Covenant School Open House - St. Louis Catholic Church


Covenant School Open House - St. Louis Catholic Church
St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School
7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844
Web site: • •
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time / C
Covenant School
Open House
Mark your calendars! Our fully accredited parish Covenant
School is getting all spruced up in preparation for our
annual Open House. We invite you, family and friends to
come by, meet our teachers, and see our beautiful school.
When: Monday, January 28th
Time: 7:00 PM
Where: Church followed by a tour of the school
Academics, Gospel values, Service Learning,
and a Loving, Family Community
For further information, please contact the school office
at 305-238-7562 x7025. God bless you and thank you for
your ongoing prayers and support.
Living Stewardship – Sharing God’s Gifts
January 27, 2013
Music Director
Mr. Juan Salazar
Book and Gift Center
305-238-7562 x7029
Pray for the Sick
Monty Abraham
Pablo Arevalo
Isabel Avila
Alejandro Baldelomar
Verónica Bermudez
Jeannette Bernard
Daisy Bernardo
Rosa Maria Bestard
Gudrun Brandl
Jerry Byrne
Joanne Calfo
Angelita Castillo
Dolly Chirino
James Clark
Rosemary Clark
Dominick Columbro
Michael Connor
Aramis Cruz
Cici Culverhouse
Olga Del Valle
Luis DeVarona
Alba Díaz
Danilo Dominguez
Vincent Evans
Felipe Fernández
Anne Fischer
Mary Alice Fleming
Mary Glynn
Richard Goethel
Doris Green
Daisy Guerrero
Dorothy Haiduven
Alyse Hernandez
Salvador Hernandez
Andrés Hidalgo
James Houck
Kate Y. Houghton
Carole Howard
Gabriela Imbimbo
Irene Johnson
Lázaro Junco
Gerry Knowlan
Pat Krupczak
Helen Labime
Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada
mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 AM.
Saturday:3:30 - 4:30 PM
7:30 - 8:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
Please contact the parish office at least
six months prior to the proposed date.
BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old)
Every Sunday (English). Please call the
Office TWO months in advance.
Bill Hearne
Jim Lamb
Josh Lane
Esperanza Lara
Genaro Llave
Asis López
Evelyn López
Manolito López
Isabel Luperón
John Mangialetto
Harrison Margulies
Jane McKeon
Kathleen Magrath
Wendy McLendon
Reinaldo Melendez
Angela Mitchell
Michael Mulsford
Rafael Negron
Greg Page
Michael Pavloff
Jim Petee
Koamy Perez
Peter Pick
Javier Piñeda
David Pritchard
Karen Pegues
Betty Quinn
Nydia Ramírez
Shawn Rice
Rolando Rodriguez
Clara Romero
Graciela Rosas
Josephine Sánchez
Al Schwitalla
Reggie Sermersheim
John Shubeck
Berny Soto
Marisol Stanham
Jorge Theye
Jeffrey Thompson
Isah Marie Tomas
Grace Turner
Aurora Van de Waters
Concepción Villaborres
Adam Warringer
David Young
Rainer Zinn
We are in the process of updating the prayer list for ill members of the parish.
Names will remain on the list for 2 months unless you notify us to remove a name
sooner. If a name is removed in error please notify the office to have it reinstated.
To provide the Eucharist at home for ill parish members or family,
call Pedro Valentin at 305- 251-7335 or main office at 305-238-7562.
Si estas enfermo o impedido de asistir a la Misa y deseas recibir la
Comunión en tu casa, puedes comunicarte con Adriana Morales, 305-969-0960.
f St.Loui
s, K
ly o
Youth Minister
Mr. Mark Witkowski
Saturday: 8:30 AM
Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la
Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación.
of F
Religious Education
Mrs. María Teresa López
Weekday: 6:30 and 8:30 AM
Wednesdays only 7:00 PM
Misa en Español
Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Los Miercoles - 7:00 PM
Bautismos - En Español 1er y 3er
sábado de mes. Favor de llamar a la
oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.
School Principal
Mrs. Christine Mathisen
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30, 5:30 PM
8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Seminary Intern
The Pa
Rev. Paul Vuturo
Rev. Armando Tolosa
Rev. Biju Vells
Rev. Michael Kish (vicar emeritus)
Deacon Vincent McInerney
Deacon John Peremenis
Deacon John Green
Deacon Thomas Hanlon
Deacon Alex Lam
Deacon Bob Yglesias
Deacon Jeff Reyes
Deacon George Labelle
Deacon José Villena
rest, Flori
son of Juan Carlos & Alejandra Angel
son of Shertmann & Vanessa López
Ministry to
the Sick
Remember the Departed
Arthur Boissoneau
Spirituality and Formation
Music Ministry
February 2 from 11:00 AM - 12:30 AM
Musica Ministerio
2 de febrero a las 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
February 23 from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
23 de febrero a las 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Liturgical Environment
March 23 from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Our Parish Cookbook
Keep those recipes coming!
