The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ


The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
206 West Main ~ P.O. Box 670
Fort Pierre, S.D. 57532- 0670
Office: 605-223-2176 fax: 605-223-2805
“They called the church together and reported what God had done with them
and how he had opened the door of faith..." (Acts 14:27).
Rectory (605) 223 - 2176
(605) 223 - 2805
Hours Monday - Friday 10am - 5 pm
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Corpus Christi Sunday
June 2nd, 2013
Pastor, Rev. Mark McCormick
Emergencies: 605-484-2161
Parish Secretary, Sherri Stoeser
Faith Formation, Josie Huck Tardiff
CSS Counseling, Tracy Palecek 222 - 4398
Parish Support, Mary Welsh
Parish Council, Katherine Schmidt
Finance Council, Pat Durkin
Altar Society, Nancy Surprenant
Grand Knight, Frank Sack
Small Group Studies, Shirley Gross
Saint John’s Lord’s Day Masses:
Saturday - 5:30 PM
Sunday - 7:30 & 9:30 AM
Sunday Evenings - Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Confessions: Saturday 4:00 - 5:00 pm or by
Daily Mass ***(check bulletin weekly schedule)
6:45 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday Saturday - 8 AM
Ss. Peter and Paul - Pierre Lord’s Day Masses:
Saturday - 5:00 PM
Sunday - 8:00 &10:00 AM, 7:00 PM, 11:45 AM Mary H
Marriage - Notify your Priest 6 months in advance.
Baptism - Call Father Mark for information.
Anointing - If a hospital stay or surgical procedure is
scheduled, please call to schedule the celebration of
the Sacrament.
Mass Readings
Sunday, June 2nd
Genesis 14: 18-20
1 Corinthians 11: 23-26
Luke 9: 11b-17
Monday, June 3rd
Tobit 1: 3, 2: 1b-8
Mark 12: 1-12
Tuesday, June 4th
Tobit 2: 9-14
Mark 12: 13-17
Wednesday, June 5th
Tobit 3: 1-11a, 16-17a
Mark 12: 18-27
Thursday, June 6th
Tobit 6: 10-11, 7: 9-17 8: 4-9a
Mark 12: 28-34
Friday, June 7th Sacred Heart
Ezekiel 34: 11-16 Romans 5: 5b-11
Luke 15: 3-7
Saturday, June 8th Immaculate Heart
Tobit 12:1, 5-15, 20
Luke 2: 41-51
Sunday, June 9th
1Kings 17: 17-24
Galatians 1: 11-19
Luke 7: 11-17
St. John’s Calendar
Sunday, June 2nd
2:00pm Fr. Brian Christensen presents Year of Faith-see below
7-8 pm Holy Hour with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Sunday we will have a Holy Hour
for the intention of the blessing of rain.
Duc In Altum - Monday, June 13th - Thursday, June 16th.
Parents, don’t let your child miss this opportunity!
Seminarians and trained young adults put a lot of work in to
prepare this wonderful week for your child. Registration
forms at church entrance or call Josie 223-2176.
Father Mark
from your parish family!!
Join us for a
Birthday Celebration
after this Saturday’s Mass
in Padre Hall.
Supper is provided so just come on over
and enjoy and wish Father Mark
a Happy Birthday!
Year of Faith at St. John’s,
This Sunday, June 2nd, 2pm.
Father Brian Christensen
will be presenter on:
“Serving the Body of Christ”
Sacraments at the Service of Communion:
The Sacraments at the Service of Communion, Holy Orders
and Matrimony, are directed toward the salvation of
others. Those who receive the sacrament of Holy Orders
are consecrated in Christ’s name ‘to feed the Church by
the word and grace of God.’ On their part, ‘Christian
spouses are fortified and, as it were, consecrated for the
duties and dignity of their state by a special sacrament’”
Sparks from Father Mark
In February of 2012, I made my first 8 day Ignatian
retreat through the Institute of Priestly Formation out of
Creighton University in Omaha. NE. It was a powerful
experience for me in so many ways. It was a retreat in which
I encountered, as for the first time; the Lord was speaking directly to my heart. I heard the Lord invite me into a deep and
personal relationship with him. I truly wanted to know Jesus,
and not simply know of him.
