Frederic`s E-Gazette May 26, 2016 Table of Contents


Frederic`s E-Gazette May 26, 2016 Table of Contents
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Frederic's E-Gazette
An e-newsletter from the National Council of
the U.S. Society of St. Vincent de Paul®
May 26, 2016
Table of Contents:
To go directly to a certain article, simply click on the title
What's New in this Issue
SVdP on EWTN's "The Church Universal" will Re-air May 27
SVdP CIAD Campaign
North American Vincentian Family Gathering June 9-11, 2017
Jubilee Year of Mercy: How is the "Year of Mercy" transforming me?
Ozanam Orientation Webinars
Friends of the Poor Grant Applications for ME and Western Region Due May
Getting Ahead Facilitator Training Webinars Coming Up
SVdP Communities of Practice: Systemic Change Story: Santa Fe, N.M.
Don't Miss this Year's Disaster Preparedness Conference
SVdP-DSD attends NVOAD Conference
Governance: Board & Staff: Responsibilities of a Board Member (Part Two)
National Assembly in Columbus, Ohio August 30 - September 3
In Every Issue
Letter from your Servant Leader
Q&A and Q&A Index
Vincentian Formation
Extension News
Development Department News
Connect with SVdP on Social Media and Mobile Network
In the News
Don't Miss
SVdP introduces Culture Transformation Initiative
A Life in Letters
'Tis a Gift to be Simple'
Creating Neighborhoods of Hope Webinar is posted
Circle of Protection and the 2016 Presidential Campaign
(NOTE: The links in some of the articles are intended to take you to websites for a specific story, page,
function or program approved for your use by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The Society does not
accept responsibility for, or grant approval of, peripheral advertising or stories that may reside on those
From your Servant Leader:
May 26, 2016
We continue our series of Servant Leader columns on the new Cultural Beliefs for our
Society as part of our new Cultural Transformation to help Councils and Conferences
achieve key results.
TODAY'S SOCIETY: I strengthen the Society by embracing new
and diverse ideas and people.
We all know someone who lives in the past. They don't own, and refuse
to own, a computer. They rely on rabbit-ear TV antennas. They don't fly,
not because of health reasons but because they don't trust heavier-than-air
flight. I bet they still have a rotary phone and still wear that disco-era suit
to church.
David W. Barringer, CEO
Most of us, however, try at least to keep up. It can be different when technology changes constantly to
learn new each new "app" and software. I admit to waiting sometimes until something new proves itself
before I buy it. After all, I already own the same Beatles music on a vinyl record, an 8-track tape, cassette
tape and CD, and now I stream it! I really don't want to keep this going to whatever is next. Sorry Paul
and Ringo.
Organizations change, or should change, just as much as communications and technology. Some change
is derived from the environment, such as the demographics of the community or the laws pertaining to
inclusiveness. How many all-white, males-only clubs still exist? Others change because a need they were
trying to solve no longer exists, or because volunteerism itself has changed due to available time, family
structures and other priorities.
Read more
Yours in Christ,
To Top
Q: Some of our Conferences have pantries where people come in and pick up food on a regular
basis. Other Conferences take food to the homes during a home visit. Other Conferences deliver
food as needed and not as part of a true home visit. In the past, our reporting of these activities
on the "Special Works" form has been somewhat inconsistent. We'd like to correct that. We'd
appreciate any clarification.
A: Anytime a Vincentian takes food to a family it is not a "Special Work," it's part of what we do with
home visits; we take food with us or deliver groceries on home visits. However, if there is a pantry
operation or on-site food distribution center where food is picked up, then it is a Special Work. These are
two different services we provide. Therefore, there is no conflict.
Q: How do we report the number of people helped with cash, i.e. rent, electric, etc. There are
sections on the annual report form for in-kind activity, but not for cash.
