Frederic`s E-Gazette July 21, 2016 Table of Contents


Frederic`s E-Gazette July 21, 2016 Table of Contents
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Frederic's E-Gazette
An e-newsletter from the National Council of
the U.S. Society of St. Vincent de Paul®
July 21, 2016
Table of Contents:
To go directly to a certain article, simply click on the title
What's New in this Issue
Jubilee Year of Mercy: Who am I to Judge?
Register for Training Webinar: Empower Project
DSD Update
Empowering Individuals to create Systemic Change
Comment Cards to fight Payday Lending
Youth Programming at SVdP National Assembly in Columbus
Don't forget to register for the 2016 National Assembly in Columbus
Vincentian Reentry Organizing Project aids Passage of "Ban the Box"
Legislation in Louisiana
New Videos Available on the Extension Web Portal
In Every Issue
Letter from your Servant Leader
Q&A and Q&A Index
Vincentian Formation
Extension News
Development Department News
Connect with SVdP on Social Media and Mobile Network
In the News
Don't Miss
Campaign to fund Friends of the Poor Grant Program
World Premiere of SVdP Special on EWTN Aug. 16
Download the Free SVdPUSA Mobile APP Now
Circle of Protection and the 2016 Presidential Campaign
(NOTE: The links in some of the articles are intended to take you to websites for a specific story, page,
function or program approved for your use by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The Society does not
accept responsibility for, or grant approval of, peripheral advertising or stories that may reside on those
From your Servant Leader:
July 21, 2016
We need God now more than ever.
Or perhaps God needs us now more than ever.
It is difficult to go a day without bad news. We hear about terrorism here
and abroad. We know that Vincentians are helping refugees and victims of
natural disasters around the world. Here at home we face divisiveness
among political parties and increasingly among people of different races,
religions and economic status. We hear that lives matter, but continue to
learn about deaths.
David W. Barringer, CEO
Through all of this, religious freedom is questioned and attacked. Some
speak of tolerance only until someone disagrees with their point of view. Values, especially Catholic
values, are considered old-fashioned or intolerant or even criminal. Has hope and God left us?
Read more
Yours in Christ,
To Top
Campaign to fund Friends of the Poor® Grant Program
Your compassion today helps show God's love to those in need.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is in need of additional funding for our Friends of the Poor Grant
Program to help the millions of women, men and children who need assistance this summer.
Will you give now -- whatever you can share -- to help us reach our goal of $80,000?
In the summer months, families in poverty or difficult circumstances across our nation will need
electricity for air conditioning. Children who are home from school will need meals at lunchtime. And
when emergencies arise - medical or otherwise - we need to be ready to care for each suffering individual,
no matter their faith, ethnic background, gender, or political opinions.
Through our Friends of the Poor Grant Program, the National Council provides direct support to local
communities from 4,400 Conferences throughout America. In fact, just last year, grant dollars were
awarded to:
* Provide housing assistance to families that can't afford to pay their rent, due to a lack of jobs in a
town where unemployment has increased by 100% in only one year.
* Assist with utility bills for individuals who struggle to make ends meet in an area where over 24% of
the households fall beneath the poverty line.
* Deliver food to the homes of some of the poorest families in the United States, including one town
where over 50% of the people are currently unemployed.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has changed hundreds of people's lives in these communities and
many more, but the demand for similar services in areas across the United States continues to grow. Only
with your support can the Friends of the Poor Grant Program be there this summer to make a
difference. Your donation can keep the air conditioning on for an elderly person, help an individual who
can't afford a place to sleep, or provide food for a family in their time of need. You can change the lives
of these people today by making a donation.
Please give your generous gift now, and thank you for joining with us in meeting this urgent need. You
are seeing the face of Christ in those we serve.
Help people in need this summer by clicking here.
To Top
Q: Are all three levels of membership eligible for the Award? It would seem that the 'spirit' of
the Top Hat Award is to nominate someone who is an Active or Associate Member, but not
necessarily someone who is a Contributing Member.
A: The Top Hat Award is a local award given by the local SVdP Council, who decides what the award is
being given for. The National Council has no guidelines for this award and does not determine which
membership level is eligible to receive it. This is a decision for the local Council itself.
