tool times - Apex Tool Group


tool times - Apex Tool Group
The magazine for clients, distributors and friends of the Power Tools-sector
The new Mobile Assembly System
3 Apex Tool Group gains
major order - Safe
joints in the automotive
4 2nd 12-hours-swim in
Hochheim - Apex Tool
Group sponsors team
5 Preventive Maintenance Refresh - Reduce your repair- and
6 MOTEK 2012 - Apex
Tool Group again innovative
7 Our YouTube channel News from the world of
Social Media
page 8
power your productivity
Apex Tool Group gains major order
This is fun!
Safe joints for the automotive industry
Dear readers,
The Apex Tool Group GmbH & Co.
OHG gained a major order in the
eight-figure range for tightening
technology in three plants of the
BMW Group. Regensburg, Leipzig
and Oxford rely on the well-known
products of the industrial tool manufacturer and apply them to the vehicles of the compact car class.
Spain is European Champion! Surprisingly, nobody guessed this result in our
sweepstake. Our employees, sometimes together with customers, followed the
European Championship in high spirits at the public screening in Ellwangen.
Also in-house, we are experiencing high spirits: The Apex Tool Group had its
second anniversary in June. And after the 2nd quarter 2012, we are still looking ahead optimistically. We could register some new hires and we are still
looking for new employees.
The colleagues were also in a mood to celebrate when we had won a major
order at the BMW Group. We will equip three plants with our tightening technology to realize fastenings in some compact car classes.
The Apex Tool Group again appeared as a sponsor. Kurt-Eberhard Arnold had
been invited by satisfied employees of our customer Opel to the 12-h-swim
and therefore also served a good cause.
Nevertheless, there is also news from our products. The Mobile Assembly System (MAS) stand for a highly flexible and unique product. And the Preventive
Maintenance Refresh reduces your repair- and breakdown-costs.
Some three months before the MOTEK 2012 we are also reporting about our
booth in this edition. We are looking forward to your visit already today in hall
1, booth 1182!
Andreas Kowol
General Manager
Tightening technology of the Cleco
LiveWire series, hand tools, DGD
spindles and other products of the
comprehensive Apex Tool Group
portfolio come into operation in the
three locations where the systems
for the BMW 1 Series and the MINI
are being installed lately. Tools of the
Apex Tool Group are especially utilized for safety critical joints.
Three factors were important for the
contracting of this voluminous project. Initially, the reliable tightening
technology of the Apex Tool Group
had already be known due to the
long-term business relationship between the two companies. Additionally, the car manufacturer attached
great importance to a supplier who is
able to cover all tool sectors competently. And finally, the leading quality
of the DGD spindles was convincing
once more.
Andreas Kowol, General Manager
of the Apex Tool Group in Westhausen, and all employees were glad
about the contracting. “We are very
happy that BMW chose us as their
main supplier. Our high quality tools
and our renowned service distinguish
us from the competitors in tightening
technology. Reliability and innovative
power are very important in our business…and that is what we stand for!“
5-spindle nutrunner for wheel tightening
power your productivity
2nd 12-hours-swim in Hochheim
Preventive Maintenance Refresh
Apex Tool Group sponsors the Team „Die Wasserläufer“
Reduce your repair- and breakdown-costs
Many communities know this
problem: indoor swimming pools
are expensive to service. Nevertheless, the citizens of the town
Hochheim in Hesse did not give
up and solved the problem ideally.
In 2005, they founded the “Bürgergenossenschaft Hallenbad Hochheim e.G.“, a cooperative society.
Ever since, the friends’ association has been supporting the indoor swimming pool with volunteers and money.
Certain components of tightening systems have to be maintained periodically to avoid an
early breakdown. By scheduled
services, breakdowns can often
be avoided. Otherwise, costintensive repairs usually are the
consequence. Cost-intensive
breakdowns can often be avoided
by scheduled services. Our experience shows that repair- and
breakdown costs for maintained
tightening systems can be reduced considerably.
The model is very successful and
therefore finds nationwide interest.
Also the 12-hours-swim which takes
place every three years. This special
event helps the friends’ association to
earn important donations which are
invested in necessary renovations
and purchases.
This year, the Apex Tool Group supported this remarkable initiative in
form of the team “Die Wasserläufer”.
Kurt-Eberhard Arnold, Area Sales
Manager with the Apex Tool Group,
even swam with them. Due to the
good cooperation with the customer
Opel, Hans Jürgen Walther (Opel
employee) had invited him together
with his son. The team achieved a respectable sixth place with 1726 com4
pleted lanes, converted this means
43,15 km.
The ToolTimes editorial staff talked to
K.-E. Arnold about this sportive commitment.
Edit.: Why do you take part in this
K.-E. A.: This event promises a lot of
fun and provides a perfect possibility
to test one’s limits newly. Additionally,
the support of the indoor swimming
pool is in our focus.
Edit.: Which part of the 12-hoursswim is the hardest one?
K.-E. A.: The hardest part is to motivate oneself and the team over and
over again, especially when the muscles begin to get sore.
Edit.: Did you have special training
units as preparation of the 12-hoursswim?
