applicants name - ywam london urban key
applicants name - ywam london urban key
For Office Use Only Approved by Date Youth With A Mission England and Wales is a registered charity – number 264078 Discipleship Training School Application Application for Arts Revolution Discipleship Training School 1 APPLICANT’S NAME ANTICIPATED START DATE TO THE APPLICANT Please answer all the questions on this application form. It will help us if you type your answers or print carefully in black/blue ink Husbands and wives must complete separate application forms If you need more space to answer a question, please use a separate piece of paper PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: Email: OR Post: YWAM– Taboo Arts Team 252 All Souls Ave, NW10 3AD, UK Page 1 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application 2 PERSONAL DETAILS Surname Title First Names Preferred Name Present Address Post/Zip code Country Telephone (Home) (Work) Mobile Fax Email Permanent address (if different from your present address) Post/Zip code Country Telephone (Home) (Work) Mobile Fax Email 3 FURTHER DETAILS Date of birth Day /Month Place of birth /Year Country of birth Gender (for accommodation purposes) Marital Status (for accommodation purposes) Nationality (for visa purposes) (If yes, please give details) Do you Page 2 of 25 If yes, please give details below) Discipleship Training School Application Passport number Passport issue date Day /Month /Year Passport expiry date Day /Month /Year Place of Issue Full name (as in passport) 4 FAMILY Will your children be accompanying you Names of children accompanying you (dd/mm/yy) Gender Do they need a visa to live in the UK? details) Full name (as in passport) Passport number Passport expiry date Nationality Day /Month /Year Full name (as in passport) Passport number Passport expiry date Nationality Day /Month /Year Full name (as in passport) Passport number Passport expiry date Page 3 of 25 Date of Birth Nationality Day /Month /Year Discipleship Training School Application 5 CHURCH Which church do you currently attend? Denomination Church leader’s name and address Post/Zip code Telephone (Home) Country (Work) Mobile Fax Email How long have you been attending this church or other churches? Church name Dates of attendance Location Have you mentioned to your Church Leader you intention of serving with us? If NO, please give reason (Please use separate sheet of paper if necessary) 6 YWAM HISTORY (IF APPLICABLE) Please list your history with YWAM for the last 10 years, starting with the most current From To Course or Position Name of Course/Worker Leader Please use a separate sheet of paper if necessary. Page 4 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application 7 EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS University/College/Higher or Further Education (post 16 years old) – including dates and qualifications received: 8 PRESENT OCCUPATION/CAREER DETAILS Please list all career details other than YWAM for the last 10 years beginning with the most current or send us a copy of CV or Resume. From To List Employers Job Description or Main Responsibilities Please use a separate sheet of paper if necessary 9 COMPETENCIES Which languages do you speak, in order of fluency? 1. 2. How well do you speak English? Practical skills and abilities: Page 5 of 25 3. Discipleship Training School Application Other talents, special interests, hobbies; Please note down which genre/s of the arts you will be applying for. Please attach with this form a portfolio (if applicable) of 10 selections of the last pieces/examples of art under the genre/s you will be applying for. Visual arts � Street art � Music � Theatre � Photography � Creative Writing � Fashion � 10 Video � Dance � Costume Design � CRIMINAL OFFENCES Have you ever been charged with, cautioned or convicted in relation to any criminal offence not subject to DBS (Disclosure and Baring Service) filtering rules; or are you at present the subject of a criminal investigations/pending prosecution? If yes, please give details including the nature of the offences and the dates. Please give details of the court(s) where your conviction(s) were heard, the type of offence and sentence(s) received. Could you also give details of the reasons and circumstances that led to the offence(s). Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. Page 6 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application Have you ever been the subject of a police investigation in any country, which did not lead to a criminal conviction (not subject to DBS filtering rules)? If yes, please give details below, including the date of the investigation, the Police Force involved, details of the investigation and the reason for this, and disposal(s) if known. To your knowledge have you ever had any allegation made against you, which has been reported to, and investigated by, Social Services/Social Work Department (Children’s or Adult Social Care)? If yes, please provide details, we will need to discuss this with you. Has there ever been any cause for concern, any disciplinary action ever been taken against you or written warning given to you in any country, by any employer or any charitable or other organization or body working with children or young people in please give details) YWAM England and Wales, as an agency working with children and young people, is exempt from the UK Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974) and therefore applicants must declare all previous convictions. Police record checks can be made by YWAM to verify information. Page 7 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application 11 FINANCES Trainees in YWAM are responsible for providing their own fees and personal living expenses. ADMINISTRATION