April 24 - Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary


April 24 - Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary
April 24, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Liturgy Schedule
Saturday:…………………....5:30pm English
7:00pm Spanish
Sunday:……...8am, 9:30 am, & 11am English
12:30 pm in Spanish
Daily: …………….As published in bulletin
Mass in the Extraordinary Form…
Fourth Sunday of the month at 5pm
For information 910-891-1972
Baptism: Preparation prior to baptism is
required. Parents should contact the Parish
Office for details.
Confirmation: Please contact the Faith
Formation Office for more information.
Reconciliation: 4:00–4:45 pm Saturdays or by
Weddings: Contact the Pastor as soon as
possible to set the wedding date and begin
marriage preparation; preferably at least 3
months before your wedding.
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish
Office to make arrangements.
R.C.I.A.–Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults: Saturday: 9:00-10:00 am; RCIA
Room, 1st Floor, Tileston Center
The Saint Mary School: Grades Pre-K–8.
The oldest Catholic School in North Carolina
now celebrating 146 years of education.
Accredited by SACS-CASI.
Faith Formation: K–High School
Sunday: 11:00 am—Noon
September to May
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary:
412 Ann Street
Wilmington, North Carolina 28401
Tel. 910-762-5491
Fax 910-762-9664
Monday–Friday: 9am–4pm
The St. Mary School Office:
217 South Fourth Street
Wilmington, North Carolina 28401
Tel. 910-762-5491 ext. 140
Fax 910-772-8034
Monday–Friday: 8am–3pm
Pastor, Very Reverend Robert J. Kus…………………………………………… ext. 111
RCIA/Social Ministries, Sister Isaac Koenig, S.U……………………………… ext. 135
Director of Religious Education, Mr. John Walsh……………………………… ext. 114
Director of Youth Ministry, Ms. Amy Preusser ……………………………….. ext. 117
Director of Hispanic Ministries, Ms. Norma Rivera……………………………. ext. 122
Business Manager, Ms. Sharon Marren…………………………………………. ext. 158
Wedding and Missions Coordinator, Ms. Simone Amato…………………….. ext. 129
Development Director, Ms. JoAnn Daley………………………………………. ext. 110
Parish Secretary, Ms. Simone Amato…………………………………………. ext. 113
Bulletin Editor, Ms. Sandy O'Leary……………………… bulletin@thestmaryparish.org
Campus Director, Mr. Phil Davis……………………………………………….. ext. 115
Organist/Director of Music, Ms. Sara Bryant…………………………………… ext. 118
St. Mary Parish Bookstore………………………………………………………. ext. 159
The Upper Room 1871 Event Coordinator, Ms. Victoria Hudson….……..910-538-9885
St. Mary School Principal, Ms. Joyce Price…………………………………….. ext. 153
St. Mary School Administrative Assistant, Ms. Susan Linn……………………. ext. 140
CEPI De Santa María: Spanish Adult School,
Tileston Gym Annex 2nd Floor
910-762-5491, ext. 138
St. Mary Adult School: Art and ESL.
Call office for times and dates.
Children, Youth &
Young Adults
Nursery: 6 months–5 years
Sunday: 9:30 Mass.
St. Mary School Lower Building
Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos:
Friday: 7:00 pm. Hispanic Ministry room,
1st Floor Tileston Center
Social Outreach
St. Mary/Tileston Outreach:
Monday–Thursday 8:30-11:30am
St. Mary Health Center:
(Dental and Medical)
Tileston Gym Annex - Lower Floor
Walk-ins Welcome
For Appointment, call: 763-8163
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – April 23 and April 24, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Liturgies and Paraliturgies
Including Mass Intentions
Pastor’s Corner
My Dear Friends,
This weekend, Catholic Christians celebrate
the 5th Sunday of Easter. Jesus tells his
disciples, before he ascended into heaven, “I
give you a new commandment: love one
another. As I have loved you, so you also
should love one another. This is how all will
know that you are
my disciples, if
you have love for one another” (John 13: 34
-35). To “love” someone means that you
wish them the very best.