A: There is no separate count for the number of people assisted financially. We only track the number of
people assisted by type of service: home visit, other person visit, etc. Expenses included under the
treasurer's report reflects all funds used for goods and services provided to those we served, including
cash, checks, certificates, bus tickets and gift cards. The main method for assistance with cash payments
is checks paid directly to the provider of those goods or services. This also includes the cost of food
purchased to stock food pantry items. For those Conferences that operate stores and other Special
Works, this includes dollars spent for direct aid to those in need.
Click here to download this week's Spanish version of the Q&A
Click here to download this week's Q&A
Q&A Index
Submit your questions to:
Pam Hudson
National Director of Governance & Membership Services
To Top
SVdP on Eternal Word Television Network
SVdP Television Appearance!
Friday, May 27 on EWTN
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, National President Sheila Gilbert and National CEO Dave Barringer
discuss how the Society can benefit a parish in an all-new episode of the Eternal Word Television
Network series, "The Church Universal."
This brand-new SVdP episode will air on the following date:
Friday, May 27
10 p.m. Eastern
7 p.m. Pacific
To view an exclusive clip from this brand-new episode where National President Sheila Gilbert
describes what makes the Society of St. Vincent de Paul's home visits so unique, click here.
"The Church Universal" features the good news about lay movements and their central role in the new
evangelization. For more information, see
Click here to find the EWTN station in your zip code:
To check the EWTN program schedule, click:
To watch live, click:
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SVdP CIAD Campaign
The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul launched its Commission for
International Aid and Development (CIAD) campaign almost a month ago. The special campaign was
launched to help the Society's international efforts.
CIAD disburses funds to help national SVdP Councils across the globe respond to earthquakes, floods
and other major disasters. CIAD also provides funds for developmental projects operated by Vincentian
Councils in developing countries, such as education and establishing community wells and healthcare
There are not currently any active CIAD emergencies that require our assistance. However, the Society
should always be prepared to help when called upon. Many countries with smaller economies and fewer
Vincentians are in the "poor helping the poor" situation and need our help now more than ever.
This past year, through your generous donations to the CIAD fund, SVdP has helped the Mexico
National Council re-establish its offices, helped the Central American National Councils hold an
organizing meeting in Guatemala, helped fund a Vincentian Pan-African meeting, helped poorer
countries send their leaders to Rome to help in the election of the next SVdP international president,
assisted in rebuilding homes in Nepal after the earthquakes last year and so much more.
Support is organized through the U.S. National Council. International disaster dollars are sent from the
U.S. Council either through the international office in Paris or directly to SSVP National Councils in
countries in need. We see to it that every dollar is put to good use to help those who most need it!
You can make cause-specific donations. However, undesignated CIAD donations from your Council,
Conference and individuals are preferred as they will be able to be utilized more efficiently where the
need is most urgent.
We thank you in advance for your support of the CIAD campaign!
You can mail your donations for the CIAD campaign to the National Council Office at the address
National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul
58 Progress Parkway
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Or you can donate online by clicking on the link below:
Go to the "Donation Programs" line and select "International Disasters" from the drop-down
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To Top
Vincentian Formation
The Jubilee Year of Mercy
A Vincentian Question:
How is the "Year of Mercy" transforming me?
Pope Francis tells us: "There is a great need to be transformed by God's mercy, because something is not
right in us and in society. Just look around: how many wounds are inflicted upon humanity by evil! Wars,
violence, economic conflicts that hit the weakest, greed for money, love for power, corruption, divisions,
and crimes against human life and against creation. Lent reminds us that it is possible to create something
new within ourselves and around us."
Our Rule guides us to this transformation of God's mercy: "Where injustice, inequality, poverty or
exclusion are due to unjust economic, political or social structures or to inadequate or unjust legislation,
the Society should speak out clearly against the situation, always with charity, with the aim of contributing
to and demanding improvements." (Part 1:7.6)
During this Jubilee of Mercy, all Conferences are invited to pray and reflect together on: Serving in
Hope-Module IV: Our Vincentian Mission. This module will be offered at a 50% discount as a
Jubilee Year of Mercy Special: Formation Guide IV for $1.00 (regular cost $2.00) and DVD for $5.00
(regular cost $10.00).
