Brachytherapy Physics
Brachytherapy Physics
Brachytherapy Physics Yoichi Watanabe, Ph.D. Office: Masonic Cancer Center M10-M Telephone: (612)626-6708 E-mail: Spring semester Prostate implant equipment Brachytherapy “Brachy” means short in Greek. The first radium implant was performed in 1901 by Dr. M. Danlos et al. at St.Louis Hospital in Paris. A few cases of lupus (a skin disease ) were successfully treated. Brachytherapy is a major modality in radiation therapy. Brachytherapy is effective for treatment of localized tumors. Type of Brachytherapy LDR, MDR, or HDR ( ≥ 20 cGy/min) Permanent or temporary Direct “hot” loading, afterloading, or remote afterloading Interstitial, intracavitary, and surface Photons, electrons, or neutrons Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Radioactive Sources Dose Calculation Implant dosimetry systems LDR Interstitial and Intracavitary HDR/PDR New Techniques QA and radiation safety Major Radionuclides Radionuclide Ra-226 Rn-222 Au-198 Ir-192 Cs-137 I-125 Pd-103 Co-60 Half-Life 1600 yr 3.83 days 2.697 days 73.7 days 30.0 yr 59.4 days 17.0 days 5.26 yr Photon Energy [MeV] 0.047-2.45 (0.83 avg) 0.047-2.45 (0.83 avg) 0.412 0.136-1.06 (0.38 avg) 0.662 0.028 avg 0.021 avg 1.17, 1.33 (1.25 avg) Production of Radioisotopes Radioisotope Method Ra-226 Au-198 Natural Neutron (N)– induced N-induced By-product N-induced N-induced N-induced Ir-192 Cs-137 Pd-103 I-125 Co-60 Source nuclide Decay mode NA Au-197 α β- Ir-191 NA Pd-102 Xe-124 Co-59 β-, EC βEC EC β- Radium-226 Radium is the 6th member of uranium series. It decays through α-decay process and its half-life is about 1600 years. 226 88 222 86 a → Rn + He + 4.78 MeV Ra 1622 222 86 4 2 → Po+ He + 5.49 MeV Rn 3.83d 218 84 4 2 Radium Source Radium is the first radioactive material used for brachytherapy. Radium source is no longer used in USA. Radium source emits 49 photons with energies varying from 0.184 to 2.45 MeV. The average energy of radium source filtered with 0.5 mm of platinum is 0.83 MeV. High energy beta and alpha particles are emitted; but those are stopped by the encapsulation material. Cesium-137 Cs-137 is a γ ray-emitting radioisotope. The energy of γ rays is 0.662 MeV. It requires less shielding than Radium source. The half-life is 30 years. Cesium source is supplied in the form of insoluble powders or microspheres. β-particles and characteristic x-rays are absorbed by the stainless-steel container. Cs-137 Source Schematic Iridium-192 Ir-192 has a complicated γ ray spectrum with an average energy of 0.38 MeV. The half-life is 73.8 day. Ir-192 is used in temporary implants. Ir-192 sources are available in the form of thin flexible wire and a series of tiny seeds contained in Nylon ribbon. The seeds are 3 mm long and 0.5 mm in diameter. Ir-192 is used as the radioactive source for high dose rate brachytherapy. Ir-192 LDR Source Schematic Iodine-125 I-125 emits 35.5 keV γ-rays. Characteristic x-rays (27 to 35 keV) are produced due to electron capture and internal conversion. The half-life is 59.4 days. I-125 sources are used for permanent prostate implants. There are many designs of seeds. Most seeds are less than 5 mm long and 1 mm in diameter. Radioactive source is contained in a metal (titanium etc.) container. I-125 Seed Models Amersham OncoSeed Model 6702 Model 6711 Palladium-103 Pd-103 seeds were developed for permanent prostate implants. Pd-103 decays by electron capture with the emission of characteristic x-rays in the energy range of 20 to 23 keV (average 20.9 keV) and Auger electrons. The half-life is 17 day. Pd-103 Seed Theragenics TheraSeed Model 200 Source Strength Activity [Ci] or [Bq] Specific activity [Ci/kg] or [Ci/g] mgRa-equivalent [mgRaeq] Apparent activity [Ci] Air kerma strength [µGy