St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augustine Catholic Church
ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 4400 Beulah Road • N. Chesterfield, Virginia 23237 Phone: 804-275-7962 • Fax: 804-271-4604 Website: Diocesan Website: US Conference Catholic Bishops: Parish Office Hours • Horas De Oficina PASTORAL STAFF PERSONAL PASTORAL Rev. Fr. Marlon Portillo Pastor x1121 Rev. Mr. Eric Broughton Deacon, 721-2019 Rev. Mr. Christopher Corrigan Deacon, 381-1058 Rev. Mr. Al Hallatt Deacon, 551-0746 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday • Lunes a Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Katharine Anderson, ext. 1115 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - September 11, 2016 24º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO - 11 de septiembre,2016 Angy Corrigan, ext. 1117 “BEFORE ALL ELSE LIVE TOGETHER ONE IN HEART AND MIND AND HONOR GOD IN ONE ANOTHER” St. Augustine of Hippo • 430 A.D. St. Augustine Church • 1973 A.D. MASS SCHEDULE - HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 8:30* and 11:15* a.m. *Children’s Liturgy of the Word *Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños (part-time/tiempo parcial) Coord. of Social Ministry Coordinadora de Ministerio Social Coordinator of Children & Youth Ministry Coordinadora de Ministerio de Niños y Jóvenes Amanda Roberts, ext. 1113 Coordinator of Christian Formation Coordinadora de Formación Cristiana Wanda Alvarado, ext. 1110 Bilingual Administrative Assistant— Asistente Administrativa Bilingüe Parish Life Coordinator - Coordinadora de Vida Parroquial Sandra Chicas, ext. 1114 Sábado, 5:30 p.m. (Inglés) Domingo, 8:30* y 11:15* a.m. (Inglés) Domingo, 1:15* p.m. y 6:00* p.m. (Español) *Bilingual leaflets available • Folletos bilingües para todas las misas Daily Masses (see inside schedule) Misas Diarias (vea la progamación dentro del boletín) RECONCILIATION—CONFESIÓN: Saturday–Sábados 4:15 p.m.–5:00 p.m. BAPTISM AND MATRIMONY: Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. For weddings, a lead time of at least six to nine months is required in order that a proper preparation may be made for the celebration of the Sacrament. BAUTIZOS Y MATRIMONIOS: Llame a la oficina para hacer los arreglos necesarios. Llame al menos de seis a nueve meses antes de la fecha deseada para comenzar la preparaciones necesarias de estos sacramentos. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please approach the priest after each weekend Mass. If any parishioner is seriously ill at home or in the hospital, please call the Parish Office to arrange for Communion, Confession, or the Anointing of the Sick. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: Por favor hable con el sacerdote después de cada Misa del fin de semana. Si una persona perteneciente a la parroquia esta seriamente enferma, por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial para hacer los arreglos necesarios para la Comunión, Confesión y Sacramento de los Enfermos. NEW CATHOLIC PARISHIONERS–NUEVOS MIEMBROS CATOLICOS Please come to our NEW PARISHIONER WELCOMING AND REGISTRATION, normally held the third Sunday of each month. Come to our Poor Box Breakfast, immediately following the 8:30 a.m. Mass, after which you will be assisted through the registration process. Favor de venir a la Orientación e Inscripción Que normalmente es el tercer domingo del Mes después de la misa de 8:30 a.m. (en ingles) y después de las misas de 1:15 p.m. y 6:00 p.m. (en español). MISSION STATEMENT “The Mission of St. Augustine Church is to be a Parish Family Inspired by the Love of Jesus Christ, Celebrating the Goodness of Life, Bringing the Good News and Ministering to the Needs of All.” “La misión de la Iglesia deSan Agustín es la de ser una Parroquia inspirada por el Amor de Jesucristo, Celebrando lo Mejor de la Vida, Llevando Las Buenas Noticias y Atendiendo a las Necesidades de Todos.” Bilingual Receptionist Recepcionista Bilingüe Caroline Honings, ext. 1112 Business Manager/Accountant/Notary Gerente de Oficina/Contador/Notario Craig