Messenger - Macoupin Baptist Association


Messenger - Macoupin Baptist Association
VOL: 157
Mar-Apr | Issue 4
Spring Ahead
As I write this, we are enjoying
some of the long overdue cold &
snow that I have been getting along
fine without for some time. A
familiar reminder to us in Illinois
that winter is truly here. With that
in mind, I’d like to redirect your
attention to the title of my article.
Is this a simple reminder of a future
aspiration? Or, could it just be a
reminder of what we do with our
clocks in March? Both of these
statements would be true; however,
what I really would like to address
is another desired outcome, new
life in our churches.
As spring draws near, we often do
think of the revitalization that
warmer weather brings to the trees,
the grass, our gardens, flowers, etc.
But what about the revitalization of
our church?
At the 2015 Leadership Summit,
Pastor John Mark Clifton, now
serving as our National Legacy
Church Strategist at our North
American Mission Board (NAMB),
shared about the need for and
means to church revitalization. He
spoke, not out of textbook theory,
but out of his personal experience
of leading a church ready to close
its doors in 2006 to a church, once
again, of vibrant ministry.
In a reprint about his breakout
session at the Summit, in the Spring
Resource magazine, Pastor Clifton
reminded us that 900 SBC churches
close their doors, each year! The
recent focus on new church plants
of 1,250 per year has not changed
things much, as the “death rate”
remains about the same. Therefore,
Clifton stressed the need for
“Legacy Church Planting”, which
he defines as “planting a new
church within a declining church”
and teaching them how to sustain
and train for generations.
In this process, Clifton lists ten
areas that must be addressed to
bring this about:
1. Do everything for God’s glory.
2. Stand firm in commitment to
the Gospel.
3. Be consistent in prayer.
4. Practice
organization & leadership.
5. Focus on incarnational ministry.
6. Be generous with resources:
Redeem the building.
7. Develop young men.
8. Simplify the strategy.
9. Celebrate the legacy often.
10. Let us covenant, pray, and work
together in order to “spring
ahead” in revitalization of our
Bro. Richard
Week of Prayer/Annie Armstrong Offering
March 6-13
This offering supports the SBC missionaries serving
across North America. 100% of the offering goes
directly to assist those in the field. Visit for more info.
Preaching Workshop
March 7, Emmanuel 6:30 pm
This preaching workshop is for those who desire to
sharpen their sermon preparation whether they are
already a pastor, deacon or someone who speaks in a
nursing home etc. and has the desire to equip
themselves with this skill. This will be held on the first
Monday of each month. If you are interested, please
contact Cliff Woodman at 618-946-5720 or Cliff will send information
regarding the scripture text to be used. Each participant
will be asked to bring a message on that text and be
critiqued and encouraged on their presentation. The
first session will last for about an hour and a half.
Children’s Ministry Day
March 12, Emmanuel 9 am (Various Locations)
Emmanuel Baptist Church will be a host site for this
year’s Children’s Ministry Day! Children and their
leaders will choose from 12 different hands on ministry
projects for girls and boys who are in 1st-6th grade.
The cost is $15 per person and includes a T-shirt. Visit for more details and to register!
Daylight Savings Time
March 13
Don’t forget to set your clock ahead one hour or you
will miss church!
Senior Adult Meeting
March 17, Emmanuel Noon
Please join the Senior Adults at their upcoming
meeting. The meal will be served at noon. The speaker
will be Sharon Carty with the theme: “Some Things
Old, Some Things New, Some Things Borrowed, All
Things True!”
Ministers’ Wives Retreat
March 18-19, IBSA, Springfield
“Where do I fit in this crazy world?” Learn to use space
well for God’s glory (Colossians 3:23) while enjoying
fellowship, learning new leadership skills, and
receiving encouragement from others. The guest
speaker will be Rachel Lovingood with Lifeway! For
more details visit
Iron Sharpens Iron Conference
March 19, Springfield IL 8:30a-4:55p
This one-day men’s conference is designed to build and equip men
from ages 13+. For an information packet, visit
Disaster Relief Training
April 8-9, Western Oaks Baptist Church, Springfield
The Chaplaincy class begins Friday at 1pm. All new volunteers are
required to take introduction to Disaster Relief 101 Friday evening
and Saturday afternoon. Visit for more info.
Returning Hearts Celebration
April 9, Decatur
Last year, Prison Fellowship and AWANA hosted a Returning
Hearts Celebration at Decatur Women’s Unit. They will be returning again for a one day event. Children will spend the day with their
mother's bonding and playing games! More details to follow! Visit
their website for more info:
Cooperative Program Sunday
April 10
The world’s most effective system for missions giving is the Cooperative Program (CP) of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through
offerings from all our churches, the CP produces about $190 million
for missions work each year. Every time you give to your church, a
small portion goes through the CP to the mission field in Illinois and
Leadership & Equipping Conference
April 16, Emmanuel 9am-Noon
More details will be sent to your pastor and church.
MBA Rally
April 18, Mt Pleasant 6pm
Join us at our next rally. Dinner will be served at 6 pm. The program will follow at 7pm with the emphasis on Baptist Children’s
Home and the Christian Activity Center. Childcare will be provided.
Priority Women’s Conference
April 29-30, Tabernacle Baptist Church, Decatur IL
This Annual Women’s Event is a time of spiritual renewal, training
and introduction to ministry resources, networking opportunities and
awareness of ministry and missions opportunities. The WMU business meeting and other preconference sessions will take place during the day on Friday. The main session will kick off Friday evening with the final session ending min-afternoon on Saturday. Cost is
$25 which includes lunch on Saturday.
To register visit There are a block of rooms set up at the Decatur Conference Center and Hotel. The rate is $92 plus tax per
night. To reserve: call 217-422-8800 and ask for the Illinois Baptist
Women Room Block. (Conference schedule is posted online).
World Changers
Vacation Bible School
The association will not
hold a VBS Clinic this
year. Instead, we utilized
the State Clinic that was
held at Chatham Baptist
However, The association
will have an informal
roundtable discussion on
Saturday, April 2nd at
10am-Noon. This will be
for those who couldn't
make it to the Clinic or
ideas, or help and guidance
for any rotation site.
Breakfast will be served.
The VBS Team is
available to come to your
church for on-site training
but would like feedback to
association’s resources.
When is your Church
having VBS? We would
like to have a master
calendar with all the VBS
dates. This will help us to
plan and have material
available for different
association to use. Let
Tanya know by calling the
The Missions Development Team is accepting
applications for scholarships for those going on mission
for the 2016 year.
Pleasant Dale Baptist Church is offering scholarships for
2016 mission trips as well.
Applications may be printed from our website at
Applications may be dropped off at the MBA office. If
mailed to the office, indicate “Scholarship Application”
for Missions Team on the envelope, or e-mail to the
MBA office at Please return your
application as soon as possible so the funds can be
distributed in a timely manner.
BCHFS Prayer Requests
Pray---For the Search Committee as they search for the
right person to fill the position of Executive Director as
Doug Devore retires.
Pray---For an expectant mother at Angers’ Cove who
has recently been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s
Lymphoma. She has many problems and has a 2 year
old daughter. She is traveling to St. Louis to undergo
chemo. She is planning adoption.
office at 217-854-8279 or
If you would like on-site
training, or need material,
please contact Tammy
Butler at 217- 341-1469 or
Surface!” Psalm 139:23-4
The World Changers/P2 Mission Trip will be July 9th-15th
in Cleveland, OH. There are
spots still open for registration.
If you are still interested in
going, please contact Brian
Bennett as soon as possible at
618-372-3414 or by email at The
deposit is $50 and the remaining balance of $249 will be
due on or before June 20th.
Mother’s Day Offering
What does “Redeemed” mean to you? I think of the
song “Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It”. How
wonderful it is to proclaim that saving blood of the
lamb. I looked up some definitions of redeemed and
here is what I found---Change something’s character,
like converting waste into something usable. Change
something’s function, like taking something and using
it for something else. Change somebody’s belief, like
changing an opinion or idea of something. Restored,
liberated, freed, delivered, rescued, saved. Exchanged
or converted. Isn’t that what our mission through the
BCHFS is all about? Introducing people to the Savior
through the love and care for them. Taking lives that
are crushed and in need of unconditional love and
showing that Redeeming love of God will make a
difference in that life. It is not too early to begin
thinking about ways to promote the Mother’s Day
Offering. This important offering provides a large
portion of the income for BCHFS. Be praying for
your church and the members as they support this life
changing ministry.
*Important Date Change*
We are changing the date of the 5th Annual Trivia
and Silent Auction to September 24th at Emmanuel
Baptist Activity Center in Carlinville. Doors will
open at 5pm. Please mark your calendars and plan
on attending to support the BCHFS.
Information at a later date.
Angels’ Cove Diaper Drive
April is our Annual Diaper Drive for Angels’
Cove. Sizes needed ar e newborn and sizes 3 and
up. In addition to diaper s, they can also use wet
wipes, bottom cream and baby lotion. Angels’
Cove can also use newborn girl outfits. Watch
your Sunday paper for diaper coupons. If you have
internet access, there are printable coupons for
various brands available. Please take items to the
Associational Office by April 13th or call Kay
Robinson at 618-372-3639.