Thank you for all the recipes submitted!! We have a
little over 100 recipes already. Remember that you can
submit as many as you wish. We would love to have all
our you represented in the cookbook. Your name and/
or “in memory of” will be printed in each recipe. So get
your form at the Welcome Table or send it by e-mail at
Submissions finish on January 31.
Abood, Donna
Agraz, Jorge & Mercedes
Aime, Nicole
Alayon, Richard & Martha
Alexandre, Marie
Alfonso, Gustavo & Lourdes
Alvarado, George & Aura
Alvarado, Katherine
Alvarez, Miguel
Alvarez, Narciso Juana
Alvizuri, Carolina
Arata, William
Arbesu, Nury
Arenas, Ruth
Arguelles, Christina
Ariza, Edgardo & Olga
Astudillo, Alex & Belen
Ayala, Victor & Lizette
Ball, Charles & Cheri
Baradat, Tony & Debla
Barfield, Larry & Collen
Barranco, Nicole
Barranco, Orlando & Triny
Barreras, Olga
Barreras, Zoraida
Barroso, Fernando & Nurya
Battle, Suzanne
Bauer, Charles & Rita
Bauta, Juan & Natalie
Belizaire, Magdalie
Bell, Mary Patricia
Benitez, Ivonne
Benitez, Victor & Miriam
Blanco, Jose & Mary
Bertran, Ruben & Liliana
Block, Wayne & Annemarie
Blumenthal, Judith
Boudet, Irma
Bravo, Nery
Brodsky, Elizabeth
Bueres, Teodoro & Frances
Bustamante, Jorge & Dora
Buzzella, James & Isabel
Canepa, Juan & Alicia
Cannata, Thomas & Elizabeth
Cano, Roger & Marbel
Carbonell, Raul & Veronica
Cardenas, Jesus & Maria
Carrasquillo, Olveen & Judy
Casanova, Marcos
Castells, Maria
Castellvi, Jose & Deborah
Castillo, Rene & Sandra
Cervantes, Maria
Cervantes, Paulina
Cesarano, Dorothy
Cesarano, Teresa
Chamorro, Arturo & Rosario
Chavez, Dr. Mary
Christian, Robert & Kimberly
Christopherson, David & Wendy
Thanks for your Pledges
We apologize that this list is incomplete. We do not yet have all the names of those who sent pledges
to the Pastoral Center by mail or online.
Chrycy, Kathryn
Clark, Curtis & Lourdes
Clark, Jose & Sandra
Closius, Lillian
Condon, Rosalyn
Conk, Maryellen
Conte, Joseph & Maria
Corradini, Leo & Carol
Crane, Elizabeth
Crippa, Luciano & Raquel
Crocquet, Marc & Katie
Dalrymple, Linda
Davis, Luisa
De Abreu, Carmen Elena
De Abreu, Juan C.
