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Un p
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Un tr
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irtual prin limba și cultu
A curA di PAolo MAcrì
Testi di Elio Parodi
coordinamento editoriale: Francesca Veneziano
Traduzioni a cura di: Monica Andrasescu, lou cerrito, Annalisa damonte,
Sadhbh de Barra, Nataliya ihorivna didyk, desara Gucija, Martina lignani,
Si Mohamed Kaabour, Elisa Santi, Valentina Trocello, Yanhui Yang.
copertina e progetto grafico: Silvia Sinfonico
impaginazione e ricerca iconografica: Massimo Berrutti
- l’editore mette a disposizione degli studenti non vedenti, ipovedenti, disabili motori o con
disturbi specifici di apprendimento i file pdf relativi a tutti i contenuti del presente volume.
- il formato di file permette l’ingrandimento dei caratteri di testo e la lettura mediante
software screen reader.
- Si prega inviare richiesta via e-mail a info@ggallery.it
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Prima edizione: gennaio 2014
iSBN 978-88-87294-28-6
e-taliano is a web TV platform that offers a modern and innovative approach to the study of the Italian language and culture, and
that puts the learner at the centre of the curriculum.
The web TV, echoing the traditional model, offers multimedia content using a TV-like format and is arranged in schedules. Students
and teachers will therefore have a comprehensive tool to get closer
to the cultural wealth of Italy.
Therefore it is not only an Italian course but a real journey into the
traditions, geography, society and history that have made this country a magnet that attracts and amazes.
In this way, language is no longer the ultimate goal of learning, but
is only a part of a wider system of knowledge.
Such a variety of information can only be used thanks to the creation of multimedia content, in line with current trends that see the
creation and sharing of digital documents.
E-learning means converging learning and “playful” experiences
into one space, effectively uniting them and making the former
more enjoyable and therefore more effective.
e-taliano is directed towards students aiming to complete level
A2-B1, towards those who decide to learn Italian with a view to full
integration in Italy, towards second- and third-generation immigrants who feel the urge to recover their own roots or towards simple enthusiasts fascinated by the Italian language and culture.
The approach to teaching, as well as the topics discussed, identifies
both young and old as ideal users of the course. The variety of topics
covered allows each student to deal with issues of great interest,
since the content varies greatly. It ranges from cooking to technology, sport to engines, geography to current affairs.
Similarly, the variety of topics and tools results in a multitude of opportunities to develop the four basic skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing.
Listening: a large amount of audio-video material allows the student to test their knowledge of the language. In any case, they may
count on the support of the subtitles should the text be too challenging.
Reading: each video is accompanied by a downloadable document
which, depending on content, includes: the full transcript of the
text, an explanation of certain words that may be unfamiliar and an
insight into grammar and cultural topics.
Speaking: the presence of online tutors provides the student with
the possibility of speaking directly to a qualified Italian teacher who
can help them clarify doubts or give them the chance of testing their
communication skills.
Writing: students on the forum have the possibility of completing
and producing written texts that they may then send to their
teacher for evaluation, or better yet, to their classmates.
The forum not only performs the role of an exclusive teaching device, but also serves to ensure that users feel part of a group that
shares a common purpose.
e-taliano uses the most widespread social media, including Facebook.
All the tools provided may be used by teachers in the time and manner most suited to the work planned for the class, by adapting them
each time to various conditions of use.
These can therefore be used as a way of verifying the knowledge
acquired and as a stimulus for shared reflection on the grammar elements already addressed or they can be used to compare views
on the cultural topics proposed.
e-taliano offers students the chance to get in touch with Italian
culture from many perspectives, since the input ranges from school
and university to the working world, from fashion to the discovery
of Italy’s natural and artistic treasures, passing through cinema,
music and cooking.
A wide-ranging course, full of ideas for guided reflection, but that
also leaves room for individual progress depending on requirement,
knowledge and professional training needs.
The subdivision of the course in units results in a defined teaching
plan that can however be adapted to suit individual time requirements. It is also possible to use the contents in whatever order you
choose, giving the student the choice of which items to tackle first
and in what sequence.
This process results in a structure that has shared control, where
the steps to be followed are presented directly on the platform, all
the while remaining adaptable according to the needs of each
The personalisation of the learning process is a key element towards
the steady and long-lasting acquisition of new concepts, and this applies even more to the study of a foreign language that involves the
access and acquisition of skills that are highly diversified.
