September 27 - The Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus of
September 27 - The Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus of
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 14, 2015 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2015 There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me. For whoever is not against us is for us. The Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Southampton, NY Welcome to the Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Daily Mass Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri. at 12 Noon Tue. at 8:00 AM First Saturday 8:00 AM Holydays: 7 PM Vigil, 8:00 AM, 12 Noon Pastoral Team: Rev. Michael A. Vetrano, Pastor In Residence: Rev. Msgr. William J. Gill Jennifer Ferrantino, Director, Religious Education Suzanne Marchisella, Parish & Cemetery Secretary Jo Ann Morse, Director of Music Bill Kunzer, Plant and Facilities Manager Weekend Masses Saturday: 5 PM Sunday: 8 AM, 9:30 AM, 11 AM, 12:30 PM (in Spanish) and 5 PM Reconciliation Saturday: 4 PM - 4:45 PM Ministry to the Sick Parish Leadership: Contact Us Finance Committee Fred Weinfurt (trustee) Pat Jordan (trustee) Jay Diesing Charlene Kagel John Neknez Parish Office 168 Hill Street Southampton, NY For communion at home or Anointing please contact the Parish Office. Pastoral Council In formation Baptism Liturgy Jack Hanlon Please contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with Jennifer Ferrantino Marriage Arranged at least six months in advance, please call the Parish Office. P: 631-283-0097, option 0 F: 631-283-3836 W: E: Mon-Sat: 9 AM - 4:00 PM Fr. Mike Vetrano E: Religious Education Office Consolation Sr. Barbara McKenna, RSM P: 631-283-0508 E: Adult Faith Formation Mary Adamczyk Our Lady of Hamptons School Becoming A Catholic We welcome those who would like to become Catholic and adult Catholics who have never received formal religious education and/or sacraments. Please call the Parish Office. Human Resources of the Hamptons — Help for those in Need The Human Resources Program volunteers reach out to meet the temporal needs of the elderly, the housebound, and the poor of our parish and community. Our parish Care for the Caregiver Program delivers hot meals to families in need of this kind of help on Wednesday evenings. Call the Human Resources Office for information and assistance. Sister Kathy Schlueter, CSJ 160 North Main Street Southampton, New York 11968 P: 631-283-9140 E: Human Resources of the Hamptons Kerry Lewendoski, Director P: 631-283-6415 Apostolado Hispano Rev. Steve Grozio 631-283-4379 Cell: 631-375-1001 Vincentian Fathers 631-283-9647 BASILICA PARISH OF SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS & MARY Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time :: September 27, 2015 Readings: Nm 11:25-29; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Mission Statement: We are a Eucharistic centered people, who by following Christ’s teaching, join together to love and serve those in spiritual and physical need in our community. Liturgical Ministers Schedule Saturday, Oct 3 5 PM Father Joe Finnerty SERVERS Bellucci Family E.M.’S A. Fiore, M. King, M. Lynch LECTORS K. King-Bush. S. Krawciw Sunday, Oct 4 8 AM Father Ed Kiernan SERVERS K. Culver, L. Martin E.M.’S D. Dwyer, D. Gilmartin, P. Mackey, J. McKenna LECTORS P. Bogan, M. Mackey GREETERS K. Moffa 9:30 AM Father Mike Vetrano A. Cuccia, B. Ferguson, J. Hanes, F. Kelly E.M.’S G. Arresta, A & J Cuccia, M. Johnson, Sr. B. McKenna LECTORS C. Ferguson, E. Morgani GREETERS C. Cenzoprano, D. Meaney, C. Szafranski SERVERS 11 AM Father Bill Gill L. Lenahan, May Family S. Adelante, T. Alegria, J. Cleary, M. McDonald, L. Robins LECTORS G. Bauer, J. Hanlon GREETERS C. Brown, C. Butler, R. Essay SERVERS E.M.’S SERVERS E.M.’S LECTORS 5 PM Father Mike Vetrano H. Reyes K. Maple, T. Westergard N. Conroy, G. Reisig ALTAR MINISTRY CHURCH CLEANING: J. Ripalone ALTAR CLOTHS: G. Bauer HAND LINENS - Sept 27—Oct 3—N. McCulley SOUTHAMPTON HOSPITAL September 27—P. Pellegrino October 4—D. Podlaski HAMPTON CENTER Sept 27—T. Alegria, M. McDonald October 2—Sr. B. McKenna October 4—S. Raynor, P. Pellegrino Rosary - October 1—B. Medler Mass Intentions for the Week of Sept 28-Oct 4 Monday 12:00 Marguerite Hurley Tuesday 8 AM Glenn Taylor Wednesday 12:00 Eugene Romano Thursday 12:00 Brian Zielenski Friday 12:00 Jacques Bodeau & Yvonne