m2/hr] or [cGy cm2/hr] Note: 1 Ci = the decay rate of 1 g Radium Exposure Rate Constant Exposure is the total charge of the ions of one sign produced in air when all electrons liberated by photons in air of mass are completely stopped in air. The unit is R and 1R=2.58x10-4 C/kg of air. Exposure rate at distance d from a point radioactive source of activity A is A X = Γδ 2 d Γδ [ R⋅cm 2 mCi⋅hr ] [ R hr ] is the exposure rate constant. The subscript δ indicates we consider photon with energy greater than δ. Exposure Rate Constants (cont) Source Ra-226, Pt-filtered Exposure rate constant [R cm2/mCi h] 8.25 R cm2/mgRa h Co-60 13.07 Au-198 2.35 Ir-192 4.69 Cs-137 3.26 I-125 1.46 mgRa-equivalent The exposure rate at 1 cm from 1 mg of Radium source (filtered with 0.5 mm platinum wall) is 8.25 R. The exposure rate constant of the Radium source (0.5 mm Pt filtered) is 8.25 R cm2mg Ra-1h-1. The activity of any radioisotope is defined as 1 mgRa-equivalent (not mgRa), when it produces the same exposure rate as 1 mg Radium source (0.5mm Pt filtered) Example: mgRa-equivalent What is a 50 mCi Cs-137 source in the unit of mgRa-equivalent? The exposure rate constant of Cs-137 source is 3.26 R cm2/mCi h. 50 A 3.26 2 = 8.25 2 d d A = 19.76 mgRaeq Apparent Activity Apparent activity is a unit of the activity of a contained radioactive source in Ci. Apparent activity is smaller than the contained activity to take into account the attenuation of radiation by the container. (ΓX )withcontainer Aapp Areal ( ) = Γ X bare point 2 2 d d Air-kerma Strength Air-kerma strength is a unit for the strength of a radioactive source. The unit is µGy m2/h or cGy cm2/h. A radioactive source of 1 cGy cm2/h produce dose rate of 1 cGy/h at 1 cm from the source in air. The unit is denoted by U. Source Strength Standards Primary standard is obtained at NIST from calorimeters, an extrapolation chamber, standard chambers with precisely known volumes for high energies, or from free air ionization chambers at low energies. NIST uses Cs-137 and 250 kVp x-ray unit for calibration of Ir-192 sources. NIST uses wide-angle-free-air chamber (WAFAC) with actual sources for lower energy sources (since 1999). The standards at NIST are transferred to ADCL and source manufactures. The source calibrated at the ADCL or manufacturer is called “to have secondary traceability”. Accredited Dosimetry Calibration Laboratory (ADCL) Services: to provide ionization chamber calibration of ionization chambers used with radioactive sources. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas K&S Associates, Inc., Nashville, Tennessee Source Calibration To determine the strength of a radioactive source (or seed), measure the air-kerma in air at a distance between 10 cm to 1 m from the source. An cylindrical ionization chamber can be used for this measurement. The ionization chamber response to the source is calibrated by an ADCL using a source traceable to NIST. An easier way is to use a well-type ionization chamber. Well-type ionization chamber The response of well-type “reentrant” ionization chamber depends on the energy spectrum, which in turn depends on the energy of emitted photons and the structure of the source container. A well-type ionization chamber must be calibrated for every source (radioisotope and design). Well-type ionization chamber (cont) Standard Imaging HDR1000Plus Model CRC-10 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Radioactive Sources Dose Calculation Implant dosimetry systems LDR Interstitial and Intracavitary HDR/PDR New Techniques QA and radiation safety AAPM TG-43 Report AAPM Task Group 43 report (1994) proposed a standardized dose calculation formula for LDR interstitial sources: Ir-192, I-127, and Pd-103. The report was updated in 2004 to