Frederic`s E-Gazette 06-30-2016 - Society of St. Vincent de Paul


Frederic`s E-Gazette 06-30-2016 - Society of St. Vincent de Paul
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Frederic's E-Gazette
An e-newsletter from the National Council of
the U.S. Society of St. Vincent de Paul®
June 30, 2016
Table of Contents:
To go directly to a certain article, simply click on the title
What's New in this Issue
Campaign to fund Friends of the Poor Grant Program
SVdP on CatholicTV July 19
World Premiere of SVdP Special on EWTN Aug. 16
Jubilee Year of Mercy: Do I actively seek and welcome all to the table?
Ozanam Orientation 2016 Webinar Now Available
Vincentian Formation Resources
June VOP Webinar Now Available Online
Governance: A Board's Seven Basic Duties
West Virginia's Thousand Year Floods
Vincentian Formation, Spirituality and Culture Change at the National
Assembly in Columbus
New Conferences - June
In Every Issue
Letter from your Servant Leader
Q&A and Q&A Index
Vincentian Formation
Extension News
Development Department News
Connect with SVdP on Social Media and Mobile Network
In the News
Don't Miss
SVdP introduces Culture Transformation Initiative
'Tis a Gift to be Simple'
Comment Cards to help fight Payday Lending
Please Support the Domestic Disaster Fund
Circle of Protection and the 2016 Presidential Campaign
(NOTE: The links in some of the articles are intended to take you to websites for a specific story, page,
function or program approved for your use by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The Society does not
accept responsibility for, or grant approval of, peripheral advertising or stories that may reside on those
From your Servant Leader:
June 30, 2016
This week we are launching a Friends of the Poor® Grant Program
fundraising campaign. The resources in this restricted fund are critically
low. See below in this week's E-Gazette for more information. We will
also send mail donation requests to identified current and past national
As Vincentians we regularly help the needy in our own communities. We
may be blessed to have enough resources not only to help in our
neighborhood but also to assist Vincentians in other communities where
resources are scarcer and/or where the need is more overwhelming. The
FOP grant program enables us to help even in communities we don't
David W. Barringer, CEO
know about. Fellow Vincentians can direct monies on our behalf to
Conferences that have asked for extra help from outside of its own resources.
Read more
Yours in Christ,
To Top
Campaign to fund Friends of the Poor® Grant Program
Your compassion today helps show God's love to those in need.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is in need of additional funding for our Friends of the Poor Grant
Program to help the millions of women, men and children who need assistance this summer.
Will you give now -- whatever you can share -- to help us reach our goal of $80,000?
In the summer months, families in poverty or difficult circumstances across our nation will need
electricity for air conditioning. Children who are home from school will need meals at lunchtime. And
when emergencies arise - medical or otherwise - we need to be ready to care for each suffering individual,
no matter their faith, ethnic background, gender, or political opinions.
Through our Friends of the Poor Grant Program, the National Council provides direct support to local
communities from 4,400 Conferences throughout America. In fact, just last year, grant dollars were
awarded to:
* Provide housing assistance to families that can't afford to pay their rent, due to a lack of jobs in a
town where unemployment has increased by 100% in only one year.
* Assist with utility bills for individuals who struggle to make ends meet in an area where over 24% of
the households fall beneath the poverty line.
* Deliver food to the homes of some of the poorest families in the United States, including one town
where over 50% of the people are currently unemployed.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has changed hundreds of people's lives in these communities and
many more, but the demand for similar services in areas across the United States continues to grow. Only
with your support can the Friends of the Poor Grant Program be there this summer to make a
difference. Your donation can keep the air conditioning on for an elderly person, help an individual who
can't afford a place to sleep, or provide food for a family in their time of need. You can change the lives
of these people today by making a donation.
Please give your generous gift now, and thank you for joining with us in meeting this urgent need. You
are seeing the face of Christ in those we serve.
Help people in need this summer by clicking here.