Many thanks to all who helped with the
Azalea Festival parking fundraiser! On that
day, our parish hosted 360 Hispanic youth
for a diocesan retreat! Needless to say, the
campus was buzzing that day!
This weekend, we welcome everyone to Sr. Isaac’s Yard Sale.
Saturday, April 23
5:30 pm Mass —† Jennie and Michael Lombardo
Offered by Joan Ryder
7:00 pm Mass — Parishioners of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary
Sunday, April 24
8:00 am Mass —† Dr. William Sasser
Offered by The Williams Family
9:30 am Mass —† Denis O’Mara
Offered by Frieda O’Mary
11:00 am Mass —† Dr. John Patrick Rooney
Offered by Joan Ozdogan
12:30 pm Mass — † Richard Jerome Kroth
Offered by Ron and Greg Stack
Monday, April 25
7:30 am Mass —† Charles Sobolewski
Offered by Barbara and Ralph Russo
Tuesday, April 26
7:30 am Mass — † Rosemary Borello
Offered by John and Barbara Gale
Wednesday, April 27
7:30 am Communion Service
Thursday, April 28
7:30 am Mass —† Jean Torockio-Marlo
Offered by Diane Frohling
Proceeds from the sale will go to help support the St. Mary-Tileston
Social Outreach Ministry.
Friday, April 29
8:30 am Mass —† Anne Milano
Offered by Diane Frohling
Also this weekend, SaludHondu will have a pre-Mother’s Day Vintage
Sale. Proceeds from this sale go to help support the healthcare
initiatives of our sister parish in Honduras, including Clínica Santa
María in Reitoca, F.M., Honduras.
Saturday, April 30
5:30 pm Mass —† Eleanor Antonaccio
Offered by The Antonaccio Family
7:00 pm Mass — The Crew of the USS Tang submarine, WWII
Offered by Ron and Greg Stack
Finally, this weekend we welcome the Wilmington Chapter of the
American Guild of Organists as they present “A Church and Organ
History Tour of Four Wilmington Churches.”
Sunday, May 1
8:00 am Mass —† Ann Walsh
Offered by Pat and Mark Varno
9:30 am Mass —† Fred Jinks, Sr.
Offered by Patricia Jinks
11:00 am Mass —† Vincent Salisbury
Offered by Helen Kromer and Mary Drinkwater
12:30 pm Mass — † Jake and Rita Churchill
Offered by Don and Jeanne Thompson
Sincerely yours in Christ,
- Father Bob
~ Stewardship of Treasure ~
February 28, 2016
Envelopes Mailed 1634
Envelopes Returned:
$ 17,139.85 $ 20,000.00
07/01/2015 to $ 688,537.19 $ 664,000.00
Weekend Mass Schedule at a Glance
Saturday Mass in English – 5:30 pm
Saturday Mass in Spanish – 7:00 pm
Sunday Mass in English – 8:00 am, 9:30 am and 11:00 am
Sunday Mass in Spanish – 12:30 pm
To schedule a Mass Intention, to donate the Altar Flowers, or for
information on Baptism, please call the Parish Office at 762-5491.
Readings for the Week of April 24
1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20
Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a
Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8
Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17
Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21
Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8;
Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – April 23 and April 24, 2016
Please Pray for Our Sick
If you would like a name added or removed please email:
John Ameri
Gary Barton
Sarah Bowersox
Alexandra Brigantti
Jeff Broadbridge
Crystal Cameron
Patricia Carroll
Jeremy Cook
Michael DeStasio
Bob Dudek
Christi Ferretti
John Gee
Vera Gee
Brenda Grainger
Junior Grainger
Mark Groves
Walter Hickey
Doug Hill
Judy Hill
Nicole Hyden
Karen Kwiatkowski
Jay Linkfield
Alison Maccherone
George Mailloux
Donald Mankin
Pat Manuel
Howard Militscher
Patty Morris
Wendy Morris
Warren Murphy
Judy Norcross
Sean O’Leary
Kim Pierce
Earl N. Plankers
Matthew Ramsey
Vincent Rotolo
Robert Russo
Sue Smith
Regina Stewart
Deanna Thompson
Patricia Thompson
William Wadman
Ruth White
Joanne Wright
Centering Prayer—An hour of contemplating prayer and the Centering practice. Wednesdays from 1:00—2:00 pm. Contact: Joan Regan at 383-2804 or
The Liturgy of the Hours—Monday - Thursday at 7:05 am. Everyone is invited
and books are available as is instruction.
