Los Teques MeTro - Odebrecht Informa


Los Teques MeTro - Odebrecht Informa
vol. xxxvi
english edition
Los Teques Metro
venezuela invests in
transport infrastructure
REPAR: building 8 refinery
units at once
Braskem raises funds
with mega deal
City of Salvador gets
second marine outfall
[ TEO ] Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology
“Everything we have built will only maintain its value if,
and as long as, it is committed to the construction of the
future - a future we must visualize by capably identifying
the trends with which we must interact proactively.
In other words, we must anticipate their impact and change
them when necessary to suit our objectives and follow the
path set by our Shareholders.”
Dear reader,
The year 2008 began in an atmosphere of uncertainty, with signs of trouble ahead.
And it came, resulting in a global economic meltdown in the second half of the year. But
there was good news as well. Braving that climate of fear and uncertainty, Braskem
successfully concluded two deals to extend the USD 1.2-billion loan obtained the previous
year to acquire the Ipiranga Group’s petrochemicals assets. The company achieved this
feat because it had won the trust of Brazilian and international investors and major banks
that were familiar with Braskem’s track record. Both operations have received a major
accolade – Latin Finance magazine’s Deal of the Year award.
The Braskem financial team’s efforts were rewarded and recognized because, from
the very start, they were confident that difficult times could be overcome with audacity,
competence and credibility. This mindset is not only prevalent at Braskem but throughout
the Odebrecht Group. And this is how the organization will continue growing in the
situations that are currently arising in several different countries and impacting the
entire world in increasingly unpredictable ways.
The Group’s overarching aim remains the same: providing more and better service to
its clients, wherever they may be, and whatever they may require. Clients like Petrobras,
which is carrying out an extensive project to retrofit and expand the production capacity
of its Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery in the state of Paraná, building eight new
industrial units at once. Petrobras is doing what needs to be done for Brazil, and
Odebrecht takes great pride in being part of that effort.
When placing their expertise, experience and spirit of service at their clients’
disposal, engineering and construction contractors also have the crucial mission of
collaborating with national development initiatives. In Venezuela, Odebrecht’s teams are
doing just that by participating in the construction of the Los Teques Metro system in the
populous Altos Mirandinos area. Line 1 officially opened in November, symbolizing the
Venezuelan people’s determination to improve their mass transit infrastructure. Line 2 is
currently under construction, reaffirming that resolve.
As 2009 begins, the global economy is still going through a period of uncertainty and
doubt. But nations must keep growing, because the people who live in and build those
countries have dreams to fulfill and lives to live. As long as there are people who are
dedicated to making those dreams come true, life on this planet will continue to prevail,
with all its power and fascination. Odebrecht Informa wishes all its readers a happy 2009.
odebrecht informa [ 1 ]
[ thoughts ]
“My father taught me and my siblings that
work is man’s mission on earth, and that
knowledge is the only treasure you can share
with others without being the poorer for it.”
José Henrique Steckelberg (OI-139) – 2008
responsible for editorial
programs at odebrecht S.A.
Karolina Gutiez
“Working with clients, joint-venture
“We believe it is perfectly possible to
partners and vast numbers of contractors,
combine productivity and environmental
users and the community in general
preservation without increasing the costs
provides an opportunity to put the
of a business venture, as long as the
Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology
environmental issues are included in the
into practice, and ensure the client’s
project planning and form part of the
satisfaction in the broadest sense.”
Action Programs of everyone involved.”
Carlos Fernando Anastácio (OI-38) – 1986
Wolney Longhini (OI-78) – 1996
editorial coordination
Versal Editores
“A country – a living organism – is as
“We export intelligence, and at the
strong as its small, medium-sized and
same time, we take Brazil’s culture to
José Enrique Barreiro
large businesses. Companies and groups
the countries in which we operate.
of companies are only as productive as the
Because we work on long-term projects,
knowledge, expertise and skills of the
we eventually become an integral part
people who comprise them.”
of our local communities. This capacity
Norberto Odebrecht (OI-87) –1998
for interaction is what sets Brazilians
apart – it is a competence that results
“Every project must be consistently
from the fact that Brazil is a
managed, and that is only achieved when
multicultural country.”
the company that manages that project
Roberto Dias (OI-112) – 2004
has assimilated the client’s idea and
ensures that it is carried out. That way,
work will flow more productively, with
better quality.”
Antonio Pires (OI-103) – 2002
The reflections of Odebrecht members, former members, partners and clients,
published in previous issues of Odebrecht Informa magazine.
>> Visit odebrechtonline.com.br <<
> VIDEOS: Interview with Benedicto Jr., CNO Vice President for Infrastructure in Brazil
> PRINT EDITION: Read issue no. 140 (January/February 2009) in full
> BACK ISSUES AND SPECIAL ISSUES: PDF and online files since issue no. 113 (May/June 2004)
> SPECIAL SITES: View online archives, including Odebrecht S.A. Annual Report since 2002, Odebrecht Group Annual
Meeting since 2003 and milestone publications (60 years of the Odebrecht Group, 40 Years of the Odebrecht
Foundation and 10 Years of Odeprev).
> PARTNER-REPORTERS: Read the guidelines and send us a video on your business.
> In November and December 2008, the Odebrecht Informa Online website received 51,044 visitors. Source: Locaweb.
[ 2 ] odebrecht informa
responsible for corporate
communication at odebrecht s.a.
Márcio Polidoro
business area coodinators
Marco Antônio Antunes Pereira
engineering & construction and
infrastructure investments
Nelson Letaif
chemicals & petrochemicals
Miucha Andrade
sugar, ethanol and bioenergy
executive editor
Cláudio Lovato Filho
english translation by
H. Sabrina Gledhill
photo editor
Holanda Cavalcanti
art|graphic production
Rogério Nunes
Adilson Secco
electronic publishing
Maria Celia Olivieri
Juliana Olivieri
pre-press/printing by
Originally published in
Also available in Spanish.
An in-house publication
of the Odebrecht Group.
Published by Odebrecht S.A.
Printing: 2,100 copies
editorial offices
Rua Deputado Lacerda Franco,
300 – Sala 128 – Pinheiros
CEP: 05418-000
São Paulo/SP – Brazil
Tel.: +55 11 3030-9466
We would like to thank everyone
who contributed to this issue
in this issue
w w w. o d e b r e c h t o n l i n e . c o m . b r
no. 140 vol. xxxvi jan/feb 2009
state of the art
Real-estate ventures
Clients take delivery of two new developments – Vale do Loire and Quintas de Sauípe
Highlights of Salvador’s second marine outfall include technological innovations
and environmental safeguards
Braskem reaffirms its commitment to environmental sustainability
at the 2008 Brazilian Grand Prix
Braving the turbulent global economy, Braskem successfully completes
a complex fundraising operation
Petrobras’s Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery is retrofitted and expanded
to increase its production capacity
The completion of Line 1 of the Los Teques Metro makes life easier for residents
of the populous Altos Mirandinos area
The Porto Alegre Book Fair, Latin America’s largest outdoor literary event,
marks its 54th anniversary
A newly published book presents the definitive edition of Brazil’s first colonial history
Sustainable development
The Participatory Governance and Community Development Studies and Practices
Center opens in northeastern Brazil
cover photo
Founded in 1944, the Odebrecht Group is active
in Engineering & Construction, Chemicals &
Petrochemicals, and Sugar & Ethanol.
Its 78,000 members and sub-contractors are present in
South, Central and North America, the Caribbean, Africa,
Europe and the Middle East, and carry out social and
cultural projects in the communities where the Group
operates. The touchstone for each individual Group
member's work is Odebrecht's entrepreneurial philosophy,
which was engendered and improved through practice.
The core principles of this philosophy are having
confidence in people, ensuring the Client's satisfaction,
practicing decentralization and partnership among
our members, guaranteeing shareholder returns and
reinvesting the results achieved.
Los teQUes Metro
Building the tunnel for Line 2 of the
no. 140
vol. xxxvi
rePar: BUILDING 8 reFINery
UNIts at oNCe
jan/feb 2009
BrasKeM raIses FUNDs
wIth MeGa DeaL
CIty oF saLvaDor Gets
seCoND MarINe oUtFaLL
Los Teques Metro in Venezuela.
Photo by Eduardo Barcellos
odebrecht informa [ 3 ]
[ real-estate ventures ]
A place to live the dream
built in harmony
with the
Vale do Loire
(108 apartments) and
Quintas de Sauípe
(163 homes)
are delivered
to their owners
written by
Fabiana Cabral
photos by
Adriano Ribeiro
[ Vale do Loire,
in Salvador, Bahia:
two towers recreating the
French Neoclassical style ]
[ 4 ] odebrecht informa
“When I first saw Vale do Loire, I was delighted by all
the infrastructure it has to offer. There’s nothing else like it
in Salvador!” Married to Lúcia Helena, who has a business
degree, and the father of Vitor, 6, and Vitória, 3, esthetic
dermatologist Osmilton Souto Brandão is clearly pleased as
he shows off his family’s new home. He observes that location, infrastructure and quality of life were the key factors
behind his decision to leave his apartment in the northeastern Brazilian city of Salvador’s tony Corredor da Vitória area
for the new Odebrecht Empreendimentos Imobiliários (OEI)
[ Osmilton Brandão:
spending more time
with his family ]
apartment complex in the Horto Florestal district. “I know it
will be a terrific place for my kids to grow up in. I’ll be able
magazine during a break in a meeting. “Based on that sug-
to spend more time at home on weekends, so I can enjoy my
gestion, we surveyed the clients we wanted to focus on, and
family more,” says the doctor.
found that many of them already gone there for some sort
OEI delivered the Vale do Loire complex to its clients at
8 pm on October 2, 2008. Inspired by castles in the Loire
of celebration. In other words, they associated the Loire
Valley with joy and pleasure.”
Valley, France, the two apartment towers – Château Amboise
Eduardo Pedreira observes: “The process of conceptual-
and Château Cheverny – reflect the French Neoclassical style
izing a project involves two components – creating expecta-
in a design created by architect Antônio Caramelo.
tions and meeting the challenge of surpassing them. We used
The two 27-storey towers contain a total of 108 apart-
a great deal of intuition to sense our clients’ needs. It was cru-
ments, each with four en-suite bedrooms, and Top House-
cial to fulfill a dream that goes far beyond market standards.”
style penthouses. “The Top House concept is simply an inver-
For two and a half years, 800 company members
sion of the traditional penthouse, which has bedrooms on
worked on the project at an accelerated pace. The details of
the lower floor and the pool area on the upper floor. It’s like
the architectural design required special attention. According
having a house on top of an apartment building,” explains
to André Basto, the officer Responsible for Construction, one
Eduardo Pedreira, the OEI officer Responsible for Real-Estate
of the biggest challenges was using porcelain mini-tiles to
Developments in the state of Bahia.
face the buildings. These rigid materials are frequently used
“OEI wants to makes its client’s wishes come true
for finishing work in the city of Salvador. “Unlike São Paulo,
while optimizing the design. We are selling a shared dream.
where the finishing is done with textures and paint, they use
Living in Vale do Loire is like having your first home at a re-
facing tiles in Salvador because of the high salinity and hu-
sort,” says OEI Bahia Djean Cruz proudly.
midity levels in that city.”
The complex has a 54,470-sq.m built-up area, includ-
The decision to use PVC for balcony doors and windows
ing covered courtyards, four social areas, two pools (one
also took the humidity and salinity of Salvador's tropical cli-
with 25-meter lanes), a “chateau” for events, with a recep-
mate into account. “That’s the hallmark of a luxury construc-
tion room, a game room with pool and card tables, a cyber
tion project,” underscores André. He explains that using PVC
café and video room and 18-seat movie theater, dry and
instead of aluminum is a widespread practice in high-end
steam saunas, massage rooms, a gym, a relaxation room,
homes in other Brazilian states, but the thermoplastic mate-
two tennis courts, a soccer pitch, a squash court, a Gourmet
rial is not generally used in luxury apartment buildings.
space, a yoga area and a walking and running track.
Personalizing the apartments was another challenge
for the team that built Vale do Loire. Because 80% of designs
Leafing through a magazine
were modified, a special team of engineers and architects
Djean Cruz recalls that the idea of recreating the
worked directly with the owners to meet the demand with-
Loire Valley came up when the team was leafing through a
out putting the project behind schedule.
odebrecht informa [ 5 ]
Boulevard Side:
Launched in July 2008, the
Boulevard Side apartment complex
in Salvador, Bahia, will include the
Mercure brand and the concept of
service apartments. On November
14, Odebrecht Empreendimentos
Imobiliários (OEI) announced its
partnership with Accor Brazil to
manage the complex on Tancredo
Neves Ave.
[ Mylena and Humberto: attracted to
Quintas de Sauípe by its facilities and services ]
The owners of the 324 units,
including one- and two-bedroom
apartments and lofts, will be
The precautions being taken to protect the environment while the construc-
offered optional services such as a
tion work was going on include dealing with pests and planting trees. “We didn’t
24-hour reception desk, janitorial
cut into the soil to avoid killing specific types of vegetation. The infrastructure has
services and housekeeping, security
been adapted to the original local plant life,” explains Djean Cruz. Solar power is
and valet parking. “Thanks to this
used to heat water. The OEI team adapted the building roofs so they could be
partnership, the owners can use
equipped with solar panels, and Coelba (the power company in the State of Bahia)
the service apartment system
installed them.
according to their needs and pay
Vale do Loire’s success reflects the increasing quality the company has
per use,” explains Franklin Mira,
achieved, particularly by ensuring client loyalty. “There are several factors behind
the officer Responsible for
successful real-estate developments, including meeting consumers’ needs and en-
Marketing and Sales at OEI Bahia.
suring our brand’s credibility, which makes all the difference,” says Djean Cruz.
Accor will also manage long-stay
services – an option available to
owners who prefer to use the
Second homes
The OEI team’s sensitivity and market know-how are also clearly evident in
service apartment system for more
the Quintas de Sauípe project, a development delivered on October 25, 2008.
than six months at a time.
Located in the Sauípe Destination, also in the state of Bahia, this 466,000-sq.m gat-
After the partnership was
announced, investor demand rose
ed community is right next to Grande Laguna, a lagoon that gives access to the
beach and is surrounded by nature on all sides.
strongly and sales increased. “The
Named in honor of the large number of Portuguese clients who own homes
service apartment system sets this
in Casas de Sauípe (OEI’s first residential development in that area), Quintas de
venture apart, offering more value
Sauípe is located in an Environmental Protection Area (APA). According to Eduardo
added,” observes Franklin. The
Pedreira, the allowed occupation rate for an APA is 30%, but the venture takes up
Boulevard Side apartment complex
just 15% of the preserve.
will be delivered by April 2012. It is
Swathes of green with golf cart trails form the backdrop for the 163 homes,
part of a development that also
each of which has four en-suite bedrooms and a swimming pool. There are no walls
includes an office building.
between the houses. Each lot is set off by a hedgerow, encouraging homeowners to
become good neighbors. “Right now, second homes (vacation and weekend retreats)
[ 6 ] odebrecht informa
have a special appeal. In addition to being spacious, they
must come with services attached,” says Djean Cruz. “Who
wouldn’t want to live in Sauípe, with its village, club, lagoon and ocean?”
Facilities and services like the club and restaurant,
game room and delicatessen, tennis, squash and multipurpose playing courts, soccer pitch, children’s playgrounds,
spa, gym and weight room, miniature golf course and piers
for water sports weighed heavily in Humberto Teixeira’s
and Mylena Araújo’s decision to make Quintas de Sauípe
their first summer home after 15 years of marriage. “We
were amazed by the club. We thought it would have lots of
options, but it was even better than we had imagined,” says
Humberto. “We wanted a place where we could have family
her gated community. Now, she is working on the pay-per-
gatherings and enjoy recreational and leisure activities,
use services that will be offered there. “We will organize a
while staying close to Salvador,” says Mylena.
calendar of social events for 2009 so the residents can get
The administrator of her apartment building, she
used her experience to help find and hire the manager for
to know each other,” says Mylena, clearly excited at the
prospect. o
odebrecht informa [ 7 ]
[ sanitation ]
Meeting a growing city’s needs
Salvador’s second marine outfall
will benefit 1.9 million people
written by
photos by
Leonardo Maia
Holanda Cavalcanti
Thirty-three years have gone by since Odebrecht
built Salvador, Bahia’s first marine outfall in the Rio
Vermelho district. Today, thanks to the city’s rapid expansion,
that pipeline is operating at maximum capacity. A new outfall situated further up the Atlantic coast in the Boca do Rio
district, closer to the state capital of Bahia’s highest-growth
area, has become an urgent necessity. Now that Empresa
Baiana de Águas e Saneamento (Embasa), the state water company, and Concessionária Jaguaribe S.A. (a concession company formed by Odebrecht Infrastructure Investments and
Construtora Norberto Odebrecht) have signed the contract
for the Jaguaribe Ocean Disposal System (Jaguaribe ODS) project, about 1.9 million people will stand to benefit. The amount
of treated sewage will rise from the current 76% to 88% by
2010, and the goal is to reach the 96% mark by 2012, which is
a high percentage for most major Brazilian cities.