Templeton, ext. 1125 (part-time/tiempo parcial) Coordinator of Maintenance Coordinador de Mantenimiento Minerva Vega, ext. 1111 Bilingual Administrative Assistant— Asistente Administrativa Bilingüe Joe Oatman, (804) 641-8419 Parish Musicians - Músicos Parroquiales Vic Owen, (804) 425-7170 Finance Council Chairperson Presidente del Consejo Financiero ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday, September 11 domingo, 11 de septiembre 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 24º domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Second Collection for Building Fund Segunda Colecta—Fondos para el Edificio 7:00am Escuela San Andrés (Timoteo) Hall 8:00am Prep Matrimonial PC 4 8:00am Registration for Religious Ed Rm 18/19 8:30am Mass Church 9:00am La Escuelita de Español Rm 10/11 11:00am Inscripciones de Bautismo PC 3 11:15am Mass Church 1:15pm Misa Church 6:00pm Misa Church 7:30pm Coro Jesús de Eucaristía Church Monday, September 12 lunes, 12 de septiembre 10:00am Individual and Family Counseling Outreach Center 6:00pm Girl Scouts Team Leader Meeting Rm 18/19 7:00pm Ensayo de Música JPC Aux. Bldg. 7:00pm Renovación Carismática Hall 7:00pm Renovación Carismática para Niños Rm 8 7:00pm Reunión de Directiva JPC PC 4 Tuesday, September 13 martes, 13 de septiembre 8:00am CARE-A-VAN Complex 9:00am Daily Mass Chapel 9:00am Women’s Guild Rm 13/14 9:30am Bible Study PC 1/2 6:30pm Girl Scouts Rm 10/11 & 18/19 7:00pm Building and Grounds Committee PC 4 7:00pm Jóvenes Para Cristo Aux. Bldg. 7:00pm Grupo de Oración de Mujeres Chapel Wednesday, September 14 miércoles, 14 de septiembre 9:00am Daily Mass Chapel 10:00am Staff Meeting Conference Rm. 10:00am WINGS Hall 6:30pm Women’s Guild Rm 13/14 7:00pm Choir Church 7:00pm Cristianos en la Sociedad Rm 9 7:00pm Jóvenes Para Cristo Hall Thursday, September 15 juéves, 15 de septiembre 9:00am Daily Mass Chapel 9:30am Training SIS PC 1/2 6:30pm Respeto Rm 18/19 6:45pm RCIA PC 1/2 7:00pm Escuela San Andrés Meeting PC 4 7:00pm Anointing Mass (Bilingual) Church Friday, September 16 viernes, 16 de septiembre 7:00pm Coro Latino Church 7:00pm Crecimiento Carismático Rm 9, 10/11 7:00pm Ensayo de Música JPC PC 1/2 7:00pm Equipo de Preparación Bautismal Rm 13/14 Saturday, September 17 sábado, 17 de septiembre 9:00am Aniversario del Grupo Away 11:00am Bautismo Privado Church 2:00pm Quinceañera (Jennifer Katherine Galdámez) Church 3:00pm Reunión de Renovación Carismática Rm 18/19 4:15pm Reconciliation Chapel 5:30pm Mass Church 7:00pm Renovación Carismática Hall Sunday, September 18 domingo, 18 de septiembre 8:00am Prep Matrimonial PC 4 8:30am Mass Church 9:00am La Escuelita de Español Rm 10/11 9:30am New Member Welcome Rm 9, 10/11 9:30am Poor Box Breakfast Hall 11:15am Mass Church 1:15pm Misa Church 2:15pm Inscripciones Rm 10/11 6:00pm Misa Church 7:00pm Inscripciones Rm 10/11 7:30pm Coro Jesús de Eucaristía Church Mass Intentions — Intenciones de Misa Sat. September 10 5:30pm **** Sun. September 11 8:30am Summers & Jenness Families 11:15am In Memory of the Victims of the 9/11 Attacks (15 years ago) 1:15pm Erlinda Menjivar Orellana 6:00pm **** Tues. September 13 9:00am **** Wed. September 14 9:00am **** Thurs. September 15 9:00am Alexandra Vega (Birthday) Sat. September 17 5:30pm **** Sun. September 18 8:30am Muschler & McNeilly Families 11:15am **** 1:15pm **** 6:00pm **** denotes deceased parishioners, family members and/or friends; denota feligreses fallecidos, miembros de la familia y/o amigos). Pray For / Oremos Por: Sar ita Remains, Br ayden Ber ich, Meisha Cesar Valguez, Bob Rice, Marc Schessel, Pat Noble, Danny Doran, Sammy Peterson, Stephanie Pierce, Maria Argelia Marin Carbajal, Michael Luther, Dolores Mosby, Jerry Daniels, Carol Marshall, Janet Bettinger, Thomas McElwee, Delores Mosley, Gary Fowler, Patricia Carmona, Maryanne Crostic, Felix Owens, Julius Quimpo, John Haddon, Cleaster Williams, Diane Stecher, Wally Boesch, John Skora, Eva & Ron Boyce, Maricar Davis, Corey Zavesky, Betty Darr, Steven Dice, Mel Cotter, Theresa Brown Kimbrell, Antonio Barraza, Silomena