Neighborhood Watch - Berwyn North School District 98
Neighborhood Watch - Berwyn North School District 98
Neighborhood Watch B ER WY N PO LIC E DE PARTME NT NEWSLETTER FALL 2015 Chief of Police James Ritz What’s Inside Dear Resident, We’re all familiar with the theme in movies and television where parents all over the country release a collective sigh of relief when their children go back to school every autumn, as if all of their worries disappear when the first leaves begin to fall. Of course, we know that in actuality, the start of the school year can sometimes be even more stressful. We worry about our children getting to school safely and on time, that their homework is done, that they make it to their extracurricular activities, that they’re associating with the right friends, that they’re making the right choices and that dinner is on the table for them every evening. Sign-Up to Receive Emergency Updates from the City of Berwyn Do Not Rake Leaves into the Street! page 2 Police Volunteers Honored for Service Volunteers Staff Information Desk Special Thanks page 3 Be the Change You Want to See in Berwyn pages 4 The one thing many of us find difficult to talk about, let alone think about, is the idea that our children might experiment with illegal drugs. Are they empowered enough to resist peer pressure? Do they know the dangers and effects of addiction? Did you know that many addictions begin with children taking their parents’ legally prescribed medication? Do you as a parent know the responsible ways of monitoring and talking with your children about drugs? These and many more are the questions we hope to answer at a city-wide event on Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Morton West Auditorium (2400 S. Home Av). This event continues the Berwyn Police Department’s “Prevention through Education” series of community meetings. Drug use and abuse not only negatively shapes the lives of Berwyn’s youth and their parents, but the community at large can also be affected by these issues as many thefts from vehicles and properties can be attributed to the offender’s need for money to support a drug habit. Prevention is better than a cure, but for the families in attendance whose lives are currently affected by drug use or abuse, there will be helpful resources to help in the fight against addiction. I hope to see you at this informative event, and wish you and your family a safe and happy autumn. Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft pages 5 Respectfully Halloween Safety page 6 Estimado Residente, Junior Police Cadet Program Starts its Second Year Berwyn Police Explorers Attend State Conference Red Ribbon Week October 23-31 page 7 Is My Child Being Bullied or Being a Bully? page 8 Protect your children . . . and their futures! A PARENT’S GUIDE to the dangers of “sexting” page 9 Upcoming Events page 10 Prevention Through Education Community Wide Event page 11 & 12 Mayor Robert J. Lovero Todos estamos familiarizados con el tema en el cine y la televisión, donde los padres de todo el país lanzan un suspiro de alivio cuando sus hijos regresan a la escuela cada otoño, como si todas sus preocupaciones desaparecieran cuando las hojas de los arboles comiencen a caer. Por supuesto, sabemos que en realidad, el comienzo del año escolar a veces puede ser aún más estresante. Nos preocupamos que nuestros hijos lleguen a la escuela con seguridad y a tiempo, que hagan sus tareas, que lleguen a sus actividades extracurriculares, que se asocien con los amigos adecuados, que estén tomando las decisiones correctas y que la cena esté preparada en casa para ellos cada noche. Una cosa de que muchos de nosotros encontramos difícil hablar, y mucho menos pensar, es la idea de que nuestros hijos podrían experimentar con drogas ilegales. ¿Están empoderados suficientemente para resistir la presión de grupo? ¿Saben los peligros y los efectos de la adicción? ¿Sabías que muchas adicciones empiezan con los niños tomando la medicación legalmente prescrita de sus padres? ¿Usted como padre, conoce las formas responsables de la vigilancia y de hablar con sus hijos sobre las drogas? Estas y muchas más son las preguntas que esperamos responder en un evento comunitario el Miércoles, 28 de octubre 2015 de 7:00pm a 9:00pm en el Auditorio de Morton West (2400 S. Home Ave). Este evento continúa la serie del Departamento de Policía de Berwyn de reuniones en la comunidad titulada “Prevención a través de la Educación”. El consumo de drogas y el abuso no sólo