2014 November Newsle.. - Effort United Methodist Church
2014 November Newsle.. - Effort United Methodist Church
The Messenger (The publication of the Effort United Methodist Church for November 2014) Our Vision: “The purpose of Effort United Methodist Church is to know, love and serve God as a unified Christian Community, inviting others to become deeply committed followers of Jesus Christ!” The Pastor’s Page (It is a V.I.P. you know…a Very Important Page! Seriously…..Very Important! Make sure you read it!) Dear Friends, Thanksgiving is coming up this month and I thought it would be worthwhile to see how Scripture describes expressing Thanksgiving and encourage the practice in November of giving thanks to God for three things each day of this month. In numerous places in the Old Testament, such as Leviticus 7:12; 2 Chronicles 29:31 and 33:16; Psalm 50:14,23; 56:12; 107:22; Jeremiah 17:26; 33:11 and Amos 4:5, people are encouraged to bring “thank offerings.” I don’t know about you, but I didn’t have a clue as to what a thank offering as. I discovered it is one of the fellowship offerings. Ok, so that doesn’t help a lot if you don’t know what a fellowship offering is in the first place. A fellowship offering was one that was shared between the one making the offering and the priest. This thank offering was given for healing from illness, escape from trouble or death, and/or the experience of blessing (The NIV Study Bible, p. 153). We too, when we gather to eat together at our Thanksgiving meals can remember to give thanks for our life and health and the many blessings we enjoy. Thanks was also commonly connected with prayer and singing. Daniel prayed regularly three times a day, at set times of the day. Even when a law was passed to trap Daniel into disobeying King Darius’ edict, Daniel, it says, continued to kneel at his window three times a day to give thanks to God. Think of how our lives would be changed if we simply put this discipline into practice in our own lives! It is Daniel’s practice that motivated me when I came to Effort Church to begin each day in my office by praying the “Wesley Covenant Prayer” in front of the window. And if you want to go a step further in enlarging your thankfulness, you can follow the practice of the Psalmist in Psalm 119, who wrote that he rose at midnight to give thanks to God. When the wall of Jerusalem was completed during the time of Nehemiah, two Choirs were dedicated to give thanks at the celebration of worship (Nehemiah 12:31)! When you hear the Choir sing on Sunday morning, think of how the use of a Choir can be traced all the way back to the time of ancient Israel. One of the words the Church uses for Holy Communion is Eucharist. This is from the Greek word, ευχαριστία, which means ‘thanksgiving.’ At every celebration of Holy Communion, the central part of the service is called “The Great Thanksgiving,” which begins with: “The Lord be with you; And also with you; Lift up your hearts; We lift them up to the Lord; Let us give thanks to the Lord our God; It is right to give our thanks and praise; It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks to you, Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth…” Finally, the Apostle Paul repeats how thankful he is for the people in the various congregations that his connected with. My favorite is his expression in the first chapter of his letter to the Philippian congregation: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you!” And, as one of your pastors, I thank God upon every remembrance of YOU! May we, together, learn to give heed this November, the month of Thanksgiving, to Paul’s admonition in 1 Thessalonians 5:1618: “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The Lord be with your spirit, Robin Membership Classes: The next class for anyone interested in becoming a new member here at Effort UMC will be held on November 16th 2014 immediately after the 11:00am service. There will be lunch, of course! So bring yourself and your appetite cuz we feed both your body and your soul around here and I always say…. If you want to be a Methodist, you have to start to eat like one! HA and YUM! Confirmation Classes: Next class will be held November 9th and 23rd at 2:00 pm. This class is for ages 12/6th grade and up. The “Joyful Noise” for NOVEMBER!! (Give from a heart of thankfulness and God will surely multiply it!) November 1st & 2nd - World Service Fund: Every dollar we give supports a child beginning to question, an adult reaffirming his or her beliefs, a new Christian discovering the path. We enable missionaries to work globally, enrich discipleship projects, and enhance congregational life through worship, retreats, training and counseling. World Service becomes our voice, expressing our commitment to build a church and a people dedicated to making disciples for Jesus Christ. November 8 & 9, 15 & 16, 22 & 23, 29 & 30: Once again, our faith community is about to embark upon another year of continuing our St Nick Project. The goal of the St Nick Project is to provide Christmas gifts to local families whose current circumstances would otherwise keep them from enjoying this traditional part of the Christmas holidays that so many of us take for granted. The Joyful Noise offerings for the remainder of November will help support this ministry. Save those receipts! You can help support the general fund of our church without putting more money in the offering plate! Let’s get at this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those receipts (do not cut off the bottom!) and put them in the box marked “Supermarket Tapes” located in the Narthex (next to the door to go to Wesley Hall). You can also place them in the offering plate and Doris Tagliaferri takes care of the whole darn thing. Every little bit adds up so don’t throw them out! God will take each little bit and multiply it! He fed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish…. Imagine what he can do with register receipts! WHOA! :-0 Financially Speaking…. and there is always a lot to talk about… FYI: The monthly reports are on the bulletin board in the Narthex and the weekly giving is in the bulletin each week. Bob Decker, Finance Committee Chairperson can be reached at jbd22897@verizon.net Keepin you ! Fulfilling Our Covenant: We have received a check in the amount of $2,257.00 as a result of the third quarter period ending September 30, 2014. All monies received to date as our portion of the Fulfilling our Covenant Campaign has been placed in the Capital Improvement Funds. A heartfelt “Thank You” to all of you who have and continue to participate in this program. Effort UMC is reaping great benefits from the seeds you have sowed. WAY TO GO!! WHOOP! WHOOP!!!! :-0 HERE IS A LITTLE SOMETHING YOU CAN DO TO HELP WITH CHURCH FINANCES The holidays are coming and might you be doing some shopping on line? Well we have an opportunity that will benefit both you and your church. UMCMarket.org: Hmmmm…. what is this you ask? Why it’s a way for you to support our church, of course, simply by purchasing items you normally would through a program approved by the General Council on Finance and Administration. UMCmarket.org is an online shopping service specifically designed for members of the United Methodist Church to shop at hundreds of well-known and respected retailers and get a percentage of their total shopping purchase donated to the local church (that’s us). All that is required is for you to go to UMCmarket.org, register the name of our church and then go do your on-line shopping. There is no cost or obligation for membership and anyone can register and have their qualified purchase