08 August PDF.pub - Troup Baptist Association


08 August PDF.pub - Troup Baptist Association
The Messenger
Volume 51 Issue 8
August 2016
Troup Baptist Association
The Selfie
In my opinion, one of the
most tangible
expressions of our
society going bad is:
The Selfie! While there
is nothing inherently
wrong with the selfie
itself, it is the thought
process of the people
taking them (me
included) and the
morphing of our cultural
values it has caused, that
make them dangerous.
In a word, the selfie is
the Poster Child for a
society that has become:
Self-centered. The selfie
screams: It’s all about
me! It says: This is me
in the morning, and this
is me at noon, and this is
me at night. This is me
eating, brushing my
teeth, driving, wearing
my new clothes, putting
on my makeup,
vacationing, and kissing
my spouse or significant
other. This is me with
my child, at home, at
work, at play, and any
other thing I can come up
with. It screams: This is
me, me, me, me, me, me!
You get the picture!
I ran into a friend the
other day in a local
restaurant. He’s a good
Christian man. I was
alone so he came and
joined me at my table.
Quite naturally, our
conversation soon
centered on things of a
Christian nature. He
said, “I had somebody
tell me the other day that
he thought all sin could
be traced back to our
selfishness.” He went on
to say, “I began to think
about that. And do you
know what? Preacher, I
couldn’t think of a single
sin that doesn’t have
selfishness at its core.”
“I’m not saying there
isn’t one,” he continued.
“I’m just saying I
couldn’t think of one.” I
think he was onto
Feminists are saying:
It’s all about us.
Abortion rights
advocates are saying:
It’s all about us. The
rich are saying: It’s all
about us. The poor are
saying: It’s all about us.
Liberals are saying: It’s
all about us. Moderates
are saying: It’s all about
us. Conservatives are
saying: It’s all about us.
The church is saying:
It’s all about us. The
Black Lives Matter
Movement is saying: It’s
all about us. And others
are saying: It’s all about
everybody! But in the
midst of our selfish
tirades, where we have
mounted our soapboxes
and are busy displaying
the “selfie” of our life,
demanding our voice be
heard, we have managed
If we would be honest,
this whole mess we have to drown out the most
been experiencing of late important voice of all.
in America is the result With a still, small, voice,
of selfishness on a scale Jesus whispers: It’s all
we have never witnessed about Me!
before! The homosexual
community is saying:
I wonder how many
It’s all about us.
more will have to die
Democrats are saying:
before we come to our
It’s all about us.
senses and realize
Republicans are saying: nobody needs to see our
It’s all about us. Illegal selfie. Listen to me, this
immigrants are saying:
thing called life is not
It’s all about us.
about me and it’s not
about you. It’s about
Him! It’s a about a
virgin birth, a sinless life,
a cross on Calvary, and
an empty tomb three
days later. We will all be
dead in a couple of years
and will soon be
forgotten. Therefore,
Christ and Christ alone is
all that really matters.
Will we ever realize
I recently heard a pastor
friend define culture as:
that which we transmit to
future generations. What
will we transmit? Will
we transmit our “selfie”
and our “selfishness,” or
will we transmit the
“selflessness” of the
Christ Who lives in us?
“Two little lines I heard
one day, Traveling along
life’s busy way; Bringing
conviction to my heart,
And from my mind
would not depart; Only
one life, twill soon be
past, Only what’s done
for Christ will last.”
(CT Studd)
No selfies!
Brother Aaron
We encourage you to “like” us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/troupbaptist
Association - The Messenger volunteers had extra help last
month getting The Messenger newsletter ready for mailing.
Joyce Gandee brought her prayer pal, Hope Hunter with her.
She really was a big help! Hope is 11 years old and is a student
of Long Cane Middle School and recently accepted Jesus as her
Savior during VBS at New Hope in LaGrange. We also
enjoyed having Lara-Anne, granddaughter of Lucinda Deitman.
Troup Baptist Association
Mission Statement:
The Troup Baptist Association is a
Spiritual, educational, and community
resource that, through cooperative
fellowship, equips pastors, staff,
and churches as they seek to fulfill
The Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
Lara-Anne (below)
Shown above is
Joyce Gandee (L)
and Hope Hunter(R)
Association - The Annual Bi-vocational Pastors’ & Wives’ Rib
Dinner was held at the association office on June 27. Brother
Jerome Shipman, pastor of New Macedonia prepared the ribs
and trimmings for the group. Everyone had a great time! Many
thanks to our corporate sponsor, Higgins Funeral Home. Their
generous donation each year provides a rib dinner to the fulltime pastors as well as the bi-vocational pastors.