Bodeau (L) Saturday 5 PM Constance Greco Sunday 8:00 Barbara Hattrick 9:30 People of the Parish & Don Medler 11:00 Otto von Schirach, Ted Hoinski, Ellen Danz, Bailey Brown (L) 12:30 Mass in Spanish 5 PM William Senese Financial Realities and Stewardship The September 20th Collection was $11,128.00. The St. Pius Living Facility Collection was $2,892.50. Thank you for your generosity! Memorial donations To donate the flowers on the altar or bread and wine and/ or candles offered at Mass each week, please contact the parish office. From the Pastor’s Desk September 26/27 Power of Presence Dear Parish Family, Sometime in the 1980’s my parents made a trip to Italy. They were not huge travelers and were very frugal in their sense of vacations. This was probably the first time in their lives that they went on such a grand adventure. It was also a rather low time in their lives. My brother, Bobby, had passed away at the age of 20 from cancer and my dad was just beginning to deal with a progressive neurological disease which would eventually confine him to a wheelchair. They were not sure about going but had good friends who pushed and cajoled them. Eventually my parents joined the tour. It was one of those typical everyplace-in-Italy-in-10-days tours but it led, of course, to Rome. It was there in Saint Peter’s Square that my parents saw Pope John Paul II. At that time it was his custom to greet the crowds after his Wednesday audience. My mom was in the front row as the Pope came along and just for a moment their hands touched and he looked at her. She felt truly blessed by his touch and for years after she described how special that moment was for her. It was a moment of peace, of reassurance, of healing. This week, as I write to you, the visit of Pope Francis is just beginning. There are so many who are interested in what he will say and the message he will bring us. But for many people the meaning in his visit is simply in the chance to see him, be in his presence, and for a lucky few—to touch his hand. And this is true not only for Catholics but also for people of every other religion and those who struggle with uncertainty and unbelief. There are so many religious leaders in our world and yet few attract the special attention that the Pope does when he visits a country. In our own faith we often speak of ministry, all ministries, as being a sign of the presence of God. This ministry is passed down from generation to generation of believers, tracing back and connecting us to the ministry of Jesus. He touched, healed, forgave, and invited every believer to do the same. That’s what my mom experienced in St. Peter’s so many years ago: the touch of a person who gave her the touch of God. Whether you were able to see Pope Francis in person or you watched him on TV, I hope you felt the goodness of his presence. A presence that brings to us the presence of God. Sincerely your in Christ, Rev. Michael A. Vetrano Music at the Basilica — Friday, October 2 - 7 PM SING TO THE LORD, A new song; Sing to the lord, all the earth. Psalm 96 Performed by The Basilica Music Ministry & Friends Featuring our own Basilica Choir members and young musicians in a festival of Contemporary Christian music. From Folk to Rock, favorites and new songs, if you love the music at Sacred Hearts you will be delighted by this concert. It all begins at 7 PM in our church. Come support our own ministers on this beautiful evening. Music at the Basilica Contemporary Concert of Christian Worship and Praise Music Bread, Wine and Candles The Altar Bread, Wine & Candles for this week were given by Yvonne Bodeau in loving memory of her husband, Jacques, and in honor of the Feast of the Guardian Angels, October 2nd. Welcome: The Parish of the Basilica of Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary welcomes the following newly baptized child with joy: Patrick Dwyer Edwards Faith & Spirituality Eucharistic Minister Training : October 3, 2015 Anyone who is interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, please contact the Parish Office. The training session is from 9 AM— 12 PM in Riverhead. There is also a second session for those who would like to minister to the sick. If you would like to attend one or both of the trainings please let us know as soon as possible, we must send your name into the Diocese before the training date. Secular Franciscans :: meet after the 11 AM Mass