percentages donated to the church. So if you shop on-line, why not check this out. There also are additional discounts on many items. SWEET! You get a great deal and the church gets a percentage of the purchase. Check it out! It is a win, WIN all around! (pssst... I signed up today and it was easy cheesy!) GOING THE EXTRA MILE>>>>>> Please consider “giving an extra mile offering” some-time this month. Just like at home, the church operating expenses are increasing even though we have made various cutbacks. MEH! Any extra offering amount big or small is most helpful and appreciated. Thank you to all of you who have been contributing, every bit has made a difference. ATTENTION! For those who already give electronically and miss putting something in the offering plate we have this totally great thing for you! There are laminated blue cards on the Welcome Center that you can take and put in your envelope that state you give electronically. This allows you the ease of electronic giving and also participation in placing something in the collection plate. Nifty noodle, aye? If you have any other suggestions on how to make it easier and more comfortable to give electronically, just let Jan Decker know, and she’ll pass the info on. If you would like to give it a whirl, just fill out the authorization form on the welcome center and zip it on over to the church office! You can also contact Annette Gigliotti (effortum@gmail.com). What a great way to keep a regular rhythm of funds flowing into the church budget. You can e-give from checking or savings accounts, credit or debit card. Info about electronic giving so you can give the biggest bang for your buck: Stay with me folks cuz below looks a little confusing… but basically it says that the church gets the most out of your giving when you use a checking or savings account because the fees are markedly lower and it shows the comparison of costs weekly and monthly. Here goes…. The fees are: $0.25 per transaction for giving from Checking or Savings account $0.45 per transaction for giving by credit card PLUS the credit card company fee which is 3 1/2 % for American Express or 2.75% for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. The examples below explain it in real numbers. (which reminds me of word problems in math that used to make me want to tear my hair out!!) Let’s say I want to give $50 per week to the church: here is the comparative breakdown… Electronic giving from Checking or Savings = $50 donation less $0.25 fee = $49.75 received by church Electronic giving from Visa, MasterCard or Discover = $50 donation less $1.83 total fees = $48.17 received by church Electronic giving from American Express = $50 donation less $2.20 total fees = $47.80 received by church. If there are 4 weeks per month consider this (giving weekly): the fees are multiplied by 4 Electronic giving from Checking or Savings = $200 total donations less $1.00 fees = $199.00 received by church Electronic giving from Visa, MasterCard or Discover = $200 total donations less $7.28 total fees = $192.72 received by church Electronic giving from American Express = $200 total donations less $8.80total fees = $191.20 received by church. Instead of weekly giving you could consider one monthly donation to cut down on fees incurred by the church: Electronic giving from Checking or Savings = $200 donation less $0.25 fee = $199.75 received by church Electronic giving from Visa, MasterCard or Discover = $200 donation less $5.95 total fees = $194.05 received by church Electronic giving from American Express = $200 donation less $7.45 total fees = $192.55 received by church. Take a deep breath and if you have to, go back and look at this again. I had to look at it a few times because my pea brain doesn’t do math very well and I got all kinds of discombobulated. :/ But, the jist of it is, the more transactions the less money the church gets and credit cards cost more to use then checking and savings. No my dear hearts, if all that gobble-de-gook has given you a headache, and you choose to continue giving in the envelopes, it’s all good! We are merely trying to give you the best way to keep your weekly giving as simple and consistent as possible for both of our budgets! Oh and BTW, if you have not been assigned envelopes stop by the office and our pretty little gal Jan will get you a set with your own special number on it. We aim to please! A note from Bob Decker Finance Chairperson. “Does your Financial Plan emulate your life purpose? Right in this moment, how would you describe your life purpose? Why do you exist? Is it just to be a member of the consumer parade, by focusing on acquiring all those things that are sold to us with the “pitch” of what great pleasure they will bring? Our society steers us this way, taking us in the direction of making as much money as you can and blow it all on the short lived pleasure that consumable goods deliver. Certainly God has a higher purpose of your life. He has a vision and a mission for you and he is calling to you to lead you in that direction. Sometimes it isn’t always obvious and it may come to you later in life when he feels you are best suited to fulfill that mission. In the meantime shouldn’t you be praying for that insight, shouldn’t your focus be on searching for that higher purpose? Are you spending your time, money and efforts in that direction of your life purpose and also in supporting your fellow faith walkers in finding their mission? Maybe your life purpose was meant to be met in conjunction with the vision of another follower of Christ? Together by fulfilling your plan you may bring others to Christ, which is the ultimate visioning plan of all God’s children. Abraham when chosen by God to have many descendants and to be the father of the great nation, found his mission later in life. Abraham in his wisdom knew he was blessed to be a blessing to others. The prodigal son in his life’s own lesson came to see that our purpose in life is not for our own pleasure. To be a Christian is to follow Jesus Christ and to seek to do his will in our lives. We were created to care for God’s creation, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to do acts of kindness, justice and mercy. This should be the basis of our life’s purpose as it is the essentials of our faith. Which specific need of God’s people we choose to concentrate our efforts becomes our true life purpose. Every day is an opportunity to bless the life of someone else. So are you pursuing that mission that is bigger than your own personal satisfaction? Take time to reflect on how your time, efforts, money and resources are playing a role in articulating that mission. Money should never be an end in itself but rather a means for the end, which is accomplishing your life purpose. Look at money as a blessing from God and be responsible to him to be a good steward of that gift and use it as a tool to change lives for the betterment of his Kingdom here on Earth. To bring your financial plan “in line” with your life purpose will require goal setting and developing a plan. So then start the process by asking yourself “what do you hope to accomplish in the next year, five years, and years beyond?” Then set financial goals within the same time frames to help you accomplish your chosen objectives that are tied to your sense of mission and life purpose. This is demonstrating to God you are becoming a good steward of his God given resources. Don’t get steered down the road of the “consumer society” where you tend to live at the edge of your means and then cannot do the things that really matter and cannot reach your higher purpose God wants you to achieve. Rather be someone that lives below your means and is extravagantly generous and fulfills the meaningful life purpose God intended for you. Humbly in his service, Bob Decker Here are two important questions for you to ponder… (and we even supply answers ) 1. Have you remembered Effort United Methodist Church in your Estate Planning? Just one line in your will for that final tithe to leave some of your legacy here for future generation of believers. 