To Top
Q: A Conference president believes they are in their fifth year in office because they served as
co-president the first year. Does serving as a co-president count toward the six year term
limitation as a single president?
A: The National Council does not recommend co-presidency. But, a co-president's term is separate than
serving as an individual president. The fact is serving as a co-president cannot be counted as serving
individually alone, and as recommended.
Q: We have a spiritual advisor that is an ordained deacon. What is his role in the Conference?
Can they participate in Conference discussions? Can they be elected as president or appointed
as an officer?
A: It is stated in the Rule (Part III, Statute 15) and the Manual (pages 26 and 48) that ordained ministers
(deacons and priests) can only serve as spiritual advisor of a Conference or Council. They are asked to
give spiritual guidance to the Conference members related to their own personal growth and ministry.
They can participate in any of the discussions and can also go on home visits if they choose to. They are
not the decision makers. In fact, ordained ministers may not vote or hold office or be a signor on
Conference accounts.
Click here to download this week's Spanish version of the Q&A
Click here to download this week's Q&A
Q&A Index
Submit your questions to:
Pam Hudson
National Director of Governance & Membership Services
To Top
SVdP to be featured on CatholicTV
Tuesday, July 19 - 10:30 a.m. Eastern
The Society and National CEO Dave Barringer will be featured on "This is The Day" on CatholicTV on
Tuesday, July 19 at 10:30 a.m. Eastern with several rebroadcasts. Click here for the complete schedule.
This is the Day show:
Watch Live:
Channel Finder for Catholic TV in your area:
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World Premiere of SVdP Special on EWTN Aug. 16
"Our Faith in Action: Today's Society of St. Vincent de Paul" - a half-hour special about the Society will
air on EWTN on Tuesday, August 16 at 6:30 p.m. Eastern.
"Join Society of St. Vincent de Paul members on their spiritual growth journey through service to people
in need. In this special presentation, join Vincentians in a home visit with a family in need, helping the
homeless in a downtown shelter and working with returning citizens through prison ministry. See our
Catholic faith in action through the volunteers of this unique lay vocation and Christ's face in those they
Click here to learn more.
Click here to find the EWTN station in your zip code:
To watch live, click:
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Vincentian Formation
The Jubilee Year of Mercy
A Vincentian Question:
Do I actively seek and welcome all to the table?
How do we ask forgiveness from those we offend because we haven't invited them to the table?
Pope Francis recently made a groundbreaking statement about mercy. "I believe that the church not only
must say it's sorry ... to this person that is gay that it has offended," (June 26, 2016, Returning from
The Pope didn't say to simply tolerate people who don't look like us, act like us, or worship like us. He
didn't say for us to just stop scowling at a same sex couple walking down the street. He didn't suggest
that we forgive people for being homosexual. He said we should apologize to them for our sins of
judgement. Francis suggests that we have sinned by not reaching out; by not being a more welcoming
and diverse Church. This reaffirms his previously stated view reflecting the Church's position that
homosexual acts are sinful, but homosexual orientation is not, in his famous "Who am I to judge" quote
in 2013.
The Bylaws of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul state that we "actively seeks to recruit and retain
volunteers without regard to race, creed (with exception to active members), color, gender, sexual
orientation, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, age or physical handicap." Actively
seek...not just wait for diversity to come to us.
Our sins often involve something we've done to offend another. Pope Francis is reminding us, in this
year of Mercy, that we also sin when we don't do something we should be doing; when we don't welcome
all to the table. (Jack Murphy, Goal 4 Leader)
During this Jubilee of Mercy, all Conferences are invited to pray and reflect together on: Serving in
Hope-Module IV: Our Vincentian Mission. This module will be offered at a 50% discount as a
Jubilee Year of Mercy Special: Formation Guide IV for $1.00 (regular cost $2.00) and DVD for $5.00
(regular cost $10.00).
