Sunday, April 13 - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Our Vision: To Know God. ^ ^ ^ Holy Trinity Church is under the Omophorion of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of the Metropolis of Detroit. Father William J. Bartz Presiding Priest Parish Office Hours 9 am - 5 pm Monday-Friday 3500 W. 106th Street, Carmel, IN 46032 317-733-3033 317-733-2806-fax holytrinityindy Parish Council President Steve Kollias Vice President Tracy Pappas Secretary Gail Zeheralis Treasurer George Pappaioanou Assistant Treasurer Steve Young Dean Antonopoulos, Nick Dervenis, Dennis Dickos, Greg Dickos, Bob Dine, Christopher Greisl, Constantine Linos, Julie Rowlas, Irene Sarris. Staff Office Administrator Cindy Watson Ministry Administrator Susanne Hinson-Rieger Building Manager Tim Bryant For information about this publication contact Susanne Hinson -Rieger at 733-3033. Deadline for inclusion is Monday before the cover date. All items are requested in digital format. Entrance Hymn Come let us bow down to Christ as we worship Him the Son of God. Save us O Son of God, Who did rise from the dead; we sing to You: Alleluia. Apolytikion for Palm Sunday Before Your Passion, You confirmed the Resurrection of all. By raising Lazarus from the dead, O Christ our God. Therefore, like the children of old, we also carry symbols of victory, And to You, the Victor over death, do we cry out: Hosanna in the Highest. Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord. Kontakion In heaven upon Your Throne, While on earth riding the back of a donkey, O Christ our God, You accepted the angels' praise. With the songs of the children who cried out to You: Blessed is He Who comes for the restoration of Adam. THE CONFESSION OF FAITH (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the Father through Whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; And He rose on the third day, according to the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father; And He will come again with glory to judge the living and dead. His kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke through the prophets. In one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come. Amen. EPISTLE READING St. Paul's Letter to the Philippians 4:4-9 BRETHREN, rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand. Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you. GOSPEL READING John 12:1-18 GOYA Movie Night GOYA will be watching a Star Wars movie on May 4. Don't forget to vote on your favorite Star Wars movie by April 30! GOYA Ideas Needed We will be planning next year's schedule of events soon. Please send your ideas to or speak to Dean, Megan or Mrs. Dallas. Theodora and Milton Dickos College Scholarship For those who are going to submit an application for the Milton & Theodora Dickos College Scholarship this year, the applications and all materials, including references, must be received in the Parish Office no later than May 5, 2014 at 5pm EDT. Scholarship Awards will be presented on Sunday, May 18. Passport to Greece Save the date for food, wine and fun. Passport to Greece is sponsored by Philoptochos and is scheduled for Friday, May 30 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. For volunteer information and questions, please contact Kathy Bekas at Book Store The book Services of Easter and Holy Week is available in the Holy Trinity Bookstorefor $25. The Bookstore and Gift Shop are open after every Service. Agape Vespers Readers Needed Volunteers are needed to read the Gospel in Arabic, Latin and Russian at the Easter Sunday Agape Vespers Service on April 20 at noon. Volunteers will be assigned on a first come, first served basis and must be at least 16 years old. If you would like to participate, please contact the Parish Office at 317-733-3033 or Stewardship For blank 2014 Stewardship Forms or to make a pledge donation online, go to stewardship. To set up automatic monthly payments, please contact the Parish Office at 317-733-3033. Our goal is to give 5% by 2017. Graduates Graduates or parents of graduates from high school or college this spring are asked to send an email to the Parish Office at with the following information: 1. Name of person graduating; 2. School graduating from; 