Dejanovic, Marko & Lorena
Delgado, Norma
Desbiens, Robert & Patricia
Di Fede, Salvatore
Diaz, Mauricio & Maritza
Diaz, Ronald & Marilyn
Diaz, Rosaura
Diedrich, Dax & Magdalena
Downey, John and Deborah
Driggs, Raul & Rosa
Dugard, James & Alma
Dunning, Susan
Elder, George & Ana
Feito-Feria, Jose & Nury
Fenaughty, Mark & Astrid
Fernandez, Julio & Miriam
Figarola, Maria
Fleming, Eugene & Mary Alice
Flores, Alejandrina
Florez, Luis & Haydee
Fourquet, Jose & Karen
Franceschi, Dido & Maria
Friedlander, Robert & Anita
Gadala, Pierrette
Garcia, Ramon & Elizabeth
Garcia, Roger & Merisa
Garcia, Ruben & Linarbet
Gary, Barbara
Geronimo, Ralph & Lorraine
Giroux, Theresa
Girten, James & Esther
Gomez, Jose & Aracely
Gonzales, Fernando & Cecilia
Lara, Guillermo & Esperanza
Lauture, Raquel
Leschhorn, Carmen
Leyte-Vidal, David
Lichtenstein, Enrique & Ana
Liwanag, Lillian
Llanes, Armando & Maria
Llera, Ruben & Lourdes
Lopez, Calixto & Katushka
Lopez, Carlos
Lopez, Juan & Allison
Lopez, Dr. Leonardo and Kim
Loretta, Jim & Susan
Lorido, George & Miriam
Lothian, William & Katherine
Loyd, Giancarla
Loys, Raul & Liane
Lyden, Jeanne & Jeanne
Lynch, Winnifred
Lyons, Nancy & Ann
MacDonald, Stuart & Martha
Magtira, Marjorie
Maloney, Lisa
Mamert, Jean & Toni
Mangialetto, Sr.,John & Carol
Manning, Christopher & Lourdes
Marimon, Margarita
Maronto, John & Rosemarie
Marrou,Jaime & Milagros
Martin, James
Martinez, Jorge & Linda
Martinez, William & Michelle
Martinez-Varela, Carlos & Mabel
Hernandez, Juan & Paola
Hernandez, Juan & Johanna Marx, Richard
Mathisen, Norman & Christine
Herrera, Ricardo & Anely
McAvoy, Lloyd
Heyward, Jeanne
McCaffery, Joan
Hibbard, Delia
McDonald, David & Maria
Hosang, Wayne & Zona
McInerney, Vincent & Evelyn
Huertas, Madeline
Humphrey, Dominic & Maria McKee, Nancy
Medina, John & Susan
Iglesia, Jose & Mari
Menendez, Juan & Deborah
Jarro, Carlos & Carolyn
Merlos, Guadalupe
Jerez, Tatiana
Mesa, Jose & Maria
Jesurun, Ivar & Mary
Mielke, Nancy
Jimenez, Ralph & April
Miller, James & Holly
Jiron, Ramon & Alba
Millet-Romero, Roxana
Johnson, Ghislaine
Millien, Bossuet & Claire
Johnson, Robert
Mion, Enrique
Jurney, Kent & Martha
Mion, Hugo & Adriana
Kaldahl, Scott & Carolyn
Mirabal Anthony & Lina
Kasner, Maria
Modrono, Manuel & Jeannie
Kauffman, Julie & Julie
Monge, Dr. Alfonso & Deborah
Kern, James & Patricia
Montalvo, Tomas & Yolanda
Khalil, Sam & Wafa
Monzayet, Elias & Marisol
King, James & Mary
Morales, Mauricio & Cristina
Krumpos, James & Kristin
Moravec, Michelle
Lamadriz, Maria Cristina
Gonzalez, Diana
Gonzalez, Omar& Christine
Gonzalez, Pedro& Raqueul
Gonzalez, Richard
Grammes, Wayne & Linda
Granziera, Fernando & Fernanda
Green, Deacon John & Doris
Green, Patricia
Guerra, Misael & Barbara
Guisasola, Fernando & Charlene
Gutierrez, Enrique & Teresita
Gutierrez, Gustavo & Wendeline
Gutierrez, Jaime & Maria
Guyamier, Raymond & Lucette
Hacker, William & Alice
Hagley, Rosalind
Hamann, Kevin & Adela
Hammonds, Jean
Hanlon, Thomas & Judith
Hart, Michael & Helen
Hechavarria, Terese
Heffernan, Gerald & Rosalie
Hernandez, Jose & Sandra
Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do to me. Matt.25
If you have not yet
Si usted todavía no ha hecho su
compromiso de sacrificio para apoyar al
pledge to support the
ABCD, en el día de hoy tiene la oportunidad
ABCD, today provides an
de hacerlo. Se le anima a responder a la
opportunity to do so. You are
carta de invitación del Arzobispo Wenski que
encouraged to respond to Archbishop Wenski’s invitation
se le envió por correo o a utilizar una de las tarjetas de compromiso
ABCDen la Iglesia.
letter sent by mail or to use the pledge card available in
La Fe
expande nuestros corazones en Esperanza. Como
Faith expands our hearts in hope. As Pope Benedict
dice el Papa Benedicto XVI en su carta apostólica Porta Fidei: “La
XVI says in his Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei, “Faith grows
Fe crece cuando se vive como experiencia de amor recibido y
when it is lived as an experience of love received and when
cuando se comunica como experiencia de gracia y alegría .... La Fe
it is communicated as an experience of grace and joy….
sin la Caridad no da fruto, mientras que la Caridad sin la Fe sería
Faith without charity bears no fruit, while charity without
un sentimiento constantemente a merced de la duda. La Fe y la
faith would be a sentiment constantly at the mercy of
Caridad, cada una requiere de la otra”.
doubt. Faith and charity each require the other.”