[ 8 ] odebrecht informa
Urban Development Master Plan, the city will grow in the di-
Begun in late May 2008, the project includes the con-
rection of the Paralela area, where a large number of projects
struction of the on-land portion of the outfall – a 1,300-m con-
are already underway. This is a very important project for
crete-lined tunnel – and the 3,600-m marine portion comprised
Salvador, and because Odebrecht is creating a specific area for
of a tunnel and 3,200 m of high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
Sanitation Works, this contract fits in perfectly with that ini-
pipe. The contract also calls for expanding the Saboeiro sewage
tiative,” observes Concessionária Jaguaribe Director Raul
pumping plant, building a pre-treatment plant and installing
Ribeiro. He also notes that, once it is up and running, the
the pressurized system connecting the two, which will make it
Jaguaribe ODS will be operated by Odebrecht Environmental
possible to divert some of the sewage now disposed of through
Engineering (OEA), a recently created Group subsidiary.
the Rio Vermelho outfall to the new system in Jaguaribe.
Embasa President Abelardo de Oliveira underscores the
Designed to handle up to 5.9 cu.m per second of sewage, the
importance of this new project: “We are working hard to pro-
pre-treatment plant will initially process roughly 3 cu.m per
vide universal sanitation services, thereby improving public
second because Embasa plans to issue a new tender in 2009 for
health and the quality of life of our citizens and helping re-
the Paralela sewage interceptor works and a sewer system for
store the environment, particularly by cleaning up our rivers.
the town of Lauro de Freitas in the Salvador metropolitan area
Furthermore, this new outfall is key to ensuring the safe op-
that will connect it with the Jaguaribe ODS. The pre-treatment
eration of the entire sewer system, because it will absorb part
plant will only come close to reaching its maximum processing
of the sewage currently discharged through the Rio Vermelho
capacity after those projects have been completed.
outfall,” he explains.
“The Rio Vermelho outfall can no longer handle all the
When the tender was first issued in June 2006, this proj-
sewage produced in the city of Salvador. In keeping with its
ect was the first Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for sanitation
[ Modern times: 3,200 m of the 3,600-m
outfall will consist of high-density
polyethylene pipe ]
works in Brazil. However, the concession agreement was only
struction project’s impact on the local community. To that
inked on December 27 of that year, after the PPP contract for
end, the concession company’s teams developed a special tun-
the Rio Claro sanitation system in São Paulo – another
nel construction method that is virtually invisible to the gen-
Odebrecht project – had been signed. The private sector has
eral public. It involves the use of pipe-jacking equipment that
invested heavily in sanitation works ever since, which led to
is similar to the massive tunnel-boring machine (TBM)
the decision to create Odebrecht Environmental Engineering
Odebrecht is using to build tunnels for the São Paulo Metro,
in 2007. Thanks to the PPP model, Brazil is steadily reducing
but on a smaller scale. The only above-ground construction
its water and sewer deficit.
works required for the on-land portion of the outfall will be
“The philosophy behind this partnership is interesting,
four manholes that will be used as entrances for the pipe-jack-
as an additional way of financing the construction of sanita-
ing equipment and allow for occasional inspections and main-
tion works and providing related services, particularly for fi-
tenance. Made in Germany, the equipment will only be re-
nal sewage disposal,” says Abelardo de Oliveira. Through this
moved from the tunnel 400 m from the beach after crossing
partnership, OEA will run the Jaguaribe ODS for 15 years,
the surf zone, when the concrete pipe will be coupled to the
while receiving monthly payments of BRL 3.385 million from
HDPE pipeline with a “spool.”
Embasa, part of which will be used to repay the loan from the
Caixa Econômica Federal bank.
The construction works have been planned to ensure
the convenience of motorists and pedestrians on Jorge
Amado Avenue (the on-land portion passes underneath
Cutting-edge technology
that roadway). The tunnel also eliminates the need to set up
Concessionária Jaguaribe’s main concern when design-
an industrial jobsite on the shore and install a metal pier
ing Salvador’s latest marine outfall was to minimize the con-
and a 400-m temporary bridge, which would have had an
odebrecht informa [ 9 ]
environmental impact on Artists’ Beach, which is also on
obstacle. Removing the pipe-jacking equipment from the wa-
the outfall’s route.
ter is another delicate operation. This will be one of the first
In addition to introducing technological innovations,
times it has ever been carried out in Brazil. We are counting
the concessionaire has always focused on the complete safe-
on the know-how and efficiency of our team and have brought
ty of everyone involved in the project. “Safety has always
in experts from Germany to operate the equipment,” says
come first in the Action Program for this contract manage-
Roberto Santos, who has worked on two other Odebrecht out-
ment team, along with safeguards to ensure quality, protect
fall projects, one in the city of Maceió, Alagoas, and the other
the environment and maintain good relations with the com-
in Camaçari, Bahia, which is owned by Cetrel. The process of
munity. We must never underestimate the risks on a con-
sinking the pipe will be carried out between December 2008
struction project, especially one that involves several under-
and February 2009, when typical ocean conditions are ideal,
sea tasks. We are maximizing quality by using cutting-edge
and will represent the peak of the project, when about 500
construction methods to ensure that this project is a bench-
company members will be mobilized.
mark for this market,” explains Délio Galvão, the first Project
Once the outfall is fully operational, which is expect-
Director for the Jaguaribe ODS, who was replaced by Roberto
ed to happen by March 30, 2010 – two months ahead of
Santos in November 2008.
schedule – treated sewage will be disposed of in the sea af-
“The pipe-jacking method is used all over the world for
ter being processed at the pre-treatment facility to remove
this kind of project. Here in Brazil, it’s also being used to
all solid matter. About 3,500 m from the coast at a water
build the Praia Grande outfall (another Odebrecht project).
depth of 45 m, the organic liquid will be diluted in the
But our equipment is the only one of its kind in Brazil, be-
briny deeps. The discharge site was chosen after extensive
cause it’s designed to drill through mixed soils, like rock and
studies that took into account the behavior of ocean tides
sand,” explains Jorge Ocke, the officer Responsible for
and currents in that region.
Construction. At the point where the pipe-jacking
The successful effort to find the best construction
equipment will be removed, 400 m from the coast,
method for this project has helped develop a harmonious
the four 800-m sections of pipe welded at the Mapele
relationship with the client. “Odebrecht builds its projects
Shipyard in Aratu Bay will be coupled to the tunnel.
with the most advanced technologies available. Its manage-
These sections will be transported 42 km by sea to
ment model and the experience it has acquired in Brazil and
the spot where the ocean outfall begins.
other countries are also important factors. Our relationship
“The ocean must be as calm as possible
has met our expectations. We are keeping a close eye on the
when the pipeline is sunk onto the seabed. Our
construction works and related environmental and social
biggest challenge is getting through the surf
projects, which are entirely satisfactory,” stresses Embasa
zones, and the cross currents will be the biggest
President Abelardo de Oliveira.
[ One of the manholes used to introduce
pipe-jacking equipment: the only direct
intervention in the on-land section of the marine outfall ]
[ 10 ] odebrecht informa
[ Children from
the Bate Facho
and civic spirit ]
Programs protect the water, soil and air
The terms of the Environmental Permit issued by the
Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural
Resources (Ibama) for the Jaguaribe ODS include the development
Tilley hats (caps with neck covers) from seamstresses in Bate Facho
to protect workers from the hot sun while building the outfall.
“This project has been terrific for us because it brings the
of a Basic Environmental Plan made up of 15 programs.
information right to our door and is making our community
Concessionária Jaguaribe is carrying out the required programs,
better known. I have a godson who is working on the outfall
and issues six-monthly follow-up reports on all of them. They
project. It’s his first job, and he’s very happy because he gets a
include monitoring local wildlife, and the quality of the air, water
regular paycheck every month. Young people need a chance in life
and sediments, as well as environmental compensation and
so they won’t get involved in drugs and prostitution,” argues
management programs and the restoration of degraded areas.
Cremilda Anunciação, President of the Bate Facho Residents’
Concessionária Jaguaribe has hired Sonia de Faria to carry out its
community-related projects, such as environmental education and
Another highlight of the project’s community outreach
public relations programs. Sonia has a degree in social work, and
programs is the Environmental Education Course in Sanitation,
is responsible for keeping the community up to date and handling
offered through a partnership with the University of the State of
suggestions, complaints and requests.
Bahia (UNEB). Divided into 10 modules, this 120-hour course is
The Bate Facho community is one of the jobsite’s closest
neighbors. “This is an impoverished area with a high
intended for local public school teachers and community leaders.
“The main aim of this environmental education program
unemployment rate. We have sought out residents’ associations,
is grooming multipliers to act in formal settings, like schools, as
local leaders, state schools and religious institutions in this and
well as informal ones, like the community itself. We discuss
other communities, in addition to merchants on Jorge Amado
subjects like the basics of ecology, water resources and sanitation,
Avenue. They have all been very receptive. We are also in direct
water and diseases, environmental impacts and new
contact with fisherman, stall owners and visitors to Artists'
technologies,” explains Sonia. Maria de Jesus, the Community
Beach, in order to deal with any impacts or inconveniences the
Health Agent in Bate Facho, is one of the people taking the course:
project might cause,” says Sonia.
“I have great expectations of learning more and more and
Examples of the programs that Concessionária Jaguaribe is
sharing what I’ve learned with the community. I’ve visited
carrying out include offering talks on the progress of the project;
Odebrecht’s headquarters building twice and heard all about the
distributing informative leaflets; forming a partnership with the
work being done by Norberto Odebrecht. I can see that Odebrecht
Ecostations Environmental Education Program at Odebrecht’s
is a company that is going to help us. It has a very strong
Salvador headquarters; and outsourcing services such as ordering
humanitarian side.”
odebrecht informa [ 11 ]
[ sports ]
Green commitment goes full throttle
A Brazilian Grand Prix sponsor, Braskem presents the winners
with trophies made from green plastic
written by
Eliana Simonetti
photos by
Fernando Maia/ Agência O Globo
Technology at the service of speed. Formula 1 race
Braskem developed the green polymer in Triunfo, Rio
cars can reach up to 350 km per hour, and there are 500
Grande do Sul, and is planning to produce it on an indus-
sensors and control buttons on the steering wheels alone.
trial scale by 2011. But its pilot plant was immediately put
There is no shortage of expertise and adrenaline. The
into action to supply two slabs of the material – enough to
teams’ pit crews change tires in a flash and perform split-
make the 15 trophies required for the Brazilian Grand Prix.
second repairs. The drivers need to perceive the risks
While the team at the plant was gearing up for the task,
they’re exposed to immediately, and take decisions and
another group visited Niemeyer at his office in Rio de
react without hesitation.
Janeiro. Their conversation was brief. The architect cheer-
During the three Grand Prix Brazil championship rac-
fully produced the design for the trophy in just 15 seconds
es held prior to 2008, the winners took home silver-plated
– a circle, like the steering wheel of a Grand Prix race car,
trophies that stand 57 cm high and weigh 3.6 kilos. Each
with an internal component reminiscent of the pillars at
prize took a month to manufacture. In the most recent race
Alvorada Palace – the Brazilian President’s official resi-
held in November 2008, the spectacle on the race track was
dence, which he designed along with the rest of the city of
breathtaking – a beautiful race run with tremendous skill in
Brasilia. “The Alvorada columns are very Brazilian and are
the cockpits, and adrenaline flowing freely in the racecars,
copied around the world,” explained Niemeyer.
boxes and stands. As a crowning touch, when rewarding the
The next step was to obtain the authorization of the
best combinations of speed and technology, a different kind
International Automobile Federation (FIA). Once that was
of trophy was presented this time around – a symbol of a
done, and the right specifications had been established, the
new era, not just for Formula 1 but for modern life in gener-
green plastic blocks for each trophy were shaped. However,
al. It is a story that merits telling.
sculpting them was another challenge. To overcome it,
Braskem called in partners whose factories already had the
A casual conversation
equipment needed to produce the necessary molds quickly
It all started during a meeting of Braskem leaders and
and precisely (this was the case with the Federal Technical
partners a month before the race. During a break, “green
Education Center – Cefet in Sapucaia, Greater Porto Alegre),
plastic” and the “Brazilian Grand Prix” came up casually in
as well as special saws and plastic milling units and experi-
conversation, mentioned in the same breath. That is how the
enced professionals. Fifteen machines would have to go off-
idea was born for Braskem to sponsor the race and make tro-
line for 13 hours straight to do the job and bring Niemeyer’s
phies for race-car drivers and constructors out of green plas-
design to life – producing trophies weighing about 4 kilos
tic. This material is being developed in the company’s labs at
apiece and standing 50 cm high.
the Triunfo Petrochemical Complex in southern Brazil, and
[ 12 ] odebrecht informa
because it is made from sugarcane ethanol, is environmen-
Moving and astonishing
tally sustainable and used instead of petroleum-based plas-
The trophies were ready less than a week before the
tic, it has been officially recognized and is receiving a warm
race. Some of them were put on public display as soon as the
welcome. But there was more – the trophies would also be a
trials began to determine the starting grid. “As a Brazilian
tribute to Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, on the eve of
company, it makes us very proud to present the results of
his 101st birthday.
persistent investments in technology committed to sustain-
[ Felipe Massa holding the trophy
made by Braskem: the Brazilian
driver won the race ]
ability at an international event in a pioneering fashion,”
Massa kept that distance for most of the race, especial-
said Braskem’s Entrepreneurial Leader (CEO), Bernardo
ly after the twelfth lap, and it looked like the Brazilian would
Gradin, when presenting the resulting products to the me-
win the world title. Hamilton was not in the top five. But
dia in São Paulo. “With these trophies, Braskem is creatively
then a heavy shower drenched the autodrome and the driv-
reaffirming its commitment to sustainable development
ers all made a pit stop to change tires. The stands went quiet.
while using cutting-edge technology.”
In the final lap, Hamilton was still in sixth place. But then, at
As a result, before the starting flag came down,
the last corner, he put his foot down and came in fifth. After
Braskem’s 140 guests, the 140,000 people who watched the
a 5,480-km race, the world title was decided in the last 700
race at the Interlagos F1 track, and the millions who watched
meters. Massa strode to the top of the podium for the
the race on TV knew Brazil was a champ. This was due to the
Brazilian GP, and was vice champion in 2008.
innovation that came with the trophies – which did not con-
Made from Braskem’s green plastic, the Niemeyer tro-
tain the sponsor’s logo, like they usually do. In an email to
phies were presented to Felipe Massa, Spanish driver
Odebrecht Informa, Oscar Niemeyer wrote: “Architecture and
Fernando Alonso (second place), and Kimi Raikkonen of
works of art should be moving and astonishing. I think this
Finland (third place), as well as to Ferrari, which won the
trophy has all the hallmarks of astonishment.”
constructors’ title. “This is the best and it was the toughest
race of my life,” said Hamilton at a press conference after the
The Massa-Hamilton duel
trophies were handed out.
Held on the afternoon of November 2, the race was full
Wilson Cataldi, one of Braskem’s biggest clients,
of thrills and surprises. Brazilian F1 star Felipe Massa led the
joined the company’s guests at the autodrome. He rides
pack from beginning to end. But he needed to do more than
motorbikes, and is crazy about cars. In 26 years, he has
that to become the world champion: there had to be five cars
never missed a Brazilian Grand Prix at Interlagos. His
between him and the British champ, Lewis Hamilton, to beat
nerves were more or less under control for the first two
the total number of points the Englishman had scored dur-
hours. He even went out for a snack. But during the last
ing the 2008 F1 season.
few laps, he kept looking back and forth from the track to
odebrecht informa [ 13 ]
[ Dead heat: Brazilian GP had
one of the most thrilling
finales in the history of
Formula 1 racing ]
Brazilian GP in numbers
the TV screen in front of him. Cataldi broke into a
• 140,000 people filled the stands at Interlagos to watch the
suffered that much during a race!”
