Golf Tournament Flyer 2015


Golf Tournament Flyer 2015
The 4th Annual CTK Invitational Golf Tournament at the Conservatory Course at Hammock Beach Saturday, September 26, 2015 Benefitting Christ the King School
Join a Special Event at the Conservatory Golf Course at Hammock Beach. This incredible course, designed by Tom Watson, offers a one-­‐of-­‐a-­‐kind golf experience in Flagler County. Come enjoy a beautiful day of golf, help a great cause, and win lots of extraordinary prizes in this four-­‐person scramble tournament! Competitions include longest drive, closest to the pin, putting and par 3 challenges, and lowest team scores. Prizes include free rounds of golf at the Ocean or Conservatory Courses, among many other great rounds of golf at local courses, golf items, and other great gifts. After a magniKicent round of golf, join us then for a great dinner and prizes at the clubhouse. Great fun for a great cause! Help a Special School Christ the King School opened in the fall of 2008 with the simple goal of offering families excellent schooling in a loving environment. The school was built from the ground up, starting in a renovated warehouse with just 18 Schedule of Events students in 3-­‐year-­‐old and 4-­‐year-­‐old Preschool. What has transpired since is truly remarkable. 12:30pm -­‐ Registration In just seven years, the school has grown to more than 250 students, offering education from age 1 up through the 8th grade. We have grown to a staff of approximately 30 hard-­‐working, loving teachers and staff who share the same goal as was Kirst established to offer excellent education in a safe, loving environment. This event will help to expand this school in its goal of continuing to offer exceptional education and care to residents in and around Palm Coast. You can partner in changing lives and this community forever! 1:00pm -­‐ Shotgun Start 5:30pm -­‐ Event Scoring 5:45pm -­‐ Reception, Awards & Silent Auction 4th Annual CTK Invita@onal Golf Tournament at The Conservatory Course at Hammock Beach Saturday, September 26, 2015 Participation and Registration Information SINGLE PLAYER -­‐ $125 GOLD SPONSOR -­‐ $1,000 Includes greens fees, cart, and dinner at the recepIon and silent aucIon to follow. Amateurs only please. Includes two full tournament teams (8 players), adverIsement on beverage cart, hole sponsorship, logo placement on all tournament promoIons, and dinner aZendance for each player. ($1,150 value) TEAM (FOURSOME) -­‐ $400 If you are registering with less than four players, you will be paired with other tournament parIcipants. SILVER SPONSOR -­‐ $600 Includes one full tournament team (4 players), adverIsement on beverage cart, hole sponsorship, logo placement on all tournament promoIons, and recepIon aZendance for each player. ($750 value) PLAYER MULLIGANS -­‐ $10 Mulligans may be purchased in advance or at the tournament. $10 for each mulligan. Maximum of eight mulligans per team and two per player. BRONZE SPONSOR -­‐ $300 PRIZE RAFFLE TICKET -­‐ $10 or $30 This is for adverIsing-­‐only, non-­‐golfing sponsors. Includes hole sponsorship, adverIsement on beverage cart, and logo placement on all tournament promoIons. ($350 value) Raffle Ickets may be purchased in advance or at the tournament. Enter to win fantasIc prizes, including a free round of golf! 2 for $10 or $30 for an arm’s length of Ickets. BEVERAGE SPONSOR -­‐ $200 DINNER RECEPTION AND SILENT AUCTION ONLY -­‐ $25 Includes logo placement or name on roaming beverage carts or fixed beverage staIons for the duraIon of the tournament as well as logo placement on the sponsor board and in all tournament promoIons. Includes only aZendance at the dinner recepIon and silent aucIon. For non-­‐golfing par\cipants only. TEE OR GREEN SPONSOR -­‐ $100 Includes signage at a tee or green on the course for your business or family, or in memory of a loved one. No poliIcal signs please. Single Player $125 Team -­‐ Foursome $400 Company (if any): Mulligans (Number __ ) $10 each Address: Prize Raffle Ticket $10 or $30 Phone: Tee or Green Sponsor $100 Player 1*: Email: Beverage Cart Sponsor $200 Gold Sponsor $1,000 Player 2: Email: Silver Sponsor $600 Player 3: Email: Bronze Sponsor $300 $25 each Player 4: Email: Dinner Only (non-­‐golfers) indicate number ____ AddiIonal giJ to school: TOTAL
Name: * If you are registering with less than four players, you will be grouped with other golfers. $ Make checks payable to “Christ the King” and mail with completed entry form to Christ the King, 5625 N. US HWY 1, Palm Coast, FL 32164. To sponsor, please contact Admin. Asst. Bonnie Fiesler at or 386.447-­‐7979. Christ the King is a non-­‐profit 501(c)(3) organiza\on. F-­‐EIN: 37-­‐1566642. Visit for more info
