2016-9 Zion Grapevine.pub
2016-9 Zion Grapevine.pub
September 2016 Sunday Worship 9:15am Burmese Worship at 10:30am Zion Lutheran Church 925 5th Avenue Rockford, Illinois 61104 Phone: (815) 964-4609 www.zionrockford.com zion@zionrockford.com Pastor Corner Chaplain Update / Northern Illinois Synod News W Summer Worship at 9:15 a.m. ends Sunday, September 4th Beginning Sunday, September 11th Worship will resume at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Transporta=on? Contact office by Thursday a@ernoon 2 3-4 W P I J B Julie will start on September 1st. We will greet her on Sunday, September 4 with her installa=on at 9:15 a.m. worship , with a recep=on to follow in the Fellowship Hall. We will have a Welcome/fill her pantry/my favorite thing in Rockford basket for the congrega=on to fill. So bring a roll of paper towels, a can of soup, Ole Salty's potato chips, a gi@ card to your favorite place - whatever you want. Help us welcome Julie to our community. Season Of Stewardship / Cornucopia Corner 5 Women of Zion (WOZ) / Welcome Center/Book Store 6 WOW 7 Pastoral Intern / Sepuka News / Green Team News 8 Youth News 9 Children’s Ministry/Seminarian Update 10 Prayer Corner 11 B I Calendar 12 Worship Leaders 13 Mission Partners 14 Leadership Team / Mission Support 15 By the Grace of God, Rev. H. Jeffrey A. Clements is called as the third bishop of the Northern Illinois Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America He will be installed at a fes=ve service of Holy Communion Saturday, September 24, 2016, 10:00 a.m. First Lutheran Church, Rockford 2 PHIJKL’I CKLMNL Dear Zion Sisters and Brothers, I t has been such a joy to serve with you at Zion this summer. I especially thank God for the ministries of Intern Chris Lee and Chaplain Chris=ne Salser. My health keeps me working on a part-=me basis, so their youth and abili=es have been such a great support for me and for God’s mission here at Zion. You may have no=ced that “Chrissy” has been named in many places as Chris=ne. As one of you said to me when Chaplain Chris=ne led us in worship the first Sunday in August, “It is a mark of our respect for her posi=on and accomplishments that we transi=on from her childhood name to her full Chris=an name.” Since she did grow up in this congrega=on she may always be known informally as Chrissy, but it seems only fiSng to honor her in this way by using her full adult name. (Back home with those who have known me forever I am some=mes called “Jo Jo”, but at age seventy I really do prefer to be called Joanne!) Thank you all so much for your prayers and ministry this summer. I treasure your support as we welcome Pastor Michael Thomas’s return. Hooray! I don’t know how he does it all. So much responsibility can only be carried by someone who is especially called and gi@ed by God to move us along as our pastor and leader. Our prayers are with you Pastor Mike as you resume your role as our shepherd (or are you are our sheep dog, keeping us all going in more or less in the same direc=on as a diverse, divinely- inspired mosaic community?) My formal ministry among you may be over for now, but I will be con=nuing to serve as a member of Zion, even as I take on a part –=me posi=on at Bethlehem Lutheran church on 20th Street here in Rockford. There go my plans for being able to re=re again! I ask for your prayers for me and the people of Bethlehem as we seek together to determine the shape God’s ministry will take in the future. I see my ministry at Bethlehem as a kind of sheepdog, leading God’s people (and some=mes maybe gently nipping at their heels) to seek to be inspired and crea=ve in the unique ways God has to build on their past and dream about the future. My health is s=ll an ongoing concern, but I s=ll get around for almost everything. The surgeon will not operate on my other knee as he fears it might lead to an infec=on that would be hard to treat and I’d be risking the loss of my leg. I certainly