(PV) INDUSTRY - Dipartimento di Economia
(PV) INDUSTRY - Dipartimento di Economia
THE CHINESE PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) INDUSTRY: Drivers of competitiveness Nicoletta Marigo Istituto Materiali Elettronica e Magnetismo – CNR Parma nicoletta.marigo@gmail.com International Industrial Economics: Expert Seminars Parma 25/11/2015 OUTLINE ● PV sector overview: demand, supply and price trends ● Research questions ● ● ● PV technologies, industry value chain and cost reduction strategies Drivers behind China's emergence in the PV global market and value chain Main conclusions and implications for the EU solar industry CUMULATIVE PV INSTALLED CAPACITY: 2005-2014 Photovoltaics is a fast growing market Installations growth rate (CAGR): 44 % between 2000 to 2014 EU: 75% China: 5% 183 GWp at the end 2014 EU: 48% China: 18% Source: JRC, PV Status Report 2014 https://setis.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/reports/PV-status-report-2014.pdf (data source: Epi 2014, Eur 2014) WORLD PV CELL/MODULE PRODUCTION (2005 - 2013) Since 2000, total PV production has increased by almost two orders of magnitude, and over the last decade the CAGR has been about 55% EU: 6% China: 69% EU: 29% China: 6% Source: https://setis.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/reports/PV-status-report-2014.pdf 45 GWp of total PV cell & module shipments at the end 2014 TOP TEN PV MANUFACTURERS FROM 2001 TO PRESENT Rank 2001 2006 2009 2014 1 Sharp Solar Sharp Solar First Solar Trina 2 BP Solar Q-Cells Suntech Hanwha 3 Kyocera Kyocera Sharp Solar Yingli 4 Shell Solar Suntech Yingli NeoSolar 5 Astro Power Sanyo Q-Cells Jinko Solar 6 RWE/Schott Mitsubishi Electric JA Solar First Solar 7 Isofoton Schott Solar Trina Motech 8 Photowatt Motech SunPower Hareon 9 Sanyo BP Solar Kyocera Canadian Solar 10 Kaneka SunPower Motech Gintech % Above 94% 80% 62% 51% % All Others 6% 20% 38% 49% Total shipments 339.9 MWp 1954.1 MWp 7910.3 MWp 39270.3 MWp http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2014/01/top-ten-pv-manufacturers-from-2000-to-present-a-pictorialretrospective.html PRICE HISTORY OF SILICON PV CELLS (in US$ per Watt) 90 80 $76.00 (~ 71 €) 70 60 $/watt 50 40 30 20 10 $0.30 1977 1981 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance & pv.energytrend.com 2010 2015 (~ 0,28 cent/€) PV MODULE PRICES BY COUNTRY 2.5 - 45% EU import duties on Chinese PV cells & modules 2 1.5 €/Wp Germany Japan China 1 0.5 0 Dec 2009 Dec 2010 Dec 2011 Dec 2012 Dec 2013 Dec 2014 Oct 2015 Source: Solarserver http://www.solarserver.com/service/pvx-spot-market-price-index-solar-pv-modules.html CONSEQUENCES OF PRICE REDUCTION ● Margin erosion (particularly severe in 2011-2012) ● Firms declaring bankruptcy or recurring to lay-offs ● Industry consolidation (horizontal integration) and restructuring ● Anti dumping measures against the Chinese producers. The EU has an average 47.6% import duty on 100-plus Chinese manufacturers found to have been involved in dumping solar products in the EU ● Changes in the market positioning of other PV technological families RESEARCH QUESTIONS ● ● ● ● What drives the competitiveness of the Chinese PV cell and module producers? What is the role of technology innovation, vertical integration, scale, labour, policies (and state-directed effort to dominate the global PV market by “dumping” product at below cost) in keeping down the price of the Chinese PV modules? What is China's place in the international PV value chain? What are the implications and the opportunities still open to the EU PV industry? SOLAR PV: HOW IT WORKS Source: http://convertnews.com/1827-photovoltaic-panel-how-it-work-buy SOLAR PV SYSTEM COMPONENTS Solar cell: cell basic unit of a PV system. It converts the energy of the sun light directly into electricity PV modules: modules consists of many