Sunday, October 25 - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Our Vision: To Know God Entrance Hymn Holy Trinity Church is under the Omophorion of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of the Metropolis of Detroit. Father William J. Bartz Presiding Priest Father Jarrod Russell Assistant Priest Parish Office Hours 9 am - 5 pm Monday-Friday 3500 W. 106th Street, Carmel, IN 46032 317-733-3033 317-733-2806-fax holytrinityindy Parish Council President Steve Kollias Vice President Tracy Pappas Secretary Julie Rowlas Treasurer Steve Young Assistant Treasurer George Pappaioanou Matt Albean, Dean Antonopoulos, Nick Dervenis, Dennis Dickos, Greg Dickos, Bob Dine, Angelo Julovich, Irene Sarris, Gail Zeheralis. Staff Office Administrator Cindy Watson Ministries Coordinator Sandy Cooper Building Manager Tim Bryant Administrative Assistant Susan Baron For information about this publication contact the Parish Office at 317-733-3033. Deadline for inclusion is Tuesday before the cover date. All items are requested in digital format, and sent to Come let us bow down to Christ, As we worship Him, The Son of God. Save us, O Son of God, Who did rise from the dead, We sing to You: Alleluia. Resurrectional Apolytikion (Tone Four) The joyful news of Your Resurrection was proclaimed By the angel to the women disciples, Having thrown off the curse that fell on Adam, They ran elatedly to tell the Apostles: Death has been vanquished; Christ our God is risen from the dead, Blessing all the world with His great mercy. Festal Apolytikion (Markianos and Martyrios) Your Martyrs, O Lord, were worthily awarded by You The crowns of incorruption, In that they contested for You our immortal God. Since they possessed Your power, they defeated the tyrants, Dashing the demon's powerless displays of defiance. O Christ God, at their fervent entreaties, save our souls. Church Hymn (Troparion of Pentecost) Evlogitos i Hriste O Theos imon, O Pansofous tous aliis anadixas, Katapempsas aftis to Pnevma to ayion, Ke thi afton tin ikoumenin saginefsas, Filanthrope doxa Si. Blessed are You O Christ our God Who has shown the fishermen as wise men By sending down Your Holy Spirit upon them And through them, the whole world You drew into Your net O Lover of mankind, glory to You. Kontakion (Prostasia) A protection of Christians unshamable, Intercessor to our Holy Maker unwavering. Reject not the prayerful cries of those who are in sin. Instead come to us for you are good; Your loving help bring unto us, Who are crying in faith to you; Hasten now to intercede and speed now to supplicate As a protection for all time, Theotokos, for those who honor you. After the Prayer of the Proskomidi I love you, O Lord my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my Savior. EPISTLE READING: St. Paul's Letter to the Galatians 2:16-20 BRETHREN, you know that a man is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ, and not by works of the law, because by works of the law shall no one be justified. But if, in our endeavor to be justified in Christ, we ourselves were found to be sinners, is Christ then an agent of sin? Certainly not! But if I build up again those things which I tore down, then I prove myself a transgressor. For I through the law died to the law, that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. GOSPEL READING: The Gospel of Luke 8:26-39 At that time, as Jesus arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, there met him a man from the city who had demons; for a long time he had worn no clothes and he lived not in a house but among the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him, and said with a loud voice, "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beseech you, do not torment me." For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. (For many a time it had seized him; he was kept under guard, and bound with chains and fetters, but he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the desert.) Jesus then asked him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Legion"; for many demons had entered him. And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss. Now a large herd of swine was feeding there on the hillside; and they begged him to let them enter these. So he gave them leave. Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. When the herdsmen saw what happened, they fled, and told it in the city and in the country. Then people went out to see what had happened, and they came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had gone, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. And those who had seen it told them how he who had been possessed with demons was healed. Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gadarenes asked him to depart from them; for they were seized with great fear; so he got into the boat and returned. The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him; but he sent him away, saying, "Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you." And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him. T H E C O N F E S S I O N O F FA I T H (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the Father through Whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; And He rose on the third day, according to the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father; And He will come again with glory to judge the living and dead. His kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke through the prophets. In one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come. Amen. Holy Communion Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Saint John of Kronstadt (1829 – 1908) says, “in partaking of the Holy Sacrament, be as sure that you partake of the Body and Blood of Christ, as you are sure that every moment you breathe air.” Saint Cyril of Jerusalem (about 313 – 386) also teaches us “Since Christ Himself has declared the bread to be His Body, who can have any further doubt? Since He Himself has said quite categorically, ‘This is My Blood,’ who would dare to question it, and say that it is not His Blood? Therefore, it is with complete assurance that we receive the bread and wine as the Body and Blood of Christ. His Body is given to us under the symbol of bread, and His Blood is given to us under the symbol of wine, in order to make us by receiving them one body and blood with Him. Having His Body and Blood in our members, we become bearers of Christ and sharers, as Saint Peter says, of the divine nature … Do not then regard the Eucharistic elements as ordinary bread and wine: they are in fact the Body and Blood of the Lord, as He Himself has declared. Whatever your senses tell you, be strong in faith.” The Lord urges us to make a sincere effort to make peace with each other when anger or hurt exists, seeking forgiveness or granting forgiveness, as appropriate, (Matthew 5:24) before approaching the Lord. Receiving Holy Communion is certainly important to our spiritual life and growth. This ultimate connection with Jesus Christ is a gift which God gives to us and one which should be accepted gratefully and responsibly. Our Church teaches that receiving Holy Communion frequently is encouraged. Our Church also teaches that a preparation is expected. Preparation for Holy Communion can vary from person to person. The minimum preparation to receive Holy Communion is to fast from meat on Wednesday and Friday and not eat anything on the morning, prior to receiving Holy Communion. For those who must take medication that requires food, they are permitted to eat that which is necessary for their health. Furthermore, the Church teaches us to fast on particular days during the year and especially during the four main fast periods. These four main fast periods are in preparation of holy days of the year, as follows: Each of us is encouraged to approach the Chalice to receive Holy Communion in love and in peace, gratefully and responsibly. 