Despite this plurality of elements, learning the modern language
for practical use in society remains the focal point.
e-taliano presents the language used on a daily basis and brings
the student to understand and apply it in real-life contexts, starting
with an inductive approach that brings the student to discover independently the rules that govern the “language system”.
As far as the organisation of the material is concerned, it is no coincidence that the grammar exercises come after the completed
task, thus allowing the student to take a further step in learning the
language and its logic after having formed ideas from watching the
material beforehand.
The use of online content via mobile devices is now an established
trend. e-taliano therefore guarantees access from any device that
has internet connection, regardless of the operating system or the
technology used.
All course materials can be viewed from either a common computer
or from mobile devices, thanks to the flexibility offered by HTML 5.
Users may also benefit from the course using a smartphone or tablet,
thus meeting the growing needs of mobility.
Once logged into the platform, the user will be directly connected to
the home page of the web TV, where they will find the first video
highlight in the unit selected from the menu on the right.
The course consists of ten units that can be selected with a simple
click of the mouse. Every unit consists of about twelve videos, selected with a view to creating an organic course within each unit.
Similarly, each text was conceived and written from the need to address specific content in a determined sequence.
This means, for example, that if in one of the first chapters there is
a section on regular verbs in the present indicative, the following
sections will contain many verbs commonly used in the present indicative in order to allow the user to become familiar with these
forms before they are explicitly addressed in the grammar exercises.
Video highlights
Web TV
The videos on e-taliano are divided into three main topics which
consist of the following channels: “Culture”, “Conversation”, “Grammar”.
Is the channel that opens each unit. These videos come from notable sources such as Reuters, ANSA, Class TV and they address issues of national interest (Culture – Italy) and international interest
(Culture – World).
The first channels show contents which serve to present Italian reality in its many facets, starting with a presentation of some of the
peninsula’s most beautiful regions and cities, the specifics of the
employment situation in Italy, and finally the more “classical”
themes such as cooking, fashion and entertainment.
The “World” section, however, approaches themes that are not
specifically related to Italy but have wider resonance for their social,
cultural, political and economic relevance.
Again with a sequential logic and with a view to presenting its contents, aims first at the transmission then at the acquisition of the
language used on a daily basis.
The “fiction” that is composed of a series of episodes within this
section tells the story of Rachele, an Eritrean girl who comes to Italy
to study at university. This story becomes a pretext for addressing
the linguistic and cultural issues necessary for interpreting Italian
as a modern and practical tool, according to the guidelines of the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
In addition to this, the videos on the “Conversation” channel have
the characteristic distinction of presenting a different didactic approach compared to the course’s other contents. Each video is presented twice, the first time without the transcript and the second
time with subtitles.
This approach is justified by the desire to push the learner to grasp
essential information, without the support of onscreen text. Once
the video is finished, the user will be asked a series of simple questions about the context in which the conversation takes place. The
user will have to respond to these questions in his or her own
words and then verify the responses by watching the video a second
time, subtitled, with a guided control of the responses given.
The videos of the “Grammar” channel serve to reflect and revise the
language structures introduced by the videos of the previous channels. Through a clear and concise explanation, users will be introduced to the basic rules of Italian grammar, following the guidelines
laid down by the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR), depending on the level in question.
Extra material
Once the video has been selected from the drop-down list of units,
or else by clicking on any of the channels, the learner will be
brought to the video playback page, where they will have access to
a series of extra material that complement the main element.
A series of exercises is attached to each video and these aim to establish the level of comprehension after viewing the contents (in
the case of cultural and conversational videos) or the assimilation
of grammar rules. In the latter case, the exercises not only give immediate feedback on the responses given by the user, but also explain, in the case of any incorrect response, why the correct In this
way, the user is offered further opportunities for learning wherever
There is a free downloadable PDF document with every video in
order to allow offline study. As with all other teaching material, the
PDF format guarantees the use of its contents on any platform that
has the necessary software to read its files.
