The problem Our solution
The problem Our solution
The problem 50+ HOURS PER MONTH SPENT ONLINE BY YOUNG PEOPLE POOREST FAMILIES HALF AS LIKELY TO FLOURISH AS WEALTHIEST 4.9% OF UNIVERSITY APPLICANTS FROM ROUTINE OCCUPATIONS 1 MILLION+ UNEMPLOYED YOUNG PEOPLE 130,000+ UNPAID INTERNSHIPS + UK YOUTH ARE NOT FULFILLING THEIR POTENTIAL Our solution DEVELOP AN INNOVATIVE ONLINE TRAINING PROGRAMME TEACH FLOURISHING COMPETENCIES EXPLICITLY PROVIDE PERSONALISED HIGHER ED AND CAREER SUPPORT CONNECT YOUNG PEOPLE TO PROFESSIONALS + ORGANISATIONS PROVIDE FUNDED WORK PLACEMENTS + EXPERIENCE + AN EXCITING WAY TO SUPPORT FLOURISHING 1 2 3 We like to think of ourselves as an aspirations agency. We launched Star Track in September 2011. It is a highlypersonalised, year-long incubator programme to shape, support and accelerate the emerging talent in young people aged 16–24 from less privileged backgrounds. It’s Socratic, not didactic. Our focus is on preparing young people who do not have the connections or the resources themselves to map and launch a career that they will love. We also help them develop the professional competencies they’ll need to succeed in their work, as well as the flourishing competencies they’ll need for a fulfilling and happy life. Star Track is delivered for the most part online, as well as a number of face-to-face meetings during the year. It has been designed so that it can stand alongside whatever else the young people are doing. Rather than pinching time from school or college work, we encourage our young people to optimise the time they spend on the internet. 4 The 13 young people are not programme’s participants, they are its co-creators: as they take from it, they also shape it. And they also share their learning with other young people by delivering workshops in schools and at events. This not only cements their own understanding, but gives them great professional experience. We like to help people flourish・Charity No. 1144020・Company No. 07620518・・ 9 8 7 5 6 1 2 4 3 THIS IS HOW THIS ALL WORKS 1MEET ARFAH. SHE WANTS TO MAKE DOCUMENTARIES. SHE PROVED SHE ‘S GOT SPARK AND METTLE AND IS ELIGIBLE FOR OUR PROGRAMME. 2THAT’S OUR PROGRAMME: STAR TRACK. WE HELP YOUNG PEOPLE FROM LESS PRIVILEGED BACKGROUNDS FLOURISH WHILE THEY MAP AND LAUNCH THEIR OPTIMAL CAREER. 3THIS IS EUGENIE. SHE IS ARFAH’S AGENT. HER JOB IS TO DO EVERYTHING SHE CAN TO SET ARFAH UP FOR SUCCESS. 4THEY MEET ONLINE ONCE A WEEK FOR A 45 MIN VIDEO CHAT. IN A SMALL GROUP THEY TALK ABOUT EVERTHING FROM RESILIENCE TO INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES. 5 EUGENIE AND ARFAH KEEP IN TOUCH EACH WEEK VIA TWITTER. AND FACEBOOK. AND EMAIL. 6AND TEXT S. THEY ALSO MEET UP AT THE END OF EVERY TERM, ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE. WE CALL THESE EVENTS “LUNCH PARLAYS.” 7THIS IS CHERRY. THESE DAYS SHE’S PRETTY FAMOUS. SHE MAKES DOCUMENTARIES FOR BBC3. EUGENIE PUT ARFAH IN TOUCH WITH HER TO GIVE SOME REALDEAL EXPERT ADVICE. 8THIS IS ARFAH’S BLOG. SHE USES IT TO REFLECT ON HER OWN JOURNEY THROUGH THE PROGRAMME. 9THIS IS THE BBC. ARFAH WILL TAKE A WORK PLACEMENT HERE— AND SPARK+METTLE MAKES SURE IT’S PAID.