in the dining room of the Parish Center. The next meeting will be on September 13th. Would you like to know more about us? Please come to our meeting. Bring a bag lunch and we will supply the coffee. Resurrection Prayer Group :: meets on Thursdays at 7 PM in the Parish Center. Come share your healing gifts with us. Prayer requests are always welcome. Spiritual Book Group :: Spiritual Book Group meets on Tuesdays at 1 PM in the Parish Center. Please join us for a discussion of Against the Infinite Horizon by Ronald Rolheiser. All are welcome. We pray for the sick of our Parish and Community John Bishop Suzanne Parillo Bobby & Caroline Parillo Gwendolyn Porter Eileen Finlay Roger Williams Daniel Sheerin Stan Witkowski Anne O’Brien J T Welker Marcelle Enne Peg & Pat Jordan Dottie Brown Philip Masi Macario Yat de Leon Robert Melter Patricia Kahl Dorothy Higgins Michael Kelley Christina Haag Susan Katz Drew Bodin Eileen Birnholz Perry DeLalio Bailey Brown Elizabeth Joyce Sue Doorhy Meredith Hobbs Patsy Raynor Anna Naconochie Ebby Culver A Note from Religious Education Director : Jennifer Ferrantino Please visit our website under the Religious Ed Tab for more information and the calendar for the year’s events. Please contact me, Jennifer Ferrantino at 631-283-0508 Thank you!! BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS :: October 3, 2015 10 AM St. Francis Blessing of the Animals Join us at 10 AM on Saturday, October 3rd, to celebrate the blessing of all our furry and feathered friends! St. Francis is known for blessing all creation as a sign of God’s love and care for us. Our blessing will take place on the great lawn alongside our church (in case of rain we will go inside). There will be prayer, music, a treat for all the pets, and, of course, God’s special blessing on those who bring us such great joy. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Welcome Back to Religious Education 2015-2016!! We are so excited to start this new year of faith formation! Inspired by Pope Francis we are happy to share his message and God’s Love with our families and parish! Classes begin today OR Wednesday September 30th. Please see Jennifer Ferrantino if you have not registered yet. Please be aware there is no registration on the first day of class. I thank all of our teachers and helpers who have come forth to share their time, talent and Love of Jesus with our young people! I thank especially our new teachers who have made time in their busy schedules to be here!! First Fruits a new way to support your parish community Beginning this September, Sacred Hearts parishioners can participate in a program of automated giving. The main benefit of automated giving is that it enables our parish to better support our ministries with a more consistent parish offertory. When you enroll in First Fruits, Sacred Hearts will receive your weekly or monthly offertory gift regardless of the weather and even if you are away from the community for business or pleasure. In other words, it makes the support of your parish an equal priority to all those things in our lives which receive our attention and support. Frequently Asked Questions How does this automated giving program, called First Fruits, help the parish? First Fruits helps Sacred Hearts by allowing us to better forecast our income and, we hope, by leveling out large swings in income between the summer and winter months. This will strengthen our ability to develop ministry programs with the assurance that we will have the revenue to meet expenses on a year-round basis. Currently the church collects roughly half of its income in just four out of the twelve months of the year. First Fruits is being implemented to smooth out the uncertainly that is caused by this unbalanced fluctuation. If my family signs up for First Fruits, what will we place in the collection basket on Sunday? Our weekly envelopes will now include a box to be checked to notify us that you and your family are First Fruits donors. We ask that you simply continue to use your envelopes and rather than putting in a donation, you simply just check the box that says, “I/we contribute through First Fruits.” Would I be able to make Holy Day and special gift offerings with First Fruits? Yes. There will be an option to specify Holy Day and special gift offerings when you register. These offerings as well your regular weekly contributions can be changed