afecta de forma negativa a la vida de los jóvenes de Berwyn y sus padres, pero la comunidad en general también pueden verse afectadas por estos problemas ya que muchos robos de vehículos y propiedades pueden ser atribuidos a la necesidad de dinero para mantener un hábito de drogas. Prevenir es mejor que curar, pero para las familias que asistirán cuyas vidas están actualmente afectadas por el consumo de drogas o abuso, habrá recursos útiles para ayudar en la lucha contra la adicción. Espero verlos en este evento informativo, a usted y su familia y les deseo un otoño seguro y feliz. Atentamente, Mayor Robert J. Lovero Berwyn - Neighborhood Watch Newsletter Sign-Up to Receive Emergency Updates from the City of Berwyn The City of Berwyn’s new Emergency Notification System allows us to provide you with vital information in the event of an emergency. You are able to register up to five locations that are important to you within the City of Berwyn (home, work, children’s school, etc) and can choose to receive alerts via your cell phone, home phone, e-mail or text message. You can also choose to receive non-emergency alerts as well, including messages from the Fire Department, Neighborhood Watch updates, city event reminders and meeting notices. Registering online is easy! Just visit our websites: or and click on the “City of Berwyn – Citizen Alerts” banner to get started. IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO SIGN UP ONLINE OR IF YOU NEED ANY ASSISTANCE, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE AT 708-749-6563 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL YOU BACK TO COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION WITHIN A FEW DAYS. Do Not Rake Leaves into the Street! RESIDENTS PLEASE TAKE NOTE It is against City Ordinance to rake leaves into the streets. By doing so, you not only clog the gutters and drains but also the large amount of leaves can damage the street sweeper. Please put the leaves in a yard waste container or biodegradable bag for proper disposal. If you are caught raking leaves into the street, you will be issued a citation and assessed a fine of a minimum of $50.00. § 672.04 DEPOSITING DEBRIS IN PUBLIC PLACES. (A) No person shall cast, throw, drop, place, sweep, sift or deposit in any manner whatsoever, in or upon any street, sidewalk, alley, park or public place in the city, any garbage, trash, refuse, debris, rubbish, grass clippings or other lawn or garden waste, newspaper, magazine, glass, metal, plastic or paper container or other packaging material, abandoned motor vehicle, motor vehicle part, furniture, oil, carcass of a dead animal, nauseous or offensive matter of any kind, object likely to injure a person or create a hazard or anything else of an unsightly or unsanitary nature. 2 FALL 2015 POLICE VOLUNTEERS HONORED FOR SERVICE Seven members of the Berwyn Police Department’s Volunteers in Police Service Program were honored with the President’s Volunteer Service Award for their dedication to community service in the year 2014. Medals were given for three tiers of service: Bronze – 100 to 249 hours, Silver – 250 to 499 hours and Gold – 500 or more hours. The honorees were as follows: Carol Russell (Gold) Sandra Michelin (Silver) Linda Schmidthuber (Silver) Barbara Davidson (Bronze) Daniel Kaminski (Bronze) Joseph Festa (Bronze) Kathleen Borucki-Mastej (Bronze) Three Berwyn Police Department employees (Officer Juan Macias, Crime Analyst Wayne Sedore and Detective Carmelita Terry) were also honored with bronze medals for their volunteer service with the department’s Police Explorer Program. Volunteers Staff Information Desk If you’ve visited the Berwyn Police Department in the last few months, you may have noticed a new desk in the front lobby. This is our new Information Desk, which is staffed entirely by Berwyn Volunteers in Police Service. Staffers of the Information Desk serve by directing visitors to the proper window (Desk Officer, Records Division or Parking Division) for assistance, distributing Neighborhood Watch Newsletters and crime prevention information, and giving coloring books and crayons to visiting youth. In the coming weeks and months, desk volunteers will be assisting Berwyn residents with registering for the City of Berwyn’s Emergency Notification System as well as registering residents’ bicycles. Membership in the Volunteers in Police Service is currently limited to graduates of the Berwyn Police Department’s Citizen Police Academy (new class in 2016) or