Frederic`s E-Gazette May 5, 2016 Table of Contents
Frederic`s E-Gazette May 5, 2016 Table of Contents
Click the links in the header to share the E-Gazette on your personal social media page with just the push of a button! STAY CONNECTED TO SVdPUSA Frederic's E-Gazette An e-newsletter from the National Council of the U.S. Society of St. Vincent de Paul® May 5, 2016 Table of Contents: To go directly to a certain article, simply click on the title What's New in this Issue SVdP on EWTN's "The Church Universal" May 22, 24 & 27 Friends of the Poor® Grant Applications for Mideast & Western Regions Due May 31 Jubilee Year of Mercy: Do I seek God's forgiveness and love in humility? SVdP introduces Culture Transformation Initiative It only takes One Storm to change a Community Get Prepared for Hurricane Season Governance: Board Relationships with Staff and Volunteers Getting Ahead Facilitator Training Webinars Coming Up SVdP Communities of Practice: Systemic Change Story: Peoria, Ill. In Every Issue Letter from your Servant Leader Q&A and Q&A Index Vincentian Formation Extension News Development Department News Connect with SVdP on Social Media and Mobile Network In the News Don't Miss Vincentian Heritage Vol. 33. No. 1 Now Available for Download Ozanam Orientation 2016 - New Edition Register today for the 2016 Disaster Preparedness Conference New SVdP Immigration Position Paper Creating Neighborhoods of Hope Webinar Circle of Protection and the 2016 Presidential Campaign Disclaimer: (NOTE: The links in some of the articles are intended to take you to websites for a specific story, page, function or program approved for your use by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The Society does not accept responsibility for, or grant approval of, peripheral advertising or stories that may reside on those websites.) From your Servant Leader: May 5, 2016 The Society has launched its Culture Transformation effort, discussed elsewhere throughout the E-Gazette. For the next seven weeks, I will use this column to feature a different Cultural Belief weekly. The Cultural Beliefs were identified by nearly 200 Society leaders over the last year to create an aspirational set of values we want the Society to follow and from them, be able to work toward shared Key Results. SPIRITUAL GROWTH: I grow in holiness through my prayer, Vincentian service and friendship. At first glance, many Vincentians may respond with a "Duh!" to this Belief, as it David W. Barringer, CEO strikes to the core of who we say we are to ourselves and to the public. But is this truly who we are as individuals and as a Conference? We need to look no farther than our Society's mission to see this reference to our very existence. Helping ourselves and others to increase our holiness is our primary Vincentian mission. Sometimes we skip past the meeting's prayer to get to our charitable business. We ask if we can't more simply meet by phone rather than sit and pray together. We seem always to be in a rush, even if it is a rush to do something good for others. There aren't many organizations that urge us to slow down, take a breath, pray and discern together. Read more Yours in Christ, Dave To Top Q: Our Conference received some McDonald's stock a few years ago, and we would now like to convert this stock to cash. How do we do this? A: Stock received by a Conference can be converted to cash, however members should obtain financial advice related to how to handle this process. For best results, we suggest contacting the National Finance Committee chairperson on stock conversion and what route to take. Q: Our Conference was given a considerable amount of canned goods for our Food Pantry Special Works. We cannot use all of it so we decided to give some to another Conference. Is this considered "twinning"? If it is, how do we report in-kind twinning? Is there a "formula" for estimating the value of in-kind food donations? A: The original Conference that the considerable amount of food was given to does not report it. There is no place on our annual report for the giving Conference to record what it gives to another Conference, except for money. The second, or receiving, Conference that the food was donated to by the original Conference reports it as in-kind donation. Food donations are not considered twinning because twinning on our annual reports refers to money only. The "value" should be your best guess based on the estimated retail value of food in your community. Click here to download this week's Spanish version of the Q&A Click here to download this week's Q&A Q&A Index Submit your questions to: Pam Hudson National Director of Governance & Membership Services To Top SVdP on Eternal Word Television Network SVdP Television Appearance! May 22, 24 and 27 on EWTN The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, National President Sheila Gilbert and National CEO Dave Barringer discuss how the Society can benefit a parish in an all-new episode of the Eternal Word Television Network series, "The Church Universal." This brand-new SVdP episode will air on the following dates: Sunday, May 22 5 p.m. Eastern 2 p.m. Pacific Tuesday, May 24 5 a.m. Eastern 2 a.m. Pacific Friday, May 27 10 p.m. Eastern 7 p.m. Pacific "The Church Universal" features the good news about lay movements and their central role in the new evangelization. For more information, see Click here to find the EWTN station in your zip code: To check the EWTN program schedule, click: To watch live, click: To Top Development Department News The Friends of the Poor® Grant