South Coast Corsa Corvair
South Coast Corsa Corvair
SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 SOUTH COAST CORSA Corvair SCC CAR SHOW 2011 CRUISES INTO THE HISTORIC BOB’S BIG BOY BROILER, DOWNEY South Coast Corsa is pleased to announce a new venue for the 4th Annual All Corvair Car Show on Saturday, September 10, 2011―Bob’s Big Boy Broiler in Downey, CA! Bob’s Big Boy Broiler holds a rich history for any Southern California car enthusiasts, and it is certainly one of the premier destinations for classic and collector cars to meet. Become a part of history and attend this show! It all began when original owners Harvey and Minnie Ortner purchased ‘Sally’s Fryers,’ a chicken farm on the corner of Firestone Boulevard and Old River School Road in Downey. However, Harvey Ortner had no intention of ever raising chickens. Harvey entertained the idea that the property was a perfect spot for a restaurant due to the unique, sharp turn Firestone took where the property stood, creating a perfect high-visibility location for the busy traffic moving east and west. Ortner envisioned a large, red script Harvey's Broiler sign that would be visible for a mile in either direction―and he was right about that. Harvey’s became an overnight success and Mecca for the Southern California car culture. (continued page 4) N E X T S C C C L U B M E E T I N G , T H U R S D AY, J U LY 2 1 , 7 P M MEETING LOCATION: POLLY’S PIES 819 W. CARSON, TORRANCE (East of Vermont; West of the 110 Freeway) CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 1 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST JULY 2011 PAGE 2 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 FORM AVAILABLE AT: CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 3 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 Designed by Paul B. Clayton and opened in 1958, Harvey’s Broiler was one of the last coffee shop/ drive-ins constructed in Southern California, incorporating the space-age "Googie" elements associated with coffee shop and drive-in architectural styles: strongly articulated rooflines, glass walls, brightlylit interiors and exteriors, enormous "V" shaped car canopies, semi-exhibition cooking, and gigantic signage. The restaurant ran 24/7 in order to accommodate the large crowds flocking to “The Broiler”. In 1964, Hot-Rodding magazine wrote an article about Harvey's Broiler calling it, "The center of attraction for Southern California auto enthusiasts since 1958, Harvey's lures an almost unbelievable 5000 cars every weekend night. Harvey Ortner, owner and operator, has become the impresario of what is certainly the largest, richest, and most spectacular automotive exposition in the world. It all takes place in the extra large paved area surrounding the restaurant which provides plenty of 'cruising' room. Many times, however, traffic is lined up more than a city block in an effort to join the action. The crowd is made up of young people from Long Beach, Pasadena, San Diego, San Bernardino, and other cities within a 100 mile radius, in addition to the local patrons." Hot rodders and custom car enthusiasts would make the circuit: Grisinger's (now George's) drive-in, in Long Beach; to Holly's, Hawthorne Boulevard and 137th, Hawthorne; to Wich Stand, Slauson and Overhill, Inglewood; ending at Harvey’s Broiler. Writer Tom Wolfe chronicled a night of cruising at Harvey's Broiler in an essay ‘The Hair Boys’ from his 1968 book The Pump House Gang, "Every Friday night at Harvey's, starting about 9:30 p.m., kids from all over the Los Angeles teenage netherworld, from West Los Angeles, Bell, Maywood, Hollywood, Gardena, San Pedro, white Watts, San Gabriel, even Santa Ana, Santa Monica, Covina―they all drive to Harvey's Drive-in in their cruising cars...The real reason they come is simply to promenade, or, in the parlance of Harvey's Drive-in, ‘to cruise.’ They cruise around in their cars in Harvey's huge parking lot, boys and girls, showing each other the latest in fashions in cars, hairdos (male and female) and clothes in the Los Angeles Teenage...and Second-Generation Teenage...modes. Rank moderne! Teenage Paris! Harvey's Drive-in!" In 1968, the Ortner’s sold the business to a Mr. Johnson (hence the reason CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 4 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 for one "N" in the name Johnie's) who reportedly changed the name to Johnie’s Broiler. The "Fat Boy" mascot was added in 1969 and was attached to the original roof sign. In 1970 and according to city construction permits, Johnie’s was acquired by former Harvey’s 2nd chef, Christos Smyrniotis who operated Johnie’s Broiler until its closing on New Years’ Eve 2001 In 1986, Lee McCullough, aka "Mr. Harvey's Cruise-Nite," requested and received financial compensation and started up Harvey's Cruise Nite, based on the success of an earlier cruise originated by Street Rodder magazine contributing editor and Harvey's alumni Burlie Burlile, in tribute to “The Broiler's” heyday of 1960's and late 50's cruising. DJ, Randy Roubal, played oldies, and hundreds of hot rods and vintage cars from the '30s to the early '70s attended the popular cruise nite on Wednesday evenings. In July 1990, because of a dispute with the owner, McCullough’s Cruise Nite ended. Cruising returned in 1991 and ended again in 1994. Rod & Custom Magazine shot their December 1993 cover at Johnie’s to raised public awareness, and Johnie’s experienced a brief revival that slowly declined again until closing in 2001. In early 2002, a grass-roots campaign to have the restaurant’s exterior preserved began and was successful in having Johnie's Broiler placed on the State's official Register of Historical Places. But, according to a Los Angeles Times story, Smyrniotis objected on “economic grounds” to the property's being included on the list. The property was leased as a car dealership until January 7, 2007. In August 2006, the dealership’s lease was terminated and a new 99-year lease was signed with a new tenant, Ardas Yanik, who took it upon himself to illegally demolish the restaurant, “without even fencing off the property or disconnecting the utilities" after the city had turned down a demolition permit in November of that year. The city and concerned citizens were able to stop the demolition before most of the structure had been destroyed; much of the main structure has been heavily damaged, leaving the large main sign, front facade and car canopy structures still remaining upright, the original kitchen and the back of the coffee shop had been demolished. The Downey city prosecutor filed a criminal case against the site's T-shirts for sale. Crown V-8 and All Corvair Car Show (see left) $20, includes shipping. By order. Contact SCC. See club contact info on page 8. Also, see Chuck Rust at a meeting! NEW T-SHIRTS TO COME! CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 5 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 tenant, who has been charged with conducting a demolition without a permit, among other things. After pleading no contest to three misdemeanor charges in October 2007, property lessee Yanik was sentenced to three years' probation, a $2,500 fine, reimbursement of $4,600 to the City of Downey, and fifteen days of community service work with the California Department of Transportation. Shocked by the almost total demolition, supporters regrouped and committees like the Mod-Com (Los Angeles Conservancy’s Modern Committee), Friends of Johnie's Broiler, and the Coalition to Save & Rebuild Harvey's Broiler sprang into action, and the city put moratorium on any further destruction. In 2008 Bob’s Big Boy franchise owner, Jim Louder, entered into negotiations with owner Smyrniotis. Louder reconstructed the Googie icon using as much remaining original material as possible. Additionally, the restaurant was rebuilt following original architect Paul Clayton's 1958 blueprints and reopened as Bob’s Big Boy Broiler on October 19, 2009. (Author’s note: details of this article were culled from a variety of sources and are as accurate as possible, considering some contradictory information between the sources.) CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 6 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 Layout for NEW South Coast Corsa Car Show T-shirt! Available at the show ($10) and to the public by mail order ($18). Contact if you want to order by mail. SHOW PARKING DJ JIM SHOW PARKING SHOW PARKING SHOW PARKING CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST Bobs’ Big Boy is 1.4 miles east of the 710 (Long Beach Freeway) —turn left at Pomering; and 2.9 miles west of the 605 (San Gabriel Freeway) —turn right at Pomering. Enter