don’t want that to happen. Therefore I connue to use my trusty walker. Thank you so much for your paence and care for this, your old” semi-rered” pastor. Peace and Joy, Pastor Joanne Adrian 3 C[H\]H^M U\_HJN As we approach the 500th anniversary of the Reforma=on, a =me when Mar=n Luther wanted to make change and not create division, the Lutherans and Catholics have been dialogue to bring unity. For the past 50 years the Lutheran and Catholics have been in dialogue about the church, ministry and the Eucharist. As a way to look back and see how far we have come, a document called Declaraon on the Way: Church Ministry and Eucharist has been published and accepted by the 2016 ELCA Na=onal Church Wide Assembly. According to the document, “this Declaraon on the Way to unity seeks to make more visible the unity we share by gathering together agreements reached on issues of church, Eucharist and ministry.” An inspira=on for this document is to respond to ‘ecumenical impera=ves: Catholics and Lutherans should always begin from the perspec=ve of unity and not from the point of view of division in order to strengthen what is held in common even though the differences are more easily seen and experienced. Lutheran and Catholics must let themselves con=nuously be transformed by the encounter with each other and by mutual witness of faith. While journeying together over the last 50 years to find unity, we (the Lutherans and Catholics) have found 32 statements of agreement. These include: The Church’s foundaon in God’s Saving Work; The Word, Scripture and Means of Grace; Communion, Visibility and Hiddenness; Preservaon of the Church and Union with the Saints; Eschatology and Mission; Ministry in the Church; Divine Origin of Ministry; Authority of Ministry; Ordinaon; One Ministerial Office; Ministry Serving Worldwide Unity; High Esteem for Eucharisc Union with Christ in Holy Communion; Trinitarian Dimension of Eucharist; Eucharist as Reconciling Sacrifice of Christ and as Sacrifice of the Church’s Praise and Thanksgiving; Eucharisc Presence; Eschatological Dimension of Eucharist; and Eucharist and Church. While we are s=ll on our way in conversa=ons, we are on a journey together. This document is very interes=ng as it breaks down these statements to show where we are unified. The documents closes the introduc=on with “You are invited to read this Declaraon on the Way with an open mind and heart as together we seek to discern God’s will and to follow it in love.” The document and many others can be found at: hYp://www.elca.org/Resources/Ecumenical-and-Inter-Religious-Rela=ons. For further ques=ons you can contact Chaplain Chris=ne Salser at: chrissy_salser@yahoo.com 4 N I S N By the Grace of God Rev. H. Jeffrey A. Clements is called as the third bishop of the Northern Illinois Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America He will be installed at a fesve service of Holy Communion Saturday, the twenty-fourth of September, two thousand sixteen at ten o’clock in the morning. First Lutheran Church 225 South Third Street Rockford, Illinois The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America will preside and preach Your prayers and presence are requested. Recepon immediately following the service will be held at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Shepherd’s Gate 3301 Corbridge Avenue Rockford Illinois S 3 S Stewardship is about so much more than money. Stewardship, at its core, is about love. It is one of the primary ways that we live out Jesus’ commandment to love God and our neighbor with our whole beings. STEWARDS OF TALENTS Ephesians 4:1-6 1 Corinthians 12 God has given each of us unique gi@s and talents. One of the primary places that God has called us to use these gi@s and talents is through our voca=ons. Our voca=ons may take the form of a job, but they also include our callings as mothers, fathers, sisters, friends, ci=zens and so much more. These voca=ons or