St. Mary AAMEN Chapter—Chapter meetings are held Fourth Sunday of
each month at 4:00 pm in the Tileston Center.
Adoration—Thursday after the 7:30 am Mass for one hour. Starting January
7th—Thursday from 5:00 pm—8:00 pm and Friday after 8:30 am Mass until
1:00 pm. Contact Mary Friedrichs at 409-2579.
Camillus Ministry —Brings communion to those who are unable to attend
Mass. Ministry Co-Coordinators Barbara Russo (brussonc3@gmail.com);
Tim Pflaum (tdpflaum@gmail.com) or Eileen Mankin (elnmankin43@aol.com)
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors—Contact Stephanie Watts at 799-7623 or
The Newcomer Welcome and Hospitality Ministry—needs your assistance to
help our new members become part of our parish family.
Young Families and Couples Group—meets last Sunday of each month after
9:30 Mass for light breakfast, discussion and crafts for the kids. Contact: Erin
Buller—910-821-0123 or erinbuller@gmail.com or thestmaryparish.org/
Catholic Daughters Court 1036—Meets the Second Sunday of the month at
3:00 pm in the St. Mary School Cafeteria. Contact: JoAnne Shadroui,
St. Mary Nursery—Volunteers are needed to help staff our Sunday nursery
during the 9:30 am mass. Contact: nursery@thestmaryparish.org.
Music Ministries—Contact: Sara Bryant at 762-5491 ext. 118, or
Knights of Columbus Council 1074—meets in the basement of the Tileston
Center. Contact: membership@kofc1074.org or kofc1074.org.
St. Mary Altar Guild – Meets once a month at different restaurants around the
area. Contact: Nancy Dasbach—(910) 264-9480.
The Upper Room 1861—Victoria Hudson, Event Coordinator 910.538.9885,
vhudson1871@gmail.com, upperroomnc.com
The Week Ahead In Our Parish
Parish Office Hours—Monday—Friday 9:00 am—4:00 pm
Sunday, April 24
• First Communion—all Masses
• Hispanic EESA Workshop—8:00 am
• Nursery—Available at the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Mary School
Lower Building
Sunday, April 24—continued
• English as a Second Language —10:45 am in Room T325
• Discipleship Youth Bible Study—11:00 am in the RCIA room in
the Tileston Center
• Faith Formation Classes—11:00 in the Tileston Center and St.