It was during this retreat that the Lord asked if I wanted my heart to be healed. For years I have been praying for a
physical healing of my heart, after 2 heart attacks and 6 stints
later. However, through prayer, I have come to realize that
what I really needed was a spiritual healing from a wounded
Since that retreat in February of 2012 I have been
very faithful to a desert day once a month at Broom Tree in
Irene, SD combined with Spiritual Direction. It is through this
encounter of trying to listen to the Lord in the silence of my
heart and working with a Spiritual Director during the past 15
months that the idea of participating in a 30-day silent retreat
began to service in my heart.
This past spring Bishop Gruss gave me the permission
to participate in a 30-day Ignatian retreat this summer at
Creighton University in Omaha. I leave Monday June 24th and
return August 1st.
Fr. Jim Breem a retired priest from the Diocese of
Sioux Falls will be here for 3 weekends and 2 full weeks. Frs.
Tim Hoag and Marcin Garbacz from our diocese of Rapid City
will cover the other 2 weekends.
In next weeks Sparks I will share more information on
my 30 day retreat.
We welcome through the waters of baptism: Joser Bradley Lemmel,
son of Brad and Mandy.
Please pray for Jim Palmer, husband of Deb. May Jim and all the
faithfully departed rest in peace. Amen
(CCC 1534-1535; LG 11; GS 48).
Seminarian Fund: Our $5000 donation to the Seminarian Fund is due
at the end of June. We have 4 weeks and have $4394.00 of the $5000
payment which leaves $606.00. We need $151.50 each of the next 4
weeks to meet our goal.
Birthright Center in Pierre: Birthright believes it is the right
of every pregnant woman to give birth and the right of every
baby to be born. Birthright has been in Pierre for many years
and at present time is in need of volunteers as Center hours
need to be increased to be available for more women. If you
Take my
can give a couple hours a week/month it will make a huge
not my life...
difference in the lives of women seeking help. We need
you. If you have questions, or would like to see for yourself if
this is an area you could be of help, please reply to Cori Weinheimer-2645362 –
St. John’s Donation Drive for Birthright: New
born diapers, maternity clothing, newborn/infant
clothing up to size 2T-Please - new or gently used
items, all are acceptable without holes or stains.
Items needed are nursing bras, breast pumps, baby
bassinets, strollers, high chairs—all in good condition. Donation
box is at church entrance. No car seats or cribs, due to legal issues.
Eucharistic Conference in ND: The Catholic Diocese of Bismarck is planning its
first-ever THIRST 2013 Conference at the Bismarck Civic Center, Oct. 25-27, 2013.