Q: Attention SVdP national leaders, have you completed the Governance Materials in the EGazette Survey recently sent to you on July 6?
A: If you answered "no" and you hold a leadership position with the National Council SVdP, a
governance survey was emailed to you. Please take time to complete the survey. Your feedback is very
important and greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Click here to download this week's Spanish version of the Q&A
Click here to download this week's Q&A
Q&A Index
Submit your questions to:
Pam Hudson
National Director of Governance & Membership Services
To Top
World Premiere of SVdP Special on EWTN Aug. 16
"Our Faith in Action: Today's Society of St. Vincent de Paul" - a half-hour special about the Society will
air on EWTN on Tuesday, August 16 at 6:30 p.m. Eastern.
"Join Society of St. Vincent de Paul members on their spiritual growth journey through service to people
in need. In this special presentation, join Vincentians in a home visit with a family in need, helping the
homeless in a downtown shelter and working with returning citizens through prison ministry. See our
Catholic faith in action through the volunteers of this unique lay vocation and Christ's face in those they
"I build a lot of strength going on home visits with other Vincentians."
To hear more from both Shirley and Tom about their home visit experience and what it means to them
to be a Vincentian, tune in the world premiere of EWTN's special "Our Hope in Action: Today's Society
of St. Vincent de Paul." The special will air on Tuesday, August 16 at 6:30 p.m. EDT and it follows
Vincentians as they help people in need.
Click here to learn more.
Click here to find the EWTN station in your zip code:
To watch live, click:
To Top
Download the Free SVdPUSA Mobile App Now!
The National Council Society of St. Vincent de Paul now has a mobile app available that you can
download. This app allows you to receive instant alerts, stay current with district calendar events, take
and share photos, connect with resources, and more. Just search "SVDPUSA" on your mobile phone's
app store and click install - it's FREE! You can even download recent issues of this E-Gazette newsletter,
right from the app.
Give it a try - download it today!
For instructions on downloading the mobile app, CLICK HERE!
For more information on Development, contact:
Steve Martinez
314-576-3993 ext. 213
To Top
Vincentian Formation
The Jubilee Year of Mercy
A Vincentian Question:
Who am I to Judge?
Judging, Mercy and Forgiveness - the Pope shows the
With his simple humility and deep self and institutional awareness, Pope Francis has opened a new
window into mercy with his recent comments seeking forgiveness for our Church for having offended
the gay person, the poor, women or anyone the Church has not defended when we could. The Pope
made these candid comments, which once again reverberated around the world, to the media aboard the
papal plane returning to Rome after his June visit to Armenia.
Forgiveness and mercy go hand-in-hand. The Catholic and the Vincentian must be willing to accept their
imperfections in attitude and action and then willingly seek forgiveness and mercy, the Pope seems to be
As the Jubilee Year of Mercy proceeds, the Pope is showing and teaching that intolerance, harshness of
attitude, and an unbending righteousness are incompatible with true Christian compassion which focuses
instead on the good will and dignity of the individual and not on stereotypes.
As Vincentians seeking to help the poor and marginalized wherever we find them and whomever they
may be, we do so with the self-awareness that just as we try to show mercy to them, we must also accept
mercy for none of us have perfect insight and understanding? As the Pope said on the plane and as our
Vincentian founders showed us by their actions in reaching out to all - "Who are we to judge?" (Tom
Dwyer, Chair, National Voice of the Poor Committee)
During this Jubilee of Mercy, all Conferences are invited to pray and reflect together on: Serving in
Hope-Module IV: Our Vincentian Mission. This module will be offered at a 50% discount as a
Jubilee Year of Mercy Special: Formation Guide IV for $1.00 (regular cost $2.00) and DVD for $5.00
(regular cost $10.00).
Serving in Hope-Module IV: Our Vincentian Mission
To order:
Online at or Email:
Formation Guide #1040-English: $1.00 each (one for each member)
DVD #1042-English: $5.00 (one for each Conference)
Formation Guide #1044-Spanish: $1.00 each (one for each member)
DVD #1046-Spanish: $5.00 (one for each Conference)
The Vincentian Formation Day
Spiritual Advisors and Formators
SVdP Annual Meeting - Columbus, Ohio
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
(Lunch provided)
Vincentian formation can be accomplished only through the collaboration of the president, spiritual
advisor and formators. Therefore, it is important for Council and Conference presidents, spiritual
advisors, formators and Conference support personnel to attend the Vincentian Formation Day.
