SCC JULY 2012 - Monza Motion
SCC JULY 2012 - Monza Motion
SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 SOUTH COAST CORSA Corvair IT’S A CORVAIR SUMMER! Start those flat-sixers and get those Corvairs out on the road! NEXT SCC CLUB MEETING T H U R S D AY, J U LY 1 9 , 7 P M M E E T I N G L O C AT I O N : P O L LY ’ S P I E S 8 1 9 W. C A R S O N , T O R R A N C E (East of Vermont; West of the 110 Freeway) CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 1 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 SCC CAR SHOW 2012 Bob’s Big Boy Broiler Downey! A great place for the ALL CORVAIR CAR SHOW on September 8. RAFFLE CAR FOR THE FAN BELT TOSS Rebuilt 164 cubic inch engine, carb and turbo for the Corvair Spyder. SPECIAL THANKS TO GREG PETERSEN—CORVAIR SPECIALTIES— FOR REBUILDING THE ENGINE! CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 2 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 S C C C A R S H O W 2 0 1 2 S AV E T H E D AT E ! The Car Show logo pictured here is also the artwork for the 2012 Car Show T-shirt! On sale at the Car Show! OVER 50 CORVAIRS ATTENDED THE 2011 CAR SHOW! Read more about the historic Bob’s Big Boy Broiler, Downey venue: Read more about the SCC 2011 Car Show: CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 3 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 South Coast Corsa All Corvair Car Show Saturday, September 8, 2012 Bob’s Big Boy Broiler 7447 Firestone Blvd (and Pomering), Downey, CA 90241 Freeway Close! *1.3 miles East of the 710 (Long Beach ) Freeway *2.8 Miles North/West of the 605 (San Gabriel) Freeway Enter on Pomering! Music! Food! Raffles! Corvairs! Registration: $35 (non-refundable). Pre-registration preferred! Includes a custom show T-shirt and raffle ticket (please indicate T-shirt size below and combine with any additional shirt orders). Pre-registration must be received by September 1, 2012; or register at the show. Mail check and pre-registration form to: South Coast Corsa, Corvair Car Show 2012, c/o Greg Vargas, 2340 Virginia Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90404. For more information email NAME _________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________ CITY_____________________________________ STATE_______ ZIP__________________ PHONE _______________________________________________________________________ EMAIL _________________________________________________________________________ CAR SHOW CLASS (check ONE): ! Early Open ! Forward Control ! Early Closed ! Late Open ! Late Closed ! V8 ! Specialty ! “Neater Beater”/Work in Progress One t-shirt included with registration. Add $10 for each additional shirt. Mark size and quantity. M ________ XXL _________ L ________ OTHER _________ XL ________ *Plus the “President’s Award” Shirts x $10 = $_________ 35.00 Reg Fee = $_________ TOTAL = $_________ The undersigned desiring to enter and participate in the South Coast Corsa (SCC) Car Show 2012 does hereby tender his/her application. I consideration of this application, the undersigned does hereby (1) Release SCC and all respective staff, volunteers, and agents from any liability arising from the event; (2) Release all participating business facilities and participants from any liability arising from the event; (3) Give permission to use any photographs or information obtained prior to and at the event for publication advertising and video film of the event; (4) agree to have vehicle liability insurance per the vehicle code of the State of California DMV 16020 Section 9a. I have read an accept the terms and conditions. Signature__________________________________________________________ CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST Date_________________________________ PAGE 4 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 SCC 2011 CAR SHOW WINNER Greg Vargas - 2nd Place Late Closed Win a 1963 Corvair Turbo Spyder! Raffle tickets are on sale for the 2012 Great Western Fan Belt Toss and Swap Meet raffle car. Restoration by South Coast Corsa (SCC). ★ 1963 Corvair Spyder, 