Su participación fiel y generosa en el ABCD fluye desde las
Your faithful and generous participation in the ABCD
muchas bendiciones que Dios derrama sobre ustedes y sobre
flows from God’s many blessings to you and to those you
sus seres queridos. Estamos llamados por Dios a ser buenos
hold dear. We are called upon by God to be good stewards
administradores de los dones que El nos ha dado, poniendo esos
of the gifts He has given us by placing those gifts at His
dones a Su servicio. Les pedimos que se unan a nosotros para
service. We ask that you join us in making a pledge to
hacer una promesa al ABCD de este año y para dejar una huella
this year’s ABCD and make a difference in the lives of your
transformadora en las vidas de nuestros hermanos y hermanas
brothers and sisters in need, so that together, we can be
necesitados, obrando Unidos en la Fe, Unidos en la Esperanza,
One in Faith, One in Hope, One in Charity.
Unidos en la Caridad.
Munilla,Juan & Laura
Muniz, Carlos & Alicia
Munoz, Alejandro & Adriana
Navarro, Maximo & Ana
Negron,Edgardo & Isabel
Neumann, Charles & Elizabeth
Noguera, Amalia
Nonez, Jacques & Michele
Norena,Oscar & Martha
Novicki-Remley, Rex & Gertrude
Noya, Jose Luis & Mayra
Nunez, Andres & Ruth
Nunez, Emilio & Glenda
Obermeier, Linda
Obermeir, Ferdinand & Gudrun
Ordonez, Herman & Ana
Oria, Daniel & Marysol
Ortiz, Irvin & Elisa
Osorio, Marcos & Beatriz
Osterberger, David and Mary
Page, Gregson & Pamela
Page, Larry & Joan
Page, Raymond & Dolmari
Palacio,Jose & Luz
Palaszewski, Daniel & Mary
Paniagua, Juan & Joann
ParsonsVan & Charlene
Paskewich, Lynn
Pastor, Carlos & Michelle
Pauly, Christopher & Samira
Pazos, Mary
Peloquin, Andre
Pereira, Sebastian & Lydia
Perez, Armando & Sandra
Perez, Jose & Alejandra
Perez, Juan & Maria
Perez, Maria
Perez, Rodolfo & Vivian
Pernia, David & Violeta
Petersen,Earle & Yvonne
Peterson, Kendall & Arlene
Phelan, Lawrence & Ann Marie
Pherson, James & Mary
Phillips, Bohn & Jennifer
Pierce, Jay & Ana
Plata, Horacio
Poozhikunnel, Joseph & Anita
Porras, Orlando & Claudia
Prado, Mario
Prosper, Armelee
Proulx, Margaret
Ramirez, Javier & Myriam
Randon, Gustavo & Veronica
Ready, Sheila
Rebozo, Charles & Connie
Reyes, Carlos & Dinora
Reyes, Javier & Georgina
Reyneri Nelson & Josefina
Rhugnanan, Noel & Marie
Ricciulli, Arnaldo & Marie Louise
Richardson, William & Maria
Rivas, Nelly
Riveros, Carlos & Jessica
Robitaille, John & Magaly
Robleto, Frank & Beatrice
Rodriguez, Gonzalo & Maria
Rodriguez, Luis
Rodriguez, Yhosvany & Bertha
Rodriquez, Alexander & Jennifer
Rodriquez, Madeline
Rodriquez, Mauricio & Patricia
Rodriquez, Victor & Maria
Roig-Romero, Regina
Rosquete, Robert & Elizabeth
Rottler, Donald & Ada
Rueda, Raimundo & Maria
Ruiz, Roberto & Ana
Ruiz, Yolanda
Sabbag, Theresa
Salvade, Hector & Maria
SantellaJoseph & Margaret
Schneider, David & Janet
ScholerRonald & Lois
Schreiber, John & Lourdes
Schwarte & Gisa
Schweitzer, Gregory & Kismberly
Schwitalla, Alphonse & Mary Lou
Scott, Joseph & Clare
Scott, Joseph & Annabelle
Silberberg, Noel & Sandra
Silva, Claudio & Tatiana
Siman, Adela
Siman, Julio
Simons, Robbin
Smith, Carlos & Maria
Smith, Earlene
Smith, Glen & Eloica
Sondon, Raul & Lauren
Sosa, Alberto & Obdulia
Spring, Michael & Maria
St. Thomas, Lori
Stephen, Joe & Mala
Suarez, Francisco & Lourdes
Suris, Jose & Hilda
Sutton Everett & Deborah
Swisstack, Mark & Silvia
Tegtmeyer, Egon & Elsie
Teriele, Thomas & Blanca
Tijerino, Toribio & Lucrecia
Tinoco, Carlos & Marlin
Tolosa, Rev. Armando
Tomonto, Charles & Elsa
Tomonto, Irene
Tomonto, Robert & Anne
Torrente, Richard & Marilyn
Trespalacios, Fernando & Bertha
Tuckwell, Shaun & Erin
Turner, Corinne
Urban, Frank
ValenciaJesus & Maria
Van De Water, Thomas & Jeanette
Varon, Libia
Vasquez, Betty
Vells, Rev. Biju
Vells, George & Mary
Verdeja, Octavio & Maria
Villaronga, Enrique & Rosamaria
Villena, Deacon Jose & Linda
Viola, Michael & Monica