Serving in Hope-Module IV: Our Vincentian Mission
To order:
Online at or Email:
Formation Guide #1040-English: $1.00 each (one for each member)
DVD #1042-English: $5.00 (one for each Conference)
Formation Guide #1044-Spanish: $1.00 each (one for each member)
DVD #1046-Spanish: $5.00 (one for each Conference)
SVdP introduces Culture Transformation Initiative
Culture Transformation
At this year's Midyear Meeting, attendees were introduced to the Society's new Culture Transformation
A PowerPoint presentation describing the Culture Transformation initiative can be found on the
National SVdP website,
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is challenged to respond to the cries of the poor that are multiplying
every day, by increasing the number of Conferences and members.
According to the Rule 1.6, "Faithful to the spirit of its founders, the Society constantly strives for
renewal, adapting to changing world conditions. It seeks to be ever aware to the changes that occur in
human society and the new types of poverty that may be identified or anticipated. It gives priority to the
poorest of the poor and to those who are most rejected by society."
"The Church must step outside herself to go to the outskirts of existence, whatever they may be, but she
must step out," said Pope Francis. "In this 'stepping out' it is important to be ready for an encounter with
others, because faith is an encounter with Jesus."
Together, we walk the journey of "Transforming our Culture... Living our Rule."
*Look for more information about Culture Transformation in upcoming issues of the E-Gazette.
Culture Transformation Materials
These materials are offered for your Conference members free of cost:
Culture Transformation Card #6600
Our Cultural Beliefs and Key Results
Transforming our Culture...Living our Rule #6650
Each Cultural Belief united with a section of the Rule
To Order: Online at
(Click on SVdP Members, scroll down and click on Order
Email order to:
Culture Change Workshops
You may join Vincentians from Conferences and Councils at various Culture Change Workshops.
These workshops will present the exciting process of Culture Transformation: creating the right
experiences, fostering the Cultural Beliefs, producing the most effective actions, in order to bring about
the desired results.
Registration Fee is $50 per person, go to:
For further information contact: Michele Schurk at
Click here for more information about Culture Transformation workshops happening in Councils across
the country.
A Life in Letters
Many people have grown in their admiration and respect for Blessed Frederic Ozanam because of the
inspiration and insights found in letters to his friends and family. The best collection of these letters in
English is found in "A Life in Letters" edited by Fr. Joseph Dirvan which was commissioned and
published by the National Council of the United States in 1986. This is a scholarly translation with
annotations from the French of the most significant of his available letters written from 1821 to 1844.
Now out of print and increasingly difficult to obtain, we are pleased to announce that DePaul University
agreed to digitize "A Life in Letters" and make it available online. It is now downloadable without cost as
a pdf at this site: You may want to download the
individual chapters to keep the file size manageable.
Click here to read more.
Webinar for Formators on the new
2016 Ozanam Orientation
Thursday, June 16 at 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. EDT
(2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. CDT, 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. PDT)
The new edition of the Ozanam Orientation 2016 was presented at the Midyear Meeting, on Friday, April
22, 2016. The 2016 materials in English are available for purchase now. We are providing a webinar on
the new Orientation to help existing formators and presenters prepare to teach the new orientation.
The webinar is not a full training for new formators.
Join Kathy Iberle, assistant lead formator in the Western Region, for a webinar, "Introduction to the
2016 Ozanam Orientation for Formators and Presenters."
A taped version of the webinar will be available on the website following the webinar. The same training
will be offered at the National Meeting in Columbus and at some regional assemblies.
We recommend that you order your 2016 Ozanam Orientation Formator's Guide and flash drive prior to
attending the webinar.