The Eucharistic Congress will feature speakers Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Scott
Hahn. The Diocese of Bismarck hopes to make this a regular event. More
information is available here:
Saturday, June 1st
5:30 PM + Joe LeFaive By: Sid and Carol Pond
Sunday, June 2nd
7:30 AM Intentions of the Parish
9:30 AM + Ann Mitchell By: John and Patti Duffy Family
Monday, June 3rd
6:45 AM + Ed Duffy By: Uncle Matt
Tuesday, June 4th
6:45 AM Morning Prayer
Wednesday, June 5th ***Note Time Change
Linda Brown, Phyllis Fravel, Doug Reiman, Pat Suedkamp
Clare Madsen, Dawn Vansickle
Arlene Douglas, Bev Stoeser
John Duffy, Sheridan Nickolas, Matt Scott, Eric Weiss
Austin Hand
Michelle Metzinger
Sat.01 Brad and Lori Clark, Ron and Joanne Heckenliable,
Jerry and Barbara Kleinsasser,
Perry and Kristi Longbrake, Rod and Patti Stoeser
Sun.02 Lynn and MaryBeth Fravel, Travis and Emily Paulson
Mon.03 Frank and Diane Larson
Wed.05 Simon and Joanne Menning
Thu.06 Bob and Eileen Kramer
Fri.07 Jim and Pat Suedkamp
Sat.08 Joseph and Velda Pitlick
5:30 PM SI Eva and Burton Weaver By: Jerry and Patty Lihs
Thursday, June 6th
6:45 AM + Joe LeFaive By: Delmer and Patty Fawcett
5:30 pm
Mary Welsh
Ryan Fowler
7:30 am
Friday, June 7th
6:45 AM + Ed Duffy By: Lyle and Phyllis Kenzy
Saturday, June 8th
8:00 AM Mass Intentions of Father Mark
5:30 PM + Geraldine Kokesh By: Rick Kokesh
Sunday, June 9th
7:30 AM Intentions of the Parish
9:30 AM SI Krystal and Luke Langholz By: John and Kit Schmidt
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4 - 5pm , Sunday 7 - 8pm with Adoration
9:30 am
Pat Storms
or by appointment
Weekly Collection
$ 2,036.32
$ 172.32
$ 2,208.64
This Weeks Building Fund: $395.00
Our building repair loan payment is $2,494.28 a month.
Our building renovation monthly loan payment is for
 new hall furnaces and air conditioning, $40,000
 parking lot maintenance, $16,600
 hall roof, $12,500,
 tuck pointing, $17,700
 Repair of a crack in the church foundation wall $7500
 Purchase of adjacent property: $55,000.
Our loan balance is $116,873.53 for all loans. We took out the first loan in
2009 for $138,546.48 and have paid off $120,929.80 in four years!
We are grateful for the stewardship of our parish family!
“Give and it shall be given to you.
For the measure you measure with will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38
Please use your weekly envelopes - it makes much shorter and accurate work
for those who count the collections!
Thank-you to all who continue to honor their building renovation
pledge balance with payments and to those who continue to give to
the building fund to fulfil our loan payment each month Payments go toward paying off our building loan.
Communion: If you are on a gluten free diet please contact Father
Please kneel down after Mass and pray Three Hail Mary’s
for the next person who dies from our parish.
Judy Ackley
Kelly Madsen
Austin, Adam
and Courtney
Glenn and
Frank Sack
Irma LeFaive
Pat Durkin
Morgan Meier
James and
John Barnett
Isaih Hand
Steve and
Carol Pond
For all the sick and suffering: Eric Buchmann, Grady Jacobson, Maddox
Rowland, Kelsey Spurlin, Marie Gibson, Mary Gibson, Eileen Hofer, Barb
Brown, Cindy Foreman, James Garrity, Bryan Ice, Cindy Hogman, Jason
Jund, Stella Nagel, Jim Palmer, Alice Gannon, Bill Roscoe, Peg Logan,
Terry Hughes, Kroix Larson, Beth Flagstad, Addie Nickolas, Kathryn Schlechter,
Keri Hendrickson, Kathy Mueller, Helen Schneiderhan, Maryls Fratzke, Heidi
Alban, Danna Bren, Yvonne Ehlers, Patti Duffy, John Jund, Delores Melvin,
Steeley Moore, Gary Campbell, Paul Ryan, Ray Shepherd, Pauline Witte, Conrad
Adam, Ted Schlechter, Paula Smith, Sharon Hoelscher, Kayle Coleman, Howard
Brunner, Ron Heckenliable, Dick Biegger, Eleanor Unterbrunner, Leanne Goff,
Cassie Miller, Max Roberts, Steve Kokesh, Ken Stewart, Regina Iversen, Marsha
Delmonte, Betty Kramer, Jim McClaine, Bill Clark, Colleen Schwanz, Roger Knight
and all who have asked for our special prayers. Call Marsha Knight -223-2478
with requests.