2015 Stewardship As of 10/25/15, the following 400 Holy Trinity families submitted a 2015 Stewardship Pledge for a total pledge amount of $653,265. Stewardship forms are available in the Founders' Walk and online at Justin & Catherine Adams Richard & Athena Adams Ghirmay & Tebereh Adhanom Netsanet Adhanom George & Dia Agapios Craig & Mary Ajango Vaino & Nancy Ajango David & Sharon Albean Mary Albean Matthew & Karen Albean Lisa Alexander William & Anna Alexander John & Koula Anagnostou Nikolaos Anagnostou Frances Anderson Stephanie Anderson Brad & Vicki Andrews Cheryl Andros Paula Andros Katherine Angelopolous Mildred (Angie) Angelopolous Chris Angelopoulos Sandra Angelopoulos Ellen Antoniades Anthony & Gena Antonopoulos Dean Antonopoulos Elaine Antonopoulos Roula Antonopoulos William & Patricia Apostolakis Stacey Apostoles Mary Armington Esther Arvanitis George & Jill Arvanitis James & Maria Athanasiou Patty Avgerinos Jim & Marika Bagios Susan Bagios James & Tamilyn Bakas Dan J & Sylvia Baker George & Julie Baroudos James & Geraldine Baroudos Father William & Presbytera Emily Bartz Melanie Batalis George & Angela Bayetakos Brian & Barbara Beachnau Jason & Georgette Beatty Katherine Michalarias Bekas Stavroula Bekas Alexandra Belous James & Lucinda Belt Ryan & Katherine BeMiller Dimitra Bereveskos Angela Bevel Cornelia Bevel Georgia Birch Tim & Georgia Bixler Doug & Annamaria Boggs Richard Bonaccorsi & Desiree Dimond Alex Boutselis & Andrea Martin-Boutselis James & Irene Bovis Ryan Braun Angelo & Joan Brisimitzakis Curt & Renee Brochhagen Jerome & Beverly Brown Georgia Buchanan Judith Burns Chris & Sylvia Byerly Carl & Rebecca Shea Cafouros Robert & Angela Calliotte David & Kathleen Carlson George & Tona Catavolos Randolph & Peggy Chekouras Constantine & Diane Chininis Elizabeth Chones Bill & Karen Christoff Nancy Christy Martha Chronis William & Patricia Churchill J. Kevin & Elaine Coghlan William & Kathleen Conrad Thomas & Nia Cortese Thomas & Heidi Cortese Paul & Diana Coulis Sofia Craig Leigh Ann Csubak Artemis Dallas Christopher & Teresa Dallas Marcus & Sally Dallas Frank & Janet Daskalos Stacy & Susan DeHart Mary Demetriades Estrine Demos Nicholas & Sharon Dervenis Theodore & Julia Dervenis George & Torrey Dial Areti Diamantidis Ekaterini Diamantidis Dennis Dickos Greg & Nancy Dickos Theone Dickos Jimmy & Elaine Dimitroff Kathi Dimitroff James & Kathryn Dimos Jeri Dine Robert & Diana Dine Tyler Dolan Thomas & Irene Doney Kathryn Dowell Doreen Drukas Peter & Lea Dunbar Joseph & Florie Eaton Ted & Anneliese Ebersole Dino & Stacy Efthimiou Anthony & Jill Eleftheri Coula Eleftheri Lawrence & Beth Eleftheri Demetrios & Melinda Emmanoelides Donald & Maria Farley Paul & Florence Farris Anthony & Marian Filis Joanna Filis Tom Filis Tim Filley John & Sandra Foerster Kevin & Marianna Foulkrod Barbara Barkas Frechette Jim & Cindy Freudenberg Stavros & Sophia Galiotos Stephen & Zoe Gatsos Francis & Heather Gay Stephanie Gemelas Anne Genest Philip & Dorothea Genetos Charles & Genevieve George Soter Georgopulos Thomas & Angeline Georgopulos Demo & Maria Gianakos Steve & Angelique Gianakos Chrysostomos Giannoulakis Robert & Janice Gigli Gregory Gorogiani Antonios & Helen Gounaris George & Sarina Gounaris Maria Gounaris Barry & Matina Graffeo Christopher & Natalie Greisl J. Michael & Cynthia Hackett Stephen & Nicole Hackett John & Erin Hadzigeorge Anthony & Diane Hamstra Erik Handwork Lesli Handwork Keith & Maria Hanzlik Michael & Alexis Hendricks Remon Hermeena David & Erasmia Herzog Thomas & Kathleen Hinshaw Sotiris Hji-Avgoustis & Jean Pappas Molleston Les & Jennifer Hock Nikolia Hock Harry & Eugenia Hontos Duane & Eleny Hostetler Helen Houseman Frank & Athena Hrisomalos Frank N. Hrisomalos Karen Hrisomalos Nicholas & Joanne Hrisomalos Tom & Debbie Hrisomalos Tony & Tula Hughes Panayiotis & Catherine P. Iatridis Marian Jannetides Nick & Elaine Jannetides Mark & Irini Jennings Ronald & Sunday Johnson Angelo & Christine Julovich Kaleigh Julovich Hristos & Kristin Kaimakliotis Betty Kalyvas Joshua Kammerer John & Sharon Kandris Antonion & Anna Kantzavelos Andrew & Athena Kapsalis William Karandos Gus & Maritsa Karas George & Eleni Katris Melina Maniatis Kennedy George & Melanie Keris Thomas & Brandie Kopsas- Kingsley