Serving in Hope-Module IV: Our Vincentian Mission
To order:
Online at or Email:
Formation Guide #1040-English: $1.00 each (one for each member)
DVD #1042-English: $5.00 (one for each Conference)
Formation Guide #1044-Spanish: $1.00 each (one for each member)
DVD #1046-Spanish: $5.00 (one for each Conference)
Ozanam Orientation 2016 Webinar
The webinar, The Introduction to the 2016 Ozanam Orientation for Formators, is now available:
1) Link:
2) The recording and the PDF of the slides are posted on the website:
Go to website and click on SVdP members, on the bar find Programs/Tools and under
programs scroll down and click on Vincentian Formation.
Vincentian Formation Resources
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides important information, programs, documents
and materials for members on the National Council website For
1. Vincentian Reflections and Bulletin Announcements
o Main Page- scroll down-click on "Find them" box
2. Spiritual Formation Resources
o Main Page- click on SVdP Members
o On the bar-go to Programs/Tools
o On Programs move over and down, click on Vincentian Formation
 Ozanam Orientation 2016
 Culture Transformation
 Spiritual Formation
 Retreats
3. Ordering Vincentian Materials
o Main Page- on the bar click Order Materials
Select category for on-line shopping
Or Main Page-click on SVdP members, on the bar click Shop
 Catalog and Order Form to order by mail
 Magnalite for specialty SVdP items
o Or Email:
4. Vincentian Spirituality/Formation
o Main Page- click on SVdP Members
o On the bar-click on Program/Tools
o On Tools, move over and down to Spirituality/Formation
o Scroll over and click on:
 Serving in Hope
 Bulletin Announcements
 Vincentian Reflections
 Vincentian Prayers
 Vincentian Liturgies
5. Vincentian Pathway
o National Council Website -
 Main Page- click on SVdP Members
 On the bar go to Programs/Tools
 On Tools, move over to and click on Pathway Toolbox
 Click on: Walking the Vincentian Pathway
 Section: Phase I-III:Conference President and Spiritual Advisors
 Section: Phase IV: Vincentian Leadership
 Vincentian Pathway Matrix
 Leadership Training Resources
SVdP Culture Transformation Initiative
Culture Transformation
At this year's Midyear Meeting, attendees were introduced to the Society's new Culture Transformation
A PowerPoint presentation describing the Culture Transformation initiative can be found on the
National SVdP website,
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is challenged to respond to the cries of the poor that are multiplying
every day, by increasing the number of Conferences and members.
According to the Rule 1.6, "Faithful to the spirit of its founders, the Society constantly strives for
renewal, adapting to changing world conditions. It seeks to be ever aware to the changes that occur in
human society and the new types of poverty that may be identified or anticipated. It gives priority to the
poorest of the poor and to those who are most rejected by society."
"The Church must step outside herself to go to the outskirts of existence, whatever they may be, but she
must step out," said Pope Francis. "In this 'stepping out' it is important to be ready for an encounter with
others, because faith is an encounter with Jesus."
Together, we walk the journey of "Transforming our Culture... Living our Rule."
Culture Transformation Materials
These materials are offered for your Conference members free of cost:
Culture Transformation Card #6600
Our Cultural Beliefs and Key Results
Transforming our Culture...Living our Rule #6650
Each Cultural Belief united with a section of the Rule
To Order: Online at
(Click on SVdP Members, scroll down and click on Order Materials)
Email order to:
Culture Change Workshops
You may join Vincentians from Conferences and Councils at various Culture Change Workshops.
These workshops will present the exciting process of Culture Transformation: creating the right
experiences, fostering the Cultural Beliefs, producing the most effective actions, in order to bring about
the desired results.
Registration Fee is $50 per person, go to:
For further information contact: Michele Schurk at
Click here for more information about Culture Transformation workshops happening in Councils across
the country.
