Step Up Longmont Launches


Step Up Longmont Launches
HOPE Receives
Peer Navigator
One of our Step Up mentoring teams after their first meeting. (From left: Tim Olsen, Mike Scally, and Stella Woodley)
HOPE recently received a grant to hire a part-time
health-focused peer navigator to support individuals experiencing homelessness navigate the
health care system. The Behavioral Health and
Wellness Program, in collaboration with Metro
Denver Homelessness Initiative, was awarded
a grant through the Colorado Department of
Public Health and Environment to address health
disparities among individuals who are homeless
or at risk for homelessness. We are honored to
receive this opportunity to facilitate peer-based
outreach to address health disparities in our
In February, HOPE launched a new program to help the people we serve transition out of homelessness
to stability and ultimately, self-sufficiency.
Step Up
Christina Kay, HOPE street outreach
and Step Up coordinator
Modeled on a method developed in Denver,
Step Up Longmont pairs teams of two to
three mentors with individuals experiencing
homelessness. These mentoring teams
provide support while the individual works to
gain employment, housing, and other steps
toward self-sufficiency.
HOPE is partnering with the Inn Between of
Longmont to secure two emergency housing
units through the Inn’s transitional housing
facilities, where Step Up participants may live
until more permanent housing is found.
The first phase of Step Up Longmont began
in February, when two individuals were each
matched with a mentor team. These teams are
currently working together toward the goals of
each individual.
One of the individuals participating in the first phase of the program said, “Just knowing there is a team
of people that I don’t want to let down is a huge motivator.”
Later this year, the program will expand to include more individuals and mentor teams. Please contact if you are interested in becoming a mentor for this program.
Table of
Step Up Longmon
Launches. . . . . .
. 1
HOPE Receives Pe
er Navigator Grant
. 1
Letter From the Ex
ecutive Director .
. . 2
Volunteer Profile
: The Hurtubises.
. . . 2
Client Profile: Prea
cher Man . . . . . .
. 3
2015 Impact. . .
Board Recruitmen
t . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 4
HOPE, Love & Ch
ocolate. . . . . . . .
. . 5
Room at the Inn
2015. . . . . . . .
Letter From
the Executive
2015 was a year of notable increases — in
demand for our services, in awareness of our
work, and in the level of support from our
stakeholders. We are deeply grateful for the
generous donations from individuals, community groups, businesses and faith-based
organizations that surpassed our annual fundraising goals! Your support ensures that our
work providing life-sustaining support and
programs focusing on dignity, empowerment
and self-sufficiency continues.
In each newsletter, we feature some of our wonderful volunteers.
Volunteer Profile:
Paula and Bob Hurtubise
There are a record number of people living on
the margin in our community. Lack of affordable housing has forced many surviving on
fixed incomes and minimum wage into or near
homelessness. We see it every night through
our street outreach services. We hear it every
day when people call the office asking for help.
In response, our part-time program manager
transitioned to full-time last year, providing
1,242 hours of support for 1,426 client cases,
and helped five individuals move into housing.
And in the busiest warm-weather months, our
soup angel program expanded from 60 to 80
home-cooked meals each night. We launched
two new programs to address gaps in services
toward self-sufficiency and forged new partnerships with agencies serving a similar population.
But it’s not enough. Until the long-term solutions of permanent supportive and affordable
housing are met, HOPE will be there for the
most vulnerable members of our community,
restoring dignity and building trust. Our work is
not possible without the support of people like
you— generous donors, dedicated volunteers
and compassionate community!
Please meet Paula and Bob Hurtubise, soup angel volunteers who
have been with HOPE since about 2008.
On behalf of the board and staff of HOPE,
I thank you deeply,
WHAT THEY LIKE ABOUT VOLUNTEERING WITH HOPE: “Giving back to the community; it’s a team effort.
Sometimes we actually meet the people on the street who get the meals and that’s my favorite part.”
IN THEIR SPARE TIME: Bob volunteers at the Boulder County Jail, teaching a class on addiction. Paula
volunteers through music at their church. She plays guitar.
Lisa Searchinger
Executive Director
WHY THEY GOT INVOLVED: “We had just moved to Longmont and were looking for volunteering we
could do together. We were in a Bible study group with some folks (Donice and Tom Myler) who were
soup angels and we thought it sounded like something we could do. “
CLOSING WORDS: “We think HOPE is a great organization that does a great job. We are very proud to
have it here in Longmont. We talk to people a lot about what we do and what a unique organization it is.”
Our Mission Statement: To provide life-sustaining support
With the sup
port of more
than 275
dedicated vo
lunteers and
donations fr
om the givin
community, HOPE w
as able to se
rve 1,000
d individuals
nd provide the follo
wing during
27,043 contacts
He needed to get back home to see his baby
girl. He made a mistake following a woman to
Colorado, and now he was stuck. I asked him
to save money for a bus or plane ticket and call
HOPE when he had a little over $100. A week
later, he called.
We split the cost of the bus fare and I gave him a
ride up north Main Street to sleep his last night
in Colorado. He had learned a tough lesson over
these 6 months. He stepped into the HOPE vehicle with dark oiled stained hands from days of
hard labor and the smell of someone who could
use a shower.
With tears streaming from his eyes, the man began the story of his life: his last drink years ago as
Client Profile:
lives if they just believe and trust. He realized
that he had not smoked in two days and decided that he should just quit for the sake of his
daughter. He would spend time with her and
read to her and understand that kids should
not be left with their grandparents; they need a
parent. He could change.