Christopher & Maria Kirages George & Susan Kirages James & Tamara Kirages Peter Kirles Nicola Kitcoff Bobby John & Elizabeth Kokinos Pete & Argie Kokinos Stephen & Gail Kollias Effie Konduris Tina Konduris Paula Koneda John Koumoulides Mario & Karen Kourmoulis George & Tricia Kritikos Michael Krupp Christopher & Antonia Lafter Themetroula Lahanis Sikes David & Alyssa Letcher Nektarios & Bessie Lianakis John & Leah Lickliter & Kite-Lickliter Todd & Joez Lickliter Mary Lienert Constantine & Lauren Linos Panagiotis & Virginia Linos Virginia Linville Michael & Jean Lisch Stephanie Litz William & Cynthia Longest Owen & Labrine Lucas George & Koula Lupear Ellen Lupear-Pemberton Craig & Barbara Madsen Damian Maggos Michael & Helen Malandrakis Joshua & Katherine Malarsky Raymond & Bessie Maltby Presbytera Janet Mamalis Robert & Heidi Mandich Constantine Maniakas Gary & Niki Martine Athanasios & Marina Mavrikis John Mavrikis Chris & Voula Mavropoulos Harry R. (Mac) & Margo McLaughlin Jim Gus & Veronica Megremis Marigoula (Marsha) Mendakis John & Paula Metaxas William & Anita Metzger Gary Michelson Irene Milionis Kelly Milionis Tracey Milionis Jason & Kelly Minas John & Anna Mirkopoulos Alex Mishel Jeffrey & Panayiota Moe Ben & Gianna Mohrman Thomas & Fontini Moore Nick & Marilyn Mourouzis Nico & Alexandra Mousdicas Ernie & Wendy Mudis William Mullen Amer & Aretoula Nahas J. Matthew & Alexis Neal Daniel & Sue Genest Neuendorf Theodore & Christine Nicholas Brian Nicholoff Sam & Dawn Nicholos Wayne Nicodemus Christodoulos & Artemis Nikolaou Dean & Heidi Nikou John & Toula Oberlies Brian & Sotiria Tides Oliver Dean & Gladys Paikos & Justo James & Martha Paikos Larry & Athanasia Paikos Angela Palikaris Niki Palikaris Doreen Pancol James & Demetra Pancol Lee Pancol Stephanie Pancol John & Holly Pantzer Dimitrios Papaioannou Alex & Hionoula Papakosmas George & Marjorie Pappaioanou Aristea Pappas Donna Pappas Elizabeth Pappas George & Mary Pappas Georgiana Pappas Gus & Cathy Pappas James & Martha Pappas John G. Pappas Leon & Andrea Pappas Nicholas & Tracy Pappas Victoria Pappas Eric Passmore John & Liberty Pasyanos Nicholas Pasyanos Joseph & Christine Pavia Elias & Maria Pavlakos Martha Payne Gregory & Mary Iatridis Pease John & Maria Pease James Aaron Perry Kevin & Victoria Perry Sarah C. Perryman George & Cilia Pogas Helen Pole Mike & Holly Polites Mina Potamousis Nikos Potamousis Michael & Lisa Poulakis Angelo Poulos Peter & Kyriaki Prionas Thomas Prionas Francine Protogere Michael & Angeline Protogere Pauline Protogere Kostas Protopapadakis Gus & Monica Pulos Thalia Pulos John Raikos Mary Raikos Menelaos & Sherry Reckas Zachary & Amanda Reckas Jean Regas Larry & Alexandra Ricketts Vicki Ricketts Pete & Maria Rigakos Becky Rogers Julie Rowlas Deacon Jarrod Russell Mary Sampson Kathryn Samuelson Anthony & Linda Saran Nicholas & Yaping Saran Sam Saran Aspasia Sarellas Christos Sarellas James & Debra Saricos Georgia L. Sarivalas Irene Sarris Nick Sarris Rade & Fanny Savich Ellen Schmidt Jacob & Angie Schneider Vasiliki Scholarinas John & Georgia Schwoeppe Tony Seat Douglas & Doris Segar Michael & Michelle Semon Rebecca Sheckell Janet Siakotos John & Georgia Siamas Thomas Siamas Gregory & Zoe Simopoulos Maria Sioni Albert & Martha Sleder Nick & Joan Smyrnis Nick & Vickie Sofianopoulos Penny Sofianopoulos Periclis & Vicky Sofianopoulos Stavroula Sotos Gust & Nora Spenos Andrew N. & Michelle Spirrison Nikita & Janet Spirrison Stephen & Kristina Stamatis Mary Strapulos Michael & Janet Stropes Kostandinos & Amy Stubos Susan Talbot Katherine Theofanis Nick & Anne Theohares Dimitrios & Maria Therianos Eleni Therianos Carol Tietz Matthew & Penny Tom Johanna Tournier Andrew & Kristina Tridico Nikki Tsangaris Nikolaos & Amily Tsiampas Glenn Turner Robert & Elaine Updike Michael & Venetia Vagias Paul & Jennifer Vallis Toula Vasos Connie & Sondra Vitsas James Vitsas Jonathan Vitsas Vanessa Vitsas John & Eleni Vogas Jordan (Donny) & Laura Vogas George & Joyce Voivodas Steven & Lisa Voivodas Jean Voucas Anthony & Kristen Waterbury Vincent & Stacy