The PDF contains useful materials for further study, depending on
the channel to which the video belongs. These are as follows:
Users will find on PDFs for videos on the “Culture” channel:
- The complete transcript of the text
- The definition of certain words that may be difficult to understand (highlighted in red)
- The presentation of grammar elements pertaining to the unit
and used in a realistic context (underlined)
Navigation menu
- Information capsules and brief cultural insights relating to the
topic of the video (in the pink box)
- A summary of all the elements identified in the text (in the box
marked “Pay attention to…”)
Users will find on the PDFs for videos on the “Conversation”
- The complete transcript of the text
- The definition of certain words that may be difficult to understand (highlighted in red)
- The presentation of grammar elements pertaining to the unit
and used in a realistic context (underlined)
- Lexical insights relating to meaning and to the situations in the
- A summary of all the elements identified in the text (in the box
marked “Pay attention to…”)
- Insights into Italian cultural history, customs and traditions (in
the box marked “Did you know that…”)
Users will find on the PDFs for videos in the “Grammar” channel:
- The presentation of grammar elements already discussed in the
video, including examples, tables and diagrams
- Further insights relating to rule exceptions and additional details
not present in the video
In the “Related videos” section, users will find a selection of other
videos which, in view of what they contain, may be considered an
introduction or else a requirement for viewing the selected video.
For example, for the video on articulated prepositions, users will
find a link to the lesson on simple prepositions, whilst in the videos
on adjectives and demonstrative pronouns, they will find a link to
the lesson on the difference between pronouns and adjectives.
The periodic return to topics already studied, in addition to reinforcing the knowledge that has already been acquired, is useful for
avoiding the presentation of contents as isolated units, but rather
as a series of dots to be joint in order to form a complete picture of
the language.
Integrated access to the Word Reference online dictionary allows
the user to look up the meaning of each word and the translation
of that word in other languages besides Italian.
The chapter selector is available under each video, in order to “skip”
directly to the topics of greater interest without having to use the
The e-taliano course is not based on a succession of predetermined stages, but rather on a recommended route, freely adaptable
according to individual needs.
For this reason, it is also possible to access all the course content
according to channel. By clicking on one of the three channels, “Culture”, “Conversation” or “Grammar”, the user will be offered all the
channels referring to that channel, regardless of the unit in which
they are located.
The e-taliano language course can easily be used independently
thanks to the recommended route and the guidance of tutors that
can support the user at any time through the most complex phases
of learning.
However, it is probably through joint work with teachers that the
platform can prove itself an optimal integration tool for classwork,
especially with the help of supports such as the forum.
A forum is commonly used by browsers as a place for exchanging
opinions, queries and recommendations; the e-taliano forum can
also be summed up in the same way: a dedicated space where users
can share their learning experiences.
An e
“ lastic”
It is also possible to create class forums wherever needed, i.e. closed,
that serve as restricted and protected spaces, in which teachers may
play the role of moderators: proposing activities, correcting student
papers and encouraging participation and mutual correction.
Whereas a book cannot be updated on an ongoing basis, having at
one’s disposal an e-learning platform such as e-taliano means
building one’s work on an expanding structure that is easily adaptable to suit individual needs. This is possible thanks to a modular
system onto which videos, exercises and group activities can be uploaded whenever needed, in such a way that students are provided
with constantly-updated tools and materials with which to work.
An archive of contents that is renewed on an ongoing basis keeps
the platform “alive” and in continuous development and evolution,
which is essential for a didactic space that is correct, useful, integrated and fun.
Questo volume, qualora sia sprovvisto del talloncino a lato (od opportunamente
contrassegnato), è da considerarsi copia di SAGGIO-CAMPIONE GRATUITO, fuori
commercio e pertanto no può essere venduto (vendita e altri atti di disposizione vietati:
art. 17, c.2, L. 633/1941). Esente da I.V.A. (D.P.R. 26-10-1972, n.633, art.2, lett.d). Esente da
bolla di accompagnamento (D.P.R. 6-10-1978, n.627, art.4, sub 6).
e-taliano è la nuova piattaforma e-learning per imparare l’italiano in maniera
dinamica e divertente in un viaggio virtuale all’interno della lingua e della cultura.
e-taliano is the new e-learning platform for learning Italian in a fun and dynamic way,
in a virtual journey into the language and culture.
e-taliano es la nueva plataforma e-learning para aprender el italiano de forma
dinámica y divertida a través de un viaje virtual en el idioma y en la cultura.
e-taliano est la nouvelle plate-forme de formation en ligne pour apprendre l’italien
d’une façon dynamique et amusante, avec un voyage virtuel entre langue et culture.
e-taliano është platforma me e re per mesimin e gjuhes italiane ne menyre argetuese
permes nje udhetimi virtual ne gjuhen dhe kulturen italiane.
ISBN 978-88-87294-28-6
9 788887 294286
€ 18,00