Applications Are Due May 31 ! Up to $5,000 Grants are available for SVdPUSA Conferences in the Mideast and Western Regions. The National Council will be accepting grant applications for the Mideast and Western Regions from May 1-31. This simple application can be downloaded from the National Council Development Toolbox - FOP Grant tab at: Emergency Assistance Projects Systemic Change Projects Please send completed applications to the National Office. Email applications are preferred. Send to Gerri Sample at or Steve Martinez at If you have any questions about the grant application or your project, please call: Steve Martinez Chief Development Officer 314-576-3393 extension 213 __________________________________________________________________ SVdP Working with Allsup for Systemic Change The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul is working with Allsup to establish the need for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) assistance for individuals working with the Society. Please help us document the need by taking the survey below. Work with people who have a disability? Win a $25 Gift Card. Take this quick (less than five minute) survey and be registered to win one of five $25 gift cards to Home Depot or Costco.* TAKE THE SURVEY *Allsup is providing the gift cards. Winners to be announced on or before May 31, 2016. __________________________________________________________________________ SVdP/Allsup Empower Program FAQs Q: Why is SVdP doing this pilot project with Allsup? A: Vincentians are keenly aware that poverty, suffering and loneliness are present for millions throughout the U.S., and it is not enough to provide short-term material support. For that reason, we collaborate with all who seek to relieve need and address its causes. Allsup's mission, to deliver specialized services to people with disabilities and seniors so they may lead lives that are as financially secure and as healthy as possible, is in line with SVdP's charter. The rate of poverty and unemployment among people with disabilities is disproportionately high. Although modest, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits often are a lifeline for people who cannot work due to illness/disability. SSDI benefits keep 3 million Americans out of poverty and reduce the depth of poverty for another 1.9 million people. But this lifeline is not easy to grasp. Most people who apply for SSDI benefits are denied. The majority then abandon the process. Those people who appeal face several months or years of waiting. This extended period of little or no-income and/or no healthcare benefits has serious long-term consequences, including bankruptcy, foreclosure, worsening health, stress on families and marriages and homelessness. SVdP is currently focused on "systemic change"- providing aid that moves beyond providing food, shelter and clothing to alleviate immediate needs. The goal is to achieve self-sufficiency in the longer term and the sense of self-worth this provides. This pilot project will provide training and resources to Vincentians to help us identify, refer and assist individuals in obtaining these benefits. The research component to this project will help us determine if these efforts are making a difference in our capacity and confidence to affect systemic change. SSDI benefits can play a significant role in creating systemic change by providing a stable income, health insurance and employment supports to return to work. This pilot project will provide training and resources to Vincentians to help us identify, refer and assist individuals in obtaining these benefits. The research component to this project will help us determine if these efforts are making a difference in our capacity and confidence to affect systemic change. To support this effort, Allsup provides specialized expertise and insight, having assisted more than a quarter million people in the U.S. to receive their SSDI benefits. Having provided this service for more than 30 years, Allsup has consistently responded to its clients' needs, developing programs and partnerships to address needs, such as maintaining and obtaining healthcare insurance, helping veterans with VA disability appeals, and helping individuals return to work. These unique proficiencies set Allsup apart in terms of assisting the Society in this demonstration project. For more questions and answers about the SVdP/ Allsup Empower Program, click here. For more information or to request to be part of the pilot project, please contact Karen Lanter at 314-4151445 or at Click here for more Development Department news! For more information on Development, contact: Steve Martinez 314-576-3993 ext. 213 or Gerri Sample 314-576-3993 ext. 211 To Top Vincentian Formation The Jubilee Year of Mercy A Vincentian Question: Do I seek God's forgiveness and love in humility? Pope Francis calls us to: "Celebrate and experience God's mercy more intensely this season of Lent during this Jubilee Year. With its invitations to conversion, Lent comes to awaken us, to rouse us. Jesus asks us to open our hearts to him, to recognize we are sinners in need of his salvation, his forgiveness and his love so that we might accept his mercy and let ourselves be renewed by him." Our Rule calls us to seek to emulate the virtues of St. Vincent which are essential for promoting love and respect for the poor. And so we pray for the virtue of "Humility-accepting the truth about our frailties, gifts, talents and charism, yet knowing that all that God gives us is for others and that we can achieve nothing