April 27, 2014 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
April 27, 2014 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH 17270 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY APRIL 27, 2014 PHONE: 714-963-1811—FAX: 714-968-1775 www.holyspiritfv.org—office@hsccfv.org—www.facebook.com/holyspiritfv OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM—5:00 PM—Saturday: 9:30 AM—2:00 PM PASTOR: Reverend Monsignor Tuan Joseph Pham, JCL PAROCHIAL VICARS: Reverend Jeffrey Droessler, STL—Reverend Joseph Duc Hoang, STL DEACON: Deacon Phil Goodman—Deacon Paul Manh Van Mai You and your family are invited to join SAVORING OUR FAITH with FR. LEO Sunday, May 4, 2014 8:00 - 1:30 PM—Family Faith Festival 2:00 - 5:00 PM—Teen Integrity * Registration is needed for Family Faith Festival only * Scan the QR code or call our Office to register: 714-963-7871 Page 2 Thoughts for the Week Sunday, April 13 Offering: Gifts from Envelopes Gifts from Cash & Checks Online Giving Total Offertory Total Budgeted $11,501.50 $12,072.75 $1,719.00 $25,293.25 $25,000.00 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — All who believed were devoted to the teachings of the apostles, the communal life, the breaking of the bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42-47). Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting (Psalm 118). Second Reading — God has given us an undiminished inheritance, safeguarded for us in heaven (1 Peter 1:3-9). Gospel — The risen Christ comes to his disciples with peace and the Spirit. The absent Thomas doubts (John 20:19-31). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-9; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36,or, for the memorial, Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; 1 Pt 1:17-21; Lk 24:13-35 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Adoration for May will be Sunday, May 4, after the 6:30 PM Mass and will continue until the 6:30 AM Mass on Monday, May 5. Come and keep Jesus company for one hour. Weekly Exposition is held on Fri. at 9:30 AM until Sat. at 9:00 AM. Come and Receive The Healing Power of Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord. “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). Mass with Fr. John Hampsch, Charismatic Priest, Monday, April 28 at Holy Spirit Church. Praise and Worship, Adoration and Mass begins at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Ruth Vinson at 714-585-6814. MASS INTENTIONS April 28 6:30am Ginger Grace Hughes & Family Fr. John Kang Tom & Linda Leeman Terry Martin Jean Brown Marie Twinter 9:00am Paul Khoa Dang Le † April 29 6:30am Elsa Ozibko † 9:00am Tiffany White † April 30 6:30am Sally Rakowich † 9:00am Suzanne La Chapelle † May 1 6:30am Paul Hoi Le † Ignacio Pettet Sotelo † Joseph Widmann † Catarina Tran Thi Tin † Mary Helen Ramirez † Armando Ramirez † 9:00am Sean & Peggy Branley May 2 6:30am Doan Ho Family 9:00am Sam Spada † May 3 9:00am John & Theresa Tran † 5:00pm John Petrie † 6:30pm Porfinia, Juan & Lorezo Salcedo † May 4 7:30am Rosie Sefcik † 9:00am Germaine Donzella † 10:30am Paul Hoi Le † 12:00pm Donald Carothers † 5:00pm Joseph Michael Hung Su † († Rest in Peace) FIRST FRIDAY REMINDER—Devotions of the Holy Wounds Rosary and the Seven Dolors of Mary are offered for the Souls in Purgatory following the 9:00 AM Mass. FIRST SATURDAY REMINDER—The First Saturday of every month is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Devotions are held at 8:15 AM followed by the Fatima Rosary. Stewardship Reflection for April 27, Sunday of Divine Mercy In today’s first reading, the four activities of the earliest church are introduced to us as priorities of the church: devotion to the teachings of the apostles, communal fellowship, the Eucharist and prayer. The early members of the church saw themselves as devoted stewards of these activities. These were not options. They were the fruits of a genuine conversion to a life in Christ. Sharing in the Eucharist was the most intimate expression of fellowship, while the most common expression of fellowship in the New Testament was that of sharing financial resources– giving. It was not a perfect community, but one that gave evidence of God’s active presence in its midst. This early community offers us an excellent example of how to better exercise stewardship in our own parish families. HOLY SPIRIT FAITH FORMATION * CHÖÔNG