callings are the places from which we love God and our neighbors. How is God calling us, as individuals and as a congrega=on, to steward our gi@s and talents through our voca=ons? When we prac=ce year-round stewardship, we free stewardship from the shackles of the budget so that we can be reunited with God’s mission in the world. We free stewardship from its connec=on to the fall season, so that it can become a way of life. And we free stewardship from the cries of scarcity, so that we can celebrate God’s abundance. www.ELCA.org/growingstewards C C As it does every year it seems summer has just flown by! Can’t believe it’s the middle of August already and school starts next week. Summer has been great. Have enjoyed my garden and what a difference it makes if you remember to use Miracle Grow every two weeks. Enjoyed a week in Minocqua, rained twice but never had to put on a jacket. Trying to get back in the swing of things!! Cornucopia lost one of their devoted volunteers last week, Sonal Puri, 40, a@er a courageous baYle with cancer. Her beau=ful smile and friendly demeanor will be missed. Zion’s bag “fluffing and diapering” group con=nues to meet on the fourth Monday of the month at 1:30 in the Fellowship Hall. In September we will meet on the 26th. Come join us, we have fun and get a lot of bags ready for food distribu=on at Cornucopia. And we do take a coffee break! Karen Kermgard 5 6 W 3 Z (WOZ) All women of Zion are invited to join us: Thursday, September 8 at 10:00 for our monthly coffee, conversa=on and developing community gathering. This opportunity is offered as a result of interest expressed in a recent survey. Join us when you are able. Those aYending in Aug. report a good =me. Saturday, September 10 at 10:00 to meet our new Intern Julie Barger. Our WOZ board will provide the coffee and treats. A $5.00 dona=on is suggested for Zion’s Children’s Ministry. Please let Karen Kermgard know you will be coming....phone 815 398 4460 or leave your message on her machine. Sunday, September 11 is Rally Day AND God’s Work Our Hands Sunday. Following our church picnic we will cut and =e fleece blankets to be given to agencies which distribute them to babies to keep them warm and comfy. They are fast and fun to make (so@ and cuddly, too). Saturday, September 17 -- 28th Conven=on of the Northern Illinois Synod Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Immanuel Lutheran Church Yorkville, IL. Further informa=on is at the WELCOME CENTER; at our Sept. 10 gathering or ask Mary Norman or Karen Kermgard. The collecHon of travel size soap, shampoo, loHon, etc. con=nues. These items are taken to Cornucopia and given to the clients. You may place them in the basket in the Narthex or bring them to any of our events. Thank you. W C/BK S As we prepare for the 500th Anniversary of the Reforma=on in 2017, we are offering the opportunity for you to learn more about the history of the Reforma=on, Mar=n Luther’s wri=ngs, and their impact on Chris=anity today. During the month of October our Welcome Center will feature new reforma=on resources for you to peruse. Items will then be available for you to purchase (through Zion) from Augsburg Fortress at 50% reduced prices. The exact date will be announced in the October Grapevine. Following is a sampling of the =tles: When Lightning Struck: The Story of Mar=n Luther. Luther the Reformer: The Story of the Man and His Career Papa Luther: A Graphic Novel (great for children) The Freedom of a Chris=an, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edi=on Day by Day We Magnify You: Daily Readings for the En=re Year, Revised Edi=on The Wit of Mar=n Luther 7 WOW P Held at Zion Lutheran Church 925 Fi@h Avenue - Rockford, IL 61104 815-964-4609 Patriots’ Gateway 615 S. 5th Street - Rockford, Il 61104 815-967-0413 WOW a=er school program schedule (The program runs during the school year, watch for WOW schedule publica=on) 3:30 pm Registra=on (at Zion) 4:00-4:45 pm