of eternal value without His grace." (Part 1:2.5.1) _______________________________________________________________________________ During this Jubilee of Mercy, all Conferences are invited to pray and reflect together on: Serving in HopeModule IV: Our Vincentian Mission. This module will be offered at a 50% discount as a Jubilee Year of Mercy Special: Formation Guide IV for $1.00 (regular cost $2.00) and DVD for $5.00 (regular cost $10.00). JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY SPECIAL Serving in Hope-Module IV: Our Vincentian Mission To order: Online at or Email: Formation Guide #1040-English: $1.00 each (one for each member) DVD #1042-English: $5.00 (one for each Conference) Formation Guide #1044-Spanish: $1.00 each (one for each member) DVD #1046-Spanish: $5.00 (one for each Conference) _________________________________________________________________ SVdP introduces Culture Transformation Initiative Culture Transformation At this year's Midyear Meeting, attendees were introduced to the Society's new Culture Transformation initiative. A PowerPoint presentation describing the Culture Transformation initiative can be found on the National SVdP website, The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is challenged to respond to the cries of the poor that are multiplying every day, by increasing the number of Conferences and members. According to the Rule 1.6, "Faithful to the spirit of its founders, the Society constantly strives for renewal, adapting to changing world conditions. It seeks to be ever aware to the changes that occur in human society and the new types of poverty that may be identified or anticipated. It gives priority to poorest poor and to those who are most rejected by society." "The Church must step outside herself to go to the outskirts of existence, whatever they may be, but she must step out," said Pope Francis. "In this 'stepping out' it is important to be ready for an encounter with others, because faith is an encounter with Jesus." Together, we walk the journey of "Transforming our Culture... Living our Rule." *Look for more information about Culture Transformation in upcoming issues of the E-Gazette. Culture Transformation Materials These materials are offered for your Conference members free of cost: Culture Transformation Card #6600 Our Cultural Beliefs and Key Results Transforming our Culture...Living our Rule #6650 Each Cultural Belief united with a section of the Rule To Order: Online at (Click on SVdP Members, scroll down and click on Order Materials) or Email order to: Culture Change Workshops You may join Vincentians from Conferences and Councils at various Culture Change Workshops. These workshops will present the exciting process of Culture Transformation: creating the right experiences, fostering the Cultural Beliefs, producing the most effective actions, in order to bring about the desired results. Registration Fee is $50 per person, go to: For further information contact: Michele Schurk at Click here for more information about Culture Transformation workshops happening in Councils across the country. ___________________________________________________________________ Vincentian Heritage Vol. 33, No. 1 Now Available to Download! New Publication The Biannual Journal is Free and Ready For Download The DePaul University Vincentian Studies Institute is pleased to announce the publication of our newest peerreviewed e-book edition of Vincentian Heritage (Volume 33, Number 1). To download the complete book for iPad, Kindle, or PC, please click on the following link: Individual .pdfs for each article will be available for download here: Also, just a reminder that the gift shop at the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Anne Seton in Emmitsburg, Maryland, is now the exclusive vendor for V.S.I. publications and other heritage materials. For more information, please visit their website at: ____________________________________________________________________ Ozanam Orientation - 2016 New Edition The new edition of the Ozanam Orientation 2016 was presented at the Midyear Meeting, on Friday, April 22, 2016, with the 2016 materials in English available for purchase in May. It is recommended that a transition time be scheduled during the summer for Formator Training on the new material. Formator Training on the new material will be available at the National Meeting in Columbus and at some regional assemblies. Webinars will also be offered in the summer, with date and time TBD. The new Ozanam Orientation 2016 will then be offered, by most Councils, in the fall 2016. The current materials for the 2012 edition will be available until December 2016, for the Councils needing more time for training and transition. The Ozanam Orientation 2016 will be available in Spanish at a date TBD. Ozanam Orientation, Participant's Guide Each member attending the Ozanam Orientation should have a copy. 2012 English $2.00 #2100 2012 Spanish $2.00 #2500 2016 English $2.00 #2116 Ozanam Orientation Formator's Guide Available only to trained Formators: *Guidelines, Flash drive, Commissioning and Pin. 2012 English $25.00 #2200 2012 Spanish $25.00 #2300 2016 English $25.00 #2216 *The new "Ozanam Orientation Guidelines: Roles and Responsibilities" handout is sent with the Formtor's Guide. It is also on the flash drive if you wish to print copies. If you want to order additional copies at $2.00 each, the catalog number is #2400. To Order: Online at (Click on SVdP Members, scroll down and click on Order Materials) or Email order to: ____________________________________________________________________________- NEW RESOURCE: The Spirituality of the Home Visit A Journal This is a new resource centered on the Vincentian Heritage and Spirituality of the Home Visit. The journal has questions for your prayerful reflection after making a home visit, with space for you to write your answers. The insights then can be shared at your Conference meeting. Doing the home visit with reflection and journal writing leads to a greater closeness with the depth of one's being where God resides and to a deeper meaning of the grace of the event. Spirituality of the Home Visit #9000 $2.00 To Order: Online at (Click on SVdP Members, scroll down and click on Order Materials) or Email order to: For more information about Formation, contact: Sr. Kieran Kneaves National Formation Director To Top ______________________________________________________________________________ New Extension Web Portal The National Extension Committee and SVdPUSA IT Department have developed a new Extension Web portal. The new Extension Web portal should be more user-friendly and easier to navigate than the old Extension Web page. The collection of Extension documents will grow over time as more materials are developed. Here is a link to the new portal: There are materials posted for the following areas: Formation Revitalization Extension Plans Conference Officer Training General Information on Extension Social Media Invitation to Serve Clergy Relations Spanish Documents Diversity Youth Young Adults How to Find the Extension Web Portal The portal will be accessible through the Members site. The path is Programs/Extension or you can just go to ________________________________________________________________________ Bulletin Reflections for Extension and Recruitment Click here for reflections to include in your parish bulletins to encourage extension and recruitment. ______________________________________________________________________ Tell us about your extension success! Extension is a big part of Goal #3 of the Society. We want to recognize the good work with extension going on in the Society. If you or someone you know has started a new Conference or Council, we want to know about it! Contact Michelle Boyer: To Top Disaster Services Division Update Register Today for the 2016 Disaster Preparedness Conference Alexandria, VA June 9-12, 2016 (Click below to register) ________________________________________________________________________________ It Only Takes One Storm to Change a Community Click here to hear stories of Disaster Survivors from the video: "It started like any other day." The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, with the peak occurring between mid-August and late October. The Eastern Pacific hurricane season begins May 15 and ends November 30. Attend the 2016 Disaster Preparedness Conference in Alexandria, VA and help your Council and Conference be prepared to assist the most vulnerable in your Diocese. __________________________________________________________________________ Get Prepared for the Start of Hurricane Season by going to www. For questions or more information about the SVdP DSD, contact: Elizabeth Disco-Shearer SVdPUSA Disaster Services Division To Top Board Relationships with Staff and Volunteers Following our focus on Good Governance in January, Mentoring in February, Servant Leadership in March and Succession Planning in April, we now turn to a topic of importance to every member of a Council and also larger Conferences. Everyone should know and understand the duties and responsibilities of members of their Council's board of directors and how board members should relate to and with employees and volunteers. The weekly articles during May will address board/staff relations, board/ volunteer relations and board responsibilities. For a better understanding of the weekly topics as well as a host of governance matters we encourage you to order the Governance - you can also call it Leadership - Training DVD produced by the National Council and begin planning your own workshop to improve your Council's leadership capabilities. Click here to view a series of slides on board/staff relations drawn from a PowerPoint presentation used in our Governance Training Program. Click here for a DVD order form. The DVD can also be ordered online a For questions regarding governance, contact: Pam Hudson Director of Governance and Membership Services 314-576-3993 ext. 214 To Top Newly Approved SVdP Immigration Position Paper Stresses "Welcoming the Stranger" By: Tom Dwyer Chair, National Voice of the Poor Committee An updated Immigration Position Paper based on five "guiding principles" taken from our faith tradition and consistent with our highest ideals as a country has just been approved unanimously by the National Council at its meeting this past Saturday. It had been previously approved by the National Board of Directors. The Paper, along with a set of Frequently Asked Questions, is now available at the Voice of the Poor Web Portal of the Society's Website. Vincentians are asked to prayerfully reflect on the Paper's message, discuss it among themselves, and act accordingly in living out their Vincentian mission by always "welcoming the stranger" among us. In her cover message accompanying the Position Paper, SVdP National President Sheila Gilbert calls for urgently needed reform of our nation's immigration system. She notes that the lack of reform "causes millions of undocumented immigrants already in the United States to suffer senseless, grinding