interconnected solar cells. A number of PV modules connected together (to increase the electrical power generated) forms an array Balance of System (BoS): (BoS) all components of a PV system other than the PV modules: wiring, switches, mounting systems, solar inverters, batteries …. FROM THE PV CELL TO PV SYSTEM Charge controller Battery 12 cm Solar cell material preparation MPP Tracker Inverter Direct current (DC) load Alternating current (AC) load DIFFERENT TYPES OF SOLAR CELLS Solar cell material preparation Wafer-based Monocrystalline Silicon Polycrystalline Silicon Sunligh concentrators Thin film III-V Semiconductors Organic materials II-VI Semiconductors (CdTe, CIGS, GaAs and others) Amorphous Silicon PV TECHNOLOGICAL FAMILIES (MATURITY) ANNUAL PV PRODUCTION BY TECHNOLOGY WORLDWIDE (in GWp) Source: Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Photovoltaic Report 2014 PV INDUSTRY VALUE CHAIN (include R&D and downstream) Producers of materials and components Producers of equipments BoS, mounting systems .... R&D Polysilicon (feedstock) 1 Ingots 2 Cells 3 4 Modules 5 System PV related services PV c-Si MANUFACUTING VALUE CHAIN AND ITS TECHNOLOGICAL CONTENT (2009) No. of market participants Polysilycon 70+ (top 7: 90% market share) Factory capital expenditure1 Technological know how Jobs/MW (2008) $500m - $1bn 3.5 Ingots/wafers 208 (top 5: 90% market share) $60m 3.5 Cells 239 (top 10: 50% market share) $40m 5 >988 (highly fragmented) $23m 6 > 1000 (highly fragmented) n.a. Modules System installations Barriers to entry High 20 Low Note: capital expenditure is for a 100MW plant and takes into account depreciation over 7 years. Sources: Green Rhino Energy, 2012 (for market participants) and U.S. Department of Energy, 2011 (for capital expanditure). Friedman, 2009 (for jobs per MW) 1 Production capacity COST REDUCTION AND COMPETITIVNESS DRIVERS IN PV ● at the cell/module level: 1. technological innovation; 2. production optimization; 3. economies of scale and vertical integration. ● At the PV system level: 1. increased performance ratio of PV systems; 2. extended lifetime of PV systems; 3. development of standards and specifications ● ... but also policies Technological innovation: role in cost reduction Main bottleneck for c-Si PV cost reduction is the cost of the material of which solar cells are made: Silicon Source: EPIA (2012); Kluftinger, Roller and Gallagher (2005). IMPACT OF CELL EFFICIENCY ON PV SYSTEM COSTS Solar cell efficiency: quantity of radiated light converted into useable electric power An icrease in efficiency of 1% is able to reduce costs per Wp by 5-7% Sources: NB Mason, PVSAT-8, Newcastle 2.4 Apr 2012. EU PV Technology Platform, 2011 EFFICIENCY RATE OF INDUSTRIAL PV MODULE OVER TIME Technology Cell efficiency Module efficiency Thin-film (CdTe) 10 – 11% Crystalline Silicon Mono Poly 16 - 22% 14 - 18% 13 – 19% 11 – 15% Source (figure): IEA PVPS Source (table): EPIA 2010; Photon International, March 2010. EPIA analysis. Efficiencies based on standard test conditions ROLE OF SCALE ECONOMIES .... Producing more of a product (i.e. increasing production capacity) allows for economies of scale along the value chain and lowers the cost per unit In the case of PV: for every doubling of producion capacity direct costs of manufacturing can drop on average between 17% and 22% (sorce: NREL) Increased manufacturing scale accounted for about 40% of c-Si cost reduction between 1975 and 2001 (source: Nemet, 2006) 2004 Production capacity of a PV module manufactuer over time Only few MW 2014 > 1GW ... AND OF VERTICAL INTEGRATION Advantages ● Increases Competitiveness ● Reduces Overhead costs ● Allows companies to capture margin at every stage of the value chain. Disadvantages ● ● Less flexible when market requirements change For c-Si: All different parts in the added value chain have