Ac=vi=es (Zion Church and Patriots’) 5:00-5:30 pm Music and Meal at Zion Lutheran Church 5:30-6:00 pm WOW Program (Fellowship Hall) 6:00 pm Dismissal- children are picked up by parents or riding Zion van/bus The registra=on form will be available at the Zion Church office, or you may contact Janice Forrest for more informa=on and to sign your child up or if you would like to be a volunteer. There is no cost to par=cipate in the WOW Program. WOW is a program of Zion Lutheran Church in partnership with Patriots’ Gateway Center, for children from kindergarten to sixth grade (no older than 12 years of age). WOW is built upon values that provide a safe environment where young people can grow physically, emo=onally and spiritually. The WOW Program is a place where everyone is treated as a child of God with respect and dignity. If you would like to volunteer for the WOW program (kitchen, workshops, table parent, etc.) Please call Janice Forrest at 815-964-4609, ext 28, if you have ques=ons or concerns. When schools are closed or they are out early or a@er school programs are cancelled due to severe weather, WOW will be cancelled as well. LISTEN TO RADIO 8 P I Welcome Pastoral Intern Julie Barger. Julie will start on September 1st and we will have a chance to greet her on Sunday, September 4 with a recep=on in Fellowship Hall a@er the 9:15 service. We will have a Welcome/fill her pantry/my favorite thing in Rockford basket for the congrega=on to fill. So bring a roll of paper towels, a can of soup, Ole Salty's potato chips, a gi@ card to your favorite place - whatever you want. Help us welcome Julie to our community. We will have the basket in the Narthex on Sunday the 11th in case you are gone over Labor Day. SK, TM N F A@er months of trying to figure out the best way to transfer money to Sepuka, Tanzania for our water harves=ng system project, we have been successful. We have worked with Bishop Alex Mkumbo and Karen Kermgard, to successfully transfer money to the Central Diocese account in June, we have finally received word through email from Bishop Alex Mkumbo and his assistant Manase Msengi, that the money was there. They will work with Sepuka Lutheran Church to begin this wonderful mission, and hopefully when Miriam and I go next year we will have some pictures of this project. We hope to send addi=onal money in the near future so, if you are interested in helping with this cause, please let us know. Kathy, Miriam and Beverly G T N Excerpts from the ELCA Social Statement on Caring for Crea=on…. THE ELCA’S VISION OF CREATION: We see the despoiling of the environment as nothing less than the degrada=on of God’s gracious gi@ of crea=on. Humanity is in=mately related to the rest of crea=on. We, like other creatures, are formed from the earth (Genesis 2:7, 9, 19). Humans, in service to God, have special roles on behalf of the whole of crea=on. According to Genesis 2:15, our role within crea=on is to serve and to keep God’s garden, the earth. “To serve,” o@en translated “to =ll,” invites us again to envision ourselves as servants, while “to keep” invites us to take care of the earth as God keeps and cares for us (Numbers 6:24-26). So shall we ask ourselves, what are we doing to serve and to keep? Stay tuned next month for possibili=es! ************ The next KNIB clothing drive will be held October 8, 2016, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the 8 Rockford area Schnucks parking lots. Donate clean, bagged clothing, shoes, purses, curtains, bedding, etc. Ques=ons? Ask Mary Norman. 