Vuturo, Rev. Paul
Waldo, John
Warger, Vincent & Joan
Weltmann, Monica
Werner, Howard & Joanne
Westman, Mark & Ileana
White, Peter
Wick, Daniel & Allison
Williams, Byron & Alicia
Wilson, Agnes
Witkowski, Mark & Cecelia
Witkowski, Michael & Carol
Woodburn, Troy & Anique
Wright, Carole
Wright, William & Mercedes
Yap, Andrew & Diahann
Yglesias, Deacon Bob and Barbara
Zager, Denice
Anonymous Donors
Catholic Bible Fellowship
Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. James1:22
The study of James is a great opportunity, during this Year of Faith,
to study how to put our faith in action in the practical aspects of
our Christian lives. Some topics are: how to handle trials and
temptations, how to tame our tongues, being a friend of God rather
than a friend of the world, the value of humility, patience and prayer,
and understanding the relationship between faith and action.
James challenges us not just to “talk the talk”, but to “walk the
• 12 week study
• Workbooks by Scott Hahn and Mark Shea.
• Video lectures by priests.
• Cost of materials $23
Begin: Wednesday evening, Feb 6, 7:30 PM
Thursday morning, Feb 7, 9:30 AM
To register contact: Wed night Study, Marie Rhugnanan, 305-255-7593
Thurs morning Study, Joan McCaffery 305-595-3351
Come, be strengthened in your faith and renewed in your Christian calling.
Make Your Appointment
for Our Fiftieth Anniversay Family Album
Preparing for your Lifetouch portrait session
Portrait Guide
5:30 pm
7:00 am
8:15 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 pm
Carrasquillo/Debs --
Thanks for the individuals and the families who
have already had their pictures taken for the
50th Anniversary parish family album. We have
more dates available:
You can make your own appointment for a
photo shoot by going on-line to this link:
Or you can make an appointment clicking
the links on our parish website:
Next Week’s Schedule
Stephen Porter (786-837-4117)
Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423)
Zoraida Torres (305-270-7936)
Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729)
Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302)
Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298)
The Nursery
is OPEN every
Sunday for the
9:30 and 11:00
AM Masses.
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them.
St. Louis Emmaus Sisters
Just Us Girls Sharing
Sunday Monthly Gatherings at MorningStar
7:00 - 9:30 PM
Where Emmaus Sisters have an opportunity to relax, laugh,
and enjoy fellowship as Emmaus Sisters. A lot of fun
surprises coming your way! Looking so forward to seeing
you at MorningStar once a month! Guaranteed to keep you
coming back for more!!!
For more information contact: Denise Torricella or
Mary Chavez at
No Fee... we just need YOU!
Date Set to Honor Fr. Jim Fetscher
Founding Priest and First Vicar
of MorningStar
Thursday, February 28th
from 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Reserve your place today for the Wine &
Cheese Garden Party in honor of Fr. Jim. Be
part of giving thanks to Fr. Jim for all he has
done for MorningStar. The evening will include
Wine & Cheese and small bites. Come and
lift a glass with Fr. Fetscher in gratitude for his
wisdom, guidance, and love for the ministry of
Donation: $50 per couple/$25 per person
As you know, the Parish History Committee is planning a museum
for Aug. 24, 25, 2013. Many people have “ cleaned their closets”
to lend us the items you have seen in the portable display and
much more . At this time, we are in the process of laying out the
actual museum. We are still looking for the following items to
complete the story. We need your help NOW.
All items should be marked with your name and telephone so they
can be returned, and left at the church office for Irene Tomonto.
If you have any questions call 305-253-2036. We will be very
careful of your special things and see that everything is returned.