Above, Pastor Jerome Shipman and his team from
New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
Bi-vocational Pastors’ & Wives’ Dinner
At right, First Ladies
Stephanie McCartney
of Reeds Chapel and
Marianne McCollough of the
Troup Baptist Association are
enjoying the ribs prepared by
Rev. Jerome Shipman of New
Macedonia Missionary Baptist.
Saturday, September 17 at 5 p.m.
Rev. Lamar & Mrs. Carol Truitt’s home
525 Thrash Road, LaGrange
(Covered Dish Meal)
Association - Church Prayer List
For August 2016, please pray for following churches:
Clockwise at left:
Judy King, Carol Truitt,
Janet & Rev. Bryan Geter,
Rev. Lamar Truitt &
Rev. Richard King.
A Great Big Thanks to
our corporate sponsor
Higgins LaGrange Chapel
Funeral Home!
August 7, 2016 - Western Heights Baptist Church
August 14, 2016 - With One Accord
August 21, 2016 - Anointed By Faith
August 28, 2016 - Antioch Baptist Church - Hogansville
For September 2016, please pray for following churches:
of September 4, 2016 - Antioch Baptist Church - LaGrange
of September 11, 2016 - At The Cross (of Georgia)
of September 18, 2016 - Baptist Tabernacle Church
of September 25, 2016 - Bethel Baptist Church
Please pray for God to bless these churches and meet their needs.
News (continued)
At the Cross - The following report was received from Sir Rex
with KKFI regarding the funds they sent to help them with
Vacation Bible School in the Philippines. “I truly believe God
blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others. Love yall!”
“People were surprised that it is indeed free and we told
them somebody else paid for it. Like what Jesus did for their
sins. This random act of kindness was appreciated by people
who have attended the church service and by-standers. They
never thought that people half way around the globe cares for
them, and good enough to give them muffins and refreshments.”
“Also, to members of At the Cross of Georgia, may God
richly bless all of you! It was heartwarming to know that you
care for us. While we know that it takes a village to raise a
child, just like what you did to the 1,364 children that we fed
and have given a meaningful summer, I believe that one day,
and one of those kids will change their village as well. To God
be the Glory!”
Baptist Tabernacle - During the month of July they baptized
two and added one new member. They thank God for all the
work He is doing with Baptist Tabernacle. • The Food Closet
gave away 401 boxes and 462 meals. • The Clothes Closet
served 241 individuals. • The VBS mission project collected
119 items for the backpack ministry. The 3rd and 4th graders
collected the most items. “This teaches children to share with
others.” VBS will conclude on August 3 with a closing
ceremony. “Thanks to all VBS workers for an outstanding job.”
• On Saturday, July 16 a cook-out was held at the lake for
Charlie Williams’s Sunday School Class. They enjoyed
swimming, kayaking, and games. They enjoyed grilled
hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and watermelon. A fund time was
had by all that attended. • Baptist Tabernacle Church members
“Back the Blue.” Orders were taken for yard signs and vehicle
decals and there was an overwhelming response! “Thanks to all
our law enforcement people for keeping us safe.” Goody bags
were distributed to Police, Sheriff, and State Patrol offices.
“Please remember to keep them in your prayers.”
Davison - (continued) The youth enjoyed a day of God's
creation of nature at Callaway Gardens on July 23rd. The day
began with devotion and prayer. God blessed all with a
beautiful day with the sun to warm, wind to cool, spectacular
flowers and butterflies and an abundance of food with Christian
love and fellowship. “Praises to God and a great big ‘Thank
you’ to our awesome God for multitude of blessings!”
Franklin Road - The Celebrate America 2016 Rally was held
on July 3. Thanks to everyone who had a part and to all the
churches and people who attended. It was a great time of
celebration! (photos below) Rev. Ben Turner of Teaver Road
and Associational Missionary, Aaron McCollough were two of
the guest speakers at the rally. There were performances by
adult choirs, youth groups as well as the children’s choir.
Davidson - Congratulations to Andrew and Kim Stell and their
seven children. They were united in Holy Matrimony on July 2
by Pastor Howard Longshore here at Davidson Baptist Church.
Grace - hosted Vacation Bible School the week of July 17.
Almost 200 people were in attendance through the duration of
another successful and Spirit-filled event. • Grace’s adult
mission team continues to meet needs in the local community
with service projects. Numerous projects have been undertaken
in homes in the area.