2008 race, including 85,000 tourists – 12,000 of them,
• 90% of São Paulo hotel rooms were occupied during the
weekend of the race. The hotel, restaurant, transport and
food sectors earned BRL 230 million – 9.52% more than the
previous year.
• 7,000 people (80% women) worked at the Interlagos
Autodrome on the day of the race, taking care of
organization, security and cleaning. The event is estimated to
have indirectly created an additional 3,000 temporary jobs.
• Every Brazilian real invested in the Brazilian GP brought in
BRL 3.20 for the city of São Paulo
• 12 trips between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo – that is the
equivalent distance the competitors in the Brazilian Grand
Prix traveled in 71 laps at Interlagos
• 9 of the 35 GPs held in Brazil were won by Brazilians: Emerson
Fittipaldi (1973 and 1974), Nelson Piquet (1983 and 1986),
Ayrton Senna (1991 and 1993), Carlos Pace (1975) and Felipe
Massa (2006 and 2008).
[ 14 ] odebrecht informa
sweat, and yelled till he was red in the face. “I’ve never
The business leader and racing fan recalled that
2007 was also a thrilling season. All that was missing
was the pleasure of seeing a Brazilian get close to winning the championship. A newcomer to F1, by the
time Hamilton had reached the Brazilian Grand Prix
that year, he was just four points ahead of his fellow
McLaren teammate, Fernando Alonso, who is a twotime world champion. But Hamilton spun out and
fell back to last place at the beginning of the race. In
the end, Kimi Raikkonen, who had been seven places
behind Hamilton, had won the first title in his career
that year. “It was very exciting, but nothing compared
to 2008,” says Cataldi.
All around him, clients and partners in the business world who share his love of sports agreed. They
left Interlagos feeling satisfied and victorious, because
of the titles Felipe Massa had won and the trophy – a
green work of art. On the way back to their hotel, they
were already planning to have copies made and put
them on display at their company headquarters.
[ profile ]
A career’s passionate
Music is one of Marcelo Cerqueira's greatest
inspirations in life and work
written by
Danielle Espósito
photo by
Élvio Luis
Born in the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia,
Marcelo Cerqueira has been a chemical engineer for 20
years. The Industrial Director of Braskem’s Vinyls Unit since
working at one of the companies at the Chlor-Chemical
September 2008, he divides his time between his family, his
Complex then being established in Alagoas. “That massive
work in the states of Alagoas, Bahia and São Paulo – where
project fascinated me, just like music. They are very
the Vinyls Unit’s factories are located – and music.
different things, music and the petrochemical industry, but
When asked what he loves most in life, he says: “I’ve
oddly enough, they complete me.” He got a degree in
been married for 18 years and have three lovely daughters. I
chemical engineering, and when he had the chance to work
also have a beautiful relationship with music. It’s been part
in the ethanol-chemical industry, he didn’t think twice. “I
of my life and a source of inspiration ever since I can
made a decision that determined what my professional life
would be like from that time forward.”
Marcelo still finds time for the loves of his life, despite
Although he chose not to follow a musical career, all
a busy schedule of business meetings and travel, and the
these years later his passion and fascination for music are
action program he recently took on at the company he
undiminished. “I feel a thrill whenever I hear an orchestra
joined in 1989. He also seeks out new things to do that will
playing. I think music can help us tremendously. Without a
result in good experiences. One of his most notable
doubt, it has inspired me to take the decisions I’ve made so
activities is his contact with the communities in the vicinity
far and will continue to influence my future decisions.”
of Braskem factories and his involvement in the copmany’s
And he adds: “I also believe in social inclusion through
social/environmental responsibility programs.
music. I am rooting for the young flautists in the Lagoa Viva
His interest in these activities intensified when he
program, while supporting them and following their
met the group of young flautists from Lagoa Viva (Living
progress. I think music can help build a better world for
Lagoon), a Braskem program that has been working with
these boys and girls from low-income communities and
the community in the Pontal da Barra region of Alagoas
turn them into entrepreneurs, as the Odebrecht
since 2003. He was charmed. “It took me way back to when I
Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) teaches us.”
was a kid, a very young boy, watching a TV commercial
where a group of boys played the flute,” he recalls.
Life takes curious turns. For those who believe in
Marcelo sticks to his favorite subject and presents a
theory: “If I had to suggest a piece of music that is a true
masterwork, I’d say it was Bach’s ‘Air on a G String.’ It is
coincidence, Marcelo played the flute as a child. His
beautiful and simple at the same time. It was meant to be
interest in music grew and he went on to play the violin. It
played on just one string of the violin. It is the affirmation
didn’t take long for him to join an orchestra. “At the time, I
that beauty can arise from simple things.”
was living in Espírito Santo and traveling at least once a
Marcelo says he feels fulfilled, but he still wants more.
month to perform in concerts in rural towns in that state.
“My family, music and profession are all dreams I’ve
Then I continued performing when I returned to Alagoas. It
managed to realize,” he says. “But I’ve always wanted to visit
was awesome.”
every continent in the world. I’ve even set up an action plan
While playing in the orchestra and being intensely
involved with music, Marcelo also nurtured the ambition of
to make that happen,” he observes. Marcelo Cerqueira has
what it takes to dream and make his dreams come true. o
odebrecht informa [ 15 ]
[ finance ]
[ Marcela Drehmer:
“In economics and finance,
the unpredictability factor should
never be overlooked” ]
Credibility trumps turbulence
The company’s track record and the trust of banks and investors enabled Braskem successfully
to carry out a major fundraising operation on the international market
written by
[ 16 ] odebrecht informa
Thereza Martins
photos by
Eduardo Beleske
As 2008 started out, there was a sense of uncer-
more than enough to refinance the loan taken out to ac-
tainty. Investors were already hedging their bets. Then, by
quire Ipiranga and Copesul, the ethylene plant at the
the third quarter, signs of turbulence appeared in the world’s
Triunfo Petrochemical Complex in southern Brazil. These
leading economies. But despite those challenging circum-
deals have also received two awards from Latin Finance mag-
stances, Braskem negotiated two loan operations to extend
azine in the Best Corporate Bond and Best Syndicated Loan
the period of a USD 1.2-billion loan obtained in 2007 to ac-
quire the Ipiranga Group’s petrochemical assets. In other
“In addition to obtaining the desired resources, we
times, these deals would have been a cakewalk. But all the
got excellent interest rates and terms,” observes Braskem
indicators and analyses showed that a credit crunch was in
Financial Director Marcela Drehmer. “Our best arguments
the offing – and in mid-October, those dire forecasts came
and biggest trump cards during our negotiations with the
true. However, the sense of opportunity of major internation-
banks and investors were our company’s good name and
al and Brazilian banks prevailed, along with their confidence
consistent track record.”
in Braskem’s fundamentals and the perception that the ac-
The Finance Team began planning the Eurobond is-
quisition of Ipiranga’s petrochemical assets had catapulted
sue and export pre-payment (EPP) operations in the second
the company to new heights of competitiveness.
half of 2007. That year, Braskem had obtained a USD 1.2-bil-
The hard work and dedication of Braskem’s financial
lion loan from three banks – Calyon, Citibank and
team paid off. On October 10, the company announced it
Santander – to acquire Ipiranga’s petrochemical assets in
had raised USD 75 million through 19 banks in 10 differ-
partnership with Petrobras. Those assets included Ipiranga
ent countries. That amount, added to the USD 500 million
Petroquímica, Ipiranga Química and Copesul (Companhia
in long-term Eurobonds sold in the first half of 2008, was
Petroquímica do Sul).
The USD 1.2-billion loan was payable in two years and
In December, she went on maternity leave. After
came due in October 2009. In the financial world, the fi-
enjoying some quality time with her first child, Matheus,
nancing negotiated by Braskem and the three banks is
she went back to work on April 30, 2008. Then, after an-
known as a bridge loan because of its main features: it is
other month of waiting and watching, the long-expect-
short-term financing that makes it possible to carry out a
ed moment arrived. The group of experts involved in
business transaction – in this case, the acquisition – imme-
the operation split up into two teams and set off for the
diately, while providing enough breathing room to negoti-
US and Europe to take part in numerous meetings with
ate long-term loans. Once those operations are concluded,
banks, investment funds and private banking represen-
the bridge loan is paid with the funds eventually raised.
tatives specialized in managing major fortunes.
“When Braskem obtained the bridge loan, there
During meetings with prospective investors,
was a great deal of liquidity in the market and the terms
Braskem offered them its Eurobonds. The initial aim
negotiated by our colleague Michael Machado (then a
was to raise USD 400 million, but the demand was four
member of the Braskem Finance Team and now working
times greater and reached USD 1.8 billion. Braskem in-
at ETH Bioenergy) were very good,” recalls Marcela
creased the bond issue to USD 500 million and finally,
Drehmer. “The loan cost less than what CVRD had paid
on May 31, the operation was successfully concluded.
for a previous transaction, and the two-year period was a
Fifty-one percent of the investors are American, 38% are
significant improvement on the bridge loan for the pur-
European and 11% are Asian.
chase of Copene in 2001, which was payable in six
This was the company’s biggest bond operation to
months. This strategy was essential in view of the severe
date, at the lowest interest rate. In May, the base rate was
downturn that began in the second half of 2007.” And
7.5% per year. Braskem was able to close the deal at
Marcela adds: “In economics and finance, the unpredict-
7.375% for a 10-year period. But a great deal happened in
ability factor should never be overlooked, so as soon as
the world economy between May and November 2008,
we took out the bridge loan we started devising a strate-
and by then those bonds were being traded at 12% on
gy to extend the period of the initial loan. At the time
average in the secondary market, where investors buy
(the second half of 2007), the banking crisis in the United
and sell bonds from each other.
States was beginning to show signs of worsening and becoming more extensive than originally supposed.”
An excellent track record
Once they had concluded the Eurobond operation,
Waiting for the right moment
the Braskem Finance team could concentrate on the
With the help of the company's Comptroller and
Export Prepayment (EPP) challenge, which they had
Legal department, Braskem's Finance team prepared the
been tackling simultaneously. The aim of that transac-
documents required to issue Eurobonds and began mon-
tion was to raise USD 725 million based on projected
itoring the market, awaiting the best opportunity to sell
future exports.
them. The prospects were good. The company could pres-
Under normal circumstances, the global econom-
ent solid arguments to its potential investors. They in-
ic scene would have had the same impact on these two
cluded Braskem’s history of rapid growth, the excellent
operations, since they were part of a step-by-step trans-
performance of its businesses and the acquisition of as-
action. But 2008 was an atypical year. From one day to
sets in southern Brazil scored points. Even so, the right
the next, the sky would seem to fall, immediately fol-
time didn’t appear. There was fear and reluctance in the
lowed by signs that all was not lost. By June, the mar-
air. “We were hoping that a big company would issue
ket was in a shambles and the cost of money had start-
bonds on the international market and that there would
ed to rise.
be signs of interest on the part of investors, but nothing
concrete materialized,” says Marcela.
To carry out the EPP transaction, Braskem sought
out the three partner banks (Calyon, Citibank and
odebrecht informa [ 17 ]
[ Carlos Fadigas:
“When we sit down at
the negotiating table,
we have an excellent
track record to present” ]
Santander) that in 2007 had spearheaded the
bridge loan for the acquisition of the Ipiranga
Group and later helped structure the Eurobond
operation. With their help, the company began prospecting for business opportunities
with other financial institutions. “We have a
very strong partnership with these banks,
which has been very helpful throughout the
entire EPP operation,” says Carlos Fadigas,
Braskem’s Vice President for Finance and
Investor Relations.
This sense of confidence is generated by
the transparency with which Braskem does
[ 18 ] odebrecht informa
business and publishes its results, as well as its cash gen-
Weathering the storm
erating capacity and the preferential treatment it offers
When the EPP operation went on the market, the
its partners in regard to loans, exchange operations and
consulted banks were even more demanding and uncer-
other financial transactions. “The interesting thing
tain about global conditions. It was essential to strike a
about this relationship is that, although we are partners,
balance for the transaction to attract the banks' interest
there are times when we are on opposite sides,” says
by offering acceptable terms for them that were also con-
Fadigas. “While we are defending Braskem’s interests,
venient for Braskem.
the banks want to structure an operation that will be
By August 27, Braskem had obtained the backing of
easy to sell on the market with favorable terms, attrac-
eight banks, in addition to the initial three, which be-
tive interest rates and not too long periods.”
came the lead banks for the operation. The deal, which
Any conflicts of interest that arise are overcome at
had been worth USD 500 million at the outset, had ob-
the negotiating table with flexibility, respect, good sense
tained the banks’ commitment to underwrite USD 550
and convincing arguments. Here are some examples of
million, thereby ensuring the commercial terms negoti-
those arguments: in 2002, Braskem made USD 3.3 bil-
ated – Libor interest plus 175 basis points for five years.
lion, and by 2007, after five years of existence, it was
In September the transaction’s syndication stage be-
earning USD 11 billion (exports grew roughly 35% per
gan, and two more meetings were held with about 100
year during that period); its production capacity is 2.5
people representing the 50 banks invited to hear Braskem’s
million tonnes/year of ethylene and 3.6 million t/yr of
proposal. The first was held in São Paulo on September 3,
thermoplastic resins; and its market share is at 54% for
followed by another in New York City two days later. As a
PVC, 49% for polypropylene and 52% for polyethylene.
result of these meetings, proposals to take part in the EPP
Other factors include the company’s responsibility
were still arriving by the end of September. Finally, the
during the acquisition of the Ipiranga Group, seeking to
contract was signed with another eight banks, reaching a
create value for the company by seeking out synergies,
total of 19 financial institutions from 10 countries.
its ability to deliver on its promises, and efforts to reduce
September had ended and October began. The crisis
costs. Today, thanks to its industrial units in the Brazilian
hit hard. Lehman Brothers, the fourth-largest investment
states of São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia and Alagoas,
bank in the United States, had filed for bankruptcy the
Braskem is one of top three listed private-sector indus-
previous month. The US Government proposed a major
trial companies in the country. “When we sit down at
bailout for financial institutions to prevent more bank-
the negotiating table, we have an excellent track record
ruptcies, and the interbank lending market was frozen.
to present,” says Carlos Fadigas.
But Braskem’s Finance team kept on with the negotia-
cost competitiveness, medium- and long-term strategies
and financial health. It is crucial to know if they have
enough cash flow to cover their level of indebtedness.”
This is precisely how Calyon and the other banks
analyzed Braskem before closing the deal. They also
looked at general aspects such as the situation of the
credit market and the segment in which the company operates. According to David Jana, the process for Braskem
was conducted in the most appropriate way possible, at
the right time. “It was a success, both due to the magnitude of the operation and the circumstances at the time.
Under current market conditions, it would have been impossible.”
tions, weathering the storm. As the meltdown began, the
João Teixeira, Executive Vice President of Santander
banks were having trouble pricing Libor futures options.
shares this opinion. In his view, Braskem’s high standards
The company had to avoid individual debates with the
of corporate governance, chairmanship and board, mar-
banks or risk going back to square one in the negotia-
ket leadership, operational quality and tradition of hon-
tions and indefinitely delaying the final objective of
oring its commitments justified the success of that opera-
bringing in funds. “So we proposed an outstanding Libor
tion. “It is very much to the credit of the company and
rate, which was low at the time, that would be offered for
the professionals who work there that, despite a turbu-
the first six months, to make the EPP transaction more
lent period, Braskem whetted the appetite of investors
competitive and attractive to everyone concerned,” re-
and banks.”
calls Marcela Drehmer.
The USD 725-million EPP operation was concluded
on October 10, at Libor plus 1.75% per annum for five
years and a ten-year grace period. An adjusted Libor rate
of 5.016% per annum was approved for the first six
months of the transaction. According to Marcela Drehmer,
the final stretch was one of the most intense phases of
the negotiations, because a new risk arose with every
passing day due to the turbulence on the global markets.
“We had to be very precise. We couldn’t slip up and run
the risk of losing the banks’ support. We only had one
shot at the bull’s-eye.”