3. Graduation date; 4. Future plans; 5. Names of parents; and 6. Degree information (college only). Graduates will be recognized in an upcoming Koinonia. Information must be received by the Parish Office no later than Sunday, May 11. Holy Trinity Volunteer Day Holy Trinity Volunteer Day sponsored by Philoptochos is Saturday May 10. There will be volunteer projects for all ages taking place at Church and at various sites. More details to follow. Prosforo Needed Due to all the additional services during Great Lent and Holy Week, we are in need of Prosforo. If you are able, please consider donating a loaf or two. Help on Holy Thursday We invite everyone to stay following the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great that begins at 7am to help with various Easter tasks that must be completed, such as dyeing the red eggs and wrapping them in tulle and stripping rose petals. A light strict-fasting lunch will be served. Book Corner Our next book selection is The Assistant by Bernard Malamud. The date for discussion will be May 9 at 10am in the Holy Trinity Education Wing. Malamud is Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winner who writes of the immigrant world and its cramped circumstances and great expectations. All are welcome to join in the discussion of this book and how it relates to our world today. Please join Philoptochos for a Family Clothing Drive Benefiting the following organizations: Dress for Success and Danny’s Closet of Hope help women and men who are in need of adequate clothing for job interviews, maintaining employment and building new hope for the future. Dress for Success needs women’s professional attire (suits, jackets, skirts dress pants, blouses, shoes, new underwear or stockings). Each person who donates a suit will receive a $10 off (a $20+ order) coupon from Classic Cleaners. Danny’s Closet needs men’s professional attire (suits, jackets, pants dress shirts, shoes, new underwear or socks). Please note that Dress for Success and Danny’s Closet will only take new or gently used, clean, professional clothing. Julian Center needs children’s clothing of any kind. Donations can be dropped off from March 21 to April 21. For more information, please contact Melinda Emmanoelides at 317-522-6235. HOLY FRIDAY RETREAT APRIL 18, 2014 ICONS OF THE PASCHAL SEASON Royal Hours Service at 8:30 a.m. / Registration at 9:30 a.m. / Lunch at 12:30 p.m. Parents of preschoolers & kindergarteners pick up your children at 12:30pm for lunch All others students meet parents at 1:45pm to attend the Apokathelosis Service at 2pm ALL CHURCH SCHOOL STUDENTS INVITED (Preschool through High School – Sign up in Founders’ Walk) Children in grades 1 – 5 will sing hymns and ring bells during the Pre-Anastasi Liturgy on Holy Saturday, April 19 at 9:30am. 2014 Stewardship The following families have submitted a Stewardship Pledge Form for 2014 as of April 7, 2014. Blank forms are available in the Founders' Walk and at Adams, Justin & Catherine Adams, Richard & Athena Adhanom, Ghirmay & Tebereh Adhanom, Netsanet Agapios, George & Dia Ajango, Vaino E. & Nancy Albean, Mary Albean, Matthew & Karen Alexander, Lisa Alexander, William & Anna Anagnostou, John & Koula Anagnostou, Nikolaos Anderson, Frances Anderson, Rhys Anderson, Stephanie Andros, Cheryl Andros, Helen Andros, Paula Angelopolous, Katherine Angelopolous, Mildred (Angie) Angelopoulos, Sandra Antoniades, Ellen Antonopoulos, Dean Antonopoulos, Elaine Apostoles, Stacey Armington, Mary Arvanitis, Esther Arvanitis, George & Jill Avgerinos, Patty & Lampropoulos, George Bagios, Jim & Marika Bagios, Susan Bakas, James & Tamilyn Barkoulas, George Baroudos, George & Julie Baroudos, James & Geraldine Bartz, Father William & Pres. Emily Batalis, Ike & Sarah Batalis, Melanie Bayetakos, Anastasia Bayetakos, George & Angela Beachnau, Brian & Barbara Beatty, Jason & Georgette Belt, James & Lucinda Bereveskos, Dimitra Bierman, James & Sandra Bixler, Tim & Georgia Boggs, Doug & Annamaria Boutselis, Alex Bovis, James & Irene Braun, Ryan & Breanna Brisimitzakis, Angelo & Joan Brochhagen, Curt & Renee Brown, Jerome & Beverly Buchanan, Georgia Burns, Judith Cafouros, Carl & Rebecca Shea Calliotte, Robert & Angela Carlson, David & Kathleen