To discern the heart of our Vincentian formation
To deepen the spirituality of our home visit
To develop the Vincentian pathway and our servant leadership
To discover the 2016 Ozanam Orientation Formator Training
The Rule:
"Following Christ's example, the presidents at all levels of the Society endeavor to be servant
leaders...The president of the Conference or Council will have special responsibility for promoting
Vincentian spirituality." (Part 1:3.11)
"It is essential that the Society continually promote the formation and training of its members and
officers, in order to deepen their knowledge of the Society and their spirituality..." (Part 1:3.12)
"Members of the Society ...encourage one another to live a profound spiritual life and spirit of prayer.
For this purpose, the role of the spiritual advisor is very important." (Part 1:3.13)
For further information contact:
Ray Sickinger
Goal 1 Leader
Sister Kieran Kneaves, DC
National Formation Director
To Top
Calling all Youth!
Special Youth Programming at the
2016 SVdP National Assembly in Columbus
Don't miss the youth programming at the 2016 National Assembly in Columbus, Ohio this
Plan to attend the SVdP National Assembly from September 1 - 3. The assembly will be jam packed with
events for all young people!
This will be a great opportunity to see and experience Vincentians in action through workshops and
social outings and other events geared specifically towards young people. You will have the chance to
experience spiritual growth with a retreat featuring Bishop John Quinn.
On Thursday evening, youth and all other attendees are invited to a concert given by Christian recording
artist, Audrey Assad.
Audrey is the daughter of a Syrian refugee, an author, speaker, producer and a critically lauded songwriter
and musician. She releases music that she calls, "soundtracks for prayer" with the help of Fortunate Fall
Records, which she co-owns with her husband. Over the years, Assad has also written music for other
Christian recording artists like Matt Maher, Christy Nockels, Brett Younker, Sarah Hart, Meredith
Andrews and others. Her passion is to write prayerful music that helps lead people to encounter Jesus
Christ, even in the silence of prayer.
For more information about Audrey Assad, click here.
For a sample of Audrey Assad's music, click here.
A number of outings have been planned for those who attend. Youth attendees will have the chance to
take a trip to a Columbus food pantry and serve those in need. An excursion has been planned to the
world famous Columbus Zoo.
Youth participants are also invited to the closing banquet on Saturday, September 3. There, they will have
the opportunity to hear another talented Catholic musician and speaker, Michael Mette. His music is a
modern reflection of his faith blending alternative rock with faith based lyrics.
To listen to a sample of Michael Mette's music, click here.
This is a great opportunity for young people to further explore their vocation through friendship and
service to the poor.
Council and Conference leaders please support the participation of Youth at the National
Assembly this September 1 - 3 and register soon.
To register to be a part of the youth programming for this year's SVdP National Assembly, click
For more information or if you have any questions, contact:
Suzanne Markiewicz
National Youth Committee Chairperson
Michele Schurk
Events Coordinator
314-576-3993 ext.223
To Top
Don't forget to register for the 2016 SVdP National
Assembly in Columbus, Ohio, August 30 - September 3
Click here to register now!
To Top
Development Department News
Register for Training Webinar:
Empower Project: SVdP & Allsup
SSDI Identification and Intervention Project
Recently, several of our members responded to a survey request in the E-Gazette indicating that they are
interested in learning more about the SVdPUSA initiative with Allsup to provide training and
intervention among our friends in need who may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
Register for Allsup Training
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the next step: A 60-minute webinar training. An additional
30 minutes will be provided, as necessary, for questions and answers.
Wednesday, August 10
10 a.m.: Pacific
12 p.m.: Central
1 p.m.: Eastern
This training will provide you with instructions to empower you to help others.
Click here to register for the free webinar.
Click here for more Development Department news!