Backing from the banks
In high-dollar transactions like the EPP, bankers
need solid guarantees to protect their investment. David
Jana, President of Calyon of Brazil, one of the three lead
banks that had supported Braskem since the beginning of
the operation, says that companies raising funds this way
are carefully analyzed. “First, the bankers scrutinize the
EPP – Participating banks
• Lead banks (USD 50m each): Calyon, Citibank and
• Co-leaders (also USD 50m each): Banco do Brasil,
BBVA, ING, Intesa Sanpaolo, Mizuho, Natixis,
Sumitomo and Standard Chartered
• Other banks (USD 40m to USD 10m): DZ Bank,
Bradesco, HSBC, KfW, Tokyo-Mitsubishi, EDC, JPMorgan
2007 – USD-1.2bn bridge loan to acquire the Ipiranga
May 2008 – USD-500m Eurobond issue
October 2008 – USD 725m raised from export prepayment (EPP) operation o
governance of these companies, their market position,
odebrecht informa [ 19 ]
[ industry ]
REPAR grows and retrofits
Petrobras is building eight industrial units simultaneously at its
Presidente Getúlio Vargas oil refinery (REPAR) to expand production capacity
written by
Eliana Simonetti
photos by
Kraw Penas
This is the story of an innovative, productive and fortunate operation. That’s right, fortunate. It contains all the ingredients found in the modern business and management literature. It is taking place simultaneously in the Brazilian states
of Rio de Janeiro and Paraná. The story in question is about a
contract that Conpar, a joint venture of Odebrecht, OAS and
UTC, is carrying out to upgrade and expand the production
capacity of southern Brazil’s largest industrial complex:
Petrobras’s Presidente Getúlio Vargas Oil Refinery (REPAR), in
Paraná. Conpar is responsible for building eight industrial
units: five gasoline plants and three that produce coke (fuel
derived from lignite, or oil-bearing coal), while simultaneously
developing and carrying out the master plan, the civil construction and industrial installation works. These projects will
be delivered by the second half of 2010. When they reach their
peak, the joint-venture contractor will have 3,500 members
working at REPAR. So far, this contract sounds like many others, but some aspects make it particularly interesting – and
The first has to do with the engineering. The challenge of
building eight industrial plants in a short space of time with
high quality led Conpar to bring together three engineering
firms and propose that they form another joint venture to design the plants to ensure conceptual consistency, accuracy and
speed. “Just one miscalculation involving a six-inch stainless
steel line, for example, could put paid to everything that has
been achieved in a year of work, and even a month’s delay on a
single project can result in major losses. Knowledgeable, experienced professionals working as a team are an invaluable asset, and we’ve decided to invest in them,” explains Conpar
Engineering Manager João Rochedo.
The initiative was a resounding success. PMP, a joint venture of Planave, Mana and Projectus, installed itself on four
700-sq.m floors of a building in downtown Rio de Janeiro.
Conpar refurbished their offices and equipped them with
state-of-the-art computers and software. A total of 266 people,
including 19 trainees, are now working there. Because it isn’t
easy to find that many experienced engineers and architects in
the job market, more mature people were hired – including
[ REPAR: adding five new gasoline
plants and three coke units to the
industrial complex by 2010 ]
Tsutomo Sassaki
retired designers. Each of them works with three or four
younger people who are learning their trade through experience from day to day, as well as weekly training sessions held
in an office used as a classroom.
odebrecht informa [ 21 ]
Here is a quick description of PMP’s facilities: the floors
are carpeted so noise will not disturb the engineers’ and architects’ concentration; the office dividers are low, so the
working environment will be bright and airy; and everyone
has their own computer equipped with two screens, one of
which is used to produce designs that are automatically inserted into a virtual mock-up that can be seen on the other
screen. It is accessible to all, so there is no chance, for example, that someone will design a pipe that runs through a
point where a pillar should be.
The flow of information is also facilitated by the
organization of each department: people working with
mechanics and metalwork are located near the team designing instrumentation and electrical installations;
the people designing quality systems are right next door
to the team producing the civil engineering designs,
and so on. Everyone does workplace workouts on a daily
basis, and the engineers and architects have a shiatsu
massage therapist at their disposal once a week. The
work schedule is flexible: there is a 90-minute lunch
break, but everyone can decide when they want to take
it. The people working there are building up knowledge
and friendships. The year-end party, held in a country
[ Working at the refinery: simultaneously carrying out the
master plan, civil construction and industrial installation ]
estate in the West End of the city, reflected the joint venture’s atmosphere of team spirit and camaraderie.
New Petrobras headquarters building
Construtora Norberto Odebrecht, the lead company in a
joint venture with Hochtief and Camargo Corrêa, is building
Petrobras’s new headquarters in the eastern Brazilian city of
Vitória, Espírito Santo. Located in the Praia do Canto district,
the complex will be made up of two towers connected by a
central building, a utilities center, a restaurant and two
wings for virtual reality and data processing centers. The oil
giant’s new HQ will have a total built area of 110,000 square
Made of steel and concrete prefabricated and precast
on-site, the two towers will have six stories for offices and four
for parking. They will be protected with a glass roof with a
“sunscreen”: protective tiles with micro-perforations. Chosen
through a nationwide public competition, the design was
[ 22 ] odebrecht informa
created by architects Sidonio Marcio Alves Porto, Marcio
Porto and Lucia Porto. The features that set it apart include
energy efficiency and the adoption of construction systems
that minimize wasted materials.
By the time the headquarters building has been
completed – by February 2010 – it will be surrounded by
landscaped plazas with gardens and decorative ponds,
equipped with recreational areas and an events center. The
Virtual Reality Center will have solar panels on the roof to
convert sunlight into electricity that will either be stored in
batteries or used immediately. Rainwater will be stored in
tanks and used for irrigation, and there will also be solar
energy collectors to heat the water for the restaurant – a
circular building with a panoramic view of the gardens.
Learning on the job
accepted the invitation on the spot. The engineer had
The oldest member of the group is Jaime Leal
a heart attack a few months later and required surgery,
Maneiros, who was born in Spain in 1938, and has an
but he went back to work two weeks later, doing the
engineering degree from the Pontifical Catholic
calculations for the project’s metal structure. “Work is
University in Rio de Janeiro. Married with two children
stimulating. The desire to get back to work helped me
and two grandchildren, he was more or less retired, do-
recuperate faster. And it is wonderful to be here, work-
ing occasional freelance consulting work, when he was
ing with state-of-the-art technology,” says Jaime.
invited to join the team that would produce the engi-
The youngest member is Ingrid Schwab, a
neering designs for the REPAR contract. He was already
25-year-old architect from Paraná. Among other tasks,
familiar with Odebrecht, having worked on two of the
she has been charged with designing the media cen-
company’s projects for CVRD in Carajás and Pará. He
ter installed at the entrance to Conpar’s jobsite at the
10 sq. km in total area.
1,500 workers in three shifts.
32 million liters of oil refined daily, equivalent
to 200,000 bbl per day, representing 12% of Brazil’s output.
7% of the State of Paraná’s GDP is from
What Conpar will install
at the refinery
8 industrial plants (see list below).
3,600 tonnes of pipe.
640 medium-sized and large pieces of equipment.
7,600 instruments to show and monitor pressure,
the refinery’s production.
22% of taxes collected in Paraná come from REPAR.
temperature and flow, among others.
850 km of electric and instrumentation cable.
Industrial units under Conpar’s responsibility
Cracked Naphtha Hydrodesulfurization Unit:
uses hydrogen to reduce sulfur content
in cracked naphtha.
Coke Naphtha Hydrotreatment Unit:
uses hydrogen to reduce sulfur content
in coke naphtha.
Naphtha Fractioning Unit:
adjusts the distillation range of hydrotreated
naphtha for three purposes: light fractioning
for petrochemical naphtha; heavy fractioning
for diesel production; and intermediate
fractioning for the Catalytic Reform Unit.
Catalytic Reform Unit: produces a reformed
high-octane product that will be used in gasoline
and has a byproduct – high-purity hydrogen for
the Coke Naphtha and Cracked Naphtha units.
Hydrogen Generation Unit:
fueled with exhaust gas and/or directly
distilled naphtha, producing 99.90%-pure
hydrogen and meeting the needs
of the hydrotreatment units.
Hydrotreatment Unit for Unstable Flows:
uses hydrogen to reduce the sulfur content in
cracked naphtha.
H2S – Acid Gas Removal Unit:
removes acid gas resulting from
the hydrodesulfurization of cracked naphtha
and hydrotreatment of coke naphtha
from gasoline.
H2S – Coke: removes acid gas produced by the
process of hydrotreatment for unstable flows.
odebrecht informa [ 23 ]
[ 24 ] odebrecht informa
Petrobras oil refinery. “I produced nine designs before
The difference is in the details
arriving at the final version. I’m so happy here that I
This is a place where the smallest detail merits at-
never want to leave,” she says. Now, Ingrid is working
tention and has been carefully planned. For example,
on the virtual mock-up – a skill she didn’t learn in
there are spigots and hoses installed next to the two fire
hydrants on the sidewalk outside Conpar’s administra-
Meanwhile, in Paraná, there are other details that
tion building so workers can remove the mud from their
make this project stand out from the rest. For example,
boots before walking through the Village. Rainwater is
there is a preserved forest in the 10-sq.km perimeter
collected on rooftops and used to water gardens and
surrounding REPAR’s facilities in the town of Araucária,
flush toilets. Posters on the bathroom walls provide
in the Curitiba Metropolitan Region, right next to 120-
guidelines on the best way to floss and the right amount
m flares and brick-and-mortar buildings replete with
of toothpaste to use, as well as how to save water.
piping. The entire complex is impressive, but the most
Painted red, the two-story administration building
eye-catching feature for visitors to Conpar’s jobsite is
has a translucent roof, an internal garden that is inte-
the modern, colorful facility called “Conpar Village” –
grated with the desks, a ramp that provides easy access
the name is engraved on the media center designed by
to the upper floor, and a water cooler with a system that
Ingrid Schwab.
economizes plastic cups.
The tile floors and furnishings are light-colored and
easy to clean and maintain. The ongoing trash collection
program not only includes sites for disposing of glass, paper,
metal and organic waste, but goes a step further by including wood, non-recyclable trash and contaminated waste.
In addition to Conpar’s building, there is another
office building for the Petrobras team responsible for supervising the project. Its outer wall is painted blue. The
auditorium and training and educational classroom are
light yellow. The huge restaurant, which can seat up to
3,500 people, is bright and airy, separated from the
kitchen by a garden, and its outer wall has been painted
a shade of orange. The office for the support and transport team is green, and the workers’ changing rooms are
multi-colored. There is a recreation center in the heart of
Conpar Village equipped with tables and chairs, a TV set,
and foosball, ping-pong and button soccer tables, where
workers can relax after lunch.
“Everything has been planned with a view to providing the best service to our client, and this project has
cost less than it would have if we’d outsourced the con[ The jobsite’s restaurant:
equipped to serve up to 3,500
people, the number of
workers involved at the peak
of the project ]
struction of a conventional jobsite,” says Renato
Rodrigues, the CEO for Odebrecht Contracts with
Petrobras in Southern and Southeastern Brazil. He introduced this innovation during his term as Project Director,
which ended in early October.
“High-quality facilities like these make all the dif-
Making internal changes to give
special attention to Petrobras
ference. People’s mood and productivity improve when
Odebrecht’s biggest client in the industrial plants and oil
Installation, who has supervised the Conpar project from
and gas segments, Petrobras is making massive
investments in those areas. To give special attention to
that company – its client for 55 years (since the stateowned oil giant’s inception), the Odebrecht Group
recently made a change in its internal structure. It has
they are satisfied with their jobs and working in a comfortable setting,” says Mário Márcio Castrillon Aquino,
the outset. With a workforce of 1,200, Conpar has chalked
up 1.5 million man-hours of risk exposure without a single lost-time accident.
By October, the installation of eight pipe racks (pre-
assigned three CEOs specifically to steward the Group’s
cast concrete support structures) was well underway. The
for projects in the South and Southeast of Brazil; Saulo
nology and expert, satisfied pros working as a team in a
as well as petrochemical units; and Fernando Barbosa,
of this size with the requisite precision and speed,” ar-
contracts with Petrobras: Renato Rodrigues is responsible
next stage involves installing the pipe. “Advanced tech-
Vinícius, for those in the North, Northeast and Mid-West,
pleasant environment are the only way to build a project
for offshore projects throughout the country.
gues Antonio Luiz Costa, who took over as Project Director
in October.
odebrecht informa [ 25 ]
[ interview: benedicto júnior ]
Brazil is positioned to score big
written by Leonardo Mourão
photo by Dario de Freitas
When he gave this interview to Odebrecht
played a decisive role in the construction of the
Informa, Benedicto Barbosa da Silva Júnior, Vice
João Havelange Olympic Stadium and the
President for Infrastructure in Brazil, had just
remodeling of Maracanã for the 2007 Pan
moved into his office in Odebrecht’s new São
American Games in Rio de Janeiro. Now, he is
Paulo headquarters in the Eldorado Business
organizing Odebrecht’s preparations to help
Tower Building in the Pinheiros district two days
Brazil realize its dream of hosting the FIFA World
before. Some folders of documents were still lying
Cup Championship in 2014.
on his desk, waiting to be filed away. But the
array of memorabilia gathered during his 25
Brazil into a gigantic construction site. Several stadiums will
years with the company was perfectly organized:
have to be refurbished and new ones will be built. Has Ode-
about a dozen miniature model tractors
needs to prepare for that event?
representing his career as an engineer, including
his first project, the Flores Dam in Brazil, his
brecht carried out a diagnostic study of what the nation
Benedicto Jr. – The very day we envisaged the possibility of
hosting a World Cup championship in Brazil, we started
keeping an eye on the daily lives of the nation’s stadiums.
experiences in China and Malaysia, and light-rail
We joined a committee at the Abdib (Brazilian Association
projects in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. There is
the 18 Brazilian cities that have applied to host some of
also another miniature – a 1200-cylinder BMW
on the cities that have the best chance of being chosen.
of Infrastructure and Basic Industries) that is studying all
the games. But on its own account, Odebrecht has focused
motorbike. He rode a full-size version of it two
We’ve mobilized our people in those places, and those
years ago, on a 7,000-km trek through the
a competitive footing when the government decides where
cities will have to be well charted to ensure that we are on
Atacama Desert in northern Chile along with
the games will take place.
eight friends. Photos of his two daughters, Maria
OI – Articles have been written and studies published show-
Eduarda, 12, and Maria Fernanda, 10, stand beside
one of him and his wife, Ronimar. In that picture,
Benedicto Júnior proudly wears a Corinthians
[ 26 ] odebrecht informa
Odebrecht Informa – The 2014 World Cup promises to turn
ing that Brazilian stadiums are in very bad shape – almost
beyond repair.
Benedicto Jr. – We are aware of those studies. Many stadiums really are in very poor condition. The only reason that
hosting a World Cup here is feasible is because this is Bra-
jersey. Soccer and sports in general are becoming
zil, and we always accomplish what we set out to do. Being
an increasingly important part in his life. He
before us.
Brazilians, we always overcome the challenges that are set
the private sector will be interested in
financing a new stadium. That’s what
happened at Wembley Stadium in
London, which was razed and rebuilt.
But here in Brazil, the average fan
can’t pay more than 10 or 20 reais for
a ticket. If we tear down the stadiums,
most of them will have to be rebuilt
with public funding instead of private-sector investments. A new stadium costs at least BRL 500 to 600 million to build. Just do the math: to
retrofit or rebuild 10 stadiums, the
government would have to shell out
something like BRL 5 to 6 billion.
OI – Does that mean the private sector
will play a more important role in the
maintenance of football stadiums?
Benedicto Jr. – Absolutely. That’s
because these stadiums will no longer
be used exclusively for football games.
They need to be facilities that are
used all year round, by teams that
play 50 or 55 matches a year, along
with concerts and other productions
for which our stadiums are not
equipped today. And stadiums are no
longer just concrete structures built
without previous thought or planning. There are technological issues
OI – In a PhD dissertation for USP (the
University of São Paulo), an architect
even concluded that, instead of refurbishing the existing stadiums, it would
make more sense to knock them down
and build new ones. What do you
logic behind that is indisputable, and
nowadays. Stadiums are living enti-
it is much easier to erect a new build-
ties that are no longer used for foot-
ing than remodel an old one. But
ball alone. They are practically the-
here’s the thing: in a developed nation
aters, and to make them viable, they
that has access to vast resources and
must showcase concerts, cultural
people earn high average incomes,
events. A stadium is a place where you
you know that there will be people
can take the family on Sundays, have
Benedicto Jr. – Even the CBF (Brazilian
willing to pay 20 or 30 euros (60 to 90
lunch, go shopping right there in the
Football Confederation) has argued
Brazilian reais) to watch a football
stadium mall and enjoy a football
that the ideal thing would be to tear
(soccer) game, as well as to go to con-
match. It’s become a business, and in
down Maracanã and build a new sta-
certs and other events. When the
that context, private enterprise can
dium on that site. The engineering
return on investment is guaranteed,
make a major contribution.
odebrecht informa [ 27 ]
OI – How did Odebrecht hone its capability to plan and improve on its con-
struction technology for this type of
project during the Pan American
“Having good stadiums
authorities involved. The fact is, what
is fundamental but,
engineering is outstanding in the
above all, we need to
Benedicto Jr. – Working on the Mara-
can Games in Rio de Janeiro was a
tremendous opportunity for us. The
City Government called us in just six
months before the deadline for com-
although having good stadiums is
fundamental to the success of the
infrastructure in the
most. Above all, we need to develop
cities that will host the
national teams”
World Cup, that is not what we need
the infrastructure in the cities that
will host the national teams.