K.-E. A.: That is top secret.
Edit.: What is more important – the
athletic success of being king of donations?
K.-E. A.: I think, we will cover both
points pretty well.
Edit.: Mr. Arnold, many thanks and
lots of success!
Ensure your productivity and availability
- „Preventive Maintenance Refresh“
for TM modules of all series
- „Preventive Maintenance Refresh“
for Cleco TME Controller
- Specified maintenance volume
- All costs are known in advance
- No additional administrative costs
The reason for maintenance is
primarily to keep the delivered system trouble-free and ready for use.
The main goal is to avoid unplanned
breakdowns which do not only disturb the production process, but are
also accompanied by exceptional
What is Preventive Maintenance
- Exchange of all electronic components which are subject to normal
- Complete function test of the TM
module or the controller
- Increasing operational life by 100
- Ensure an operation guarantee of
an additional 40.000 hours
Jochen Weiß
Phone.: 0049 7363 81254
E-Mail: jochen.weiss@
Hubert Kühner
Phone: 0049 7363 81163
E-Mail: hubert.kuehner@
We recommend the „Preventive
Image might differ from the
Maintenance Refresh“ for the beoriginal
low listed TM series: Model TM12,
TM34, STM12, STM34, STMH,
TMH, STMH.1, STMHE. Operational
life time is approximately 20.000
hours until the “Preventive Maintenance Refresh” is recommended
for the following revision numbers:
00/01, 01/01, 02/01, 03/01, 03a/02,
Preventive Maintenance Refresh
reduces your downtime!
power your productivity
MOTEK 2012
Our YouTube channel
The Apex Tool Group presents itself again innovatively
News from the world of Social Media
The leading international trade
fair for handling, assembly and
automation technology presents itself again at the Stuttgart
Exhibition Centre from the 8th
through the 11th of October, 2012.
The world’s leading event in the
fields of production and assembly automation, feed technology
and material flow, streamlining
and handling technology, as well
as industrial handling takes place
for the 31st time.
The Apex Tool Group has been part
of the Social Media community for
more than half a year. The likes and
followers in Facebook, Twitter etc.
have been increasing weekly.
We are also active in YouTube. You
can already find six videos in the ApexPowerTools channel which have
already been viewed over 340 times.
Award ceremony balloon competition Family Day 2011
DGD tightening station
1st Opel Ampera in the Region for the Apex Tool Group
Apex Retrofittable Guiding Support
Cleco LiveWire products in use at KTM
Apex Quick Change Chuck
On the MOTEK, inter-divisional solutions are introduced to designing
engineers and users, starting with
detailed solutions up to ready-to-use
system solutions. The visitors come
from automobile-, machinery- and
equipment manufacturing industry,
electrical and electronics industries,
medical engineering and solar production, as well as the metal and
plastic processing industries in general, and their suppliers.
In 2011, almost 37,000 visitors from
96 countries informed themselves
about the latest developments in
the sector at 945 MOTEK-exhibitors
from 21 nations. This was a growth
of 18% compared to the previous
year and the organizer expects an6
other increase for the visitors this
The Apex Tool Group will introduce
once more innovative products in
hall 1, booth 1182 this year. This
time, the focus will especially be on
the general industry; however, the
connection to the origins in the automotive industry will still be present.
The booth will appear in a new design compared to 2011, demonstrating additionally the innovativeness
of the company.
On different „islands“, products of
the brands MasterPower and Dotco,
the new Cleco 19-Series, the new
Cleco H-Series, products of the
service-portfolio, the new Geta-Series, the well-known Cleco LiveWire
tools and the Apex accessories will
be introduced. Many of them will be
documented together with real life
A generous bar- and seating area
will once more invite visitors to have
in-depths discussions with the booth
personnel. Additionally, the booth
holds again a special eye-catcher…
wait and see! In the next ToolTimes
editions we will report about our
partners in detail.
Highly flexible and unique
The new Mobile Assembly System (MAS)
Apex Tool Group
GmbH & Co. OHG
Industriestraße 1
D - 73463 Westhausen
Phone: 0049 7363 810
Fax: 0049 7363 81222
Editorial staff
Klaus Wohlfarth (Business
Development & Engineering)
Antje Kucher-Freudenthal
Siegmar Schreyer (Marketing)
Peter Wiedenhöfer (Research Management)
With the new Mobile Assembly
System (MAS), we combine our
proven series of Cleco tools and
our tightening controller mPro400SG to a unique, highly flexible
Standard features of the cart
A maximum of 16 tools (EC-wired
screwdriver, cordless screwdrivers LiveWire EC, intelligent torque
wrench) can be operated with the
Standard features Software
The mPro-400SG software supports
TorqueNet, our data acquisition and
archiving software (Connection to
other systems on request).
Protocols are available for many
standard products (e.g. Open Protocol). The tightening controller mPro400SG works seamlessly with current protocols and offers significant
performance advantages over conventional systems.
Simply configure your Mobile Assembly System. With the new DGDConfigurator no problem. Select our
proven handheld tools by using the
drop-down menu. After you have
selected your tool, just specify the
desired torque. The intelligent configurator will also inform you about
incorrect selections.