at any time by emailing or by simply calling the parish office. What are the privacy safeguards that exist with this program? The First Fruits program is simply an exchange of funds between your bank and the parish. Only our business office will have access to your enrollment form. Your personal information is completely confidential. In other words, automated giving is even more secure than a paper check. Will I be mailed a statement that details how much I have given in the fiscal year for my year-end tax reporting? Yes. You will be mailed a statement that will clearly show weekly and Holy Day or special gift offerings contributions. How do I sign up and can I change the amount at any time? A registration form is available in the parish office. If you wish to change your weekly gift, you will simply email or call the parish office to notify us of the change. Our telephone number is 1-631-283-0097 and email address is What happens if I want to cancel automated donations, change my donation, or suspend donations for a time? All you need to do is contact our parish office. As long as we receive your request 2 business days before the next scheduled transfer we can make the adjustment. ilies to rst 50 fam fi e th f o vitation to Be one eive an in c re d n a sign up vent! ank you e a special th firstFruits is a new and more convenient way for parishioners of Sacred Hearts to support our parish. By signing up for automatic giving from a bank account, parishioners who enroll in firstFruits are saying that their faith is a priority for them, the gift for which they are grateful and the sustaining of which they do not want to leave up to chance. ENROLLMENT FORM Please circle Weekly or Monthly: Offertory contribution: $ (Note: Total contribution will be debited on the 1st of the month, or the next business day. If you choose Weekly, the contribution will be debited on Mondays. I would like to enroll in the firstFruits program. I understand that my total contribution amount will be transferred directly from my checking account as stated above, and a record of my gifts will appear on my bank statement and my transfers will begin next month. A statement of my generosity for the year will be sent to me at the beginning of the new year. I understand that I can increase, decrease, or suspend my giving at any time by simply calling the rectory office at 631-283-0097 {All gifts provided to your Church originating as Automated Clearing House transactions comply with U.S. law.} Signature: X Date:: Name(s): (please print) Church Envelope #: Street Address: City/State/Zip Code: Telephone: E-mail: It is possible to contribute in this way even if you are a part time member or also a member of another parish. We will assign an account number to you. For Checking Account Debit: Please return your completed form and either a copy of your voided check or fill out the bank and account numbers below. Send to: First Fruits Enrollment, Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, 168 Hill Street, Southampton, NY 11968. Credit Card Debit: We are not yet able to take credit card debits. If you would be interested in having the parish offer this program please contact the rectory office. The Name of your bank:________________________ Bank Routing Number: Left group of numbers on your check. Your Checking Account Number: Right group of numbers on your check. “Speak to the Israelites and tell them: When you come into the land which I am giving you, and reap your harvest, you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest as a thanksgiving offering.” Leviticus 23:10 Kid’s Page 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2015 Altar Servers Needed! We are looking for more young people to become Altar Servers. If your child is in grades 3-8 and would like to become an altar server please contact Mary Adamczyk at 283-4991. Places on our trip are booking fast. To insure that you will be part of this wonderful pilgrimage please contact Fr. Mike or 206 tours to reserve your place! Contact Fr. Mike for a full trip brochure: To book or for information, contact: Amanda: (800) 206 8687 ext: 109 email: Visit our trip website: Join our Music Ministry Recruiting members for both the Children’s Choir and the Adult Choir …I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding. 1 Corinthians 14:15 We welcome all singers; and all instrumentalists. Currently rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings from 5:00 to 6:00 for the Children’s Choir and from 6:00 to 7:30 for the Adult choir. We are conscious of the fact that everyone is busy and so we try to keep our rehearsals focused. Please consider joining us to experience the music, the fellowship, and the Spirit through the power of song. Please contact JoAnn Morse 631-807-7907 or Life Corner :: SHJM Respect Life Ministry RESOURCES FOR THOSE SEEKING AN ALTERNATIVE TO ABORTION: The Faith that Does Justice Rockville Centre Diocese, 516-678-5800, ext.626, Priests for Life, 888-735-3448, Birthright, 631-728-8900, 800-550-4900 Healing post-abortion: Rachel's Vineyard, 877-467-3463, Reflections On the Gospel from Pax Christi September 27, 2015 Sunday’s readings open up the possibility that God’s word may come through diverse voices, but in Jesus’s time and in ours people tend to be suspicious. Put that suspicion aside and join Pax Christi Metro New York when Fr. Patrick Ryan, S.J., addresses the topic of “Jihad and Just War.” What does each really mean? What does each have to offer to peace or conflict? Learn more. Come to the parish hall of Immaculate Conception Church, 389 E. 150th Street, Bronx, NY on Saturday, October 3rd, from 1 to 4 PM. Contact Pax Christi Metro New York, 371 Sixth Avenue, 212-420-0250, or to register or for further details. You can also register at Donation: $20, or $15 with a student ID. Religious Liberty in the United States An Evening with Thomas Renker Monday Evening October 19th Increasingly, cultural changes that come into conflict with religious teaching are reflected in statutory, judge-made and administrative law. The transformation of these cultural movements into law affects the rights of religious people and organizations to conduct themselves in conformance with the teachings of their faith. Thomas Renker, General Counsel of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, will offer a perspective on the growing conflict between culture and religious freedom in the United States. Tom Renker joined the Diocese of Rockville Centre as General Counsel on October 22, 2007. For over 25 years, he has provided legal counsel to New York not-for-profit religious organizations and is now active, along with the grass roots Long Island organization, Catholics for Freedom of Religion, in raising awareness of growing governmental and cultural threats to the practice of religion in the public square. A native Long Islander and alumnus of Chaminade High School, Tom is a 1986 graduate of New York University School of Law and a 1982 graduate of Columbia College, Columbia University. A former resident of Sag Harbor, where his three children attended Stella Maris Regional School, he and his wife, Mary, now reside in Mineola and are parishioners of Corpus Christi parish. 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal “Be men and women who bring the light of hope to others.” Pope Francis Please consider donating to the Appeal and making a difference in someone’s life. Thank you! Is PFI for you? It might be if you desire . . . • To expand and deepen your knowledge of the Catholic faith and Holy Scripture. • To deepen your understanding of the teachings of the Catholic Church and discover how they connect to your life and the world today. • To grasp the true meaning of living the Gospel in daily life. PFI is a two year process of personal, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral formation for adult Catholics that offers an exciting, integrated approach to discipleship through instruction, prayer, faith sharing and development of leadership skills. To find out more about PFI please contact Fran McMahon, Adult Faith Formation Representative or 631-533-5679 –or — Fr. Mike Vetrano Classes begin soon: please contact us by September 23rd if you are interested. Diocesan Ministries During this special time that we are honored to welcome the Holy Father, Pope Francis to New York, please consider hearing his call, to be men and women who bring the light of hope to others, by making a gift to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. APOSTOLADO HISPANO La Fiesta de San Jerónimo - Todos están invitados a una celebración en honor de San Jerónimo el 30 se septiembre comenzando con canciones a las 7:00 PM y seguida por la Misa a las 7:30 en Southampton Sacramentos para Adultos - Las clases para adultos que no han