TRÌNH GIAÙO LYÙ PHONE: (714) 963-7871 FAX: (714) 968-1775 faithformation.holyspirit@gmail.com “Like us” @ Facebook.com/holyspiritFF BIBLE VERSE John 20: 19-31 CONFIRMATION CORNER “Peace be with you” “Bình an cho các con” Teen Integrity & Rite of Acceptance Want A Sure Path to Holiness? Learn more about this journey by participating in Holy Spirit Parish “Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat.” This retreat gives us an awareness of Christ’s infinite mercy and how we can give Him joy, showing us the way to console His Heart by accepting His love and trusting in Him completely. It also focuses on what to do with the daily suffering we all encounter. It will help us grow spiritually closer to the Sacred Heart Jesus and how to daily experience His Divine Mercy. 10 Weeks Spiritual Retreat Meetings: TUESDAY EVENING 7:00 PM (RM 8 & 9) April 22, 29 * May 6, 13, 20, 27 June 3, 10 17 & 24 Thursday Morning 9:45 AM (Doyle Hall) April 24 * May 1, 8,15, 22, 29 June 5, 12, 19 & 26 Sunday, May 4 2:00 PM Mini Retreat in Doyle Hall 5:00 PM Mass & Rite of Acceptance * Candidate, Sponsor & Parents * Confirmation Rehearsal Thursday, May 8 7 PM @ Church * Remember to check in & get your CF card * * First come, first serve seating * Confirmation Day Friday, May 16 5:30 PM in Church Students arrive by 4:00PM Sponsors arrive at 4:30PM FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2 WEEKDAY PROGRAM Rehearsal—Thursday, May 15 @ 4 - 6:30PM FHC Mass—Saturday, May 17 @ 10:30 AM SATURDAY PROGRAM Rehearsal—Wednesday, May 14 @ 6:30-9 PM FHC Mass—Saturday, May 17 @ 12:30 PM TEEN FIRST COMMUNION Rehearsal—Tuesday, May 13 @ 7:30 PM FHC Mass—Saturday, May 17 @ 10:30 AM HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC YOUth FELLOWSHIP ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Page 4 High School CYF Meeting this Sunday, April 27 at St. Vincent de Paul Church, 8345 Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach, 6:30—8:00 pm. Guest speaker and musician Matt Franklin will be leading XLT (worship, reflection and adoration). Youth Ministry Entertainment Cards are on sale NOW for $10. These cards give you great deals on local fast food places, restaurants, and businesses. Thank you for supporting Youth Ministry. Service Opportunities: Confirmation students still needing parish service hours, sign-up with Youth Ministry Office to help with Fr. Leo “Savoring Faith” event on May 4. EDGE: Regular meeting and time starting Thursday, May 1. LAST’s May monthly meeting is scheduled for May 21, 7:00—8:30 pm due to AP testing. ***For more information on these events and other ways to get involved with Youth Ministry contact Catherine Ord: email youthministry@hsccfv.org; phone # 714-350-5707 or visit the website www.holyspiritcyf.com*** Spanish Mass--Saturdays at 6:30 PM We invite you to our Spanish Mass every Saturday at 6:30 PM. Once a month, join us for pan dulce (delicious sweet bread) on the patio, where you'll have a chance to meet others in the community. There are many opportunities to help with the Mass and share your talents as a lector, greeter, usher, choir member, musician, and more. We look forward to meeting you. Please help us spread the word about our Spanish Mass! Gracias! CHILDREN'S CHOIR NEWS Our Children's Choir will be singing for the Savoring Our Faith Mass with Fr. Leo the Cooking Priest on Sunday, May 4, and for 1st Holy Communion on Saturday, May 17. Any children ages 5-13 are welcome to join this enthusiastic and talented choir. For more information, please call Carla at (323) 707-4331. ♦ Week 13: Facial expressions may resemble parents. Active but mom does not yet feel it. ♦ Week 15: A wild production of nerve cells begins & continues for a month. Second surge in week 25 ♦ Week 16: Nostrils & toenails are visible, sucking finger, turning somersaults, and feels pain. Girls contain beginning of eggs. Developing sleeping habits. Peace and Justice will meet on Wednesday, May 14 at 7:30 pm in one of the classrooms. We thank you for your generous support of S.H.I.P during the past two weeks. 