Orellana, Kwadwo Bawuah, Ron Hance, Oscar Trinidad Clemente, Jan Owen, Hans Weisstanner and Carol Belcher. To assist St. Augustine in administering to the sick we are asking your cooperation when submitting names for the Prayers of the Faithful and names to be added to the bulletin listing of the sick. The office staff will be requesting some details that will help determine the need for a clerical visit or assistance through a Eucharistic Minister for the homebound. The bulletin listing of the sick will be grouped bi-weekly so that we all can be aware of those newly added to the listing. The bulletin will maintain the listings for three months unless otherwise specified to be listed indefinitely. After three months names can be added once again if not otherwise listed as indefinite. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. Pastoral/prayer cards may be found in the Sacristy and the Commons Readings for the Week of September 11, 2016 Sunday: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19/1 Tm 1:12-17/Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10 Monday: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33/Ps 40:7-10, 17/Lk 7:1 -10 Tuesday: 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a/Ps 100:1-5/Lk 7:11-17 Wednesday: Nm 21:4b-9/Ps 78:1-2, 34-38/Phil 2:6-11/ Jn 3:13-17 Thursday: 1 Cor 15:1-11/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 28/ Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 Friday: 1 Cor 15:12-20/Ps 17:1, 6-8, 15/Lk 8:1-3 Saturday: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49/Ps 56:10-14/Lk 8:4-15 Next Sunday: Am 8:4-7/Ps 113:1-2, 4-8/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. BULLETIN DEADLINE—Tuesdays by 12:00 noon...Please email Minerva Vega at or call the parish office at 804 275-7962. TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WORSHIP CHRISTIAN FORMATION Preparing for the Sunday readings Go to ENCOUNTER THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL Year Three: Equipping the Parish Year of Mercy: Forgiveness is a decision not a feeling. REFLECTION 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time "The Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, 'This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.'" Jesus knew these self-righteous religious leaders were complaining. And he knew they needed to learn a lesson. So, in addition to giving a lived example of welcoming the company of "tax collectors and sinners," Jesus also directly taught the skeptics about the importance of welcoming those who have been lost. Today's Gospel gives a powerhouse lineup of three parables that all teach a similar message: rejoice over the lost sheep, rejoice over the lost coin, and rejoice over the return of the lost son. The theme can be summarized in the simple directive: rejoice don't reject. When someone who isn't part of the "fold" appears in church, this is cause for rejoicing! It should not be cause for gossip, sideways glances, or nervous whispers about what to do or say. Rather a genuine smile and word of welcome would be in order at the very least, and a heartfelt invitation to join the community would be totally appropriate. Too often we become complacent about our Christian company. We get used to seeing the same people every Sunday and forget about the "lost" men and women who are outside the bounds of our comfort zone. Jesus gives us the image of an active shepherd who goes "after the lost one until he finds it," and a diligent widow who will "sweep the house, searching carefully" until she finds her coin. He tells us of a father who "ran to his son, embraced and kissed him," in spite of the separation they had faced. We too are called to take initiative in seeking out those who are lost, and to rejoice heartily when they finally do come back home. ©Liturgical Publications Inc. DEACON CORNER: (BY DEACON AL) Effective September 8, 2016 there will be a change within the Catholic Church which will go relatively unnoticed. The “Rite of Marriage” becomes “The Order of Celebrating Matrimony.” Why