The Vincentian Formation Day
Spiritual Advisors and Formators
SVdP Annual Meeting - Columbus, Ohio
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
(Lunch provided)
Vincentian formation can be accomplished only through the collaboration of the president, spiritual
advisor and formators. Therefore, it is important for Council and Conference presidents, spiritual
advisors, formators and Conference support personnel to attend the Vincentian Formation Day.
To discern the heart of our Vincentian formation
To deepen the spirituality of our home visit
To develop the Vincentian pathway and our servant leadership
To discover the 2016 Ozanam Orientation Formator Training
The Rule:
"Following Christ's example, the presidents at all levels of the Society endeavor to be servant
leaders...The president of the Conference or Council will have special responsibility for promoting
Vincentian spirituality." (Part 1:3.11)
"It is essential that the Society continually promote the formation and training of its members and
officers, in order to deepen their knowledge of the Society and their spirituality..." (Part 1:3.12)
"Members of the Society ...encourage one another to live a profound spiritual life and spirit of prayer.
For this purpose, the role of the spiritual advisor is very important." (Part 1:3.13)
For further information contact:
Ray Sickinger
Goal 1 Leader
Sister Kieran Kneaves, DC
National Formation Director
'Tis a Gift to be Simple'
Living, Speaking and Praying Simply In the spirit of Vincent De Paul
By: Robert Maloney, CM
As the years of St. Vincent's life passed by, simplicity, or love of the truth, became more and
more the star that guided him. St. Vincent wrote, "It is the virtue I love most. It is my Gospel,"
he said. (Forward, p.4)
Published by: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
$9.00 each Catalog #1900
To Order:
Online at
(Click on SVdP Members, scroll down and click on Order Materials)
Email order to:
For more information about Formation, contact:
Sr. Kieran Kneaves
National Formation Director
To Top
Development Department News
SVdPUSA Announces Tag, Label & POS Partner
The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul is pleased to announce that
Thrift Store Supply, a provider of retail tags, labels, credit card processing and point of sale (POS)
equipment, is now a national partner. The partnership features a 15 to 25 percent discount on POS
system software and hardware, labels, tags, one part, two part and multi part forms, door hangers and
cash register paper.
Thrift Store Supply manufactures 95 percent of the products they sell, allowing them to pass along
significant savings on everyday items. Thrift Store Supply also features a POS system specifically for the
thrift store industry, integrating all components of running a thrift store cost-effectively and efficiently.
Through reduced costs, SVdP can help even more people.
"We feel blessed to be given the opportunity to partner with such a great organization. We are honored
to provide high volume, national pricing to local St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores," said Thomas Mickwee,
vice president of sales. Thrift Store Supply is a family owned and operated business that seeks to give
back to community.
For more information, visit or call 205-436-2828. Mention the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul.
Don't miss the 2016 Development Seminar
Click here to register!
Click here for more Development Department news!
For more information on Development, contact:
Steve Martinez
314-576-3993 ext. 213
Gerri Sample
314-576-3993 ext. 211
To Top
June VOP Webinar
Measuring Secular Criminal Justice Reform
Now Available Online
June's Voice of the Poor webinar - Measuring Secular Criminal Justice Reform Against Catholic
Social Teaching - is now available at the Voice of the Poor portal (click here) of the Society's
website. The PowerPoint slides can be downloaded, and the one-hour webinar recording can be
heard in full for those who missed the live, online presentation on the 16th.
The webinar reviews the key elements of restorative criminal justice as articulated in the U.S.
Bishops Pastoral Statement - "Responsibility, Rehabilitation and Restoration: a Catholic
Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice." It then uses those elements to measure the worth of
secular proposals for criminal justice reform at the federal and state levels. Informative charts
and graphs highlight trends which document how far our current system has strayed from the
principles of Catholic Social Teaching about restorative criminal justice. Also noted is the
progress that is being made in some states and at the federal level. The concluding section
reviews the status of several important reform bills pending before Congress.
For more information, contact the two webinar presenters: Tom Dwyer, Voice of the Poor Chair,
( and Anthony Granado, Associate Director of the Office of Government
Relations for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (
To view the PowerPoint presentation from the June VOP webinar, click here.