News (continued)
Highland - had their annual Independence Day cookout on
Sunday, July 3. A good crowd showed up to enjoy grilled
hamburgers and hotdogs, along with all the trimmings. They
even had some delicious homemade ice cream. It was a good
time of fellowship. • The WMU ladies sponsored a clothing
give-away each week in July. The clothing helped a large
number of families in the community.
Teaver Road - Between Vacation Bible School and Camp
Trust they had twelve salvations! They also celebrated six
baptisms in July! “God is blessing Teaver Road Baptist
Church!” • The annual children’s camp, Camp Trust was the
last weekend in June and they had a great turn-out! They were
able to minister to 40 precious children! The theme was the
“Wacky Summer Olympics” and throughout the weekend the
children learned about going for the gold on team Jesus. Six
Lakeview - WMU met on July 25 with hostess Peggy Reese
children from Camp Trust joined Team Jesus that weekend!
planning the food and the devotion. • Lakeview participated in • The Student Ministry has had a busy summer. They spent a
the Troup Baptist Association’s project of providing backpacks whole week in July ministering to Calvary Baptist Church in
with school supplies for the children of Berta Weathersbee
Lanett, AL while assisting them with their Vacation Bible
Elementary School.
School. They recently took 30 youth on an all-nighter to
Launch Trampoline Park in Columbus, The Escape Room in
Mountville (MBC) - had a great month in July! The
Auburn, and bowling in the Valley. • Pictured below is a
Wednesday Night Kids Group made cards and goody baskets
group from Camp Trust and Pastor Ben Turner baptizing some
for the local law enforcement offices. The kids delivered the
of the converts during the morning service on July 10.
baskets to each office. “We appreciate everything they do to
Teaver Road
keep our community safe!” • The congregation of MBC held a
Camp Trust
prayer walk at Callaway High School on Sunday, July 24. They
prayed for vision, peace, safety, and love over the campus.
Above: Mountville members who participated in the
prayer walk at Callaway High School on Sunday, July 24.
New Hope (LaGrange) - VBS was a great success! “We
praise God that four children made decisions for Christ!”
Thank you to all the workers who served in any capacity,
especially to Troy and Rita Karr and Melissa Hughes for their
leadership. • Thank you New Hope family for the $930.00 in
gift cards that were taken to the flood victims in Clendenin,
West Virginia. Two churches will be responsible for giving the
cards to the families who need them. The pastors were so
grateful that you remembered them. Continue to pray for those
who lost everything in the flood and are trying to start over.
• Jeff Manion brought a timely message on Sunday, July 17
while Pastor Mike Hornsby was away. “Thank you Jeff for
faithfulness in serving the Lord.” • They are happy to have
their youth back from their beach trip, refreshed and ready to
start back to school. On July 27 at their Family Night Supper,
they said goodbye to Josh Nicholson, their Youth Leader for the
past two years. They are sad to see him leave but wish him God
speed and many blessings in the next phase of his life.
Meanwhile, Randy and Christie Holland will be leading the
Youth department. “Please pray for them as they take on this
Teaver Road
Baptism Service
Wehadkee - Carmen Lott was the guest speaker for the ladies
meeting this month. Finger food was served and the food and
fellowship was enjoyed. While the ladies were meeting, the
men met at a restaurant and also enjoyed the food and
fellowship. • The church will be helping to buy bookbags for
under-privileged children through the Troup Baptist
Association’s partnership with Berta Weathersbee Elementary
School. • Church clean-up day was held on Saturday, July 16
for their upcoming Homecoming and Revival. A good group
came out to help and also enjoyed some good food and
fellowship. • New mulch and benches were placed in their
Memorial Gardens for un-wanted children. Thanks to Leona
Mulkey for the memorial garden. • They are very proud of the
new flag pole and flag that now stands in front of their church.
• The fifth Sunday lunch on July 31 was cancelled due to
Homecoming on August 7.
Ministry Spotlight - First Baptist Community Garden
In 2009, FBC West Point acquired a piece of property
across the street from the church with the idea of
expanding their parking, but with the recession
beginning to effect members’ incomes and the church’s
offering, the leadership decided it would be best to hold
off on developing the parking lot.
That is when Deacon Jack Combs had an idea for using
the property in a productive manner in the interim - a
community garden. By the spring of 2010, Jack was underway, enlisting the help of various people in the area to plow, plant,
weed, and ultimately harvest.