Police Explorer Program. Please contact Unit Commander Frank Cimaglia for more AM 9:27 15 /708-795-2150 4 2 information at or / 9 1 df ks.p Than cial The City of Berwyn would like to thank Anastacio Montez de Oca, a community relations specialist from Harmony Health Plan who is on the Latino Advisory Board for Brookfield Zoo. Anastacio has collaborated with the City of Berwyn on numerous occasions, and generously donated thousands of tickets to Brookfield Zoo, enabling Berwyn residents the opportunity to visit one of our area’s treasures. Thank you. Berwyn Police Department Tip-A-Cop at BIG HURT BREWHOUSE On October 11, 2015 the Berwyn Police Department will be trading in their badges for aprons to help raise money for Special Olympics Illinois. From 11:00 am until 10:00 pm, Big Hurt BrewHouse in Berwyn (6801 W. Cermak Rd) will donate 10% of total sales between food and beverage back to Special Olympics Illinois. Patrons will enjoy football, live music, raffles, and food and drinks served to you by the Berwyn Police Department. The Bears games starts at 12:00 p.m. and Rendition Band starts at 3:00 p.m. If you are interested in learning more about Special Olympics Illinois, volunteering or providing financial support to help make Special Olympics programs possible, contact your local Special Olympics agency, call 800-394-0562 or visit our website at 3 Berwyn - Neighborhood Watch Newsletter Be the Change You Want to See in Berwyn Police departments across the nation are having difficulty connecting with the residents of the cities they serve. Between low attendance at city-wide meetings, lack of participation in community programs and the busy lives of residents, many departments are left scratching their heads as to how they can reach the public with helpful information and occasionally with emergency alerts. Berwyn is no exception to the rule. Between long work hours, family commitments and other responsibilities, we’ve lost over two-thirds of our active Block Captains over the past five years. These reasons are perfectly understandable, and it means that we at the police department need to try new things to promote active communication between the Berwyn Police Department and Berwyn residents. The first of these is to remind you that any assistance you can provide to us is greatly appreciated. You don’t need to be a Block Captain to be an active and influential part of your community. It all comes down to being well informed and helping when you can. Here are some suggestions of ways that you can be involved: • SignupforemergencynotificationsfromtheBerwynPoliceandFireDepartments. In the year since the City of Berwyn transitioned to its new Emergency Notification System, less than 500 residents have opted in to receive alerts. This is less than 1% of Berwyn’s population! Berwyn’s Emergency Notification System is the best way to stay advised about significant events in the city such as snow removal, hydrant flushing, meeting announcements and can be used during emergency situations for disaster notifications and recovery efforts. • CheckCrimeReports.comtolookatpoliceincidentsthatarereportedinyourarea,andsignupforalerts. Do you sometimes see a Berwyn Police vehicle stopped on your block and wonder what was happening? CrimeReports has the answer! Twice a day, information is updated to CrimeReports from our records system to let you know when crime happens in your area. By registering on the CrimeReports site, you have the ability to sign up for alerts. • LikeusonFacebookand/orfollowusonTwitter. What better way to stay informed about your city than to follow us on the apps that you use every day? 2016 is going to be a big year for our social networking outlets with more updates, photos and videos to keep you in the loop. • DistributetheNeighborhoodWatchNewsletteronyourblock. This newsletter is published quarterly and is available for pickup at the police department, city hall and the library. Next time you stop by these locations, make sure to pick up some extra copies to share with your block. • Takeregularwalks. This is your block, make it fun! Take a friend for a walk around the block a few times every week to make sure that everything is safe and secure. Bring a notepad to write down the times that you were out and keep track of any big changes in your area. MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you notice anything suspicious, return home or to a safe area and call it in to the police department as soon as you are safe to