rawdon Optimist Club • ATV Club (Quad Club) • Canada Day Committee • St-Patrick’s Day Committee • Family Fair Committee • Local Committee for People with Disabilities • Army Cadet League of Canada, Cadet Unit 3042 • Canadian Red Cross • Deck Hockey - Black Machine (The) • FADOQ (Golden Age Club) • Social Solidarity Group of Rawdon • Les Rawdonneurs (Walking Club) • La Rescousse Amicale • Maison de parents de la Matawinie Ouest • Youth Centre (Maison des Jeunes) • Musi-Chœur Rawdon (Choral Group) • PANDA Matawinie (Association for attention deficit disorders) • Parrainage civique Lanaudière (Volunteers for the disabled) • Patchwork Guild of Rawdon • Pleins droits Lanaudière (Mental health assistance) • Provision Compassion (charitable organization) • Quebec Women’s Institute, Rawdon Branch • Rawdon Centennial #135 (Masonic Fraternity) • Rawdon Rural Association • Regroupement bénévole de Montcalm Matawinie (Volunteer assoc.) • Royal Canadian Legion, branch #198 • Scouts Canada - Ste-Julienne • Service à la communauté Rousseau inc. (Household help) • Service de crise Lanaudière (Crisis Centre) • Rawdon Soccer Club • Société d’aide au développement de la collectivité (SADC) • Société Saint-Vincent-de-Paul To reach the person in charge, please contact the Department of Recreation and Culture at : 834-2596, ext. 7160 or visit our website .38.
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