“There was a great deal of excitement that first year, but the new wore off quickly,” remembers Pastor Tom Tucker. “The soil
was terrible and Jack, in an effort to maximize productivity, planted nice, beautiful, long rows of crops. As the summer drug on,
the rows seemed to grow longer.” It wasn’t long before Jack’s help had all but evaporated.
At the end of the season he began to reevaluate the situation. Jack got permission to plant in a second vacant lot adjacent to the
church’s and he began a massive composting campaign. “I think most of the people in the church would have been happy to put
the garden to rest and begin laying out the parking lot. Jack, however, had a vision; and God knew exactly what He was doing
when He gave that vision to Jack Combs. Nobody else in our congregation would have gone to the lengths Jack went to in order
to turn that hard, red clay into fertile soil,” recounts Pastor Tom.
Without a truck of his own, Jack Combs began hauling bags of leaves, grass clippings and buckets of manure in the trunk of his
Buick Century. He made arrangements with the city and local arborists to have their collections of leaves and wood chips
dumped onto the lot. If it could be used for compost he found it and brought it to the garden, all the while growing crops in the
adjacent lot which he gave to the West Point Area Food Closet located in the basement of FBC West Point.
For four years, Jack did all that he could to improve the soil and supply fresh produce to those in need. Though helping hands in
the field were in short supply, a ministry formed around the garden’s produce. The church’s Women on Mission group began
cooking monthly meals for shut-ins which featured seasonal vegetables straight from the garden.
Then on May 1,2015, Jack Combs collapsed while working in the garden. He passed away the following day. The loss was
devastating but it bore fruit just as all the seeds Jack had been planting over the years in the soil. “The vision which God gave
him was passed or caught by a group within our congregation, and they determined to see it through,” remembers Pastor Tom.
Recalling what took place over the next year, the pastor tells the story: “Jack already had several crops in the ground and this
group ensured they were taken care of and harvested. We also dusted off some old plans he and I had gone over years earlier.
They entailed using raised beds in an effort to make this a true community garden. At the time the resources to accomplish that
were nowhere to be found. But now God is providing in extraordinary ways. Over half of the materials we are using have been
donated, and the rest have been bought at a discount with monetary donations.”
By the end of the summer there will be 34 raised beds in place. They are available free of charge to people in the community.
The only stipulation is that their Tuesday harvests go to the Food Closet; otherwise, people are free to enjoy all that they grow.
“This was Jack’s vision from the very beginning: a place where members of our
church could be out in the community, side-by-side with people they may not have
otherwise known or met, sharing gardening tips and the gospel. It’s happening. That
vision is becoming a reality right before our eyes, and I pray daily that God would
open up doors of ministry and opportunities for the gospel through this patch of land.
“In each of these boxes are the fruit of Jack’s labors: fabulous soil and compost,
earthworms I remember him praying for the Lord to send, and volunteer squash and
tomatoes growing from the seeds of Jack’s last crop. There is one more fruit we are
anticipating seeing—people professing faith in Christ. Just like those squash and
tomatoes, they too will be borne from seeds Jack Combs sowed,” says Pastor Tom.
Dantz Frazer & his Sweet Potatoes
Baptist Tabernacle (BTC) - The Puppet Ministry will begin on
August 10 and will be every Wednesday, 7-8 pm and will
continue until Awanas begins in September. • They continue
to meet on Saturday at 9pm at BTC to pray. “Everyone is
invited to attend. Prayer changes things and God is listening.”
• BTC is partnering again this year with Whitesville Road
Elementary School for school supplies. School begins on
August 10 and they urge each of you to keep the students,
teachers, bus drivers, and other school personnel in your daily
prayers. • The Lighthouse Keepers have taken on a new
project. They are donating bottled water weekly to Hospice and
Kleenex tissue as needed. Also, they are preparing and taking a
meal for the families at Hospice. • The Silent Hope Ministry at
BTC has helped 16 families in our church. This is a new
ministry that is dedicated to helping members of our church that
may have a special need. This ministry is fully funded by
special projects.
Davidson - Please join them for service and fellowship on:
Sunday Breakfast at 8:45 am / Sunday School at 9:45 am
Sunday Worship Service at 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 pm
Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 pm (Book of Revelation)
2nd Friday - Prayer Night & Karaoke at 6:00 pm
Grace - Grace’s Youth are selling raffle tickets for a gift
certificate to Vinnuci’s. The raffle will help support the
upcoming trip on July 28-30 to Motion 2016 Discipleship
training in Birmingham, Alabama. A total of 26 including 7
adults will go on the trip. The group continues to provide
dinner to the Reformers Program on the first Friday of the
month at Oakside Baptist Church. Sunday nights are another
opportunity for peer to peer interaction for the teens.