SFC Smith Brady
Please pray for our Military Members:
That God’s loving hands protect them as they
protect us and heal those who have returned to
us physically or emotionally wounded.
We especially pray for the safety and well-being
of Brady Smith, son of Barry and Diane.
Silent Retreats at Terra Sancta: Come aside and rest in God at Terra Sancta
Retreat Center. Silence, solitude, reflection and prayer. Open yourself to a
deeper relationship with God.
Find out more and register on-line at
Upcoming silent retreats include:
June 7-10 –for young adults, directed by Susan Safford/Fr Marcin Garbacz July
25-28 – for men, directed by Fr Tim Hoag
October 3-6 – for adults, directed by Fr Rick Abert, SJ
December 12-15 – for women, directed by Susan Safford
Summer Boys and Girls Camps, Retreats and Vacation Bible School Dates:
June 9-13: Duc in Altum High School (9-12 grades)
June 10-13: Duc in Altum Elementary (1-8 grades)
June 24-28: Girls Leadership Totus Tuus (9-10-11-12 grade) Camp. All girls who have completed grade 9 up.
June 25-28: Girls Totus Tuus (6-7-8 grade) All girls who have completed grade 6 and up.
July 15-19: Boys Leadership Totus Tuus (9-10-11-12 grade) Camp. All boys who have completed grade 9 up.
July 16-19: Boys Totus Tuus (6-7-8 grade) All boys who have completed grade 6 and up.
July 22-26: Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible School Pre K -5
There are wonderful opportunities this summer for your children to grow in their faith while having fun!
Right here at St. John’s are two of them: Duc In Altum June 10-13th grades 1-8 daytime, 9-12 evenings
Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible School is July 22-26th. K-5
Duc in Altum (“ Put out into the deep” – Luke 5:4), a summer catechetical youth program, is being held
at St John the Evangelist on June 10-13, for grade school and middle school youth (grades 1--8). The
program runs Monday-Thursday 9:00am-2:30pm. The day includes catechetical instruction, daily Mass,
songs, games and recess. For high school youth June 9-13 (grades 9-12), the program runs SundayThursday 7:30pm-9:30pm.
Duc in Altum combines catechesis while having FUN!!! The youthfulness and energy of the team is contagious, come out and join us! Parents: don’t let your child miss this opportunity!
All are invited to a potluck dinner on Wednesday at 6:00pm. Registration is available through St. John’s
and at the church entrance. Cost is (cost -$20 per youth $50 per family of three or more but don not let
the registration fee be a factor-see Father). Participants in the grade school and middle school program
should bring a sack lunch and recess equipment. Registration is available at our Parish Office or the
Meals for the Duc In Altum Team Serve (3) - Lunches and (2) Suppers (Wednesday is Potluck for supper).
We also need volunteers on Thursday to help fill water balloons for the water fight.
Please call the church office or email to volunteer or for questions.
We appreciate any help that you can offer.
church entrance. Please return it to the Parish Office, call 223-2176 -
TOTUS TUUS — Last Chance to go - A great time with great kids together in faith!
Totus Tuus is a summer camp where we spend a few days reflecting on God’s call to each of us.
Terra Sancta Retreat Center, Rapid City
T2 Girls Leader (Jun 24-28, completed Gr. 9+) - T2 Girls (Jun June 25-28, completed Gr. 6-8)
T2 Boys Leader (Jul 15-19, completed Gr. 9+) - T2 Boys (Jul 16-19, completed Gr. 6-8)
Registration Deadline: June 1 (scholarship funds available) (Scholarships available)
You can go online and register at or pick up a form at the church and send it along
with the $99.95 registration fee (checks payable to Diocese of Rapid City) to:
Office of Vocations,
Diocese of Rapid City PO Box 678 Rapid City, SD 57709-0678