the change? Following the Second Vatican Council the Church published a revised “Order of Celebrating Matrimony” in Latin. In 1991 there was a revised version with the English translation being delayed until now. The three significant revisions relate to the words “order,” “celebrating” and “matrimony.” The word “order” designates an entire ceremony and adding the article “the” clarifies the official status unique purpose. This is in keeping with the words “The Order” used for other sacraments. The word “matrimony” refers to something broader than the ceremony itself. It is meant to express the entire way of life an engaged couple needs to desire to be a permanent way of life and a faithful commitment to each other. The U. S. Conference f Catholic bishops hoped that using the word “matrimony” would set our Catholic meaning in relief against the current cultural usages of the word “marriage.” The word “celebrating” is to help people understand that the community celebrates a liturgy that launches a matrimonial life. It describes what happens in the church on the wedding day. It is hoped that the engaged couple will better understand the noble way of life that lies ahead of them, a life which Christ enriches with a sacrament, a life embraced out of love. BAPTISM Do you have a child you’d like to have baptized? Baptisms are celebrated once a month during one of the weekend Liturgies. Parents should contact the parish at least two months prior to the desired month of celebration and attend the preparation session. For dates and further details, please contact Amanda Roberts at the parish office or via email at Adult Confirmation If you are an adult Catholic desiring the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact Amanda Roberts (ext. 1113) at the parish office for general information. Interested in the Catholic Faith? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults process offers the opportunity to begin inquiry into the teachings and the practice of Catholicism. The program offers varied paths for individuals who are unbaptized, those baptized in another Christian faith tradition, or baptized Catholics who have limited upbringing in the Church. Questions are welcome, dialogue is encouraged, prayer and support are integral, and very individual spiritual journeys are the norm. Just curious? Just wondering? Really interested? A bit nervous? Married/engaged to a Catholic and/or children in the faith and in need of information? Attending Mass (perhaps for years!) and feeling awkward in stepping forward? Know a little and thinking it’s all a bit mysterious? For further details, and registration, contact Amanda Roberts at 275-7962. EveryWoman The EveryWoman book group will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Please contact the office if you are interested. WINGS’ (Women In God’s Spirit)— WINGS will resume on Wednesday September 7th at 9:45am in the church hall. We will have registration on August 27th & 28th , after all masses - Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8:30am and 11:15pm . Also, registration will be done on September 7th. All women are welcome! Please contact Sharon Harrison at 804-683-7199. Religious Education (LIFE) and Sacramental Preparation Registration for the Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation programs for adults and for families with children and youth in grades K12 will be held on this Sunday September 11 from 8am until after the 1:15pm Mass in room 18 - 19. Please note that in the afternoon session we can only accommodate a few more children in grades K, and 1. If you are unable to bring your child to the morning session or if both sessions fill up, your other option is to register for the homeschool program using the materials and structure we’ll provide for you. For information about the program, please pick up one of the Faith Formation flyers in the Commons. If you have further questions about the program or would like to volunteer or get involved, please contact Angy or Amanda at the office. Children’s Liturgy “We need your help!” We now need many people to help with this very rewarding Ministry. It is a once a month commitment. You work in pairs and you do not have to go to another Mass. Training is provided and is very easy. Parents, teens, young adults why not go out with the children and see how easy it really is to share the Word with our children of St. Augustine. Contact the church office if you can help. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 JUSTICE & PEACE U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops— Pax Christi USA Network—A Catholic leader in the global movement for justice and peace. POOR BOX BREAKFAST WILL START AGAIN THE THIRD SUNDAY OF SEPTEMBER. FOOD PANTRY We are in constant in need of : Tuna Fish, Hamburger or Tuna Helper, canned vegetables (canned tomatoes, mixed vegetables, peas, carrots, lima beans, corn) and Syrup The following items that we are also in need of may be purchased at Dollar Tree: Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Detergent and Shampoo Thanks for all your continued support. We need volunteers to pr ovide tr anspor tation to our parishioners to medical appointments and grocery shopping . If you are available and interested, please contact The Shepherd’s Center of Chesterfield at 804 -706-6689. Individual and Family Counseling is available at St. Augustine on Mondays with a counselor from Commonwealth Catholic Charities. Contact Ms. Rodriguez Perez at 804-285-5900 for an appointment. Fees are based on a sliding scale. Saint Augustine’s Military and Peace Corps Prayer List—If you know someone who is in the military or Peace Corps and would like us to pray for them, please call Carol Hermsen 804-751-8618 or email at: grandmatexasbell@ THE OUTREACH CLOTHING CLOSET is open on Tuesdays from 10am - 3pm and Thursdays from 9am until noon. CARITAS (Congr egations Ar ound Richmond Involved to Assure Shelter), will be held at St Augustine October 1-7. If you are unfamiliar with this event, we will be hosting 40 homeless men at the church each evening from 6pm to 6am the following morning. All hands are needed for this event as many of our long time volunteers have moved or are no longer at St. Augustine. Start gathering new socks, underwear (briefs & boxers), backpacks, razors, and deodorant during back to school sales. We will begin collecting CARITAS items. Please call Kathy Jones at 804-748-5587 or Terry Knapp 804-7779293 for more information. Volunteers are needed for various Social Ministries at St. Augustine. There are sign-up sheets posted in the Information Center along with descriptions of the various ministries or you may call the office. Faithful Citizenship documents are available both in English and Spanish on the USCCB website at Plan to read it to help make a faith formed decision when voting in the elections this November. PARISH LIFE Fr. Marlon will be out of the office the week of September 12th through September 16th. The 3 Deacons will be out of the office at a Convocation from September 15th - 17th. There will be daily Mass on Tuesday, September 13th and a Communion Service on September 14th and 15th. In case of a pastoral emergency, Please call the office. My Dear Brothers and Sisters, As some of you know, Permanent Deacons, upon assignment to a parish establish a covenant between the pastor, deacon and deacon’s wife. This covenant outlines the liturgical and ministerial activities the deacon will engage in support of the parish according to his charisms, mine happens to be catechetical and teaching the youth through LifeTEEN and Edge. The challenge this year has been the changes in the Christian Formation staff responsibilities which put additional weekend hours on my wife’s schedule. This change to Angy’s weekend duties for her position required a change to my weekend availability related to the care of our five year old. While Fr. Marlon and I have had no issues with this covenant and my ministerial duties, the diocese has taken issue and has summarily determined that I should be put on a Leave of Absence. This leave affects my presence