Costidakis Wertz Jim & Cindy Woodruff Athena Wright Paraskevi Xidias Ann Yager Christopher Young Michael & Helen Young (Yoannides) Steven & Irene Young (Yoannides) Angelo & Lynn Zarvas Helen Zarvas Chris & Becky Zeheralis Gail Zeheralis Lynn Zeheralis St. George IOCC Benefit Dinner An IOCC Benefit Dinner will be held this evening at St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 10748 E 116th Street in Fishers, Indiana beginning at 6pm. Tickets are $45 in advance, $55 at the door. For more information, call the St George Parish Office at 317-845-7755. GOYA Volunteer Opportunity On Wednesday, October 28, GOYA will provide meals and babysitting for the Life Lessons session on Parenting. Go to to sign up for a food item to share. Meal begins at 6pm, so please arrive by 5:30pm for setup. For more information about GOYA and upcoming events, please send an email to Trunk or Treat & Jr/Sr GOYA Dance Holy Trinity will host the 1st Annual Trunk or Treat event on Friday, October 30 at 6:30pm. This event will include trick or treating "trunk style" in the Holy Trinity parking lot, other activities like face painting, games, a costume contest, and a dance for the youth. (If weather becomes an issue, we will move the event inside.) If you are providing a "Trunk", please arrive before 6pm as this area of the parking lot will be closed to traffic at that time for safety purposes. The schedule for the event is as follows: 6:30pm to 8pm: “Trunk or Treating” in the parking lot (5th grade and younger) 8pm to 11pm: “Youth Dance” in the Founder’s Walk (6th – 12th grade) “Trunk or Treat” will be an event that brings all the Orthodox youth in Central Indiana together for fellowship and fun. For more information, or contact Kevin Perry at Sunday Service Schedule and Teams Date Parish Council Early Duty Parish Council Early Duty Team 10/25/15 Dean Antonopoulos Dennis Dickos Team 1 Narthex Server Team 1 Altar Boy Team 1 Evan Baroudos Eli Baroudos Greg Chininis Steven Dervenis Zander Eleftheri John Eleftheri *Nicholas Gemelas Chris Hock Zach Hock Justin Hock Kalli Agapios Alexandra Hackett Julianna Hackett Nadja Henderson Emily Neuendorf * Zoey-Marie Nicodemus Alexa Pavlakos Sara Theohares Anna Tridico Ashley Spirrison Fofo Stergiopoulos Mikayla Tom Upcoming Weeks Michael Hostetler Christian Lafter **Christopher Metzger Elliot Mudis Chris Pappas George Pappas Nick Simopoulos Dean Sofianopoulos Andrew Spirrison Alex Theohares Parish Council Team 1 Matt Albean Dean Antonopoulos Dennis Dickos Angelo Julovich Tracy Pappas Julie Rowlas Irene Sarris Date Parish Council Early Duty Parish Council Early Duty Team 11/01/15 11/08/15 Nick Dervenis Angelo Julovich Greg Dickos Tracy Pappas Team 2 Team 1 Parents of Church School Students To be eligible for the Dickos Awards and GOYA Basketball program, each child must have a completed and submitted Church School registration by November 1, 2015. The child is NOT considered enrolled unless the registration form is completed. These registration forms are available every Sunday in the Educational Wing. Election Day Bake Sale Cancelled The Baking Session on Saturday, October 31 and the Election Day Bake Sale Scheduled for Tuesday, November 3 are CANCELLED because there are no local elections this November. New Approach to Prosforo Many people make prosforo for the Divine Services on Sunday. Father Bill thinks that there are plenty of volunteers to offer only fresh prosforo for Sunday Divine Services. In order to make this happen, 24 volunteers are needed to make three loaves of prosforo AND bring it to Holy Trinity Church on Friday (8:30 am - 5:30 pm) OR on Saturday (8 am - 2 pm). With 24 volunteers, each person would only make bread once every three months. If anyone is interested, please contact Father Bill or Father Jarrod or contact the Parish Office at Parish Council Those who are interested in serving on the Parish Council for the 2015-2016 term are encouraged to complete the form and submit it to the Parish Office no later than November 1, 2015. Blank forms are available in the Narthex. For