For more information on Development, contact:
Steve Martinez
314-576-3993 ext. 213
Gerri Sample
314-576-3993 ext. 211
To Top
Disaster Services Division Update
SVdP Disaster Services helping Councils across the Nation
with Disaster Recovery
Currently SVdPDSD is supporting recovery work in the following states and in a number of locations
within these states:
New Jersey
South Carolina
New Mexico
South Carolina
We need your prayers for West Virginia! After the media
and many other groups are gone, SVdP Disaster Services is
on the ground helping with long term recovery
Catholic Disaster Alliance
The Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Catholic Charities USA and SVdP Disaster Services
have been working together on a united Catholic response to disasters. Recently this coalition voted to
start referring to the group as Catholic Disaster Alliance (CDA). The CDA is working on a
"memorandum of understanding" for special projects that the alliance will work on in disaster zones.
For questions or more information about the SVdP DSD or the CDA, contact:
Elizabeth Disco-Shearer
SVdPUSA Disaster Services Division
To Top
Empowering Individuals to Create Systemic Change
Our Rule calls us "to help the poor to help themselves whenever possible and to be aware that they can
forge and change their own destinies and that of their local community" (1.10).
Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin' By World attacks poverty holistically, empowering individuals to build
their own personal plans for economic security and create Systemic Change. It is currently being used by
Conferences and Councils of all sizes, across the country.
Is your Conference or Council ready to implement Systemic Change in your community?
Join Jeanne Harper, member of the National Board of Directors and Vice President of the North Central
Region, for our next Getting Ahead Facilitator Training Webinar:
Part I: Tuesday, September 6
Part II: Tuesday, September 13
5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. CDT
5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. CDT
Register Today!
* Please Note: Registration will close two weeks prior to the webinar, in order that participants
have sufficient time to prepare. Late requests cannot be accepted.*
For questions about Systemic Change, the Getting Ahead program, or other poverty-related
issues, contact:
Tom Mulloy
National Director of Poverty Programs
To Top
Vincentian Reentry Organizing Project aids Passage of
"Ban the Box" Legislation in Louisiana
History was made in the 2016 Louisiana Legislative session, thanks to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
and other supporters of House Bill 266 (HB266). Louisiana has the highest per capita incarceration rate
in the world, and restorative justice legislation has historically fared poorly in the state. Formerly, job
applications included a box to check indicating any criminal history. Thus, HB266 was known as "Ban
the Box." The bill forbids asking about the criminal history of a job applicant on the initial job
application. Because applicants with criminal records were very often eliminated before even having a
chance to present their talents and sincere desire to work in an interview, this bill aims at giving them this
opportunity. The requirement to delay the question, at least until the interview, applies only to persons
applying for employment by the state of Louisiana. It does not apply to civil service employees or
employees of private companies. In the past, such legislation had not even successfully made it out of
committee to be voted upon by the full House.
On April 20, Ronnie Moore of the Vincentian Reentry Organizing Project (VROP) and Wayne Vedeckis
(chairman of the Baton Rouge Committee of the VROP) attended the deliberation of this bill by the
House and Governmental Affairs Committee of the Louisiana House of Representatives. Also present
was Rob Tasman, the executive director of the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops. In fact, the
entire room was filled - mostly with supporters of the legislation.
To read the full article, click here.
To Top
New Videos Now Available on the
SVdP Extension Web Portal
New materials have been uploaded to the SVdP Extension Web Portal to help draw new members
to the Society.
Under the "General Information/Introduction" tab, you will find a variety of videos that you can
show when introducing the Society to people who may not be familiar with SVdP and its works.
The new videos in the "General Information/Introduction" section are:
SVdP National President Sheila Gilbert describes what makes the Society Unique
SVdP National CEO Dave Barringer on Background of the Society
What does the Society of St. Vincent de Paul do?
What does the Society mean to you?
Under the "Clergy Relations" tab, you will find videos that will help you when speaking with your
pastor or bishop about bringing a Conference into your parish or starting a SVdP Council in your
The new videos in the "Clergy Relations" section are:
SVdP National CEO Dave Barringer on the Background of the Society
How does the Society help parishioners and the parishes?
What is 'The Rule' and what does it mean?
Click here to visit the SVdP Extension Web Portal to view the videos above and browse more
helpful extension materials.
Tell us about your extension success!
Extension is a big part of Goal #3 of the Society. We want to recognize the good work with
extension going on in the Society. If you or someone you know has started a new Conference or
Council, we want to know about it!