to keep up with leading edge technologies ROLE OF POLICIES Policies have been key in PV development: - market creation - industry development - public acceptance Types of policies Examples Deployment measures (to increase installed capacity) Subsidies on quantities (tender or quota systems) or on prices (feed-in tariffs). Example: Conto Energia in IT Measures to support the industry Direct subsidies, reduced taxes, interest reduced loans Support to technology improvement and innovation PV R&D support schemes, both for new options/technologies and to enhance public cofunding of private innovative/R&D activities. Examples: Horozon 2020 (EU); Programma Industria 2015 (IT) CHINA'S PV MODULES PRODUCTION (2001 - 2013) China 1st PV module and cell producer Source: IEA PVPS, Annual Report 2013 CHINA PV INSTALLED CAPACITY AND TARGETS Source: IEA PVPS, Annual Report 2013 CHINA'S COST REDUCTION STRATEGY: TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION (2012) HIGH EFFICINECY PV CELL MADE IN CHINA Source: IEA, PVPS Annual Report 2013 VERTICAL INTGRATION: LINKS ON THE VALUE CHAIN WHERE THE PV TOP MANUFACTURERS ARE PRESENT Firm Polysilicon Wafer/Ingots Cells Modules System integration & project development First Solar (US) n.a n.a. x x x Suntech - - x x x Yingli x x x x - Trina - x x x - Canadian Solar - x x x x Sharp (Jap) - x x x x Hanwha Solar One (Kor) x x x x x Jinko Solar x x x x - LDK Solar x x x x - Solar World (D) x x x x x Source: Bayaliyev, Kalloz and Robinson (2011); Xu et al. (2012); company's data COST ADVANTAGE DUE TO SCALE AND VERTICAL INTEGRATION Cost comparison: US vs China's PV cell manufacturing China 18-20% core cost advantage Source: http://www.enfsolar.com/directory/equipment/crystalline_ingot_growing CHINA'S PRESENCE ALONG THE PV VALUE CHAIN Equipment - Crystalline Ingot Growing Manufacturers Companies involved in Crystalline Ingot Growing machine production, a key piece of equipment for the production of solar ingot. 45 Crystalline Ingot Growing equipment manufacturers are listed in the ENF Solar website The majority are Chinese CHINA'S PRESENCE ALONG THE PV VALUE CHAIN Components - 2013 PV Inverter Supplier Rankings China and Japan together represented 35 percent of global PV inverter revenue in 2013, unlike just 12 percent in 2011 SOURCING OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTS Encapsulants Glass Aluminium paste Almost all the materials useful to produce PV cells and modules can be sourced in China with an estimated cost advantage over the U.S.-based cell manufacturers of 18% (source: NREL) CHINA PV R&D ● Dozens of research institutes, organizations and companies are engaged in PV cell R&D, both c-Si and thin-film Nankai University: R&D on CIGS production process; supported by National 863 Program of MoSt (7.5m €) ● ● Several National programmes support R&D in key technologies: wind/PV/storage/transmission demonstrations 12th FYP (2011-2015) R&D targets for PV: 30% reduction in the production cost for Poly-silicon At least 50% of the materials used should be sourced domestically Equipment for c-Si cell production (including 'Turn-key') should be made domestically, with 'self-owned intelligent property' ROLE OF CHEAP LABOUR: PRODUCTION COST IN AN INTEGRATED WAFER-MODULE FACILITY 2% 12% 30% 5% 12% Polysilicon Other materials Depreciation Labour Utilities, overheads Yield loss Labour is just a small fraction of the overall c-Si cost 39% Not all the manufacturing links along the c.Si value chain have the knowledge intensity and require abundant labour Overall the cost saving due to labour is estimated to be 0,002 €/W (Source: Mutti, IT PV Summit 2012) CHINESE POLICIES TO SUPPORT PV (2011) NEW 2016 measures to support PV ➔ 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020): priority to distibuted generation vs utility-scale ➔ Renewed version of