Safe Families for Children
-A movement of Biblical Hospitality
Safe Families is a national movement of
compassion that is preventing child abuse by
encouraging the Church to resume its historical and
Biblical responsibility for vulnerable children by
becoming a part of the support network for the
BCHS is proud to serve as implementer for Safe
Families network in southern Illinois. Individuals
may become involved by becoming a host family, a
family friend, a resource friends’ resource, or a
support for existing situations. Churches can
become involved in the Safe Families movement
with Church Coordinators who build way for all of
the volunteers to work together to sustain each
other, including support groups, clothing closets,
child care network, and other services. For more
information, contact Roger Balfour, Safe Families
coordinator at (618) 382-4164 Ext. 104.
BCHFS Church Ambassadors
Upcoming BCHFS Events
The BCHFS is working to increase contact with
communications---e-mails, phone calls, newsletters,
mailings, etc.
What we have called church
representatives will now be called BCHFS
Ambassadors. These people will receive information
directly from BCHS and will serve as a liaison
between BCHFS and their church family.
March 2016---Women of Compassion Forum—
March 5th at Carmi Campus. WOC is group of women who support the BCHFS through their prayers and
financial support. At the Forum, women who contribute $500 or more to the fund will vote to direct
funding toward a special BCHFS project of their
choosing. For more information, contact Paula Joy at
(618) 731-1323.
We are still in need of Church Ambassadors
(Representatives) in the following churches: Fir st
Community, Litchfield First, Litchfield Southern,
Mt. Olive, Nilwood, Paradise, St. James, & Union
We would like to have an Ambassador in every
church. If you would help us by doing this in your
church, please contact Kay Robinson at (618) 3723639 or email information to
*If you are currently are Representative for your
church and have not received the BCHFS
information in this Messenger prior to the Messenger
being sent out, please contact Kay Robinson at 618372-3639 or email at
July 18-July30---Uganda Mission Trip---BCHFS has
a partnership with Arise Africa International and their
Bukaleba Babies’ Home, located in Bukaleba, Uganda. The orphanage is a relatively new facility which
provides a home to over 50 children, age birth to 8.
Approximate cost is $3000-$3500. It is necessary to
have a Yellow Fever immunization to travel to Uganda. It is recommended to have typhoid, updated tetanus and anti malaria medication. It is strongly recommended to have all of the routine immunizations
up to date before traveling. Maximum number of
people they can take is 15 and they must be at least
12 years of age. For more information, contact Doug
Devore at (618) 382-4164.
Don’t forget the Pinewood Derby will be held at Emmanuel on March 5th. Registration begins
at 9am.
The Children’s Ministry Day will be held at Emmanuel and various locations across Illinois on
March 12th. Please register online at
Easter Celebration
In nearly every church in North America, Easter is the most-attended Sunday of the year. In
nearly every church, attendance reverts to normal the next week.
What plans does your church have to welcome these attendee's and to reach and retain them
more effectively? It doesn’t have to be grand or expensive, but it must be genuine, honest, and
How can your church best relate the greatest victory of all times in a way that reflects the personality of your church family?
Bro. Richard
Churches In Macoupin Baptist Association
Bethlehem, Shipman
Ray Robinson
Bunker Hill
Darrell Molen
Calvary, Hillsboro
Jeff Hemken
Charity, Carlinville
Daniel Johnson
Cross, Carlinville/Staunton Tim Rhodus
Emmanuel, Carlinville
Cliff Woodman
First Baptist Church, Girard Victor Angulo
First Community, Shipman Jesse Williams
Gilead, Hettick
Gary Harding
Grace Southern, Virden
Jimmy Hammond
Litchfield FBC
Litchfield Southern
Mike Rogers
Arthur Garland
Mt. Olive FBC
Gary Hanover
Mt. Pleasant, Medora
Rob Cleeton
Mt. Zion, Piasa
New Beginnings, Girard
Ken Lovely
New Hope, Litchfield
Roy Eller Jr.
Mike Arthur
Paradise SO, Jerseyville
Bill Baughman
Pleasant Dale, Girard
Gerald McElroy
Keith Halsey
Terry Pope
St. James, Hillsboro
James Hayes
Trinity, Gillespie
Dane Solari
Union Chapel, Girard
Don Durbin
Macoupin Baptist Association
718 N. Broad St, PO Box 436
Carlinville, IL 62626
217-854-8279-office, 217-854-5256-fax
DOM-Richard Hill, 217-851-4390 cell
Administrative Assistant-Tanya Hill
Macoupin Baptist Assn Est.-1859
*Growing in Christ
*Sharing the Gospel