Get Your Comment Cards to Fight Payday Lending
Tom Dwyer, Chair, Voice of the Poor Committee, Society of St. Vincent de Paul
If you have experience as a Vincentian helping those in need fight the debt trap of payday loans, the
Society's Voice of the Poor Committee urges you to convert that experience via a "Comment Card"
or an online post into a pointed message to the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
which has just released proposed new payday lending regulations.
These regulations represent the best chance ever at the federal level to curtail the most abusive
practices of the payday loan industry and help the working poor secure loans with reasonable
conditions, terms, and underwriting.
In cooperation with the Center for Responsible Lending, the committee is soliciting stories of the
financial havoc these payday loans typically wreak upon the working poor. By giving real-life
meaning to the statistics and policy arguments, these compelling personal stories can be the fuel
needed to get strong regulations in place. They also help rebut those who claim the payday lending
industry is performing a vital service in a humane way at a reasonable cost.
Comments can be submitted by Vincentians who have worked hand-in-hand with the working poor
through their trials and tribulations with payday lenders, by Vincentians who simply find the typical
effective payday lending rates from 200 percent to 400 percent to be morally indefensible, or by the
working poor themselves who tell their unfortunate stories in their own words. All are equally valid,
powerful testimony about the problem.
Comment Cards can be obtained from the Voice of the Poor Committee members. Contact
Committee Chair Tom Dwyer ( to indicate the number of cards you might
like for your Conference or Council. Or contact one of the committee members in your region (see
list attached).
An electronic mock-up of the Comment Cards is attached, along with a "Tip Sheet" for completing
the card. The online submission form is found here:
Click here to view the comment card
Click here for some tips on how to prepare a payday lending comment
More information about the new regulations can be found here at the CFPB website. The comment
period is open until September 14, 2016, but the Society and the Center for Responsible Lending
and other collaborating organizations are collecting these Comment Cards now for maximum
Watch this space in the weeks ahead for more information about the Society's advocacy against the
scourge of payday lending and on behalf of our deserving friends in need, the working poor.
Click here to see a list of regional Voice of the Poor Leaders.
Questions: Contact National VOP Chair Tom Dwyer at
Click here to read more about the Voice of the Poor Committee and connect with the
National Voice of the Poor Committee on social
To Top
Creating Neighborhoods of Hope
Are you a Council or District leader who has some type of systemic change effort underway, or
who is interested in getting an effort started at the community level? Did you miss the latest
Hope in Action webinar, Creating Neighborhoods of Hope: Systemic Change for Councils,
Districts, & Isolated Conferences? Fear not! The webinar was recorded and is archived on the
Systemic Change website (
Jack Murphy
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
National Board of Directors
Diversity, Systemic Change, Advocacy Goal Leader
To learn more or see examples of Systemic Change within the Society, visit the National
Systemic Change Web page by clicking here.
To Top
A Board's Seven Basic Duties
We're going to take a break in July and not publish any governance tips or articles in the EGazette. We'll resume in August. Before doing so, however, we want to share some additional
thoughts on the May theme which dealt with board responsibilities.
A book titled "The Care and Feeding of a Non-Profit Board" written by Willi Baer lists the seven
basic responsibilities of a board of directors and highlights the three most important.
Click here to read more about this subject.
For questions regarding governance, contact:
Pam Hudson
Director of Governance and Membership Services
314-576-3993 ext. 214
To Top
Disaster Services Division Update
Since January 2016, there have been 43 Disaster Declarations declared in 17 states. Vincentians in the
Southeast and South Central Regions have been especially busy dealing with numerous floods and
tornados and within the last two weeks, the Dog Head Fires in N.M., the new flooding in the Okla. and
the mass shooting in Orlando.
Please pray for our Vincentians that are serving disaster impacted families throughout the nation.