4-speed, Manual Transmission, 2-door Coupe ★ Ticket cost: $25 per ticket* ★ ONLY 500 raffle tickets will be sold – maximum. There will be a limited amount of tickets available (50 total) at the 2012 Fan Belt Toss in Palm Springs, California–only 25 tickets on Friday, October 26; and only 25 tickets on Saturday, October 27. ★ 2012 Fan Belt Toss dates: October 26-28, 2012, Palm Springs, CA; hosted by Vintage Corsa ★ Raffle drawing to be held at evening banquet in Palm Springs on October 27, 2012 ★ Winner does not need to be present to win. SCC will contact the winner. CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 5 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 Instructions on how to buy raffle tickets: Mail a check or money order to the following address (unfortunately, no PayPal): South Coast Corsa, c/o Greg Vargas, 2340 Virginia Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90404 Indicate how many tickets you want with your order. Provide the following information ✦ Name ✦ Address, City, State, Zip ✦ Phone ✦ Email You ticket(s) will be sent to you by mail. For more infomation, call (310) 998-0095. *Raffle Rules: The raffle winner must make arrangements and pick up the car within 31 DAYS of the raffle date. Contact Greg Vargas at, or call 310-998-0095. South Coast Corsa (SCC), as best possible, has restored the raffle car. SCC will make no additional investment in the raffle car after a winner has been drawn. There may be things about the car that require additional attention, in the opinion of the winner. The winner agrees to accept the car “as is,” and transfer of title from SCC to the winner releases SCC of any all responsibility and liability in the vehicle, and any further improvements are the responsibility of the new owner of the vehicle. G r e a t L e t t e r Re c e i v e d f r o m a R a f f l e Ti c k e t B u y e r CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 6 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 FA N B E LT T O S S R A F F L E C A R R E S T O R AT I O N ABBE E E D R D B B B E B O D Firing up the turbo! Getting ready to drop it in the car! JEFF WILLIAMS CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST SPECIAL THANKS TO JEFF WILLIAMS AT C A L I F O R N I A C O R VA I R S F O R HIS GENEROUS D O N AT I O N O F PA R T S F O R T H E FA N B E LT TOSS RAFFLE CAR. PAGE 7 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 C O R VA I R S A T T H E A L L G M C A R S H O W C E N T R A L C O A S T C O R VA I R F E S T 2 0 1 2 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 8 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 CORVAIR BOOK EVENT Lifemobile tells the story of Benjy Bennett, an honor student with Asperger’s Syndrome, who upon graduation from high school despairs that “there’s no place in this world” for someone as different as him. But then his father brings home a “Deathmobile” – an old Corvair, famously characterized by Ralph Nader as “unsafe at any speed.” When Benjy learns that the U.S. government ultimately found Nader’s charges untrue, he decides that the Corvair is “not disabled, just different,” as he is, and has been unfairly stigmatized by a world that does not understand it, just as he has. t|The Deathmobile becomes their “Lifemobile,” ultimately helping them both discover Benjy’s own uniquely satisfying place in this world. Lifemobile by Jonathan Rintels Friday, July 20, 5:30 p.m., at the Outpost Trading Company in Santa Ynez, CA. Watch the video about the GM Heritage Center in Sterling Heights, Michigan. The CORVAIR gets mentioned a handful of times. They have a ’69 Corvair; a Corvair GT; a Corvair SS; a Corvair-powered Astro 1; and an ElectroVair. Web: y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h _ p o p u p ? feature=endscreen&=R=1&v=RvVmDsWnMOk CALENDAR OF EVENTS Saturday, July 14. 3-9pm. Atlantic Ave., Bixby Knolls area of Long Beach Information on the web: carshow.html Appearances by: Tom “The Mongoose” McEwen and Don “The Snake” Prudhomme Plus CACKLEFEST of the 3000-horsepower racers! Saturday, July 14. 