9 Y G Follow your Heart / Make Your Dreams Come True Listen for that voice inside guiding you toward the right thing to do, the right path to travel, and the knowledge of what will bring you happiness and fulfillment. That voice is very quiet, like a whisper. Over =me, and mostly through the challenges in life, you will learn to hear it more clearly. Whenever you feel that tug to do something new, help someone in need, or share what you have learned, listen carefully. By Marci As we have had a full summer, with our Mission trip to Indianapolis, VBS and TGIF and I appreciate all of the help from Pastoral Intern Chris to make this year great. As we had to say good bye to Intern Pastor Chris and family, we now look forward to welcome our new Pastoral Intern Julie Barger. As we look into September, we will begin to look into the Confirma=on class =mes and calendar. So, please watch for further informa=on. September 11th, God’s work our Hands Day I ask that the youth come together at 9:15 a.m. to assist with seSng tables and chairs up along with the staff in the courtyard. We also have other ac=vi=es to work with during this =me a@er the picnic. If you have ques=ons, please call us at the church. September 25th, Noon – 5:00pm The youth will go out to lunch and go out to Edwards Apple Orchard. Please watch for more details. Kathy Hand / Youth Coordinator 10 C ’ M Summer vaca=on has come to an end and God’s work, our hands Sunday is just around the corner, September 11, 2016. God’s work, our hands/Rally Sunday is the kick off Sunday school. Sunday school will be most Sunday’s at 9:15am. I plan on incorpora=ng science, art, songs, games, stories, and crea=ve play into Sunday school. I am excited to start Sunday school and learn about the kid’s summer vaca=on and the start of school. The service project for children’s ministry will be collec=ng individually wrapped, kids friendly snacks for Rock House Kids. The snacks could be granola bars, jello snack packs, pudding snack packs, individually wrapped crackers, cookies, gold fish, etc. Please no snacks that require refrigera=on. Children’s ministry will collect the snacks un=l the end of the year. Thank you for suppor=ng Rock House Kids. Please pray for the children as they begin a new year at school. Pray for their safety and for the teachers who love and care for the children. Thank you! Peace, Katrina Steingraeber S U On August 16, 2016, I had my entrance interview with my candidacy commiYee. The week of August 29, 2016, I will be in Chicago for orienta=on. I will begin classes on September 6, 2016. Tuesday’s will be long days for me, my 1st class is at 8am and I will finish my 2nd class at 4:30. I am taking two classes this fall, Ministerial Leadership and Public Church. I am excited to begin my studies. Thank you for all your support and prayers. Peace, Katrina P C THIS MONTH WE ASK YOU TO PRAY FOR: + the ELCA, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, Bishop Wollersheim, Bishop Elect Jeffrey Clements, Pastor Thomas, Pastoral Intern Julie Barger, the Zion Church Council, the Zion Staff, Zion Outreach Board, Staff and Programs of Patriots’ Gateway Center, and Zion Development. + Pastor Raja Socrates and Arcot Lutheran Church in India and Sepuka/Msisi Church in Tanzania. + the Northern Illinois Synod; North Conference churches; Midtown Lutheran Parish, Zion Development, Patriots’ Gateway Center and Zion Outreach. + Rockford Lutheran Schools, faculty and students of Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries. + those hospitalized, or recupera=ng in their homes or healthcare centers, and those with ongoing health concerns: Mark Schwartzlow, Bobby Dahlberg, Roberta Nielsen, Daniel Johnson, and Pr. Jane McChesney. + Those who grieve the loss of family and/or friends; our Zion homebound; those who have spiritual, emo=onal, physical and mental challenges; homeless and refugees throughout the world. + The end of human trafficking that exploits people everywhere for purposes including forced labor and sexual exploita=on. + All those affected by the flooding in Louisiana and Mississippi, and those stepping up to help alleviate the suffering. Prayer Requests – If you have a prayer request OR a prayer of thanksgiving to share, please no=fy Pastor Mike, Judy Lindstrom or Mary Norman. We will treat your requests with discre=on and confiden=ality. Zion