Renewable Portfolio Standard PV industry encouraged to establish and localise production abroad (support granted by China's Import Export Bank) ➔ 'One Belt, One Road': promotion of cross borders low-carbon infrastructure construcions (US$40b Silk Road Fund + US$50b Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) ➔ China-Pakistan Economic corridor (wind, hydro & solar PV projects under development) ➔ Sources: Bayaliyev et al. (2011); Haugwitz (2015) http://www.pv-tech.org/guest-blog/chinas_future_solar_ambitions_at_home_and_abroad What drives the competitiveness of the Chinese PV producers? ● Expansion of the productive capacity ● Benefits from scale and vertical integration ● Moving forward in terms of technological capabilities and innovation ● ● ● ● Increasing presence along the whole PV value chain (sourcing equipments and materials at home allows further costs reduction) Access to credit and government support towards industrial competitiveness Global market dynamics also played a role (e.g. declining prices for inputs, notably polysilicon; over-capacity in module supply) Labour cost only marginal ... however: more than 90% of PV cells produced in China are polysilicon cells BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES FOR THE EU PV INDUSTRY (1) ● Niche production in areas of premium technology New cell concepts: back contact solar cells developed by ISE (Germany) New processing methods: advanced wafer cutting techniques developed by Synova (Switzerland) Material improvements: polysilicon feedstock with higher quality developed by IISB (Germany) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES FOR THE EU PV INDUSTRY (2) ● Opportunities in other PV technology families Organic / polymer solar cells: low cost, sustainable transparent solar cell coating that can be printed on building glass (by Oxford Photovoltaics - UK) Novel printed plastic solar cell technology based on organic semiconductor materials (by Eight19 - UK). High-efficiency CIGS thin film solar modules on flexible plastic foil (by Flisom - Switzerland) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES FOR THE EU PV INDUSTRY (3) ● Evolution of the pv market and new types of applications ed t c e nn o C Gri d rg y Ene ration 1st level: e Ge n Structural Integration BIPV vo o t o Ph 2nd level: (1) + multi-functionality 3rd level: (2) + integration with electrical appliances s c i lta 2000 Source: Mazzer, 2012, personal communication Sel f-po equ w ere d ipm ent 2012 2020 What are the windows of opportunities opened to the EU and USA PV producers? ● Niche production ● Emerging PV technologies (i.e.: organic PV, thin-film) ● ● Novel applications (Building Integrated PV – BIPV; distributed electricity) Importance of consistent and long-term policies to sustain: R&D, at the pilot production/demonstration stage Demand: for emerging niche applications of differentiated PV products (i.e. BIPV) Thank you! ! nicoletta.marigo@gmail.com SOME ADDITIONAL SLIDES AVERAGE PRICE FOR PV ROOFTOP SYSTEMS IN GERMANY (10kWp - 100kWp) Source: Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, ISE – Photovoltaics Report 2015 FACTORS DRIVING PRICES DOWN ● ● ● ● ● Declining prices for inputs (notably polysilicon); Competition from other PV technologies (lower-priced thin film products); Phasing out of government incentives and demand subsidies; Increasing economies of scale and efficiency improvements (driven by learning and innovation); Oversupply and tough competition, mainly due to Chinese massive production capacity OVERVIEW OF COMMERCIAL PV TECHNOLOGIES AND EFFICIENCY Surce: EPIA 2010; Photon International, March 2010. EPIA analysis. Efficinecies based on standard test conditions Consumo di silicio (g/Wp) Wafer thickness (μm) C-Si WAFER THICKNESS OVER TIME FV in Cina: il contesto, consumi energetici ed emissioni di CO2