OI – Will the biggest investments be
made in urban infrastructure?
pleting the Olympic stadium. Ode-
Benedicto Jr. – I believe that we can’t
brecht built the infrastructure facilities, and installed the air-conditioning
American Games for a month because
host a World Cup without involving
and automation systems and the tiled
the project won’t be ready in time.”
the nation’s wonderful tourist attrac-
roof. The stadium included a complex
Naturally, our engineers had visited
tions. The minute foreign visitors
metal roof structure, and after 12
the site and in their evaluation the
arrive in Brazil, we must show them
months the joint venture in charge of
project was feasible, and the timeta-
what this country is all about. So
installing it had only completed 25%
ble, achievable; but there was no
choosing some spots that are still not
of the project. The City Government
room for error. If it rained, we’d be in
totally prepared to host the games will
canceled its contract with that joint
trouble. The cranes they were using
be inevitable. For example, we can’t
venture and asked us to take over the
there were the biggest in Brazil. They
hold the World Cup without schedul-
entire project on an emergency basis.
were the only kind that could lift that
ing games in the Amazon region – in
The challenges we faced there includ-
structure into place. If any of them
Manaus or Belém. Also, we shouldn’t
ed the tight deadline and the com-
broke down, we’d have to wait two
leave out the Pantanal wetlands,
plexity of the metal structure which,
weeks for new parts to arrive from
including Campo Grande and Cuiabá.
as I always say, is a living structure,
Germany. We worked around the
The lack of tourism infrastructure is
because every time you put 40,000
clock for six months, with 24/7 stress.
a major deficit in Brazil. Despite all
fans inside and they start cheering, it
But we decided to take on that project
the hotel infrastructure available in
literally joins in.
because Brazil needed someone with
Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, there is
the courage to face and overcome that
still a shortage of accommodations.
OI – Why did Odebrecht take on that
And cities like Goiânia have just one
OI – In the end, the project was deliv-
coldly, like a business proposition, we
did that demonstrate?
wouldn’t have done it. We were put-
Benedicto Jr. – It was Brazil that passed
OI – How can this deficit be overcome?
ting our brand, a hallmark of quality
the test with flying colors. We played
should build hotels through a system
built up over the course of 60 years,
an important role, both at Maracanã
whereby all three levels of government
on the line for a business we knew
and the Olympic stadium. Our work
(federal, state and municipal) offer tax
had a tight deadline. We couldn’t turn
was recognized by the COB (Brazilian
and financing solutions to help entre-
around later and say, “Put off the Pan
Olympic Committee) and the other
preneurs in that sector marshal funds.
challenge in such unfavorable circumBenedicto Jr. – If we had analyzed it
[ 28 ] odebrecht informa
world. But what must be said is that,
develop the
canã and João Havelange Olympic
Stadium projects for the Pan Ameri-
we demonstrated was that Brazilian
hotel that’s equipped to handle tourered on time. What, in your opinion,
Benedicto Jr. – The private sector
But there is an even more important
point – accessibility – that must be
addressed in perfect harmony with all
three levels of government. It will
probably require a World Cup PAC
(Growth Acceleration Program) to provide incentives for the construction
and expansion of light-rail systems,
the expansion of railways, and the
construction of special bus lanes to
help fans get to the stadiums more easily. When the World Cup was held in
“By 2014 we will have
stadiums. The State of Bahia needs a
made tremendous
stadiums so far. The remainder, like
progress in terms of
access and transportation
new stadium too. I’ve mentioned three
Mineirão and Maracanã, will have to
be retrofitted. Nobody’s going to build
10 new stadiums.
in the chosen host cities.
OI – There is general consensus that
That World Cup will
Olympics and World Cups should leave
make a huge difference
Germany, everything was easy. Ger-
for Brazil”
many has efficient railway service and
airports close to its stadiums. Journal-
international sporting events like the
a legacy of social advancement in their
host countries. What happened in the
case of the Pan American Games?
Benedicto Jr. – During the Pan American Games, municipal, state and fed-
ists could get about without any prob-
eral interests were not fully consoli-
lems. Now just imagine someone in
Benedicto Jr. – We have a strategy in
dated, and Rio de Janeiro lost out. It
Brazil, wanting to see a game in Rio
place and are structuring financial
missed an excellent opportunity to
today and go to Manaus tomorrow.
models so that we can work with local
receive a legacy of infrastructure. The
and international partners whose
Metro should have been extended to
expertise complements ours to play an
Barra da Tijuca and express bus lanes
active role in that field. In conjunction
could have been built, but that didn’t
with our partners, we have analyzed
happen. So in the end, the legacy went
OI – We are talking about vast and
complex infrastructure works. Is there
enough time to build them all in 10 to
12 cities by 2014?
stadiums that have greater potential
to sports. Only the sporting agenda
Benedicto Jr. – Yes, there’s time. But
for making private-sector participa-
was carried out; the Games didn’t
first we need to have a PAC in place,
tion viable.
result in permanent assets that Rio de
and the Government must play a
strong role in refurbishing the roadways. That is the main business where
Odebrecht can make the difference:
Janeiro. But as a candidate for the
OI – In addition to retrofitting existing
stadiums in Brazil, where do you think
new stadiums should be built?
2016 Olympics, the city can still hope
to retrieve part of the legacy that was
not realized by the Pan American
taking part in projects in the vicinity
Benedicto Jr. – São Paulo will definitely
Games in 2007. We are going to work
of World Cup venues and ensuring
get a new stadium. Possibly for the Cor-
hard and root for the organizers of
that they are accessible, although we
inthians team. Not just because I’m a
Rio’s Olympic candidacy to succeed.
are also well prepared and qualified
Corinthians fan, but it is very likely
to take part in a new movement that
that the private sector will make an
is sure to emerge in this country –
effort to create a stadium for that club,
where private enterprise takes respon-
with the support of its fans. At Morum-
Benedicto Jr. – I have no doubt that by
sibility for building, retrofitting,
bi stadium, the São Paulo club should
2014 we will have made tremendous
adapting and managing some of the
work in semi-partnership with an orga-
progress in terms of access and trans-
nization that wants to have its name
portation in the chosen host cities.
associated with the stadium and fur-
That World Cup will make a huge dif-
nish soft loans. The cities of Porto
ference for Brazil. This country will
Alegre and Salvador will also get new
be the better for it. o
OI – How does Odebrecht intend to
take part in this effort?
OI – Are there any signs that things will
go differently for the 2014 World Cup?
odebrecht informa [ 29 ]
[ venezuela ]
Saying good-bye to colas
Line 1 of the Los Teques Metro makes commuting between the Altos Mirandinos area
and Caracas faster and safer. Local residents are starting to view chronic traffic jams,
or colas, as a thing of the past
written by
photos by
[ 30 ] odebrecht informa
Marco Antonio Antunes
Eduardo Barcellos
[ Traffic jam on the Pan American Highway:
a common sight that residents of Altos
Mirandinos would rather forget ]
Caracas traffic crawls at a pace that is usually found in the
world’s megacities, like Tokyo, Mexico City and São Paulo. Situated
over 800 meters above sea level, the Venezuelan capital was built
amid mountains, the highest of which is El Ávila (2,600 m). This is an
important underlying factor for the constant traffic jams that beset
the lives of over 5 million residents in the metropolitan area. But
there are other causes – such as the fact that Venezuelans have always loved their cars, and the road infrastructure cannot cope with
the vast number of vehicles on the city’s streets. During peak times
and on rainy days, the 25-km drive from Caracas to Los Teques can
take up to three hours on the Pan American Highway – the only
route available.
However, for most of the over 600,000 Venezuelans who live
in the Altos Mirandinos area, this is no longer a problem – particularly for residents of Los Teques, the capital of that area, which has
had its own Metro line since November 2008. Built by Consorcio
Metro Los Teques, a joint venture of Odebrecht, Vinccler, from
Venezuela, and Astaldi, from Italy, Line 1 of the Los Teques Metro is
part of the Venezuelan Government’s general program to overcome the road infrastructure deficit, particularly by building mass
transit systems such as subways and railways.
Roadworks are also underway to upgrade streets and turnpikes such as the Pan American Highway. Odebrecht is working on
several projects along its route, including the construction of six
freeway sections and some stretches of auxiliary parallel roads to
enable traffic to flow faster and safer.
“We can make the same trip in 20 minutes on Line 1 of the
Metro,” says an overjoyed Jondri Estrada, a young student from
Caracas who is visiting her parents in Los Teques. Line 2 is now
under construction. When it is up and running, nearly all local
residents will be able to enjoy this comfortable and convenient
form of transport. This 12-km Metro line will be completed by
December 2012, including most of the tunnels and 6 stations.
Stage one of Line 2 will be delivered by the end of 2010, with two
fully operational stations.
The loop connecting five lines will be completed by Line 3 (17
km), which Compañía Anónima Metro Los Teques plans to build
in the near future. The third line will connect San Antonio de Los
Altos, where the station at the end of Line 2 is about to be built,
with La Rinconada Station in east Caracas. Line 1 is the only one
that currently runs as far as Caracas, where it is linked to the federal capital’s subway system via Las Adjuntas Station in the eastern
part of the city.
odebrecht informa [ 31 ]
Awakening talents
The towns and cities that make up the Altos Mirandinos
area – Guaicaipuro, Carrizal, Salias, San Antonio, San Pedro,
San Diego and Los Teques – can no longer be considered bedroom suburbs, although most (about 75%) of their residents
work or study in Caracas. Several of them, such as Los Teques,
the state capital of Miranda, are beginning to discover their
own economic potential, including commerce, which is rapidly being consolidated, as well as tourism and industry.
“Many of our residents make their living right here
in Los Teques,” says Isabel Gimenez, who works at the
National Voter Registration Agency. “As for me, I only go to
Caracas on business, or to go shopping or sightseeing. The
big difference is that getting there is faster, safer and more
comfortable. And it will get even better when Odebrecht
finishes building Line 2,” she adds.
The client for Lines 1 and 2 of the Los Teques Metro is
Compañía Anónima Metro Los Teques, which is owned by
the State of Miranda (40%), C. A. Metro de Caracas (40%) and
[ Jondri Estrada: a trip that once took up to three hours
now takes 20 minutes ]
the City of de Guaicaipuro (20%). The construction of Line 2
is the responsibility of Consorcio Línea II, a joint venture of
Odebrecht and Vinccler. It will supplement Line 1, running
from the last stop on that line, Alí Primera Station, in Los
Teques, past Carrizal to San Antonio, and adding six more
“The colas (as Venezuelans call lengthy traffic jams)
don’t worry me any more,” says Daniela Zambrano, who
“Line 2 will be key to ensuring the entire system
works as a sales clerk at a fireworks shop in La Guaira, a
doesn’t collapse,” explains Marcelo Colavolpe. The Project
coastal town 25 km from Caracas. It took her a little over 20
Director for the construction works for Lines 1 and 2, he
minutes to travel from Caracas to Alí Primera Station in the
has been with Odebrecht for 20 years. Designed to trans-
El Tambor district of Los Teques, carrying her son in her
port 12,000 passengers per day until the end of 2008, Line 2
arms all the while. “It used take three hours by bus. Now I
currently carries 50,000 per day. That situation led to C. A.
have much more time to rest and take care of my kid at
Metro Los Teques’s decision to build Line 2 while studying
the construction of Line 3. Meanwhile, Odebrecht is also
On average, it once took two hours for Altos Mirandinos
residents to commute to work on the Pan American Highway,
[ 32 ] odebrecht informa
stations to the Metro.
building Lines 3 and 5 of the Caracas Metro for Compañía
Autónoma Metro de Caracas.
which was designed to handle 30,000 cars per day and is
The two systems now comprise 66.9 km of operation-
currently obliged to cope with 80,000. Alexis León, who lives
al lines and about 60 km of planned lines, most of which
in Los Teques and works as the manager of a General Motors
have been contracted out and are under construction. The
unit in Caracas, says he is finally free of the stress caused by
ones that are currently running include two built by
massive traffic jams before the Metro line was inaugurated.
Odebrecht – Lines 3 and 4 of the Caracas Metro. The
“I leave my car at home, walk to the station and get to
Guarenas-Guatire surface metro, which will carry cargo
Caracas in a flash. I can’t believe that same commute some-
and passengers in the Venezuelan capital, is also under con-
times took four hours!”
[ Tunnel for Line 2 and Daniela Zambrano
with her son: more free time ]
Benchmark in light-rail projects
“In the last 10 years, our company has become the
benchmark for excellence in light-rail construction works
in Venezuela by constantly improving its engineering expertise and grooming local professionals to work in that
specialized field,” says José Cláudio Daltro, the officer
Responsible for Administration and Finance, who has been
with Odebrecht for 31 years.
The Line 2 project, which is currently providing work
opportunities to 2,500 people and is expected to create
3,300 jobs indirectly, will include two parallel tunnels excavated with two earth-pressure balanced tunnel boring machines (EPB TBMs) named Tequeña and Hypolita, following
the tunnelers’ tradition of giving female names to TBMs.
Each has a diameter of 5.88 m and installs 10 concrete rings
makes it essential to work with redoubled care, but we are
per day, advancing 14 m daily.
overcoming these challenges with the help of cutting-edge
“There are all sorts of challenges to overcome when
building this line. We’ve just started excavating the tun-
equipment and a highly experienced and competent team,
which is mostly Venezuelan,” says Abdanur.
nels,” says the officer Responsible for Production and
These obstacles also led to the decision to work with
Equipment, Danilo Abdanur, who has been with Odebrecht
EPB TBMs. “These machines are designed to excavate
for 25 years. A typically urban project, the tunnel works are
through hard rock and soft soil – the two types of terrain
being carried out in an area where traffic is heavy and there
that predominate in these parts,” explains Wolfgang A.
is little room to install jobsites and work fronts. It is hard for
Omischi, an Austrian-born Canadian citizen who has been
machinery and materials to get around, there are several
with Odebrecht for 20 years and is responsible for assem-
types of soils in the area, and numerous old buildings stand
bling and operating the TBMs. “Tequeña is already operat-
along the Metro line’s route. “This combination of obstacles
ing around the clock,” says José Avelino Gonçalves Oliveira,
odebrecht informa [ 33 ]
Línea II’s programs include helping boost cooperativism
Consorcio de la Línea II, a joint
venture of Odebrecht and Vinccler, a
Venezuelan contracting firm, is carrying out
social outreach and community relations
programs in the vicinity of the construction
works for Line 2 of the Los Teques Metro,
which is 12 km long (running between Los
Teques and San Antonio de Los Altos). At the
same time, the joint-venture contractor has
created the concept for the future Solidarity
Entrepreneurs Educational Center, which
will focus on programs to expand
cooperativism and other forms of
associations encouraged by the Bolivarian
Government of Venezuela.
“It will be an entirely self-supporting
program,” explains Zélio Macedo, 43, a
Brazilian Odebrecht member who has been
with the company for 23 years and is
currently Responsible for Administration
and People on the Line 2 project. “That way,
when our company has finished building
this project, these people will be able to run
the business on their own.” Everyone involved
is taking classes to learn the basic concepts of
business, financial and administration
methods. In addition to setting up
cooperatives, the participants will be
encouraged to form micro-businesses, family
firms and community enterprises whose
members will receive training and assistance
to ensure their efficiency and sustainability.