4-9pm. FREE to show your car. 1475 Lawrence Drive, Thousand Oaks. Contact Bill Soliday (Corsa West) for more info: 805-573-2188; email Corvair Cruise at Bolsa Chica State Beach S a t u r d a y J u l y 2 8 t h , 1 0 A M - 1 0 P M . C o m e f o r a n y p a r t o f t h e d a y. B r i n g s o m e f o o d (BBQ) and something to drink. If you come in the evening, bring some firewood. B o l s a C h i c a B e a c h i s l o c a t e d a t t h e e n d o f Wa r n e r Av e . Ta k e 4 0 5 S ( p a s t t h e 6 0 5 ) . E x i t B o l s a C h i c a a n d h e a d S o u t h . R i g h t o n Wa r n e r Av e . C r o s s P C H a n d e n t e r t h e Beach at the parking kiosk (you are at the north end). Pay for parking. Corvairs will b e l o c a t e d a t t h e f u r t h e s t n o r t h f i r e r i n g . L O O K F O R T H E C O RVA I R S ! ! CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 9 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 S a t u r d a y, A u g 2 5 . 1 0 a m - 4 p m . M a i n S t r e e t , E l S e g u n d o . F o r m o r e i n f o : 310-524-2200; or Registration Deadline is July 18! Limited to 450 cars! Live Music, Food, Cars! For information: 818-548-6464. Email: Web: 2012 Great Western Fan Belt Toss and Swap Meet—Hosted by Vintage Corsa ★ Friday, Oct. 26 ★ Saturday Oct. 27 (Show, Games, and evening Banquet where Raffle Car winner will be drawn!) ★ Sunday, Oct. 28 PLAN ON JOINING FELLOW SCC MEMBERS AT THE FAN BELT TOSS. WE WILL HAVE A PLACE ON THE FIELD FOR OUR CLUB TO MEET, SELL SHIRTS, AND HANG OUT! REGISTRATION FORMS TO COME. email: CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST C l a r k ’s C o r v a i r P a r t s w i l l b e i n P a l m S p rin g s , October 26-27, 2012 for the Great Western Fan Belt Toss. 10% discount for cash and 5% discount for credit cards on ALL ORDERS PLACED AT THE SHOW! Vending hours: Friday 12pm-5pm; Saturday 8am-5pm J o a n a n d Ca l will h a v e s o me n e w re p ro s o n d is p la y, b u t N o A c t u a l P a r t s fo r S a l e . PAGE 10 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS DUES ARE DUE SEPTEMBER 2012 F O R T H E Y E A R 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 M E M B E R S H I P. $25 CORSA MEMBERS; $28 NON-CORSA MEMBERS. PAY AT A M E E T I N G O R M A I L Y O U R M O N E Y A N D A P P L I C AT I O N : h t t p : / / w w w. c o r v a i r. o r g / c h a p t e r s / s o u t h c o a s t / j o i n / M e m b e r s h i p . p d f NEXT PROJECT CAR MEETING E V E R Y S AT U R D AY U N T I L D O N E , 1 0 A M - 1 P M C o m e b y a n d h e l p ! S t a r S i l k S c r e e n ( C h u c k R u s t ’s S h o p ) 14005 Crenshaw Blvd.Hawthorne, CA 90205—Back parking lot. FOR SALE: 1965 4-Door 110 Auto with Factory Air. It’s a runner! Color: Evening Orchid Needs a pump and some work. $3000 OBO INFO: call Ralph Gonzalez (310) 676-5768 SCC IS LOOKING FOR A VICE PRESIDENT. WANT TO VOLUNTEER? FOR SALE: SCC Member Ron Reinert’s 1965 Monza. Beautifully restored; 110 with extras; dual exhaust; electronic ignition, rebuilt rear end; rebuilt trans; electronic and mechanical fuel pumps. For more info, contact Ron Reinert 562-787-5654. CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 11 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 Hotter Air by Chuck “V8” Rust Hi Members! “May gray” and “June gloom” are gone and we’re full speed ahead into summer. There are plenty of great car shows to visit too. Grab your camera and some friends and wander around enjoying all the innovative things these folks have done with their cars. The raffle car is right on schedule. We just picked up the engine from Greg’s shop and WOW….that 150 Turbo sounds great!!! Get your tickets if you want a chance to win this choice prize! Just to remind you to mark your calendars for the SCC Club car show at Bob’s Big Boy in Downey on Sept. 8th. Hope to see you at the Bixby Knolls Car Show on July 14th. “Corvairally” yours, Chuck Rust, President (Now, I gotta take this call. My V8 is calling and she misses me.) JUNE 2012 MTG. MINUTES 11 members in attendance. Only 1 Corvair in the lot. . ✦Project car update—work continues. Next Garage Run: Every Saturday 10am: Engine is done and it has been picked up. Engine to be installed 7/14 (hopefully). TAKE RAFFLE FLYERS WITH YOU TO ANY EVENT! ✦Looking for a vice president. ✦ SCC EVENTS FOR 2011 ✦Wednesday, July 18: E-Board meeting at Mills, 7pm. OTHER CORVAIR EVENTS ✦Saturday, July 14: Bixby Knolls Dragster Expo and Car Show in Long Beach. 