2. Have you considered your church when doing end of the year charitable tax deductible donations? It’s a great way of supporting your church and you can write the donation off of your taxes in April. Happy Spring!! :-0 Look for Financial Planning Principle Guide Sheet and Financial Goal and Budget worksheet on the Welcome Center to assist you in your planning to finance your life’s purpose. A heartfelt thank you for every gift of generosity received. DID YOU KNOW….. “Money and possessions are the second most referenced topic in the Bible – money is mentioned more than 800 times – and the message is clear: Nowhere in Scripture is debt viewed in a positive way.” Forbes magazine (rut row, if Forbes magazine is paying attention to scripture… maybe we should too. Just sayen!) 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”. A STAR IS BORN!!! IS IT YOU!!?? WE THINK IT COULD BE… Do you want to be a star of your own show? Do you want to be on EUMC Silver Screen? Is that unfulfilled acting desire ready to come to life? Then the Finance committee has the opportunity you have been waiting for. No auditions necessary, just come with your script and the Tech team will make you the star of your dreams. In all seriousness, though, we are looking for those who would be willing to give a two-three minute stewardship testimony on video to be presented at all services. A testimony on how you came to share your time, talents, treasures here at EUMC and how you felt your faith has been enriched by doing so. Dee Juris will be presenting her testimony in November! These will be presented on a monthly basis and by doing the video you won’t have to appear live at all services in front of the congregation. The tech team will work with you and will take a max of five takes, after that they'll just go with the best one ( no actually I think those guys have the patience of the saints and will work with you and make every effort to assist you in making your presentation effective). Make your presentations heartfelt and effective to touch other hearts in making stewardship of their God given gifts a more recognized importance in their lives. Reach out to Jan in the church office, Bob Decker finance chm, or members of the tech team to make this happen. We hope to get a few of these videos recorded to start our presentations in the coming months. Thanks for considering to help in this Finance Committee venture MINISTRY, MISSIONS & OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE! (Many hands make light work and bring Joy to others and share the of God!) Prayer for a serving heart: Open my ears and eyes to the many opportunities to serve others for you Lord. Help me serve with joy as you lead and strengthen me through your word and spirit. May my serving be a testimony to you and your gift of grace and love given for all of your creation both great and small. May each life you bless me with rest upon my heart so that I will care for them as you care for me, and may they only see you in the process. Amen. There are always NEW opportunities to serve here at EUMC! Look below and you may just find one that speaks to your “ ”! Not so new, New, NEW, but here for you to do! Reader, Usher or Greeter: Are you interested in serving in one or all of these capacities? If so, please let Pastor Robin or Jan Decker know. We have a spot just for you. We are currently preparing a schedule for the Fall and really hope you would like to serve. Parishioners looking for a ride to church: There are several service opportunities available for those willing to provide a ride to church to those who are currently not able to drive themselves to church. Currently there are two such opportunities. One is for Saturday evenings and comes from the Sun Valley area, the other is for 8:30 service and comes from the Kunkletown area. If you are interested in providing a ride to either of these individuals, please contact Jan in the office. The Pandas are seeking donations of yard games and equipment. If you have a croquet set, bean bag toss, plastic horseshoes and stakes, etc. that you are willing to donate, we will make good use of them! Contact Pastor Ken or Wendy Edwards or just bring them into the office. All donations are greatly appreciated. VALOR: is seeking donations for coats and boots for the Veterans who reside at this transitional housing. In the event you are willing to donate, you can do so by leaving a donation in the church office or through Dunkelbergers on Route 209 in Brodheadsville. Pick one or two that speak to you and have at it, my little doodle do! Shepherd’s Staff: Is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who would like to meet, greet and provide visitors with information about our church. We are currently seeking individuals who would like to share the love of God after each service. All that is required is that you have a love for your God and your church and to welcome, speak and provide tours for visitors of the church at the Welcome Center. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Steve Johnson at: sjsa@ptd.net or leave him a note in the “Lay Leader” mailbox. HANDY PERSON/PERSONS ARE “ALWAYS” NEEDED! If you have hands, and we know you do, don’t keep them to yourself like your momma always told you to, we could use them! The Trustees are always looking for volunteers to help out any time. If you have a willing heart, a bit of time and those hands we talked about, please contact Mark Shields at marka@ptd.nert or call him at 570-977-6948 or check in with the church office for the details on the projects that still need a little doing. There is ALWAYS something that needs to be done and you know nothing is a small project. The more the merrier! Caring for the children during the llam service: Nursery Volunteers and Floaters: We need your help! Volunteers are needed to serve in the Nursery on Sunday mornings while parents attend the 11:00 am church service. If you don’t want to commit to working the Nursery, perhaps you would like to serve as a “floater.” This individual would float between the Body Building Classes and the Nursery to assist the leaders by escorting children for a rest room break or to check in to see if anything is needed. If you are interested in serving with our children, please see Jan in the office to ensure appropriate clearances are obtained. A schedule for the month of November is currently being developed. Prayer Shawl Ministry: Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 10:30am to 1:30pm. If you knit or crochet or would like to learn, please join the ladies they would love to welcome you and have you join the group. Our next meetings are: November 4th and November 18th. If you know someone who would benefit from one of these beautiful shawls made with a faithful heart of love, please let one of the members know. It is a warm and wonderful way to feel wrapped in the loving arms of God. Info flyer is in the Narthex. If you want to see all the places around the globe our shawls have gone check out the map in the Narthex with the red pins in it. If they keep this up the entire world will be wearing prayerful shawls of God’s love! Keep praying that their hands and needles