the Car Show at Pomering Road. Car Show parking will be at the front part of the lot. Come early for the best parking spots! PAGE 7 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 SCC CALENDAR OF JULY 2011 EVENTS JULY 16―Glendale Cruise Night―5:30-10pm―Brand Blvd., Glendale 17―All GM Car Show―8:30am-13pm―Woodley Park, Van Nuys 23―Los Angeles Dodgers 1st Annual Car Show―10am-3pm―Dodger Stadium 31―Mustang Car Club Show―Corvair Class―Wyotech, Long Beach (see Sam Fine) AUGUST 6―Ventura County Fair Parade―Contact Jack Pinard (805) 340-6533 14―Wounded Warrior Car Show―Wyotech, Long Beach 20―Main Street Car Show―10am-4pm―El Segundo 20―SCC GATHERING at Marty and Kathy Giffis’ House―12noon-??―Lakewood SEPTEMBER 10―SCC Annual Car Show―10am-3pm―BOB’S BIG BOY BROILER DOWNEY 11―Belmont Shores Car Show―Leaving early AM―Long Beach 15-18―Route 66 Rendezvous―Downtown San Bernadino 24―Cruising for a Cure―7am- 5pm―Orange County Fairgrounds ??―Corsa West All Chevy Show―Woodley Park, Van Nuys OCTOBER 1-2―Long Beach Motorama―Long Beach 2―Corsa West Concourse D’Elegance―Mission Hills 2―Corvair Heritage Day―Event to be announced 21-23―Great Western Fan Belt Toss and Swap Meet―Palm Springs For Fan Belt Toss info: contact Corsa West L.A.: 818-345-9304 NOVEMBER TBD DECEMBER Date To Be Determined―SCC Holiday Party SCC GATHERING/GARAGE RUN! SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 2011― Noon-?? The club is getting together to socialize! All members welcome; including family, significant others, kids! Marty and Kathy Giffis’ House: 6121 Carpintero Avenue, Lakewood, CA 90713 Food and drinks will be provided. BBQ! There is also a pool. NOTICE: there is no lifeguard so parents are responsible for supervising their children. CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 8 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 JUNE 2011 MTG. MINUTES ✦Attendance. 18 members; 5 cars! ✦We had visitors: Rafael Ruvalcaba and his son (new members); Albert Medina; Jorge Flor (new member). ✦Talked about the project car and the progress of restoration. Reminder that it may take longer than we estimate, so we need to commit and work on the car regularly. Diff and transaxle complete (thanks! Dan Drommerhausen), and Dan is working on a number of other parts on the car; Greg Petersen is going through the engine and turbo (thank you!); Richard Dolgenow donated axel shafts and is rebuilding generator (thank you!); Rafee Corvair donated gaskets (thank you!); LS Corvair donated trans cross member and some trans parts (thank you!). Bob Nichols is working on the instrument cluster (thank you!); Walt Pickett will sand and paint (thank you!); Paint donated by Hector Gonzalez (thank you!); Dave Bristol will work on brakes with Dan (thank you!). Other members have offered help come the time it is needed. Labor needed. Loans (to paid back when car is raffled) and/or donations to cover costs are welcomed. We want members to meet at project car regularly and see where help is needed (clean parts?, repair? etc.). Project car is located at Chuck’s shop. Dates to meet are Saturday 7/23, 8/6, 8/20. Call Greg Vargas if you want to meet. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Target date: running early 2012; then work out problems and display car for raffle at GWFBT Oct. 2012 . Raffle tickets will be sold for the car; $20 with a MAX of 500 tickets. We are asking each club member to sell 10 tickets. Tickets to come. ✦SCC Car on September 10 at Bob’s Big Boy Broiler Downey discussed. VOLUN-TEERS NEEDED ON DAY OF SHOW!! ✦ Wear your SCC T-shirt (any shirt with SCC logo) AND your name tag to the meeting. You can win $$$! June meeting winner was Hector Gonzales. ✦NAME TAGS: $10. Get one now! SCC EVENTS FOR 2011 ✦SEE CALENDAR ✦Sunday, July 17: E-Board meeting at Mills, 9am. ★Wednesday, July 20: SCC CAR Show 2011 Meeting at Mills, 7pm. OTHER CORVAIR EVENTS ★Wednesdays, 4-10pm: Cruise night at Bob’s Big Boy in Downey. The landmark building used to be Johnie’s Broiler. 