SCC OCT 2011 - Corvair Society of America
SCC OCT 2011 - Corvair Society of America
SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2011 SOUTH COAST CORSA Corvair A Huge Vair-iety of Corvairs Cruise the SCC Car Show! Thanks to all who attended Bob hanging out in Dave Oehlman’s 8-door Van South Coast Corsa hosted the 4th Annual People’s Choice Car Show, and there was a wide variety of Corvairs on the lot. There were 36 confirmed and registered Corvairs entering the show. By the end of the day, 50+ Corvairs were counted to have participated and/or visited the lot for the show―a personal best for South Coast Corsa! Four car clubs were represented a the show―Corsa West, Vintage Corsa, Inland Empire, and South Coast Corsa. SCC would like to thank all club members, cars owners, visitors, and volunteers for making the show a huge success! CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 1 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST OCTOBER 2011 PAGE 2 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2011 CAR SHOW WINNERS Adam Larson - 1st Place Early Open Patrick Croans - 2nd Place Early Open Michael Moreno - 1st Place Early Closed Dave Bristol - 2nd Place Early Closed Brian Oddy - 1st Place Late Open Henry Aguirre - 2nd Place Late Open CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 3 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2011 Dean Taylor - 1st Place Late Closed Greg Vargas - 2nd Place Late Closed Dave Statland - 1st Place V8 Ron Craig - 2nd Place V8 Roger Becker - 1st Place FC Dave Oehlman - 2nd Place FC CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 4 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 Eric Kirven - 1st Place Specialty Crista Lumpkin - President’s Choice OCTOBER 2011 Darrin McGlothan - Neater Beater Award Crista Lumpkin’s Rampside - President’s Award backing in on arrival. This was one cool Rampside, great color, beautifully done, and slammed to the ground with airbags! Great choice for this award. Congratulations, Crista! Great spectator attendance! CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 5 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2011 Above: Kathy Giffis and Michael Moreno entertain Bob in Eric Kirven’s Ultra Van. Bob was dragged into the Ultra and pressured to give up the secret to cooking the perfect burger; he didn’t talk. Top right: Back-seat-driving doggy wants the keys to the Lakewood. Center right: two beautiful 1960 4-door Sedans side by side; Michael Moreno’s gold beauty and J.P. West’s all-original caveman (entered by Bill Winkelmann). Bottom: Don’t get in Steve Fishman’s way; he’s armed with a cane and is the ready to swing. Batter up! What a great car. CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 6 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 Former and current SCC Presidents OCTOBER 2011 Walt Pickett and Dave Bristol enjoying the show. Our new CAR SHOW sign! Looking good! Greg Czopek checking out the raffle prizes. Gathering around Noe’s ’69. Chuck Rust, along with others, sold our SCC Tshirts, including older club shirts and the NEW car show shirt (design suggested by Sam Fine - thank you Sam!). Car Show shirts and the NEW SCC club shirt will be available at the meetings and at the Fan Belt Toss. CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST The Emperor’s clothes PAGE 7 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2011 Christian Mejia’s customized Late Model Our hosts, Lindsey Louder and Bob! Thank you. Mark Fernandez’s sweet Caveman! Vargas’ Late Model in front of Roger Becker’s FC Jose Cortez and friend next to his Early Jim Craig’s striped Early - look how shiny! Rich and Venita Turners beautiful Late Model CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST Thanks for coming! PAGE 8 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2011 CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS D U E S A R E D U E NEXT PROJECT CAR MEETING for year Sept 2011- Sept 2012 $25 Members and Advertisers Pay at a meeting or mail it in. SCC ELECTION RESULTS President - Eric Kirven Vice President - Chuck Rust Technical Officer - Dan Drommerhausen Treasurer - Greg Czopek SCC CALENDAR OF Saturday, October 15th 10AM-1PM Come by and help! Star Silk Screen (Chuck Rust’s Shop) 14005 Crenshaw Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90205 Back parking lot. EVENTS OCTOBER 21-23―Great Western Fan Belt Toss and Swap Meet―Palm Springs NOVEMBER Date TBD― McDonald’s Lunch Run at the oldest surviving McDonald’s - Lakewood CA DECEMBER Date TBD―SCC Holiday Party at Kathy and Marty Giffis’ House; Gift Exchange! NEXT SCC CLUB MEETING T H U R S D AY, O C T O B E R 2 0 , 7 P M MEETING LOCATION: POLLY’S PIES 819 W. CARSON, TORRANCE (East of Vermont; West of the 110 Freeway) SCC 2012 CAR SHOW S a t u r d a y, S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 0 1 2 Same Corvair Time, Same Corvair Channel! CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 9 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 SEP 2011 MTG. MINUTES ✦Attendance. 14 members; 3 cars! ✦ Wear your SCC T-shirt (any shirt with SCC logo) AND your name tag to the meeting. You can win $$$! Raoul Gonzalez’s name was chosen, but he was not there. Next meeting prize- $15 plus t-shirt. ✦2011 Car Show reviewed. Car show was a success! 