FEE A non-refundable fee of £100 (which covers the cost of processing your application) should be included when you return this form. Students can send this by paypal to the email address: COSTS Lecture Phase £2,300 (Includes accommodation and food) Outreach Phase £1600 (does not include travel to and from your outreach destination) In addition to the above you should allow some money for leisure etc. Administration fee £100 due with application (Covers the cost of processing your application, non-refundable.) Registration fee £200 due when acceptance letter is received (Confirms your acceptance of our offer of a place, non-refundable. Deducted from total fees) Lecture fee due on arrival Outreach fee normally from week 5 (Visa, vaccinations and flight costs payment are responsibility of each trainee.) If you have any questions or if anything is unclear please contact the School Leader on How will you raise the required finances? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Please state below the support you already have. £ committed from your church per month £ committed from friends/relatives per month £ per month £ per month DEBTS and other FINANCIAL OBLIGIATIONS See Below Liabilities may include doctors’ bills, course fees, loans from banks, credit card debt etc. List any financial obligations you currently have, and when and how you expect to fulfill them. Please use a separate sheet of paper if necessary Page 8 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application 12 BACKGROUND QUESTIONS Please answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper (please type or write clearly) 1. Describe you Christian conversion experience and your present relationship with God 2. What are your expectations of your time with us? 3. Do you have any health problems, dietary restrictions or any disabilities that may affect your day-to-day functioning? If yes, please outline how your functioning may be limited. 4. Is there anything else you think we should know about yourself or your family? (e.g. current personal issues, health of yourself and children, children’s educational needs, dependent close relatives) 5. What is your purpose to training with us? 6. How do you think you would cope with living closely with others in limited personal space? 7. What gifts and strengths do you think you bring to the ministry? 8. How did God lead you to apply to this location? (Please detail any connections you have with this location) 9. In which areas of your life have you recently seen growth, e.g. spiritual gifts, character etc, and how is this developing? 10. What do you and others recognize your main weaknesses to be? Page 9 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application 13 DECLARATIONS I UNDERSTAND THAT: If I am accepted I will comply with the values and ethos of Youth With A Mission LTD. (These documents can be found in the YWAM London Urban Key Staff Handbook) In accordance with the UK Data Protection Act (1998), the information provided on my staff application form will be held securely, confidentially and will not be kept for longer than is necessary to achieve the stated purposed of recruitment, selection, supplementary personal details and statistics, or that required by law or our insurance company. CONSENT FOR TREATMENT – AN EMERGENCY PROVISION In the event that I am unable to sign a consent form due to incapacity, I hereby give my consent for any treatment/medical intervention deemed necessary by the attending health care professionals. Whilst YWAM will make every effort to contact my next of kin/emergency contacts, there may be situations where this is not possible. I, therefore, give permission for YWAM to act in my best interests. I recognize that in an emergency situation it is standard operating procedure to always act in the interest of preserving life. RELEASE OF LIABILITY Though every effort is made to provide a safe environment, Youth With A Mission Limited, their agents, employees and trainee assistants are insured against loss or injury caused by the negligence of Youth With A Mission Limited. In the absence of any negligence or other breach of duty by Youth With A Mission Limited, participation in a Youth with A Mission Limited organised programme, event or outreach is entirely at the participant’s own risk. Accordingly participants are required to have adequate medical insurance for all phases of their involvement with Youth With A Mission Limited. SAFEGUARDING DECLARATION If needed, I consent to a criminal records check if appointed to the position for which I have applied. I am aware that details of pending prosecutions, previous convictions, cautions, or bindovers against me may be disclosed along with any other relevant information, which may be known to the police. If needed, I understand that, if I am a UK resident, a check will be made with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and that it is an offence for any person to Page 10 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application commence Regulated Activity without first providing a valid DBS Disclosure. If I am an overseas resident, I understand that I will need to provide a police check from my home nation if the position I am appointed to requires it. I agree to inform the person within the YWAM base/team responsible for processing applications for Disclosure and Barring Service checks if I am convicted of an offence after I take up any post within YWAM England. I understand that failure to do so may lead to the immediate suspension of my work with children or vulnerable adults and/or the termination of my work/training association with YWAM. I agree to inform the person within YWAM responsible for processing applications for the Disclosure and Barring