• August will bring another ladies Bible study from Beth
Moore (Jesus the One and Only). It will begin on Thursday,
August 18 and continue for 10 weeks. Fellowship and learning
are the key ingredients for this program. Additionally ladies
will be Bible journaling on Sundays at 5 pm. Ladies wishing to
join either program are welcome. Please call Grace Baptist
Church for more details. • The Ladies of Grace are hosting
their annual pancake breakfast at Longhorn Steakhouse on
Saturday, August 13 from 8am until 9 am. Tickets are $7 each.
Proceeds will help with various Christmas projects that the
ladies sponsor. For tickets, call the church at (706) 882-9263.
Highland - The kids and youth will enjoy a “Back to School
Party” on Wednesday, August 3 at 6:30 pm. • On Saturday,
August 6, they will “Prayer Walk” around Hogansville
Elementary School. Everyone is encouraged to join in this
walk. • On Monday, August 8, the WMU ladies will provide
lunch for the teachers at Hogansville Elementary School.
Mountville - AWANA will kick off on Sunday, September 11.
The club will start at 5pm each Sunday. “Everyone is
Lakeview - will have a mission day - a block party - at the
church on August 20 to provide outreach to the community in a
joint project with other churches in the Troup Baptist
Association’s On Mission Together Day.
New Hope (Greenville) -
New Hope Baptist Church
7719 Callaway Road
Greenville, Georgia
169th Homecoming Celebration
Sunday, August 28
10 a.m. Singing by The Dixie Sounds
11 a.m. Preaching by Rev. Aaron McCollough
Dinner on the grounds will follow
Pastor Kenneth Whitlock invites all to attend!
New Hope (LaGrange) - August 7 will be the Children’s Backto-School Bash. The Youth Back-to-School Bash will be on
August 20. The Youth are planning a trip to Columbus for
rafting on September 17. See Randy and Christie for more
details. • The Backpack/School Supply drive for our children
is ongoing. If you would like to contribute, it is not too late.
Bring backpacks and supplies to the church.
Teaver Road - will be kicking off the month of August with a
Back 2 School Block Party for Mallard Lakes Apartment
Complex. They will be serving hotdogs and hamburgers to the
residents and passing out school supplies to the children. They
are striving to make an impact on our community and show the
love of Jesus!
Wehadkee - Homecoming will be Sunday, August 7 at 11am.
Rev. S.T. Janney will bring the morning message. Lunch will
be served after the service. Revival will be held August 8 - 10
at 7 pm nightly. Guest Speakers will be Rev. Woody Woodard
on Monday & Tuesday and Rev. Mat Watson on Wednesday.
2016 Ministers’ Wellness Retreats
Each session will be two days and one night.
• Toccoa: Sept. 14 - 15
• Toccoa: Sept. 15 - 16
• Norman Park: Sept. 22-23
(limited to 30 people)
Registration is required! Please contact Ruth Smith
at 770-936-5364 or by email: rsmith@gabaptist.org
For questions about dental care, please contact Diana Brown
at 770-936-5215 or by email: dbrown@gabaptist.org
Announcements (continued)
WMU School Prayer Walk
Faith Bible Institute
The Troup Baptist Association serves
as a satellite campus of Faith Bible
Institute, a ministry of Rowland Road
Baptist Church in Monroe, Louisiana.
Kick-off Breakfast
(Compliments of WMU - RSVP Required)
Saturday, August 6
9:00 AM
Troup Baptist Association
1301 Washington Street, LaGrange, Ga.
Late Registration through August 16 for Fall Semester
(late fee of $24 applies)
Classes begin August 16, 2016
New Student: $126
Returning Student: $86
FBI Graduate: $53
2nd Family Member; $53
Guest Speaker:
Theresa (T. C.) Phillips, Instructional Specialist
Berta Weathersbee Elementary School
For more information go to www.troupbaptist.org
Contact Jane Gottshall - director at (706) 957-7443
or by email: jane.gottshall@gmail.com
To get your school assignments
or to RSVP for breakfast,
please contact Judy King by email
or by phone (706) 882-0371.
The Troup Baptist Association
is pleased to announce our partnership with
Berta Weathersbee Elementary School.
Troup County On Mission Together Day
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Our first project of 400 Fully Stocked Backpacks
for the students of Berta Weathersbee
has been a huge success!
Thanks to YOU who made this
possible through your contributions and pledges!
This is special day set aside for each church in the
Troup Baptist Association to intentionally
reach out to the people of their community.
Senior Adult Rally
Please prayerfully consider being part of our
Troup County On Mission Together Day
Western Heights Baptist Church
2382 West Point Road, LaGrange, Ga.
The Kempters Concert - Canceled!
Thursday, September 8
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Previously scheduled for August 7th
at First Baptist Church on the Square.
Cost: $5.00 per person
Special program by Bob Smith
Georgia Baptist Mission Board closed for Labor Day Holiday
Troup Baptist Association closed for Labor Day Holiday
Senior Adult Rally Western Heights 11:00am - 1:30pm
Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship New Macedonia Paul Baxter
Church Planters’ Meeting @ TBA 10am - noon
Bi-vocational Pastors’ & Wives’ Dinner 5pm @ The Truitt’s
Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship New Macedonia Woody Woodard
Executive Committee Meeting Association Office 7pm
Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship New Macedonia Tom Kennedy
Note: Prayer Team meets at association office Mondays at 5 pm.
Faith Bible Institute meets at association office on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Happy Birthday
Rev. Michael Reeves, Open Range Cowboy Church
Rev. Tom Farr, First Baptist on the Square
Rev. Randy Presley, Rosemont
Rev. Olin McClain, Pastor Emeritus - Wehadkee
Dr. Lamar Truitt, Lakeview
Rev. Ben Turner, Teaver Road
Happy Birthday
Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship New Macedonia Olin McClain
WMU School Prayer Walk & Breakfast 9am Troup Baptist Assoc.
Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship New Macedonia Bobby Bozeman
Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship New Macedonia Paul Botica
Faith Bible Institute Fall Semester begins 6:30 pm @ TBA
Church Planters’ Meeting @ TBA 10am - noon
Troup County Community On Mission Together Day
Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship New Macedonia Lamar Womack
Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship New Macedonia Jim Cheney
Note: Prayer Team meets at association office Mondays at 5 pm.
Faith Bible Institute meets at association office on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Rev. Lamar Womack, Gray Hill
Rev. Bobby Robinson, East LaGrange
Rev. Bernie Pasley, East Vernon
Rev. Mike Watson
Rev. Frank Abrahamsen, Praise & Prayer
Rev. Jerome Shipman, New Macedonia
Rev. Danny Geter
Rev. Tifton Dobbs, Anointed By Faith
Rev. Billy Allen, Stovall
Pray for our Schools, Students & School Staff!
On The Lighter Side
There was a teacher who was helping one of her kindergarten students put his boots on. He asked for help and she could see why. With
her pulling and him pushing, the boots still didn't want to go on. When the second boot was finally on, she had worked up a sweat. She
almost whimpered when the little boy said, "Teacher, they're on the wrong feet." She looked, and sure enough, they were. It wasn't any
easier pulling the boots off than it was putting them on. She managed to keep her cool as together they worked to get the boots back on -this time on the right feet. He then announced, "These aren't my boots." She bit her tongue rather than get right in his face and scream,
"Why didn't you say so?" like she wanted to. Once again, she struggled to help him pull the ill-fitting boots off. He then said, "They're my
brother's boots. My Mom made me wear them." The teacher didn't know if she should laugh or cry. She mustered up the grace to wrestle
the boots on his feet again. She said, "Now, where are your mittens?" He said, "I stuffed them in the toes of my boots."
Troup Baptist Association
P.O. Box 550
LaGrange, Georgia 30241
Phone: 706-884-1975
Fax: 706-882-8574
Web: www.troupbaptist.org
The Messenger Is A Monthly Publication Of The Troup Baptist Association
P.O. Box 550, 1301 Washington St., LaGrange, Georgia 30241
Office: (706) 884-1975
Fax: (706) 882-8574
Web Address: www.troupbaptist.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/troupbaptist
Rev. Aaron McCollough, Associational Missionary: aaron@troupbaptist.com
Angela Maddux, Administrative Assistant: angela@troupbaptist.com
Rev. Terry Rainwater, Moderator: rainwater001@outlook.com
Rev. Andy Buchanan, Vice-Moderator: andy@frbclagrange.org
Mr. Daves Nichols, Treasurer
Mrs. Dottie Henson, Assistant Treasurer
Mrs. Jane Gottshall, Clerk
Periodicals Postage Paid LaGrange, Georgia 30241
Postmaster: Send Address Changes To: The Messenger, P.O. Box 550 LaGrange, Georgia 30241