on the Altar and other Sacramental duties. I am hopeful any misunderstandings with my covenant and misperceptions of my support for this parish will change soon so that I can return to full ministry. Yours in Christ, Deacon Chris To help us celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, Sacr ed Hear t Center has invited Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ, founder and director of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles and Mr. Fabian Debora, Director of Substance Abuse Services to speak about their work with gangs in East LA. Fr. Boyle is the author of the best selling book, "Tattoos on the Heart: The power of boundless compassion". Mr. Debora is a recognized painter and muralist who uses art in the rehabilitation of former gang members. Their presentation will take place on Tuesday evening, Sept. 27 at 7pm in English and is free to the public. Sacred Heart Center is located at 1400 Perry St. Richmond, VA 23224. PARISH FYI Join us for a day of fellowship, prayer, and inspiration to refresh and renew the soul! On Satur day, September 24, the diocese will host the 4th Annual Catholic Women’s Conference at the Downtown Richmond Crowne Plaza. Nationally-known author and speaker Sarah Swafford will provide reflections on what it means to be “Fully Alive.” Musician and emcee, Sarah Hart, will host the day, offer some reflections, and perform some of her music. The conference will feature multiple sessions, Adoration, Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and an expanded expo area with several different vendors and ministries available. The conference is open to all women 18 or older. Registration includes admission to the event, lunch, and continental breakfast. The $45 early bird registration is available through September 14. Registration after that date will only be available at the door at the increased cost of $55. The conference is free for all women religious (i.e. nuns or Religious Sisters). The conference has a limited space this year so please register quickly to ensure your spot. If the conference sells out, registration will not be available at the door. All those interested may contact the Center for Marriage, Family, and Life for more information. Visit for more details and to register. This year we are hosting a Friday, September 23rd Pre-Conference event at the Diocesan Pastoral Center featuring an acoustic concert with Sarah Hart at an additional cost of $10 per person. Please sign up during your online registration as space is limited and expected to go fast! PARROQUIA SAN AGUSTÍN Año de la Misericordia: El perdón es una decision, no un sentimiento. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ El Padre Marlon estar á fuer a de la oficina la semana de 9/12 hasta 9/16. Los 3 Diáconos estarán fuera de la oficina en una Convocación desde el 15 hasta el 17 de septiembre. En caso de una emergencia pastoral, favor de llamar a la oficina. Para celebrar el Més de la Hispanidad, el Centr o Sagr ado Cor azón ha invitato al P. Gregorio Boyle, SJ, fundador y director el Homeboy Industries en Los Ángeles, y al Sr. Fabian Debora, Director de Servicios contra el abuso de sustancias para hablar de su ministerio con los pandilleros. El padre es autor del libro: Tatuajes en el Corazón: El Poder de la Compasión sin Límite. El Sr. Debora es pintor y muralista profesional. Él promueve el arte como terapia y camino a la sanación. La presentación se llevará a cabo, en español, el miércoles, 28 de septiembre a las 7pm en el Centro, ubicado en el 1400 Perry St. Richmond, VA 23224. La entrada es gratis. SI NECESITA AGREGAR UN ANUNCIO PARA EL FIN DE SEMANA, FAVOR DE MANDAR UN EMAIL A MINERVA VEGA: PARA AGREGAR UN NOMBRE PARA INTENCION DE MISA, FAVOR DE LLAMAR A SANDRA CHICAS A LA OFICINA. SI EL DIA QUE USTED PIDE NO ESTA DISPONIBLE, LE DAREMOS OTRA FECHA. NO PODEMOS AGREGAR A MAS DE UNA PERSONA POR MISA, SOLAMENTE SI SON FAMILIA SE PUEDE AGREGAR. La Oficina del Ministerio Hispano los invita a que se inscr iban para la Conferencia de Mujeres el sábado, 24 de