has a Prayer Room that is open and available for private or small group prayers. You are welcome to use this room any=me the church is open. It is off the Atrium on the Sanctuary level of the church. Prayer Ministry Team: Many members and friends of Zion pray daily for the pe==ons that have been submiYed. We would like you to join our team! Contact Judy Lindstrom or Mary Norman so that we can put you on the prayer no=fica=on list. We’d also like you to gather with us at our monthly mee=ngs. These are held on the 2nd Wednesday morning of the month at 9:30. We share a devo=onal =me and talk about various prayer concerns. Our next mee=ng will be at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 14. We hope to see you there. TIME SPENT IN PRAYER IS NEVER WASTED! 11 Labor Day OFFICE CLOSED 12 Pastoral Intern Installation & Welcome 9:15 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM Burmese Worship Chapel 11 13 6 14 7:00 AM Katie's Cup Golf Outing 11:00 AM Bible Study / In The Bag 4:00 PM WOW Volunteer Orientation 7 11:00 AM Bible Study / In The Bag 31 15 6:00 PM Long Range Planning Committee 1:30 PM Bag Fluffing Fellowship Hall 5:30 PM MTLP Council Meeting 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Education Hours 10:30 AM Burmese Worship Chapel 10:30 AM Festive Worship 11:00 AM Bible Study / In The Bag 4:00 PM WOW (4 - 6 PM) 29 27 26 25 28 11:00 AM Bible Study / 9:00 AM Grapevine In The Bag Mailing - Fellowship Hall 4:00 PM WOW (4 - 6 PM) 4:30 PM Patriots' Board 6:00 PM HR Committee 7:00 PM Church Council 6:00 PM Bldg & Grounds 22 21 20 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Education Hours 10:30 AM Burmese Worship Chapel 10:30 AM Festive Worship 12:00 PM Multi Cultural Committee - Library 19 9 OFFICE CLOSED 11:00 AM Worship Team - Bitner Youth Center 2 Friday 30 23 16 10:00 AM Women of Zion 11:00 AM Worship - Fellowship Hall Team - Bitner Youth 10:30 AM Staff Meeting Center 12:00 PM Missions Team at Katie's Cup 2:00 PM Memorial Committee - Library 4:00 PM Katie's Cup Board 5:30 PM Zion Development Meeting - Katie's Cup 8 1 Thursday 18 5 4 30 Wednesday 9:00 AM Grapevine 12:00 PM Finance ComArticle Deadline mittee - Katie's Cup 9:30 AM Prayer Ministry 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 11:00 AM Bible Study / In The Bag 4:00 PM WOW (4 - 6 PM) 11:45 AM Boy Scout Leadership - Library Tuesday 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Education Hours 10:30 AM Burmese Worship Chapel 10:30 AM Festive Worship 11:30 AM God's Work Our Hands SundayPicnic and Activities 29 9:15 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM Burmese Worship Chapel 12:00 PM Midtown Ethnic Parade & Festival Monday 28 Sunday September 2016 Calendar 9:00 AM Lutheran World Relief Drop-off 1 10:00 AM NI Synod Bishop Installation Service at First Lutheran Rockford 24 17 10 3 Saturday 12 Dave Bippus Kurt Brown Dan Larson, Yolanda Churchill, Ron Simmons Lay Readers Sound/Media Ushers Greeters Youth, Amelia Canedy, Dave Bippus Deanna Hartenberg Bert and Pr. Amy Nyman, Pr. Intern Julie Barger Ruth Fairchild, Ralph Musselman, Leona Foster, Communion Assistants Don Carlson, Norm and Colette Buchert Ushers Kurt Brown Debbie Gortowski Jeff Carlson Sound Brad Roos Assisting Minister Ruth Fairchild Lay Reader Dick and Phyllis Brynteson, Pr. Intern Julie Barger Vivian Anderson, Ruth Larson Gerry Swan, Marilyn Freden, Marvin Moore Pr. Intern Julie Barger Greeters Pr. Intern Julie Barger JoAnne Johnson, Mary Franzen Darrell Lindstrom, Marvin Moore Sept. 18 Pr. Amy Nyman Maggi and Torgny Hallin Karen Kermgard Aries Canedy, Nathan Thomas, Pr. Amy Nyman, Jeff Campbell Ingrid Tryggestad, Vivian Anderson Jim Rasch Aries Canedy, Nathan Thomas Sept. 25 Rod Calacci, Mark Calacci, Leona Foster Scott Johnson Pr. Amy Nyman Connie Heden, Mary Norman Sue Drilling Deb Gortowski, Jessica Brown, Pr. Intern Julie Barger, Pr. Amy Nyman Sheryl Andreasen Norm and Colette Buchert Debbie