Mary School
• RICA in Spanish—11:00 am in Room T303
• Divine Mercy Celebration—12:00 pm in the St. Mary School
• Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—11:00 am in room
• Church and Organ History Tour—3:30 pm
Monday, April 25
• Contemporary Choir Rehearsal—7:00 pm in the Basilica
• Grupo De Alcohólicos Anónimos—8:00 – 9:30 pm en el
Tuesday, April 26
• Prayer Shawl Ministry—10:00 am in the Tileston Center
• Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—7:00 pm in Room
Wednesday, April 27
• Centering Prayer—1:00—2:00 pm
• Women’s Contemplative Prayer—1:30 pm in Room T325
• Youth Ministry—6:00 pm
Thursday, April 28
• Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—following morning Mass
for an hour and from 5:00 pm—8:00 pm in the Basilica
• Divine Mercy Chaplet – 12:30 pm in the Chapel
• Basilica Schola Rehearsal—7:30 pm—9:00 pm in the Music
Friday, April 29
• St. Mary School Field Day—8:00 am—11:30 pm at Hugh
MacRae Park
• Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—following morning Mass
until 1:00 pm
• Hispanic Young Adult Group (El grupo de jóvenes adultos)7:00 pm in the Tileston Center
• Grupo De Alcohólicos Anónimos - 8:00 – 9:30 pm en el
• Hispanic Prayer Group—7:30 pm
Saturday, April 30
• First Communion—all Masses
• Gospel Choir Rehearsal—10:30 am in the Basilica
• Kristen Black and Devante Jones Wedding—2:00 pm in the
• Reconciliation—4:00 pm in the Basilica
• Hispanic Children’s Ministry—5:00 pm
Sunday, May 1
• First Communion—all Masses
• Salud Hondu Mother’s Day Sale—all Masses
• Share Sunday—all Masses
• Hispanic EESA Workshop—8:00 am
• Nursery—Available at the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Mary School
Lower Building
• English as a Second Language —10:45 am in Room T325
• Discipleship Youth Bible Study—11:00 am in the RCIA room in
the Tileston Center
• LAST DAY OF Faith Formation Classes—11:00 in the Tileston
Center and St. Mary School
• RICA in Spanish—11:00 am in Room T303
• Divine Mercy Celebration—12:00 pm in the St. Mary School
• Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—11:00 am in room
• Violin Recital to benefit Tileston Outreash—4:00 pm in the
Please check with individual ministries for time/date changes
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – April 23 and April 24, 2016
Parish Happenings
St. Mary Parish Bookstore—Located in the Tileston Center
Tuesday - Friday - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Saturday - 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Sunday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
762-5491 (ext. 159) or bookstore@thestmaryparish.org
“A Stitch….A Prayer….The Touch of God”
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Meets monthly on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month in the
Tileston Center.
Call Noreen at 798-0055 for more information on this wonderful ministry. If you know of anyone who needs the warmth and comfort of a
prayer shawl, call Noreen and she will make arrangements to get one
to you.
St. Mary's Young Families Group
The St. Mary's Young Families group meets the last Sunday of each
month in the school library on the 2nd floor of the Tileston Center
directly across from the Upper Room. Our target audience is any family with at least one child 0-5 (your older children are also welcome, of
course). We have even had people join us before their first is born.
Whoever you are, you are welcome to join us!
Columbarium and Memorial Garden
We are pleased to report that since our introductory meeting in June,
55 families have reserved niches in the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary
Columbarium and Memorial Garden.
If you have not had an opportunity to view the plan or if you would
like more information, please contact JoAnn Daley at 910-762-5491,
x110 or email jdaley@thestmaryparish.org.
The Basilica Shrine of St. Mary will now have Adoration on Thursday
evenings from 5:00 pm till 8 pm and Fridays after Mass until 1:00 pm.
To be apart of this ministry contact Mary Friedrichs at 409-2579
Invitation to Apply to St. Mary Catholic School
The State of North Carolina passed legislature this year to fund the
Opportunity Scholarship Program for School Choice. That means that
you can receive a grant of up to $4200 for the school year to help pay
tuition. That’s over 70% of our Catholic tuition and fees at this time!
Please contact the school office for more information.
The Basilica Schola
has openings for all voice parts. This choir sings at 11:00 a.m. masses
and a few special liturgies throughout the year and is directed by Sara
Bryant. Singing in the Schola requires good music reading skills and a
voice that blends well with others. The choir sings music from the
Renaissance to the 21st century, with a special emphasis on Gregorian
chant. Singers who are high school age and older are welcome. For
more information or to arrange an audition, contact Sara Bryant, Director of Music at 910.762.5491 ext. 118, or
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Catholic Book Club
St. Mary’s Catholic Book Club, which meets the first Monday of the
month in the RCIA room of the Tileston building at 7:00 pm, will be
having our next meeting on Monday, May 2. We will be discussing
Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship by Donna-Marie
Cooper O’Boyle. June’s meeting will be held Monday June 6 and we
will discuss C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce. Please join us if you are
interested. All are welcome! For more information, contact Claire at
Suzuki Talent Education Violinists of Wilmington
Benefit Concert
St. Mary/Tileston Social Outreach
Sunday, May 1st, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.
The Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary
St. Mary/Tileston Outreach is recognized as a 501 (c) 3 corporation
therefore, all contributions are tax deductible under the IRS code.
Federal Tax ID #56-0554204 Basilica Shrine of St. Mary
Volunteers provide food, clothing, household articles and financial
assistance to those in need, The Office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 8:30am to 11:00am. It is a non denominational outreach.
The Concert will consist of
Folk Songs
Performers are violinist ranging for age 4-15
Directed by Lorraine Westermark
Accompanied by Sara Bryant
Pre-Mother’s Day Vintage Sale
to benefit Salud Hondu
Saturday, April 30
Sunday, May 1
at the entry to the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary
preceding and following masses
Saturday 5:30 and Sunday 8:00, 9:30, 11:00
Don’t miss this opportunity to support the healthcare needs of our
Sister Parish and also take home a piece of history (vintage teacups,
platters, bowls, silver plate, etc.). Aloe soap made in our Sister Parish
in Honduras will also be available. Thank you for helping fill the cup
of many in need.
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – April 23 and April 24, 2016
Office of Faith Formation and Youth Ministries
John Walsh, Directory of Religious Education— (ext. 114)
Amy Preusser, Director of Youth Ministry— (ext. 117)
First Communion dates
Saturday, April 23rd and Sunday, April 24th—all Masses
Saturday, April 30th and Sunday, May 1st—all Masses
“Catholicism” by Fr. Robert E. Barron
Wednesdays from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm in the RCIA room of the main
Tileston building, the Faith Formation office will be showing the DVD
series, “Catholicism” hosted by Fr. Robert E. Barron. The
“Catholicism” series does a fantastic job of illuminating the Church’s
culture, history and tradition. For those who are coming back to the
Church or would like to enhance their knowledge of the Church then I
highly recommend joining us for these faith-filled evenings. Please
contact John Walsh to see if space is still available.
Knights of Columbus Council 1074
Knights of Columbus Council 1074 is hosting a Spring Fling Dinner
Dance on Saturday, April 30th from 7:00 to 11:00 PM at the Arab
Shrine Club, 4510 South College Road, Wilmington, NC. Tickets are
$35 per person and are available after all masses this weekend or from
Jim Cavanaugh at 412-445-6953 or Ron Thompson at 910-3994763. Drinks are BYOB event with free set ups. Dinner, prepared
Thyme Savor, will be garden salad, marinated top sirloin, boursin
chicken, various sides, rolls and desert. Vegetarian dinners can be
provided if we are notified when your ticket is purchased. Shades of
Grey, who are fantastic, will entertain us. Reserve tables are available
for groups of 6 or 8 people. The Spring Fling Dance will be like a kick
off to summer living in North Carolina. Come join us and lets PARTY!
Around the Area
Carolina Catholic
For our second April 2016 show, we will speak with Debbie Kotas, a
member of St. Mark Catholic Church. In this show, Debbie will speak
about how several deep conversion experiences in her life kept her
faith alive and growing to this very day despite major challenges and
adversities that would have derailed anyone's faith journey. Instead,
through these trials, Debbie found great strength and comfort in her
Catholic faith.
This show will air on Wilmington Catholic Radio on stations 91.7 FM,
93.1FM, and 103.1 FM on Sunday, April 24th, at 6 p.m. This show
can also be heard on our website at wilmingtoncatholicradio.com.
Via Cruces = Way Of The Cross
Richard and Cathy Tamisiea would like very much to invite parishioners to come visit their meditation garden (Via Cruces = Way Of The
Cross) at any time. The trail is located at 6207 Fox Run Road just off
of Old Military Rd. in the Greenville Sound Area. Please come at any
time and it is not necessary to call or announce your visit.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
English as a Second Language
Offered by Cape Fear Community College
Available for adults in the community at St. Mary.