Thursday, June 16 at 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. EDT
(2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. CDT, 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. PDT)
Register Today!
For questions about the Ozanam Orientation
or other formation-related issues, contact:
Sister Kieran Kneaves
'Tis a Gift to be Simple'
Living, Speaking and Praying Simply In the spirit of Vincent De Paul
By: Robert Maloney, CM
As the years of St. Vincent's life passed by, simplicity, or love of the truth, became more and
more the star that guided him. St. Vincent wrote, "It is the virtue I love most. It is my Gospel,"
he said. (Forward, p.4)
Published by: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
$9.00 each Catalog #1900
To Order:
Online at
(Click on SVdP Members, scroll down and click on Order Materials)
Email order to:
For more information about Formation, contact:
Sr. Kieran Kneaves
National Formation Director
To Top
Development Department News
The Friends of the Poor® Grant Applications
Are Due May 31 !
Up to $5,000 grants are available for SVdPUSA Conferences in the Mideast and Western
The National Council will be accepting grant applications for the Mideast and Western Regions
from May 1-31. This simple application can be downloaded from the National Council
Development Toolbox - FOP Grant tab at:
Emergency Assistance Projects
Systemic Change Projects
Please send completed applications to the National Office. Email applications are preferred.
Send to Gerri Sample at or Steve Martinez at
If you have any questions about the grant application or your project, please call:
Steve Martinez
Chief Development Officer
314-576-3393 extension 213
Don't miss the 2016 Development Seminar.
Click here to register!
Click here for more Development Department news!
For more information on Development, contact:
Steve Martinez
314-576-3993 ext. 213
Gerri Sample
314-576-3993 ext. 211
To Top
Empowering Individuals to Create Systemic Change
Our Rule calls us "to help the poor to help themselves whenever possible and to be aware that they
can forge and change their own destinies and that of their local community" (1.10).
Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin' By World attacks poverty holistically, in order to empower
individuals to build their own personal plans for economic security and create Systemic Change. It is
currently being used by Conferences and Councils of all sizes, across the country.
Is your Conference or Council ready to implement Systemic Change in your community?
Join Jeanne Harper, a member of the national board of directors and vice president of the North
Central Region, for our next Getting Ahead Facilitator Training Webinar:
Part I: Monday, June 6
Part II: Monday, June 13
11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Central
11:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Central
**Please note these are the CORRECTED dates.
Register Today!
For questions about Systemic Change, the Getting Ahead program,
or other poverty-related issues, contact:
Tom Mulloy
National Director of Poverty Programs
314-576-3993 ext. 215
Creating Neighborhoods of Hope
Are you a Council or District leader who has some type of systemic change effort underway, or
who is interested in getting an effort started at the community level? Did you miss the latest
Hope in Action webinar, Creating Neighborhoods of Hope: Systemic Change for Councils,
Districts, & Isolated Conferences? Fear not! The webinar was recorded and is archived on the
Systemic Change website (
Jack Murphy
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
National Board of Directors
Diversity, Systemic Change, Advocacy Goal Leader
SVdP Communities of Practice
Stories of Systemic Change
Systemic Change has taken firm root within our Vincentian Culture!
This is the twentieth of many Systemic Change stories (big and small) from our
membership across the country.
Santa Fe, N.M.
The following information came from Linda Strasburg, SVdP vice president for the South Central
Region. Linda was also a member of the Systemic Change Task Force that worked on the Hope in
Action workshops and webinars.
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe conducted a three-day training with 21 people. From this group they
were able to build a systemic change steering committee.
Three training sessions have been conducted with 45 people in attendance. They now have six
trained facilitators and 20 trained mentors. The team developed their own four-hour mentor training
program. Three Getting Ahead programs were conducted in 2015 and two are planned for 2016.
Local Conferences were asked to provide meals and childcare for the Getting Ahead Program.
This group used a National Systemic Change Grant to create a tuition assistance program for
children if the parents would agree to attend a Getting Ahead class.