Gortowski, Jessica Brown Sept. 25 Neal Tolodxi, Bob Bandi, Richard Sarles, Stuart Johnson, Jeff Dahlberg, Charlie Dahlberg, Joshua Winegar, Viengkeo Sati Scott Steingraeber/Nathan Thomas Scott Johnson/Nolan Steingraeber Aria Beert, Maggie Thomas Betsy Carlson Vivian Anderson Marjorie Carlson, Ingrid Tryggestad, Allan Carlson Betsy Carlson Pr. Intern Julie Barger Kathy Hand, Bev Wessman Youth Sept. 18 Ken Franzen, Tony Wallin Scott Steingraeber Jane Lightcap Pr. Jerry and Lois Peterson, Betty Morgan Darrell Lindstrom, Marvin Moore, Jeff Carlson, Brad Roos Cherene Sweeny, Nancy Warden Jane Lightcap, Judy Lindstrom Pr. Intern Julie Barger Altar Guild Dick Brynteson, Troy Hering Communion Assistants Debbie Gortowski Youth Michael Beert Assisting Minister Don and Shirley Falk Acolytes Diane Veitch, Wendy Holman Altar Guild Jeff Carlson Sept. 11 Rally Day Dick Brynteson, Troy Hering Acolytes Sept. 11 Rally Day 10:30am Sept. 4 9:15 a.m Worship Only 8:00 am September 2016 Worship Leader Schedule 13 14 M A L C - We have a partnership with the Parangipettai Lutheran Church in South India of the Arcot Lutheran Church, pray for this church and for their Pastor, Rev.Sebastian Jones Arpudaraj Simpson who is Pastor and the Director of the ALC and Community College; Pastor Daniel Nkenzi of Sepuka/Msisi Church in Tanzania. B S - We host the Blackhawk Area Council leadership team meetings weekly. Contact Cannie Ware at 815.397.0210 or cannie.ware@scouting.org. F P - Zion is in collaboration with Cornucopia Food Pantry located at 402 Market Street, Rockford. We appreciate your financial support. We are open for people to bring donations, pick-up food and volunteer on Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9-11am, and the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9-11am. LOMC - A camp, retreat, or ac=vity for everyone. LOMC isn’t just for summer, and it’s not just for kids! 640 acres of the great outdoors. Experience the pond, prairie, and forest that is home to deer, wild turkey, hawks, owls, and other small mammals, rep=les, and amphibians. K’ C— Ka=e’s Cup is on Seventh Street & Fourth Avenue. Join us August 27th for the Bicycle Rally; September 7th for Golf Ou=ng. M L P - A joint ministry between Zion, First, Tabor, Calvary, Emmanuel, Salem and Trinity Lutheran Churches. N I S - The Northern Illinois Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is a gathering of people created by God in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, called and sent to bear witness to God’s crea=ve, redeeming, and sanc=fying ac=vity in the world. September 24th, 10AM Bishop Installa=on Service at First Lutheran, Rockford. RK3 A L M - Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries brings our Lutheran congrega=ons together in partnership. RALM Golf Ou=ng Friday July 8th at Swan Hills. RK V C - The English Language Learners program uses the Youth Center at Zion every Monday from 11am-1:30pm, and Wednesday from 1:00-3:00pm to tutor the Burmese community. Z O - Zion Outreach is responsible for the Literacy Program and helping to raise funds for WOW, the Buddy House and other grant programs. P’ G C - We work with Patriots’ Gateway Center on Wednesday with the WOW Program or a@er school programs. Cherene Sweeny, Execu=ve Director. The Summer Patriots’ program will be hosted at Zion Lutheran Church during the week. ZION DX - We work with ZDC to build community so pray for ZDC, Bob Campbell, Execu=ve Director, and Chaplain Ber=e Holmgren. 