poverty. This situation is an affront to the American people's sense of compassion and justice." The Paper identifies five key "Guiding Principles" for reform legislation: Provide a compassionate and dignified path to citizenship for undocumented persons in the country; Preserve family unity as a fundamental cornerstone of our national immigration system; Provide a legal path for low-skilled immigrants to come and work in the United States; Restore due process protections to our immigration enforcement policies; and Address the root causes of migration, such as persecution and economic disparity. To read the article about the updated SVdP Immigration Position Paper in its entirety, click here. Click here to read the updated SVdP Immigration Position Paper To Top Empowering Individuals to Create Systemic Change Our Rule calls us "to help the poor to help themselves whenever possible and to be aware that they can forge and change their own destinies and that of their local community" (1.10). Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin' By World attacks poverty holistically, in order to empower individuals to build their own personal plans for economic security and create Systemic Change. It is currently being used by Conferences and Councils of all sizes, across the country. Is your Conference or Council ready to implement Systemic Change in your community? Join Jeanne Harper, a member of the National Board of Directors and Vice President of the North Central Region, for our next Getting Ahead Facilitator Training Webinar: Part I: Monday, June 6 11:00 am-2:00 pm CT Part II: Monday, June 13 11:00 am-2:30 pm CT **Please note these are the CORRECTED dates. Register Today! For questions about Systemic Change, the Getting Ahead program, or other poverty-related issues, contact: Tom Mulloy National Director of Poverty Programs 314-576-3993 ext. 215 ______________________________________________________________________________ Creating Neighborhoods of Hope Systemic Change for Councils, Districts, & Isolated Conferences A webinar from the Hope in Action series, a Special Work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Through the principals, process, and tools taught in Hope in Action workshops, Vincentians are working to End Poverty Through Systemic Change. Thursday, May 19th, 3 pm (EDT) This interactive webinar is designed for Council and District leaders who either have some type of systemic change effort underway or who are interested in getting an effort started at the community level. Participants will: Learn the 5 critical poverty tipping points that the Society's Systemic Change efforts will work to mitigate Review the role collaborators can play mileposts in poverty Learn ways to tap into existing data resources to measure outcomes Discuss ways to assemble collaborators and engage Vincentians and neighborhood residents in the effort Have time to brainstorm ways to implement these concepts in their areas The webinar will be recorded and archived on the Systemic Change website ( for those unable to join us live. Webinar Prerequisites: Participants must be interested in exploring ways to impact poverty in their communities. To join, please post this web link into your browser: Conference Call number: 1-800-326-0013 ID: 5707584 Participants are asked to use the conference call phone number rather than the speakers on their computer. Please turn your computer speakers off to prevent telephone echo. Please send any questions to Thanks, Jack Murphy Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Board of Directors Diversity, Systemic Change, Advocacy Goal Leader __________________________________________________________________________ SVdP Communities of Practice Stories of Systemic Change Systemic Change has taken firm root within our Vincentian Culture! This is the seventeenth of many Systemic Change stories (big and small) from our membership across the country. _________________________________________________________________ Peoria, Ill. Tom Pelger, of Peoria, Ill., was the project manager for the Systemic Change Task Force Team that developed the workshop called "Hope in Action" and the Systemic Change Webinars that are offered four times a year! Tom and his Peoria team have conducted four Bridges Out of Poverty Workshops that have attracted over 142 people to learn about how they can transform the lives of the people they serve. They have named their program "Coming Together to Get Ahead." Tom's team also presented a number of Community Information Seminars that were attended by 170 people from outside agencies along with local Vincentians and other faith-based organizations in the area. Tom's first Getting Ahead class was held at the end of 2015 and he is planning on holding two more in 2016. The classes and workshops have been funded by community grants, local support groups and private donations. Three workshops have been held to train mentors for the Getting Ahead graduates. They used the materials developed by the Waukesha District Council. To date, Peoria has over six committed mentor teams actively engaged in working with the 2015 GA graduates. _____________________________________________________________________________ If you would like to correspond with Vincentians on tips/tricks/traps on running Bridges Out of Poverty based institute, Donna Beegle's "Communications across Barriers," Circles, MicroLoans or any other Systemic Change programs, join us at and start talking. Or Contact: Irene Frechette To learn more or see examples of Systemic Change within