Yare Quays, Steam Mill Lane, Great Yarmo ill


Yare Quays, Steam Mill Lane, Great Yarmo ill
Yare Quays, Steam Mill Lane, Great Yarmouth, NR31 0GU
welcome to
Yare Quays, Steam Mill Lane
Chain free 2nd floor apartment
2 Bedrooms, en suite, d/g
Secure garage parking
Lift to all floors, fire alarm system
Ideal 1st time buyer/investor purchase
Communal Entrance
Lift to all floors, storage cupboard (6' 3"
x 3' 3" - height 8' 3").
Entrance Hall
14' 6" x 13' 3" ( 4.42m x 4.04m )
Double doors, double glazed windows
to side and rear, vertical blinds, TV
point, radiator.
tchen / Diner
Tenure: Leasehold EPC Rating: D
15' 3" x 11' 1" ( 4.65m x 3.38m )
Fitted base and wall units, worksurfaces,
inset bowl and a half sink and drainer,
electric cooker, washer/dryer,
fridge/freezer, radiator, vinyl floor
covering, vertical blinds, double doors
Bedroom 2
10' 6" x 9' ( 3.20m x 2.74m )
Double glazed window to front, vertical
blinds, TV point, radiator.
Panelled bath, wash hand basin, WC,
Secure ground floor parking with
electric roller doors.
Agents Note:
Anticipated maintenance charge: £558
per annum.
12' 9" x 6' ( 3.89m x 1.83m )
Stainless steel and glass surround with
decked flooring (marine environment
resistant), uninterrupted river views.
Bedroom 1
11' 10" x 10' 10" ( 3.61m x 3.30m )
Double glazed window to fron
front, vertical
blinds, TV point, radiator, door to
En Suite Shower
Wash hand basin, WC, shower cubicle
with built in seat, radiator.
view this property online williamhbrown.co.uk/Property/GTY101725
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1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later
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constitute part or all of an offer or contract. 3. The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be
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considered incorrect. Potential buyers are advised to recheck measurements before committing to any expense. 4. We have not
Property Ref:
tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures or services and it is in the buyers interest to check the working condition of any
GTY101725 - 0005
appliances. 5. Where an EPC, Home Report or, under former legislation a Home Information Pack (HIP), is held for this property, it
is available for inspection at the branch by appointment. If you require a printed version of a HIP or Home Report, you will need to
pay a reasonable production
oduction charge reflecting printing and other costs. 6. We are not able to offer an opinion either written or
verbal on the content of these reports and this must be obtained from your legal representative. 7. Whilst we take care in
3 Hall Quay, Great Yarmouth,
Norfolk, NR30
preparing these reports,, a buyer should ensure that his/her legal representative confirms as soon as possible all matters relating to
title including the extent and boundaries of the property and other important matters before exchange of contracts.