4th Annual CTK Invita@onal Golf Tournament at The Conservatory Course at Hammock Beach Saturday, September 26, 2015 Official Tournament Information for Players Thank you for parIcipaIng in the 4th Annual CTK InvitaIonal Golf Tournament to benefit Christ the King School! We are glad to have you with us, and we hope you have a wonderful Ime! Here is the official tournament informaIon: Loca@on The tournament will be held at the Conservatory Course at Hammock Beach. The address is 300 Conservatory Dr., Palm Coast, FL 32137. The course is located across the street from Matanzas Woods High School in Palm Coast. Registra@on & Start Time The tournament begins at 1:00pm with a shotgun start. RegistraIon will open at 12:00pm. Players are encouraged to arrive early for registraIon so as to prevent congesIon just before the start. Players are also welcome to warm up on the driving range, chipping green, and pugng green before the tournament begins. Food & Beverages Players may eat lunch before they arrive or purchase food at the course. All players will receive Ickets for the beverage cart for a complimentary drink. AddiIonal drinks may be purchased. Non-­‐alcoholic drink staIons are available for free on the course. Tournament Format & Rules This tournament is a simple scramble. The best ball may be used for each shot on a hole. There are no restricIons or rules for the use of each player’s shot. The best shot is used each Ime. Men will play from the white tees and women from the red tees. Mulligans are available for purchase from the registraIon table (8 per team max). One formal scorecard for each team will be turned in at the end of the round for scoring. Prize Compe@@ons The tournament will have mulIple closest to the pin compeIIons and longest drive compeIIons. Other prizes such as longest puZ, closest second shot, and others will be awarded as well. Awards Ceremony, Dinner, and Silent Auc@on All awards and prizes will be given out at the dinner, which will be held at the clubhouse. Hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and dinner will be offered starIng around 6:00pm. Prizes and awards will be distributed shortly thereaJer. Prize Lis@ng, Raffle Prizes, and Silent Auc@on Items We have an incredible array of prizes available to win in the tournament, the raffle, or the silent aucIon. They are as follows: TOURNAMENT PRIZES 1st Place Team: Trophies & free golf 2nd Place Team: 4 $25 dinner giJ cards Various Golf Prizes for: • Longest Drive • Longest PuZ • Closest to Pin • Closest Second Shot For any ques@ons or other inquiries, please contact: Admin. Assistant Bonnie Fiesler at Christ the King Church & School 5625 N. US HWY 1 Palm Coast, FL 32164 386-­‐447-­‐7979 RAFFLE PRIZES 5 Great Gia Packages, each valued from $100 -­‐ $150 dollars including: • Dinner giJ cards • Free rounds of golf for 4 • And much more! SILENT AUCTION ITEMS This will include, but not limited to, electronic items, car washes, shirts, golf balls, etc.
Sponsorship Informa@on Form 4th Annual Charity Golf Tournament A classy event at a classy loca\on with exposure to great people from the community GOLD SPONSOR -­‐ $1,000 Includes two full tournament teams (8 players), adverIsement on beverage cart, hole sponsorship, logo placement on all tournament promoIons, and recepIon aZendance for each player. ($1,150 value) SILVER SPONSOR -­‐ $600 Includes one full tournament team (4 players), adverIsement on beverage cart, hole sponsorship, logo placement on all tournament promoIons, and recepIon aZendance for each player. ($750 value) BRONZE SPONSOR -­‐ $300 This is for adverIsing-­‐only, non-­‐golfing sponsors. Includes hole sponsorship, adverIsement on beverage cart, and logo placement on all tournament promoIons. ($350 value) BEVERAGE CART ADVERTISEMENT -­‐ $200 Includes logo placement or name on both roaming beverage carts for the duraIon of the tournament as well as logo placement on the sponsor board and in all tournament promoIons. TEE OR GREEN SPONSOR -­‐ $100 Includes signage at a tee or green on the course for your business or family, or in memory of a loved one. No poliIcal signs please. Christ the King School is holding this event to benefit the school and help toward building its new school to help reach out to many more children in Palm Coast and the surrounding area. As a sponsor you will be helping to provide excellent and loving educaIon to hundreds of children every year! Thank you for your support! Company: Contact: Title: Address: City: State: Email: Phone: Your Sponsorship Choice(s): Total Sponsorship Amount: For ques@ons or other inquiries, please contact: Admin. Assistant Bonnie Fiesler at Christ the King Church & School 5625 N. US HWY 1 Palm Coast, FL 32164 386-­‐447-­‐7979 Checks payable to: Christ the King Christ the King School is a 501 (c)(3) non-­‐profit organiza\on, so all sponsorships are tax deduc\ble. Federal Tax ID: 37-­‐1566642
4th Annual CTK Invita@onal Golf Tournament at The Conservatory Course at Hammock Beach Saturday, September 26, 2015 Tournament Prize Donor Informa@on Christ the King School is holding a charity golf tournament to benefit the school and help toward building its new state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art school facility and community center. As a prize donor you will be helping to provide excellent and loving educaIon to hundreds of children every year! As a prize donor you will also receive recogniIon in the tournament promoIons and on our display boards. Please have all prizes to the school by September 14th in lieu of the silent aucIon the week of the tournament. Thank you for your support! Company: Contact: Title: Address: City: State: Email: Phone: Prize / Gia Cer@ficate / Dona@on # Donated Approximate Value Christ the King School is a 501 (c)(3) non-­‐profit organiza\on, so all sponsorships are tax deduc\ble. Federal Tax ID: 37-­‐1566642 For ques@ons or other inquiries, please contact: Admin. Assistant Bonnie Fiesler at Christ the King Church & School 5625 N. US HWY 1 Palm Coast, FL 32164 386-­‐447-­‐7979