recibido los sacramentos de Confirmación o Comunión o aún no son Bautizados, son los jueves, a las 7 PM en la escuelita en East Hampton o los domingos, a las 10 AM en el Apostolado Hispano en Southampton. Estas clases son para jóvenes y adultos de 18 o más años. Tomado de San Vicente de Paúl - Vicente de Paúl nació en el pueblo Las clases ya comenzaron. Vaya a la clase esta semana de Pouy en 1581. De niño vivió entre los pobres y sufrió para inscribirse. sus condiciones de vida. En 1600 se ordenó de sacerdote. Por un tiempo buscó escaparse de la pobreza de sus Taller para la Protección de los Niños - El sábado, 17 de orígenes, pero con la ayuda de directores espirituales él se octubre, a las 9:00 AM habrá un taller sobre la protección sintió llamado a una profunda santidad y según los de los niños en el Apostolado Hispano (el sitio todavía no acontecimientos de su vida, fue conducido finalmente por está definido). El taller enseña sobre la realidad del la divina providencia a una firme determinación de abuso sexual a menores. Es muy informativo y además dedicarse él mismo a la salvación de los pobres. Mientras nos capacita para prevenir el abuso. ejercía su ministerio en Gannes, un 25 de Enero de 1617, en Folleville, él vio que la evangelización de los pobres, Rincón de Información era una necesidad urgente. Él mismo afirmó que así fue el origen de su vocación y de su misión. Tomado de Curso Pre-Bautismal Para más información Domingo, 27 de septiembre, a la 1:30 PM en el sobre San Vicente visite el sitio del web. Apostolado o las 5 PM en la iglesia en East Hampton. Favor de llevar la copia del acta de nacimiento del niño. Encuentro de Culturas del South Fork – Le queremos Bautizos en Southampton serán el 4 de octubre, el 1º de invitar al Encuentro de Culturas en Hampton Bays el noviembre, el 6 de diciembre y el 3 de enero. sábado, 10 de octubre de 6:00 a 10:00 PM en el Centro El Asesor de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas Comunitario. El Encuentro de Culturas es una En el Apostolado el 8 de octubre, de las 2- 5 PM. celebración para toda la familia con el propósito de celebrar nuestra cultura latina en el mes de la Hispanidad Comunidad de Oración para Adultos y Familias y además de recaudar fondos para los servicios y Los martes a las 7:30 PM en la el salón parroquial. El 3r ministerios del Apostolado Hispano. ¡Vengan a celebrar! martes de cada mes - en la iglesia para la hora santa. El 18 de octubre habrá otro Encuentro en East Hampton. Divina Misericordia - Misa en la Basílica el cuarto miércoles de cada mes a las 8:00 PM. Taller de Ministerios - Habrá un taller para los ministros Preparación Pre Matrimonial – Para casarse por la de la liturgia el sábado, 3 de octubre, de las 9:00 AM a la iglesia, haga una cita para una entrevista con el P. Jesús o 1:00 PM en la High School Católica en Riverhead. Si el P. Esteban. usted quiere ser lector, ministro de la Comunión o ministro de la hospitalidad, hable con Padre Esteban o Proclamas Matrimoniales – Tercera Noticia Paulino Matamoros and Adelina Amador Padre Jesús. Cursillo Prematrimonial - A los interesados en contraer matrimonio por la iglesia católica, les estamos informando que el Cursillo Prematrimonial si iniciará el 4 de octubre. Las reuniones serán los domingos de las 9:00 AM hasta las 12 de mediodía en Southampton. Retiro Para Hombres - El ministerio Nuevos Discípulos les invita a todos los hombres mayores de 18 años a un retiro espiritual los días 23, 24 y 25 de Octubre en Greenport. Los interesados pueden llamar a Polo (516903-3202) o a Padre Jesus. El Catecismo Para Niños - La primera clase del catecismo (Primera Comunión y Confirmación) comienza este martes, el 29 de septiembre. Requisitos para el Bautismo de un Niño Curso: Para bautizar a su hijo, es necesario que los padres y padrinos asistan al curso pre-bautismal. Padrinos: Debe escoger a los padrinos conscientes de los requisitos. Los padrinos tienen que ser católicos bautizados, confirmados y que han hecho su Primera Comunión y deben poder comulgar. El padrino (madrina) debe ser un(a) soltero(a) o debe ser casado por la iglesia. Permisos: Si viven afuera de la zona servida por el Apostolado Hispano, necesitan una carta de su párroco dándonos permiso para bautizar su hijo. Padre Esteban: Cel: 631-375-1001; Fax: 631-287-0986 Padre Jesus Arellano: Cel: 929-257-3467
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