70 volunteers served six people working towards self-sufficiency. We enjoyed healthy evening meals together and provided lunches, breakfasts, toiletries and household supplies for a two week period. We passed the service on to the Beach Point faith community in Fountain Valley. Contact: Pat Goodman at 714-847-6617. Easter blessings!! Third World Gifts & Handarts’ Craft Sale: Third World Gifts and Handarts will be having a sale of fair trade handcrafts on the patio after all Masses on May 24—25. Their nonprofit organization was founded at a parish in Anaheim in 1975. They market these products from developing nations and low-income areas of the U.S, thus supporting the self-employment of thousands of impoverished artisans, as well as their survival and that of their families. They also have a gift shop in Orange, 714464-0556. You may also bring to their craft sale these donations for their collection drive for Catholic missions serving the poor in Mexico, and low-income Native Americans in northern Arizona: clothing, blankets and linens (freshly laundered, please); school supplies; new backpacks; hygiene products, baby wipes, diapers and Depends; plus children’s books; housewares, granola bars, powdered milk, peanut butter, nuts, jam, beans, rice, juice, baby food and canned proteins. They also need hygiene products, new socks and nutritious snacks for their visits to the VA, plus new or gently used clothing for homeless veterans. Thank you! ATTENTION YOUNG ADULTS: Looking to get more involved at Church? Want to join a ministry of your peers? FYC is reaching out for young adults to join our leadership/core team! Please pray about it, consider joining our core team, and contact us at: fyc.hscc@gmail.com. Upcoming Events Jesus, I trust in You!! DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY. Holy Spirit Catholic Church April 27, 2014, 3:00 PM in Doyle Hall. Note: The Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday, 3:25 PM and will continue daily after 6:30 AM and before 9:00 AM Masses. 1. On Divine Mercy Sunday, take part in the Divine Mercy prayers and devotions held in honor of the Divine Mercy. 2. Go to confession. 3. Receive Holy Communion in the state of grace, that day. 4. Pray for Holy Father (ex: Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be). Divine Mercy 9 day Novena starts on Good Friday, April 18. Page 5 2014 PASTORAL SERVICES APPEAL Thank you to the 421 families who have pledged $133,749 to support the mission of the church in our diocese through their commitment to the Pastoral Services Appeal. Now that we have passed our goal of $117,000 in pledges, all additional gifts will go directly to support our parish. Participation, regardless of how large or small, is still very important. If you have not yet made your pledge, you may do so this weekend by placing your PSA envelope in the offertory basket at Mass or during the week in the Parish Office. We will be listing names of all the parishioners who have pledged. If you do not wish your name to be published, please contact the Parish Office, from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am—5:00 pm, before May 6. Welcome to the newest members of our Parish, Baptized in April 2014 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOLY SPIRIT COUNCIL 9667 April 28: Singing Knights Practice, 7:00 pm April 30: Bocce, 4:00 pm Thinking of joining the K of C? Call: Bob Leroux, GK, 714-717-1609 or bleroux27@outlook.com Attention All THIS SUNDAY! 8am to 11am Please check out the changes on our Parish website at: www.HolySpiritFV.org. We hope these changes will be more convenient and user-friendly for all our parishioners to use. Maria Emily Grace Do, Martin Kenneth James Luong, Maria Amy Rose Thi Nguyen, Francis Bryan Anh Nguyen, Maria MaiLinh Phong, Patrick Mason Truong, Brandon Michael Bercher, Jacob Ryan Nguyen, Landon Viet Nguyen HIS HANDS CHRISTIAN SERVICE ♦ ♦ ♦ We are in need of plastic grocery bags for food and clothing. If you are retired or have time to do some light manual labor (lifting & sorting of donations) 1-2 hours a week and are able to help, please contact His Hands during business hours. If you have excess backyard fruit and want to donate to His Hands, please call Bob Sassone at 714-962-8107 for pick-up. Thank you!! Mission Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00-11:00 am; Friday: Closed Phone: (714) 968-2111. SAVE THE DATE The Knight's Ladies and Friends will hold the Parish Luncheon & Fashion Show on Saturday, June 7th in Doyle Hall. You have a chance to win beautiful gift baskets, door prizes and a $1000 diamond cross necklace donated by Mimi's Jewelry. Tickets will be sold on the patio throughout the month of