hold out! Bulletin/flower sponsors needed: The cost for sponsoring flowers is $25.00. Sign-up sheets for 2014 are on the bulletin board next to the library. (Across from the office) Payment is required at least one week prior to the sponsored date. Payment should be placed in an appropriately marked envelope and put in the offering plate. Let’s keep that altar bright and beautiful with a bountiful bevy of budding and blooming blossoms! (Whew!) Look at how happy all those flowers are!! Sponsoring some will make you happy too my little doodle do!! YAY! Flowers!!! Yay! YAY! For the Bloomin Flowers!! THE TECH TEAM MINISTRY….. “IT’S TECHNICAL…” (Really….. it is, would I lie to you?) Questions or comments please direct them to Leif the Rock Star Johnson in the cave, by phone (570-619-5482) or email at (eumctech@gmail.com). We are actively recruiting a “committed and able” audio/tech team for the Saturday evening contemporary service to serve on a rotational basis and help for developing the power point presentation. Prayerfully consider serving. And while you are praying about it, how about this…. this is a great team my peeps, and you didn’t hear it from me and I am whispering here.. but there just might be food and coffee in the cave… and you can even take you’re your shoes off and let your dogs breathe and wiggle-de-diggle your toezies during the whole service and no one will even know, cuz no one can see you up there! How awesome it that?!! What else could you ask for? Really?! FYI>>> If you have a video or a clip that you would like to use in the church via the tech cave for a presentation, a service, or a meeting, please contact the tech team to be sure that it can be used within the legal guidelines for showing such things. There are copyright laws that we must abide by to prevent litigation. (Yes… litigation. What is this world coming to?? I can’t stand it!) Sometimes you have to toss in a googly face or two for no reason at all! I just can’t help it! BLAAAH! Yippie skippie do da day! NO MORE MOWING!!! YAY! YAY! HORRAY! I am sooo happy about the sleeping of the grass, but, alas… my sweets…. my mind now whips into the next season at hand… oh, and you know the one I am talking about. The one with the snow and sleet and wind and ice.. yeah… this guy shows up… Grrrr! Soooooo, now we have to build a rotating schedule of snow removal volunteers with shovels at the ready to come and clear that dastardly white stuff from the walk ways and entrances of the church, so no one does a slippy slide and bonks their noggin! Please let Jan know ASAP in the office if you are ready, willing and able to help. Thanks a heap! The Ministry Of Helping Hands: The mission of Helping Hands is to assist individuals who are having difficulty performing seasonal household chores for a variety of reasons. Help is not limited to just Effort United Methodist Church members. If you are unable to help in a physical way, monetary donations are a wonderful way to help out so that when we have building projects and need supplies we will have the funds to do them. For more information please call Joyce or Marv Aylsworth at 570-6433334. Seriously….. If you call us, we will come! Some of the jobs that have been done are: cleaned 2 basements cleaned a barn helped move 4 families cleaned a household for an ill person patched a roof started outside painting at the church including purchasing the paint helped clean an estate home small electrical repair job helped construct two handicap ramps hauled coal to church member 2 different times helped put up fence at Garden of Giving changed light bulbs helped remove rocks from Garden of Giving cleaned bathroom fans and lights put in and take out air conditioners cleaning and organizing closets cleaned gutters numerous yard projects including cleaning a shed and mowing yard took down/put up an awning seasonally numerous transports to medical appointments Above is a list of some of the jobs that have been accomplished some were once, others were multiple times and some are still ongoing. We know of others in the church family who have assisted people as they have seen the need without recognition .Helping Hands is a loosely organized group and we feel blessed when someone in the church family performs a service for others. Joyce and Marv Aylsworth PASTORAL CARE TEAM (Caring for His flock ….because in faith, we and He love “ewe“ very much!) Our next meeting is scheduled for Nov 5th @ 7P.M. in the library We are still looking for donations for our college kids, a tub is located in the narthex next to the welcome center, all donations greatly appreciated and we have 8 kids so far. We will continue to do card showers, cheer baskets, visits and meals when needed and work with Pastor Ken in the food pantry. If you know of anyone who needs a little joy and encouragement please see or call a member of the team. For more information Please call Dee Juris @(610)681-8217 or e-mail@deedlebug24@gmail.com. Little quotes for serving folks… “Out of a heart of thank-fullness stems all the kinds of giving”(what is in the heart comes out) "Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action." W. J. Cameron (it does have the word “giving” in it) “Be grateful for all who have helped you, by you doing things for others” (payin it forward peeps) Cultivating Generous and Thankful Hearts Ministry Headed by Bob Decker (It is all about the 5 loaves and two fishes in action. Give what you have in faith and God will multiply it! He will! It has happened before!!! See Matthew 14: 13-31, John 6:1-15, Mark 6:30-44…. go ahead, read it! Upcoming events of the UMW: See Mark Your Calendar!!! (They are there…. Go right now!) Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 10th at 7:00 pm. This will be our “Thank Offering” and 2015 Program review meeting. Please remember to bring your thank offerings with you. Hostesses are Ruth Oakes and Barbara Stephan. Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner: A huge to all who volunteered and/or support the Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner held in October. The net proceeds of approximately $1200.00 will be placed in the Church’s General Fund. A special thank you to Dave and Carol Esdale and Bob Decker for the prep work in making this dinner so yummy and a success. For additional information about the UMW please contact Dee Juris @ (610)681-8217 or email deedlebug24@gmail.com or Jan Decker @ the church office (570)629-1890. Additionally, minutes of our meetings are being posted monthly on the Bulletin Board. Come check us out, we would love for you to join us! If you are 13 years of age or just shy of 100, come join us at our next meeting. There are always yummy refreshments and a lot of laughter to be had. Supplemental Food Resource Center AKA- SFRC “Feeding those in need in the West End region of the Poconos” A Ministry sponsored by EUMC The pantry will be open on Saturday, November 8th and 22nd from 10:00 am to noon. Volunteers are always welcome and needed. If you would like to volunteer and do not yet have background check clearances, please see Jan in the office. She will do what is needed to assist you. SFRC: is seeking donations for Thanksgiving and Christmas disbursements. Items such as canned yams, turkey gravy, turkey broth. If you are receiving a “free” turkey from your receipts at Shop-Rite or any other establishment and wish to donate it to the Food Pantry, it will be most appreciated. Just bring your donated items to the Pantry prior to November 21st and we will take care of the distribution. Thank you! (This ministry is an outreach serving the communities of