implement new calibration standards and many new sources. The formulas specifically take account of anisotropic dose distributions around single source. TG-43 formula for point source g r ( ) D (r ) = ΛS K 2 φan r The anisotropy factor φan ( r) is the ratio of 4π averaged dose rate at a given radial distance divided by the dose rate at the same distance along the transverse axis. Anisotropy constant is the average of the anisotropy factor over the radial distance. For calculation the source is anisotropic, but the dose rate is weighted for the anisotropy. Source φan Pd103 200 0.90 I125 6711 0.93 I125 6702 0.95 Ir192 s.s. clad 0.98 TG-43 Dose Formula (General) Assumes cylindrical symmetry about source axis ( ) θ G r , D (r ,θ ) = ΛS K F (r , θ ) g (r ) G (1, π 2 ) Transverse axis r θ Source axis L TG-43 Dose Formula (cont) Λ = dose rate constant [cGy/U/hr] G = geometry factor F = anisotropy function g = radial dose function SK = air-kerma strength [U] P θ2− θ1 θ 2 − θ1 G (r , θ ) = Lr sin (θ ) 1 G (r ,θ ) = 2 r for point source Geometry factor r θ L ρ (r ') ′ d V ∫v r − r ' G (r , θ ) = ∫ ρ (r ')dV ′ V For line source, θ 2 − θ1 G (r , θ ) = Lr sin (θ ) For point source, 1 G (r ,θ ) = 2 r r ⋅ sin (θ ) ( ) tan = θ 1 r ⋅ cos(θ ) + L 2 r ⋅ sin (θ ) tan (θ 2 ) = r ⋅ cos(θ ) − L 2 Dose rate constant Λ D (1, π 2 ) Λ= SK cGy / hr U The dose rate constant can be measured by measuring dose at 1 cm on the plane transverse to the source cylindrical axis for a known air-kerma strength. Dose Rate Constant Λ cGy hr-1 U-1 Seed Pd-103 (Model 200) 0.686 I-125 (6702) 1.036 I-125 (6711) 0.965 Cs-137 (3M) 0.968 Ir-192 (stainless steel clad) 1.11 TG43 Update (2004) and L.Liu et al, MP31:477 (2004) Radial dose function g(r) D (r , π 2)G (1, π 2 ) g (r ) = D (1, π 2 )G (r , π 2 ) The radial dose function indicates the dose variation along the transverse axis when the 1/r2 effect is removed or the effects of photon absorption and scatter in the medium. Radial Dose Function g(r) (cont) 1.6 Pd-103 (200) 1.4 I-125 (6711) 1.2 Ir-192 (ss clad) g) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Distance r [cm] 8 9 10 Anisotropy function F(r,θ) D (r , θ )G (r , π 2 ) F (r , θ ) = D (r , π 2 )G (r , θ ) F(r,π/2)=1.0 The anisotropy function accounts for the angular dependence of photon attenuation in the encapsulation and medium. Anisotropy Function F(r,θ) I-125 (model 6711) 1.0 F 0.8 0.6 0.4 r = 1 cm r = 5 cm 0.2 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Polar angle Dose Distribution of LDR Sources TG43 (1994) Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Radioactive Sources Dose Calculation Implant dosimetry systems LDR Interstitial and Intracavitary HDR/PDR New Techniques QA and radiation safety Implant dosimetry systems Manchester (or Paterson-Parker) system (1934-1938) Quimby system (1935-1941) Paris system (1960s) Computer aided system (1970s?-) Plan evaluation tool – DVH etc. Ref: Brachytherapy Physics, AAPM Summer School 1994 and 2005 Common assumptions for Manchester and Quimby systems Both systems were originally developed for Radium sources, which were unfiltered line or point sources. There are tables for 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm Platinum filtered sources. Oblique filtration was not taken into account. Photon scattering and attenuation in tissue were ignored. Should be used for radioactive sources emitting photons of energy greater than 200 keV. Manchester System (Patterson-Parker) An implant planning system designed to deliver uniform dose within ±10% to a plane or volume. Crossing needles are used. The system gives the total activity in mgRa-equivalent*hr required to deliver 1000 R at the prescription point. Planar implant: the uniform dose is achieved in parallel planes at 