Preference will be given to projects that are
best suited to the region’s main economic
activities: commerce, industry and
The main work fronts for the project
are now active, and the team led by Zélio has
already solved a major challenge, thanks to
his communications skills: establishing a
relationship with the labor union – a very
sensitive matter in Venezuela. Labor laws
give unions the right to appoint 75% of the
workforce for a project, leaving the
remaining 25% to the joint-venture
However, there is another powerful
group in Venezuela – the Communal
Councils (Consejos Comunales), which,
among other social programs, safeguard
their members’ interests, particularly when
new work opportunities arise. Although they
were perfectly legitimate in the view of the
parties involved, conflicts of interest affected
the progress of hiring workers for the project.
However, the joint venture ably overcame
these obstacles.
After extensive dialogue, Consorcio
de la Línea II got the union representatives
and communal boards to see eye to eye
because they share a common interest:
making their workers available to work on
the project. “As a result, the project is being
carried out in complete paz laboral (‘labor
peace’), as the Vice Minister of Labor,
Abraam Musa, likes to say,” observes Zélio
Macedo. “We have established a
relationship of trust with the unions and
gained a new partner,” adds Zélio.
23, a Venezuelan of Portuguese descent who is responsible
for supervising and monitoring the TBMs. Hypolita is
standing at the entrance to tunnel 2, awaiting the time
when “she” will go into action.
According to Euzenando Azevedo, Construtora
Norberto Odebrecht’s Vice President for Venezuela, the
construction of the Los Teques Metro is of tremendous
public interest. “Through this project, the Venezuelan
Government is realizing the dreams of Altos Mirandinos
residents and offering them a better quality of life.”
However, he observes, it is just one of a number of projects
included in the overall development program to improve
Los dos
the nation’s infrastructure. “Many other projects are also
being built, including several by Odebrecht, which has
Capitolio Grande
La Rinconada
Las Adjuntas
been working in Venezuela for 16 years. During that peri-
Caracas Metro Lines
od, it has gained the trust of its clients by fulfilling its
commitments with high quality, care for the environment
and social responsibility actions,” says Euzenando.
[ 34 ] odebrecht informa
Los Teques
Los Teques Metro Line 1
The excitement of joining a new family
A member of Odebrecht’s team of young Venezuelan partners
for the Line 2 project, Guarimar is the Budget Supervisor, which puts
in her home country, Guarimar Ortiz Ária is a 28-year-old civil
her in daily direct contact with the client to evaluate and approve the
engineer who has been with the company for 18 months. She is clearly
project’s budgets. Her team includes four other young partners, all of
moved when she recounts her experience of working on the
them women – two engineers and two technicians. “We learn fast
Commercial Program team for the Los Teques Metro Line 2 project.
and consistently, and because of that, I believe we will be able to take
“I already feel like I’m part of the family, although I haven’t
been with Odebrecht for very long,” she says. “My family is proud that
on even bigger responsibilities. That’s my personal goal.”
James Marcano, 19, has a technical certificate in mechanics
I’m working here, based on everything I’ve told them about what I’m
and is studying to become a mechanical engineer. He has this to say
learning, how people interrelate with each other, the respect and
about the opportunity of working at Odebrecht: “Here they teach
opportunities that are given to younger people, and the company’s
you, in detail, about the workings of the equipment we use on a
philosophy, which is a philosophy of life when you put it into
daily basis.” He is taking the Equipment Operations and
practice.” She has already completed the Introduction to the
Maintenance Course and has learned things in practice that he
Odebrecht Culture course, taken part in the Exercising Leadership
never sees in the classroom. “The most important thing is that, later
program (carried out by CNO in Venezuela), is studying English and
on, everything can be applied on the job.” Another mechanic who is
wants to learn Portuguese.
taking the same course, Yoraco Aguilera, 18, observes: “The company
Under the leadership of an Ecuadorian Odebrecht member,
Diego Fernandes, the officer Responsible for the Commercial Program
gives us the tools we need to do a better job and improve more and
more every day.” o
[ Young partners at Los Teques: hands-on learning experience ]
odebrecht informa [ 35 ]
[ state of the art ]
eliana simonetti
Road to the future
Odebrecht Archives
BPC is building an urban roadway designed to improve the quality of life of Lisbon residents
[ Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon: one of the works BPC has built in Portugal ]
Many iconic projects have been built in Portugal –
[ 36 ] odebrecht informa
[ 36 ] odebrecht informa
Buraca and Portas de Benfica (1.5 km in length, with a
among them the Vasco da Gama Bridge, shown in this
300-m open-air passage), is also the most complex part
photo – since the Odebrecht Group acquired Bento
of the project in technological terms, because it runs
Pedroso Construções (BPC) in 1988. By the end of 2009,
through a densely populated area and crosses an
the company will deliver a 4-km route valued at 112
important railway (Lisbon-Cintra). It will also have to be
million euros and fulfill a promise made to the
sturdy enough to bear the weight of the two ancient
Portuguese people 42 years ago: delivering the last
aqueducts of historical and archeological value (Águas
section of the Lisbon Beltway (Cril) between Buraca and
Livres and Francesas) that stand right above the tunnel,
Pontinha. To comply with environmental regulations
and keep them intact. According to estimates from
and reduce the traffic noise expected from over 100,000
Estradas de Portugal, the public-sector client
vehicles per day, acoustic barriers will be installed
responsible for supervising the works, once completed,
along the entire route. Paving will include a final layer
the CRIL will redistribute traffic on the most congested
of modified bitumen with a high rubber content –
streets of Lisbon and reduce it by 27%, significantly
except the tunnel sections for safety reasons (it presents
improving the lives of the 150,000 people who live in
a fire hazard). The biggest tunnel, which will connect
the vicinity of the beltway.
Odebrecht Award
Initiative encourages engineering solutions for sustainable development
“The Contributions of Engineering to Sustainable
Development” was the theme of the 2008 Odebrecht
Award for engineering students in Brazil. The objective of
the prize, which was introduced in early 2008, is to
encourage the next generation of engineers to think
about ways of contributing to the planet’s sustainable
development through projects that combine economic
development, environmental protection and social
inclusion. The awards ceremony was held on November 4
at the Espaço Rosa Rosarum events center in São Paulo
City. The authors (or group of authors) of each of the five
winning projects and their academic advisors received BRL
20,000, and another BRL 20,000 went to their universities
– a total of BRL 60,000 (gross) for each project.
During the ceremony, journalist Sidney Rezende
Professor Oreste Marraccini Gonçalves, from the São Paulo
[ Authors of the award-winning projects and their advisors,
along with university representatives, at the São Paulo Metro
Line 4 construction site ]
Engineering and Construction, Marcelo Takaoka, Chairman
Environment. Five theses received honorable mention and
Construction Board (CBCS) and Sérgio Leão, the Odebrecht
the five winning projects (the full list is available in
hosted a “talk show” with a distinguished lineup of guests:
University (USP) Polytechnic’s Department of Civil
of Construtora Y. Takaoka and the Brazilian Sustainable
will be published in a commemorative book, along with
officer Responsible for Health, Workplace Safety and the
Portuguese at <www.odebrecht.com/premioodebrecht>).
Noteworthy Innovations
• Since October, Braskem members at the
company’s units in the Brazilian states of Rio
Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Alagoas and Bahia
have had all their meals and snacks catered
by Puras, the southern Brazilian company
that has introduced its “More Health” reeducation program to Braskem’s cafeterias. A
first in Brazil, the program aims to spread
basic concepts and information on nutrition
and foster a culture of healthy eating by
informing people through the Internet, videos, lectures and other educational events.
• ETH Bioenergy’s production units in Conquista do Pontal, in the Paranapanema
Valley, São Paulo; Rio Claro Agroindustrial,
in Caçu, Goiás, and Santa Luzia, in Nova
Alvorada do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, will
be equipped with rubber conveyor belts
using an innovative technology as of April
2009. Instead of conventional rollers, the
conveyor belts will run on a cushion of air.
The equipment can be set up in half the
time of a conventional system, and reduces lost time due to maintenance by 58%
while doubling the conveyor belts’ useful
life. They will also reduce energy consumption by 30% and cut down on dust. The
Aerobelt system was developed in South
Africa and patented in the Americas by a
Brazilian manufacturer, Promac, which is
ETH’s supplier.
• The city of Luanda, capital of Angola,
won the International Prestige Award
at the 11th Real-Estate Salon in Lisbon,
Portugal. Odebrecht Angola established
its presence at the event with a booth
at the Portuguese exposition and
attracted visitors interested in urban
planning, the environment, architecture
and the purchase and sale of realestate. Present in Angola since 1984,
when it was contracted to build the
Capanda hydroelectric plant, Odebrecht
is widely active in that country – in
nearly all provinces and in several sectors including real-estate, agriculture,
biofuels and mining.
odebrecht informa [ 37 ]
odebrecht informa [ 37 ]
[ culture ]
Grooming tomorrow’s readers
The city of Porto Alegre’s Book Fair is the biggest open-air
literary event in Latin America
written by
Cláudio Lovato Filho
photos by
Eneida Serrano
Until the early 20th century, it stood on the banks of the
exhibitors also get equal treatment. Everyone has the same
Guaíba River. It had a quay, with steps leading down to the
amount of space, distributed by lottery. That’s how it’s been since
water. The area where Praça da Alfândega (Customs House
the book fair began.”
Plaza) still stands was once called Costa do Rio (literally “Coast
Selling books is an important part of it, without a doubt,
of the River”). The plaza got its name from the old Customs
but the fair's main objectives are encouraging people to read and
House, which once stood nearby but was torn down in 1924.
grooming new readers. “This is the place,” says João Carneiro,
Located in downtown Porto Alegre, and bounded by Rua da
“where many people come into contact with books for the first
Praia – the southern Brazilian city’s best-known street – Praça
time. They are what I call the ‘not-yet’ generation of readers. We
da Alfândega, with its numerous trees and monuments, is one
need to groom the readers of the future.”
of those places that is not just part of the city. It is the city. It
contains its very essence.
With this aim in mind, the organizers of the 2005 Porto
Alegre Book Fair created an area specifically focused on books for
Therefore, few places could be as appropriate as this par-
children and adolescents. Ever since, Praça da Alfândega has had
ticular venue for a cultural event that is one of the chief sourc-
an annex at the city docks, which are just two blocks away. There,
es of pride for Porto Alegre’s residents: the Book Fair. Held
in Warehouse no. 5, at the mouth of the Guaíba River, kids and
since 1955, it is the most important open-air literary event in
teens visiting the fair with their parents or in field trips orga-
Latin America. In 2008, the 54th edition of the fair lasted 17
nized by their schools have a space reserved just for them. They
days, from October 31 to November 16. It paid tribute to a
are the guests of honor.
country – Colombia – and a Brazilian state – Pernambuco –
[ 38 ] odebrecht informa
[ Praça da Alfândega
and booths at the fair:
literature in the heart of the city ]
Yasmin Fagundes, age 4, fits in perfectly with the “not-
and its individual honoree was Rio Grande do Sul author
Charles Kiefer. As always, the fair brought together authors,
Accompanied by her parents, Fábio and Elisângela, she wan-
publishers, booksellers and distributors in a grand celebration
dered among the booths pinwheel in hand on the last day of
of love for literature and an homage to die-hard booklovers. It
the fair, laughing at the clowns and dazzled by the stacks of
also broke a new record: 167 booths – 11 more than in 2007. All
colorful books. “We are booklovers and we want to encourage
told, 424,046 books were sold.
our daughter to make reading a habit too,” says Fábio, who
“This is the social event of the year,” says João Carneiro,
works as a bank security guard. He and Elisângela take Yasmin
President of the Rio-Grandense Book Council, which organizes
to visit bookshops all year round, but the Book Fair is a special
the fair. “It bears the hallmarks of hallmarks and democracy. It is
time for that family activity. “It’s important that she get start-
a people’s event, open to the public and free of charge, and the
ed early,” observes Elisângela.
Cláudio Lovato Filho
Authors and readers get together
If her parents’ hopes come true, Yasmin will become a
regular visitor to the Book Fair and, later on in life, she will have
a chance to exchange ideas with the authors of some of the
books she’s read. This is another hallmark of the fair: it puts authors and their readers in direct contact. In 2008, the authors
who visited Praça da Alfândega included Eduardo Galeano, from
Uruguay, Pepetela, from Angola, and Brazilian writers Ariano
Suassuna, Zuenir Ventura, Flávio Moreira da Costa, Sérgio Faraco
and Luís Augusto Fischer.
The daily book-signing sessions are a tradition at the fair.
The authors whose books were launched during the 54th Porto
[ Young Yasmin with her parents,
Fábio and Elisângela: starting early ]
Alegre Book Fair included journalists Elmar Bones and José
Antônio Severo, and geographer Gervásio Rodrigo Neves. Their
works were published with Braskem’s sponsorship. Bones and
his co-author, Sérgio Lagranha, who is also a journalist, wrote A
oral histories enabled me to reconstruct the period described in
Petroquímica faz História (Petrochemicals Making History, pub-
this book.”
lished by Já Editores), a reference book that provides a broad over-
Retrieving history is also the aim of authors Gervásio
view of the industry in Brazil, from 1958 to the present. Severo
Neves, Heirich Hasenack, Carmen Machado Franco and Liana
penned General Osório e seu Tempo (General Osório and His Time,
Bach Martins. “This book is our best project yet,” says Gervásio,
published by Editora Expressão), in which he gives a detailed de-
the President of the IHGRGS. “It has made it possible to restore
scription of the man considered by many to be Brazil’s greatest
old maps of the state and opens up infinite possibilities for
soldier, and covers 100 years of conflicts, leading up to the
future research. This work represents the preservation of a so-
Paraguay War in 1870. Gervásio Neves and his colleagues Heirich
phisticated history.” The 222-page book includes fragments of
Hasenack and Carmen Machado Franco teamed up with histo-
maps and their sources, for anyone who wishes to consult the
rian Liana Bach Martins to produce Natureza na Cartografia
Histórica do Rio Grande do Sul – Mapas Histórico-Ambientais do Rio
Grande do Sul (Nature in the Cartographic History of Rio Grande
Proud to make a contribution
do Sul – Historic-Environmental Maps of Rio Grande do Sul (pub-
Braskem’s participation in the 54th Porto Alegre Book Fair
lished by the Historic and Geographic Institute of Rio Grande do
went beyond sponsoring these three books launched during the
Sul – IHGRGS).
event. The company also co-sponsored the fair itself. The former
Copesul’s contribution in that capacity dates back 14 years. In
Oral history and maps
2008, Braskem kept that long-standing relationship going.
In addition to General Osório e seu Tempo, José Antônio Severo
“It makes us proud to contribute to Rio Grande do Sul’s
is the author of five other books (including three novels). He
cultural life,” says João Freire, the Braskem officer Responsible for
based his current work on the numerous tales he heard as a
Institutional Relations in Rio Grande do Sul. “We are making that
child from older residents of his rural hometown, Caçapava, Rio
contribution through a range of initiatives including music, the
Grande do Sul. This beautifully illustrated 848-page epic novel
theater arts, the Frontiers of Thinking program, and literature,
was written in 11 months. (On the title page we find a reproduc-
through the Book Fair. Contributions to the arts and culture are
tion of the oil painting titled “The Battle of Avaí” by Pedro
an essential aspect of Corporate Social Responsibility. This is our
Américo – the original hangs in Brazil’s National Museum of
company’s way of demonstrating that its values and society’s val-
Fine Arts.) “Caçapava has a grand oral tradition,” says Severo,
ues converge. And that is what we are seeking to communicate
“and Osório was one of the main characters in those tales. These
through initiatives like our presence at the Book Fair.”
odebrecht informa [ 39 ]
[ culture ]
[ Maria Lêda Oliveira Alves da Silva giving a talk about her work: shedding light on the concepts that shaped Brazil ]
Between the lines of history
The winner of the Clarival do Prado Valladares Award,
a new book presents a definitive edition of the first history of Brazil
written by
[ 40 ] odebrecht informa
Karolina Gutiez
photos by
Beg Figueiredo
On November 27, 2008, at the Palacete das Artes Rodin, in
Friar Vicente do Salvador’s Historia do Brazil – History and
the city of Salvador, Bahia, a long-held dream that took 11
Politics in the 17th-Century Portuguese Empire.
years of work and dedication finally came true: the publica-
This 592-page work consists of two illustrated vol-
tion of the definitive edition of the Historia do Brazil, the first
umes – one of which is a faithful rendering of Friar Vicente’s
historic record of Brazil when it was still a Portuguese colo-
work, which is considered a major milestone in the writing
ny, written between 1626 and 1630 by Friar Vicente do
of Brazilian history and an obligatory reference work for
Salvador. The scholar responsible for this feat is a young
scholars of 16th- and 17th-century Brazil and Portugal. The
Brazilian historian, Maria Lêda Oliveira Alves da Silva, born
other volume contains the author’s analysis of the political
in Batateira, Pernambuco, who holds a PhD in History from
meaning of Historia do Brazil and its impact on contempo-
the New Lisbon University. In 2007, she was the winner of
rary scholars from both countries – accompanied by a DVD
the fourth edition of the Clarival do Prado Valladares
containing digital images of the manuscript codices.