do so. REMEMBER: Neighborhood Watch is not an armed patrol, a vigilante group or a law enforcement entity – DO NOT TAKE ANY PERSONAL RISK TO PREVENT A CRIME OR EXECUTE AN ARREST! You should maintain your personal safety and concentrate on providing a detailed description of the offenders and vehicles involved to the Berwyn Police Department. • Checkyouralleyforgraffitiorsuspiciouspersonseverydaywhenyouleavefromorreturntoyourgarage. One of the challenges in analyzing reports of graffiti is not having an accurate time of occurrence. Depending on the type of offender, graffiti can occur in the early morning or after-school hours when teenagers are walking to and from school, or during the overnight hours when residents are sleeping. By checking your alley regularly, you can help the police narrow down the timeframe of when these offenses are occurring to help prevent future incidents. • Talktoyourneighbors Being a good neighbor is more than just saying “hello.” Whether it’s offering to watch your neighbor’s house while they’re on vacation, helping the elderly residents on your block by shoveling snow in the winter and checking on them during times of extreme heat, or even organizing a block party or barbeque with your neighbors, every gesture of kindness and goodwill helps to make your community a better place. The safety of a neighborhood is directly affected by how involved its members are. Berwyn is a strong community, and we urge you to keep it that way by helping however you can. 4 FALL 2015 PREVENT CATALYTIC CONVERTER THEFT The nation is continuing to experience a long-term crime trend that involves the theft of catalytic converters from vehicles. The catalytic converter is part of your vehicle’s exhaust system that reduces toxic pollutants. The reasons that these items are valuable to thieves are because they contain precious metals like platinum and palladium, and they are incredibly easy to steal. Within two minutes of finding a target, criminals are able to remove the catalytic converter from the vehicle using a cordless reciprocating saw. Is my vehicle a potential target? In theory, any vehicle that was manufactured after 1974 can be a target, but over the past few months in our area we have seen the offenders show a preference for vehicles manufactured between 1995 and 2008. Chevrolet Cavaliers and Malibus are the most sought-after vehicles to target, followed by Pontiacs (Grand Ams and Montanas) and Honda Odysseys. Tips on how to help prevent your catalytic converter from getting stolen: The #1 way to protect your vehicle’s catalytic converter is to park inside a garage or in a secure side yard. Offenders in our area typically strike in the early morning hours between 4:00 and 6:00 AM. If you must park your vehicle in the driveway, motion detector lights or continuous lights illuminating your driveway may be a deterrent. Also, getting a vehicle motion detector alarm might help. Look for suspicious people and vehicles in your neighborhood. If you see a suspicious person under a vehicle, chances are they are attempting to steal the catalytic converter. Get the suspect(s) and/or suspect vehicle descriptions if possible. Write down the license plate of a suspicious vehicle if you can safely. If the crime is in progress, call 911. If the crime is not in progress, call our non-emergency number 708-795-5600 with the information. Educate your friends and neighbors about catalytic converter theft so they can be a look-out too. If you have a vehicle with an accessible and highly desirable catalytic converter a thief would want to steal, we suggest the following: Get your catalytic converter etched with your vehicle license plate number. Many muffler shops offer a service in which they will etch your license plate and/or vehicle identification number on the catalytic converter. In the event that a stolen catalytic converter is recovered, ones that are etched are much easier to identify and greatly assist our investigative efforts. Have extra metal welded to your exhaust system. Muffler shops are also offering creative ways to protect your catalytic converter. They weld on metal to make it difficult for the catalytic converter to be removed. The cost is often less than your insurance deductable and definitely less than the full replacement cost (if you don’t have comprehensive insurance). Install a Catalytic Converter Protection Device. There are devices on the market that will clamp/go around your catalytic converter. Devices are often more expensive than welding extra metal, but for some car owners this is a preferred option. What if your catalytic converter is stolen? If your catalytic converter is stolen, you will know right away when you start your vehicle. It will sound like you don’t have a muffler at all (like loud motorcycle mufflers). It is ok to drive your vehicle directly to a muffler/dealer shop to get the catalytic converter replaced. You do not need your vehicle towed to the shop. 5 Berwyn - Neighborhood Watch Newsletter SAFETY With Halloween just around the corner, I would like to remind parents of tips to make trick–or–treating a safe and fun event for the whole family. The official trick-or-treating hours within the City of Berwyn are from 4 to 6:30 pm. If you run into any suspicious activity on Halloween, please contact the police department at 708-795-5600 or 9-1-1 for an emergency. • Young children should always go out trick-or-treating accompanied by a responsible adult. • Never let children trick-or-treat alone. If older children go without an adult, make sure that they have at least two friends with them. • Plan a safe route for your children so you know where your children will be at all times. Set a time for their return home. Make sure that they are old enough and responsible enough to go out by themselves. Make sure that they have a cell phone. • Visit only houses in your immediate area, especially the homes that you know. • Make sure and obey the curfew times and go to areas with a lot of homes so your kids can get in as much trick-or-treating as possible in a few hours time. • Warn your child that for no reason should they enter a stranger’s car. • Accept treats in the doorway of homes. Never go inside a home. • Always be polite, and show respect and consideration for others and their property. • Walk on the sidewalk and cross at crosswalks. • Instruct your children not to eat any treats until they bring them home to be examined by you. This way you can check for any problem candy and get the pick of the best stuff! • Make sure your children carry a flashlight, glow stick or have reflective tape on their costume to make them more visible to cars. Con la venida de Halloween, quiero recordar a los padres de puntas para hacer trick-or-treating un evento seguro y divertido para la familia entera. Las horas de trick-or-treating dentro de la Ciudad de Berwyn son de 4 a 6:30 de la tarde. Si se encuentra con actividad sospechosa el día de Halloween, por favor llama a la policía al 708-795-5600 o 9-1-1 para una emergencia. • Niños mas joven siempre deben salir trick-or-treating acompañado de un adulto responsable. • Nunca permite que niños salgan trick-or-treating solos. Si niños mayores van sin un adulto, asegúrense de que tienen por lo menos dos amigos con ellos. • Para saber donde sus niños estarán siempre, planea una ruta segura. Ponga un tiempo para su regreso en casa. Asegúrese de que son suficiente mayores y suficiente responsables para salir solo. Asegúrese de que tienen un teléfono celular. • Visita sólo casas en su área inmediata, especialmente las casas que usted conoce. • Por favor obedece los tiempos de queda y visite áreas con muchas casas tan sus niños pueden entrar tanto trick-ortreating como posible en unas cuantas horas. • Advierte a su niño que para ninguna razón debe entrar el coche de un extranjero. • Acepte dulces en la puerta de casas. Nunca entre a una casa. • Siempre sea cortés, y tenga respeto y consideración para otros y para su propiedad. • Camina en la banqueta y cruza en pasos de peatones. • Instruye a sus niños para no comer ningún dulce hasta que los traigan para ser examinados en casa por un adulto. Es una manera que usted puede verificar para cualquier dulce de problema y conseguir el escogimiento del mejor material. • Se Asegura de que sus niños llevan una lámpara de pila, el palo de resplandor o cinta reflectora en su disfraz para hacerlos más visible a coches. 6 FALL 2015 JUNIOR POLICE CADET PROGRAM STARTS ITS SECOND YEAR After a successful first year, the Berwyn Police Department is continuing its after school program for middle school students that focuses on crime prevention and introduces young people to the value of serving their community. Every Wednesday, members of the Junior Cadet Program meet at the Berwyn Recreation Department. When they arrive, they are given time to work on homework or other quiet activities. The group then has a class about the different roles and responsibilities of police work, or about safe and healthy ways of reacting to issues that affect today’s youth, such as bullying, saying no to drugs and conflict resolution The program is open to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade students of Berwyn schools. Upon the student’s graduation from eighth grade, they will also graduate from the program and be eligible to join the Berwyn Police Explorers (more information below). For more information about the program, please contact School Resource Officer Brian Cantwell at 708-795-2151 or Berwyn Police Explorers Attend State Conference From July 2nd to the 7th, eight members of Berwyn’s Law Enforcement Explorer Post had the honor of attending the biennial Illinois State Explorer Conference at the Lewis University campus in Romeoville. The week-long conference included individual and team competitions, seminars, demonstrations, exhibits and fun activities. The Berwyn Post is open to young adults between the ages of 14 and 21 that are interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement. For more information, please contact Detective Carmelita Terry at 708-795-2155 or Red Ribbon Week October 23-31 The Red Ribbon Campaign was started when drug traffickers in Mexico City murdered DEA agent Kiki Camarena in 1985. This began the continuing tradition of displaying Red Ribbons as a symbol of intolerance towards the use of drugs. The mis mission of the Red Ribbon Campaign® is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a DRUG - FREE AMERICA. This year’s theme is: Love Yourself. Be Drug Free. At school, students will engage in activities that promote a drug free and healthy lifestyle. Parents: Take the following pledge to set guidelines that will help children grow up safe, healthy and drug-free! 1. As parents and citizens, we will talk to our children and the children in our lives about the dangers of drug abuse. 2. We will set clear rules for our children about not using drugs. 3. We will set a good example for our children by not using illegal drugs or medicine without a prescription. 4. We will monitor our children’s behavior and enforce appropriate consequences, so that our rules are respected. 5. We will encourage family and friends to follow the same guidelines to keep children safe from substance abuse. 7 Berwyn - Neighborhood Watch Newsletter Is My Child Being Bullied or Being a Bully? October is National Bullying Prevention Month and the Berwyn Police Department is committed to informing the community about the dangers of bullying. Please take a few moments to learn some of the many warning signs that may indicate that someone is affected by bullying—either being bullied or bullying others. Recognizing the warning signs is an important first step in taking action against bullying. Not all children who are bullied or are bullying others ask for help. It is important to talk with children who show signs of being bullied or bullying others. These warning signs can also point to other issues or problems, such as depression or substance abuse. Talking to the child can help identify the root of the problem. Signs That a Child is Being Bullied Look for changes in the child. However, be aware that not all children who are bullied exhibit warning signs. Some signs that may point to a bullying problem are: • Unexplainableinjuries • Lostordestroyedclothing,books,electronics,orjewelry • Frequentheadachesorstomachaches,feelingsickorfakingillness • Changesineatinghabits,likesuddenlyskippingmealsorbingeeating.Kidsmaycomehomefromschoolhungry because they did not eat lunch. • Difficultysleepingorfrequentnightmares • Declininggrades,lossofinterestinschoolwork,ornotwantingtogotoschool • Suddenlossoffriendsoravoidanceofsocialsituations • Feelingsofhelplessnessordecreasedselfesteem • Self-destructivebehaviorssuchasrunningawayfromhome,harmingthemselves,ortalkingaboutsuicide Signs That a Child is Bullying Others Kids may be bullying others if they: • Getintophysicalorverbalfights • Havefriendswhobullyothers • Areincreasinglyaggressive • Getsenttotheprincipal’sofficeortodetentionfrequently • Haveunexplainedextramoneyornewbelongings • Blameothersfortheirproblems • Don’tacceptresponsibilityfortheiractions • Arecompetitiveandworryabouttheirreputationorpopularity Download the App Parents and caregivers who spend at least 15 minutes a day talking with their child can build the foundation for a strong relationship, and help prevent bullying. A new mobile app called KnowBullying encourages dialogue between you and your children and helps you start a conversation. KnowBullying by SAMHSA includes: • ConversationStarters:Startameaningfuldiscussionwithyourchild. • Tips:Learnwaystopreventbullying. • WarningSigns:Knowifyourchildisaffectedbybullying. • Reminders:Findtherighttimetoconnectwithyourchild. • SocialMedia:Sharetacticsandusefuladvice. • SectionforEducators:Preventbullyingintheclassroom. The KnowBullying app is available for Android™ and iPhone®. It is a free resource for mobile devices that was developed in conjunction with the Federal partnership. 