Service if I become the subject of a police and/or a social services/(Children’s Social care or Adult Social Services)/social work department investigation. I understand that failure to do so may lead to the immediate suspension of my work with children or vulnerable adults and/or the termination of my work/training and association with YWAM. Due to the nature of the living environment for most of our YWAM teams, with staff and families with small children living in close proximity, we need to also ask you to sign this statement. I confirm that I am not barred from working with children/vulnerable adults. I have read and agree with the DECLARATIONS, CONSENT FOR TREATMENT and RELEASE OF LIABILITY above, and I declare that I have completed this application truthfully, to the best of my knowledge. Signature Printed Name Page 11 of 25 Date (dd/mm/yy) Discipleship Training School Application Self-Disclosure Medical Reference APPLICANTS NAME Please answer all the questions on this medical reference form It will help us if you type your answers or print carefully in black/blue ink. Husbands and wives must supply separate medical references. If you need more space to answer a question, please use a separate piece of paper. Page 12 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application 1 Applicants Name (Title/Surname/First Name) Date of Birth NHS No. (British) Current Address Post/Zip Code Position being applied for Anticipated start date (dd/mm/yy) 2 GENERAL HEALTH If this is a problem, please explain: If no, please explain: If no, please give brief details: 3 MEDICAL HISTORY Please answer the following questions as fully as possible: List all the SERIOUS ILLNESSES and OPERATIONS you have had in the past. (This means any illness requiring hospital admission, treatment from your doctor for an illness lasting more than one month, or any illness which may have an affect on your health both now and in the future.) Please also state the outcome and whether there are any residual problems. Page 13 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application Illness/Operation Date Outcome List any SERIOUS MENTAL or PHYSICAL ILLNESS in you IMMEDIATE FAMILY Illness Family Member Describe any CURRENT MEDICAL PROBLEMS for which you are receiving treatment, or which may affect your health: List any MEDICATIONS which you take, either on a regular basis, or only when needed and for what illness: What is your height? Feet Inches What is your weight Stone Lbs (or (or metres) kilogrammes) Describe any current psychiatric problems for which you are receiving treatment or have received treatment in the past (eg. anxiety, depression, panic attacks, eating disorders, other psychiatric disorders) Is there any other information which will be helpful for us to know as we consider your application? Page 14 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application 4 INOCULATIONS Due to our close living conditions, we require all staff and trainees to be up to date with their inoculations including: Rubella (single dose) Date of vaccination Tuberculosis-TB (single dose) Date of vaccination Tetanus (every 10 years) Date of vaccination If these are not available in your country, we will require you to have them within one month of arrival, at your own expense. 5 FOR WOMEN ONLY Do you have any gynecological problems that still affect you? (eg. Problems with past pregnancies or menstrual periods?) Please explain. 6 APPLICANT’S RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION APPLICANT’S RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION I _________________________________________________________ (applicant’s name), give permission for medical information to be reviewed by a registered nurse or medical doctor (or suitably qualified allied health professional) for purposes of assessing my suitability for service with Youth With A Mission. I give permission for the release of relevant medical information to the Youth With A Mission medical officer in consultation, if necessary, with the personnel manager or team leader only. Signed Page 15 of 25 Date (dd/mm/yy) Discipleship Training School Application I confirm that this is a true reflection of my medical history and that failure to give any relevant information may lead to my involvement with Youth With a Mission being terminated. Signed ______________________________________________ Date __________________________________ When you have completed this Self Disclosure Medical Reference form, please return it to us at the address on the front of this form. Page 16 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application Emergency Contact Please fill in all sections of this form. It will help us if you type your answers or print carefully in black/blue ink Husbands and wives must complete separate application forms 1 PERSONAL DETAILS Surname Title First name 2 Preferred name EMERGENCY CONTACT For all applicants (someone other than your spouse if married) Surname Title First Names Preferred Name Relationship to you Address Post/Zip code Country Telephone (daytime) (Evening) Mobile Email If not, what language do they speak PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: 252 All Souls Ave, London NW10 3AD, United Kingdom Page 17 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application Confidential Reference To be completed by a employer or teacher 1 APPLICANTS NAME POSITION APPLIED FOR TO THE APPLICANT Please complete section 1 of this reference yourself. Then give it to your referee to complete the remaining sections. Please ask your referee to send it back to us independently. If this is by post, please provide them with a stamped addressed envelope. TO THE REFEREE Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is a worldwide inter-denominational missionary organisation, which was founded in 1960. It provides opportunities for voluntary Christian service on a short- or long-term basis. The applicant has given your name as a referee. In accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998, please confine your answers to what you know of the applicant from your own experience. Please complete sections 2–7 of this reference and return it to the address below or email it to us at the address below. If you would prefer to give additional comments by telephone, please feel free to do so. We would appreciate it if you would keep this confidential and not give it back to the applicant unless it’s in a sealed envelope. Our working and living conditions may be basic and could be stressful for some, so it is in the applicant’s best interest that you give a realistic, not overly optimistic, reference. Please discuss this reference with the applicant if you think that would be beneficial to you both. Receipt of this form is necessary before we can consider the application. Thank you for taking the time to complete this reference on the applicant’s behalf. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: 252 All Souls Ave, London NW10 3AD, United Kingdom Page 18 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application 2 Applicants name Applicants address Post/Zip Code What is your relationship to the applicant? How long have you known the applicant? How well do you know the applicant? 3 PERSONALITY/CHARACTER PROFILE Please assess the applicant on the characteristics listed below according to the following evaluation system and make any further comments as relevant 1- Usually 2-Often 3- Sometimes 4-Rarely 5-Don’t Know Adaptable Demonstrates initiative Demonstrates leadership potential Emotionally stable Honest Perseveres Reliable Sensitive to others Healthy Causes Friction Easily stressed Teachable/Willing to receive counsel The applicant will be living and working closely with others for an extended period of time. Do you foresee any difficulties that would compromise their Christian morality? Please comment briefly on: The applicant’s spiritual maturity and their growth as a Christian Their ability to work and relate to others and to be part of a team Their ability to handle conflict in relationships What would you see as the applicant’s areas of strength? Page 19 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application What would you see as their areas of weakness? Have we overlooked anything that you would consider relevant to this application? 5 DATA PROTECTION In accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998, the information provided on my staff application form will be held securely, confidentially and only used for the purposes needed. 6 WAIVER OF CONFIDENTIALITY Under the Data Protection Act, an individual has the right to request to see their references with the permission of the author. Would you be willing for this reference to be disclosed to the applicant on request? 7 REFEREE’S DETAILS Name Work Address Post/Zip Code Telephone (Work) Mobile Email address If not, which language would you prefer to speak, if we need to contact you? Signed Page 20 of 25 Date (dd/mm/yy) Discipleship Training School Application Confidential Reference To be completed by a mature Christian friend 1 APPLICANTS NAME POSITION APPLIED FOR TO THE APPLICANT Please complete section 1 of this reference yourself. Then give it to your referee to complete the remaining sections. Please ask your referee to send it back to us independently. If this is by post, please provide them with a stamped addressed envelope. TO THE REFEREE Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is a worldwide inter-denominational missionary organisation, which was founded in 1960. It provides opportunities for voluntary Christian service on a short- or long-term basis. The applicant has given your name as a referee. In accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998, please confine your answers to what you know of the applicant from your own experience. Please complete sections 2–7 of this reference and return it to the address below or email it to us at the address below. If you would prefer to give additional comments by telephone, please feel free to do so. We would appreciate it if you would keep this confidential and not give it back to the applicant unless it’s in a sealed envelope. Our working and living conditions may be basic and could be stressful for some, so it is in the applicant’s best interest that you give a realistic, not overly optimistic, reference. Please discuss this reference with the applicant if you think that would be beneficial to you both. Receipt of this form is necessary before we can consider the application. Thank you for taking the time to complete this reference on the applicant’s behalf. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: 252 All Souls Ave, London NW10 3AD, United Kingdom Page 21 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application 2 Applicants name Applicants address Post/Zip Code What is your relationship to the applicant? How long have you known the applicant? How well do you know the applicant? 3 PERSONALITY/CHARACTER PROFILE Please assess the applicant on the characteristics listed below according to the following evaluation system and make any further comments as relevant 1- Usually 2-Often 3- Sometimes 4-Rarely 5-Don’t Know Adaptable Demonstrates initiative Demonstrates leadership potential Emotionally stable Honest Perseveres Reliable Sensitive to others Healthy Causes Friction Easily stressed Teachable/Willing to receive counsel The applicant will be living and working closely with others for an extended period of time. Do you foresee any difficulties that would compromise their Christian morality? Page 22 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application Please comment briefly on: The applicant’s spiritual maturity and their growth as a Christian Their ability to work and relate to others and to be part of a team Their ability to handle conflict in relationships What would you see as the applicant’s areas of strength? What would you see as their areas of weakness? Have we overlooked anything that you would consider relevant to this application? 4 SERVING WITH YWAM Do you recognize that this applicant has a call to missions and/or full time Christian service Please explain Do you think participation in YWAM would be beneficial for the applicant? Yes (with reservations) Page 23 of 25 Please explain Discipleship Training School Application Do you think YWAM would benefit from the applicant working with us? Please explain Which areas of ministry would you recommend the applicant for? 5 DATA PROTECTION In accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998, the information provided on my staff application form will be held securely, confidentially and only used for the purposes needed. . 6 WAIVER OF CONFIDENTIALITY Under the Data Protection Act, an individual has the right to request to see their references with the permission of the author. Would you be willing for this reference to be disclosed to the applicant on request? 7 REFEREE’S DETAILS Name Work Address Telephone (Work) Email address Post/Zip Code Mobile If not, which language would you prefer to speak, if we need to contact you? Signed Page 24 of 25 Date (dd/mm/yy) Discipleship Training School Application Confidential Reference To be completed by your Church leader 1 APPLICANTS NAME POSITION APPLIED FOR TO THE APPLICANT Please complete section 1 of this reference yourself. Then give it to your referee to complete the remaining sections. Please ask your referee to send it back to us independently. If this is by post, please provide them with a stamped addressed envelope. TO THE REFEREE Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is a worldwide inter-denominational missionary organisation, which was founded in 1960. It provides opportunities for voluntary Christian service on a short- or long-term basis. The applicant has given your name as a referee. In accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998, please confine your answers to what you know of the applicant from your own experience. Please complete sections 2–7 of this reference and return it to the address below or email it to us at the address below. If you would prefer to give additional comments by telephone, please feel free to do so. We would appreciate it if you would keep this confidential and not give it back to the applicant unless it’s in a sealed envelope. Our working and living conditions may be basic and could be stressful for some, so it is in the applicant’s best interest that you give a realistic, not overly optimistic, reference. Please discuss this reference with the applicant if you think that would be beneficial to you both. Receipt of this form is necessary before we can consider the application. Thank you for taking the time to complete this reference on the applicant’s behalf. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: 252 All Souls, London NW10 3AD, United Kingdom Page 25 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application 2 Applicants name Applicants address Post/Zip Code What is your relationship to the applicant? How long have you known the applicant? How well do you know the applicant? All 3 PERSONALITY/CHARACTER PROFILE Please assess the applicant on the characteristics listed below according to the following evaluation system and make any further comments as relevant 1- Usually 2-Often 3- Sometimes 4-Rarely 5-Don’t Know Adaptable Demonstrates initiative Demonstrates leadership potential Emotionally stable Honest Perseveres Reliable Sensitive to others Healthy Causes Friction Easily stressed Teachable/Willing to receive counsel The applicant will be living and working closely with others for an extended period of time. Do you foresee any difficulties that would compromise their Christian morality? Page 26 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application Please comment briefly on: The applicant’s spiritual maturity and their growth as a Christian Their ability to work and relate to others and to be part of a team Their ability to handle conflict in relationships What would you see as the applicant’s areas of strength? What would you see as their areas of weakness? Have we overlooked anything that you would consider relevant to this application? 4 SERVING WITH YWAM Do you recognize that this applicant has a call to missions and/or full time Christian service Please explain Do you think participation in YWAM would be beneficial for the applicant? Please explain Page 27 of 25 Discipleship Training School Application Do you think YWAM would benefit from the applicant working with us? Please explain Which areas of ministry would you recommend the applicant for? 5 DATA PROTECTION In accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998, the information provided on my staff application form will be held securely, confidentially and only used for the purposes needed. . 6 WAIVER OF CONFIDENTIALITY Under the Data Protection Act, an individual has the right to request to see their references with the permission of the author. Would you be willing for this reference to be disclosed to the applicant on request? 7 REFEREE’S DETAILS Name Work Address Post/Zip Code Telephone (Work) Mobile Email address If not, which language would you prefer to speak, if we need to contact you? Signed Page 28 of 25 Date (dd/mm/yy)