3PM-9PM. For more info click here: carshow.html Sunday, July 29: Southbay MEMBER PICNIC Mustang Owners (Sam Fine) - JULY 28 - location TBD 18th Annual People’s Choice ✦SCC ✦ ✦Raffle Car Show in Long Beach at Wyotech. 10AM-3PM. For more info click here: http:// 2012%20Car%20Show %20Flyer.pdf prizes needed for the Car Show! Bring what you have to a meeting. Donate items that you don’t mind getting rid of. Buy inexpensive items and donate to the club. Car Show information emailed nationwide. All local clubs have been notified. DJ JIM has been confirmed.Time to push the car show! TAKE CAR SHOW FLYERS WITH YOU TO ANY EVENT! SPREAD THE WORD. ✦Richard Dolgenow passed around the trunk lock cylinder for the raffle car. The challenge was to rotate the spring and install it correctly. Chuck Rust and Greg vargas applied nimble fingers, and after several tried they succeeded in finishing the assembly process -without the help of any tools. ✦Start thinking about a location for the Holiday Party. CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST ✦Sunday, September 19: Belmont Shore Car Show in Long Beach. For more info click here: http:// 2012_Show_Entry_Flyer.pdf PAGE 12 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 SCC OFFICERS President Chuck Rust 310-732-1091 Treasurer & Secretary Greg Czopek 562-490-0845 Technical Officer Dan Drommerhausen 310-518-3277 Newsletter Editor & Website Greg “Goyo” Vargas 310-998-0095 SCC ADVERTISING Rare 1965 Gilbert made Napoleon Solo - The Man from U.N.C.L.E action figure; in box with ID, pistol, pistol adaptor, and instructions. Plus, separately boxed (box is worn) U.N.C.L.E. TV Action Figure Arsenal Set #1. $325 obo. Contact: JULY 2012 SCC ADVERTISING POLICY Classified ads: available to all SCC members whose dues are paid in full. Commercial ads: available for $25 per year beginning in September (prorated at $2 per month). If you would like commercial ad space, please send payment to South Coast Corsa Corvair, c/o Greg Vargas, 2340 Virginia Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90404 (indicate payment “Commercial Ad Space”) Artwork: Mail art or classified listing info to the NEWS SNAIL MAIL address below. Submission deadline is the 3rd Thursday of every month. Email artwork or classified ad info to: SCC is a Corvair Enthusiast Club South Coast Corsa Newsletter is published monthly. Letters, Tech Tips, and articles are solicited from members and friends. If you have an article to submit or information you want to spread to other members, the deadline for submission is the 3rd Thursday of each month. SCC CLUB EMAIL ADDRESS: NEWS AND WEB MAIL: South Coast Corsa Corvair c/o Greg Vargas 2340 Virginia Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90404 MEMBERSHIP DUES: Dues are $25 per year (prorated $2 per month if joining after September). Application. Send dues to: South Coast Corsa Corvair c/o Greg Vargas 2340 Virginia Ave Santa Monica, CA 90404 G r e g Pe t e r s e n (310) 594-7225 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST A chapter of CORSA #903 Corvair Society of America — CORVAIR.ORG Join CORSA! PAGE 13 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 42, NUMBER 7 JULY 2012 Bob’s Big Boy Broiler Downey 7447 Firestone Blvd., Downey, CA 90241 Mon-Ths & Sun: 7am-11pm Fri: 7am-12am HOME OF THE SCC 2012 ALL CORVAIR PEOPLE’S CHOICE CAR SHOW SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 Star Silkscreen - shirts, caps, decals, artwork for Club Logos. Operated by SCC member Chuck Rust. Call (310) 679-7443 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 14
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