the Society, visit the National Systemic Change Web page by clicking here. To Top SVdP and the Circle of Protection Raising the Issue of Hunger & Poverty for 2016 Presidential Campaign Last year, SVdP signed on to the Circle of Protection (COP) letters asking presidential candidates to focus on ending hunger and poverty. The COP is a coalition composed of more than 65 heads of denominations, relief and development agencies, and other Christian organizations. The letter requested that candidates produce a three minute video describing what they would do as president to "offer help and opportunity to the hungry and those in need in the U.S. and around the world." Since April, the letter has been sent to each man and woman that has declared their candidacy. To date, two of the three currently active candidates have submitted their videos. These videos have prompted crucial discussion about poverty among presidential candidates. View the candidate's videos by clicking here: Click here to read more. Click here to view the Circle of Protection Presidential Candidate Videos Study Guide To Top SVdP Social Media Click here to keep up with SVdP on social media and join our mobile network! Click here to connect with Voice of the Poor on social media! To Top SVdP in the News International News Vinnies launch 2016 Winter Appeal AUSTRALIA: On May 1 the St Vincent de Paul Society launches its 2016 Winter Appeal in a bid to see the community 'Rethink Homelessness' this winter in the face of rising demand. In Australia, women are experiencing homelessness at rates more than double those of women in the United Kingdom, statistics the Society's chief executive Mark Fitzpatrick called "shocking" during the launch of the appeal. Women and girls make up 59 per cent of homelessness services clients at the Society and 36 per cent of these women have been affected by domestic and family violence. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the Society was working hard to meet the demand from women and children for support, and services to prevent or address homelessness. Read More MORE INTERNATIONAL SVdP NEWS AUSTRALIA: Women's Homelessness at Record Levels NEW ZEALAND: St. Vincent de Paul comes to Rescue of Cruise Ship IRELAND: Support sought for Refugees National News New Study shows Kentucky Residents are struggling with Food Security BOWLING GREEN, KY: Around 17 percent of Kentucky residents - 743,310 people, including 222,380 children - lack access to enough food for an active, healthy life at any given time, according to "Map the Meal Gap 2016," an annual study by Feeding America. The report found that about one in six people in Kentucky struggles with hunger at some point during the year, which is higher than the national rate of nearly 15 percent. Food insecurity exists in every county in Kentucky and Warren County shows food insecurity rate of 16.3 percent, meaning there are more than 19,000 food insecure people in the county. Children are at a higher risk of food insecurity, with 22 percent of Kentucky children being food insecure. It would take an additional $346 million to meet food needs in the state, according to the study. Read More MORE NATIONAL SVdP NEWS BALTIMORE, MD: St. Vincent de Paul Celebrates 150 Years of Service to Baltimore Region KITTANING, PA: " Larry Collar Scholarship"Application Deadline Extended DENVER, CO: Denver Metro Council to participate in Citywide Bank 2016 Hand-Up Charity Contest Click here for more National SVdP "In the News" Calendar of Events Deadline for Frederic's E-Gazette articles submission: Every Wednesday by 12 noon for article to be included in current week's edition Dates for 2016: Western Regional Meeting Coeur d'Alene, ID May 25-28 Midwest Regional Meeting Branson, MO June 3-4 Eastern Regional Meeting Princeton, NJ June 4 Annual Disaster Preparedness Conference Alexandria, VA June 9-12 North Central Regional Meeting Fargo, ND June 23-25 Click here to register Invitation for Renewal Indianapolis, IN July 13-17 National Assembly Columbus, OH August 30-September 3 Invitation for Renewal Indianapolis, IN November 9-13 Dates for 2017: Invitation for Renewal Indianapolis, IN July 26-30 National Assembly Tampa, FL August 29-September 2 Invitation for Renewal Indianapolis, IN November 8-12 To Top ______________________________________________________________ *If you wish to print the E-Gazette and are having trouble printing it from your email, click here to print this issue and past issues of the EGazette in PDF format straight from the SVdP website! ATTENTION COUNCIL PRESIDENTS & EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS: SOME OF YOUR MEMBERS AREN'T GETTING THE E-GAZETTE! If you or another member of your Conference is not receiving the E-Gazette email, Have you Opted Out? WERE YOU GETTING THIS NEWSLETTER BUT NO LONGER ARE? When an email address has been removed by the owner, or the email address holder designates "Do Not Mail," the email address cannot be re-added by the National Council office. The email address holder must sign him or herself up to resume receiving Frederic's E-Gazette at: Is your Conference or Council doing something that you think should appear in the EGazette or on SVdPUSA social media? I want to know about it! Send your good news to me! Michelle Boyer Communications and Administrative Associate Email: (314) 576-3993 ext. 201 National Council of the United States-Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, 58 Progress Parkway, Maryland Heights, MO 63043-3706
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