Morning Multilevel class with Jamie…...M-TH 9:30am-12:30pm
Evening Multilevel class with Jenny.,,,..TU and TH 6:30-9:30pm
The classroom is above the St. Mary Health Center. For more information, please contact Cindy at 910-362-7184.
The Wilmington Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
Presents A Church and Organ History Tour of Four Wilmington
Churches on Sunday, April 24 at 3:30 p.m. The tour begins at the
Basilica Shrine of St. Mary at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Ann
Street, continues on to First Presbyterian and St. James Episcopal on
Third Street, and ends at First Baptist at the corner of Fifth Avenue
and Market Street. Free admission For more information, contact Sara
Bryant at 910.392.0517 or music@thestmaryparish.org.
St. Mark Parish Family Golf Outing
Sponsored by Knights of Columbus
Saturday, May 7
Echo Farms County Club
Captains Choice
Prizes to Top 3 Teams
Hole-In-One Challenge
Call Jeff Kranich to sign up or request a brochure (910) 550-4568
The Dr. Jerome Lejeune Memorial Scholarship for 2016, provided by
the Msgr. Christopher Dennen Assembly 2017 of the Knights of Columbus organization, is now accepting applications. The scholarship
of $1,000 is awarded annually to a high school graduate, enrolling for
the first time in a college or university, and demonstrating high academic achievement, outstanding service to church and community, as
well as financial need in meeting educational expenses as determined
by the Knights of Columbus assembly.
Applications must be postmarked by Monday, May 30th. For more
information and an application form please go to www.kofc12017.org
or contact Greg Decker at deckerga@gmail.com.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
If we trust in Jesus and do what He tells us to do we will receive His
abundant blessings! Allow the grace of God to strengthen, renew and
rekindle your marriage relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter weekend is Apr 29-May 1, 2016 in Chapel Hill, NC and
November 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach, NC in . Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: http://
NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at applications@NCMarriageDiscovery.org or 704-315-2144. - See more at:
Divorced? Remarried? Planning to marry somone who is divorced?
Do you have questions about freedom to marry in the Catholic
Church? Did you know that the Tribunal is available to answer these and any other questions you may have about remarriage in the Church? Please contact Mrs. Vikki Newell 919- 8219759 with your questions, or you may wish to visit our website
http://www.dioceseofraleigh.org/offices/tribunal for further information. We welcome the opportunity to help you. - See more at:
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – April 23 and April 24, 2016
National Prevent Child Abuse Month
Did you know that when a person is assaulted as a child, he or she
may wait years or decades to tell another person about it? The reasons
for this vary. Victims may want to deny the fact that someone they
trusted could do this to them; they may want to just put the abuse
behind them and move forward. They may believe that they caused
the assault by their behavior; or they may fear how other people will
react to the truth. For more information on learning how you can help
ensure the safety of children and how to help them when they do not
feel safe, call 1-800- CHILDREN (1-800-244-53736).You may also
call: The Diocese of Raleigh Office of Child and Youth Protection at
1-866-535-7233 or email safe@raldioc.org - See more at: dioceseofraleigh.org
Stress in Your Marriage?
Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know
how to change the situation. This program has helped many couples
experiencing such difficulties. For confidential information or to
apply to attend the program beginning with a weekend on September
16th call 800-470-2230 or email: retrouvaillenc@msn.com or visit the
web site at www.retrouvaille.org. - See more at: dioceseofraleigh.org
Doorways Introduction to Liturgy
San Isidro, 4733 Macedonia Church Road, Fayetteville, NC 28312
Saturday, April 30 - 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
This Level I course begins on the date above and runs for two sessions. Participants will explore the basics of the Mass and worship
and its importance as “source and summit” for the Christian life. Integral to each session is prayer, course content, faith sharing, and large/
small group discussion so that participants can apply the teachings to
their life and ministry. Required text is What Happens at Mass (Rev.