15 LNH_NLI[^\ TNHk M^II^KM Sl\\KLJ Congrega=on of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Our Ministers - All the People of Zion Senior Pastor- Michael Thomas; pmethomas@zionrockford.com Pastoral Intern - Julie Barger; jabarger14@gmail.com Children’s Ministry Coordinator—Katrina Steingraeber kids@zionrockford.com Custodian - Viktor Jelnov; zion@zionrockford.com Financial Secretary - Arnie Swenson; swenas@aY.net Music Ministry Coordinator - Jodi Beach; jodibeach3@gmail.com Nursery Coordinator - Janice Forrest; nursery@zionrockford.com Office Manager - Jolyn Hess; zion@zionrockford.com Organist - Robert Leonhardt; htaobob@yahoo.com Outreach Coordinator - Ruth Fairchild; ruthfairchildlovesjesus@gmail.com Transporta=on Coordinator - Gary Fulkerson Transporta=on Staff - Gary Fulkerson, & Jason Brown Literacy Coordinator - Wayne Spitzer; tutoring@zionrockford.com Wedding Coordinator - Kathy Hand; katahand3@yahoo.com WOW Coordinator - Janice Forrest; wow@zionrockford.com Worship Media - Kurt Brown; zion@zionrockford.com Youth Coordinator - Kathy Hand; youth@zionrockford.com NORTHERN IL SYNOD RALM ZION DEVELOPMENT PATRIOT CENTER LUTHER ACADEMY CORNUCOPIA MULTI-CULTURAL WOW PROGRAM OTHER DONATION ZION OUTREACH LITERACY PROGRAM 2016 BUDGET $28,400.00 $2,840.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $9,000.00 $2,000.00 $5,500.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 SPECIAL DONATIONS HUNGER APPEAL ARCOT LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSION ZION OUTREACH GOSPEL JAMBOREE LSSI MALARIA MISSION ONE BODY BRIDGE MINISTRY GIDEONS TANZANIA JAN-JULY ACTUAL $16,947.37 $ 1,384.35 $ 260.00 $ 949.00 $ 787.00 $ 4,034.50 $ 1,384.00 $ 2,860.00 $ 800.00 $ 1,452.31 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 50.00 40.00 150.00 100.00 200.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5.00 2016 Church Council Officers President: Vice-President: Treasurer: Secretary: Pastor: Nancy Warden Dick Johnson Dick Brynteson Ralph Musselman Michael E. Thomas Standing Commi[ee Leadership Altar Guild Co-Chairs: Kathy Hand and Diane Veitch Archives CommiYee Chair: Margaret Hallin Building & Grounds CommiYee Co-Chairs: Dick Johnson, Don Falk, and Torgny Hallin Children’s Ministry CommiYee Chair: Debbie Gortowski Discipleship Team Chair: Nancy Warden Endowment CommiYee Chair: Richard Reinhardt Evangelism Team: BeAy Jo Jacobs and Joanne Adrian Fellowship Team: Ralph Musselman and Tyler Johnson Finance CommiYee Chair: Dick Brynteson Long Range CommiYee Chairs: ScoY Steingraeber and Dick Johnson Memorial CommiYee Chair: Karen Kermgard Men’s Ministry CommiYee Chairs: Darrell Lindstrom and Richard Reinhardt Missions Team - Bert Nyman and BeYy Morgan Mul=-Cultural CommiYee Chair: Ron Simmons and Yolanda Churchill Prayer Ministry CommiYee Chairs: Judy Lindstrom, Mary Norman and Tyler Johnson Stewardship CommiYee Chair: Jeff Campbell Women of Zion Chair: Mary Norman Worship Team: Pastor Michael Thomas and Jeff Campbell (italics are 2016 Council Members) M^M^IJLm PHLJMNLI • • • • • • • • • Buddy House Ministry (Zion Outreach & AOLC) ELCA - Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Ka=e’s Cup - Mariel Heinke, Board President MidTown Lutheran Parish Northern Illinois Synod - Bishop Gary Wollersheim Patriots’ Gateway - Cherene Sweeny, Execu=ve Dir. RALM - Amy Hoening, Execu=ve Director Zion Development - Bob Campbell, Execu=ve Director Zion Outreach - Judy Lindstrom, Board President O\ 2016 GRAPEVINE DEADLINE S\ 14, 2016 To submit an ar=cle, please bring a hardcopy to the church office or email to zion@zionrockford.com. The church can be found on the web at hYp://zionrockford.com The church can be found on www.facebook.com The church has a YouTube at www.youtube.com/zionrockford 16 Zion Lutheran Church 925 Fi]h Avenue Rockford, Illinois 61104 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1508 ROCKFORD, IL RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Place mailing label here. “A Mosaic Community Sharing the Grace of Christ with All” September 2016 Zion is a congregaon of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. PARTNERSHIPS Zion Lutheran Church 925 5th Avenue Rockford, Illinois 61104 Phone: (815) 964-4609 www.zionrockford.com zion@zionrockford.com S&'()* W,-./01 Summer Worship 9:15am Fellowship Follows (resumes 9/11/16) 8:00am Tradi=onal Worship 10:30am Fes=ve Worship 10:30am Burmese Worship