Award, bestowed annually by the Odebrecht Group. Thanks
“Publishing a text involves much more than tran-
to the award, Maria Lêda was able to go into greater depth
scribing ancient manuscripts. It involves attempting to
on the research she had done for her doctorate and publish
understand what is hidden behind the words and phrases
in the text – and all it takes is to be open to that. I hope I’ve
achieved it,” says the author, who hopes that her interpreta-
tion of Friar Vicente’s work will be combined with many
others with a view to building up a fresh understanding of
the past and the founding concepts of Brazil.
About 800 people attended the book launch, including
Márcio Meirelles, Secretary of Culture of Bahia; Hans Leusen,
the Dutch Consul in Bahia; José Carlos Augusto da Silva,
Consul of Uruguay; João Sabido da Costa, Consul of Portugal;
Edvaldo Boaventura, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper A Tarde
and President of the Bahia Academy of Letters; Sylvia Athayde,
Director of the Bahia Museum of Art, and Dom Emanoel
D’Able do Amaral, Abbott of the Benedictine Monastery of
Bahia. Representing the Odebrecht Group were Board
Members Pedro Novis, Gilberto Sá, Sergio Foguel, Victor
Gradin and Luis Villar; Renato Martins, the Senior Officer
Responsible for Opportunity Development and Representation
Support; Guilherme Abreu, Secretary of the Board of Directors
Committee; Marcos Wilson, the Officer Responsible for
Institutional Relations; and Márcio Polidoro, Responsible for
Corporate Communication at Odebrecht S.A.
[ 1. Maria Lêda autographing a copy of her book
2. Cover of Friar Vicente do Salvador’s Historia do Brazil
3. Renato Martins congratulates Maria Lêda; center, Consuelo
Novais Sampaio, the winner of the first edition of the Clarival
do Prado Valladares Award 4. Maria Lêda with Pedro Novis
(right) and Márcio Polidoro ]
odebrecht informa [ 41 ]
[ sustainable development ]
A center for change
The United Nations and the Odebrecht Foundation establish the first study and training center
in the rural zone of the Brazilian Northeast to focus on development management
written by
Juliana Lopes e Vivian Barbosa
photos by
Almir Bindilatti
[ Partial view of the Center’s
headquarters: its location is a
major differentiating factor ]
The cool evening breeze has reached this spot unob-
Division (PADMD) of the UN, and Maurício Medeiros, the
structed. When the sun sets, the heat disappears and
Executive President of the Odebrecht Foundation, signed a
currents of air flow in freely from the Atlantic Ocean
memorandum of understanding aimed at fulfilling the
until they hit the mountaintop. Standing 680 meters
UN’s recommendation to join forces to reduce poverty and
high in the Serra do Papuã, no mountain overshadows it.
protect the environment. “We came up with the idea for
This is the highest point in the Southern Bahia Lowlands,
the center, and making this dream come true has been a
and it is located in the Pratigi Environmental Protection
tremendous satisfaction. Brazil is a country that offers
Area (APA) in northeastern Brazil. On the horizon, the
many opportunities, but there are challenges as well.
contrast of light and shadow sets off multifarious shades
Teaming up to establish the Center here means getting an
of green. A closer look reveals a diverse variety of forest
overall portrait in one spot,” says Bertucci.
plant life.
[ 42 ] odebrecht informa
In regard to the Odebrecht Foundation-run Program
This is the setting the United Nations and the
for the Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development
Odebrecht Foundation have chosen for the first study and
of the Southern Bahia Lowlands (DIS Southern Lowlands),
training center established in a rural area of the Brazilian
PADMD representative Jose Manuel Sucre stresses that
northeast with a focus on development management – the
this is the first time the United Nations has found all the
Participatory Governance and Community Development
Millennium Development Goals harmoniously combined
Studies and Practices Center. Inaugurated on October 28,
in a single initiative. “We will work to make this experi-
this BRL 1.4-million facility’s mission is to identify, support
ence known internationally, offering the world a model
and disseminate successful experience in these two areas
for organized and sustainable human development.”
in Brazil and other Latin American countries. “Its location
Oscar Motomura, founder and President of Amana-
is a major factor that sets it apart because it helps bring the
Key, a company that specializes in executive education
debate to the heart of the social, economic and environ-
programs, stresses an essential aspect of the DIS Southern
mental problem being discussed, where the models are put
Lowlands initiatives that fosters the experience of partici-
into practice,” explains Rogério Arns, the Odebrecht
patory governance: bolstering family spirit. “As the small-
Foundation member responsible for the center.
est cell of a community, the family is an excellent place to
In September 2007, Guido Bertucci, then the Director
practice participatory governance. Furthermore, it pro-
of the Public Administration and Development Management
vides psychological support and counseling for its mem-
bers,” observes Motomura, who was present at the opening ceremony for the Center.
Data to learn from
Rogério Arns reiterates that there have been many
experiences of participatory governance and communi-
Biodiversity and tourism potential
ty development, but they are scattered around the globe.
The site where the Studies and Practices Center now
Because of this, the Center’s initial aim is to bring
stands had been deforested since the 1980s to extract
together methods, tools, data and experts in this field in
wood, gravel and sand. Those activities were facilitated by
one place.
the 6-km road built in 1973 that links federal highway
“Although there are some extremely rich case stud-
BR-101 to the crest of the Serra do Papuã mountains. The
ies in Brazil, we are living these experiences without keep-
terrain in the area now owned by the Odebrecht
ing adequate records. That makes it hard to understand,
Foundation is rocky, which makes it harder for deep-
improve on and replicate these projects. Therefore, dur-
rooted trees to grow and fosters the growth of grassy veg-
ing the first stage, we want to recognize existing initia-
etation called papuã, which gave the region its name.
tives, gather information on those projects and make it
The Pratigi APA Portal was established in those
available to the largest possible number of people,” he
mountains, marking the beginning of the 161,000-hect-
explains. “When observing these community develop-
are environmental preservation unit. It is the starting
ment and participatory governance experiences, we have
point for a journey through the biodiversity of Brazil’s
noted the importance of people who help a given com-
Atlantic Forest in all its essence and burgeoning life.
munity find its ‘natural aptitudes.’ We also intend to
Researchers have already found roughly 250 types of but-
groom facilitators for these processes at the Center.”
terflies and 70 kinds of ants in a single hectare. “The fer-
According to Arns, resilience is one of the most
tility of the Pratigi APA is such that we now recognize it
important aspects of the community development agen-
as an incubator for solutions for the new millennium,”
argues Rogério Arns.
Making the best use of the Pratigi APA’s tourism
potential is one of the main long-term objectives, with a
view to firmly consolidating the area’s integrated and
sustainable development. The APA contains one of the last
remnants of Atlantic Forest in Brazil, encompassing five
counties that are home to about 83,000 people. Between
1970 and 2008, the area lost 30,000 hectares of forest,
which were devastated by logging and fire to clear land
for small farms.
Represented by civil society organizations of public
interest (Oscips) like the Pratigi APA Guardian Association
(Agir), the community is also responsible for finding
opportunities to create income sources based on the sustainable exploitation of natural resources. “We must
change the landowners’ relationship with the ecosystem,
showing them that there are other ways to make a living
from conserved forests. This is the first step towards turning the APA into an agro-eco tourism destination,” says
Luís Simas, the Agir officer Responsible for the
This concept comes to life when
several different institutions and
individuals start working
together in a common cause.
Bolstering the capacity of
individuals and their communities
to play a leading role in their
own development and network
to bring about improvements
for all parties.
It is realized through integrated
efforts and partnership between
the first, second and third sectors
– the government, the market
and civil society.
Focused on the community with a
view to building a vision of the
future along with that community.
odebrecht informa [ 43 ]
da. “Individuals, communities and organizations must be
prepared to control all the factors that influence their
capacity for development and renewal over the course of
[ Mayara: “I grabbed
this opportunity
with both hands” ]
time to achieve sustainability,” he says.
Arns also points out the necessity and challenge of
developing wide-ranging social programs that are compatible with Brazil’s continental size. “Why do they have
gargantuan community projects in Bangladesh and India
but in Latin America you can count the number of highimpact initiatives on your fingers? What is hindering the
growth of these projects? This is one of the discoveries we
intend to make,” he says. Another front of action involves
organizing international events to bring to Brazil conferences and seminars that are usually held abroad. The first
was held in December 2008, involving Canadian experts
Joanne Linzey and Dal Brodhead.
Hotel complex
[ 44 ] odebrecht informa
Immersion. That word sums up the experience that
Studies and Practices Center. “We get visitors from far
a stay at the Participatory Governance and Community
away, and I do my best to ensure that they leave our area
Development Studies and Practices Center will offer its
with good memories – including my smile.”
visitors. The venue has been organized to receive experts
Moisés dos Santos, 19, is also enjoying the benefits
and researchers from the world over who are interested in
of the training course. Previously, his dream of going to
conducting their scientific studies in a safe, comfortable
college had been thwarted by a lack of money, but now it
seems to be within reach. A senior in high school, he was
The Center’s facilities include a hotel complex
working as a waiter at a roadside eatery before he took the
made up of three bungalows with 18 en-suite bedrooms
Senac course. “If a customer came along, I’d make BRL
that can house up to 34 guests, and a restaurant equipped
10.00. If nobody showed up, I didn’t get paid.”
to serve up to 90 people in three shifts. All told, 16 staff
Moisés shares a house with his brother and his wid-
members – all local residents – will take care of the
owed mother, who is retired. His former boss lent him the
Center’s operations. They were recruited through a free
money to pay for transportation and enroll in the course.
training program carried out in partnership with the
“I told myself, ‘This has got to work out,’” Moisés recalls,
National Commercial Apprenticeship Service (Senac).
his eyes brimming with tears. When Construtora Norberto
Mayara de Jesus, 21, was one of the 125 people who signed
Odebrecht held its Program for Developing Entrepreneurs
up for courses in the areas of Tourism and Hospitality;
(PDE) at Serra da Papuã, Moisés underwent a major test.
Conservation and Stewardship; and Food Safety. “I picked
“People from several parts of the world and varied cul-
the receptionist training course, which lasted a month. I
tural backgrounds came here speaking different languag-
was unemployed and I grabbed this opportunity with
es. I did my best to serve them attentively, without any
both hands.”
fuss, and I got the job.” When asked what he plans to do
Mayara lives with her family in Itamarati, a village
next, the young man immediately makes it clear that his
in Ibirapitanga county. Her outstanding work during the
studies and family are his top priorities. “I’m going to find
training course guaranteed her a job at the hotel com-
a carer to look after my mother. She struggled hard to
plex. Today, she welcomes everyone who arrives at the
help me get ahead. Now it’s my turn to help her.”
news of the odebrecht group
TBM reaches
República Station
The EPB TBM (earth-pressure bal-
pleted a successful run beneath the
anced tunnel boring machine) used to
Copan and Itália buildings – two of the
Marco Cruz
honored in
Dominican Republic
The First Lady of the Dominican
excavate most of the tunnel for Line 4
city’s historic sites. Special precautions
Republic, Margarita Cedeño de Fernández,
(Yellow Line) of the São Paulo Metro
were taken during that phase of the
presented Marco Cruz, Odebrecht’s CEO
arrived at República Station in the city
project, which was concluded without
for that country, with a medal to recognize
center on November 24. The officials
damaging those buildings in any way.
the social and economic advances brought
about in the DR as a result of the
present for that event included São
The first phase of the Yellow Line
Paulo State Governor José Serra and
project includes six stations and will
construction of the Samaná Aqueduct and
other authorities.
be delivered by the beginning of 2010.
the company’s social development
Dubbed the “Megatatuzão” (Mega-
The other four stations, which will be
Giant Armadillo) by the excavation
built in the second and final phase,
teams, the 9.5-m-diameter, 75-m-long
are scheduled for delivery by 2012.
Palace in the capital, Santo Domingo, in
TBM has already excavated 6 km and
The 12.8-km Metro line is being built
the presence of the President of the
will complete its mission when it reach-
by Consórcio Via Amarela, a joint ven-
Dominican Republic, Leonel Fernández,
es Luz Station – also in downtown São
ture of Odebrecht, OAS, Queiroz
and the Vice President, Rafael
Paulo City – after digging a total of 7.5
Galvão, Camargo Corrêa and Andrade
km of tunnels. Recently, the TBM com-
The ceremony was held at the National
When presenting the award, the First
Lady stressed that over 5,000 families are
benefiting from Odebrecht’s projects in
Abu Dhabi International Airport
inaugurates second runway
Begun in May 2006 by the Odebrecht-Al Jaber joint venture, the second runway
for Abu Dhabi International Airport in the United Arab Emirates officially opened
Twenty-five individuals and public and
private institutions were also honored for
their contributions to educational and
health campaigns for impoverished
communities on that occasion.
on October 12. The 4,100-m runway has been certified by the GCAA (General Civil
Aviation Authority).
The first plane to land there was an Etihad Airlines Airbus A320, but the new
runway can also handle Airbus A380s – the largest commercial aircraft in the
The client for this project is Scadia (Supervision Committee for the Expansion
of Abu Dhabi International Airport), the government agency responsible for the
works. The project also included the construction of two intermediate taxiways,
two cross-field taxiways and airport infrastructure facilities.
[ 45 ]
Port Infrastructure Community
gathers in Peru
José Bonifácio: Honorary
Citizen of Porto Velho
The Porto Velho City Council on December 1st
The Odebrecht team in Lima, Peru, hosted the second meeting of the Trans-
paid tribute to the Director for the Installation of
port Knowledge Community – Port Infrastructure, which was held in October to
the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Plant, José
encourage the exchange of ideas and knowledge of this subject.
Bonifácio Pinto Junior, by giving him the title of
Forty-five Odebrecht members based in several countries took part in the
Honorary Citizen of the state capital of Rondônia,
seminar, where they not only shared their experiences of building harbor works
Brazil. According to the author of the bill,
but also discussed offshore projects, marine outfalls, bridges and other construc-
Councilman Assis Raupp, this award recognizes
tions involving waterways and oceans.
the work done to develop the skills of local
Following opening addresses by Jorge Barata, Odebrecht’s CEO for Peru,
workers through the professional education
and Alexander Christiani, the Transport Community Leader, the event included
courses that Odebrecht is offering through its
13 presentations as well as talks by clients and external consultants, including
Acreditar (Believe) Program.
Juan Carlos Sahdala, the Director of DP World (a United Arab Emirates com-
Rondônia’s political and business leaders were
pany), and Mario Arbulu, Chairman of ENAPU, Peru’s national port authority.
present at the ceremony, which was held at the
Working in groups, the participants concluded the seminar by discussing
City Council House. Introduced in April 2008,
the issues raised during the event, business opportunities and strategic partner-
Odebrecht’s Acreditar Program has already
ships, and decided on the next steps that should be taken to consolidate best
received 12,000 applications and will make it
practices in this community’s fields of interest. The meeting ended with a visit
possible for local residents to comprise as much as
to the company’s jobsite at the Port of La Pampa Melchorita, south of Lima.
70% of the work force mobilized to build the
Santo Antônio Plant.
New Federal Tax control system goes into operation in January
the necessary changes, they will not even be
statements), REs (export records) and the date
(SPED) went into operation in January 2009.
able to issue an invoice. Furthermore, business-
of consignment registration are also obliga-
This is a new system that the Brazilian Internal
es that aren’t in compliance could be fined.”
tory on each separate document.
The new Public Digital Bookkeeping System
Revenue Service has introduced to monitor tax
Tomazela spent months working with a
In general, the companies’ teams reviewed
and tariff controls by cross-referencing data and
team of professionals from Odebrecht’s tax and
processes, and accounting and tax routines. At
statements from corporate taxpayers. The SPED
accounting areas, with the help of Pricewater-
Braskem, it was necessary to review and update
includes electronic invoices, digital tax book-
houseCoopers consultants, to determine and
all records of clients and suppliers. “CNPJs (cor-
keeping and digital accounting records.
assess the differences between the company’s
porate tax numbers), addresses and districts had
About 30,000 businesses throughout Brazil
existing processes and those required by the
to be in accordance with Federal tax records and
will have to adapt their accounting procedures
SPED. Braskem and ETH followed a similar pro-
the state treasury departments,” says Systems
to this new system, depending on the sector in
cedure. “There are many details involved, and
Analyst André de Araújo, a member of the group
which they operate. At Construtora Norberto
we had to be aware of all of them, because as
that worked on the SPED project.