Ed.) by Fr. Jeremy Driscoll. Liturgy Training Publications, 2011 and
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2006. Presenter and Contact: Deacon Juan
"Nay" Henriquez—910-322-0967—nayhenri@yahoo.com
Scholarships Available
Announcing five full tuition scholarships for lay people interested in
obtaining the Master of Divinity degree! If you have answered a call
to service in the Church or feel that you may be called to serve as a
lay ecclesial minister, you are invited to apply for a full tuition scholarship at St. John’s School of Theology (St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota). Please contact the Diocese of Raleigh’s Office
of Lay Ministry (callery@raldioc.org or 919-821-9715) for more information or to begin your application process. The director of the
Office of Lay Ministry must recommend you for these scholarships.
In the Tileston Center, on Sundays, from
10:30 am to 12:15 pm, from October to
June. To register, please contact Dé
Corbett at 910-232-2745. Volunteers for
clerical help are welcome.
Sister Isaac—Office of Social Ministry
Fifth Sunday of Eater
St. Mary Social Ministry/Tileston Outreach
We are now entering into the second half of this joyous season of Easter.
Our Scripture readings give us an account of the beginnings of our
Church Community and Jesus comes and goes among his disciples,
reassuring them all that He is what He said He was – the Son of God the
Father who has come to show us His Father’s love and concern for all
While we are waiting for the full experience of eternal life, Jesus
reminds His followers that we have some work to do to bring forth the
Kingdom of peace and justice. It is all about living out the spiritual and
corporal works of mercy. Each one of us is challenged to do this right
here, right now – wherever we find ourselves “planted”. Jesus words to
us ring clear and loud in the Gospel message today. “I give you a new
commandment: love one another. As I have loved you so you also
should love one another.” This is a tall order. How am I responding to
the call?
Special Need for the Week:
Our semi-annual Yard Sale is taking place this weekend. Perhaps you
might find the “treasure” you have been looking for right in the basement of Tileston. And the profit we make helps
us in our outreach towards those in need.
We continue to deepen our commitment to our
Church and when we gather for the last time we
will consider the various ministries offered to us
to get involved in the Community.
In the Basement of the Tileston Building
Saturday, April 23
Sunday, April 24
9:00 am to 1:00 pm each day
and after 5:30 pm Mass
Come take a look at our treasures and help support the work of our
Social Outreach Ministry
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – April 23 and April 24, 2016
April 15—17
Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule
Weekend of April 30 and May 1
Sixth Sunday of Easter
For Masses in English
~ Schedule does not show substitutions ~
11:00 am
David Morse
May 15, 1942 – April 14, 2016
9:30 am
V. Campbell
J. Chandler
S. Elder
K. Hartung
S. Hartung
P. Lachance
H. Lowery
M. Adkins
P. Gross
R. Keegan
L. Newton
O. Niles
J. Reynolds
A. Winkeler
C. Burkhart
L. Dezio
L. Johnson
R. Mercorella
K. O’Leary
S. O’Leary
M. Reis
T. Bruhn
J. Francis
D. Linkfield
D. Sosinski
T. Sosinski
A. Zukar
J. Zukar
Susan Fayter
October 19, 1953 – April 9, 2016
8:00 am
F. Walker
J. Lachance
G. Moser
J. Zier
H. Latham
C. Coco
M. Leta
R. Bangert
In Memory
5:30 pm
J.H. James
L. Lachance
Z. Shafer
S. Cantonwine
C. Kenney
S. Zagler
J. Bennett
M. Bennett
T. Shibley
K. Fischer
G. Genes
R. Laraia
Christopher Pacheco-Barbosa
Adrian Roman-Galaviz
Alexia Vázquez-Mauro
T. Barton
P. Lachance
F. Bindewald
F. Bindewald
B. Herdemian
H. Lange
M. Flores
J. Siler
F. Bua
F. Grant
R. Keegan
R. Jenski
T. Longo
A. DeVaga
H. Bielawa
B. Ozment
D. Keefe
C. Mongelli
T. Patton
R. Lowney
L. Franks
J. Patton
L. Dezio
S. Frelke
L. Johnson
F. Romeo
E. Burke
N. Cahill
J. Prantil
J. Newton
P. Carey
E. Molina
F. D’Meza
First Communion
Cameron Noel Jordan
Charles Robert Woodard
Patrick Cloninger
Mission Corner
Patrick Cloninger
Peg and Bob Dudek
celebrated their
50th wedding
anniversary with a
community blessing
April 16, 2016
at the Basilica Shrine
of St. Mary.