Effort, Gilbert, Kunkletown, Kresgeville, Brodheadsville, Saylorsburg, Sciota and Albrightsville. The Lord inspired us to help feed families going through emergency or other short term situations that are not eligible for local, county or state programs and is limited to a 12 week duration per family. We require a valid driver’s license or state ID with address proving residency in the West End. Upcoming events will be under Mark Your Calendars! Check us out. ) THE GARDEN OF GIVING… and giving and giving and giving some more You don’t even have to be quiet because this place NEVER sleeps! (Located off route 715, 4 miles from WAWA in McMichaels Hillside Terrace on the right Hillside drive) During this Thanksgiving, The Garden of Giving would like to express their gratitude for all they have been blessed with: The 200 volunteers who come to the Garden annually to weed, water and plant. The United Way of Monroe County for their continued support. All of those who have committed to providing support for the Garden of Giving. Steve Hughes of the Penn State Extension who provided 40 new hens. The fourth grade class that hatched the new hens, helping the Garden of Giving donate 65,000 eggs to date to Monroe County neighbors in need. The Pocono Community Bible Church who hosted the Fill the Truck event in Mount Pocono. All of those who came to the Fill the Truck and donated feed, supplies and funds for future needs. Volunteer Candace Roper who has been running the office for over three years. Board members and founder Tammy Graeber, whose vision created the Garden of Giving. The Garden of Giving is always in need of volunteers to help in the office, serve on the board, and help in the Garden, as well as donations of supplies and funding to purchase what is needed for the Garden and chickens. The Garden of Giving always has projects for youth, scouts and those looking for community service opportunities. For more information call 570.402.1282 or email gardenofgiving@gmail.com. GARDENER’S FOR GLORY! (Dirty hands are happy hands!!! Every soul that loves gardening knows this to be true!!!) The gardens have gone to sleep, Let the leaves pile up in a heap, When the sun grows warm and high in the sky, Twill be the next time we shall meet! Jan is workin her office mojo with gusto as we move into the next busy season of the church calendar. Stop in and tell her how thankful you are for her highly efficient and wonderfully soothing presence in our church. (and while you’re at it, give her a big bear hug and a smooch… that’s what I’m gonna do! ) Inclement weather closing Information: 1. The preschool- The preschool will follow the school schedule of Pleasant Valley. If they PV is closed, delayed opening etc., so is the preschool. 2. The Church Office- Will be open if Jan can get in….. :/ 3. Church service cancellations- will be posted on the Church Face Book page as well as ESPN 840 am 93.5 WSBG, 107 The Bone, 99.9 the Hawk, ESPN Radio and WNEP TV16 and Blue Ridge Cable Christian Education (Getting into God’s word and staying there is good for the mind, body, & soul!) CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASSES at EUMC, COME JOIN A CLASS ALREADY WILL YA! The Basement Bunch- is a small Bible study/Sunday School for all Adults both young and older on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:30am. No need to do a lot of studying. We read the scripture and then answer some questions based on the scripture. All are welcome and we meet in the old basement off of Wesley Hall. (Besides serving up a study in the word, we also have goodies, coffee and tea!) Each week is its own subject under a set Topic from a book. BODY BUILDING & Sunday School: Wow! It is November already and we started workin our bible muscles full tilt in September. We surely should be seeing some real muscle strength and growth by now and it is all because we have such a dedicated group of teachers and helpers! I hope and pray that we all are giving thanks for them and their faithful service every Sunday morning. Our classes meet Sunday mornings during the 11:00 am service except for Communion Sundays. Gather the children, teens and adults and bring them to this fun-filled learning time. Body Building -Ages 3 -8 will meet in friendship hall Pre- Teen Sunday School- Ages 9-11 will meet in the library. Teen Sunday School – Ages 12-18 will meet in youth group room. The Seekers Bible Study Group: The” Seekers” will be studying the difference between other religions. If you are seeking, come join us, bring your ideas and topic that you would like to see us study. We continue to meet each Monday morning in Fellowship Hall at 10am from September through May, excluding holiday weeks (weather permitting). Our mission is to “Seek” Gods direction in our lives and to walk closer with our lord. We strengthen each other through prayer and fellowship. This will mark our 20th year of Bible study. We pray you will be a part of our “Seekers” group. For information call Milt Mc Williams (570-620-0888), Wayne Wylie (570-722-3923), Don Bonett (610-681-8807) Tuesday evening bible study - 7:30pm at Rock and Sue Johnsons. Need more info? Call: 570-619-5483 The Pastors page has old testament passages with regard to giving thanks…. here are a few verses from the new testament that may resonate with you as well, for this thankful time of year. (oh, and a quote too…) Psalm 95:2-3: Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods. 2 Corinthians 9:11-12: You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God 1 Chronicles 16:34: Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 100:4: Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. “We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” - Harry Ironside (an American Preacher) Mark your calendar for upcoming events in NOVEMBER and some for December too! Special days to remember during November…. (sing to the tune of “Try to Remember the Kind of September”…go back and sing it…. I’ll wait… you know you want to! Tee! Hee! Hee!) November 1st is All Saints Day! All Saints Day is a universal Christian festivity that honors and remembers all Christian saints, known and unknown. In the Western Church (esp. Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans) it is kept on November 1ST. The Orthodox Churches observe it on the first Sunday after Pentecost. November 11th is Veterans Day! A U.S. Federal holiday celebrated on November 11, honoring veterans of the U.S. armed forces and those killed in battle. Originally called Armistice Day, it began as a commemoration of the ending of World War I on Nov. 11, 1918. November 27th is Thanksgiving Day! In North America, Thanksgiving is an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal including turkey. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. It is celebrated with gratitude especially toward God. A similar holiday is held in Canada, usually on the second Monday in October. ******TAKE NOTE!!!! Church office closed: The church office will be closed on Thursday, November 27 for Thanksgiving and on Friday, November 28th to recuperate from all the food. ******** UMW Upcoming events for: November 2014 and one for December too! Soup orders: If you preordered homemade Chicken Noodle Soup, please be reminded that your soup can be picked up on Sunday, November 2nd before or after church service. If you have not yet paid, your payment will be due at the time of delivery. Thank you for supporting the Church’s General Fund through the purchasing of the soup. Pre order for Apple Dumplings will be taken the first two weeks of November. Look for an order sheet on the Welcome Center. All proceeds from this fundraiser will also go to the General Fund. So support your church and get some wonderful dumplings in return. December 2014- Ladies night in will be December 8th at 6:30pm in Wesley Hall. Once again Bob Decker will be catering our Christmas Dinner. Information on cost and menu will be announced in the near future. You won’t want to miss this! Ole Robby Bobby Boo is quite the chef! The trustees are full on at it making us their yummy, yum, yumster breakfast!! WHOOP! It will be held on Sunday November 9th at 9:30 am. I plan to show up and gobble down a whole slew of good eats!! Don’t worry though my peeps, I can’t eat it all!! There is plenty for everyone so come on out for some great food and fellowship between the services. A suggested donation of $5.00 to help offset costs is appreciated. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP The Grief Share Support Group here at Effort UMC has begun a 13 week program that started September 14, 2014. We are meeting on Sunday afternoons commencing at 12:30 pm in the Church Counseling Room. The group sessions are approximately 1 ½ hours long. Co facilitators of the groups are Ann Sanders and Jan Decker. If you are interested in attending please contact the church office. Houses of Worship Safety and Security Training presented by Pocono Mountains Houses of Worship Security Task Force: Will be held at Effort UMC on Saturday, November 15th from 9am to noon. This program is presented by our very own security specialist Don Ernst. If you are interested in attending please email Don at: pocmtssecureworship@yahoo.com Ladies Retreat 2015: Wahoo…we had such a wonderful retreat at Pocono Plateau that we are already planning for next year! The dates of September 25-27, 2015 have been selected. The cost is $150.00. As we did this year, payments can be made monthly if you wish however, a $35.00 deposit, due by November 16th, is needed to hold your reservation. Come join us for a wonderful, spiritual, fun-loving time. If you have any questions, contact Janet Pierson at janetp@ptd.net. November 27th Thanksgiving Dinner: Matthew 25:35… for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; The New King James Version. (1982). (Mt 25:35). How do we serve the Lord? Through serving one another and that is what the EUMC Thanksgiving Dinner is all about. The Thanksgiving Dinner allows us to not only offer food and drink to those who come to share Thanksgiving with us but it allows us to invite even the stranger to come and feel welcome as a member of our loving caring church family if only for a few hours. Please help us as we do the Lord's work through the giving of your joyful noise, your time and your talents. All our welcome, please do not let anyone you know or meet go hungry or alone this Thanksgiving. We will be serving this fellowship meal at 2pm. God Bless, Pastor Ken Preparing the Church for Christmas: Seeking volunteers to assist in the preparation of the Church for Christmas with decorations and adornments on Saturday, November 29th at 9:00 am. If you are able and would like to have some additional fellowship time (and some fun too) please contact Jan Decker. Poinsettias: Order forms for Poinsettias will be available the third week in November. Color and price has yet to be determined (we are waiting to hear from the florist). ST. NICK PROJECT 2014 The St Nick Project is an annual ministry of caring, through which our faith community seeks to bring the spirit, love, hope and joy of Christmas to families with children in our area, who are experiencing difficult times, by providing Christmas gifts to each family member. If you would like to support this ministry of caring, there are several ways you may do so. ADOPT A FAMILY: You can select a family of your choice, to adopt and provide gifts too. You will receive information on the children’s ages, likes and dislikes, and any special needs. You will not know the name of the family, but only a “code number”. You can then deliver your gifts to our church office, by December 12th, from where it will be picked-up by the recipient family, prior to Christmas. DONATE A GIFT or CASH DONATION: Donate an unwrapped gift, suitable for a child ages infant to teens. Or provide a monetary donation that will be used to purchase needed gifts. REFER A LOCAL FAMILY TO THE PROGRAM: If you know of a local family who you think might benefit from the St Nick Project, simply provide their name to the project. The family will then be contacted to see if they wish to participate in the program. No family is included, unless they self-approve their participation. ATTEND OUR CHRISTMAS DINNER & CAROL SING: Come out and join us on Saturday, December 6th – 6:00P.M., for our annual Christmas Dinner & Old Fashioned Carol Sing. Enjoy a hot turkey dinner with all the trimmings, sing carols, test your Christmas trivia knowledge, enjoy our Children’s Choir, guest entertainment, and we are told Santa and “Frosty” will be visiting us!, Best of all …it’s FREE! We ask only that an unwrapped gift or free-will cash donation be considered! LIMITED SEATING AVAILABLE SO COME EARLY! For further information on adopting a family, making a donation, or to refer a local family to the project, please call Linda Ernst (570) 460-4415, or the Church Office (570) 629-1890. Thank You! Christmas Cantata December 2014: I know, I know! We’re talking Cantata already! YIKES! But, it’s not too early to start planning on coming because it is nearly here. Mark your calendar (and don’t schedule anything else) for Saturday, December 20th at 6:00 pm here at EUMC and come for some wonderful and spiritual uplifting music, but if you have a conflict you can see it the day before! We are performing at St Matthew’s UCC in Kunkletown on Friday December 19th at 7:30pm. Why not see it twice! Yeah man! SOME LOCAL DOODLE-DOOS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER JUST FOR YOU! Sight & Sound Trip: The Full Gospel Tabernacle on Route 115 N, Effort, PA is currently organizing a trip to see the production of “Moses” on Friday November 28th. If you are interested in going, please call 908-787-2432 to reserve your space. Tickets are $60 per adult and $40 per child. Alice in Zombieland: A play that is FREE to Senior Citizens. The play is being held at Pleasant Valley Middle School on November 13th, 2014 at 3:30 pm. Cookies and punch will be served during intermission. Please RSVP to Grace Marks @ 570-9774437 if you are interested in attending. (this one would creep me out a little…. But you can go… :-/ ) Neola UMC will be hosting a Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner on Saturday, November 8th. For more information contact Neola UMC at 570-992-3878. ST. Peter’s Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner will be held on Saturday, November 15th from 3:30 to 7 pm. Adults $10.00, kids 5 and up $5.00 and under 5 free! For additional information contact Diane at dhatcher@tiwcorp.com *****Christmas Concert: The Pleasant Valley Choral Society will present its annual Christmas concert “Sounds of the Season” on Saturday, December 6th at 7:00 pm and Sunday, December 7 th at 3:00 m at the Pleasant Valley High School auditorium in Brodheadsville, PA. This year’s concert will feature traditional favorites, as well as lesser-known songs, both secular and sacred. Portions of the proceeds will be donated to VALOR. Suggested donation is $8.00 for adults while children 12 and under are free. Tickets may be purchased at the door. For more information call 570-402-2026 or email pvchoralsociety@yahoo.com What a great way to celebrate the season as well as support our Veterans! POCONO PANDAS (Prayer Acceptance Nurturing Develops Awesome