39 registered vehicles; 50+ cars at the show. We actually made some $$ this time. Ideas for next year’s show included: Spacing out raffles better; adjust voting ballot with a tear-off; additional speakers for PA system; tabulation sheet; announce description of cars that win; after party for club and volunteers. We have enough trophies to cover 2012 show; need to by more come 2013. ✦Work in the project car has resumed. Next gathering to work on the car is Saturday, Oct 15. 10am. Come on by! We need to do an inventory on where we are and what our next steps are. The plan is to get this car running by the beginning of year 2012. We need a set of tires: 185/80/13. Car should be running when we turn it over to Walt for paint. We need to really get this car going. We have a great start on it and need to figure out our next moves and keep up the pace. If you have any of the parts, please contact Greg Vargas and provide a status report. Please complete your part of the project soon or latest by END OF OCTOBER. Raffle tickets will be worked on soon, and we will start selling tickets for $20 with a MAX of 500 tickets to be sold. Raffle takes place at the Fan Belt Toss 2012. ✦NEW Car Club sample T-shirts to come―white with green lettering; black with orange lettering. Cost: $15 (no pockets); $17 with pockets, arrange with Chuck Rust. ✦NAME TAGS: $10. Get one now! You’ll need one for the meeting raffle, along with a club t-shirt! OCTOBER 2011 SCC EVENTS FOR 2011 ✦Sunday, Oct 16: E-Board meeting at Mills, 9am. OTHER CORVAIR EVENTS ★Wednesdays, 4-10pm: Cruise night at Bob’s Big Boy in Downey. The landmark building used to be Johnie’s Broiler. 7447 Firestone Blvd., Downey. GREAT PLACE and Home of the SCC Car Show 2012! ★2nd Saturday of every month -free Car Show in Downtown Torrance hosted by Cruising 50s. Show starts at 3pm-7pm. Corvair SCC is a Enthusiast Club South Coast Corsa Corvair is published monthly. Letters, Tech Tips, and articles are solicited from members and friends. If you have an article to submit or information you want to spread to other members, the deadline for submission is the 3rd Thursday of each month. SCC CLUB EMAIL ADDRESS: NEWS AND WEB MAIL: SCC OFFICERS President Eric “Emperor” Kirven 562-900-5240 Vice President Chuck Rust 310-732-1091 Newsletter Editor & Webmaster Greg “Goyo” Vargas 310-998-0095 Technical Officer Dan Drommerhausen 310-518-3277 Treasurer Greg Czopek 562-490-0845 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST South Coast Corsa Corvair c/o Greg Vargas 2340 Virginia Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90404 MEMBERSHIP DUES: Dues are $25 per year (prorated $2 per month if joining after September). Application. Send dues to: South Coast Corsa Corvair c/o Greg Vargas 2340 Virginia Ave Santa Monica, CA 90404 A chapter of CORSA—#903 Corvair Society of America— CORVAIR.ORG Join CORSA! PAGE 10 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 Hot Air by Eric “The Emperor” Kirven From the Office of the President: Eric Kirven Okay, just kidding. I’m never going to be that formal. I’m not even in office a month and already and I have to come up with an article for the SCC Newsletter. This one will be easy. First, I would like to THANK Hector “El Presidente” Gonzalez for the last nine years as our club’s president. If you weren’t at the September meeting, take a minute to tell him thanks next time you see him. I hope I do as well as he did. Thanks again, El Presidente! The resent past: our very own SCC Annual Car Show. It happened on 9/10/11, and a great time was had by all. There were 50+ Corvairs there that day. Not all of them entered, but 50+ nonetheless. Thanks to everyone who volunteered. YOU made it a very successful day. I am already looking forward to next year. The next big thing: The Toss. Let’s get as many club members as we can to one of the biggest and oldest Corvair events in Southern California. This year’s host club is Corsa West. To assist them we are going to be running the Fan Belt Toss games again this year. We will have a swap meet spot this year too―a place to promote our club, sell shirts, and just plain hang out. Come on down and join in on the fun. Lastly, I want to hear your ideas on where we should take our club. Anything to make it a club better for us all. Till next month… OCTOBER 2011 SCC AD POLICY Classified ads: available to all SCC members whose dues are paid in full. Commercial ads: available for $25 per year beginning in September (prorated at $2 per month). If you would like commercial ad space, please send payment to South Coast Corsa Corvair, c/o Greg Vargas, 2340 Virginia Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90404 (indicate payment “Commercial Ad Space”) Artwork: Mail art or classified listing info to the NEWS SNAIL MAIL address on page 10. Submission deadline is the 3rd Thursday of every month. Email artwork or classified ad info to: SCC CLASSIFIED ADS Rare 1965 Gilbert made Napoleon Solo - The Man from U.N.C.L.E action figure; in box with ID, pistol, pistol adaptor, and instructions. Plus, separately boxed (box is worn) U.N.C.L.E. TV Action Figure Arsenal Set #1. $325 obo. Contact: SCC COMMERCIAL ADS Bob’s Big Boy Broiler Downey 7447 Firestone Blvd.,Downey, CA 90241 Mon-Ths & Sun: 7am-11pm Fri: 7am-12am G r e g Pe t e r s e n (310) 594-7225 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 11 SCC NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2011 SCC COMMERCIAL ADS Star Silkscreen - shirts, caps, decals, artwork for Club Logos. Operated by SCC member Chuck Rust. Call (310) 679-7443 CORVAIR.ORG/CHAPTERS/SOUTHCOAST PAGE 12