0.5 cm from the implant plane and within the area projection of the peripheral needles on that plane. The stated dose is 10% higher than the minimum dose. Volume implant: Needles (or sources) are implanted to cover a volume. The prescribed dose is 10% higher than the minimum dose within the implanted volume. Manchester: Planar Implant Table Johns and Cunningham, Physics of Radiology 4th ed. (1983) Table 13-4. Example: Single plane implant - Manchester • 4 cm • • • 3 cm • a b c d e • • Source plane The activities of a and e are 3 mgRa-eq. The activities of b, c and d are 1 mgRa-eq. The area of implant, A = 3 x 4 = 12 cm2. No crossing source at both ends. Hence, the area of implant must be reduced by 20 %. A = 12x0.8 = 9.6 cm2. To give 1000 R at 0.5 cm from the source plane, the total mgRa*hour = 244 mgRa*h. Total loading time is 244/9 = 27.1 hours. The exposure rate is 1000 /27.1 = 36.9 R/h. Rule of Patterson-Parker system: Treatment area 0.5 cm Area Peripheral < 25 cm2 2/3 25 to 100 cm2 1/2 > 100 cm2 1/3 Quimby System The system assumes a uniform distribution of sources of equal linear activity. This implant leads to a non-uniform dose distribution. The Quimby tables give the mgRa-equivalent*hr to produce 1000 R (or 1000 cGy). Planar implant: The stated dose is given in the center of the treatment plane up to 3 cm from the plane. The stated dose is the maximum dose in the plane of treatment. Volume implant: the stated dose is the minimum in the implanted volume. Quimby-like Implant Ir-192 seeds with equal activity were implanted on a plane. The figure shows the dose distribution calculated by computer. Computer aided systems Brachytherapy treatment planning software Varian BrachyVision Varian VariSeed (for prostate implant) Philips Medical Systems Pinnacle CMS Interplant (for prostate implant) Nucletron PLATO Brachytherapy Prowess Panther 3D Brachy Pro Rosses Medical Systems Strata Suite Brachytherapy Treatment Planning 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Simulation – takes films or CT images. Define spatial coordinates of potential source locations. Specify points-of-interest. Determine the source locations and their source strength to meet the treatment prescription. Prepare treatment report for loading. Source Localization Two films (orthogonal, arbitrary angle, stereo-shift) Three films Ultrasound CT (kVp) MVCT No-film Two film localization technique Orthogonal films Simple and accurate. Sensitive to the patient movement. May misidentify source locations (2 circles in fig.) Orthogonal Films: Interstitial Plan Evaluation Dose volume histogram (DVH) Differential dose volume histogram (DDVH) Natural dose volume histogram (NDVH) Coverage quantifier – V100 or D100 Homogeneity index Conformity index Tumor control probability Dose Volume Histogram Prostate Volume V ( D) y = 100 V ( 0) Rectum Urethra Dose [Gy] W.S.Bice, Brachytherapy Physics, pp.604-640 (2005) Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Radioactive Sources Dose Calculation Implant dosimetry systems LDR Interstitial and Intracavitary HDR/PDR New Techniques QA and radiation safety Interstitial Implants Temporary or permanent Cs-137 needle, Ir-192, I-125, and Pd-103 Templates Treatment sites: Brain, eye Head and neck: nasopharynx, base-oftongue, floor of mouth, etc. Sarcoma: thigh, extremities (legs or arms) Breast Prostate or Cervix Catheter implant technique a) A hollow steel needle is inserted through the target. b) The thin header end of a nylon catheter is threaded through the needle. The catheter is then pulled through the target together with the steel needle. c) Both ends of the catheter is sealed with buttons and fixed to the treatment site. d) Source ribbons (Ir-192) are afterloaded by inserting the ribbons