Spirit) Meetings for the Pandas in November are: 14 and 28th at 7:00 pm. th Pandas will be assisting at the Stand down in Stroudsburg in support of VALOR on Saturday, November 8 , 2014 th Weekly Saturday evening Contemporary Worship at EUMC is at 6pm: led by Pastor Ken Edwards Our contemporary service is an integral part of the worship and of the vision of EUMC. Please let all your friends, family members and neighbors know that along with our when wonderful traditional services on Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 11:00 am we are promoting our contemporary worship service and we even moved the time to 6pm so those who work on Saturdays until 5 can make it here! No need to rush home and get all gussied up! Come just as you are! How cool is that! For questions or details please contact Ken at hishands@ptd.net or the church office at 570-629-1890. Music Notes (Please come for these toe tapping, ear tickling, hands clapping, spirit lifting, voices rising, Jesus praising, worship events!) THE EUMC CHOIR –Rehearsals are in full swing at 7:15 pm in the Sanctuary. We are already working on the Christmas Cantata which is, BTW, going to be awesome! Our fearless and talented director Dan has picked terrific music for the near future that will truly bless the congregation of EUMC. If you are interested in joining the choir, please see Dan for the particulars and I am sure he will give you the low down and the high note! (Yup, I said that and you know what… I’d say it again!) CHECK OUT OUR EUMC CHOIR WEBSITE: If you want to see what the choir is up to, or access our rehearsal calendar please visit our website at http://churchchoir.info or contact Dan Smale - daniel.smale@me.com - (570) 350-5668 Our youth choir will be starting up the second Sunday of January 2015 every Sunday at 10:15 in Friendship Hall. All ages are invited to come and sing and lift your voices to the Lord. It will be great fun! Please join us! Bring your friends, family, neighbors, & anyone else you can think of who might enjoy our music ministries EUMC PRE-SCHOOL: If you have or know of a child between the ages of 3 and 5 and are considering Preschool enrollment, we have a class for them. Pre-K class is on Monday, Wed, and Fri and just 3’s is Tues and Thurs Curriculum is hands on discovery in an academically challenging and rewarding environment with ample opportunity to develop social skills. This is a great first school experience for your preschooler! If interested or know someone who would be, please contact Gail Regina, our director at 570-529-1890 ext. 201 Card Showers Augie and Emma Bush: North Bay Retirement Living 171 Pleasant Ave Smithfield, RI 02917 Ester Temple: 391 Stone Hill Lane, Saylorsburg PA 18353 The Wichman/Cleveland Family: 2605 Lakeshore Drive Sciota, PA 18354 Lou Tagliaferri: PO Box 365 Effort, PA 18330 Wolfgang Gerhard: 11 Bear Medicine Road, Effort PA 18330 Gloria Hawk: 383 Effort-Neola Road, Saylorsburg PA 18353 New addresses of a few of our church members who have moved away. Why not send a little note with a big hello and let them know we miss them. It is sure to make them smile! Sarah Lassen: 1387 N. Litton Road, Litton, NH 03561 Fred and Donna Lee Cresina: 671 Winterthur Way, Easton, PA 18040 Tom and Darlene Thompson: 25 Thoroughbred Drive, York PA 17370 Take a moment and send a note, to offer LOVE, support and hope, So they will know they’re in our prayers and that, of course, we care. It will bring JOY into their day to know, that we, for them do pray, In peace and rest they’ll be embraced as we hold them in God’s grace. A little note…. a text …. a call…. A grateful heart receives them all! You filled our hearts with love….. We would like to take a moment to thank everyone at EUMC for the overwhelming love you have shown our family the last several months. We cannot begin to express how grateful we are for all the prayers throughout my Father's illness and my delivery of Liam and subsequent hospitalization. The prayers and cards we received upon both my father's passing and my brother's passing have shown us what a loving and thoughtful family we have in the members of EUMC. And the food, oh, the wonderful food. Our family was in awe of the fabulous food that was provided for after Dad's funeral. It was so nice and extremely yummy! We are honored to be a part of this church and truly love EUMC. With Sincere thanks, Michelle Wichman, Kathy Cleveland and family. Happy Birthday Blessings to all you turkeys in November 2014! (It’s ok to gobble up a big piece of cake and some ice cream, especially in November! Tee! Hee! Hee!) 11/03 11/05 11/07 11/08 11/09 11/12 11/13 11/14 11/15 11/16 11/18 11/19 11/22 11/26 11/27 11/30 Emma Bush, Anndrea Yetter Pastor Ken Edwards, Chris Daube Natasha Edwards Rosalie Juris Arline Brown, Mark Biery, Shaun O’Donel Scott Wedderman Tracy Opitz Sandra Borger, Bryan Borger, Matthew Johnson, Allison Mayo Polly Modrak Jacquelyn Smith-Sylvan, Lindsey Edwards Margaret Milasch Julie Weiss Arvilla Bodemer Ashley Rose Modrak, Marty Foley, Emma Wichman Laurie Everett Diane Doll Early December 12/01 12/03 12/04 12/05 12/06 12/07 Eva Molin, Pat Mackes Glenn Yetter Douglas Tavella, Susan Johnston, Kacie Ernst, Kiera Jochen Logan Wasdyke, Riley Wasdyke George Dennis Anthony Walker, Sarah Lassen Please be daily prayer for the following: Bill Parkin, Gloria and Jim Hawk, Terry Maddox, Sam Bradley, Christine Budzinski, The Burkhardt Family, Daniel Bartron and family, Newborn Aniela, Diane Lechleitner, Matthew Wells, The Wichman-Cleveland Families, Kellyann Fullwood, Ron, Jim, The Mayo Family, Matt Fisher, Michelle Kannavos, Kory Lechleitner, Richard Lighthiser, The McFadden and Bennett Families, Kathy Dastelaneta, Lenny, Tayte Belstra, Eddie Forte, Linda Bonnano, April Borger, Dave, McKenna Young, Nicole Gasda, Aida Laffan, Cliff Fitting, Martha Milburn, Delanee Dollard, Wolfgang Gerhard, Scott Long, Ann Sanders and Charlie and Loni Markert. Let’s keep the following in our hearts as they have moved away, are in care homes, nursing homes or rehabilitation centers. We can send cards, letters or even pay them a visit if the Lord leads you to do so. They would love to hear from or see us I am sure. Laura Garr 8868 Lincoln Green Drive, Robin Hood Lakes, Kunkletown PA 18058 Nancy Heistand Mahoney Valley Personal Care, 397 Hemlock Drive, Lehighten PA 18235 Lillian Ortland Getz Assisted Living, 1026 Scenic Drive, Kunkletown PA 18058 Bert Easley Praxis Alzheimer Facility, 500 Washington St, Easton PA 18042 John Romanco 175 Foothill Blvd. Effort PA, 18322 Betty McClellen Pleasant Valley Manor, 4227 Manor Drive, Stroudsburg PA 18360 Wes and Jan Poorman Kirkland Village, 1 Kirkland Circle, Bethlehem PA 18017 Elsie Hart Brookmont Healthcare Ctr 510 Brookmont Dr. Effort PA 18330 Mel Oxenreider Sr. Brookmont Healthcare Ctr 510 Brookmont Dr. Effort PA 18330 Please keep the following service men & women in your daily prayers Major Earl Evans, Maj. Howard Hiestand – US Army, Cpt. Ed Caudell-US Army/Fort Braggs, CPL Brian Lee Everett- USMC VMFA-115/Airframes Unit 78520. FPO AE 09509-8520, Spec. Sam Michlavsky-US Army/Afghanistan, Cpt. Mark Crimaldi2nd Calvary Regiment, Afghanistan, Thomspon-USAF/Mountain Air Force Base, Idaho. Lance Corporal James C. Suttles V/MM 265 AirframeUnit 37239FPO, AP 96372-7239 Keeping all the men and women who serve in the armed forces both here and abroad in prayer is a wonderful way to surround them with a hedge of protection, the love of God and the honor and respect they deserve for serving us with their very lives. “Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends” John 15:13 I am thankful for the autumn breeze