This idea really caught on and the team received an additional grant to continue the program.
Linda will be going to a training class on Bridges Out of Poverty's "Getting Ahead While Getting
Out," a program for returning citizens. We are looking forward to her review of this program.
If you would like to correspond with Vincentians on tips/tricks/traps on running Bridges
Out of Poverty based institute, Donna Beegle's "Communications across Barriers," Circles,
Micro-Loans or any other Systemic Change programs, join us at and
start talking.
Irene Frechette
To learn more or see examples of Systemic Change within the Society, visit the National
Systemic Change Web page by clicking here.
To Top
Disaster Services Division Update
Time is running out to register for the
SVdP Disaster Preparedness Conference June 9-12, 2016
Alexandria, Va. at the Hilton Mark Center
If you haven't already registered for this educational and informative conference, register now by clicking
Major Kenneth O'Neal from the National Guard Headquarters in Washington, D.C. will be one of the
luncheon speakers. He will discuss the role of the National Guard across the nation and their role in
disaster preparedness and response.
Major Kenneth O'Neal
from the National Guard
Headquarters will speak
at the Disaster
There will also be speakers from FEMA, the Red Cross, Knights of Malta and more! Information on
how our SVdP House in a Box® works! You will have the opportunity to learn how your Council or
Conference can participate in local disaster recovery. This is important training to get you started!
For the full meeting agenda click HERE!
We will also have fun in historic Alexandria, Va. We planned a monuments tour on the Potomac River
Saturday and on Sunday we will attend Mass at St. Mary's, established in 1795.
SVDP-DSD News from NVOAD 2016
Jim Butler (left) holding his Presidential Service Award and
NVOAD Don Hampton Volunteer of the Year award along with
Ralph Hassel.
Jim Butler, the Mideast Region disaster chair and the volunteer who runs SVdP-DSD's House in the
Box® Program, was awarded the NVOAD 2016 Don Hampton Award.
The Don Hampton Award is given annually by the board president of NVOAD to an individual who has
exhibited outstanding and unique volunteer service within the VOAD movement. Jim was also awarded
the President's Volunteer Service Award for his lifetime work in disaster services. We are very proud of
Jim Butler!
A big thanks to Ann and Ralph Hassel who staffed the Disaster Services Division booth at the NVOAD
Also at the conference, Elizabeth Disco-Shearer of SVdP-DSD and Monica Montoya from the American
Red Cross conducted a workshop on how to set up a Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC) after a
For more information on their workshop, please click on this link.
Click here to read more DSD news.
For questions or more information about the SVdP DSD, contact:
Elizabeth Disco-Shearer
SVdPUSA Disaster Services Division
To Top
New Extension Web Portal
The National Extension Committee and SVdPUSA IT Department have developed a new
Extension Web portal.
Here is a link to the new portal:
Click here to learn more about the new Extension Web Portal.
Tell us about your extension success!
Extension is a big part of Goal #3 of the Society. We want to recognize the good work with
extension going on in the Society. If you or someone you know has started a new Conference or
Council, we want to know about it!
Contact Michelle Boyer:
To Top
Responsibilities of a Board Member (Part Two)
Last week's article focused on the first five responsibilities of a SVdP Council board of directors.
This week we address the second half of that important list which includes providing adequate financial
resources to carry out the mission and programs of the Council, making sure there is effective
management and use of resources, enhancing the Society's credibility and public image, protecting the
Council's integrity and ensuring accountability and assessing and developing the board's own
Click here to read more.
For questions regarding governance, contact:
Pam Hudson
Director of Governance and Membership Services
314-576-3993 ext. 214
To Top
SVdP and the Circle of Protection
Raising the Issue of Hunger & Poverty for 2016 Presidential Campaign
Last year, SVdP signed on to the Circle of Protection (COP) letters asking presidential candidates to
focus on ending hunger and poverty.