Contact Michelle Boyer:
To Top
Get Your Comment Cards to Fight Payday Lending
Tom Dwyer, Chair, Voice of the Poor Committee, Society of St. Vincent de Paul
If you have experience as a Vincentian helping those in need fight the debt trap of payday loans, the
Society's Voice of the Poor Committee urges you to convert that experience via a "Comment Card"
or an online post into a pointed message to the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
which has just released proposed new payday lending regulations.
These regulations represent the best chance ever at the federal level to curtail the most abusive
practices of the payday loan industry and help the working poor secure loans with reasonable
conditions, terms, and underwriting.
In cooperation with the Center for Responsible Lending, the committee is soliciting stories of the
financial havoc these payday loans typically wreak upon the working poor. By giving real-life
meaning to the statistics and policy arguments, these compelling personal stories can be the fuel
needed to get strong regulations in place. They also help rebut those who claim the payday lending
industry is performing a vital service in a humane way at a reasonable cost.
Comments can be submitted by Vincentians who have worked hand-in-hand with the working poor
through their trials and tribulations with payday lenders, by Vincentians who simply find the typical
effective payday lending rates from 200 percent to 400 percent to be morally indefensible, or by the
working poor themselves who tell their unfortunate stories in their own words. All are equally valid,
powerful testimony about the problem.
Comment Cards can be obtained from the Voice of the Poor Committee members. Contact
Committee Chair Tom Dwyer ( to indicate the number of cards you might
like for your Conference or Council. Or contact one of the committee members in your region (see
list attached).
An electronic mock-up of the Comment Cards is attached, along with a "Tip Sheet" for completing
the card. The online submission form is found here:
Click here to view the comment card
Click here for some tips on how to prepare a payday lending comment
More information about the new regulations can be found here at the CFPB website. The comment
period is open until September 14, 2016, but the Society and the Center for Responsible Lending
and other collaborating organizations are collecting these Comment Cards now for maximum
Watch this space in the weeks ahead for more information about the Society's advocacy against the
scourge of payday lending and on behalf of our deserving friends in need, the working poor.
Click here to see a list of regional Voice of the Poor Leaders.
Questions: Contact National VOP Chair Tom Dwyer at
Click here to read more about the Voice of the Poor Committee and connect with the
National Voice of the Poor Committee on social media.
To Top
SVdP and the Circle of Protection
Raising the Issue of Hunger & Poverty for 2016 Presidential Campaign
Last year, SVdP signed on to the Circle of Protection (COP) letters asking presidential candidates to
focus on ending hunger and poverty. The letter requested that candidates produce a three minute video
describing what they would do as president to "offer help and opportunity to the hungry and those in
need in the U.S. and around the world."
The COP is a coalition composed of more than 65 heads of denominations, relief and development
agencies, and other Christian organizations.
Click here to read more.
To Top
Creating Neighborhoods of Hope
Are you a Council or District leader who has some type of systemic change effort underway, or
who is interested in getting an effort started at the community level? Did you miss the latest
Hope in Action webinar, Creating Neighborhoods of Hope: Systemic Change for Councils,
Districts, & Isolated Conferences? Fear not! The webinar was recorded and is archived on the
Systemic Change website (
Jack Murphy
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
National Board of Directors
Diversity, Systemic Change, Advocacy Goal Leader
To learn more or see examples of Systemic Change within the Society, visit the National
Systemic Change Web page by clicking here.
To Top
SVdP Social Media
Click here to keep up with SVdP on social media and join our mobile network!
Click here to connect with Voice of the Poor on social media!
Download the free SVdP mobile app now by clicking here!
To Top
SVdP in the News
International News
SVP Volunteer to cycle 100 Miles to raise Funds for
Vinnie Packs
John Beckett is a member of the St. Vincent de Paul
Society and carries out their mission to "Turn concern
into action" to such an extent that he's embarking on
yet another cycling challenge at the end of the month.