and the color of the falling leaves, for the snow that soon will cover the ground, and spring and summer not far beyond. I am thankful for the rivers that run, and the mountains that rise up to meet the sun, for the rain that falls to quench the earth, and all creation God has brought forth. I am thankful for the wisdom of elder days and the innocence of a child’s way, for all quiet moments spent alone, and a friendly voice on the telephone. I am thankful for a place to sleep and for feelings that lead me to laugh or weep, for the flowers that dance and bloom in the yard, and for things that seem too hard. I am thankful for my family, and for each gray hair they give to me, for the love and joy that I have felt, with them and no one else. I am thankful for every single new day that God decides to send my way, and for the ups and downs that surely come, sprinkled throughout each one. I am thankful for Gods abundant grace and know it can never be replaced, for all the false Gods in this world, cannot erase the promise of his word. I am thankful for a savior divine, who is Lord of all, for all of time, who knows my heart inside and out, and yet loves me, without a doubt. I am thankful for His gentle arms that hold and keep me safe from harm, for no other arms have ever been, crucified for the sins of men. I am thankful for Christ his only son who came for each and every one, that none should perish eternally, but his face we all should see. I am thankful for Gods endless love that pours down on me from heaven above, and rescues me from death to sin, I am so thankful…. so thankful for Him. Cathy Wells Editor’s note: First and foremost I am so thankful for the completely undeserved amazing grace that God has offered to me through his son Christ. (I am also thankful that I have accepted it!) It is funny how this Thanksgiving time of year seems to focus my attention on the blessings that I really should concentrate on and be thankful all year long. Maybe it is time to really put the concept of “Thanks-Living” into practice instead of just thinking about it and apply Romans 8:28 to all situations and be thankful. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” In Joyful service and Thanksgiving. Cathy The funny thing is… This really does look like me at deadline time HA! *** The deadline for the DECEMBER 2014 newsletter, is on or before NOVEMBER 25th! Feel free to contact me by phone, 610-381-4703 or email eumcwells@gmail.com. Whatever you send I will get it in here for all to see. (I’ll try not to mess with them too much, but self-control is not my strong point as you no doubt already know…) DID YOU KNOW??? The church address is: PO Box 545, Effort PA 18330-0545 Phone 570-629-1890. In case of an emergency, outside of the normal church office hours (Mon-Fri., 9:30am - 2:30pm) you can reach Pastor Robin at 570-243-1247 by phone, or by email at probgfisher@yahoo.com. Pastor Robin’s home address is: 1439 Main Street – Chapman, Bath, PA 18014 EUMC BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Just minding our own businesses…. Did I really say that? Yes I did! Tee! HEE! HEE!) 903 Landscape Supply For all your landscape needs! 1939 State Route 903 Jim Thorpe PA 18220 570-325-2903 Fx 570 325-8113 Nita Nydam and Greg Magill 903 Plumbing and Pump Technology Full service plumbing repairs 1939 State Route 903 Jim Thorpe PA 18220 570-325-2903 Fx 570-325-8113 Greg Magill and Nita Nydam Mary Kay Cosmetics 45 Tumbleweed Drive Effort PA 18330 570-570-0596 Aboligitz@marykay.co Amy Boligitz- Independent Beauty Consultant “Try before you buy!” “Out-Of-My-Gourd” Hand crafted, original gourd art creations 411 Turkey Hill Road Saylorsburg PA 18353 Cathy Wells 610-381-4703 camwells@ptd.net Face Book at “Out-Of-My-Gourd!” Melalueca Wellness Products Susan Yetter #570-992-0247 gsyetter@gmail.com Creative Memories Po Box 729 Saylorsburg PA 18353 Susan Yetter Creative Memories Consultant 570-992-0247 gsyetter@gmail.com Photo safe albums and supplies, group presentations Saylorsburg Lumber Quality Building Products Full service lumber yard Lumber, window screen replacement, Hardware, masonry supplies Glenn W Yetter # 570-992-3700 Fx 570-992-3275 Effort Woodcraft Inc (cabinets, millwork and more) Thomas J. Conklin VP PO Box 590 Evergreen Hollow Road Effort, PA 18330 570-629-1160 Fx 570-629-6613 tconklin2@verixon.net cell 570-872-6421 WWW.EWCAB.NET Melalueca The wellness company Tom Conklin 570-872-6421 WWW. Melaleuca.com Conklin2@verizon.net ******Please note that this little bitty listing of who does what is for informational purposes so that we are aware of what is available to us within our own church family. TAKE NOTE & PASS IT ON! We pass on all kinds of things every day! (smiles, information, germs…) Why not PASS ON your newsletter to someone who does NOT go to EUMC when you are done with it and have marked your calendar with the special dates! You could send it on to your local email buddies so they can see what we are up to or you could even take your hard copy and give it to a neighbor who doesn’t go to church. With each PASS IT ON you can attach a little invitation to an event that you would attend with them or even just suggest they come to a service with you. What a great way to bring new people into the family here. We can’t keep all this great stuff to ourselves. We’ll burst at the seams!!!!!!!!!! Now get out there and tell everyone you meet!!! The Webmaster for EUMC: Contact information for Amanda is a.goodyeumc@gmail.com If you want to get your ministry event on our website, well, you can’t keep the info to yourself you kook-a-doodle-do! You can send it to Jan in the office and she will get the okey dokey schmokey malokey from Robin (if need be) and then she will ziz it on over to our web gal Amanda and she will work her website mo-jo and get it on! Now this is good info?? Aye? Would I lead you astray?? Effort has a Facebook Page: Effort United Methodist Church Check us our and give us the “Like” thumbs up! AND>>> Did you know you can make contributions by Pay Pal on our website? Check us out at: www.effortumc.org Take a few moments to visit our web site there is all kinds of nifty noodle stuff there! Go to www.effortumc.org... Go NOW! REALLY GO NOW!!! You are gonna just LOVE IT!!! (and us!) Our Father, giver of life and joy, there is no one like you. Oh Lord, who are we that we should come to you with our praise? You need not these words, for you formed our lips. What is man that you are mindful of him? You own the lives of all that inhabit the earth. Your power, might, and love are seen in the bounty of this season. We gather this day around a table laden with food that you have brought forth. We gather as family and friends whom you brought into this world. We bow before you with humble hearts knowing we live because you brought us to life. We celebrate this day as a nation of people who have been blessed more than any other people on the face of the earth and at any time. We acknowledge you as the giver of the good we so easily take for granted. Forgive us as we are a forgetful people. Grant us on this Thanksgiving Day, the time to reflect on all the ways you have blessed each of us who has gathered. Increase our understanding of your ways, defeat us when we use our blessings for selfish gain, and remind us to love one another. Thank you for providing all that we need for life and godliness. Make us to be a light and a blessing to the nations of the world. We acknowledge you as the only true and living God. We pray this in the name of your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Have a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving!