W e, the blended Catholic community of St. Ignatius Loyola, draw
W e, the blended Catholic community of St. Ignatius Loyola, draw
THE CHURCH OF S AINT IGNATIUS L OYOLA A ROMAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY INSPIRED BY THE T R A D IT I O N O F S T . I G N A T IU S , ST. HEDWIG AND ST. M ARY'S ANNUNCIATION PARISHES. W e, the blended Catholic community of St. Ignatius Loyola, draw strength from Word and Sacrament, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist. Modeling Christ’s work, we embrace our commitment to God’s call. We remain faithful to the shared acts of prayer, study and service. Together we extend Christ’s hospitality to others and light the path of peace for generations to come. “Knowing God is more important than knowing about God.” — Karl Rahner, S.J. THE SUNDAY LIGHT Page 2 Christmas Season Mass Schedule View our information video at www.stignatiuspa. com Don’t forget to check our grocery rebate program. Details can be found in the vestibule of the church. Your support is deeply appreciated. Bob Walsh, Coordinator Monday, December 24, Christmas Eve 4:00 PM and 5:30 PM at St. Ignatius Church 4:00 PM at the Chapel of St. Ann 10:00 PM at St. Ignatius Church Tuesday, December 25, Christmas Day 7:00 AM at Chapel of St. Ann 10:30 AM at St. Ignatius Church Monday, December 31, Vigil of Solemnity of Mary 5:30 PM at St. Ignatius Church Tuesday, January 1, Solemnity of Mary 7:00 AM at the Chapel of St. Ann 10:30 AM at St. Ignatius Church Please note, on Monday, December 24th & Monday, December 31st, there will only be a 7:30 AM Mass. There will be no 12:10 PM Mass on these dates. CHRISTMAS PRELUDES In recognition of our need to give, and the many needs of our church and parish, and in gratitude for God’s gifts to us, we declare our willingness to return a portion of our Treasure to our parish, as part of our total Christian stewardship. Sunday Tithe $16,747.50 Additional Retirement $251.00 Total $16,998.50 Last Week’s Expenses $17,033.49 Starting at 3:15 PM before the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass at the Church, the Children’s & Contemporary Ensemble Choirs will present their annual Christmas concert. The Loyola Singers and the Bell Choir will perform preludes beginning at 9:30 PM prior to the 10:00 PM Mass on Christmas Eve. Come early and enjoy the sounds of Christmas. ADVENT EVENING PRAYER Evening Prayer tonight (Sunday) at 7:00 PM. Programs are provided. PREPARING THE ENVIRONMENT FOR CHRISTMAS Decorating of the inside of the church will take place today (Sunday) at 1:00 PM. It takes many hands to prepare our beautiful worship space for Christmas. Please consider helping us. WEEKLY MEDITATION Today’s reading encourages us to seek God through the lens of the less important and powerful. God sees us and all we do without distinction or comparisons. His great love for us delights in the good He created. Mary’s visit to Elizabeth reminds us that God celebrates and gives birth to life from what appears barren and hopeless. May we be nourished by today’s Eucharist and with God’s love be energized to reveal His love in all we do. Don’t forget! Food Collection each and every weekend at the vestibules of Church and Chapel. Page 3 DECEMBER 23, 2012 BLESSINGS OF CHRISTMAS EXTENDED TO ALL On behalf of the entire staff of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, Fr. Polednak wishes to extend a very Merry Christmas to all parishioners and their families and friends. May the Christ Child reflect to you the peace and joy you have given to all in the parish and community in the past year. CHRISTMAS SACRIFICIAL GIVING A CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOUR PARISH FAMILY Please remember we depend on your Christmas Offering for great help with our yearly expenses. With rising costs, increasing school subsidies, health insurance and utilities/maintenance, it is critical everyone responds with generosity. Christmas income enables us to maintain all of our important ministries by offsetting a weekly deficit in our regular envelope income. May your gift be in proportion to all other Christmas expenditures. Let it be your first and most important gift. The Altar Breads and Wine for this week are offered in memory of Katelyn Marko as requested by Mom, Billy & Grammy QUESTION OF THE WEEK Fourth Sunday of Advent - Obedience to God’s will Reading I Micah 5:1-4a (restoration through the Messiah) Reading II Hebrews 10:5-10 (the second covenant) Gospel Luke 1:39-45 (the visit to Elizabeth) Key Passage Elizabeth said, “Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.” (Luke 1:45) Adult When was it hardest for you to trust in God’s plan for you, as Mary did? What can help you at such times? Child When is it hardest for you to obey a parent or teacher? What can help you obey with more trust? Sanctuary Candles Burn this week In Memory of Katelyn Marko By—Mom, Billy & Grammy “CREATING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE AT ST IGNATIUS” As we have been discussing these past months, the ministry of WORSHIP focuses on the liturgy, the source and summit of Christian life, and the devotional life of the parish. Our new Worship Commission is currently studying the sacred documents of liturgy and preparing themselves to continue the rich traditions of our faith. Throughout this beautiful season of Christmas, there are so many opportunities for all members of the parish to participate in some way. Among them, new Lectors will proclaim the word of God, new Eucharistic Ministers will distribute the body and blood of Christ, and new Altar Servers will assist presiders at Mass. Additionally, voices will be lifted, instruments played and the environment transformed for the season. All of this, as Bishop Bambera reminds us is “to discover together how to proclaim the gospel and live Eucharistic communion in a way that our brothers and sisters can comprehend and be inspired.” As the second vital area of our Servant Leadership model begins to unfold, the area of COMMUNITY continues its strong presence. The youth collected hundreds of gifts and brought Christmas joy to nursing homes by Caroling together. There was a Christmas party for the children; and in their wide-eyed wonderment asked Santa for a special wish. Pierogies were made so that our holiday tables remind us of the rich traditions of our families, and poinsettias were presented to those who are homebound and in nursing homes. “The parish is, first, a people.” As we continue these traditions, please remember all of us in your prayers this season and pray that anyone considering a way to offer their gifts in the coming year will feel the warmth of our parish and most welcome to do so. In Memory of Gerald & Thomas Maier By—Wife, Ella & Mom P r a y er Ca r d s We encourage you to spend quiet time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament throughout the week with a special prayer intention in mind. Just pick up a card after your visit to Church and send it off to the one in your prayer. The cards may be used on First Fridays by those attending Eucharistic Adoration. Merry Christmas from our Parish Pastoral Council! Think gospel! Please make room for your neighbor in church and slide to the center of the pew. Page 4 NEW OFFERTORY ENVELOPE SYSTEM After careful consideration of costs associated with the current offertory envelope system, the decision has been made to change the company, timing, and style of offertory envelope. The new envelope system will begin for January. Each packet will contain 2 MONTHS of envelopes. They will arrive as a booklet rather than in an envelope. There will be one offertory envelope for each Sunday that will have four boxes marked OFFERTORY, DUES, HEAT/UTILIES, AND VINCENT de PAUL. Please mark the amount you wish to contribute to any of these and put the total amount in the envelope. Special envelopes for Diocesan Collections, Holy Days, Flowers, Christmas, Easter, etc. will continue as usual. Detach the envelope from the booklet and place in the offertory basket. There will be a place in the booklet to record your contributions if you wish. Below is a sample of the new envelope. For instance, you might mark $10 for offertory and $5 for St. Vincent de Paul and place $15 in the envelope. Or place $20 in the envelope, mark nothing, and $20 will be credited to offertory. Any combination will work. THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE • Cantor Rehearsal—Thursday— 6:30 PM—Church FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM Sunday, December 23rd-30th - No class for grades 1-6. Class resumes on Sunday, January 6th. 2012 CONTRIBUTIONS If you wish to add to your 2012 contributions, please do so on or before January 13, 2013. Statements will be emailed to parishioners who have provided us with their email address. All other statements will be mailed before the end of January 2013. If you have any questions regarding your contributions, please call Jen at the rectory. MINISTRY SCHEDULE If you need any days off for the February and March schedules, please call the rectory by January 10th. Thank you for your cooperation, this helps in the scheduling process. BLOOD DRIVE A blood drive is scheduled for Monday, January 14, 2013 from Noon to 5:00 PM in Conlan Hall. Mark your calendars. In Memoriam 4:00 PM MASS PARKING If you attend the 4:00 PM Mass on Saturday, we kindly ask you to take note of the following parking stipulations. The parking lot is clearly lined, kindly occupy only one parking space. We realize that many parishioners attend this Mass causing the parking lot to get full. If you are not able to find a space, please do not block another car in or park in between the rows. Should an emergency arise this would pose a serious problem. Namely, a car that needs to got out would not be able to and an emergency vehicle would not have proper access. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation. Thank you. “Teach us to give and not to count the cost.” Thomas Roan — Ignatius of Loyola DECEMBER 23, 2012 Page 5 REMEMBERING B U L L E T I N December 24—29 Monday HISTORY WRITING CONTEST 7:30— 7:30—Anthony LatosekLatosek-LM Grandson, Tim NO 12:10 PM Mass today LOTTERY TICKETS Tuesday PLEASE SEE MASS SCHEDULE ON PAGE 2 Wednesday 7:30— 7:30—Martha BentonBenton-LM Vannucchi Family 12:10— 12:10—Helen JonesJones-LM Sharon Murray Thursday 7:30— 7:30—William JagodaJagoda-ALM Family 12:10— 12:10—Katelyn MarkoMarko-ALM Mom, Billy & Grammy Friday 7:30— 7:30—Robert HerstekHerstek-ALM Family 12:10— 12:10—Jim FennellFennell-ALM Family Saturday 7:30— 7:30—George R. EvansEvans-ALM Family 4 PM— PM—Erin HollingsheadHollingshead-LM Eichorn Family 5:30 PM— PM—Primo CastellaniCastellani-LM without Sunday we cannot live CHRISTMAS DAY Holy Spirit Parish/St. Adalbert’s church, Glen Lyon is sponsoring a four month lottery that starts January 1st thru April 30th, 2013. Cost of each ticket is $20.00. Prizes are as follows: Monday thru Saturday-$50.00; Sunday’s-$100.00; the last Sunday of each month$500.00 and April 30th pays out $1,500.00. Tickets are available by calling the parish office at 736-6372. LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR RAFFLE Tickets are now available for the Little Sisters of the Poor’s Mount Airy Casino resort weekend getaway for two raffle. The prize includes limousine service from the Scranton/W.B. area on the weekend of your choice to Mt. Airy on Friday and return on Sunday. Chances are $10.00 each or three for $25.00. The drawing is New Year’s Eve. Tickets can be purchased by calling Mrs. Jackie Glavin, M.S., director of development and communications, at Holy Family Residence at 343-4065. All proceeds will benefit the Little Sisters in the mission of serving the elderly poor. Students of Luzerne County are invited to submit entries to the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians 2012 - 2013 Irish Writing Contest. The LAOH is a charitable organization of Catholic Irish-American women founded in 1894, and aims to promote Irish history and culture. The contest is open to any students (public, private, parochial, or home-schooled) of grades 6-12. For complete contest rules and list of cash prizes, please visit www.ladiesaoh.com or call Mary Ellen Dooley at 7351711. Deadline for entries is January 15, 2013. KNOW A MARRIAGE THAT NEEDS HELP? Throw them a lifeline and tell them about Retrouvaille, an international program that helps couples who are experiencing marital difficulties. This program is for all couples, at any stage of marriage that needs help to communicate with each other in a more attentive and loving manner. The next program in the Scranton Diocese begins February 15-17 at Fatima Renewal Center in Dalton. Please call 1-800-470-2230 for more information or to register. Visit our website at www.retrouvaile.org. The Social Concerns Corner Check Here Every Week for the Latest Food Bank Information TheFoodBankisinNeedoftheFollowingItems: *spaghetti sauce*beef stew*canned hams/chicken* Mixed fruit*vegetables*soup*juice (PLEASE PLEASE PLACE ITEMS IN THE MARKED BASKETS ) Monetary donations are also accepted, please make checks payable to the Al Beech West Side Food Bank. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! Emily Stella & Family Just a reminder! Be sure to check your on-line/mailed copy of liturgy schedule often. Page 6 THE SUNDAY LIGHT MINISTRY SCHEDULE December 29 & 30 B O A R D PANAMA CANAL & CARIBBEAN CRUISE Saturday 4:00 PM Please consider this 10 Day Panama Canal & Caribbean Cruise abroad Holland America MS Zuiderdam. The Panama Canal opened on August 15, 1914 making the ocean voyage from the east coast to the west coast much shorter than going around the tip of South America. This is a once in a lifetime experience. The package includes round trip motor coach transportation to Newark airport with a direct flight to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Once in Florida, you will board the MZ Zuiderdam for an exciting week cruising to the ports in Costa Rica, Aruba, Curaco. You will enter the Panama Canal at Cristobal then cruise Gatun Lake and then exit the Canal at Cristobal to continue the cruise. Cabins start at the unbelievable price of $2,095.00 per person based on double occupancy. For further information or to make your reservation, please contact Mr. John Madden at Travelworld at (570) 432-5790. Monsignor David Tressler is leading the group. Lectors K. Wiener & M. Girton Communion Ministers T. Crawford, T. Jagoda, J. Lenahan, N. Bellas, D. Duesler, J. Michalek, S. Rhoads The Knights of Columbus Assumpta Council, Luzerne, will hold their annual Free Throw Contest on Saturday, January 12th, starting at 11:00 AM at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton gym, Hughes St., Swoyersville. This event is for all boys and girls, 10 to 14 years of age. Proof of age is required. Prizes will be awarded to all winners. Advancement to district, regional and state finals is possible. Call John Duesler at 2881776 for information. Parent or guardian of child should be present. without Sunday we cannot live KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE THROW CONTEST Altar Servers J. Blewitt, E. Cudo, L. Spivey Saturday 5:30 PM Lectors G. Galante & J. Girvan Communion Ministers M. Heffers, J. Stretanski, E. Rishcoff, T. Smith Altar Servers L. & M. Flannery, R. Frey Sunday 7:00 AM Lector S. Barnes Communion Ministers C. McGee, E. Dougherty, T. Verbyla Sunday 8:30 AM Lectors K. Corgan & T. Thackara Communion Ministers A. Maurer, J. Semcheski, T. Thackara Altar Servers A. Lacina, M. & M. Lyons Continued on page 7 Check us out! E-mail us at SILOffice@aol.com or browse our home page at www.stignatiuspa.com Page 7 DECEMBER 23, 2012 MINISTRY SCHEDULE Regional Youth Ministry Continued Comprised of the Catholic Communities of Swoyersville, Luzerne, Kingston, Larksville and Plymouth 570-288-6446 Voicemail or SJBrian@aol.com ——————————————————————————————————————— Sunday 10:30 AM Lectors L. Simms & M. Smee Communion Ministers P. Kupetz, H. O’Brien, B. Rapach, G. Bokrosh, P. Clemente, K. Clemente, K. Donlin Altar Servers N. Mirigliani, S. & M. Pernisco Sunday 12 Noon Lectors S. Verdone & S. Arbogast Communion Ministers A. Calderone, N. Frusciante, A. Asby, K. Smedley REGIONAL YOUTH MINISTRY MISSION STATEMENT “The Regional Youth Ministry is comprised of youth and adults working together as Disciples of Christ. With hearts set aflame we strive to bring the youth of our community into an active relationship with God and each other. We establish friendships and transport youth to the forefront of our parish communities, provide meaningful social service and spiritual opportunities that amplify God’s word, and joyfully recognize that we are the church of today.” ———————————————————————————————————————— TEEN MASS CHANGE OF SCHEDULE The January 13th Regional Mass will be rescheduled, sorry for any inconvenience Sunday, January 27th Regional Rec. Room Open & Info Night hosted by St. Ignatius Leadership Team 6:00-7:00 PM - 6th, 7th & 8th graders AND 7:00-8:00 PM (High School) Sunday, February 10th 5:00 PM Regional Teen Mass, Social & Speaker Series at St. Ignatius —————————————————————————————— Altar Servers L. Lupinski, K. McNulty, S. Touey REGIONAL YOUTH MINISTRY CONTACT INFORMATION For more information on how to get involved with the Regional Youth Ministry as a Youth Leader, please contact Brian Williams, our Regional Coordinator of Catholic Youth Ministry. MERRY CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 2013 The Bazaar Committee will meet on Sunday, January 6, 2013 at 7:00 PM in Bergan Hall. Volunteers are needed! Please take the time to consider helping at St. Ignatius Bazaar 2013. Any amount of time you could spare would be greatly appreciated. It is never too late to join for a meeting! We look forward to seeing you and hearing your ideas. TOGETHER we can make the Bazaar a success! Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Ministry Voicemail is Due to early publication of the bulletin, the following is the date for submission of announcements: (570) 288-6446 and email @ SJBRIAN@aol.com January 6th bulletin - deadline for announcements is December 26th The Regional Youth Special Note! Please send us your e-mail address and help us cut down on paper and postage. Page 8 THE SUNDAY LIGHT “Do not think that God is further from you when you are in the midst of the busyness which your vocation entails than he would be if you were enjoying a tranquil life.” —Frances de Sales PARISH SCHOOLS Good Shepherd Academy: Principal, Mr. James Jones Phone: 718-4724 Holy Redeemer High School: Principal, Mrs. Anita Sirak Phone: 829-2424 Diocesan Secretary for Catholic Schools/Superintendent of Schools, Ms. Kathleen Hanlon YOUTH MINISTRY Our parish offers a comprehensive Youth Ministry, in conjunction with the Regional Youth Ministry, including community building, service, religious education and socialization. Watch the bulletin for ministry information. THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS This is a process the Catholic Church uses to bring adult members into the faith. Anyone interested in becoming a part of this process or in obtaining more information can call Mary O’Connor at 2878536. This journey in faith is concerned with the total formation of the person into living and serving with the Church community. PARISH STAFF Pastoral Outreach Religious Formation Mrs. Carmella Faust Religiouseducation1@yahoo.com Mrs. Patty Kopec Youth Ministry Jennifer Frusciante Regional Youth Ministry Mr. Brian Williams SJBRIAN@aol.com Worship Ms. Joan Turel, Program Director, Loyola Singers & Festival Choir Mrs. Elaine Blessing, Contemporary Ensemble & Children’s Choir Director Mrs. Carmella Faust, Handbells & Accompanist Mrs. Pat Fennell, Accompanist Mrs. Jane Gaudio, Cantors Mrs. Caprice Ryman, Accompanist Mr. George Andresky, Accompanist R.C.I.A. Mrs. Mary O’Connor Receptionist Mrs. Jen Carey Main/Business Office SILOffice@aol.com Ms. Mary Lewis Maintenance Mr. Ronald Gaylord Cemetery Clerks Ms. Mary Lewis, St. Ignatius Mrs. Jen Carey, St. Mary & St. Hedwig Visiting Priests Rev. Joseph Adonizio Msgr. David Bohr Rev. Daniel Issing C.S.C. Rev. Tony Urban Rev. Richard Zavacki Pastoral Associate tbutel51@gmail.com Mr. Anthony Butel Pastor Rev. John V. Polednak, V.E. BAPTISM Expectant and new parents are asked to participate in a seminar on Baptism. Please call the Rectory to schedule an appointment. Godparents are welcome to attend, though it is not required. Please call the rectory to register at your earliest convenience. The celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism is on the third Sunday of every month except during Lent. MARRIAGE Congratulations! You are asked to contact one of the parish priests at least six months before the date of your marriage so that the appropriate preparations can be made for this special celebration. VISITATION OF THE SICK Deacon John E. O’Connor Please call the office for visitation of the sick at home, in the hospital, or health care facility. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Urgent calls will be attended to at any time of the day or night. RELIGIOUS FORMATION Grades 1—6 — Good Shepherd Academy on Sunday morning from 9:15 AM to 10:20 AM. Grades 7—8 — Released Time Confirmation Program High School— Sunday Evenings (Monthly) NEW PARISHIONERS Please register by calling the rectory. Those moving should inform the office as soon as possible. DEVOTIONAL LIFE The Rosary is prayed after the 7:30 AM Mass daily and before the 8:30 AM Mass on Sundays at the Chapel of St. Ann. Eucharistic Adoration is held the First Friday of the month at Saint Ignatius Church beginning at 12:45 PM concluding with Benediction at 4:00 PM. (September—May) MINISTRY COUNCILS Pastoral Council — Pat Endler, Debbie Lyons, Joe Evan, Al Maurer, Deacon John O’Connor, Sarah Touey, Maria Scappaticci, Tom Hamill, Nancy Larralde, Gerry Larkin, Nancy Roberts, Mary Beth Zelinsky, Dorothy Duesler, Father Polednak, Tony Butel Finance Council — Father Polednak, Bob Gabriesheski, Tom Kopec, Jack Lenahan, Mary Lewis, Lou Mondy, Tom McDonnell, Art Piccone, Joe Pringle, Sue Rhoads, Lisa Rinker, Susan Shoemaker, Kay Smedley, Stanley Swaintek, Jean Michalek vicpole@gmail.com