septiembre de 8:45am hasta las 5:00pm. Información sobre estas conferencias y el costo están en el Centro de Información. Si está interesado en inscribirse, favor de venir a la oficina. Convocación del Ministerio de las Parejas Le invitamos a participar en el Retiro de Parejas. En este retiro se le presentará a las parejas herramientas para mejorar las relaciones en la familia desde la perspectiva de Dios amor y compasión. Invitaremos a las parejas a profundizar mejor las enseñanzas del Papa Francisco a través de su Nueva Exhortación Apostólica "La Alegría del Amor". Este retiro va dirigido a las parejas. Sera un día donde tendremos momentos de aprendizaje, oración y reflexión. Venga y disfrute un día para poder compartir con otras parejas en este gran evento. No se pierda esta oportunidad y conéctese con las iniciativas de nuestra la diócesis. CUANDO 29 de octubre, 2016 de las 9:00 am - 3:00 pm DONDE Four Points Hotel by Sheraton 9901 Midlothian Turpike N. Chesterfield, VA 23235 CONTACTO Araceli Perez OHM-Catholic Diocese of Richmond 804-622-5241 CARITAS - Congregaciones alrededor de Richmond involucrados para asegurar albergue, van a estar en nuestr a par roquia desde el 1 hasta el 7 de octubre. Si no conoces este evento, vamos a server a 40 hombres que están sin hogar en la iglesia cada día desde las 6pm hasta las 6am el siguiente día. La ayuda de todos es necesario para este evento ya que nuestros voluntarios de varios años se han mudado o han salido de nuestra parroquia, y esta oportunidad requiere bastantes manos. La próxima reunion para planear va a ser el lunes, 8 de agosto a las 7pm en el salon 10/11. Si eres parte de un ministerio acá, por favor piense en donar su tiempo y planear un plan de comida con voluntarios de su ministerio. Necesitamos voluntarios que se queden la noche con nuestros huéspedes y que nos ayuden con lavandería, con las mesas y sillas y muchas otras cosas. Ven a la reunion para ver como puedes ayudar con este valioso ministerio. Llame a Kathy Jones (inglés) al 804-748-5587, Terry Knapp (inglés) at 804-748-5587, o a Sandra (español) en la oficina al 804-275-7962. Necesitamos voluntarios para proporcionar el transporte a nuestros feligreses a las citas médicas y tiendas de comestibles. Si usted está disponible y está interesado, por favor, póngase en contacto con The Shepherd’s Center of Chesterfield al: 804-706-6689. El Closet de Ropa esta abierto los martes de 10am - 3pm y los jueves de 9am hasta las 12 del mediodía. DESPENSA DE COMINDA Estamos en necesidad constante de: Atún, “Hamburger Helper”, “Tuna Helper”, jarabe para panqueque y vegetales enlatados - por ejemplo: tomates, vegetales mixtos, guisantes, zanahorias y maíz Los próximos artículos que necesitamos se pueden comprar en Dollar Tree: Cepillo de dientes, pasta de dientes, detergente y champú. Tambien necesitamos pañales de todos tamaños y formulapara bebés para bebés Gracias por todo su apoyo continuo. SALUD Y BIENESTAR Servicios Médicos gratuitos BON SECOURS CARE-A-VAN Ofrece atención médica gratuita. Estas clínicas móviles vienen a la Iglesia San Agustín todos los martes de 10am. a 4pm. Debe llegar temprano para conseguir la cita médica. Este servicio médico solo es ofrecido a las personas que no tienen seguro médico. CROSS-OVER –CLINIC Ofrece atención médica gratuita. Debe hacer cita previa. Dirección: 108 Cowardin Avenue, Richmond, VA 23224 Teléfono 233-5016. Consejería Individual y Familiar está disponible en la Iglesia St. Augustine los lunes con una consejera de la oficina de Commonwealth Catholic Charities. Favor de llamar a la Sra. Rodriguez Perez al 804-285-5900 para hacer una cita. *El costo se basa en los ingresos de la persona. 