7447 Firestone Blvd., Downey. GREAT PLACE! ★2nd Saturday of every month -free Car Show in Downtown Torrance hosted by Cruising 50s. Show starts at 3pm-7pm. ★Tuesday-Saturday, July 26-30: 2011 CORSA International Convention. Denver, CO. Hosted by Rocky Mountain CORSA. Flyers are now available for download. Click here. ★Weekly Friday Night Cruise at Ruby’s SCC OFFICERS President Hector “El Presidente” Gonzalez 562-597-1582 Vice President Chuck Rust 310-732-1091 Newsletter Editor & Webmaster Greg “Goyo” Vargas 310-998-0095 Technical Officer Richard Dolgenow 562-423-4873 Treasurer Greg Copeck 562-490-0845 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST JULY 2011 NEEDED FOR SCC CAR SHOW: ✴ YOUR CAR! ✴ EZ-Ups ✴ Raffle prizes ✴ Volunteers Corvair SCC is a Enthusiast Club South Coast Corsa Corvair is published monthly. Letters, Tech Tips, and articles are solicited from members and friends. If you have an article to submit or information you want to spread to other members, the deadline for submission is the 3rd Thursday of each month. SCC CLUB EMAIL ADDRESS: NEWS AND WEB MAIL: South Coast Corsa Corvair c/o Greg Vargas 2340 Virginia Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90404 MEMBERSHIP DUES: Dues are $25 per year (prorated $2 per month if joining after September). Application. Send dues to: South Coast Corsa Corvair c/o Greg Vargas 2340 Virginia Ave Santa Monica, CA 90404 A chapter of CORSA—#903 Corvair Society of America— CORVAIR.ORG Join CORSA! PAGE 9 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 Hot Air from “El Presidente” Hector Gonzalez Hello to all! It's already July, and upcoming events are fast approaching. Recently, a few of our members participated in Vintage Corsa's Econo Run. It was a well attended event. It was good to see old friends again. It's always special to mingle outside of the club-meeting environment. Unfortunately, SCC had to give up the coveted "Got Gas?" trophy for the 1st time (the trophy for using the MOST gas during an Econo Run; last year’s winner was Chuck Rust). We were well on our way in winning it again when a mechanical failure took us out. Now, next year's event will have our focus to return the trophy to our club! Good job, Vintage Corsa, and thank you! Our project car is in progress right now, along with our annual car show. Greg Vargas has secured a new location and all is set up for the event, and the rest of the planning is coming together. As you know, we previously announced that Mills Restaurant would be our show site, but that didn't materialize as expected. So, BOB'S BIG BOY BROILER (formerly Johnie's Broiler) in the City of Downey has been secured! It is a much better venue, way car-friendly, and with an awesome history for the Southern California car culture. So, let's get them cars ready to rumble! We hope to see many of you at this year’s show. We will be setting up a schedule to meet at the project car at regular intervals, so volunteers can plan there participation. We came up with an idea of giving out T-shirts for donating at least 10 hours of work on the project car. The T-shirt will have a design specific to the car restoration project. Thanks to all, once again, for making our club an enjoyable group. JULY 2011 DUES ARE DUE $25 SEPTEMBER 2011-2012 Members and Advertisers! SCC AD POLICY Classified ads: available to all SCC members whose dues are paid in full. Commercial ads: available for $25 per year beginning in September (prorated at $2 per month). If you would like commercial ad space, please send payment to South Coast Corsa Corvair, c/o Greg Vargas, 2340 Virginia Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90404 (indicate payment “Commercial Ad Space”) Artwork: Mail art or classified listing info to the NEWS SNAIL MAIL address on page 10. Submission deadline is the 3rd Thursday of every month. Email artwork or classified ad info to: SCC CLASSIFIED ADS Rare 1965 Gilbert made Napoleon Solo - The Man from U.N.C.L.E action figure; in box with ID, pistol, pistol adaptor, and instructions. Plus, separately boxed (box is worn) U.N.C.L.E. TV Action Figure Arsenal Set #1. $325 obo. Contact: G r e g Pe t e r s e n (310) 594-7225 See you at the next meet and at the CAR SHOW! El Presidente CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 10 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 JULY 2011 SCC COMMERCIAL ADS Star Silkscreen - shirts, caps, decals, artwork for Club Logos. Operated by SCC member Chuck Rust. Call (310) 679-7443 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 11 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 7 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST JULY 2011 PAGE 12
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