West Virginia's Thousand Year Floods
The house above was swept 1,000 feet by the rushing
water from the W.V. floods.
Photo: Vincentian Jim Butler
On June 25, 2016 President Obama approved a Federal Disaster Declaration for WV-DR-4273,
based on the death toll and the extensive damage to the state from the recent epic flooding. This
flood is the third deadliest in the state's history after that Buffalo Creek Flooding of 1972 (
FEMA was started as a result of floods like the Buffalo Creek Flood) and then the November 28,
1985 floods.
West Virginia already suffers from high rates of unemployment and poverty and this flood
situation will require a holistic approach for recovery.
The Disaster Services Division is coordinating recovery efforts with the Eastern Region Disaster
Chair, Eastern Region VP, the Diocese of Arlington Council, Conferences in the Diocese of
Wheeling, W.V. VOAD, W.V. Council of Churches, W.V. Homeland Security and VA Homeland
Currently SVdP-DSD has a team providing emotional and spiritual care to families in the disaster
zones and we will be providing disaster case work at the disaster recovery centers. On a long-term
basis, we will hope to do the House in a Box® Program and disaster case management. Disaster
case work in the initial phases of recovery, and disaster case management in the long-term
recovery phase help families navigate the disaster resource matrix. Home visits are done in
shelters and at recovery centers.
As this is such a large disaster, we are recruiting and deploying trained Vincentians from around
the country.
Your ongoing support of the Domestic Disaster Relief Fund helps us to provide a safety net for
those families severely impacted by this disaster. To donate to the National Domestic Disaster
Fund, click here.
If you are interested in helping directly in W.V., please email Elizabeth Disco-Shearer
Shown above, two neighbors comforting each other in
among the flood damage in W.V.
Photo: AP
For questions or more information about the SVdP DSD, contact:
Elizabeth Disco-Shearer
SVdPUSA Disaster Services Division
To Top
Vincentian Formation, Spirituality and Culture Change at
the National Assembly in Columbus
Vincentian Formation Day
SVdP Annual Meeting - Columbus, Ohio
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
(Lunch provided)
Vincentian formation can be accomplished only through the collaboration of the president,
spiritual advisor and formators. Therefore, it is important for Council and Conference
presidents, spiritual advisors, formators and Conference support personnel to attend the
Vincentian Formation Day.
Click here for more information about the Vincentian Formation Day as well as the Culture
Change Program that you can participate in at the National Assembly.
For more information or if you have any questions, contact:
Michele Schurk
Events Coordinator
314-576-3993 ext.223
To Top
New Resources Available for Conference Audits
For many years, the Society has required that Conferences perform an annual audit to ensure that
they are operating properly. The audit would assure Conference and Council members that the
Conference is in good standing in the Society. An internal audit would be sufficient for most
Conferences. However, very little has been presented on how to properly conduct this internal audit.
A new resource is now available, developed by the National Extension/Revitalization
Committee. The resource consists of two documents: Conference Audit Manual and the
Conference Audit Worksheets.
The Manual describes the meaning behind the audit and the process to be followed. It describes the
important role that both Conference members and Council members play in this annually required
process. The second file is the set of worksheets that should be used to complete the audit process.
The two documents are located on two Web pages: in Governance-in-a-Box in the Additional
Resources category and in Extension in the Revitalization category. The following link will get you
to those documents:
New Extension Web Portal
The National Extension Committee and SVdPUSA IT Department have developed a new
Extension Web portal.
Here is a link to the new portal:
Click here to learn more about the new Extension Web Portal.
Tell us about your extension success!
Extension is a big part of Goal #3 of the Society. We want to recognize the good work with
extension going on in the Society. If you or someone you know has started a new Conference or
Council, we want to know about it!
Contact Michelle Boyer:
To Top
SVdP and the Circle of Protection
Raising the Issue of Hunger & Poverty for 2016 Presidential Campaign
Last year, SVdP signed on to the Circle of Protection (COP) letters asking presidential candidates to
focus on ending hunger and poverty. The letter requested that candidates produce a three minute video
describing what they would do as president to "offer help and opportunity to the hungry and those in
need in the U.S. and around the world."