8 FALL 2015 Protect your children . . . and their futures! A PARENT’S GUIDE to the dangers of “sexting” Your teens may be experts at racking up cell phone bills. But can using their cell phones ruin their reputations – and get them charged with a crime? A new phenomenon among teen-agers is “sexting.” One in five teens has admitted to taking nude, partially nude or suggestive photographs of them-selves and sending those photographs via their cell phones to other people. You may think your child would never do something like this. But can you remember what it was like to be a teen-ager in love? Many exciting changes occur during these formative years, and many times teen-agers act without thinking about the consequences. “Sexting” usually occurs in boyfriend/girlfriend situations. Some kids “sext” simply because they are bored or goofing off. But once a picture is sent, it can’t be taken back. And if that picture is posted on the Internet, anyone in the world – including adult sexual predators – can see it and pass it along. It can get even worse. In addition to damaging your child’s reputation, he or she can be charged with a crime. Any photograph of a child in a nude or provocative pose is technically considered child pornography – even if the child took it. And if your teen-ager sends that photograph to someone else, he or she is disseminating child pornography. ! DANGERS OF “SEXTING” Teens in some states have been charged with felony crimes! If your child is found guilty, the felony record could follow him or her for life. In addition, he or she will have to register as a sex offender. Don’t let this registration requirement follow your child to college and to future places of employment. Talk with your children about the dangers of “sexting.” Don’t let them jeopardize their reputations and their futures. ¡Proteja a sus hijos… y su futuro! Guía para padres sobre el peligro de “sextiando” Los adolescentes pueden ser expertos en acumular cuentas de teléfono celular. Pero, ¿puede el uso de sus teléfonos celulares arruinar su reputación - y acusarlos de un delito? Un nuevo fenómeno entre los adolescentes es “sextiando.” Uno de cada cinco adolescentes ha admitido tomar fotografías desnudas, semidesnudas o sugestivas de ellos mismos y el envío de las fotografías a través de sus teléfonos celulares a otras personas. Usted puede pensar que su hijo nunca haría algo así. Pero, ¿te acuerdas de lo que era ser un adolescente enamorado? Muchos cambios interesantes se producen durante estos años de formación, y muchas veces los adolescentes actúan sin pensar en las consecuencias. “ Sextiando “ por lo general se produce en situaciones de novio / novia. Algunos hacen esto simplemente porque están aburridos o pasando el tiempo. Pero una vez que una imagen se envía, no puede ser devolvida. Y si esa foto se publica en el Internet, cualquier persona en el mundo-incluyendo los predadores sexuales -pueden verlo y pasarlo. Puede ser aún peor. Además de dañar la reputación de su hijo, él o ella puede ser acusado de un delito. Cualquier fotografía de un niño desnudo o en actitud provocativa se considera técnicamente pornografía infantil, incluso si el niño mismo se la tomó. Y si su adolescente envía esa fotografía a otra persona, él o ella será acusado de difundir pornografía infantil. ¡Los adolescentes en algunos estados han sido acusados de estos delitos graves! Si su niño es encontrado culpable, el expediente del crimen podría seguirlo por el resto de su vida. Además, él o ella tendrá que registrarse como un delincuente sexual. No deje que este requisito de registro siga su hijo a la universidad y a los lugares de empleo en el futuro. Hable con sus hijos sobre los peligros del “sextiando “. No dejes que su niño ponga en peligro su reputación y su futuro. 