Do you have:
Memorabilia from past years that you think would be of interest to others.
Wedding pictures taken at St. Louis for a special display.
Sacramental pictures (Baptisms, First Communion etc.) for a special display
Tri-boards telling the history of your ministry.
Ven Y Escucha Al Msgr Wilfredo Peña
18 de febrero al 20 de febrero, 2013
Cada Noche De 7:30 A 9:00 PM
Msgr. Peiia nacio en Cuba y fue ordenado Sacerdote Diocesano
el 30 de marzo de 197 4 en Ia Arquidiocesis de San Juan, Puerto Rico. Curso
estudios en Estados Unidos, Colombia, Roma y Puerto Rico. Graduado de Filosofia
en Ia Universidad Catolica de Ponce, Puerto Rico. Obtuvo su Bachillerato
en Teologia en Ia Universidad Pontificia del Laureano de Roma y obtuvo Ia
Licenciatura en Derecho Canonico. Actualmente ostenta candidatura al Doctorado
en Derecho Canonico por I Universidad San Tomas de Aquino, en Urbe (Angelicum,
Entre sus numerosos retiros parroquiales y conferencias alrededor de
Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos tambien tiene programas en EWTN,
“Mientras el Mundo Gira” y en el Canal 13 de Puerto Rico “Reaccion
Inmediata” y “Tu a Tu con Padre Willie”.
No dejes de asistir a este retiro de cuaresma donde Msgr. Peiia nos ayudara
a comprender el porque y para que de nuestra fe en el aiio que
nuestro Santo Padre Benedicto XVI lo ha dedicado como “el Aiio de La Fe”.
¿No quiere usted
acercarse más a Dios?
Talleres para Jovenes
Los talleres son un método
comprobado y acertado que ha
ayudado a muchas personas a
cambiar sus vidas al entrar en una
relación personal y profunda con
Dios. En este taller proponemos
Comenzamos el taller Miércoles
30 de Enero de 10:00 AM a 12:00 PM, Salón Lectura
Hall. Para más información llamar a Luisa Davis: 305
232 6806 ó 305 926 3341, y en la noche comienza,
Martes Enero 29 de 7:30 a 9:30. Llamar a Nioves 305
También queremos promocionar este taller yendo
a casas particulares para grupos de personas
incapacitadas, o que por cualquier motivo no puedan
asistir a la Parroquia. Déjennos saber si están
interesados en ofrecer sus casas para este servicio.
“Sea Jesus la GRAN FIESTA de
tu Vida para que derrames a tu
derredor semillas de alegría y
esperanza.” 10 Sesiones
P. Ignacio Larrañaga
Inicio : Mates 12 de Febrero
Hora: 7:30 p.m.
Informacion: Ana Silverio
Phone: 305-336-6243
St. Louis Parish
The Way of St. James
Ministry Heads and Associates Meeting
Saturday, February 16, 2013 • 9:30 AM
in the Main Church
Be there!
Reunión de Cabezas de Ministerio y Asociados
Sabado 16 de febrero de 2013 • 9:30 AM
en la Iglesia
¡No falte!
From Lourdes to Santiago de Compostela along
The Way of St. James ending in Fatima
March 4 - 16, 2013
Chaplain: Deacon George Labelle
Join us for an insightful presentation on the Way of
St. James by Deacon Victor Pimentel on January 31,
2013 at 7 PM in Hospitality A. There are spaces still
available. For more information, call Ernie or Marta
Vidal at Odyssey Travel Agency, 305-233-7723 or
St. Louis’ Men’s and Women’s Retreat
Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Retreat Center
North Palm Beach, Florida
for MEN
April 5th-7th
Men of St. Louis, mark your calendars! Join us on our third
annual Spiritual Retreat. Wives, mothers, sweethearts,
and children: Do you want your husband, son, father or
fiancé to be a happier person in just two days? It can be
done with a little help from Above. Remind him of the
Parish Retreat from April 5-7, 2013.
Suggested Retreat Donation: $195.00
For more information, contact Michael McKeever
May 17th-19th
Ladies of St. Louis, mark your calendars! Join us on
our third annual Spiritual Retreat. Come and give
yourself a uniquely spiritual and refreshing weekend,
resting in God’s Love on our
Parish Retreat from May 17-19, 2013
Suggested Retreat Donation: $195.00
For more information, contact Yvonne Lim Petersen
305-496-2434 e-mail:
For retreat information and registration form, please visit:
M a r r i amge n t
Today is the day to sign up for the Covenant Weekend on Feb. 8, 9. 10, 2013. The weekend offers an
opportunity to meet other couples from the parish, who love the Lord and each other and are interested
in improving their marriage and family life. Because it will be held at the parish, you will be going home at
night. The cost is $120 per couple with a $25 deposit at registration. For more information call Bob and
Anne Tomonto 305-253-7738.
St. Louis Book & Gift Store NEWS
We have new movies available:
• For Greatest Glory
• The Way of St. James
• St. Philip Nery
• Hostia
• The Catholicism Series
We have the Magnificat “Year of
Faith” Com­panion available now.
Book and Gift Center
Tienda de Libros
y Regalos
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 11:00 AM
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Wednesday 5:00 - 8:00 PM
after 5:30 PM Mass
10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Come and browse. Hugs are FREE!
We are still in need of volunteers to help out for an hour after the Sunday Masses.
Contact Carol 305-238-7562 Ext. 7029
Announcing our newly remodeled website!
Connect With Us
• Parish calendar and program information
• Recordings of Fr. Paul’s homilies
• Recordings of Parish Missions, including Jim Murphy
and Bishop Jason Gordon
• Contact information for clergy and staff
• Religious Education and Youth Ministry news
• Ministry schedules
• Bulletin archives
• Link to the Covenant School website
• Links to Archdiocese and other websites
PRIMERA LECTURA (Nehemias 8: 2-4, 5-6, 8-10)
Esdras lee la ley ante toda la asamblea reunida del pueblo de Israel. Con probabilidad se trata del
nacimiento de la Ley como norma suprema para regir la vida del puelo. Con el tiempo esta ley llegará a
ser la única norma de vida tanto civil como religiosa. San Pablo será quien plantee la gran pregunta ¿quién
salva, la ley de Moisés o la fen en Cristo Jesús?
SEGUNDA LECTURA (1 Corintios 12: 12-30)
San Pablo reflexiona sobre los ministerios y carismas en la comunidad cristiana. Nadie es más que nadie, nadie puede
prescindir de los demás; nadie puede despreciar a los demás. Todos participamos activamente en la construcción del cuerpo
de Cristo, que es la Iglesia. De esta forma, el crecimiento de la Iglesia es orgánico y armónico. La Iglesia crece, pero nadie se
impone sobre los demás.
EVANGELIO (Lucas 1:1-4; 4: 14-21)
En la sinagoga de Nazaret, su pueblo natal, Jesús pronunica un discurso que tiene el valor de ser programático. No es un
simple comentario a un texto de la Escritura, sino que afirma que cuando el profeta Isaías habla del unjido de Dios, en realidad
está hablando de él. Jesús es el Masías esperado, que viene a traer la libertad y el año de gracia de Dios.
Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week
Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jan. 27th
Neh 8: 2-4, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Cor 12: 12-30;
Lk 1: 1-4; 4: 14-21
7:00 am
+ Recently Deceased/Bereavment Ministry
8:15 am
+ Pedro & Juliana Vergaray/Loving Daughter
+ Petrona Piñeiro/Leonor Olivera
9:30 am
+ Elaine Rembisz/Loving Family
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
12:30 pm
+ Oswald Joseph/ Loving Son
5:30 pm
+ Anita Holman/Loving Family
+ Maria Duarte/Selma Burahonal
7:15 pm
Roberto Espindola/Sally Serrano
Armando Serrano/Sally Serrano
Monday/lunes St. Thomas Aquinas, priest-doctor
Jan. 28th
Heb 9: 15, 24-28; Mk 3: 22-30
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
+ Doris Hayes/ Ray & Patricia Hayes
+ Verline Moore/Pilar Carson
Jan. 29th
Heb 10: 1-10; Mk 3: 31-35
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
+ Amalia Silva/Eric & Ilse Brenner
+ David Lyons/Evans Family
Jan. 30th
Heb 10: 11-18; Mk 4: 1-20
6:30 am
+ George Vilecce/Loving Daughter
+ Adele vilcece/Loving Daughter
8:30 am
+ José de la Torre/Rodríguez Family
+ Frank Cesarano/Loving Family
7:00 pm
Nicolás Cordero
St. John Bosco, priest
Jan. 31st
Heb 10: 19-25; Mk 4: 21-25
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
Feb. 1st
Heb 10: 32-39; Mk 4: 26-34
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
+ Alex Pattinson/Loving Mother
+ Isabel Baca/Loving Family
Presentation of the Lord
Feb. 2nd
Mal 3: 1-4; Heb 2: 14-18; Lk 2: 22-40
8:30 am
+ Rita Dubouchet/Castellvi Family
+ Emma Dangler/Millie Marrou
5:30 pm
+ Alberto Baca/Loving Family
Marbel Cano - In Thanksgiving
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Feb. 3rd
Jer 1: 4-5, 17-19; 1Cor 12: 31 13: 13; Lk 4: 21-30
7:00 am
Mass for Life
+ Margaret Bauer/Mary Horton
8:15 am
+ Alberto & Isabel Baca/Loving Family
+ Isabel Baca/Rebeca Collada
9:30 am
+ John Lexday/James & Susan McDonald
+ Janette Africano/Paz Family
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Maria Anna & David Giordani/Loving Family
12:30 pm
+ Cecelia Gómez & Gregorio Galvan/Silvia Galvan
Rainer Zinn/James & Susan McDonald
5:30 pm
+ Verline Moore/Evans Family
+ Guillaume Anoine/Ghislaine Johnson
7:15 pm
+ Luis Flores/Karen Muñoz & Family
Elizabeth Galindo/Elura Galindo
Midnight Musings
Pensamientos de Media Noche
He Has Sent Me
Americans listen to the inauguration address of
a new president to understand his priorities and get a
sense of the direction of his administration. Christians
can similarly listen to Jesus’ “inauguration address”
given at Nazareth at the beginning of his ministry. As
he defines the outlines of his ministry, he also defines
“He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up,
and went according to his custom into the synagogue
on the sabbath day. He stood up to read and was
handed a scroll of the prophet Isaiah. He unrolled the
scroll and found the passage where it was written: ‘The
Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed
me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me
to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to
the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim
a year acceptable to the Lord.’ Rolling up the scroll, he
handed it back to the attendant and sat down, and the
eyes of all in the synagogue looked intently at him. He
said to them, ‘Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled
in your hearing’ ( Luke 4:16-21).”
Jesus said at Nazareth that he was the “anointed
one,” the “Messiah.”
Because we share his anointing with the Holy
Spirit, we share his mission. As the body of Christ
in the world, the Church does the work of Christ as
we bring his good news to others by our words and
actions. We bear witness to Christ by sharing the
word of his gospel and by demonstrating his love in
the goodness of our daily lives.
Thanks to all who have made the pledges to the
ABCD. Through this project we reach out to others;
we live out our anointing to be good news to the poor.
Thanks to all those who have made their pledges.
To those who have not yet pledged, I ask you to join
us and all of the Church in South Florida, some 107
parishes and missions; your pledge can make a
Yours in Christ,
El Me Envio
Los americanos escuchan el discurso inaugural
del nuevo presidente para conocer sus prioridades
y percibir la dirección tomará su administración. Los
Cristianos pueden escuchar igual a Jesús en el “discurso
inaugural” que dió en Nazaret al comienzo de su
ministerio. Mientras él delineaba su ministerio, así
mismo se definía.
“Fue a Nazaret, donde se había criado, y según
su costumbre entró un sábado en la sinagoga y se puso
en pie para hacer la lectura. Le entregaron el libro del
profeta Isaías. Lo abrió y encontró el texto que dice: ‘El
Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, porque él me ha ungido
para que dé la buena noticia a los pobres; me ha enviado
a anunciar la libertad a los cautivos y la vista a los ciegos,
para poner en libertad a los oprimidos, para proclamar
el año de gracia del Señor’. Lo cerró, se lo entregó al
ayudante y se sentó. Toda la sinagoga tenía los ojos fijos
en él. El les dijo, “Hoy, en presencia de ustedes, se ha
cumplido este pasaje de la Escritura” (Lucas 4: 16-21).
Jesús dijo en Nazaret que él era “el ungido”, el
Porque él comparte su unción con el Espíritu
Santo, nosotro compartimos su misión. Como el
Cuerpo de Cristo en el mundo, la Iglesia desarrolla la
labor de Cristo al tiempo que llevamos la buena nueva
a nuestros hermanos con nuestras palabras y acciones.
Somos testigos de Cristo compartiendo la palabra de su
evangelio y demostrando su amor en las bondades de
nuestro diario vivir.
Gracias a todos los que hicieron sus ofertas
de donación para el ABCD. A través de este proyecto
llegamos a otros; vivimos nuestra unción de ser la buena
nueva para los pobres.
Gracias a todos los que hicieron su oferta de
donación. A aquello que no la han hecho todavía, les
suplico que se unan a nosotros y a toda la Iglesia del Sur
de la Florida, unas 107 parroquia y misiones; su oferta
de donación puede hacer la diferencia.
Suyos en Cristo,