I said, “You sound like a preacher.” The man
said he would like to be one, but worried that
he might help someone and they would get
hurt. I suggested that he would help walk with
them down a path but that people ultimately
make their own decisions. Something awoke
in the preacher man. With new hope that his
life would change for the better over the next
48 hours, he sat up
straight and spoke
with excitement
in his voice and
an eloquence of
speech I had not
yet heard:
Preacher Man
“I will help people struggling to
walk down the
Alice Sueltenfuss, HOPE program manager
path and when
they come to the fork
in the road I will say,
his family drove away, lessons learned from his fayou know this one path very well. You have
ther, and his beloved eight year old daughter that
made this mistake over and over, but look at this
drove his present existence and the reason to desother road. It will take a lot of work to go down
perately get back home. He talked of the HOPE
this road, but it promises your life will improve.
van keeping him alive over these six months. He
Have faith and try this road; it’s up to you.”
said some nights when he could do without the
As the preacher man got out of the vehicle to
meal, he gave his to other homeless individuals
sleep his last night in Colorado, he said, “Thank
who were too afraid to come out of hiding.
you so much. I am a wiser person for this expeWhat would he do when he got home? He wantrience.” He walked away and all I could say was
ed people to know that they can change their
that I was wiser too, preacher man.
people experie
homelessness ncing
in Longmont
25,411 meals
23,043 bottles o
f water
3,803 pairs of so
1,351 blankets
1,061 hygiene kit
1,863 pairs of un
863 transports to
overnight warm
ing centers
145 nights of eme
motel sheltering
If you’d like to help or want to know
more, we’d love to hear from you!
Lisa Searchinger, Executive Director
Susie Sisson, Board President
P.O. Box 756, Longmont, CO 80502
HOPE is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization
Donation Opportunities
Sign Up For
Would you like to be on our
email distribution list to receive
periodic “E-News”? If so,
please send an email to:
This is a great way to keep
up-to-date on our needs, news,
and events. We do not share
our mailing list with other
HOPE is a Supported AmazonSmile Organization.
This means that if you shop on, your purchases
can benefit HOPE. To learn more and to set up your Amazon
account to benefit HOPE, visit our website and find the link
under the “Donate” tab. Thank you!
Follow us on
Matching Programs
Many employers and corporations offer matching gift programs. It’s an easy way to maximize your
donation! Some companies also recognize volunteer time as a match-able donation. Please contact
your human resources department.
Our Donation Acceptance Policy
Our greatest need is for men’s outdoor-type clothing. We cannot accept donations of children’s clothing,
appliances, or furniture. Thank you for your understanding.
Donations Accepted at:
HOPE, 804 S. Lincoln St., Longmont, CO
To arrange a donation time, please call HOPE at: 720-494-4673
or email us at:
We Are Now
Accepting Vehicle
We are now accepting vehicle donations and
would love to receive your unwanted cars. Please
call the office for more information: 720-494-4673.
Passionate about our work? Consider joining our
talented board of directors and have a lot of fun
while doing great service for our community! This
is the time of year when we identify candidates
who are interested in serving at the leadership
level. Board members assume office on June
1st, and serve a three-year term. Meetings are
monthly on the second Monday at 6:30pm.
Contact Lisa for more information: 720-499-8382
or and thank you. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
HOPE, Love
& Chocolate
Thank you to everyone who attended this firstyear event! Feedback has been overwhelmingly
positive and we plan on hosting again next
year. Special thanks to Robin Chocolates,
Oskar Blues, Vapor Distillery, Wyatt’s Wet
Goods, First National Denver, DeBritz Floral
Designs, Abstract Thoughts Photography,
and the St. Julien Hotel & Spa for their
generous sponsorships and donations.
Room at the Inn 2015
Thank you to everyone who made this event possible!
Here are some
quotes from guests
throughout the event:
“This isI’vetheeverbesthad.
Thank you all for
this for us.
makes you want
cry, seeing how many
people care.
want to be alone
“I didn’t
on Christmas.
Each year in December, HOPE partners with other
agencies, churches, businesses, and many individual volunteers to create a special Christmas
event for people experiencing homelessness in
our community.
Last year we hosted nearly 100 guests from
December 24 through 26. Guests enjoyed delicious meals, relaxing massages, transformative haircuts, visits to a free medical clinic, and
brand new gear and gifts. Many were thrilled for
the simple luxury of being able to sleep in late
on Christmas Day. It was incredible to see the
outpouring of support to help make Christmas
special for the people experiencing homelessness in our community. The Heart of Longmont
again graciously hosted the event in their facilities, Seagate Technology employees fundraised
more than $9,000 to purchase new gear for the
guests, Longmont’s Hopelight Clinic provided
free medical services, parishioners from St. John
the Baptist and St. Francis of Assisi Churches
distributed essential supplies and many more
groups as well as individuals contributed time,
goods, and services.
t and programs focusing on dignity, empowerment and self-sufficiency.
P.O. Box 756
Longmont, CO 80502
720-494-4673 (Office)
Craft Beer & Artisan Cheese Pairing
featuring Wibby Brewing and Haystack Mountain
When: Tuesday, June 21 4 pm - 8 pm
Where: Wibby Brewing, 209 Emery Street
Visit our website for more info:
Celebrate HOPE Annual Harvest Fundraiser
at the Fabulous Shupe Homestead
When: Friday, August 26 6 pm - 9 pm
Where: Shupe Homestead Longmont, CO
Please join us for a very special evening at the fabulous Shupe Homestead. Festivities include fantastic silent and live
auction items, games of chance, and a scrumptious seasonal menu featuring locally grown produce, wine and beer.
For more information, visit us online at or call 720-494-4673