Jessel Elliott and Kelly
McBryan were
married at the
Basilica Shrine of
St. Mary
April 16, 2016.
They make their home
in the
Atlanta, Georgia area.
Feed the Hungry
In this Jubilee of Mercy, we are called to engage in the corporal
(bodily) and spiritual works of mercy. This sign, found in the Honduran retreat center of Tres Rosas (Three Roses), reminds us to “Feed the
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – April 23 and April 24, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Dancing with the
wilmington stars
Joyce M. Price
"Let your light so shine..." Matthew 5:16
Golf Classic - Thanks to all the volunteer
parents and staff who offered to work at Porters Neck. The weather was just right. I enjoyed seeing you all there.
Gym floor update - P.E. classes will be back in the gym on Monday. Only tennis shoes will be allowed, so make sure to come prepared for class.
4th Quarter Middle School Electives - During this quarter, our
students are taking Animation, 3-D Architecture, Webpage design,
Journalism and News Production, and Spanish Enrichment.
Talent Show - Our annual talent show will take place on Thursday,
May 5th, 1:30 in the Upper Room.
School Registration - If you have not turned in your re-enrollment
packet, please do. We don't want to give away your child's seat as
we are actively enrolling new students.
Dancing with the Wilmington Stars H.S.A. Fundraiser for the
School - So many wonderful people have offered to dance to benefit our school. This will be a fun and entertaining event. Please
consider attending and voting for your favorite dancer
April Happenings
April 26-29 - Book Fair
April 27- Spaghetti Supper
April 29- Field Day, 8-11:30, Hugh MacRae Park
Tuition Fees Approved 2016-2017
St. Mary Catholic School, Gr. K-8
Catholic students w/ signed subsidy
Other Faiths
Technology Fee (Gr. 1-8)
Multi-child discounts (Grades K-8)
2nd child—$500
3rd child—$1,000
4th child—$1,500
Falcon's Nest PreK
PreK 3 and 4
***Full Day PreK (8:15-3)
***We have had requests for a full day PreK. In order for this to be
possible, we will need to have at least 10 students enrolled. If you
are interested, please call Mrs. Susan Linn at 762-5491 ext. 140.
Preliminary School Calendar 2016-2017
Key dates are listed below.
First days of school (noon dismissals) Aug. 25th and 26th
First full day of school
Aug. 29th
Iowa Testing Window
Sept. 26th-Oct. 7th
Thanksgiving Holiday
Nov. 23th-25th
Christmas Vacation
Dec. 21st- Jan. 2nd
Easter Break
April 10th-17th
Last Day of School
June 7th (This could
change due to weather.)
A benefit for
St. Mary Catholic School
Wilmington Stars Dancing for Our Cause
Owner,BlushHausofBeauté LaurenStovall
Sponsorship Opportunities
Shooting Star $500
● Linktoyourwebsite
Super Star $1,000
● Fullpageadvertisementintheeventprogram
● Webbanneradandlinktoyourwebsite
● On-stagerecognitionbyhostoftheevening
● 8eventticketsandareservedtable
Shining Star $250
● Linktoyourwebsite
Twinkling Star $100
● Companylogo/Familynameonprintedmaterial
● Linktoyourwebsite
St. Mary Catholic School is Reaching for the Stars!
Buy tickets and place your vote at www.thestmaryschool.org/dwtws
For sponsorship information, contact JoAnn Daley at
762-5491 ext. 110 or jdaley@thestmaryparish.org
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St. Mary Parishioners
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240