May and you can also purchase in the Parish Office. For more information you may contact Bev White at 714-963-9275. Page 6 ANUNCIOS IMPORTANTES VERSICULO BIBLICO – “La paz esté con ustedes” Juan 20, 19-31 ¡Noticias de la Parroquia! – Les invitamos a inscribirse en la parroquia porque es importante para ustedes. Llenar la hoja de inscripción en la parroquia o proporcionar nueva información si ha tenido cambio de domicilio o teléfono es importante. ¿Por qué es necesario? Para obtener preparación en la religión Para preparación y administración de los sacramentos Para obtener consejería Para ser parte de nuestra Familia Espiritual Pan dulce sábado 3 de mayo, 2014 - Les invitamos después de la Misa de las 6:30 p.m., a tomar un pequeño refrigerio de pan dulce, café y jugo. Tendrán la oportunidad de platicar y conocer a los miembros de nuestra comunidad cristiana. ORGULLOSO DE SER CATÓLICO –ENVIADOS A SERVIR. La Campaña Para Los Servicios Pastorales es una campaña anual de la Fundación Católica de Orange. La Diócesis usa los donativos para apoyar los ministerios y servicios que atienden y benefician a nuestra parroquia y a la comunidad en Orange County. Quisiéramos tener la participación por lo menos de 1,000 familias. Su donativo puede ser la cantidad que sea, grade o pequeña, Nuestro Señor lo apreciará. Recuerden obtener el sobre para La Campaña de los Servicios Pastorales (PSA), para apoyar la Misión de Cristo en nuestra comunidad, anotar su compromiso y depositarlo en la canasta de la colecta. Les invitamos a participar en El grupo de Oración – El grupo de oración carismático les invita a leer las Sagradas Escrituras, a orar, y a cantar para entender mejor los mensajes que Cristo nos envía sobre nuestra Fe. Esperamos nos acompañen el lunes, 28 de abril de las 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. en el salón 3. ¡Qué Dios les inspire continuar estudiando y creciendo en su Fe! Aparten la Fecha-Las Damas de Los Caballeros de Colón les invitan al a participar al “Almuerzo y Desfile de Moda” que se llevará a cabo el 7 de junio, 2014 en Doyle Hall. Tendrán bonitos diseños de ropa y la oportunidad de ganar bellos regalos. Coro en español - ¿Le gusta cantar? Estamos en busca de más voces para alabar a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo durante la Misa los sábados a las 6:30 PM. Practicamos todos los viernes a las 7:00 PM en el salón de música. Para más información favor de llamar a Ángel al 714-848-5418. Matrimonios en la Iglesia de Holy Spirit – Favor pasar a la oficina seis meses antes de la boda para la instrucción matrimonial. Comuníquese a la oficina parroquial al 714963-1811 por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha que piensa casarse. La reservación de la fecha solo se puede hacer después de que se haya cumplido con los papeles necesarios y el arreglo con el sacerdote. MAY 3 Thuy Phan & David Doan MAY 10 Paisley Tien Pham & Christopher Huy Le Fr. Sean Condon is leading a trip to Ireland, August 10 to 19. The bus tour will travel from Dublin to Cork, Killarney, Limerick, Galway and back to Dublin. Golfers will have an opportunity to play at the different golf courses en route while non-golfers will go sight seeing. For more information regarding cost, hotels, meals, sign-up etc, go to www.olmc.net or email: Sara@caragrouptravel.com, phone 617-639-0273 or email Fr. Sean at: seancondon1957@yahoo.com, phone: 714-222-5378. Cindy Almeida Rose Amato Barbara & John Arnold Milly Arnold Crystal Bracey Lydia Branley Jean Brown Luz Buscos Neva Ciesla Randy Cochran Barbara Collins Natalie Collison Mildred Decuir Tricia Elting Edgar Ferrer Steve Fournier Eleanor Fujimoto Diane Giordano Mayne Gonzales Richard Gonzalez Mark & Lisa Green The Hiezman Family McKenzie Hopkins Lupe James Theresa Keehfuss Mary Killeen Gary Kirk Rita Koval Barbara Martignoni Terry Martin Joseph Martinez Rose Mayer Joan McDonald Regina McPoyle Bill Meekins Fr. Jose G. Negrete Robert & Jeffrey Newon Pauline Perez Victor Rangel Rosie Reeves James Rivera Mary Ruth Rivert Rosalie Salvatore Shirlie Schumacher Marcia Slack Helen Smith Don Stering Marie Twiner Terri Van Grol Genny Victorino Betty West REST IN PEACE Our Parish Community wishes to extend our sympathy to the family and friends of all the faithful departed, especially Suzanne LaChapelle. May they rest in peace.
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