March Florida Club Flyers "Cub Tales"
March Florida Club Flyers "Cub Tales"
Copyright 2010-2011 - Newsletter Editor: Larry Robinson Editor in Chief: Kathy Robinson QUAIL CREEK PLANTATION It was a breezy but beautiful day at Quail Creek Plantation. What a day for a fly in meeting! And, what a great spot. Whit Hudson, the owner of this fabulous plantation, was the first to arrive and greet me after I alighted the 1400' pasture landing strip. Whit was looking forward to the impending day's activities. Fred, Joe and Maria Finizzi (General Manager and PA 18 owner) were close to follow 1 in the hunting buggies and begin setting up in prep for the arrival of the gaggles from all over the state. They brought plenty of chairs, lots of hot coffee and danish and a welcoming attitude toward the aviators who were smart enough to participate in this very unique experience as a member of the Florida Cub Flyers. If you missed this, you screwed up big time. The first to be seen overhead started arriving about 1000 hours, as instructed, and the bombing runs commenced. Even though the outhouse was well displaced from the area where we had set up tables, chairs and parked hunting buggies, the bombs posed a greater threat to us sitting there than did the outhouse. It's not as easy as you might suppose dropping a flour bomb from the designated 500' AGL with a stiff easterly breeze and hitting a ground target, even as big as an outhouse. Each participant was allowed two tries at hitting the target. The winner, Michele Henry (Carbon Cub) , missed by only about 100'. After the two bomb runs each, the various Cubs were instructed to try and hit the mark about 1/3 the way down the 1400' runway in a three point, full stall landing. The closest tailwheel touchdown, before or after the mark would win. No other rules were imposed. Since I was the first to arrive an hour or so early, I was in first place with a touch about 30' shy of the mark. In first place I stayed, at least, until the others started arriving. The winning member, Chuck Kinberger (PA 11), missed the mark by about a foot or two; a very good attempt. In both cases, the winners acknowledged that "luck beat skill every time" and accepted their Florida Cub 2 Flyers windbreakers as prizes for their skills. No one came even close to using the whole 1400' runway. I think the longest run might have gone 700800 feet. The piloting skills of our Cub aviators were on full display this day. Of course, we were blessed with a pretty stiff and steady wind right down the runway all day long. To commemorate this visit to a very unique venue, each pilot received a special edition FCF ball cap with this logo embroidered thereon . If you see a member wearing this cap, you'll know they landed in the pasture airstrip with nary a scratch. After much critiquing of the bombing runs and landings, consuming lots of coffee and slinging a considerable amount of B.S., we all loaded up on the hunting buggies and proceeded to be treated to a wondrous trip around the plantation through planted fields, cattle grazing pastures, quail hunting preserves and cypress swamps. This half hour odyssey ended at the main lodge where we all disembarked to commence a meeting in the main hall of the lodge before lunch. This is one cool place! You had to be there to fully appreciate it. Everyone had a place to sit in the rustic luxury of the hunting lodge main hall. With a roaring fire in the stone fireplace as a backdrop, the awards for piloting and bombing skills were presented to the "lucky" recipients. The remaining four windbreakers I had embroidered were consumed by 3 other members of the group for $35 each. I'll be putting out a notice to all if you'd like to order one of these lightweight, lined jackets. Everyone agreed that they are very nice. Following the award presentation, we auctioned off a framed Sam Lyons print, "The Tradition Continues", donated by Rod and Carolene Gier. The bidding was lively, mainly between Rene St. Julien and Bret Davis with Bret eventually having the bigger wad in his pocket to hand over to the treasury. 100% of the sale amount went to the FCF treasury to fund future events such as this. Thank you Rod and Carolene for your continued support of our organization. We all moved into the main dining room and were treated to a most splendid lunch. Fried quail, meat loaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, salad, home made biscuits, sweet and unsweetened tea, etc, etc, etc. were piled on plates for all to enjoy. There is no way you could go away hungry from this feast. If we ever get the opportunity to once again be invited back to this venue, shame on you if you don't attend. Thanks to Fred, Joe, Maria and Whit Hudson for a splendid day. A memory was made this day that will soon not be forgotten. 