through the catheters. Non-looping technique for base of tongue implant Permanent prostate implant A radiation therapy option for treatment of prostate cancer in Stage I-III. Prostate implants were performed using retropubic technique in 1970 and 80’s. An introduction of transperineal technique lead to an explosion of the implant practices. The procedure gained wide acceptance in mid 1990s. I-125 or Pd-103 seeds are implanted permanently in the prostate grand. Dose is 100 Gy to 150 Gy to the periphery of the treatment volume. Prostate anatomy Prescription dose Primary Boost I-125 145 Gy 115 Gy Pd-103 135 Gy 105 Gy Typical source strength: I-125 (0.4-1U), Pd-103 (1.4-3.5U) Intracavitary Implant An applicator or mold made of tissue-like material is placed in a cavity around which tumor is expected. Radioactive source(s) is placed inside the applicator for temporary irradiation. Treatment sites: Brain Head and neck - nasopharynx Cervix/vagina Breast – MammoSite Gynecological malignancies Cancer of cervix Wickman treated cervical cancer with radium as early as 1906 and reported results for 1000 patients by 1913. Intracavitary brachytherapy with MV external beam therapy is a standard treatment. Five-year disease free survival: 70%-90% for FIGO stages I&II, 25% to 48% for stage III, and 5% to 34% for stage IV. In the 1970s, Cs-137 was widely adopted as a radium substitute. Uterine Cervix Anatomy Fundus Uterine cavity Endometrium Uterus Corpus Myometrium Cervix External cervical os Fornices Vagina Applicators for Cervix Implants Fletcher-Suit Delclos Henschke Variations of those Manchester System - Cervix 8000 R to point A in two sessions of about 72 hours each with a 4-to-7 day interval between. (a dose rate of 55 R/h). Point A : 2 cm lateral to the uterine canal and 2 cm from the mucous membrane of the superior fornix of the vagina in the plane of the uterus. Point B : 5 cm from the midline and 2 cm up from the mucus membrane of the lateral fornix. It represents the dose to the vicinity of pelvic wall near the obturator nodes and a good measure of the lateral spread of the effective dose. Dose Specification of Cervix Implant Manchester Original point A and B U3 U2 U1 Modified point A and B Manchester: Dose Rate For U1=10 mg, U2=10 mg, U3=15 mg, and two 20 mg medium ovoids with spacer => Point A dose rate=35+19=54cGy/h. Source loading Point A [cGy/h] Point B [cGy/h] 1) U1=10 mg, U2=10 mg, U3=15 mg 35 8.0 2) U1=15 mg, U2=10 mg 35 7.0 3) Large ovoids with spacer: 2x22.5 mg 19 9.0 4) Medium ovoids with spacer: 2x20 mg 19 8.2 5) Small ovoids with space: 2x17.5 mg 19 7.4 6) Special loading: U1=20 mg 28 5.7 Johns and Cunningham Table 13-10 Reference Points: example Dose distribution of Cervix implant Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Radioactive Sources Dose Calculation Implant dosimetry systems LDR Interstitial and Intracavitary HDR/PDR New Techniques QA and radiation safety High Dose Rate (HDR) High dose rate is greater than 20 cGy/min. HDR device can deliver 100 cGy/min or higher at a treatment distance (~2 cm), compared with LDR of 1 cGy/min. Higher dose rate demands fractionation to minimize normal tissue damage. High activity source requires remote handling/delivery (or remote afterloading). HDR Brachytherapy HDR brachytherapy covers a subset of LDR brachytherapy in terms of application sties. Gynecological Prostate Intraluminal-eshophagus and endobronchial Interaoperative- head/neck, liver, pancreas, etc. Partial breast HDR Device Ir-192 source of approximately 10 Ci. The dose rate at 1 cm from the source is in the order of 100 cGy/min. The source is typically a 5-mm long and 0.6-mm diameter cylinder. The source is welded to a steel wire. The wire is extended through a plastic catheter to the