Chekouras, Randolph & Peggy Christoff, Bill & Karen Christy, Nancy Chronis, Martha Churchill Jr., William & Patricia Coghlan, J. Kevin & Elaine Conrad, William & Kathleen Cortese, Thomas & Nia Cortese III, Thomas & Heidi Craig, Sofia Csubak, Leigh Ann Dallas, Artemis Dallas, Christopher & Teresa Dallas, Marcus & Sally Daskalos, Frank & Janet DeHart, Stacy Demetriades, Mary Demos, Leo & Estrine Dervenis, Nicholas & Sharon Dervenis, Theodore & Julia Dial, George & Torrey Diamantidis, Areti Diamantidis, Ekaterini -Kathy Dickos, Dennis Dickos, Greg & Nancy Dickos, Theone Dimos, James & Kathryn Dine, Robert & Diana Doney, Thomas & Irene Dowell, Kathryn Drukas, Doreen Dunbar, Peter & Lea Eaton, Joseph & Florie Ebersole, Ted & Anneliese Efthimiou, Dino Eleftheri, Anthony & Jill Eleftheri, Coula Eleftheri, Lawrence & Beth Emmanoelides, Demetrios & Melinda Farris, Paul & Florence Filis, Anthony & Marian Filis, Joanna Filis, Thomas & Amy Filis, Tom Fletcher, Donna Marie Foerster, John & Sandra Foulkrod, Kevin & Marianna Frechette, Barbara Barkas Freudenberg, Jim & Cindy Gatsos, Stephen & Zoe Gay, Francis & Heather Gemelas, Stephanie Genest, Anne Genetos, Helene Genetos, Philip & Dorothea George, Charles & Genevieve Georgopulos, Soter Georgopulos, Thomas & Angeline Gianakos, Demo & Maria Gianakos, Steve & Angelique Gigli, Robert & Janice Girinakis, Anastasios & Rena Gorogiani, Gregory Gounaris, Antonios & Helen Gounaris, George & Sarina Graffeo, Barry & Matina Greisl, Christopher & Natalie Hackett, Michael & Cynthia Hackett, Stephen & Nicole Hadzigeorge, John & Erin Handwork, Lesli Hanzlik, Keith & Maria Hendricks, Michael & Alexis Herzog, David & Erasmia Hinshaw, Thomas & Kathleen Hostetler, Duane & Eleny Houseman, Helen Hrisomalos, Frank & Athena Hrisomalos, Frank N. Hrisomalos, Karen Hrisomalos, Nicholas & Joanne Hrisomalos, Tom & Debbie Hughes, Tony & Tula Iatridis, Panayiotis & Catherine Jannetides, Marian Jannetides, Nick & Elaine Jennings, Mark & Irini Johnson, Ronald & Sunday Julovich, Angelo & Christine Kaimakliotis, Hristos & Kristin Kalyvas, Betty Kandris, John & Sharon Kapsalis, Andy & Becky Karandos, William Karas, Gus & Maritsa Katris, George & Eleni Keris, George & Melanie Kingsley, Thomas & Brandie Kopsas Kirages, Christopher & Maria Kirages, George & Susan Kirages, James & Tamara Kirles, Peter Kitcoff, Nicola Kokinos, Bobby & Elizabeth Kokinos, Pete & Argie Kollias, Anthe M. Kollias, Stephen & Gail Konduris, Effie Koneda, Paula Koumoulides, John Kourmoulis, Mario & Karen Kritikos, George & Tricia Kritikos, Katherine Krupp, Michael & Rachel Lafter, Christopher & Antonia Letcher, David Lickliter, Todd & Joez Lienert, Mary Linos, Constantine & Lauren Linville, Virginia Lisch, Michael & Jean Litz, Steven & Stephanie Longest, William & Cynthia Lucas Jr., Owen & Labrine Madsen, Craig & Barbara Maggos, Damian & Stephanie Malandrakis, Michael & Helen Malarsky, Joshua & Katherine Maltby, Raymond & Bessie Mamalis, Presbytera Janet Mandich, Robert & Heidi Mangas, Jackie Maniakas, Constantine Martine, Gary & Niki Mavrikis, Athanasios & Marina Mavropoulos, Chris & Voula McLaughlin, Mac & Margo Megremis, Jim Gus & Veronica Metaxas, John & Paula Metzger, William & Anita Michelson, Gary Michos, Athanasia Milionis, Irene Milionis, Kelly Milionis, Tracey Mishel, Alex Moe, Jeffrey & Panayiota Mohrman, Ben & Gianna Molleston, Jean Pappas Mourouzis, Nick & Marilyn Mousdicas, Nico & Alexandra Mowery, Christopher & Patricia Mudis, Ernie & Wendy Neal, J. Matthew & Alexis Neuendorf, Daniel & Sue Genest Nicholas, Theodore & Christine Nicholoff, Brian Nicodemus, Wayne Nikolaou, Christodoulos Nikou, Dean & Heidi Oberlies, John & Toula Oliver, Brian & Sotiria Tides Paikos, Dean & Justo, Gladys Paikos, James & Martha Paikos, Larry & Athanasia -Ann Palikaris, Angela Palikaris, Niki Pancol, James & Demetra Pantzer III, John & Holly Papakosmas, Alex & Hionoula Pappaioanou, George & Marjorie Pappas, Aristea Pappas, Donna Pappas, Elizabeth -Betty Pappas, George & Mary Pappas, Georgiana Pappas, Gus & Cathy Pappas, James & Martha Pappas, John G. Pappas, Leon & Andrea Pappas, Nicholas & Tracy Pappas, Victoria Passmore, Eric Pasyanos, John & Liberty Pasyanos, Nicholas Pavia, Joseph & Christine Pavlakos, Elias & Maria Payne, Martha