John will be taking part in the Prudential Ride London
- Surrey 100, a one hundred mile cycle ride, in order to
raise funds for SVP Vinnie Packs which contain cold
weather essentials for the homeless. The 15,000 Vinnie
Packs handed out to the homeless throughout
England and Wales this winter will each contain a
thermal hat, two pairs of thermal socks, thermal
John with Cardinal Nichols after an earlier charity
gloves, toothpaste, toothbrush, a pen and an
information sheet. The SVP members put each pack
together for less than £3.50 as the packing, administration and deliveries are done using volunteers to
ensure that all the donations received can be used to purchase stock.
This isn't the first sponsored ride that John has embarked on as he has cycled from London to Paris and
along the Camino for SVP projects. John says, "For less than the cost of a cup of coffee or tea and a
piece of cake in a High Street cafe all of the above items can be purchased to go into a Vinnie Pack. The
plan is to have sufficient clothing to pack and distribute 15,000 Vinnie Packs at a cost of about £48,000
before the winter begins. With your help by way of donations I would like to raise at least £5,000 towards
the cost so please sponsor me and together we can make a difference."
You can sponsor John by going to and typing "John Beckett" into the
"Sponsor your friend" box or sending a donation to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London SW1P 9EZ,
marking the back of the cheque "John Beckett".
The Vinnie Pack team and the recipients of the packs are really appreciative of your support.
IRELAND: One Dublin House, One Week, 1,200 Children
AUSTRALIA: Call for Donations as Demand for Homeless Services in Perth rises
IRELAND: Clare Lodge boss Brenda's Mission to help Families live happier Lives
National News
Donors, Volunteers remain Lifeline for 70-year-old
St. Vincent de Paul
In the first quarter of 2016, Vincentians operating out of
a local parish-based food pantry helped more than 6,600
That's essentially one person served per family registered
with another 16 percent of families helping one
additional person in need. Sometimes that help
translated to a sit down conversation in a makeshift
living room area of the Vincentians' pantry operations to
assess other needs and underlying causes.
Marcelino Quinonez, a college graduate only
At other times, St. Vincent de Paul volunteers made
because of St. Vincent de Paul's "One At A
home visits bringing food boxes and offering to pray
Time" scholarship program poses in the Dream
Center in 2014. Quinonez has kept his vow to
together prior to their departure. When funding
the generosity. Photo: The Catholic Sun
permitted, help also meant temporary rent or utility
assistance or outfitting men living in a nearby halfway house with work boots.
No matter the form of help, a personal, wrap-around approach came standard. A similar scene plays out
almost daily at 82 other parish-based St. Vincent de Paul conferences throughout the Diocese of
Phoenix. Such efforts have been the cornerstone of St. Vincent de Paul's operations since its founding 70
years ago.
Read more.
CATHOLICTV: St. Vincent de Paul Society's Work | This is the Day
*Click the link above to see SVdP CEO Dave Barringer on CatholicTV's, "This is the Day"
CINCINNATI, OH: St. Vincent de Paul gives Fans to those in need
For more national SVdP news, click here.
Calendar of Events
Deadline for Frederic's E-Gazette articles
submission: Every Wednesday by 12 noon for Dates for 2017:
article to be included in current week's edition
2017 Midyear Meeting
St. Louis, MO
Dates for 2016:
March 23-25
National Assembly
Columbus, OH
August 30-September 3
Click here to register
Invitation for Renewal
Indianapolis, IN
November 9-13
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
San Antonio, TX
June 9-11
Invitation for Renewal
Indianapolis, IN
July 26-30
National Assembly
Tampa, FL
August 29-September 2
Invitation for Renewal
Indianapolis, IN
November 8-12
To Top
*If you wish to print the E-Gazette and are having trouble
printing it from your email, click here to print this issue and past
issues of the E-Gazette in PDF format straight from the SVdP
If you or another member of your Conference is not receiving the E-Gazette
Have you Opted Out?
When an email address has been removed by the owner, or the email address holder designates "Do Not
Mail," the email address cannot be re-added by the National Council office. The email address holder
must sign him or herself up to resume receiving Frederic's E-Gazette at:
Is your Conference or Council doing something that you think should appear in
the E-Gazette or on SVdPUSA social media? Send your good news to me!
Michelle Boyer
Communications and Administrative Associate
(314) 576-3993 ext. 201
National Council of the United States-Society of Saint Vincent de Paul,
58 Progress Parkway, Maryland Heights, MO 63043-3706

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