4 5 6 CUB CONVOY TO SNF 2011 Contact Amy Gesch @ 262 352 0263 Things are clipping right along here at Cub Convoy. Once the registration forms start rolling in, the t-shirts will be ordered. Again, there will be a registration fee of $20 to cover the cost of the catering and t-shirt printing. Dakota Cub is sponsoring our tent, which helps us in keeping costs down. We are looking for additional sponsors in order to hopefully further reduce the cost of attendance. For western-based pilots, Legend Aircraft of Sulphur Springs, Texas, is hosting a hangar bash! The cookout will be held on Friday, March 25th, with a morning departure for Sun „n‟ Fun on Saturday. Camping, showers, and restrooms are available at Sulphur Springs and sponsored by Legend. For more information, contact Dave Graham at 903.348.1519 or send him an email at Remember, all Cub derivatives are welcome, including kits and new LSAs! We are pleased to announce that Univair Aircraft Corporation, manufacturer of Cub parts (among many other things) is a sponsor for Cub Convoy. Univair will be sponsoring the activities at Plant City and providing the resources for a cookout dinner on Sunday evening and a breakfast on Monday morning. We are extremely grateful for Univair‟s support! The Plant City EAA chapter has offered up the use of their grill for us to cook out on Sunday evening and Monday morning. We are looking for volunteers to help cook, set up tables and chairs, and assist in registration. Please contact Amy Gesch at Our mass arrival will take place on Monday, March 28th. Since we are arriving before the official show start, we will be able to arrive on the grass strip. However, those departing early will have to follow the traditional Sun „n‟ Fun departure, and those arriving late or returning from a flight during the fly-in will have to follow the standard arrival procedure. This is a Sun „n‟ Fun policy which has been implemented to increase safety. We have been in contact with Sun „n‟ Fun and they are excited to have us. The briefing will be Monday, March 28th, at 11 am. All participating aircraft must be at Plant City and fueled and ready by the 11 am briefing. This briefing time should allow Florida pilots to fly in early on Monday and still participate. The first aircraft will launch for Lakeland promptly at 1 pm, with aircraft being waved off every 30 seconds. 7 Schedule of Events: Sunday, March 27th: 6:00 pm (approximately): Dinner at Plant City sponsored by Univair—volunteers needed! Monday, March 28th: 8:00 am: Continental breakfast at Plant City sponsored by Univair—volunteers needed! 11:00 am: Mandatory briefing for arrival into Sun „n‟ Fun 1:00 pm: First aircraft launches for Lakeland Tuesday, March 29th: 6:30 pm: Participant dinner in Activity Tent #2 8 MEMBER DOINS DICK PARSONS Yesterday, 01/05/11, our EAA chapter in Marathon flew approximately 180 kids at Key West. Greg Rodriguez and I flew 12. We had a great time and so did the kids. It was part of the EAA's Young Eagles program. 9 OLD PICTURES OF OLD MEMBERS Right before the "Federales" hauled them off! 10 CLASSIFIED SECTION For members of Florida Cub Flyers, the classified section will be free for aviation related services and products. Send a picture, business card and ad to This requirement will be imperative for Associate Members. FFOORR SSAALLEE:: One set (right and left side) of Cub snow skis (1939 vintage) I recently restored (also, new cables-bungee cord and attachments) and want to sell. They could be used on a J-3 in the snow country or maybe just be part of an antique collection for someone in the non snow area. Mike Teets 11 NNOOW W AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEE:: - Authentic Piper L-4 one inch and one-half inch size stencil sets. Cut on actual WW II stencil machines. For more information, contact Ken Wilson, 2324 East Florida St., Evansville, IN, 477114812 - Ph. no. 1-812-477-7176 - e-mail - HHAANNGGAARRSS FFOORR RREENNTT at Grass Roots Airpark - 06FD. Enclosed hangars / shade hangars / 48' door oversize hangar. Contact: David Gay - 407-234-6986. Go to First month rent 1/2 price for Florida Cub Flyers members with a Cub. AIRPORT LOT FOR SALE. MAINTENANCE FEES OF $400 A YEAR. 2.77 acres already cleared and raised. On the east end of runway 9 which is 4,000ft long, TURF, and lighted, Treasure Coast Airpark , Port St. Lucie, Fl 34987. ., The lot on the runway is adjacent to the copper roofed house. The listed price is $135,000. Acceptable is a $13,500 deposit and balance in full at the end of one year. $13,500 holds it for you and you finance the balance at the end of one year, $121,500, Or $35,000 down and just under $400 a month (interest only on the $100,000) for two years with a balloon payment of $100,000 at the end of two years. Rene St.Julien 772 708 9210 AADDSS FFOORR M MEEM MBBEERRSS AARREE FFRREEEE FFOORR AAVVIIAATTIIOONN SSTTUUFFFF OORR SSEERRVVIICCEESS FFOORR SSAALLEE:: Univair Expander Tube brakes for a J-3 that are new, never used, still in the box from Univair, for