Pease, Gregory & Mary Iatridis Pease, John & Maria Perry, Kevin & Victoria Pogas, George & Cilia Polus, Jean Poulakis, Michael & Lisa Prionas, Peter & Kyriaki Prionas, Thomas Protogere, Michael & Angeline Protopapadakis, Kostas & Kathy Pulos, Theodore & Thalia Randolph, Tyler & Joanne Reckas, Menelaos & Sherry Reckas, Zachary Regas, William & Jean Ricketts, Larry & Alexandra Ricketts, Vicki Robbins, Grant & Nicole Robertson, Ron & Panagiota Rowlas, Julie Rudd, John & Harriett Rybak, Gennadiy & Lyudmyla Samuelson, Alan & Kathryn Samuelson, Kathryn Saran, Anthony & Linda Saran, Nicholas & Yaping Sarellas, Aspasia Sarellas, Christos Saricos, James & Debra Sarris, Irene Sarris, Nick Savich, Rade & Fanny Scholarinas, Vasiliki Schwoeppe, John & Georgia Seat, Tony Segar, Douglas & Doris Semon, Michael & Michelle Serban, John D. & Diane Sheckell, Rebecca Siakotos, Janet Siamas, John & Georgia Siamas, Thomas Simopoulos, Gregory & Zoe Sioni, Maria Sleder, Alex & Brook Smith, Kristine Smyrnis, Nick & Joan Sofianopoulos, Louis & Penny Sofianopoulos, Nick Sofianopoulos, Periclis & Vicky Sotos, Stavroula Spirrison, Andrew N. & Michelle Spirrison, Nikita & Janet Stoykoff, Evdokia Strapulos, Mary Stropes, Michael & Janet Taivalkoski, Kevin & Mary Talbot, Susan Theodore, Michael & Amber Theofanis, Katherine Theohares, Nick & Anne Tides, Paul & Tana Torney, Harry & Helen Tournier, Johanna Tridico, Andrew & Kristina Turner, Glenn Updike, Robert & Elaine Vallis, Paul & Jennifer Vitsas, Connie & Sondra Vitsas, James Vitsas, Jonathan Vitsas, Vanessa Vogas, John & Eleni Vogas, Donny & Laura Voivodas, George & Joyce Voivodas, Steven & Lisa Voucas, Jean Waterbury, Anthony & Kristen Wertz, Vincent & Stacy Costidakis White, Larry & Karen White, Peter & Maria Woodruff, Jim & Cindy Wright, Athena Xidias, Paraskevi Yager, Ann Young, Michael & Helen Young, Steven & Irene Zarvas, Angelo & Lynn Zarvas, Helen Zeheralis, Chris & Becky Zeheralis, Gail UPCOMING EVENTS: APRIL & MAY Monday Sunday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Friday 13 14 15 16 17 18 Palm Sunday Luncheon following the Divine Services Second Bridegroom Service 7pm Third Bridegroom Service 7pm Sacrament of Holy Unction 6pm Liturgy of St. Basil the Great 7am Service of the Royal Hours 8:30am Holy Friday Retreat Apokathilosis Vespers 2pm Lamentation Service 7pm Service of the Twelve Gospels 6pm First Bridegroom Service 7pm 20 Great and Holy Pascha Paschal Fellowship following the 11:15pm Paschal Liturgy on Saturday 21 22 Dance Parish Office Rehearsal -closed in 5pm observance of Beginners Elem. 6pm Bright Monday. Adult 7pm 23 Kafeneio 10am 28 30 Kafeneio 10am OCF IUPUI 12 noon St. John Patristic Study 7pm 24 25 Greek School 5pm Saturday 19 Pre-Anastasi Liturgy 9:30am Paschal Vigil Service 10pm Distribution of the Light 10:45pm Service of the Anastasi 11pm Paschal Liturgy 11:15pm 26 District Oratorical Festival 11am Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Yoga Class 10am Agape Vespers Service 12 noon 27 Dance Rehearsal -Middle School 5pm High School 6pm 4 Jr. GOYA Laser Tag 12noon GOYA Movie Night 5pm Dance Rehearsal -Middle School 5pm High School 6pm 29 Dance Rehearsal -Beginners 5pm Elem. 6pm Adult 7pm St. John Study 7pm Festival Meeting 6:15pm 5 6 Dance Rehearsal Beginners 5pm Elem. 6pm Adult 7pm Finance / StewardshipCom. Mtg. 6:30pm Missions Committee Meeting 7pm 1 MAY 2 Greek School 5pm Wedding Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm 3 Guatemala Mission Team Meeting 9:30am Yoga Class 10am Wedding 2:30pm 7 Kafeneio 10am St. John Patristic Study 7pm 8 9 10 Greek School 5pm Book Corner 10am Yoga Class 10am Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Day of Caring Volunteer Day Parish Council Meeting 6:30pm HOLY TRINITY FINANCIAL UPDATE OPERATING ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Period of (3/30/14 - 4/05/14) Income $ 12,373.32 Expense $5,452.93 Year to date Income $ 251,686.19 Year to date Expense $266,027.81 BUILDING ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Year to date mortgage paid through 4/05/14 $ 26,654.82 (Mortgage is not included in Operating Account Activity Expenses) Mortgage Balance $913,817.98 (excluding interest)
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