24 ° DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Mass Intentions — Intenciones de Misa Sat. September 10 5:30pm **** Sun. September 11 8:30am Summers & Jenness Families 11:15am In Memory of the Victims of the 9/11 Attacks (15 years ago) 1:15pm Erlinda Menjivar Orellana 6:00pm **** martes, 13 de Septiembre 9:00am **** miércoles, 14 de Septiembre 9:00am **** jueves, 15 de Septiembre 9:00am **** sábado, 17 de Septiembre 5:30pm **** domingo, 18 de Septiembre 8:30am Muschler & McNeilly Families 11:15am **** 1:15pm **** 6:00pm **** ********************************************************** ENCUENTRE LA ALEGRÍA DEL EVANGELIO Año 3: Equipando la Parroquia REFLEXIONES 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE, 2016 INSCRIPCIONES DE BAUTISMO En el salón PC 3 Cada Segundo domingo a las 11am y cada cuarto domingo a las 4pm Quiere celebrar sus Quince aquí en la Parroquia? Estos son los Requisitos: 1. Ser miembros inscritos de la parroquia (no menos de 6 meses) y que atiendan con r egular idad a la misa. 2. Debe haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautismo y Eucaristía. 3. Debe estar participando en el programa de Educación Religiosa. 24º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Las lecturas del Evangelio de este domingo están enfocadas en la ternura y misericordia de Dios hacia su pueblo que tropieza cayendo en la infidelidad. En la primera lectura llama la atención la capacidad de diálogo e intercesión de Moisés hacia Dios abogando por el pueblo de Israel que había caído en el pecado de idolatría. A Dios no le gusta el mal, y aparentemente está enojado, pero siempre acaba manifestando su misericordia. San Pablo, por su parte, nos da ejemplo evidente de la fuerza que la gracia de Dios nos da y se ha manifestada en su Hijo Jesucristo. El Papa Francisco en la Bula de la Misericordia (No. 1), nos recuerda que "Jesucristo es el rostro de la misericordia del Padre. El misterio de la fe cristiana parece encontrar su síntesis en esta palabra. Ella se ha vuelto viva, visible y ha alcanzado su culmen en Jesús de Nazaret". ¿Ves el rostro de Dios en los que te rodean? ¿Crees que este rostro se encuentra en tu familia, tus compañeros de trabajo, tu comunidad? ¿De qué forma respondemos en las diferentes circunstancias de la vida? Jesús, hoy, nos narra tres parábolas y en ellas busca que descubramos ese rostro tan hermoso de su Padre del cielo. Las tres parábolas tienen un mismo fin y un mismo mensaje. La alegría de recobrar lo perdido (la oveja, la moneda y al hijo pródigo). Con un solo fin, mostrar la misericordia infinita y salvadora de Dios hacia nosotros, ovejas perdidas ¡Alegrémonos que Dios nos busca! El Buen Pastor anda tras nosotros, escuchemos su voz. ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Las lecturas de la semana del 11 de septiembre de 2016 Domingo: Ex 32, 7-11. 13-14/Sal 51, 3-4. 12-13. 17. 19/1 Tim 1, 12-17/Lc 15, 1-32 o 15, 1-10 Lunes: 1 Cor 11, 17-26. 33/Sal 40, 7-10. 17/ Lc 7, 1-10 Martes: 1 Cor 12, 12-14. 27-31/Sal 100, 1-5/ Lc 7, 11-17 Miércoles: Nm 21, 4-9/Sal 78, 1-2. 34-38/Flp 2, 611/Jn 3, 13-17 Jueves: 1 Cor 15, 1-11/Sal 118, 1-2. 16-17. 28/Jn 19, 25-27 o Lc 2, 33-35 Viernes: 1 Cor 15, 12-20/Sal 17, 1. 6-8. 15/Lc 8, 1-3 Sábado: 1 Cor 15, 35-37. 42-49/Sal 56, 10-14/Lc 8, 4-15 Domingo siguiente: Am 8, 4-7/Sal 113, 1-2. 4-8/1 Tim 2, 1-8/ Lc 16, 1-13 o 16, 10-13 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. RENOVACIÓN CARISMÁTICA Invitamos a toda la comunidad a la Asamblea que tenemos los sábados a las 7:00pm. Ven y descubre el gran amor de Jesús. MINISTERIO DE JOVENES PARA CRISTO - JPC Dios esta levantado Jóvenes valientes y usándolos para sus propósitos...! Atiende al llamado que DIOS te hace Hoy!! ¡Recibe a Jesús en tu corazón, únete al Ministerio de Jóvenes para Cristo.! Ven y descubre el Amor de Dios desde tu Juventud. Nos reunimos todos los miércoles a las 7pm en el Salón Parroquial. Para más información hable con el coordinador del Ministerio Fredy Reyes LIBRERÍA PADRE RICARDO SEIDEL Los invitamos para que nos visiten en el local que se encuentra en nuestro Centro Pastoral y compren Biblias, libros, rosarios, estatuas, música cristiana y muchos artículos religiosos. Gracias por su colaboración Para su enriquecimiento espiritual...Invitamos a los feligr eses que visiten la Biblioteca/Salón de Leer del nuestro Centro Pastoral durante las horas de la oficina 9:00am—4:00pm.
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