questions, please contact the Parish Office at 317-7333033 or Trinity Ball RSVP The Trinity Ball, to be held Saturday, November 14, 2015, promises to be an exciting, delicious, and monumental event in Holy Trinity Church history. Almighty God has blessed the faithful of our Parish, and we give glory to God for His goodness, love, and mercy. We will celebrate with fellowship, dinner, dancing and a very special Burning of the Mortgage Ceremony to highlight the evening. Be sure to turn in all RSVPs no later than Sunday, November 1. If you did not receive an invitation, please call the Church office at 317-733-3033 or email Welcome Committee Please help to make the visitors to our Parish feel welcomed by joining the Welcome Committee. Presently each person is scheduled once every two months. More volunteers are sought for this ministry. Please contact Sandy in the Parish Office at (317) 733-3033 or email at Book Fair Fundraiser On Friday, November 13 from 7pm – 9pm Holy Trinity will host a Book Fair Fundraiser at Barnes & Noble (14790 Greyhound Plaza, Carmel). Member and Author Elaine Jannetides will be there for the unveiling of her newest book, A Golden Bond. A portion of her book sales, as well as a portion of Barnes and Noble’s sales from November 13 - 17 will benefit the Holy Trinity Greek School. Please provide Holy Trinity’s voucher code (11725280) upon checkout. Can't make the event? Use our code for your online purchases at (November 13 - 17 only). Soup Please bring flip-top cans of chicken noodle soup to Church, and put them in the blue Philoptochos bin. These are needed for our monthly soup kitchen. Stewardship See someone from the Stewardship Committee in the Founder's Walk after Divine Services to offer completed 2016 Stewardship Cards. HOLY TRINITY FINANCIAL UPDATE Operating Account Activity 10/11/2015 - 10/17/2015 Income $22,611.82 Expense $18,166.98 Year to date Income $701,037.02 Year to date Expense $694,924.37 Upcoming Events Sunday, October 25 Basketball Practice 12:30pm Special Parish Council Meeting 12:30pm Tuesday, October 27 St. Paul Bible Study 10am Dance Rehearsal--Adult 7pm Wednesday, October 28 Kafeneio 10am Life Lessons (Parenting) 7pm Thursday, October 29 Tour 9:30am Greek School 5pm Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Trinity Ball Meeting 6:30pm Adult Greek School 7pm Friday, October 30 Trunk or Treat Festival & Jr/Sr High Dance 6:30pm Saturday, October 31 Yoga 10am Adult Greek School 10am Sunday, November 1 Artoklasia -- Philoptochos 12pm Tour - 12pm Basketball Practice 12:30pm Tuesday, November 3 St. Paul Bible Study 10am Missions Committee Meeting 7pm Dance Rehearsal--Adult 7pm Wednesday, November 4 Kafeneio 10am Philoptochos General Meeting 6:30pm St. John Patristic Study 7pm Thursday, November 5 Greek School 5pm Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Adult Greek School 7pm Friday, November 6 St. Basil Film Study 6pm Saturday, November 7 Yoga 10am Adult Greek School 10am Greek School Teachers Meeting 10am HOPE/JOY Meeting 5pm Sunday, November 8 Bible Sunday General Assembly Jr High & Sr High GOYA Chili Fundraiser 12pm Basketball Practice 12:30pm Tuesday, November 10 St. Paul Bible Study 10am Stewardship Committee Meeting 6:30pm Dance Rehearsal--Adult 7pm Wednesday, November 11 Kafeneio 10am St. John Patristic Study 7pm Thursday, November 12 Tour 10am Leisure Timers 11:30am Greek School 5pm Vesperal Liturgy - St John Chrysostom 5:30pm Choir Rehearsal 6:45pm Parish Council Meeting 6:45pm Adult Greek School 7pm Saturday, November 14 Yoga 10am Adult Greek School 10am Trinity Ball 6pm Sunday, November 15 Basketball Practice 12:30pm 7 Tuesday, November 17 St. Paul Bible Study 10am Philoptochos Board Meeting 6:30pm Dance Rehearsal--Adult 7pm Wednesday, November 18 Kafeneio 10am St. John Patristic Study 7pm Thursday, November 19 Greek School 5pm Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Adult Greek School 7pm Saturday, November 21 GOYA Soup Kitchen--Junior and Senior High 8:30am Yoga 10am Adult Greek School 10am
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