treatment position by motor-driven mechanism. The source stops at many positions in a catheter and in many catheters (or channels) to deliver dose conforming the target volume. HDR remote afterloaders Neucletron Varisource Gammamed Plus HDR device comparison MicroSelectron Varisource Gammamed Company Nucletron Varian Varian Channels Up to 18 Up to 20 Up to 24 Treatment planning PLATO Oncentra BrachyVision Abacus BrachyVision Source size 0.9 mm diameter 0.59 mm OD 3.5 mm long 5 mm long 0.9 mm OD 4.5 mm long HDR Device Design Nucletron HDR Source (Varisource) Dose Profile : VariSource Λ=1.101 cGy/h/U (Note:1.12 for LDR Fe cladded) Ref:A.Angelopoulos, Med Phys 27:2521-2527 (2000) Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Radioactive Sources Dose Calculation Implant dosimetry systems LDR Interstitial and Intracavitary HDR/PDR Special Techniques QA and radiation safety Xoft AXXENT Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Radioactive Sources Dose Calculation Implant dosimetry systems LDR Interstitial and Intracavitary HDR/PDR New Techniques QA and radiation safety Regulations on Use of Radioactive Sources Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) title 10 Part 35 (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC) documents regulatory requirements on the use of by-product materials (or radioactive sources). It describes the requirements for users (i.e., authorized users and license), equipment, QA program, and reporting (of medical events). Quality control tests of LDR sources Long-lived: T1/2>120 days *Cs-137 *Co-60 *Sr-90 Short-lived: T1/2≤120 days decay-in-storage *Ir-192 *I-125 *Pd-103 G.A.Ezzel, Brachytherapy Physics, page 52 (2005) HDR Quality Management Program (QMP) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Written directive Patient identification Treatment plan verification Pre-treatment safety checks Treatment delivery Post-treatment safety checks Source replacement and calibration Recording Supervision Medical events Periodic review HDR Safety Pre-treatment safety check and QA: - door interlock - radiation monitor - TV monitor - emergency tool - radiation survey (room, RAU, and patient) - HDR unit QA (source stopping position, catheter integrity, emergency stop, etc.) Operating procedures (treatment delivery) - pre-treatment QA - Both radiation oncologist and medical physicist present during treatment - post-treatment radiation survey Emergency procedures - improper source retraction - electrical power loss (The battery takes over the treatment operation.) - applicator dislodging - timer failure Radiation Monitor Equipment GM Ionization chamber Film badges and rings Treatment room radiation monitor Half-value Layer of Brachytherapy Sources Radionucli Half-value Layer de [mmPb] Ra-226 12.0 /Rn-222 Co-60 11.0 Cs-137 5.5 Ir-192 2.5 Au-198 2.5 I-125 0.025 Pd-103 0.008 Tenth-value Layer [cm of concrete] ~ 25.0 ~ 20.0 ~ 15.0 14.7 ~14.0 ~ 2.0 < 1.0 Room shielding Shielding requirements Public: 0.1 rem (1 mSv) in 1 year (new). Occupational: 5 rem (50 mSv) in 1 year. Less than 2 mrem (20 mSv) in any 1 hour in any unrestricted area. LDR Treatment Room A common hospital room without special shielding can be used LDR brachytherapy. The room may be large enough to accommodate afterloader carts, portable bedside shields, and positioning visitor’s chair far from the patient. Rooms adjacent to the treatment room may be low occupancy. Portable radiation shielding devices HDR Treatment Room Design HDR RAU dedicated Shielded operating theater Unit storage area Summary Type of Brachytherapy LDR, MDR, or HDR ( ≥ 20 cGy/min) Permanent or temporary Direct “hot” loading, afterloading, or remote afterloading Interstitial, intracavitary, and surface Photons, electrons, or neutrons