
Issue 81 Friday 6th March
Welcome to Issue 81 of the Fortnightly Bulletin.
The next issue (Issue 82) will be out on Friday 20th March.
We’re having a busy start to the Spring 2 Half-Term already with World Book
Day activities and there’s still more to come!
On Tuesday 3rd March, the KS2
Drama club, which is run by A-Mind
-Apart theatre company, went on a
trip to Burton Street to perform
James and the Giant Peach… with a
twist! We have been rehearsing for
6 weeks and the performance went
smoothly. The drama group from
Oughtibridge Primary also
performed ‘Little Red Riding Hood’
on the same day.
We would like to say a massive
thank you to Emma, our drama
group and the A-Mind-Apart team
for their help and contributions.
Thank you!
Grace Clarke (Y6S), Isabel Pigott
(Y5/6W) & Niamh Glen (Y5/6W)
Red Nose Day is nearly here again!
This year, we are going to hold a
Bake Sale and have a non-uniform
day. As you will already know, we
have also had Red Noses on sale
but unfortunately/fortunately we
have now run out! We have sold an
incredible 600 Noses which is a
brilliant start to this year’s Comic
Relief fundraising.
On Friday 13th March, children will
be encouraged to wear something
red to school as part of the nonuniform day (this can even be a pair
of socks!). They can also make a
donation; there will be collection
buckets in school on the day. There
will also be a Bake Sale on the same
day, please bring along your best
bakes (or shop bought donations)
to the School Office so we can raise
some money for the great causes
Red Nose Day supports.
Robbie McGrath
CONTACT US via the school office / using the letter box in the Infant or Junior Building / by phone 0114 234
1379 / by email enquiries@malinbridge.sheffield.sch.uk / through our website www.malinbridgeprimary.co.uk
Issue 81 Friday 6th March
Yesterday, Malin Bridge Primary brought literature to life. Each year group had a theme for the day and children
were able to dress up as a character from the book of the day or another personal favourite. There were some
amazing sights around school and the children and staff all had a fantastic time taking part in book-themed
activities such as the ‘Drop Everything And Read’ bell. Take a look at some of the highlights of the day...
Jackie McDermott
Year 3 & 4 : Greek Myths by Marcia Williams
Gangsta Granny
Year 1 & 2 : The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
The Wolf Granny
Issue 81 Friday 6th March
Year 1 & 2 : The Jungle Book by
Rudyard Kipling
Year 5 : The Cat in the Hat by Dr Suess
Which character did you come as?
Year 3 & 4 : Greek Myths by Marcia Williams
Foundation Stage : The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Issue 81 Friday 6th March
Thank you for all your wonderfully
wordy Shelfie competition entries.
We were very pleased to see the
amount of avid readers we have at
Malin Bridge having fun with their
books! All the entries will be on
show in the Infant and Junior halls
next week so please take a look.
We would also like to display some
of the entries on the school
website - please let us know if you
do not want your child’s
photograph to be used:
Take a Shelfie!
The winners are….
Jess Gardner-Read
Jacob Firth
Well done, bookworms! Top effort!
Jackie McDermott
Recently, pupils entered a competition to design the
new ‘Bike It Bridge’ logo. Bike It Bridge is a joint
initiative between Malin Bridge Primary and
Oughtibridge Primary. Tom Newman (Bike It Officer)
chose a selection of winning designs which were then
made into the logo below. The winner from Malin
Bridge Primary was Jessica Mathison (Y4W). Well
done, Jessica!
Steve Green
Issue 81 Friday 6th March
Well done to everyone who has achieved a certificate over the last two weeks.
We have rewarded children for being friendly and for their imaginative writing. Well done, everyone!
27.02.2015 - Being Friendly
3A Isobel Douglas
3H Toby Smith
FS2 A Lily Ducker
3/4O Whiley Walford
FS2 BL Ella Crapper
4TG Rhiannon Longden
FS2 R Sasha Lewins
4W Lillie Dawson
1C Jacob Firth
5B Ava Boswell
1M Florence Suckley
5J Libby Banks
1/2V Liam Crapper
5/6W Pippa Murray
2C Kara Ashton-Buggins
6N No certificate - Kingswood
2G Lucy Gill
6S No certificate - Kingswood
06.03.2015 - Imaginative Writer
3A James Taylor
3H Frankie Taylor
FS2 A Sam Walker
3/4O Owen Pashley
FS2 BL Daylan Campbell
4TG Sophie Hirst
FS2 R Dylan Bigley-Brennan
1C Elliott Breward
4W Nayagan Indrasenan
5B Jayden Savage
1M Lewis Grayson
5J Alfie Lister
1/2V Imogen Clarke
5/6W Mac Hodgin
2C Nadia Book
6N Erin Parkinson
2G Eleanor Dukeson
6S Isabel Portman
At 10am on Friday 20th March
2015 look out for a large shadow
coming over Sheffield… A total
solar eclipse will occur across the
far Northern regions of Europe and
the Artic leaving us in the dark! The
longest amount of time the eclipse
will be visible for is 2 minutes and
46 seconds as viewed off the coast
of the Faroe Islands. This will mark
the last total solar eclipse in Europe
for over a decade, the next not
being until Wednesday 12th
August 2026!
Although we will all want to get a
good look at this very infrequent
phenomena, extreme caution
should be taken when attempting
to look at the sun. You should
never look directly at the sun
without the appropriate protective
eyewear so don’t forget your
eclipse shades!
Stephen Betts & Robbie McGrath
Issue 81 Friday 6th March
Hello there, hope you are all well. If you have any comments or suggestions,
please email us on pta@malinbridge.sheffield.sch.uk
Monday 20th April
(6.30pm - Staff Room)
Nic Brookes (Chair of the PTA)
6th March: DISCO!!!
Tickets will go on sale in both halls from Monday 2nd March.
20th April: PTA meeting at 6.30pm (Staff Room)
9th May: Car Boot Sale
18th May: PTA meeting at 6.30pm (Staff Room)
6th June: Car boot Sale
8th June: PTA meeting at 6.30pm (Staff Room)
What is Malin Bridge PTA?
Parents & Teachers Association – we are a charity run by parents and school staff to raise extra funds for
the school’s children.
If you have a child in Malin Bridge Primary then you are a member! We need you!
What does the PTA do?
We run fundraising events such as discos, summer fayres, Christmas shopping events, car boot sales and
fire fighter’s bag. We also sell snacks/drinks at Y4, Y6 & Christmas shows.
Some examples of how the money we have raised has been used:
Purchasing ICT equipment
Subsidising school trips
Purchasing playground equipment
Supporting year group topic activities
You can help by doing one or more of the following.
The Firefighter
Bag Collection
raised £149!!!
Give unused unwanted presents as raffle prizes
Come to PTA meetings with fundraising ideas or feedback
Help out at any events (from half-hour set up for discos to 2-hours at the PTA stall at Summer Fayre, the
possibilities are endless). You decide how long and how often you want to help out!
Use Easy Fundraising, Easy Search and Easy Travel (more information in the next bulletin )
Match Funding –If you work for any banks or supermarkets, your employer will match our fundraising
Remember, every penny the PTA makes goes to your children in school. You can help the PTA
even with the little one in tow, we have done it!