The COP is a coalition composed of more than 65 heads of denominations, relief and development
agencies, and other Christian organizations.
Click here to read more.
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SVdP Social Media
Click here to keep up with SVdP on social media and join our mobile network!
Click here to connect with Voice of the Poor on social media!
To Top
SVdP in the News
International News
Empired assists Vinnies help Australia's Forgotten
AUSTRALIA: National solutions provider Empired is
deploying up to 500 seats of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for the
St. Vincent de Paul Society in NSW, to go-live in September.
The new system will help the non-profit organization with
customer engagement and fundraising, said an Empired
spokesperson, by ensuring that the rules used by the marketing
team can be applied and that the marketing budget is spent
The CRM will help in the planning of events and provide a full picture of current and past interactions
with donors.
Empired will also assist Vinnies with the upgrade of the existing infrastructure and a move to Office 365
cloud services.
Read More
IRELAND: Concern by St. Vincent de Paul Levy Increase in Electricity Bills will 'wipe out'
AUSTRALIA: Why Young Entrepreneurs are joining Corporate Tycoons to tackle Homelessness
through Vinnies CEO Sleepout
AUSTRALIA: Catholic School Principals to sleep on the Street
National News
Thriving with Thrift
SAINT LOUIS, MO: As the trucks manager for the
St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores, Richard Vire has
seen some cool donations.
At the top of that list - a 125-year-old shotgun. Plus,
plenty of old records and antique jewelry.
The worst? Well, let's say it involved bodily fluids
and leave it at that.
"I dug my hand in that bag, and I've regretted it ever
since," he said as he shook his head with a smile.
Richard Vire is the trucks manager of the Society of
St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores. He ran one of the
trucks out of the Society's new stores in St. Ann
where he made donation pick-ups with Devante
Vire makes his living digging into other people's
donations to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of St.
Louis, which has expanded upon its thrift store
program in the past six years, growing from two to
seven locations. The society opened its newest store in March on St. Charles Rock Road in St. Ann. The
five stores that have been open for more than a year have experienced a 36-percent increase in sales in
the past two years, according to John Walters, director of stores. The two stores that have been open less
a year have beat their budget projections, he added.
Read more.
PHOENIX, AZ: A Very Special Day in Phoenix
DAYTON, OH: New Playground Equipment for Shelter
Click here for more national SVdP news.
Calendar of Events
Deadline for Frederic's E-Gazette articles
submission: Every Wednesday by 12 noon for Dates for 2017:
article to be included in current week's edition
2017 Midyear Meeting
St. Louis, MO
Dates for 2016:
March 23-25
Invitation for Renewal
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
Indianapolis, IN
San Antonio, TX
July 13-17
June 9-11
National Assembly
Invitation for Renewal
Columbus, OH
Indianapolis, IN
August 30-September 3
July 26-30
Click here to register
Invitation for Renewal
Indianapolis, IN
November 9-13
National Assembly
Tampa, FL
August 29-September 2
Invitation for Renewal
Indianapolis, IN
November 8-12
To Top
*If you wish to print the E-Gazette and are having trouble
printing it from your email, click here to print this issue and past
issues of the E-Gazette in PDF format straight from the SVdP
If you or another member of your Conference is not receiving the E-Gazette
Have you Opted Out?
When an email address has been removed by the owner, or the email address holder designates "Do Not
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must sign him or herself up to resume receiving Frederic's E-Gazette at:
Is your Conference or Council doing something that you think should appear in
the E-Gazette or on SVdPUSA social media? Send your good news to me!
Michelle Boyer
Communications and Administrative Associate
(314) 576-3993 ext. 201
National Council of the United States-Society of Saint Vincent de Paul,
58 Progress Parkway, Maryland Heights, MO 63043-3706

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