9 Berwyn - Neighborhood Watch Newsletter Upcoming Events 2nd Annual Berwyn Brew Fest This distinctive gathering will feature 40 unique beers from craft breweries around the country as well as live music and nosh from Berwyn’s best restaurants. Expand your palate while getting back to nature in Berwyn’s Proksa Park, situated just blocks from the Depot District. Day: Saturday October 10, 2015 Time: 1:00pm – 5:00pm Location: Proksa Park MAYOR LOVERO’S HALLOWEEN PARTY Costume contest, bounce house, games, balloon artist and pony rides! Popcorn and lemonade will be served. Children receive a free taffy apple! FREE PUMPKINS TO THE FIRST 150 CHILDREN TO ARRIVE. Age: Berwyn children 12 & under Date: Saturday, October 24th Time: 1:00-3:00pm – Costume contest begins promptly at 1:00 Fee: $1.00 per person donation at the door Location: Recreation Department, 6501 31st Street ALL HALLOW’S EVE Come Dressed for Fun! Remember to wear your Halloween Costume! This Family event will capture the essence of the season! We will have a Halloween costume Parade, children’s activities, a spooky storyteller by the bonfire, hayrack rides, a pumpkin patch, and more. Pumpkins are $1 a piece! Date: Saturday, October 24th Time: 3:30-7:30pm Fee: Free Location: Costume Parade starts at the Rec, 6403 31st Street and ends at Proksa Park for Halloween activities RECREATION DEPARTMENT HALLOWEEN PARTY Lunch, Fred the Vampire Show, guess how many candy corn, costume contest Age: Adults 55 & over Date: Friday, October 30th Time: 11:30am-2:00pm Fee: Free for Berwyn residents, $6.00 for non-residents Location: Recreation Department, 6501 31st Street RESERVATIONSREQUIRED:708-788-2010 10 HAUNTED STORY TELLING It’s that time of year again: Shadows grow long, winds turn chilly, and we’re closer and closer to All Hallows Eve, and that means it’s time for scary stories! Join us...if you dare. Age: All Ages Date: Friday, October 30 Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm Location: Berwyn Gardens, 22nd & Home Fee: Free RECREATION DEPARTMENT AUTUMN AWAKENING Lunch, Turkey Raffle, pie baking contest, trivia game Age: Adults 55 & over Date: Wednesday, November 18th Time: 11:30am-2:00pm Fee: Free for Berwyn residents, $6.00 for nonresidents Location: Recreation Department, 6501 31st Street RESERVATIONSREQUIRED:708-788-2010 El Depa Departamento de Policía de Berwyn wyn y la Ciudad de Berwyn Con la asistencia de J. Sterling Morton West High School Presenta un Evento Comunitario de Mayor Robert J. Lovero P Prevención por la Educación hijo está usando drogas?” TEMA: “¿Cómo saber si mi h Chief James Ritz En esta junta gratuita para la comunidad, los padres aprenderán a utilizar herramientas para Oradores invitados: Tim Ryan Un hombre en La Fundación de aprender cómo empoderar a sí mismos y resistir la presión de grupo. Creemos que es mejor prevenir que curar, pero para aquellos cuyas familias ya están afectadas por el consumo de drogas o el abuso, también habrá recursos informativos y útiles para ayudar en la lucha contra la adicción. Los primeros trescientos invitados recibirán una bolsa de regalo GRATIS, que contiene un kit de prueba de drogas de Medtox Corporación para detectar en cinco minutos si existen siete tipos diferentes de drogas en la privacidad de su propio hogar. Auriculares de traducción estarán disponibles, cortesía del Distrito Escolar # 98. ABIERT ABIERTO R O A LA RT L COMUNIDAD Miércoles, 28 de octubre 2015 7:00 PM a 9:00 PM Auditorio Principal de la Secundaria J. Sterling Morton West High School 2400 S. Home Avenue Entrada: Gratuita Recuperación Detective Rich Wistocki Experto de Seguridad Cibernética Sean Ferguson Experto de Reconocimiento de Drogas Un adolescente en Recuperación The Berwyn Police Department and the City of Berwyn With the assistance of J. Sterling Morton West High School Present a Community-Wide Event Mayor Robert J. Lovero Prevention Through Education TOPIC: “How do I know if my child is using drugs?” Chief James Ritz At this free community meeting, parents will learn to use cutting-edge tools to monitor and check on their children to ensure that they are safe. learning how to empower themselves and resist peer pressure. We believe that prevention is better than a cure, but for those whose families are already informative and helpful resources to help in the Guest Speakers: Tim Ryan A Man in Recovery Foundation Detective Rich Wistocki Cyber Safety Expert Sean Ferguson Drug Recognition Expert FREE GIFT BAG, which contains a drug test kit from privacy of your own home. OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM J. Sterling Morton West High School Main Auditorium 2400 S. Home Avenue Admission: Free A Teen Recovering