Odebrecht (CNO), 24 projects have begun reg-
of January, any incorrect data used to fill in
At CNO, the data will be initially input on
istering and sending tax and accounting data in
information will result in an infraction notice,”
MyWebDay, the company’s intranet, before
accordance with the new regulations. At
says Dílson Zanatta, the Leader of the CSC Tax
being sent online to the Brazilian IRS. The team
Braskem, 32 units, including factories and distri-
bution centers, are now in compliance. The rou-
information system, which will go online in the
tem works: details on transportation (the
second quarter of 2009) has already incorpo-
“Businesses that are not in compliance with
county of origin and destination, in addition
rated the changes required by the SPED.
SPED will have problems,” says Alessandro
to the license plate of the truck, showing the
These new processes directly impact the
Tomazela, the Leader of the Shared Services
Federative Unit, or State) must be given on
routines of the Tax, Accounting and Procure-
Center (CSC), the area responsible for the com-
each individual document. All records of
ment areas of Odebrecht, involving nearly 150
pliance project at CNO. “If they haven’t made
imports and exports, such as DIs (import
tine at ETH Bioenergy has also changed.
[ 46 ]
developing the O2 Project (CNO’s integrated
Here is one example of how the new sys-
IstoÉ Dinheiro magazine
honors Marcelo Odebrecht
United States
Marcelo Odebrecht, President and CEO
one of the hallmarks of the administration
of Odebrecht S.A., won the 2008 Entrepre-
of Marcelo Odebrecht at the head of the
Institute of Architects (AIA) presented
neur of the Year Award from IstoÉ Dinheiro
country’s largest – and currently the most
Odebrecht Construction, Inc, Odebrecht’s
magazine in the Infrastructure category, for
globalized – engineering and construction
subsidiary in the United States, with the
his participation in the process of growing
company, with nearly 100,000 employees
2008 Contractor of the Year Award at a
the Odebrecht Group’s companies in Brazil
working around the world.”
and worldwide. The awards ceremony was
held on December 8 in São Paulo City.
Marcelo Odebrecht observed that this
honor belonged to all Group members and
According to the special issue of IstoÉ
expressed his optimism about Brazil’s
Dinheiro on leading Brazilian entrepreneurs:
capacity to overcome the global economic
“Brazil has never had so many companies
The Miami division of the American
ceremony held in that city on November
22. The winners – outstanding companies
and people in the fields of architecture
and engineering – are chosen annually by
the AIA Board of Directors.
“This award is our way of recognizing
those who support us and demonstrate
active in every corner of the globe, making
The IstoÉ Person of the Year was Hen-
exceptional professionalism,” says
acquisitions and exporting knowledge in
rique Meirelles, the Chairman of Brazil’s
Natividad Soto, Chair of the Miami
their fields of expertise. For example, this is
Central Bank.
chapter of the AIA and the organizer of
the awards. Alf Neumann, Gustavo
Focusing on Health,
Environment and Safety
The Macaé Base team’s performance on
bras’s General Manager for the Campos
Petrobras’s Southern Asset project gar-
Basin exploration and Production Business
nered Odebrecht Oil & Gas the 2008 SMS
Unit, stresses the importance of this prize
(Safety, Environment and Health) Gold Prize
for his company and its partners: “This
for the Campos Basin. Petrobras bestows
award reflects the winning companies’
the award each year on outstanding suppli-
efforts and demonstrates how they share
ers of products and services at its Campos
our values and objective of contributing to
Lázaro and Octavio Nuñez, all production
engineers at the construction and
retrofitting projects for Miami Airport’s
North Terminal, represented Odebrecht
at the awards ceremony.
Most Admired
The 11th edition of the CartaCapital/
Basin projects. The aim is to recognize these
Brazil’s development.” Marcelo Penna, the
TNS InterScience survey hailed
companies for their efforts in the areas of
Project Director for the Macaé Base, and
Construtora Norberto Odebrecht as the
occupational health, environment and work-
Safety and Environment Engineer Edney
number one company in the Heavy
place safety and encourage them to keep
Coutinho represented Odebrecht at the
making ongoing improvements.
awards ceremony. This is the fourth time the
José Airton de Lacerda Martins, Petro-
company has won the SMS Gold Prize.
Construction segment in its listing of
“The Most Admired Companies in Brazil –
2008,” published in a special issue of
CartaCapital magazine. This is the fifth
time Odebrecht has been awarded first
Diversity in the world of work
place in this ranking.
Manpower, an Argentine human resources consulting firm, has honored Odebrecht
with the title of “Socios en la Inclusión” (Partners in Inclusion), which is bestowed on
companies that invest in Social Responsibility. Odebrecht received this award for its
involvement in the “Opportunities for All” project, which fosters diversity in the world of
work and provides opportunities for differently abled people.
Over 40 companies, including multinationals like Wal Mart, Johnson & Johnson and
Hewlett Packard, received the award at a ceremony held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on
November 27.
Present in that country for 20 years, Odebrecht is currently working on expansion
projects for the Cammesa and Albanesi gas pipelines. The aim is to increase Argentina’s
natural gas supply from 120 million to 145 million cubic meters per day.
47 ]]
[[ 47
Quality Management
The Cinta Costera project – a beltway
Odebrecht has been building in Panama City
since December 2007 – has had its Quality
Army chief visits Southern
Bahia Lowlands projects
A partnership between the Brazilian Army and the Odebrecht Foundation has been
helping improve the quality of life in Southern Bahia Lowlands of northeastern Brazil since
Management Program certified by Bureau
2007. Initiatives like the Rondon Project and Civic-Social Action (Aciso) are boosting civic
Veritas Certification (BVC), and recognized
education, health and well-being in 11 counties.
by the United Kingdom Accreditation System
This is a first for Odebrecht: previously,
On November 15, the Commander of the Brazilian Army, General Enzo Peri, visited some
of the projects run by the Program for the Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development
of the Southern Bahia Lowlands (DIS Southern Lowlands). “The idea behind this program is
the company did not have certification for
simple: keeping young people in the countryside. However, we feel that this is a highly com-
EPC (Engineering, Procurement and
plex process and are interested in finding new ways to support this cause,” he said.
Construction) projects involving urban
development, reclaimed land, roadways,
bridges and overpasses, basic sanitation,
landscaping and breakwaters, which are all
part of the works underway in Panama.
Under construction on Balboa Avenue, the
Panamanian capital’s most important artery,
General Peri was accompanied by General Marius Luiz Carvalho Teixeira Neto, Military
Commander for the Northeast/Recife; General João Francisco Ferreira, Commander of the
6th Military Region; General Lúcio Mario de Barros Goes, Secretary General of the Army;
and Aluizio Araujo, the Odebrecht S.A. officer Responsible for Opportunities Development
and Representation. The Odebrecht Foundation’s representatives during the army delegation’s visit included Norberto Odebrecht, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; the Foundation’s
the beltway will improve traffic conditions in
Executive President, Maurício Medeiros; Pedro Paulo da Silva, Executive Leader of Coopa-
the central part of the city.
tan; and consultant General Moura Barreto.
“The motivation of the team led by
Project Director Yuri Kertzman to complete
this project within a challenging deadline of
Graduation at Odebrecht HQ
Bringing the generations together was the aim of an event held on November 25 at
18 months, and their determination to use
the Odebrecht Building in Salvador, Bahia. Part of the celebrations marking the 20th
quality management and control as a tool for
anniversary of the Odebrecht Foundation’s decision to make youth the focus of its pro-
mitigating technical losses, were decisive
grams, the graduation ceremony for the Reading Circles, Volunteer Communicators and
factors for this achievement,” says Antônio
Carlos Pereira, the Odebrecht officer
Responsible for Quality.
Odebrecht began working in Panama four
years ago and now ranks among the
Program for Developing Talented Young Protagonists brought together over 60 young
people from the Southern Bahia Lowlands.
The participants listened to a talk by Rubens Ricupero, a Member of the Board of
Odebrecht S.A. and Chairman of the Board of the Fernand Braudel Institute, titled “20
country’s top engineering and construction
Years of Transformation: The Biggest Changes and Deals that have Redrawn the World.”
Ricupero stressed the main challenges that humankind has overcome and still faces in
order to achieve sustainable development. “We have made progress on Human Rights
issues, but we must improve the quality of our education. Information allows us to be free
and to grow,” he said.
Teachers and technicians complete training
Santos Waterway
Terminal: ISO and OHSAS
On August 27, Petrobras hailed
Construtora Norberto Odebrecht (CNO) for
its recertification under the ISO 14001
[ 48 ]
Public school teachers and technicians from municipal departments of education
from 10 counties in the Southern Bahia Lowlands have completed the Labor Educational Association Training Program. They received their diplomas at a graduation ceremony held at the Valença Cultural Center on November 27.
The result of a partnership between the Association of Southern Lowlands Munici-
(Environment) and OHSAS 18001 (Health and
palities (AMUBS), the Institute for the Sustainable Development of the Southern Bahia
Safety) standards. These certifications were
Lowlands (IDES), Labor and the Odebrecht Group, this program has trained 212 teachers
awarded following Bureau Veritas
and 25 multipliers. The aim of this initiative is to contribute to the teaching/learning
Certification audits of the projects CNO is
process in order to ensure the social inclusion of students by achieving and improving
carrying out for the Santos Waterway
on academic knowledge, civic education and the basic skills required for success in mod-
Terminal on the coast of São Paulo State.
ern life. This program will benefit an estimated 10,000 public school students.
odebrecht s.a.
salvador - ba (hq)
Av. Luís Viana, 2841 - Paralela
Edifício Odebrecht
41730-900 Salvador, BA - Brazil
Phone +55 71 2105.1111 +55 71 3206.1111
Fax +55 71 2105.1112 /
+55 71 3206.1112
são paulo - sp
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
32º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.8000
Fax +55 11 3096.8500
brasília - df
SAS Qd. 5, BL. N. 9º andar
Edifício OAB
70438-900 Brasília, DF - Brazil
Phone +55 61 3316.2525
Fax +55 61 3316.2555
rio de janeiro - rj
Praia de Botafogo, 300
11º andar, Ala A - Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
Phone +55 21 2559.3000
Fax +55 21 2552.4448
construtora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
rio de janeiro - rj (hq)
Praia de Botafogo, 300
11º andar - Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
Phone +55 21 2559.3000
Fax +55 21 2552.4448
são paulo - sp
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
28º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.8000
Fax +55 11 3096.8500
belo horizonte - mg
Av. Álvares Cabral, 1777
19º andar - Santo Agostinho
Belo Horizonte, MG - Brazil
Phone +55 31 3299-6700
Fax +55 31 3299.6775
brasília - df
SAS Qd. 5, BL. N. 9º andar
Edifício OAB
70438-900 Brasília, DF - Brazil
Phone +55 61 3316.2525
Fax +55 61 3316.2555
recife - pe
Rua Antônio Lumack do Monte
128 - 16º andar, sala 1603
Edifício Empresárial
Center III - Boa Viagem
51020-350 Recife, PE - Brazil
Phone +55 81 3464.1200
Fax +55 81 3464.1250
salvador - ba
Av. Luís Viana, 2841 - Paralela
Edifício Odebrecht
41730-900 Salvador, BA - Brazil
Phone +55 71 2105.1111
+55 71 3206.1111
Fax. +55 71 2105.1112
+55 71 3206.1112
• odebrecht angola
projectos e serviços ltda.
• osel - odebrecht serviços
no exterior ltd.
• odebrecht mining
services, inc.
Parque Empresarial Odebrecht
Av. Eng. Pedro de Castro Van-Dúnem “Loy”, s/nº
Luanda Sul
Luanda - Angola
construtora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
Reconquista 1166, Piso 10
Capital Federal
C.P. C1003ABX
Buenos Aires - Argentina
constructora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
Av. Arce y Rosendo Gutiérrez
Edificio Multicentro, Torre B,
Piso 6 - Of. 602
La Paz - Bolivia
constructora odebrecht
chile s.a.
Av. Lib. B. O’Higgins 292, Of. 21
Metro U. Católica
CP 6501242
Santiago - Chile
constructora norberto odebrecht de colombia ltda.
Avenida 15, nº 100-69, Of. 603
Edificio Vanguardia
Bogotá - Colombia
dominican republic
constructora norberto odebrecht s.a.
Calle Pedro Henriquez Ureña,
nº 152
Edificio Profesional Torre
Diandy, XIX, local 8B, Piso 8
La Esperilla - Distrito Nacional
Dominican Republic
odebrecht engineering
& construction ltd.
Tripoli International
Airport - New Terminal Building
Airport Road - P.O.BOX 287
Tripoli - Libya
• constructora norberto odebrecht s.a.
• odebrecht ingeniería
y construcción de méxico
s. de r.l. de c.v.
Jaime Balmes 8, Piso 6
Colonia Los Morales Polanco
CP 11510
Mexico - D.F. - Mexico
osel - odebrecht serviços
no exterior
Av. 24 de julho 8 - 4º andar sala A
CP 4213
Maputo - Mozambique
construtora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
Punta Pacífica,Torres de las
Américas,Torre B, Piso 6,
Of. 605B - Panama City Republic of Panama
odebrecht perú ingeniería y construcción s.a.c.
Av. Victor Andrés Belaúnde,
280, Of, 502 - San Isidro Lima - Peru
bento pedroso construções s.a.
Quinta da Fonte Rua Quinta da Quintã
Edifício D. João I, nº 4,
Piso 1B - 2770-203
Paço de Arcos - Portugal
united arab emirates
construtora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
Zayed the 1st. Street, Mermaid
Tower, Mezzanine 1 & 2
Khalidiya - P.O. Box 37600
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Zomorrodah Building, Block A.
1st. floor, Office 15 A
Al Zabeel Road, Al Karama
P.O.Box 114155
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
united states
odebrecht construction, inc.
201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 1400
Coral Gables
Florida 33134 - USA
1515 Poydras Street, Suite 1020
New Orleans
Louisiana 70112 - USA
construtora norberto
odebrecht s.a.
Centro Empresarial Torre
Piso 10, Of. 10-13
Av. Rio Caura, Prados del Este
Caracas - Venezuela
braskem s.a.
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
24º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3576-9000
Fax +55 11 3576.9532
odebrecht óleo & gás
Praia de Botafogo, 300
10º andar - Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
Phone +55 21 2559.3000
Fax +55 21 2552.4448
odebrecht empreendimentos
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
27º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.800
Fax +55 11 3096.8602
odebrecht engenharia
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
31º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.8000
Fax +55 11 3096.8001
odebrecht investimentos
em infra-estrutura ltda.
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
28º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.8000
Fax +55 11 3096.8500
eth bioenergia s.a.
Av. das Nações Unidas, 8501
26º andar
Ed. Eldorado Business Tower
05425-070 São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Phone +55 11 3096.8000
Fax +55 11 3096.8636
ocs - odebrecht
administradora e
corretora de seguros ltda.
Av. Luís Viana, 2841 - Paralela
Edifício Odebrecht
Salvador, BA - Brazil
Phone +55 71 2105.1111
+55 3206.1111
Fax +55 71 2105.1112
+55 71 3206.1869
odebrecht previdência
Av. Luís Viana, 2841 - Paralela
Edifício Odebrecht
Salvador, BA - Brazil
Phone +55 71 3206.1656
Fax +55 71 3206.1467
fundação odebrecht
Av. Luís Viana, 2841 - Paralela
Edifício Odebrecht
Salvador, BA - Brazil
Phone +55 71 3206.1752
Fax +55 71 3206.1668 ODEBRECHT
Founded in 1944, the Odebrecht Group is active
in Engineering & Construction, Chemicals &
Petrochemicals, and Sugar & Ethanol.
Its 87,000 members and sub-contractors are present in
South, Central and North America, the Caribbean, Africa,
Europe and the Middle East, and carry out social and
cultural projects in the communities where the Group
operates. The touchstone for each individual Group
member's work is Odebrecht's entrepreneurial philosophy,
which was engendered and improved through practice.
The core principles of this philosophy are having
confidence in people, ensuring the Client's satisfaction,
practicing decentralization and partnership among
our members, guaranteeing shareholder returns and
reinvesting the results achieved.