The COP is a coalition composed of more than 65 heads of denominations, relief and development
agencies, and other Christian organizations.
The letter requested that candidates produce a three minute video describing what they would do as
president to "offer help and opportunity to the hungry and those in need in the U.S. and around
the world."
Click here to read more.
To Top
See you in Columbus for the 2016 SVdP National Assembly
August 30 - September 3!
Keep an eye out in future issues of the E-Gazette for more news about the National Assembly
including information about registration!
For more information or if you have any questions, contact:
Michele Schurk
Events Coordinator
314-576-3993 ext.223
To Top
SVdP Social Media
Click here to keep up with SVdP on social media and join our mobile network!
Click here to connect with Voice of the Poor on social media!
To Top
SVdP in the News
International News
Stannies' Students share the Vincentian Spirit
AUSTRALIA: Whether it's helping the elderly or drawing
attention to the plight of the poor, students from St. Stanislaus'
College are happy to carry on the work of their Vincentian
The school has two St. Vincent de Paul Conferences - day students
and boarders - who are actively involved in the community;
providing practical support where it's needed.
Read More
AUSTRALIA: Hotels Have Hearts raises $600,000
St. Stanislaus' College students
Nathan Germech, Jerome Arrow,
Oliver O'Toole, Dominic McCrossin
and Tom Parker are members of the
school's St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Photo: Chris Seabrook
AUSTRALIA: Macarthur Domestic Violence Center receives Funding to help more Women
National News
Peoria Group helps Members stabilize their Lives after
Program Graduation
PEORIA, IL: The Peoria Society of St. Vincent de Paul came together Wednesday night to celebrate the
graduates of their Coming Together to Get Ahead program.
The 18-week long program helps participants build community resources, create personal goals, and
make changes to stabilize and secure their lives.
The program was launched in 2015 and, so far, 14 people have graduated.
One of the main goals is to instill financial stability.
One Coming Together to Get Ahead graduate is doing just that.
Read More
Click here to view a video about the story above.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul continues to care for those in Need
Empty Bowls fill up with Love and Charity
Click here for more National SVdP "In the News"
Calendar of Events
Deadline for Frederic's E-Gazette articles
submission: Every Wednesday by 12 noon for National Assembly
article to be included in current week's edition Columbus, OH
August 30-September 3
Dates for 2016:
Western Regional Meeting
Coeur d'Alene, ID
May 25-28
Midwest Regional Meeting
Branson, MO
June 3-4
Eastern Regional Meeting
Princeton, NJ
June 4
Annual Disaster Preparedness Conference
Alexandria, VA
June 9-12
Click here to register
North Central Regional Meeting
Fargo, ND
June 23-25
Click here to register
Invitation for Renewal
Indianapolis, IN
July 13-17
Invitation for Renewal
Indianapolis, IN
November 9-13
Dates for 2017:
2017 Midyear Meeting
St. Louis, MO
March 23-25
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
San Antonio, TX
June 9-11
Invitation for Renewal
Indianapolis, IN
July 26-30
National Assembly
Tampa, FL
August 29-September 2
Invitation for Renewal
Indianapolis, IN
November 8-12
To Top
*If you wish to print the E-Gazette and are having trouble
printing it from your email, click here to print this issue and past
issues of the E-Gazette in PDF format straight from the SVdP
If you or another member of your Conference is not receiving the E-Gazette
Have you Opted Out?
When an email address has been removed by the owner, or the email address holder designates "Do Not
Mail," the email address cannot be re-added by the National Council office. The email address holder
must sign him or herself up to resume receiving Frederic's E-Gazette at:
Is your Conference or Council doing something that you think should appear in
the E-Gazette or on SVdPUSA social media? Send your good news to me!
Michelle Boyer
Communications and Administrative Associate
(314) 576-3993 ext. 201
National Council of the United States-Society of Saint Vincent de Paul,
58 Progress Parkway, Maryland Heights, MO 63043-3706

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