sale, $1600. Jim Dickson ( 12 AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEE:: I'm having a guy reproduce the original Cub/Sensenich prop decal . Cost is $13 a set. Any interest, let me know. Jim Lyons J-3 EYEBROWS-NEW The outboard attach brackets are .063" 2024-T3, the rest is .032" 2024-0, there is a .090" diameter stiffening wire rolled into the leading edge. I have two pair available at this time. The painted pair shown in the picture, $400.00. The other pair $200.00, the difference is this pair is not painted, and the outboard rivet pattern is different on one side versus the other side. Other than that they are identical. Bernie Batt cell, 561-707-3860 13 FFOORR SSAALLEE 1947 PA-12 Piper Super Cruiser, Oshkosh Grand Champion, Best in Class Sun n Fun 2009 Complete restoration in 1991, won Grand Champion at Oshkosh (1991) TT 1403, 270 SMOH Avionics: King 196 Com, Garmin 295 GPS, King transponder with encoder, full gyros, 38 gallon tank new lifetime struts, Cleveland brakes with original Goodyear wheels as spare, new bungie cords, Sensenich alum prop, nav,strobe, and landing lights, Priced reduced to 55,000!(was 79,000) One of the cleanest PA-12's in captivity! 10 outside, 9.5 inside! Always hangared! Location: HANGARED AT GRASSROOTS AIRPARK, Groveland FLA, ( 06FD) 15 nm sw of Leesburg (LEE) Contact: Frank Iacobellis MD, 914-815-0605 or at for photos 14 Home | Photographs | Membership Application | Phone Directory | Lodging Newsletter | Awards | Fly-In Air Ops Sentimental Journey Inc. (570) 893-4200 * Fax - (570) 893-4218 PO Box J-3, Lock Haven, PA 17745-0496 * Website Hosted By KCnet 15 16 DDIISSCCLLAAIIM MEERR NNOOTTIICCEE & &M MIISSSSIIOONN SSTTAATTEEM MEENNTT:: All information contained herein is believed to be correct. However, it is intended to be for informational purposes only and is not to be relied upon. You are reminded that Federal Air Regulations Part 91 places primary responsibility for ensuring the airworthy condition of an aircraft on the owner or operator. Any person who maintains, modified or otherwise changes an aircraft must do so in accordance with manufacturer‟s recommendations and all applicable FAA regulations. You should independently verify any of the information contained herein. No warranty is expressed or implied. The Florida Cub Flyers, Inc. does not project or accept any responsibility for participation by readers of the “Cub Tales”, non members or members at fly-ins listed in this issue. This publication is produced as a medium of communication for those Cub enthusiasts and members of The Florida Cub Flyers, Inc. The Florida Cub Flyers, Inc. is a 501C6 corporation incorporated in the State of Florida. It‟s purpose is to promote the preservation, restoration and safety of flying Cub aeroplanes. Membership in FCF,Inc. is open to all “Cub” owners, whether or not the airplane is airworthy. A Cub is defined as an aeroplane with the word “Cub” in the official name. EE--M Maaiill DDiissccllaaiimmeerr The FCF newsletter and meeting notices are distributed via e-mail on the Internet. These transmissions contain information, which is intended for the sole use of the recipient or authorized representative. Any person who receives these e-mails by mistake shall immediately notify the sender and destroy it. E-mail transmissions cannot be guaranteed to be error-free as information could be intercepted, altered, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept any liability for damages caused by the fraudulent alteration of this message including, without limitations, damages caused by any virus transmitted by it. FCF MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NAME:_____________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________ CITY: _____________________COUNTY:______________ STATE:_______ ZIP CODE:____________PHONE:_(_____)____________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________ FAX#: _________________Cell:_________________________ OCCUPATION : (If Retired, From What?)______________________ AIRCRAFT OWNED:____________________________________ For Regular Membership-Must Be A Cub IS THE AIRCRAFT LICENSED?: ______ “N” NUMBER:___________ NAME & MODEL CUB TO APPEAR ON YOUR NAME BADGE: __________________________________________________ MY SPONSOR:________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP DUES: $48.00 PER YEAR PAYABLE TO FLORIDA CUB FLYERS, INC. SECOND YEAR‟S DUES ARE PRO- RATED IF YOU JOIN DURING THE YEAR. SEND CHECK & APPLICATION TO: FLORIDA CUB FLYERS, INC. 10906 Denoeu Road-Boynton Beach, Florida 33472 17 FCF LEADERSHIP 2010-2011 DDIIRREECCTTOORRSS//OOFFFFIICCEERRSS Rod Gier-Immediate Past President 321-258-9985 Jim Dickson 239-541-8147 Dan Reynolds 813-340-3057 Glenn Frith-Secretary/Treasurer 239-340 2077 e-mail: Larry Robinson-Executive Director 561-732-3250 e-mail: Carl Miller Official Photographer 18
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